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Course E-Syllabus

1 Course title Intensive french – Oral skills

2 Course number 2202099
Credit hours 3 hours
3 3hours
Contact hours (theory, practical)
4 Prerequisites/corequisites
5 Program title Bachelor’s Degree in French Language and Literature
6 Program code 2202
7 Awarding institution University of Jordan
8 School School of foreign languages
9 Department Department of French language & its literature
10 Level of course Obligatory or compulsory course

11 Year of study and semester (s) Summer semester

12 Final Qualification B.A
Other department (s) involved in
teaching the course
14 Language of Instruction French

15 Teaching methodology ✘ Blended Online

✘ Moodle ✘ Microsoft Teams Skype ✘ Zoom
16 Electronic platform(s)
17 Date of production/revision 29/06/2020

18 Course Coordinator:

Name: Mousa Awwad

Office number:
Phone number: 24800

19 Other instructors:

Name: Akram Odeh

Office number:
Phone number:

Office number:
Phone number:

20 Course Description:

As stated in the approved study plan.

This course is a required one for the second-year students. It give the students the ability to train and
apply all the language rules and skills in supplementary exercises that aim at enhancing the language
skills namely speaking as well as improving their pronunciation of French

21 Course aims and outcomes:

A- Aims:

This course aims at strengthening and providing the students with a solid theoretical and practical training in the
four major language skills, in particular speaking.

B- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Have a good and solid knowledge about the vocabulary and the grammatical rules of French.
2. Listen attentively to French authentic and simplified language documents or extracts and understand
3. Express themselves in simple and correct sentences and in further compound sentences.
4. Have access to discover the French culture and civilization and compare them with their own
traditions and culture.
5. Analyze the syntax structure of a simple French sentence.
6. Communicate with native speakers or francophone persons.
.7 Know the basic vocabulary and communication skills necessary for oral.

.8 The ability to control the acoustics of skills in terms of reading and analysis of voice.

.9 The student's ability to communicate in French in several circumstances

22. Topic Outline and Schedule:

Week Lecture Topic Teaching Evaluation References

Methods*/platform Methods**
1 1.1 Présentation
1.2 Présentation Video explaining
the course
on /Moodle
1.3 Unité 2 : Se Live online Book :
déplacer meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 1 : Situer to authentic French Orale
dans l’espace extract + exercises
on Situer dans
/Microsoft teams
1.4 Unité 2 : Se Live online Book :
déplacer meeting : Expression
Leçon 1 : Situer Listening to Orale
dans l’espace authentic French
extract + exercises
on Situer dans
/Microsoft teams
1.5 Unité 2 : Se Video explaining Assignment Video
déplacer Leçon S’orienter + word
2 : S’orienter or PDF document
divide students in
2 2.1 Unité 2 : Se Live online Book :
déplacer Leçon meeting : Listening Expression
2 : S’orienter to authentic French Orale
extract + exercises
on S’orienter
/Microsoft teams
2.2 = = =
2.3 = = =
2.4 = = =
2.5 Unité 2 : Se Video explaining Assignment Video
déplacer Leçon Voyager + word or
3 : Voyager PDF document
divide students in
3 3.1 Unité 2 : Se Live online Book :
déplacer Leçon meeting : Listening Expression
3 : Voyager to authentic French Orale
extract + exercises
on Voyager
/Microsoft teams

3.2 = = =
3.3 = = =
3.4 = = =
3.5 Unité 3 : Vivre Video explaining Assignment Video
ensemble Prendre contact +
Leçon 1 : word or PDF
Prendre contact document divide
students in groups
4 4.1 Unité 3 : Vivre Live online Book :
ensemble meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 1 : to authentic French Orale
Prendre contact extract + exercises
on Prendre contact
/Microsoft teams
4.2 = = =
4.3 = = =
4.4 = = =
4.5 Unité 3 : Vivre Video explaining Assignment Video
ensemble Parler de soi et des
Leçon 2 : Parler autres + word or
de soi et des PDF document
autres divide students in
5 5.1 Unité 3 : Vivre Live online Book :
ensemble meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 2 : Parler to authentic French Orale
de soi et des extract + exercises
autres on Parler de soi et
des autres
/Microsoft teams
5.2 = = =
5.3 = = =
5.4 = = =
5.5 Unité 3 : Vivre Video explaining Assignment Video
ensemble Faire des projets +
Leçon 3 : Faire word or PDF
des projets document divide
students in groups
6 6.1 Unité 3 : Vivre Live online Book :
ensemble meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 3 : Faire to authentic French Orale
des projets extract + exercises
on Faire des projets
/Microsoft teams
6.2 = = =
6.3 = = =
6.4 = = =

6.5 Unité 4 : Aller Video explaining Assignment Video
en ville Faire des courses +
Leçon 1 : Faire word or PDF
des courses document divide
students in groups
7 7.1 Unité 4 : Aller Live online Book :
en ville meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 1 : Faire to authentic French Orale
des courses extract + exercises
on Faire des
/Microsoft teams
7.2 = = =
7.3 = = =
7.4 = = =
7.5 Unité 4 : Aller Video explaining Assignment Video
en ville Au restaurant +
Leçon 2 : Au word or PDF
restaurant document divide
students in groups
8 8.1 Unité 4 : Aller Live online Book :
en ville meeting : Listening Expression
Leçon 2 : Au to authentic French Orale
restaurant extract + exercises
on Au restaurant
/Microsoft teams
8.2 = = =
8.3 = = =
8.4 = = =
9 Final exam

 Teaching methods include: Synchronous lecturing/meeting; Asynchronous lecturing/meeting

 Evaluation methods include: Homework, Quiz, Exam, pre-lab quiz…etc

23 Evaluation Methods:

Opportunities to demonstrate achievement of the ILOs are provided through the following assessment
methods and requirements:

Evaluation Activity Mark Topic(s) Period (Week) Platform

Oral assignment 2 S’orienter 1 Moodle
Oral assignment 2 Voyager 2 Moodle
Oral assignment 2 Prendre contact 3 Moodle
Oral assignment Parler de soi et des Moodle
2 autres 4

Oral assignment 2 Faire des projets 5 Moodle
Oral assignment 2 Faire des course 6 Moodle
Oral assignment 2 Au restaurant 7 Moodle
Participation 10 Microsoft teams
Final exam 25 8 In class room

24 Course Requirements (e.g: students should have a computer, internet connection, webcam,
account on a specific software/platform…etc):

25 Course Policies:

A- Attendance policies:

B- Absences from exams and submitting assignments on time:

C- Health and safety procedures:

D- Honesty policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, misbehavior:

E- Grading policy:

F- Available university services that support achievement in the course:

26 References:

A- Required book(s), assigned reading and audio-visuals:

Michèle Barféty et Patricia Beaujouin, Expression orale 1, niveau A1,A2+, Paris, ClE international

B- Recommended books, materials and media:

Internet sites :
You tube
Le Point du FLE
Internet access to News channels

Songs and movies, poetry…

27 Additional information:

Name of Course Coordinator: Mousa Awwad Signature: M.A Date: ------------

Head of Curriculum Committee/Department: ---------------------------- Signature: --------------------------

Head of Department: Mousa Awwad Signature: M.A

Head of Curriculum Committee/Faculty: ---------------------------------------- Signature: -------------------

Dean: ---------------------------------------------------------- Signature: -------------------------------------------


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