Difference Between 32 and 64 Bit OS

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Difference Between 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems

In computing, there are two types of processors existing, i.e., 32-bit and 64-bit processors. These types
of processors tell us how much memory a processor can access from a CPU register. For instance,

A 32-bit system can access 232 different memory addresses, i.e 4 GB of RAM or physical memory
ideally, it can access more than 4 GB of RAM also.

A 64-bit system can access 264 different memory addresses, i.e actually 18-Quintillion bytes of RAM. In
short, any amount of memory greater than 4 GB can be easily handled by it.

What is a 32-Bit Operating System?

Most computers made in the 1990s and early 2000s were 32-bit machines. The CPU register stores
memory addresses, which is how the processor accesses data from RAM. One bit in the register can
reference an individual byte in memory, so a 32-bit system can address a maximum of 4 GB
(4,294,967,296 bytes) of RAM. The actual limit is often less than around 3.5 GB since part of the register
is used to store other temporary values besides memory addresses. Most computers released over the
past two decades were built on a 32-bit architecture, hence most operating systems were designed to
run on a 32-bit processor.

What is a 64-Bit Operating System?

A 64-bit register can theoretically reference 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes, or 17,179,869,184 GB

(16 exabytes) of memory. This is several million times more than an average workstation would need to
access. What’s important is that a 64-bit computer (which means it has a 64-bit processor) can access
more than 4 GB of RAM. If a computer has 8 GB of RAM, it better has a 64-bit processor. Otherwise, at
least 4 GB of the memory will be inaccessible by the CPU.

Difference Between 32-bit and 64-bit Operating System

A major difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors is the number of calculations per
second they can perform, which affects the speed at which they can complete tasks. 64-bit processors
can come in dual-core, quad-core, six-core, and eight-core versions for home computing. Multiple cores
allow for an increased number of calculations per second that can be performed, which can increase the
processing power and help make a computer run faster. Software programs that require many
calculations to function smoothly can operate faster and more efficiently on the multi-core 64-bit
processors, for the most part.

Feature 32-bit OS 64-bit OS

Memory Maximum of 4 GB RAM Maximum of several terabytes of RAM

Can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit

Processor Requires a 64-bit processor
Feature 32-bit OS 64-bit OS

Limited by the maximum amount of RAM Can take advantage of more memory,
it can access enabling faster performance

Compatibility Can run 32-bit and 16-bit applications Can run 32-bit and 64-bit applications

Address Space Uses 32-bit address space Uses 64-bit address space

Supports newer hardware with 64-bit

Hardware support May not support newer hardware

More advanced security features, such as

Security Limited security features
hardware-level protection

Application Supports newer software designed for 64-

Limited support for new software
support bit architecture

Price Less expensive than 64-bit OS More expensive than 32-bit OS

Can handle multiple tasks more

Can handle multiple tasks but with limited
Multitasking efficiently

Can run high graphical games and handle

Can run high graphical games, but may
Gaming complex software more efficiently
not be as efficient as with 64-bit OS

Virtualization Limited support for virtualization Better support for virtualization

Advantages of 64-bit Over 32-bit

Using 64-bit one can do a lot in multi-tasking, user can easily switch between various applications
without any windows hanging problems.

Gamers can easily play High graphical games like Modern Warfare, GTA V, or use high-end software like
Photoshop or CAD which takes a lot of memory since it makes multi-tasking with big software, easy and
efficient for users. However, upgrading the video card instead of getting a 64-bit processor would be
more beneficial.


A computer with a 64-bit processor can have a 64-bit or 32-bit version of an operating system installed.
However, with a 32-bit operating system, the 64-bit processor would not run at its full capability.
On a computer with a 64-bit processor, we can’t run a 16-bit legacy program. Many 32-bit programs will
work with a 64-bit processor and operating system, but some older 32-bit programs may not function
properly, or at all, due to limited or no compatibility.

key differences between 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems:

1. Addressable Memory:

 32-bit Operating System (OS): It can access up to 4 GB of RAM or physical memory. However,
due to system limitations, the actual usable memory is often less than this.
 64-bit OS: It can access an astounding 18 quintillion bytes (or 16 exabytes) of RAM. In practical
terms, it can handle any amount of memory greater than 4 GB with ease1.

2. Processor Compatibility:

 32-bit OS: It can run on both 32-bit and 64-bit processors.

 64-bit OS: Requires a 64-bit processor. If a computer has 8 GB of RAM, it must have a 64-bit
processor; otherwise, part of the memory will be inaccessible by the CPU1.

3. Performance:

 32-bit processors perform a limited number of calculations per second, affecting task
completion speed.
 64-bit processors come in various versions (dual-core, quad-core, etc.) and can handle more
calculations per second. Software programs that require intensive calculations run more
efficiently on multi-core 64-bit processors1.

4. Memory Limitations:

 32-bit OS: Limited by the maximum amount of RAM it can access (around 4 GB).
 64-bit OS: Can take advantage of more memory, enabling faster performance1.

5. Compatibility:

 32-bit OS: Can run both 32-bit and 16-bit applications.

 64-bit OS: Can run both 32-bit and 64-bit applications1.

6. Address Space:

 32-bit OS: Uses a 32-bit address space.

 64-bit OS: Utilizes a 64-bit address space1.

7. Hardware Support:

 32-bit OS: May not support newer hardware.

 64-bit OS: Supports newer hardware with 64-bit drivers.

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