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Data Collection:

 In-Person Surveys and Interviews: DA personnel conduct surveys and interviews with farmers in
person to gather detailed data about the farm and livestock.
 Survey Templates: Pre-designed templates for gathering consistent and comprehensive data
from farmers.
 Manual Data Entry: DA personnel input data collected from farmers into the system manually.

2. Data Management:

 Centralized Database: A centralized repository for organizing and storing all livestock data,
categorized by farm and livestock type (cattle, buffalo, swine, sheep, goats, horses).
 Data Verification: Tools and processes for verifying data accuracy and consistency after entry.

3. Data Analysis and Insights:

 Advanced Analytics: Analytical tools to identify trends, patterns, and correlations in the data
specific to each livestock type and farm.
 Visualizations: Visual aids such as charts and graphs for interpreting data and supporting

4. Tailored Recommendations:

 Generate Insights: Produce personalized recommendations and action plans based on data
 Prepare Reports: Compile clear and concise reports outlining insights, recommendations, and
action plans for each farm and livestock type.

5. In-Person Delivery of Results:

 Arrange Meetings: Schedule in-person meetings with farmers to present the results.
 Discuss Findings and Recommendations: Explain insights, action plans, and best practices directly
to farmers.
 Answer Questions and Address Concerns: Provide support and clarification during discussions.

6. Ongoing Monitoring and Support:

 Follow-Up Visits: Conduct follow-up visits to monitor farmers' progress in implementing

 Provide Ongoing Guidance: Offer continuous support and adjustments as needed.

7. Communication and Documentation:

 Documentation Tools: Keep detailed records of interactions with farmers and progress in
implementing recommendations.
 Feedback Mechanism: Document feedback from farmers to improve the quality of
recommendations and support.

8. Data Security and Privacy:

 Secure Access: Ensure secure access to the system for DA personnel, protecting data through
authentication and authorization measures.
 Data Encryption: Encrypt data both in transit and at rest to protect sensitive information.
 Compliance: Adhere to local data protection regulations to safeguard farmers' and farm data.
DA Personnel Workflow:

1. In-Person Surveys and Interviews:

|---> Visit the Farmer (In-person at farm)
| |
| |---> Conduct Surveys and Interviews
| | |
| | |---> Collect Data:
| | |---> Farm ID: F123
| | |---> Livestock Type: Swine
| | |---> Number of Swine: 100
| | |---> Health Records: 10 swine have mild coughing, decreased appetite
| | |---> Feeding Schedules: Feed twice a day, occasional supplements
| | |---> Breeding Information: 20 sows due to give birth in the next month
| | |---> Productivity Metrics: Slight decrease in weight gain rate
| |
|---> After Visit
2. Input Data into System:
|---> Data Entry: Manually input data into the system
| |
| |---> Data Verification: Verify data accuracy and consistency
3. Data Analysis and Insights:
|---> Advanced Analytics: Use analytical tools in the system
| |
| |---> Identify Trends and Patterns: Discover potential health issues, changes in feeding
| | |
| |---> Generate Insights: Possible causes - respiratory infection or feeding changes
4. Prepare Recommendations and Action Plans:
|---> Create a Report: Tailored insights and recommendations
|---> Health Check: Examine and isolate affected swine
|---> Veterinary Consultation: Seek advice for coughing and decreased appetite
|---> Adjust Feeding Practices: Consider adjusting feed quality and supplements
5. In-Person Delivery of Results:
|---> Schedule Follow-Up Meeting: Arrange a meeting with the farmer
| |
| |---> Present the Report: Present findings and recommendations
| |---> Answer Questions: Provide clarification and support
6. Monitor Farmer's Progress:
|---> Follow-Up Visits: Monitor farmer's progress during future visits
| |
| |---> Ongoing Support: Offer guidance and assistance as needed

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