Bed Fall Prediction System CONFERENCE PAPER - V4

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A Rule-based Bed Fall Prediction System

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Abstract—Patients with impaired mobility and neurological Bed rails are the most common existing solution to this
disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, problem. However, In [2], it can be seen that statistically,
dementia etc. are vulnerable to bed falls which can be
damaging to their physical and psychological well-being. 60-70% of hospital accidents and 80% of home accidents
Existing systems are mostly fall detection based with wearable are bed falls and even with bed rails, 50-90% of bed falls
devices which can be uncomfortable to wear or ambient still occur. Therefore, approaching this growing problem
devices such as cameras that invade privacy. The proposed
with technological assistance makes the solution more
system in this paper, is designed thoughtfully to tackle these
issues. The system can identify the patient’s different on-bed reliable. The problem has been widely recognized and
positions, via force sensitive resistors, to determine the several existing fall detection and prediction systems have
possibility of bed falls. In case of any risky position, the been developed and a generic classification of similar
caretaker will be alerted to mobile applications via the Internet
of Things (IoT), making patient monitoring more accessible systems have been discussed in [2].
and manageable. This integrated system yields an average of
92% accuracy for 5 different on-bed positions. The bed fall This article is divided into the following sections. Section II
prediction system will facilitate caretakers/nurses to take care covers the background and related existing bed fall
of them conveniently at homes, hospitals and assisted care prediction systems and its literature gap. Section III
facilities to ensure their health and safety.
overviews the experimental setup. Methodology with its
Keywords—bed falls; force sensitive resistors; prediction subdivisions — system overview, sensor layout/placement,
system; remote monitoring; Internet of Things prediction algorithm and optimization, and error evaluation
I. INTRODUCTION — are discussed in Section IV. Section V provides the
results and its analysis. Finally, the paper is concluded in
Falling off a bed is a frequent and dangerous accident that
Section VI.
can result in severe physical and emotional damage. Patients
with both neurological and motor system disorders require II. RELATED WORK
special attention when they are lying down on the bed.
Ibrahim et al. [2] studied several systems related to bed falls
Conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, impaired
and divided them into three categories depending on their
mobility, and even old age can make them vulnerable to bed
sensor placement: wearable systems, non-wearable systems,
falls and it is a common concern of the caretakers of the
and fusion systems. Furthermore, the global categorization
patients for their well-being and safety, especially in the
of analytical methods was discussed to process the data
absence of nursing personnel at night. According to research
collected from the sensors. The methods are as follows:
in [1], about 25% of the population is above the age of 65
Rule-based Method (RM has a guideline of rules),
and as mentioned in [2], it is expected to reach 1.4 billion by
Threshold-based Method (THM has threshold values fixed),
the year 2030 and 2.1 billion by 2050. There is a significant
and Machine Learning-based Method (MLM) based on
gap in the ratio of nursing personnel to patients in most
classification algorithms).
hospitals and assisted living facilities [3]. Especially at night
shifts when fewer nursing personnel are stationed [4], bed Choi et al. [5] proposed a design where an accelerometer
falls occur more often. Thus, it is difficult to monitor and had been attached to the patient’s chest and a
stay beside patients at all times. threshold-based analytical method was used to determine
the prediction. The system was very fast and low cost;
however, the wearable design can be uncomfortable to wear


and might even cause injury to patients. In 2018, Umetani et FSRs used have an active area of 38.10mm by 38.10mm
al. [6] designed a fusion system to detect changes in with a sensitivity range suitable to detect pressure exerted
sleeping conditions. The system comprises rules-based by the human body as shown in Table I. A total of 62 FSRs
analysis of environmental factors such as the temperature, have been used to make a pressure-sensing mattress to fit a
acceleration, and humidity of the comforter. Also, a camera standard hospital bed of dimensions 40” by 80” as shown in
was fixed on the wall to detect motion. The installation cost Fig. 1. For the processing unit and gateway, Arduino Mega
was too high and it also had high obstructiveness due to the 2560 and ESP-32 have been used respectively. The 62 FSRs
complicated sensor systems.In 2018, Sri-Ngernyuang et al. were multiplexed into the Arduino microcontroller. Each of
[7] proposed a system that used an artificial neural network the FSRs has two terminals — one for power supply and the
to recognize the on-bed movements of the patients and thus other is the data pin which has to be connected to the
made predictions of bed falls. The non-wearable design had multiplexer that connects it to the microcontroller. At idle
tactical sensors attached to the bed. They categorized the state, the FSRs have a very high resistance, drawing less
patient’s position into two sections: stable and unstable. current and hence having a lower power consumption.
When the patient would be close to the edge of the bed, it When a patient lies down on the mattress, the
would be considered unstable, and vice versa. This was microcontroller receives pressure data from the sensors,
accessed using a thermal imaging camera. processes it, and then sends it to the cloud using the 2.4GHz
ESP-32 Wi-fi module via Internet of Things (IoT). The
Inoue et al. [8] discuss a monocular camera-based
ESP-32 acts as a gateway for the exchange of data between
non-wearable system that makes use of the Support Vector
the cloud and the device. The processed data is displayed on
Machine (SVM) classifier to detect the risk of falling off the
the dashboard on the Blynk platform [12] for the nurses and
bed. The system predefined the bed coordinates using a
caregivers to view the data in an organized way from their
planar perspective transformation. However, one constraint
PCs and smartphones and can also be accessed later on for
with this system is the complicated consent management,
further diagnosis. The dashboard, shown in Fig. 5 is
regarding the privacy of the patients. On the other hand,
designed as such to display the patient’s current position
Vangos Pterneas [9] used a depth-based sensor and
status. Furthermore, the Blynk platform enables the feature
IR-sensing device called Kinect to map joints of the body
of sending alerts, to the designated caregiver, in times of
and the bed structure in order to detect whether a patient
risky positions.
crosses the coordinates of the bed. Furthermore, in another
non-wearable device explained by Hong [10], the system The layer of FSRs has been integrated within a mattress
integrates FSR-406 and FSR-408 sensors in a mattress to with proper insulating layers above it and a waterproof
detect pressure of the human body. The system detects 3 cover for the maintainability and safety of the patients.
primary postures and detects the patients’ positions to assess Additionally, a cushioned layer covers the layer of the
the fall risk. Moreover, this system can also detect bed sensors to ensure comfort. Due to the multiple layers above
ulcers of the impaired mobility patients. the sensors, the program calibrates the sensors to a certain
Fall prediction systems are more desirable than detection threshold value so that the pressure by the human body can
systems in the medical industry [11]. Existing systems be detected accurately.
consisting of wearable devices can be uncomfortable to
wear. On the other hand, non-wearable devices such as
cameras involve privacy issues and discomfort as the Component Component Specification
patients are aware of them being recorded at all times.
Therefore, integrating a simple system that can detect Force sensitive Actuation Force: ~ 0.1N
resistors (FSR) Sensitivity Range: 0.1N to 10N
multiple positions via a comfortable device that does not Dimensions: 43..69mm x 43.69mm
invade one's privacy is desired. The proposed system Active Area: 38.10mm x 38.1mm
consists of Force Sensitive Resistors (FSR) on the bed that Thickness: 0.51mm
Actuations Cycles: >1 million
does not cause discomfort to the patient, neither privacy is Non-actuated Resistance: >10 MΩ
intruded. Furthermore, this system gives 92% accuracy, Resistance Range: 10 MΩ to 1 kΩ
whereas similar bed fall prediction systems using tactile
sensors give an accuracy of 89.1% [5].


The design has been implemented with the help of Force
Sensitive Resistors (FSR), which has the functionality to
detect pressure when force is exerted on the sensor. The
resistor. The output voltage of the sensor increases with an
increase in applied pressure.

Initially, 50 FSR sensors were arranged in a grid layout of 5

rows by 10 columns. After testing the system several times,
it showed lower recognition rate with variation of body
structures, especially for lean subjects who would fall in
between the columns of sensors resulting in fewer segment
activations. Also, it was difficult to differentiate between a
normal lateral position and its corresponding risky position,
for instance, the right lateral and right risky position.

To make the system more universal for the inclusion of all

types of body structures, 12 more FSR sensors have been
added at positions that were not previously covered by the
sensors. The upgraded system consists of 62 FSRs in total
that are divided into 11 segments as illustrated in Fig. 3.
This arrangement improved the recognition rate and
Fig. 1. The layer of sensors in grid layout elevated the performance of detection as well as
distinguishing the lateral and risky positions more
A. System Overview
The primary objective of the proposed fall prediction system
is to remotely observe the patient’s position on the bed and
alert the caregiver about any risk of fall with the help of a
non-wearable device. The entire system can be divided into
four sections: pressure data collection, posture prediction,
risk of fall, and warning. It collects the pressure data with
the help of a pressure-sensing mattress which contains
piezoelectric force sensors embedded inside the mattress.
The processing unit then analyzes the pressure data to
identify the correct posture based on the combination of
sensors enabled in particular segments. Currently, the
system can identify the three basic lying postures: Supine,
Right lateral and Left lateral and two risky positions: Right
risk and Left risk. If the patient is lying in any of the two
risky positions, the caregiver or the medical staff gets a
warning so that the patient can be attended to immediately
before he or she falls off the bed. This is done with the help
of a gateway that sends the processed data to an IoT
analytics platform such as Blynk to view the patient’s

Fig. 2 shows the complete workflow and the sequence of the

prediction system.

B. Sensor Layout/ Placement

The pressure sensing mattress consists of a layer of Force
Sensitive Resistor (FSR) sensors placed inside the mattress.
FSR sensors are made of piezoelectric material which
changes its resistance based on the force or pressure applied.
It converts the mechanical force into electrical signals
utilizing the piezoelectric effect thus acting like a variable
Fig. 2. Workflow of the System
The formulae used to calculate Precision, Recall and F1
score are as follows:

Precision = 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃
Recall = 𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
F1 score = 2 × 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
F1 score = 1 (4)
𝑇𝑃 + 2
(𝐹𝑃 + 𝐹𝑁)

Here, TP is the true positive and TP is the true negative, FP

is the false positive and FN is the false negative. These
values have been calculated from the collected data and
used to find the matrix scores. The closer the value is to 1,
the better the score.
Fig. 3. FSR Sensor Layout
As shown in Table II, this system has both high Precision
C. Prediction Algorithm & Optimization value and high Recall value for all the positions. This in turn
The posture prediction algorithm follows a rule-based yields high F1 scores. Furthermore, it can be deduced from
approach that is for each of the 5 positions, a certain the analysis that the F1 scores of the Right Lateral and Right
combination of the segments must be active. When a Risky cases are highest.
particular number of sensors in a particular segment gives a
reading above 300, the segment is then considered to be POSITIONS
activated. The predetermined combination of the activated
Positions Precision Recall F1-score
segments then detects the position of the patient lying on the
bed. For instance, when a minimum of 3 sensors out of 8 in Supine 0.938 1.000 0.968
Segment 2 gives a value above 300 then the segment is Left Lateral 0.867 0.867 0.867
considered to be active. Based on the position, the algorithm Right Lateral 0.933 0.933 0.933
decides whether a risky position is detected and finally
Left Risky 0.929 0.867 0.897
predicts the possibility of a bed fall. Accordingly, an alert is
sent to the caregiver or nurse via the Blynk dashboard. Right Risky 0.933 0.933 0.933

The number of sensors activated varies from person to

person. Thus many trial tests were carried out to find out the V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
common sensors which are active for all or the majority of From Table III, it can be seen how the recognition rate is
the patients. Based on the collected pressure data, the affected by the different threshold values. The threshold
average number of active sensors was calculated and set as value was first set to 200, that is, the analog reading of the
the requirements for the activation of each segment. The FSR sensor has to reach a minimum of 200 when pressure is
threshold value of the sensors was set to 300 owing to the applied on it. With this threshold value, the prediction
fact that sensors detect a small amount of pressure due to system was tested 35 times and gave an average recognition
the weight of the pillows and bed sheets as well as the rate of 85.71%, yielding successful recognition for 30 tests.
cushioned layer of the mattress. Therefore, setting a higher
threshold value helps to detect the pressure only due to the TABLE III. DETECTION RATE BASED ON THE THRESHOLD VALUES OF
human body when a patient lies down on the mattress.
Successful Detection rate
D. Error Calculation / Evaluation Threshold value No of tests Detection (%)
200 35 30 85.71
The performance of the prediction system has been 300 35 33 94.29
evaluated with the help of 15 Healthy test subjects who fall
under the age limit of 22 to 24 years. For each of the 5 lying
positions, the actual position and the predicted position has For further improvement of the system, a higher threshold
been recorded and analyzed using 3 different classification value of 300 was used. This scenario could better identify
matrices: Precision, Recall and F1 score. with a recognition rate of 94.29%. 35 tests were performed,
out of which the system could properly detect positions 33 the IoT platform to warn the caregivers that the patient is
times. Both scenarios involved all 5 positions as control. required to be attended immediately.

Fig. 5. Patient Position Status shown on the IoT platform dashboard

Fig. 4. Detection rate for each of the lying postures

Fig. 4 shows recognition rate data for the different postures
before and after the system had been optimized using the The Bed Fall Prediction system incorporates the rule-based
additional 12 FSRs. To evaluate the improvement in the algorithm to detect different postures in order to predict the
device’s performance, the results of the system before and different on-bed postures and positions of the patients with
after optimization were compared. In Fig. 4, we can see that impaired mobility and other neurological disorders. The
after optimization, the recognition rate has increased algorithm predicts whenever the patients are at risk of
significantly for each of the positions. The main purpose of falling off the bed and sends an alert to the assigned
the system is to identify risky positions of the patient and caregivers through the IoT platform to attend to the patient
here, the recognition rates for Right and Left Risky immediately. The system yields successful recognition rates
positions are both above 80%. for the different positions, in particular the recognition rates
for the two Risky Positions: Left and Right Risky Positions.
TESTS PERFORMED Since the system remotely checks for the on-bed positions,
the patients can attain full privacy while the nurses are not
Successful Detection rate
Lying posture No of Tests detection (%) obligated to physically monitor the patients at all times.
Additionally, the system allows the nurses to attend other
Supine 15 15 100.00
patients as well in times when there would be a shortage of
Left Lateral 15 13 86.67 the medical staff.
Right Lateral 15 15 100.00
Since, the data collected is for healthy participants, the
Left Risk 15 13 86.67
actual on-bed patterns of the patients is likely to be different
Right Risk 15 14 93.33 and may require modifications for better performance.
However, it also is to be noted that the system only predicts
the risk of fall but does not prevent it.
In Table IV, the test results are summarized. It shows the
number of tests carried out for each position and the In future, the pressure data generated by this prediction
corresponding number of successful recognition. The supine system can be further utilized to add a bedsore detection
position has the highest recognition rate of 93.33%. And all system which is another common problem among the
the positions have a recognition rate higher than 80%. Most elderly and the people with limited mobility.
importantly, the Right Risk position has an 86.67%
recognition rate and the Left Risk has 84.62% which is REFERENCES
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