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Yusi, Vi Rochelle V.


1. What is the message of the quotation, “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves
at the same time.” – Thomas Merton?
When you look at art, we subconsciously get so immersed in it to the point that
we lose ourselves. On the other hand, a person can find themselves in art in the process of
making it. Artists tend to create art that shows their true selves, something they don’t
show to others, and sometimes, it is something that even the artists don’t know about
2. Do you agree with the statement of Merton?
I agree with the statement of Merton because I have read multiple stories of
people losing and finding themselves in art.
3. Cite a specific life experience where you found and lost yourself in art.
I have always had low self-esteem, but when I got into dancing, I found myself
and the confidence I have always wanted. Immersing myself while dancing makes me
lose myself and enjoy every beat I hear.

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