Length of Days of Creation

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The Length of the Creation Days

dendrochronological continuum: 2002 back 13910 years as shown.

earth birds Anim King-

Light Waters plants Sun fish M/F Sabbath S M Tu Adam - Avrame Avrame - Cross Cross - Lion dom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 millenial

The seven days of creation through the From Wednesday, 11 days from creation,
day of Adam’s sin are each a millenium, the clock changed to mortality's common years.
per God’s clock. (Gen 2:16; 5:5; Ps 90:4; 2Pe 3:8)
Science and Scripture must mesh together, for the Creator is our God of Na- herbs, trees, and their seed. through his Word.
tur and Scripture who set up all in harmony. Science and Scripture support Why use a thousand years for each creation day and the few days before
each other, which is the purpose of the Universal Model1, not that they base a Adam and Eve were enticed to sin? The Father used the word “day” where we
scientific study on Scripture, but apply the rigourous Scientific Method to all can verify its length, in :
theories, to ascertain if they can be kept for further study or if better discard-
ed). For most unproved theories on the boards, among which evolution, long But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you may not eat,
ages, magma, relativity, and their dependants, are all ripe for the recycle bin. for in the day that you eat of it, dying you shall die. (Gen 2:17 LITV)
Most dating methods have proved flawed as they rely on the fossil record, And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years.
which fossils were all formed in the Universal Flood of 1651 AM (Anno And he died. (Gen 5:5 LITV)
Mundi; “year of the world”) where the conditions of pressure, heat, and water For a thousand years in Your eyes are as a day, yesterday, when it passes,
chemistry were all apropos to their formation. Likewise granite, minerals, and as a watch in the night. (Psa 90:4 LITV)
coal, and oil can all be made in a laboratory in an autoclave, in water, and in
Now, beloved, do not let this one fact be hidden from you: that with the Lord,
hours or days where the proper conditions of pressure, temperature, and re-
one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. (2Pe 3:8 AFV)
quired salts in solution are all met. This is being done in Technology, and the
aforementioned all deny the theory of evolution, which needs eons of time. We see that Adam and the Patriarchs until the flood all reached ages up to,
but none reaching a thousand, for that would have countered God’s word that
Dendrology, the study, correlation, and synchronization of tree ring patterns
“in the day that you eat of it, dying you shall die,” making the statement firm.
has been able to precisely date many events, floods, and climate changes.
They have been able to interconnect annual tree ring data of the northern To answer the question, why they lived a millennium for the few days before?
hemisphere into a continual track extending back 13,910 years as of 2020.2 Adam and Eve before the fall were immortal, time is meaningless, for there
This is denoted by the brown line above the time line shown, note, that limit is no aging and dying, Even the trees and shrubs would continue. The 10th
implies the first tree before which there is none. This falls in the first cente- was the day of the Fall, which we have all inherited, for that’s why they would
nial in which God, after raising the earth out of the water, created the grass, sacrifice a bull, ram, and goats, each year on that very day, called Yom Kip-
pur, the day of covering or redemption. Today animals are not sacrificed but
1 https://universalmodel.com/about/um-contents/ Volumes 1 and 2 thanksgiving and praise is made to He whose shed blood they represent.
2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrochronology

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