DC 204 Report Best Practices

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Best practices of New Media in DevCom

Larger scope of audience

Encourage people's participation (feedback)

- Responsive, Feedback, Innovative and Creative


- Crowdsourcing refers more to the idea stage of development where people from various perspectives
and positions offer proposals or information to solve a problem or create something new (Brabham,
2008). This type of open access and free collaboration helps encourage participation and improve
creativity through the synergy created by bringing together different perspectives and has been referred
to as the biggest shift in innovation since the Industrial Revolution (Kaufman, 2008). In short, the
combination of open source publishing and crowdsourcing allows a community of users to collectively
improve on and create more innovative ideas, products, and projects.

Interactivity - develop new relationships between users and consumers and media technologies


Persuasion Capability

Social media can be used for one-way communication, such as sharing information and planning the
logistics of community meetings.

Social media can be used for two-way communication, such as asking for community input on
development visions and particular strategies.

Social media can be used to implement development visions by helping to maintain public involvement
throughout the planning process and by keeping the community focused achieving development

Social media applications such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook aren’t just places to engage in
dialogic communication and exchange ideas. They are also places to tell stories personally, which can
make a difference in how organizations or individuals garner attention from a community and spread
information. If a story has sufficient appeal and interest, it can spread beyond people’s own networks in
social media and potentially be shared around the globe (Lund et al., 2018). In other words, it can go
“viral.” Hence, if people have the capacity and caliber to tell stories effectively, the potential
dissemination and reach of stories can result in them influencing millions of people. Thus, captivating
storytelling leads to influence and power; it can affect discourses. Considering these elements, using
storytelling as a strategy to gain social media attraction and attention online may prove useful as a
means to sharing information with your communities. Bierman (2010) points out that without a special
story, there is nothing distinctive about brands, and the message here can be applied to social media
platforms used by organizations and individuals.

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