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CONTEMPORARY WORLD T1-T2 International Bank for Reconstruction and

Development [IBRD] and the IMF

The Parable of Blind Men and the Elephant is
used as a warning for people that endorse absolute The economic dimension is dominated by neoliberal
truth or exclusive claims on a subject matter. capitalism [transfers control of economic factors to
the private sector from the public sector]
Globalization is - Eliminates fixed exchange rates, support
- inevitable, acceptable, and favorable deregulation, allow prvt property, and
- “Globaloney” - nonsensical/absurd idea on privatize business run by the gov.
global issues - Liberalized financial transactions in the
Rejectionists perceive globalization as a power - [setbacks] Great Recession of 2008 to 2010,
word like nationalism and development. European debt crisis, and China’s economic
- Power words explain everything and slowdown
nothing; mere labels
2. The Internalization of Trade and Finance
Supporters of globalism can demonstrate its utility - Eradicating trade barriers = growth in global
through empirical studies or study ideologies linked wealth, achieve international relations, nd
to the term. disseminate new tech
- Globalization in FT = increased mobility
Skeptics term globalization is not significant cause with less restraints and more investment
most trades remain national in scope. opportunities
- 1990s financial transactions has been
Modifiers globalization is one of many phases of speeded up by Internet-based tech and
history. One moment in a more general theory of satellite systems
world history. 3. The Increased Power of Transnational
FOUR MAIN DIMENSIONS OF - Transnational corporations has the control of
GLOBALIZATION much of the world’s investment capital, tech,
and access to international market
● Economic Dimension increase of economic 4. The Enhanced Role of International
connections Economic Institutions huge international
1. The Advent of a New Global Economic institutions play essential roles in making
Order rules of a global economy.
- arose after World War II - Global South - Africa, Latin America, and
- United Nations Monetary and Financial developing Asia including Middle East
Conference [Bretton Woods Conference] - Global North - members of G8 and the ⅘
- International Monetary Fund [IMF], World members of the UN Security Council
Bank, World Trade Organization [WTO]
- 730 delegates from 44 allied nations ● Political Dimension expansion of political
- Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, interrelations around the world
New Hampshire, United States Hyperglobalizers globalization is driven by
- July 1-22, 1944 economic and technological forces. Politics is
- regulated the international monetary and powerless for them.
financial order and established the
- Globalization = decrease in territorial Optimistic Hyperglobalizers agree with the rise of
boundaries, and states losing control of sameness in cultural globalization = good result
things within their borders
Globalization Skeptics politics is the main factor Roland Robertson [1938] cultural hybridity as a
that pushes forward globalization. They disagree, result of glocalization - interaction between local
hasty expansion of global economic activities is and global cultural traits
Nation-state political units consisting of Cultural Hybridization refers to the mingling
self-governing sovereign states share common cultures as a result of globalization = new and
culture, history, and language. unique hybrid cultures that are not reducible to
- Central political organization local/global
- Independence and sovereignty Glocalization refers to the interpretation of the
- Diplomatic representation to other local and the global resulting in unique outcomes in
nation-states various geographic areas
- Sense of shared history, language, culture, Individualism human independence
and identity among the citizens Consumerism encouraged the acquisition of goods
Peace of Westphalia end religious wars [1648] and services in ever-increasing amounts
- 1990 US President Bush proclaimed the
birth of a “new world order” = death of FIVE VARIABLES WHICH INFLUENCE THE
Westphalia nation-state model GLOBALIZATION OF LANGUAGES

Globalization seems to weaken bounded territory - Number of languages

and cause an upsurge of a borderless world. Public - Movements of people
affairs - global networks x states based on territory - Fola learning and tourism
- Internet language
● Cultural Dimension expansion of cultural flows - International scientific publication
across the globe.
- Culture = symbolic construction, ● ECOLOGICAL DIMENSION worldwide
articulation, and dissemination of meaning. environmental issues [ population growth, access
Mcdonaldization refer to the principles of the fast to food, global reduction in biodiversity, the gap
food restaurant coming to dominate more and more between rich and poor + GN and GS,
sectors of American society human-induced climate change, and global
- World is becoming more uniform [west] environmental degradation

Development of a global culture UNDERLYING PHILOSOPHIES AND

Role of the media in forming our desires and IDEOLOGIES IN GLOBALIZATION
Globalization of languages Ideology is a system of ideas and ideals - “patterned
clusters of normatively-imbued ideas and concepts,
Homogeneity world is becoming smaller including particular representations of power
Heterogeneity world is fragmenting, emphasizing relations…”
our differences - Links certain human actions with some
Pessimistic Hyperglobalizers globalization causes generalized claims
the rise of a homogenized popular culture [cultural
imperialism] [americanization]
Globalization is a social process of intensifying 2. Autonomy
global interdependence [beliefs, claims, accounts, 3. Transformation
and norms, about the phenomenon itself]
Globalism is an ideology that endows a concept of RELIGIOUS GLOBALISM global religious
globalization with certain values community with dominance over secular structures
Right-wing politics - conservative or reactionary
MARKET GLOBALISM pursues to grant section of a political party or system
globalization with neoliberal meanings and - Some social orders and hierarchies are
free-market norms inevitable, natural, normal, or economics
- Promises a consumerist, neoliberal ,
free-market world Jihadism 21st neologism to label Islamist militant
movements considered as military movement
1. G is about the liberalization and global
integration of markets. Results are neither Jihadist globalism seeks to incite their global
intended nor foreseen community of believers into violent action.
2. G is inevitable and irreversible - Complain about the contemporary age of
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization Jahiliyyah [age of ignorance an pagan
4. Globalization benefits everyone idolatry] and call for a transformed
5. G furthers the spread of democracy in the universalism of a global umma [ the whole
world. [democracy = demokratia = rule of community of Muslims bound together by
the people] ties of religion
6. G requires war on terror
JUSTICE GLOBALISM based on egalitarian
ideals of global solidarity and distributive justice 1. Roland Robertson - Globalization as a
- G may be inevitable, but assert that it can be concept refers to both to the compression of
shaped by intentional policies that highlight the world and the intensification of
egalitarian principles consciousness of the world as a whole
- Fairer rs and ecological safeguards 2. James Mittelman - G compresses the time
Political left/ left-wing politics supports social and space aspects of social relations
equality and egalitarianism and in opposition of 3. Frederic Jameson - The concepts of g reflect
social hierarchy the sense of an immense enlargement of
world communication, as well as of the
SEVEN KEY VALUES OF JG horizon of a world market both of which
1. Transformative change seems for mere tangible and immediate tha
2. Participatory democracy in earlier stages of modernity
3. Equality of access to resources and 4. Tom G. Palmer - The diminution/elimination
opportunities of state-enforced restriction on exchanges
4. Social justice across borders and the increasingly
5. Universal rights integrated and complex global system of
6. Global solidarity production and exchange that has emerged
7. Sustainability as result
THREE DIFFERENT STRATEGIES OF JG 5. David Held - G may be thought of as a
1. Reform process which embodies a transformation in
the spatial organization of social relation and 4. The g of production
transaction-assessed in terms of their
extensity, intensity velocity and Internalization extension of economic activities of
impeach-generating transcontinental or nation states across borders
interregional flows and networks of activity, Economic globalization functional integration
interaction and the exercise of power among globally distributed activities
6. Anthony Giddens - G can be defined as the - Qualitative transformation
intensification of worldwide social relations
which link distant localities in such a way Professor Emeritus - g is nothing but a process
that local happenings are shaped by events making the world economy an organic system by
occurring many miles away and vice-versa extending transnational economic processes…

Manfred Steger - g can be best be described as International economic relations led the prompt
“the expansion and intensification of social relations development and decline in poverty in many
and consciousness across world-time and developing countries
- Not a single process but a set of processes IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF
that function concurrently GLOBALIZATION AND INTERNATIONAL
Dr. Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan - g as a process that ECONOMIC RELATIONS
encompasses the causes, course, and consequences 1. G ensures easier movement of goods and
of transnational and transcultural integration of services…
human and non-human activities. 2. Easier movement of people between
Daming alam 3. G leads to free trade between countries…
4. G has ensured easier and faster flow of
T2 - THE STRUCTURES OF information…
GLOBALIZATION 5. G has led to reduction in cultural barriers…
6. Movement of capital between countries…
Global economy system of trade and industry 7. G has given rise to several multinational
around the globe - outcome of globalization corporations…
- International spread of capitalism 8. G has helped to address environmental
IMF defines economic globalization as a historical
process, the result of human innovation and FACTORS THAT FACILITATE ECONOMIC
technological progress GLOBALIZATION
- Increasing integration of economies around 1. Intergovernmental organizations [IGOs]
the world… orgs that have national governments as
- Movement of people and knowledge across members.
international borders - Formed by treaty, involving two or
more nations = good faith and common
1. The globalization of trade of goods and 2. International nongovernmental
services organizations [INGOs] non state
2. The g of financial and capital markets institutions, same mission as NGOs
3. The g of technology and communication
Non-governmental organizations neither a part of system of sovereign states and nation-states formed
a gov nor a traditional profit-oriented business by the Westphalian Treaties in 1648
Red Cross [1863] to institute and monitor the laws Westphalian sovereignty / state sovereignty is the
of warfare principle in international law which states that every
3. Multinational corporations [MNCs] NS has exclusive sovereignty over its territory
companies that have facilities and other
assets in at least one country other than its Modern world-system a capitalist world economy
home country [Immanuel Wallerstein]
- Brought increased automation to developing - WS - Geographical division of labor in
countries which the basic linkage is economic
Race to the bottom - phenomenon that Capitalism endless accumulation of capital
MNCs are persistently attempting to
increase or maintain their influence World-empire huge bureaucratic structures with a
sole political center and an axial division of labor,
FOUR CATEGORIES OF MNCs but multiple cultures
- Decentralized corporation with a strong World-economy large axial division of labor with
presence in its home country multiple political centers in multiple cultures
- Global, centralized corporation that acquires
cost advantage where cheap resources are Micro-systems small non-states units, such as
available tribes
- Global company that builds on the parent
corporation’s R&D World systems theory [Wallerstein] - a country’s
- Transnational enterprises that uses all three economic system cannot be understood without
categories reference to the world system of which it is a part.
Research and Development exploratory - Proposes that there is a world economic
activities to improve current products and system in which some nations profit while
procedures others are exploited
4. Transnational corporations [TNCs] PARTS OF THE SYSTEM
incorporated or unincorporated enterprises 1. The core control and exploit the peripheral
consisting of parent enterprises and their countries for labor and raw materials
foreign affiliates 2. The Periphery the peripheral nations are
Istvan Bencze - TNCs are the major actors dependent on core countries for capital
in world economy 3. The Semi-Periphery lies between the two
Parent enterprise - control assets of other extremes. Represent either core nations in
entities in countries other than its home country decline or peripheral countries attempting to
improve [ buffers between the core and
World-system is a socioeconomic system, under periphery ]
systems theory, that encompasses part or all of the 4. External Areas maintain their own
globe, detailing the aggregate structural result of the economic systems as they manage to remain
sum of the interactions between polities outside the modern world-system either by
- Larger than single states, but do not have to choice or neglect
be global
Economic integration is an agreement among
Westphalian System foremost world-system different regions that usually includes the lessening
functioning in the contempo world, standing for the
or abolition of trade barriers, and the coordination 1. Erosion of national sovereignty
of monetary and fiscal policies 2. Big multinational companies can exploit tax
- Aims to reduce cost for both producers and havens
consumers + increase trade 3. Transnational companies and MNCs are
Global economic integration is economic progressively influencing political decisions
integration in a global scale 4. EI and G lead to the infiltration of
Monetary policy involves the actions of a central communicable diseases
bank, currency board, or other regulatory 5. G and EI are said to have made the rich
committee… money supply richer and the non-rich poorer
Fiscal policies Adjust its tax rates and expenditure 6. For developed countries - jobs are lost and
levels to monitor and influence a country’s moved to lower cost countries
Fiscal policy 1. This refers to the means by which a
DIMENSIONS OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC government adjusts its tax rates and expenditure
INTEGRATION levels to monitor and influence a country’s
1. Human migration economy.
2. Trade in goods and services Economic Globalization 2. It is said to be the
3. Movements of capital and integration of functional integration among globally distributed
financial markets activities.
Intergovernmental organizations 3. These are
THREE FUNDAMENTAL FACTORS organizations that have national governments as
1. Improvements in the technology of Research and Development 4. It involves
transportation and communication… exploratory activities to improve current products
2. The taste of individuals and societies have and procedures or to lead to the generation of new
favored… products and procedures.
3. Public policies have significantly influenced Westphalian System 5. This is said to be the
the character and pace of economic foremost world-system functioning in the contempo
integration… world.
World empire 6. These are huge bureaucratic
ADVANTAGES OF ECONOMIC structures with a sole political center and an axial
INTEGRATION division of labor, but multiple culture
1. Trade benefits - decrease in the cost of Immanuel Wallerstein 7. He proposes a theoretical
trade… model to comprehend the modern world system
2. Employment - opportunities tend to which is fundamentally capitalist in nature.
increase… Monetary policy 8. The policy that involves the
3. Tighter economic ties - political cooperation actions of a central bank, currency board, or other
4. Upholds free trade - promotes global regulatory committee that determine the rate and
economic growth size of growth of the money supply.
5. More inflow of information World-system 9. These are typically larger than
6. Swift travel, mass com, and speedy single states, but do not have to be global.
dissemination of info Istvan Benczes 10. The Head of the Institute of
World Economy who believes that the major actors
DISADVANTAGES OF ECONOMIC of contempo global economy are the transnational
INTEGRATION corporations.
Capitalism 11. It is typically defined as an economic
and political system in which the industry and trade
are controlled not by the state but by private owners
for profit.
Peripheral / Periphery 12. The nations that are
dependent on core countries for capital.
Westphalian sovereignty 13. This is the principle in
international law which states that every nation state
has exclusive sovereignty over its territory.
Race to the bottom 14. A phenomenon which
implies that multinational companies are
persistently attempting to increase or maintain their
influence in countries that are already dependent
solely on foreign investment.
NGOs 15. These endeavor towards solutions that
can profit undeveloped countries that face the
backlash of economic globalization.
INGOs 16. These non-state institutions have the
same mission as NGOs …
Red Cross 17. This was organized in 1863 to
institute and monitor the laws of warfare.
Internalization 18. It is simply about the extension
of economic activities of nations' states across
Global Economic Integration (?) 19. It denotes
global economic activities among various countries
that are deemed interconnected and thus can affect
other countries either positively or negatively.
Multinational corporations 20. These are said to
have brought increased automation to developing

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