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First login: March, 09, 2007 04:21 PM

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Subject: Froggy "On Club Game" LONG


Theres lots of different methods for club game out

there mm, GWM�, manic high, kipp,TD, bradP.
I studied club game for 3 months and put in the
practice for a further 5 months [I have NO day game
Lol YET] I have found that the difference between club
game and bar game is fucking massive the main reason
is because of the pure amount of LOUD music, 'hence"
How i put this method together".Its nothing earth
shaking but its MINE none the less. Some of you might
learn from it some of you might not, some might like
it, some of you wont.
I just wona give back some of my game because i have
come a long way since finding the community, thanks to
some of you guys.


For me this is important for a number of reasons but

the main one is the music they play.If im in a club
where there playing good tunes it will stimulate my
brain and it just has a really good effect on me..
Visit every single club in your city or area, so you
can determining which one(s) has the vibe you like,
the girls you like, good drink prices, or whatever
else you might like in a club.


It plays a big part in clubs because its so loud

everyone uses there visual sense. choose an
interesting ring, necklace, arm band, bright top, nice
cologne or whatever just have something that makes you

Don't drink when your clubbing because it wont help

your game any. one or two is ok though.
funny thing is, girls always picked up on me not
drinking and mention it to me as a opener. Its like a
peacock effect because everyone else is to busy
drinking and getting pissed out of there heads.That
alone can set you apart from the rest of the buffoons
in a club.


Never forget to SMILE and having FUN in a club. Even

girls at the other side of the bar will notice you if
your doing the above two things and have powerful
voice projection.


Mastering your voice for clubs is a BIG must.

You'll normally hold any girls interest over the other
HUNDRED AND ONE THINGS going on around you both, if
your voice has good tonality, projection,speed of
speech and volume.


This is what my method is built around mostly.

Good eye contact with girls is crucial.If you catch a

woman looking at you, She is giving you a IOI. you
have effectively stolen the ball from her.If she is
checking you out, and if she is attractive and was
giving you a IOI, it merits a few moments of your
time.ill go into how i use eye contact to IDENTIFY the
CORRECT target later.


How important is kino? Well ill tell you

"Its VERY fucking IMPORTANT" specially so in a club.
The earlier you start kino the better.A girl wont let
you anywhere near her panties if she isn't comfortable
with you simple touching her first. "its as simple as


Just make sure your in it... check GWM� if you don't

no already.


Ill generally go clubbing with my large social circle,

for two reasons.

- It will give me social proof. Which i don't actually

care much about but i does help your success rate.

- It makes me FEEL GOOD. Which is more important to



This is completely up to you but i like to arrive at a

club around 3 hours maximum before the doors
shut.Reason being is im only there to pull a chick for
that night and/or get some numbers if i have a shity
night. Im not there to build on my social circles or
anything like that because thats a hole other club

Ok lets get down to business.

Many advocate approaching instantly within a few

seconds of seeing a girl, I personally found this to
be shit for IDENTIFYING the CORRECT target in a club,
however I do use the 3 second rule as i enter a club
for building some momentum and getting into a good
state .I normally just chat aload of fluff to any
girls in proximity with me and i will do a few throw
aways.I find both of these really helps to get me
pumped up.

Once im in a good state il will start to SCREEN girls

for ease of pick up and actual attractiveness for me.
And that is all done through EYE CONTACT.

Things i screen for the most.

- A girl standing in front of me who is looking into

my eyes and smiles. She is giving you a sign of

- A certain girl is maintaining her proximity with me.

She is showing a sign of interest.

- If i notice out of the corner of my eye that a girl

is looking at me from time to time.

- If a girl looks me in the eyes or is giving me that


- If its crowded and a girl is rubbing up against me

but making it obvious. Its a sign of interest.

All these girls are waiting for YOU to make your move!
Even though it's sometimes subconscious for them as
well, if you read the signs correctly, she is SURE to
respond to you positively.[Remember that fact]

You will find that most girls don't make eye contact
with you in a club. They ain't interested in you [SO
I rarely waste my time approaching these girls,
arguably you can get them to become interested but why
do the additional work?
I mean these girls are already showing "YOU" they are
interested and they are subcomunicating "come and
sweep me of my feet please" through there
eyecontact/smiling and screening at you ect So your
cutting out the numbers game with this method aswell.

Another thing i will do is scan the hole club, locking

eye contact with girls "that i like the look of" and
see what reaction i get from them.

-if she sees me checking the her out and looks away
and don't look back she ain't interested,

- if she sees me checking her out and looks away/down

at the floor in a kinda shy way shes probably
interested but i wait for her to check me out again to
be sure.

-if im checking her out and she locks eyes with me ill
HOLD IT and let her look away first, if she looks back
again shes interested ect ect you get the idea.

As i scan these girls and get eye contact ill be able

to better IDENTIFY my target. Eye contact by itself
doesn't mean much, it could mean you have snot hanging
from your nose or she is just scanning everyone else,
as well.
So you have to do the CONFIRMATION eye contact. And
that is additional eye contact or two from the same
girl. Once you get the 2nd or 3rd confirmation from
her that is your INVITATION. [ So take it]
I have found these are the girls most likely for ons.
remember this is a club and the girls are there in the
hope someone fun, confident and seductive is gona fuck
the life out of them before the night is over.


This is really overrated "specially in a club".

Words are just 7% of what we communicate? The majority

of communication is done with vocal tones, vocal
pitch, movement, body language and gestures. All of
these things and more make up our composite body
language expressions, such as: Facial expressions,
voice intonation, speed of speech , how you walk, the
way you carry yourself, good EYE CONTACT and how fast
you move.
So for me to explain the approach is difficult because
my interactions in a club are all free flowing and
leading the conversation in my chosen direction. BUT I
do ask specific SET-UP questions after i open, so I
can begin to lead the conversation [more on that
As far as EV goes in a club i wouldn't waste your
time, save all that for a day2.The purpose of EV is
for her to tell you what she likes/enjoys and all that
crap, WELL i already no what she likes/enjoys without
asking her EV questions. SEX is what she likes/enjoys
so that is the direction ill LEAD, to make her feel
her SEXUAL EMOTIONS, in the interaction.


First, wait until they get alone for a few seconds to

approach them. [The lone wolf]
Main key is once she is alone swoop in do minor
conversation and attract her enough that when/if her
friends come back she wont let them cockblock you, or
move her to another area.
I find the GWM� �chop chop� method is great for
opening and getting the ball rolling. It basically
means No structure or thought to the conversation, and
nothing long and in depth. remember its LOUD as fuck
in a club so long routines, patterns, stacks ect wont
work very well.
Standing and yelling in a chicks ear is not congruent
with normal rapport. Using the chop chop method with
good eye contact, powerful voice and a FUN party vibe
will get things going nicely.

The openers are not important as long as you follow

the steps for IDENTIFYING your CORRECT target, they
will be more than happy to indulge in your coversation

- "Hi" [very simple but effective]

- "Hi how you doing tonight"?

- "I know this is a little random, but I had to tell

you that you are really cute/sexy." followed by "howz
your night going so far"?

Now the ball is moving ill move onto SET-UP questions.

A set-up question is a question which is useless by
itself, but opens up possibilities for LEADING the

SET-UP 1] - small talk.

you- Who you hear with tonight?

her- xyz.


you- How do u no eachother?

her- Blah blah blah
you- Oh really? is X like your best friend?
her- Rada rada rada.
you- "How do you think your friend/friends would
describe you then"?

This is the point where she will give you a opening to

go C/F and tease her so keep the small talk going
while your continuously mixing up the c/f and teasing.
SET-UP 2]- Step it up a notch.

you- whats that your drinking?

her- X drink [taste it] Make a comment about it, if
you want.


you- "How many of them does it take before you start

hitting on the guys"? [You see how i lead it towards
sexual stuff] I could have said "oh cool i like to
drink X drink" But that will take me no where. She
might respond with something like.

her- "i dont hit on guys they hit on me"

Then ill go into things like, How girls are the ones
that think with there genitals "thats why i dont
drink" you girls take advantage of me when im drunk-
your all sexual predators. [I can always come back to
this later if i choose to]

Once you learn how to lead the interaction in this

way, she will be HOT for you. Even better if you can
push pull her arse so she starts qualifying you.I give
a example further down.

SET-UP related to the above example.

you- "So what you like when you get drunk"?

[same effect as above]

her- blah blah blah


you-"my ex girl friend told me it always gets her

I could have responded with "you should stop drinking
then" But that takes me nowhere.
This is another point where you can have jokes with
her by picking the right thread to lead it in a more
sexual rout.
Its important to keep smiling when you say these
things to keep the FUN vibe alive.

The above 2 examples are simple set-ups questions and

how to lead them. Once you no how to lead a
conversation you will never run out of things to say.

More examples for when the interaction is really

warming up.

SET-UP-starting sexual talk.

you- 'your a spinner "do you no that?

her- whats a spinner?

you- Its a good thing, its a term for petit girls "you
can get on top and guys can spin you around.
her- Laughing
you-i bet you like being on top dontcha?

That example is the best i have for starting sexual

vibing out of nothing.

you-Are you a giver or a taker?

This is another easy set-up question for sexual

I could gives more examples but as long as you can

simultaneously mix up the teasing/push pull/kino into
the interaction the sexual tension will go through the
roof. And its at this point i usually start thinking
about inviting her back to mine.


I can make her qualify from any of the above examples

buts its hard to explain so ill tell you how you can
use a set-up question to start it of.


you- "So how old are you anyways"?

her- [usually between 17 and 20 where i go
clubbing]"im 18"

PUSH HER AWAY= her qualifying

you- "no way Lol-i thought you was like 21' you
couldn't HANDLE me!
her- qualifying- "Thats what you think"
you- "Thats what i no" plus young girls are the worst
She will try prove herself by saying shes a great
kisser at which point you can just kiss her. ill tell
you why i dont like to makeout in clubs further down.

There are many ways to make her qualify once you got
them attracted to you such as shes to sort/tall,party
girl/home girl, you dont go for blonde/brunettes she
WILL QUALIFY to all of them, if attraction is there.

Now although my conversations are all free flowing

like i said earlier, i need SET-UP questions so i can
begin to LEAD the interaction.

If i dont go for a lone wolf ill go for two sets, that

are obviously in the club with nobody else. These
girls are out to get laid "most of the time" and they
are easy to IDENTIFY because they are standing about
scanning for fellas, looking abit bord and not in deep
coversation with one an other. If i get any signs of
interest from any of them I will wait for a pause in
the conversation [if there is one] before
making my cut in. A wing can come in handy when its a
2 set. He can come along after a short while and keep
the other chick busy while your doing your thing.


Its not crucial but it CAN make the difference because

if you kiss them in the club you will release some of
the sexual tension you have built up.
Use plenty of kino though, don't forget how crowded
and very loud it is "coversation is not the main

A good example is to Make her lean into you to be

heard and when you talk into her ear you will sexually
excite her. Also let YOUR CHEEK softly touch HER CHEEK
the next time you make her lean in to be heard.
Also because you have to lean in so much its a perfect
chance to tell her how GOOD she smells.


This isn't always necessary when your approaching a

lone wolf because you don't have anyone to drag her
away from like her friends.
If you do need isolate her just say this.

"I cant HEAR to very well come over hear its

quieter:Then take her by the hand and lead her to a
the more convenient area. Once isolated ill continue
gaming and LEADING up to the close.


This should be just a matter of inviting her back to

yours but if she shows signs of LMR ill use this.

Stage [1] the invite

Stage [2] time constraint

Stage [3] if its needed

The invite. " lets save some money and go back to MY

place and have some drinks"?
If she is showing LMR "iv only just met you" ect then
use time constraint.
[if its a straight up yes then take her hand and

Time constraint."well you cant stay for long i gota be

up early tomorrow".
She should say yes, aslong as you have built up enough
attraction/comfort before hand. [take her hand and
Stage [3] if shes still a tad unsure say we don't have
to have sex if you don't want to/theres not gona be
any sex ya no!
but most of the time if my game is ON form the invite
does the job.

Putting aside all the examples i have gave you, the

TWO most important things about this method is
NOTICING the girls CHECKING you out/you SCANNING for
eye contact and getting the CONFIRMATION eye contact,
to IDENTIFY your target and TWO, how to "LEAD" the

Posted: 09 Apr 2007 11:04 PM
Originally Posted: 09 Apr 2007 11:03 PM

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