Stages of Group Development

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WORKING WITH GROUPS TOWARDS oiled machine, free of conflict and

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT moving in sync toward the same end

Stages of Group Development
 Adjourning stage - was added to the
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman developed his Tuckman model until 1977 You can
group development model in 1965 equate this stage to a breakup since
team members often find it difficult to
 1st Stage - Forming - is the team or separate from people with whom
group stage in which the team is initially they’ve formed close bonds. In fact, this
gathered. Introductions are made and phase is also sometimes known as the
the process of getting the group to open “mourning phase” because it is
up begins. This can be a difficult phase common for team members to
due to lack of trust and comfort. The experience a feeling of loss when the
members may share common jokes group is disbanded.
about the organization for which they
work; there may be long silences and
uncomfortable pauses.
Interventions To Facilitate Group Growth
 2nd Stage - Storming - may be eased
into or may hit like a storm. The 1. Orientation, structure and direction -goals,
storming phase is where the group lets roles, rules, behavior,
it defenses down and begins sharing.
2. Process, Negotiations, Resolve conflicts
Ideas and feelings may be
contradictory, feel accusatory in nature, 3. Awareness of the effect of behavior
and illicit strong counter-responses.
This phase is critical to the team’s 4. Application of new learning
growth and productivity. In order to A conflict is a struggle and a clash of interest,
tackle a problem, it must be revealed in opinion, or even principles.
all of its ugly glory and viewed from the
many angles and perceptions of those Conflict will always be found in society; as the
in the room. basis of conflict may vary to be personal, racial,
 3rd Stage - Norming - occurs as the class, caste, political and international Conflict
group begins to discuss solutions, arises : conflicting instructions, messages comes
barriers, and common threads. from different sources, acting two roles etc.
Communication improves and the team
is developed. Fourth stage - performing
- the group becomes productive and
issues are resolved. Happiest of all the
stages of development. In this stage,
your team performance is at an all-time
high. This high-performance level
means all team members are self-
reliant and confident enough in their
own problem-solving skills that they can
function without oversight from the
leaders. Everyone is working like a well-

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