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What is charles law?

Charles's Law states that, at constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of gas is directly
proportional to its absolute temperature.

In simpler terms, as the temperature of a gas increases, its volume also increases, and as the
temperature decreases, its volume decreases, assuming the pressure remains constant. This law
is one of the fundamental principles of ideal gases and is often applied in various scientific and
engineering contexts.

Have you ever noticed what happens to a balloon when it's left out in the hot sun? It gets bigger
and bigger, right? Well, that's because of something called Charles's Law, and it's all about how
gases behave when we change their temperature.

To understand Charles's Law, let's start with the basics. You see, gases are all around us, like the
air we breathe. They're made up of tiny particles that move really fast and bounce off each
other and the walls of their container. Now, imagine these particles as tiny, energetic bouncy

[balloon experiment]

when we dip the balloon in hot water the volume of gas increases as temperature also increases

What happens to the balloon?

When you dip the balloon in hot water, the air molecules inside the balloon gain energy, causing
them to move faster and spread out. This increase in kinetic energy leads to an increase in
pressure inside the balloon, causing it to expand. So, the balloon gets bigger as the air inside it
expands due to the increase in temperature.


This happens because gases consist of molecules that are in constant motion. When you heat
the air inside the balloon, you transfer energy to these molecules, causing them to move faster
and collide more frequently with the walls of the balloon. These collisions exert pressure on the
balloon's walls, leading to an increase in volume as the balloon expands to accommodate the
increased pressure.

now when we dip it in cold water the volume of gas decreases as temperature also decreases

What happens to the balloon ?

When you dip the balloon in cold water, the temperature of the air inside the balloon
decreases. As a result, the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules decreases, causing them
to move slower and exert less pressure on the walls of the balloon. This decrease in pressure
leads to a contraction of the volume of the gas inside the balloon, causing it to shrink. So, the
balloon gets smaller as the air inside it contracts due to the decrease in temperature.

This happens because temperature is directly related to the average kinetic energy of gas
molecules. When the temperature decreases, the molecules move more slowly, resulting in
fewer collisions with the walls of the balloon. Consequently, there is less pressure exerted on
the balloon's walls, causing it to contract and decrease in volume.

Imagine you have a balloon, and inside that balloon are tiny invisible balls bouncing around.
When we make the balloon warm, those little balls start bouncing really fast and need more
space to move around. So, the balloon gets bigger! But when we make it cold, the little balls
slow down and don't need as much space, so the balloon gets smaller. Charles's Law is like a
rule that helps us understand how the balloon changes size when we make it hot or cold.

Experiment for jun

Grab a ceramic plate, a few drops of water, and food coloring. Next, place the candle in the
middle of the plate, light the wick, and place a glass cup over it. You'll see that the water around
the candle begins to rise. The candle warms the air and this increases the air volume inside the
glass. When the candle burns out, because all the oxygen is used up, the temperature cools
quickly. 00:21 This temperature decrease also means that the volume decreases, which lets the
water rise up to fill that space. This is called Charles Law. It tells us that the ratio of volume to
temperature must remain the same.

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