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1. ArcSWAT Project Setup

1.1. New SWAT Project

➢ Save current document?

✓ No (Do not save ArcMap)
 Yes (Save ArcMap)
➢ Project Setup
• Project Directory
 Input directory to save ArcMap file.
• Click “OK”

2. Watershed Delineator

2.1. Automatic Watershed Delineation

➢ DEM Setup
 Open file
 Load from Disk
 Input DEM file
 Tick “Burn In”
 Input “Stung_Sen_River.shp”
➢ Stream Definition
 Calculating flow direction and accumulation
 Input value Area “10, 000 – 20, 000”
 Create Streams and Outlets
➢ Out and Inlet Definition
 Add layer “Outlet”
 Add point
 Left Click to add point
 Add point intersect with “Outlet”
 Right Click to stop Editing
➢ Watershed Outlets Selection and parameters
 Select a point (Outlet)
 Delineating watershed
➢ Calculation of subbasin in Parameters
Reduced report output
Skip stream geometry check
Skip longest flow path calculation
 Calculate subbasin parameters
 Exit

3. HRU Analysis

 Replace “SWAT2012.mdb” in SWAT_Test by “SWAT2012.mdb” in Sen Data.

3.1. Land Use/Soils/Slope Definition

➢ Land Use Data

• Land Use Grid
 Open file
 Load Land Use dataset from Disk
 Input “Landuse_Data”
• Choose Grid Field
 Select “Value”
 Click “OK”
 Lookup Table
 User Table
 Input “luc_new.dbf”
 Click “Reclassify”
➢ Soil Data
• Soils Grid
 Open file
 Load Soils dataset from Disk
 Input “soil”
• Choose Grid Field
 Select “Value”
 Click “OK”
 Tick “UserSoil”
 Lookup Table
 Input “soilc.dbf”
 Click “Reclassify”
➢ Slope
• Slope Discretization
 Tick “Multiple Slope”
• Slope Class
 Select “5 classes”

Current Slope Class Class Upper Limit (%)

1 2

2 5

3 10

4 15

SWAT Slope Classification Table

Class > Lower Limit <= Upper Limit

1 0 2

2 2 5

3 5 10

4 10 15

5 10 9999

 Click “Reclassify”
Create HRU Feature Class
Create Overlay Report
 Click “Overlay”

3.2. HRU Definition

 Land use percentage (%) over subbasin area: 10%

 Soil class percentage (%) over land use area: 10%
 Slope class percentage (%) over soil area: 10%
Write HRU Report
 Click “Create HRUs”

4. Write Input Tables

4.1. Weather Stations

➢ Weather Generator Data

 Select “WGEN_user”
 Click “OK”
➢ Rainfall Data
 Tick “Raingages”
 Input “Rain.txt”
➢ Temperature Data
 Tick “Climate Stations”
 Input “temp.txt”
➢ Relative Humidity Data
 Tick “Relative Humidity Gages”
 Input “humi.txt”
➢ Solar Radiation Data
 Tick “Solar Gages”
 Input “solar.txt”
➢ Wind Speed Data
 Tick “Wind Gages”
 Input “wind.txt”
 Click “OK”
4.2. Write SWAT Input Table

 Click “Select All”

 Click “Create Tables”

5. SWAT Simulation

5.1. Run SWAT

 Tick “64-bit, release”

 Click “Setup SWAT Run”
 Click “Run SWAT”

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