From Words To Sentences 16042023

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From Words to Sentences

An English-Chinese Dictionary with

16 apr. 2023

A aa-ai, aj-ar, as-az ♦ B ba-be, bi-bo, br-bz ♦ C ca-ce, ch-cl, coa-com, con-coz, cr-cz ♦ D da-de, di-do, dr-dz
♦ E ♦ F fa-fe, fi-fl, fo-fz ♦ G ga-go, gr-gz ♦ H ha-he , hi-hz ♦ I ♦ J ♦ K ♦ L la-le, li-lz ♦ M ma-me, mi-mz ♦ N ♦
O ♦ P pa-pe, pi-pl, po, pr-pz ♦ Q ♦ R ra, re, ri-rz ♦ S sa-sc, se-sf, sh-sl, sm-so, sp-sq, st, su - sz ♦ T ta-te,
th-to, tr-tz ♦ U ♦ V ♦ W ♦ X ♦ Y ♦ Z ♦ End

__ A__
aa - ai

♦ a —— 一 yī
我有一只猫。Wǒ yǒu yī zhī māo. I have a cat.
他有一个儿子。Tā yǒu yī gè érzi. He has a son.

♦ abandon —— 弃 qì, → give up

他弃了自己的计划,听从了老板的建议。Tā qìle zìjǐ de jìhuà, tīngcóng le lǎobǎn de jiànyì. - He abandoned his own
plan and followed his boss's suggestion.
我不能弃我的家人,去追求自己的理想。Wǒ bù néng qì wǒ de jiārén, qù zhuīqiú zìjǐ de lǐxiǎng. - I cannot abandon my
family to pursue my own ideals.
你不能弃你的朋友,只因为他们遇到了麻烦。Nǐ bùnéng qì nǐ de péngyǒu, zhǐ yīnwèi tāmen yùdàole máfan. - You
cannot abandon your friends just because they have encountered trouble.

♦ ability —— 能力 nénglì.
我好像缺乏爱人的能力 。Wǒ hǎoxiàng quēfá àirén de nénglì. - I seem to lack the ability to love.
我的能力越来越强了。Wǒ de nénglì yuè lái yuè qiáng le. My abilities are getting stronger and stronger.
我的语言能力不错。 Wǒ de yǔyán nénglì bùcuò. My language ability is not bad.

♦ able —— 能干 néng gàn

能够照顾 néng gòu zhào gù able to take care of
能干之人 néng gàn zhī rén an able man
你必须找到一位能干的律师 nǐ bì xū zhǎo dào yī wèi néng gàn de lǜ shī You must find an able lawyer.
那是一个非常精彩的反驳 nà shì yī gè fēi cháng jīng cǎi de fǎn bó It was a very able retort.

♦ aboard —— 在船(车、飞机)上 zài chuán (chē, fēijī) shàng

我们现在在飞机上。Wǒmen xiànzài zài fēijī shàng. - We are now aboard the airplane.
请在船上小心行走。Qǐng zài chuán shàng xiǎoxīn xíngzǒu. - Please walk carefully aboard the ship.

♦ abort (to ~) —— 流产 liú chǎn

母牛流产了。mǔ niú liú chǎn le - The cow cast her calf.
她不小心流产了。Tā bù xiǎoxīn liúchǎnle. - She accidentally had a miscarriage.
流产对女性身心健康都有影响。Liúchǎn duì nǚxìng shēnxīn jiànkāng dōu yǒu yǐngxiǎng. - Miscarriage has an impact
on both the physical and mental health of women.
他们夫妇俩经历了一次流产。Tāmen fūfù liǎ jīnglìle yīcì liúchǎn. - The couple experienced a miscarriage.
♦ about ——
- [prep.] on, regarding, concerning, with respect to: 关于 guānyú
你能告诉我更多关于你的新工作吗?Nǐ néng gàosù wǒ gèng duō guānyú nǐ de xīn gōngzuò ma? Can you tell me
more about your new job?
这篇文章是关于环保的。Zhè piān wénzhāng shì guānyú huánbǎo de. - This article is about environmental
- [adv.] approximately, around: 大约 dàyuē, 左右 zuǒyòu
我大约八点钟会到那儿。 wǒ dàyuē bā diǎn zhōng huì dào nàr - I will arrive there at about 8 o'clock.
这件衣服大约要一百元。 zhè jiàn yīfú dàyuē yào yībǎi yuán - This piece of clothing will cost about 100 yuan.
这个工作大约需要三个月的时间。 zhè gè gōngzuò dàyuē xūyào sān gè yuè de shíjiān - This job will take about
three months to complete.
这儿左右有二十个人。Zhèr zuǒyòu yǒu èrshí gè rén. - There are around 20 people here.
- [adj.] restless, uneasy: 心神不宁 xīnshén bùníng
他的心神不宁,一夜没睡好觉。Tā de xīnshén bùníng, yī yè méi shuì hǎojiào. - He was restless and couldn't sleep
well all night.
- [adv.] in rotation, successively: 轮流 lúnliú
他们轮流打扫房间。Tāmen lúnliú dǎsǎo fángjiān. - They take turns cleaning the room.
- [prep.] in the vicinity of, around: 附近 fùjìn
我住在学校附近。Wǒ zhù zài xuéxiào fùjìn. - I live around the school.
- [adv.] to be about to, on the point of: 就要 jiù yào
他就要离开中国去美国了。Tā jiù yào líkāi zhōngguó qù měiguó le. - He is about to leave China for the United States.

♦ above ——
- [prep.] over, higher than: 在...上面 zài...shàngmiàn
鸟在天空上面飞。Niǎo zài tiānkōng shàngmiàn fēi. - Birds fly in the sky above.
请把盘子放在桌子上面。Qǐng bǎ pánzi fàng zài zhuōzi shàngmiàn. - Please put the plate above the table.
- [adv.] higher up: 在上面 zài shàngmiàn
公寓在山上面,我们住在上面的房间。Gōngyù zài shān shàngmiàn, wǒmen zhù zài shàngmiàn de fángjiān. - The
apartment is on the mountain, we live in the room above.
她的办公室在这个楼的上面。Tā de bàngōngshì zài zhège lóu de shàngmiàn. - Her office is above in this building.

♦ abroad —— [adv.] 在国外 zài guó wài

我想去国外旅行。Wǒ xiǎng qù guówài lǚxíng. - I want to travel abroad.
他在国外学习了两年。Tā zài guówài xuéxí le liǎng nián. - He studied abroad for two years.
我姐姐在国外工作。Wǒ jiějie zài guówài gōngzuò. - My sister works abroad.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile. - My (older) brother has came back from abroad.

♦ academic ——

♦ accent —— 口音 kǒuyīn]
听口音你是南方人。Tīng kǒuyīn nǐ shì nánfāng rén. - Based on your accent, it seems you are from south (of China).

♦ accept (to ~) —— 认 rèn, 接受 jiēshòu

他不会认输。Tā bù huì rènshū.] - He will not accept defeat.
我们应该接受别人的不同意见。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi jiēshòu biérén de bùtóng yìjiàn.) We should accept different
opinions from others.
她不接受别人的帮助。 (Tā bù jiēshòu biérén de bāngzhù.) She doesn't accept help from others.
我们应该接受不同的意见。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi jiēshòu bùtóng de yìjiàn.) - We should accept different opinions.
他很难接受这个事实。 (Tā hěn nán jiēshòu zhège shìshí.) - He finds it hard to accept this fact.
我们接受你的道歉。 (Wǒmen jiēshòu nǐ de dàoqiàn.) - We accept your apology.
她不愿意接受我的帮助。 (Tā bù yuànyì jiēshòu wǒ de bāngzhù.) - She is unwilling to accept my help.
我接受了他的邀请。 (Wǒ jiēshòu le tā de yāoqǐng.) - I accepted his invitation.
只有放弃旧的观念,才能接受新的事物。(Zhǐyǒu fàngqì jiù de guānniàn, cái néng jiēshòu xīn de shìwù.) - Only by
giving up old ideas can we accept new things.
学会接受挫折是很重要的。 (Xuéhuì jiēshòu cuòzhé shì hěn zhòngyào de.) Learning to accept setbacks is very
我们要接受现实,努力改变不满意的事情。 (Wǒmen yào jiēshòu xiànshí, nǔlì gǎibiàn bù mǎnyì de shìqíng.) We need
to accept reality and work hard to change unsatisfactory things.

♦ acceptance ——

♦ accident —— 祸 huò]
都是他才酿成了车祸。Dōu shì tā cái niàng chéngle chēhuò.] - The car crash was all his fault.
♦ accompany ——
♦ according to —— 按照 ànzhào], 根据 gēnjù]
按照老师的要求,我们每天都要做作业。 Ànzhào lǎoshī de yāoqiú, wǒmen měitiān dōu yào zuò zuòyè. According to
the teacher’s requirement, we have to do homework every day.

♦ account ——

♦ accountant —— 会计师 kuàijìshī

恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì. -
Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA [Certified Public Accountant Examination] exam.

♦ ache —— 疼 téng
你吃太多了,小心胃疼。 Nǐ chī tài duō le, xiǎoxīn wèiténg. - You ate too much, be careful not to get a stomachache.
♦ achieve ——
♦ achievement ——
♦ acquaintance ——
♦ acquire ——
♦ across ——
♦ act ——
♦ action ——

♦ activity —— 活动 huó dòng

大家都很喜欢这次活动。 (dà jiā dōu hěn xǐ huan zhè cì huó dòng) Everyone enjoys this activity.
由于新冠疫情,很多活动都被取消了。Yóuyú xīnguān yìqíng, hěnduō huódòng dōu bèi qǔxiāo le. Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, many activities have been cancelled.

♦ actually ——
♦ add ——
♦ additional ——

♦ address —— 地址 [dìzhǐ]
我忘了他的地址。[Wǒ wàngle tā de dìzhǐ.] - I forgot his address.
请把我的信件转到我的新地址。[Qǐng bǎ wǒ de xìnjiàn zhuǎn dào wǒ de xīn dìzhǐ.] - Please forward my mail
[correspondence] to my new address.
♦ adequate ——
♦ administration ——

♦ admission —— 录取 [lùqǔ]
如果这所学校比较难进,录取率低,它就越有名气。[Rúguǒ zhè suǒ xuéxiào bǐjiào nán jìn, lùqǔ lǜ dī, tā jiù yuè yǒu
míngqì.] - A school's reputation is bolstered by its glimmer of exclusivity and by a low acceptance [admission] rate.

♦ admit (to ~) —— 录取 [lùqǔ]

中国,韩国或印度裔学生被录取的可能性高得多。[Zhōngguó, hánguó huò yìndù yì xuéshēng bèi lùqǔ de kěnéng
xìng gāo dé duō.] - A student of Chinese, Korean or Indian descent is so much more likely to be admitted.
一名学生被全部八所常春藤大学录取。[Yī míng xuéshēng bèi quánbù bā suǒ cháng chūnténg dàxué lùqǔ.] - A
student had won admission [was admitted] to all eight Ivy League universities.

♦ adult —— 成人 [chéngrén]
儿女都已长大成人。[Érnǚ dōu yǐ zhǎng dà chéngrén.] - The children have all grown up.

♦ advance (to~) —— 前进 [qiánjìn]

我们要继续前进。[Wǒmen yào jìxù qiánjìn.] - We must continue to move forward.

♦ advice —— 劝告 [quàngào]
别把我的劝告当作耳边风。[Bié bǎ wǒ de quàngào dàng zuò ěrbiānfēng.] - Don’t neglect my advice.

♦ afford (to~) ——
- cannot afford: 买不起 mǎi bù qǐ
那些衣服太贵了,我买不起。(Nàxiē yīfu tài guìle, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ.) Those clothes are too expensive, I can’t afford them.

♦ afraid (be ~) —— 怕 [pà]

我什么都不怕。[Wǒ shénme dōu bùpà.] - I am not afraid of anything.
我害怕蛇。 (wǒ hài pà shé) I am afraid of snakes.

♦ after —— (以)后 [(yǐ)hòu], 而后 [érhòu], 经过 [jīngguò]

午饭以后我去学校。[Wǔfàn yǐhòu wǒ qù xuéxiào.] - I will go to school after lunch.
从今以后我会更加努力。[Cóng jīn yǐhòu wǒ huì gèngjiā nǔlì.] - I will be more hardworking from now on.
午餐后你得空吗?[Wǔcān hòu nǐ dé kòng ma?] - Are you free after lunch?
听了我的故事后,他哈哈大笑了。[Tīngle wǒ de gùshì hòu, tā hāhā dà xiàole.] - After listening to my story, he laughed
out loud.
三思而后行。[Sānsī érhòu xíng.] - Three thoughts and after act. [Think twice.]
经过两天的航行,我们已经远离陆地。[Jīngguò liǎng tiān de hángxíng, wǒmen yǐjīng yuǎnlí lùdì.] - After two days of
sailing, we were far from land.

♦ afternoon —— 下午 xiàwǔ
我下午两点有空 。wǒ xià wǔ liǎng diǎn yǒu kōng - I am not busy at 2:00 in the afternoon.
星期六下午你有空吗?Xīngqīliù xiàwǔ nǐ yǒu kòng ma? - Do you have time on Saturday afternoon?
下午我要游泳。Xiàwǔ wǒ yào yóuyǒng. - I'll go swimming this afternoon.

♦ again —— 再 zài, 一遍 yí biàn

你明天再来吧。Nǐ míngtiān zàilái ba. - Please come again tomorrow.
请再说一遍。Qǐng zàishuō yībiàn. – Say it again, please.
请你下次再来。qǐng nǐ xià cì zài lái - Please come again next time.
你再说一遍好吗?Nǐ zài shuō yībiàn hǎo ma? Can you say it again?
我再也不想见到你了。Wǒ zài yě bùxiǎng jiàn dào nǐ le. I don’t want to see you again.
他再也没有回来过。Tā zài yě méiyǒu huílái guò. He never came back again.
请再说一遍。Qǐng zài shuō yí biàn. - Please say it again.
我们再也找不到这样的机会了。Wǒmen zài yě zhǎo bùdào zhèyàng de jīhuì le. We’ll never find such an opportunity

♦ against ——

♦ age —— 年龄 [niánlíng]
她的打扮和她的年龄很不相配。[Tā de dǎbàn hé tā de niánlíng hěn bù xiāngpèi.] - Her make-up does not fit her age.
[Her dress was very inappropriate for her age.]
中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] - China
should lower the legal marriage age to 18.

♦ ago —— (以)前 [(yǐ)qián]

十年以前我去了法国。[Shínián yǐqián wǒ qùle fǎguó.] - I went to France ten years ago.
这个故事发生在五百年前。[Zhège gùshì fāshēng zài wǔbǎi nián qián.] - The story took place five hundred years ago.

♦ agree (to~) —— 同意 tóng yì], 约定 yuēdìng

我同意。 (Wǒ tóngyì.) - I agree.
我们约定于明天见面。 (Wǒmen yuēdìng yú míngtiān jiànmiàn.) - We agreed to meet tomorrow.

♦ aid ——

♦ air ——

♦ airbag —— 气囊 qìnáng]
汽车生产商召回了逾一千万辆气囊存在缺陷的汽车。Qìchē shēngchǎn shāng zhàohuíle yú yīqiān wàn liàng qìnáng
cúnzài quēxiàn de qìchē.] - Automakers have recalled more than 10 million vehicles with the defective airbags.

♦ aircraft ——

♦ airliner —— 客机 kèjī]
一架小型客机在起飞后不久坠落到一条河里。Yī jià xiǎoxíng kèjī zài qǐfēi hòu bùjiǔ zhuìluò dào yītiáo hé lǐ.] - A small
passenger plane crashed into a river shortly after takeoff.

♦ airplane —— 飞机 fēijī
我乘飞机去中国。Wǒ chéng fēijī qù zhōngguó. - I take an airplane to go to China.
我们现在在飞机上。Wǒmen xiànzài zài fēijī shàng. - We are now aboard the airplane.
我的飞机晚点了,所以我要在机场等很久。 (Wǒ de fēijī wǎndiǎn le, suǒyǐ wǒ yào zài jīchǎng děng hěnjiǔ.) My flight is
delayed, so I have to wait a long time at the airport.

♦ airport —— 机场 jī chǎng
我们马上就要到机场了。(wǒ men mǎ shàng jiù yào dào jī chǎng le) - We're arriving at the airport in a moment.
我明天要去机场接朋友。 (Wǒ míngtiān yào qù jīchǎng jiē péngyǒu.) I'm going to the airport tomorrow to pick up a
明天能载我们去机场吗?Míngtiān néng zài wǒmen qù jīchǎng ma? Can you give us a ride to the airport tomorrow?
他已经到达机场了,等着我们去接他。 (Tā yǐjīng dàodá jīchǎng le, děng zhe wǒmen qù jiē tā.) He has already arrived
at the airport and is waiting for us to pick him up.

[Back to Contents]

aj - ar

♦ algebra —— 代数 dài shù

你喜欢代数吗?Nǐ xǐhuān dàishù ma? Do you like algebra?
他在代数方面很有天赋。Tā zài dàishù fāngmiàn hěn yǒu tiānfù. He has a talent for algebra.
我觉得代数比几何更有趣。Wǒ juédé dàishù bǐ jǐhé gèng yǒuqù. I think algebra is more interesting than geometry.
我们学习了代数的基本概念和运算法则。Wǒmen xuéxíle dàishù de jīběn gàiniàn hé yùnsuàn fǎzé. We learned the
basic concepts and rules of operation of algebra.
代数是数学的一个分支,主要研究用字母和符号表示的数量关系。Dàishù shì shùxué de yīgè fēnzhī, zhǔyào yánjiū
yòng zìmǔ hé fúhào biǎoshì de shùliàng guānxì. Algebra is a branch of mathematics that mainly studies the
quantitative relationships expressed by letters and symbols.

♦ alike —— 像 xiàng
她 和 妈妈 长 得 很 像。Tā hé māma zhǎng de hěn xiàng. She and her mother look very alike.

♦ all —— 都 dōu], 所有 suǒyǒu], 全部 quánbù]

都是我的错。dōu shì wǒ de cuò] - It's all my fault.
她的家人都很喜欢她。 (tā de jiārén dōu hěn xǐhuān tā) - Her family all like her very much.
中国应该取消所有的出生限制。Zhōngguó yīnggāi qǔxiāo suǒyǒu de chūshēng xiànzhì.] - China should lift all
controls on births.
这本书将为我们提供所需要全部信息。[Zhè běn shū jiāng wèi wǒmen tígōng suǒ xūyào quánbù xìnxī.] - This book
will provide us with all the information we need.
我们总是确保有足够的食物给我们所有人。Wǒmen zǒng shì quèbǎo yǒu zúgòu de shíwù gěi wǒmen suǒyǒu rén.
We always make sure that there's enough food for all of us.
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de
hángbān.] - Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.

♦ allow (to ~) —— 让 ràng]

爸爸不让我喝啤酒。Bàba bú ràng wǒ hē píjiǔ.] - Dad does not allow me to drink beer.
孩子们太小,夜间不能让他们出去。Háizimen tài xiǎo, yèjiān bùnéng ràng tāmen chūqù.] - The children are too
young to be allowed out at night.
老师不准我们上课玩手机。Lǎoshī bùzhǔn wǒmen shàngkè wán shǒujī. The teacher doesn’t allow us to play with our
phones in class.
让我来。 (Ràng wǒ lái.) - Allow me.

♦ alone —— 独 dú]
中国年轻人的独居选择 Zhōngguó niánqīng rén de dújū xuǎnzé] - the choice of living alone for youths young people]
in China

♦ along —— 沿 yán]
沿河一座座公寓楼拔地而起。Yán hé yīzuò zuò gōngyù lóu bá dì ér qǐ.] - Apartment blocks have risen along the

♦ already —— 已经 yǐjīng], 既 jì
他们 已经 走 了。 Tāmen yǐjīng zǒu le. They’ve already left.
我 已经 有 男朋友 了 。 Wǒ yǐjīng yǒu nánpéngyou le. I already have a boyfriend.
宝宝 已经 会 说话 了。 Bǎobao yǐjīng huì shuōhuà le. The baby can already speak.
我 已经 不 喜欢 你 了 。 Wǒ yǐjīng bù xǐhuan nǐ le. I don’t like you anymore.
我已经准备好了考试。 Wǒ yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole kǎoshì. I have already prepared for the exam.
我 学习 中文 已经 一 年 了 。 Wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǐjīng yī nián le. I have already been studying Chinese for a year.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile. - My (older) brother has came back from abroad.

♦ also —— 也 yě], 又 yòu]

我也是美国人。Wǒ yěshì měiguórén.] - I am also an American.
你不去,我也不去。Nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě bù qù.] - If you’re not going, I’m not going either.
年轻人也要锻炼。Niánqīngrén yě yào duànliàn. ]- Young people also need to exercise.
一名老师也受了重伤。[Yī míng lǎoshī yě shòule zhòngshāng.] - A teacher was also severely injured.
小学生也有作业。[Xiǎoxuéshēng yěyǒu zuòyè.] - Primary school students also have homework.
洛杉矶又叫天使之城。[Luòshānjī yòu jiào tiānshǐ zhī chéng.] - Los Angeles is also called the City of Angels.
- not only…but also… : 不但...,还... bùdàn…hái…; 不但... ,而且也 bùdàn… , érqiě yě…
他不但会说中文,还会说英文。Tā bùdàn huì shuō zhōngwén, hái huì shuō yīngwén. He can not only speak Chinese,
but also English.
他不但聪明还很善良。Tā búdàn cōngmíng hái hěn shànliánɡ. He’s not only smart, but also kind.
这个电影不但很有趣,还很感人。Zhège diànyǐng bùdàn hěn yǒuqù, hái hěn gǎnrén. This movie is not only very
interesting, but also very touching.
她不但喜欢吃中国菜,而且也会做几个中国菜!Tā bùdàn xǐhuān chī zhōngguó cài, érqiě yě huì zuò jǐ gè zhōngguó
cài! She not only likes to eat Chinese food, but she can make some as well!

♦ although —— 虽然 suīrán
虽然美美不漂亮,但是大家都很喜欢她。Suīrán měiměi bú piàoliang, dànshì dàjiā dōu hěn xǐhuan tā. Although
Meimei isn't beautiful, everyone likes her a lot.

♦ always —— 从来 [cónglái], 永远 [yǒngyuǎn]

从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] - A woman has never
sat in the inner circle of power.
娱乐业永远是年轻人的行当。[Yúlè yè yǒngyuǎn shì niánqīng rén de hángdang.] - Entertainment is always a young
person’s business.

♦ ambulance —— 救护车 jiùhù chē

♦ America(n) —— 美国 [měiguó]
我是美国人。[Wǒ shì měiguórén.] - I am an American.
明天我朋友来美国。[Míngtiān wǒ péngyou lái měiguó.] - My friend will come to America tomorrow.
我喜欢美国文化。[Wǒ xǐhuān měiguó wénhuà.] - I like American culture.
我的姑妈住在美国。[Wǒ de gūmā zhù zài měiguó.] - My aunty is staying in USA.
美国的大学教育很好。[Měiguó dàxué jiàoyù hěnhao.] - American higher education is good.
现在美国队入场。[Xiànzài měiguó duì rù chǎng.] - The American team is now entering the field.
他表弟住在美国。[Tā biǎo dì zhù zài měiguó.] - His younger brother is staying in USA.

♦ among ——

♦ analysis ——

♦ ancient —— 古 [gǔ]
老人们爱谈论古今。[Lǎorénmen ài tánlùn gǔjīn.] - The elderly love to talk about things that happened in both ancient
and modern times. [Old people love to talk about past and present.]

♦ and —— 和 [hé]; as well as: 而 [ér]

我 和 他 是 朋友。Wǒ hé tā shì péngyou. I and he are friends.
你 和 我 一起 去 吧。Nǐ hé wǒ yīqǐ qù ba. You and I go together.
这 个 和 那 个 都 很 好。Zhège hé nàge dōu hěn hǎo. This one and that one are both very good.
他 和 我 学习 汉语。Tā hé wǒ xuéxí Hànyǔ. He and I study Chinese.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
我现在和他做朋友了。[Wǒ xiànzài hé tā zuò péngyǒule.] - I’m friends with him now.
她会说汉语和英语。Tā huì shuō hànyǔ hé yīngyǔ. She can speak Chinese and English.

♦ angel —— 天使 [tiānshǐ]
洛杉矶又叫天使之城。[Luòshānjī yòu jiào tiānshǐ zhī chéng.] - Los Angeles is also called the City of Angels.

♦ animal —— 动物 dòngwù
我喜欢动物。 (Wǒ xǐhuān dòngwù.) - I like animals.
这个动物很可爱。 (Zhège dòngwù hěn kě'ài.) - This animal is very cute.
猫是一种动物。 (Māo shì yī zhǒng dòngwù.) - A cat is a type of animal.
动物园里有很多动物。 (Dòngwùyuán lǐ yǒu hěn duō dòngwù.) - There are many animals in the zoo.
狗是人类的好朋友,是一种忠诚的动物。 (Gǒu shì rénlèi de hǎo péngyǒu, shì yī zhǒng zhōngchéng de dòngwù.) -
Dogs are human's good friends and a loyal type of animal.

♦ announce ——
♦ anode ——
♦ another ——

♦ answer —— 回答 huí dá], 答案 dá'àn

谁知道答案?Shéi zhīdào dá’àn? Who knows the answer?
你能回答这个问题吗?(Nǐ néng huídá zhège wèntí ma?) Can you answer this question?
我们在课堂上要回答老师的问题。(Wǒmen zài kètáng shàng yào huídá lǎoshī de wèntí.) We need to answer the
teacher's questions in class.
我们都期待着你的回答。(Wǒmen dōu qídài zhe nǐ de huídá.) We're all looking forward to your answer.
他没有回答我的电话。(Tā méiyǒu huídá wǒ de diànhuà.) He didn't answer my phone call.
这是我不能回答的问题。(Zhè shì wǒ bùnéng huídá de wèntí.) This is a question I can't answer.
我们需要向老师请教这个问题的答案。 (Wǒmen xūyào xiàng lǎoshī qǐngjiào zhège wèntí de dá'àn.) - We need to ask
the teacher for the answer to this question.

♦ any ——

♦ anyone ——

♦ anything —— 任何 [rènhé]
做任何败坏他们声誉的行为都是错误的。[Zuò rènhé bàihuài tāmen shēngyù de xíngwéi dōu shì cuòwù de.] - Doing
anything to ruin their reputation would be a mistake.

♦ anytime —— 随时 suíshí, 任何时候 rènhé shíhòu

如果你有什么问题,可以随时问我。 (Rúguǒ nǐ yǒu shénme wèntí, kěyǐ suíshí wèn wǒ.) If you have any questions,
you can ask me anytime.

♦ apartment —— 公寓 gōngyù
沿河一座座公寓楼拔地而起。Yán hé yīzuò zuò gōngyù lóu bá dì ér qǐ. - Apartment blocks have risen along the
公寓在山上面,我们住在上面的房间。Gōngyù zài shān shàngmiàn, wǒmen zhù zài shàngmiàn de fángjiān. - The
apartment is on the mountain, we live in the room above.

♦ apologize —— 道歉 dào qiàn

我向你道歉。 wǒ xiàng nǐ dào qiàn - I apologize to you.

♦ apparently ——

♦ approximate ——

♦ approximately ——

♦ appear (to ~) —— 出现 chūxiàn

随着美国汽车业的复苏,一个巨大的机会即将出现。Suízhe měiguó qìchē yè de fùsū, yīgè jùdà de jīhuì jíjiāng
chūxiàn. - A huge opportunity was on the horizon [appears] as the auto industry in the United States started its

♦ apple —— 苹果 [píngguǒ]
我一天吃一个苹果。[Wǒ yī tiān chī yí gè píngguǒ.] - I eat an apple a day.
青苹果比红苹果好吃吗?[Qīng píngguǒ bǐ hóng píngguǒ hào chī ma?] - Do green apples taste better than red

♦ apply ——
♦ appreciation —— 感激 [gǎnjī]
我太感激你了。[Wǒ tài gǎnjī nǐle.] - I feel very much indebted to you.

♦ approach ——

♦ approximately —— 大约 dàyuē
大约下个星期我会有空。 (dàyuē xià gè xīngqí wǒ huì yǒu kòng) - I will be free approximately next week.
大约四分之一的学生来自外国。 (dàyuē sì fēn zhī yī de xuéshēng láizì wàiguó) - Approximately one-fourth of the
students come from foreign countries.

♦ area ——

♦ argue ——

♦ arithmetic —— 算术 suàn shù

算术很难,但是我们必须学会它。Suànshù hěn nán, dànshì wǒmen bìxū xuéhuì tā. Arithmetic is difficult, but we must
learn it.
她的算术很好,每次考试都得高分。Tā de suànshù hěn hǎo, měi cì kǎoshì dōu dé gāofēn. Her arithmetic is very
good, she always gets high scores on tests.
我们学习算术需要勤奋和耐心。Wǒmen xuéxí suànshù xūyào qínfèn hé nàixīn. We need diligence and patience
when learning arithmetic.
请你解决这道算术题。Qǐng nǐ jiějué zhè dào suànshù tí. Please solve this arithmetic problem.
现在的小学生学习的算术比以前难多了。Xiànzài de xiǎoxuéshēng xuéxí de suànshù bǐ yǐqián nán duō le. The
arithmetic that elementary school students learn now is much harder than before.

♦ arm —— 胳膊 gē bo

♦ army —— 部队 [bùduì]
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。[Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ
yíngdé yīxiē róngyù.] - As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory [of earning some honors in the army].

♦ around —— 大约 dàyuē
他的生日大约在九月份。Tā de shēngrì dàyuē zài jiǔ yuè fèn. - His birthday is around September.
你知道那儿附近有个好的餐馆吗?Nǐ zhīdào nà'er fùjìn yǒu gè hǎo de cānguǎn ma? - Do you know of a good
restaurant around here?

♦ arrange (to ~) —— 排列 páiliè, 安排 ānpái

我们按照时间顺序排列了这些照片。 Wǒmen ànzhào shíjiān shùnxù páilièle zhèxiē zhàopiàn. We arranged these
photos according to the time order.[in chronological order.]
已经安排好以适应每个人。Yǐjīng ānpái hǎo yǐ shìyìng měi gèrén. It has been arranged so as to suit everybody.

♦ arrive (to ~) —— 到(达) [dào(dá)]

我马上到了!(wǒ mǎ shàng dào le) I’ll arrive soon!
火车到了。[Huǒchē dào le. ]- The train has arrived.
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] - Because the train
was late, I do not think I can make it [arrive] on time.

♦ art —— 艺术 yìshù
她在音乐方面有很高的艺术创造能力。(Tā zài yīnyuè fāngmiàn yǒu hěn gāo de yìshù chuàngzào nénglì.) She has
high artistic creativity in music.

♦ article —— 文章 wénzhāng
这篇文章需要写一个大纲。Zhè piān wénzhāng xūyào xiě yī gè dàgāng. - This article needs an outline to be written.

♦ artist ——

[Back to Contents]
as - az

♦ as —— (好)像 (hǎo)xiàng, 一样 yíyàng, 当(作) dàng (zuò), 比 bǐ, 既然 jìrán

他跟我一样高。(Tā gēn wǒ yíyàng gāo.) - He is as tall as me.
她的脸像花儿一样美丽。(Tā de liǎn xiàng huā er yīyàng měilì.) - Her face is as beautiful as a flower.
别把我的劝告当作耳边风。[Bié bǎ wǒ de quàngào dàng zuò ěrbiānfēng.] - Don’t neglect my advice. [Don't take my
advice for granted.]
铁比铅轻。Tiě bǐ qiān qīng. Iron is not so heavy as lead.
当我站在那里的时候,他路过了。Dāng wǒ zhàn zài nàlǐ de shíhou, tā lù guò le. As I stood there, he passed by.
既然你还没准备好,我就一个人去。Jìrán nǐ hái méi zhǔnbèi hǎo, wǒ jiù yīgè rén qù. As you aren't ready, I shall go
他的行为就好像他是这个地方的主人。Tā de xíngwéi jiù hǎoxiàng tā shì zhège dìfāng de zhǔrén. He behaves as if
he owned the place.

♦ ask (to ~) —— 问 [wèn], 请 [qǐng]

我来问你。[Wǒ lái wèn nǐ.] - Let me ask you.
请他进来。[Qǐng tā jìnlái. ] - Ask him in.
我要问一个问题。[Wǒ yào wèn yígè wèntí.] - I'd like to ask a question.

♦ asparagus —— 芦笋 [lú sǔn]

♦ assemble (to ~) —— 组装 [zǔzhuāng]

中国已经成为世界最大的汽车组装国。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà de qìchē zǔzhuāng guó.] - China has
become the world’s largest assembler of cars. [assembly country]

♦ assure (to ~) —— 保证 bǎo zhèng

我向你保证,这件事情是真的。 (wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎo zhèng, zhè jiàn shì qíng shì zhēn de) - I assure you that this is true.

♦ at —— 在 [zài]
我在家里。 (Wǒ zài jiālǐ.) - I am at home.
他在学校。 (Tā zài xuéxiào.) - He is at school.
她在公司工作。 (Tā zài gōngsī gōngzuò.) - She works at the company.
我在家里学习。​(wǒ zài jiā lǐ xué xí.) - I am studying at home.
我坐在桌子上吃饭。Wǒ zuò zài zhuōzi shàng chīfàn. I’m sitting at the table eating.
我们在学校里学习如何说汉语。 (Wǒmen zài xuéxiào lǐ xuéxí rúhé shuō hànyǔ.) - We learn how to speak Chinese at

♦ athlete —— 运动员 [yùndòngyuán]

美国运动员好。[Měiguó yùndòngyuán hǎo.] - The American athletes are good.

♦ attack ——

♦ attention —— 注意 [zhùyì]
请注意交通安全。[Qǐng zhùyì jiāotōng ānquán.] - Please be careful on the roads. [Please pay attention to traffic
- to pay attention: 注意 zhùyì
在机场里,你需要注意你的行李和随身物品。 (Zài jīchǎng lǐ, nǐ xūyào zhùyì nǐ de xínglǐ hé suíshēn wùpǐn.) At the
airport, you need to pay attention to your luggage and personal belongings.

♦ attitude —— 态度 [tàidù]
他的态度很友善。[Tā de tàidù hěn yǒushàn.] - He has a friendly attitude.
♦ attorney ——

♦ audience —— 观众 [guānzhòng]
观众很高兴。[Guānzhòng hěn gāoxìng.] - The audience is very happy.

♦ aunt —— 姑妈 [gūmā]; (mother’s sisters: 阿姨 [ā yí]; father’s sisters: 姑姑 [gū gu]; mother’s sister-in law: 舅妈 [jìu
我的姑妈住在美国。[Wǒ de gūmā zhù zài měiguó.] - My aunty is staying in USA.

♦ author ——
♦ authority —— 当局 [dāngjú], 权力 [quánlì]
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river.
他向权力屈服。[Tā xiàng quánlì qūfú.] - He succumbed to authority.

♦ autumn —— 秋天 qiūtiān
中国秋天很美。Zhōngguó qiūtiān hěn měi. - Autumn is beautiful in China.
♦ available ——
♦ avoid ——

♦ away —— 远离 yuǎnlí
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ. - Authorities are warning people to avoid [to stay away from] the benzene fumes rising from the river.
- away from…: 距离 jùlí
我家离学校很近,只有五百米的距离。 (Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn, zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi mǐ de jùlí.)
My home is very close to the school, only five hundred meters away.

[Back to Contents]

__ B__
ba - be

♦ baby ——

♦ back —— 后 hòu, 背 bèi

屋后有个车库。Wū hòu yǒu gè chēkù. - At the back of the house is a garage.

♦ bad ——
还不错。 (Hái bùcuò.) - Not bad.

♦ badminton —— 羽毛球 [yǔmáoqiú]

♦ bag —— 包 bāo
我的书包呢?Wǒ de shūbāo ne? - Where is my school bag?
我们的书包是一样的。 (wǒ men de shū bāo shì yī yàng de) Our bags are the same.
这个包太重了。Zhège bāo tài zhòng le. - This bag is too heavy.
我们可以把书放在书包内。(Wǒmen kěyǐ bǎ shū fàng zài shūbāo nèi.) - We can put the books inside the school bag.

♦ ball ——

♦ balance —— 平衡 pínghéng
她失去平衡,坠落到了游泳池里。(Tā shīqù pínghéng, zhuìluò dào le yóuyǒngchí lǐ.) She lost her balance and fell into
the swimming pool.

♦ bamboo —— 竹子 [zhúzi]
熊猫只吃竹子吗?[Xióngmāo zhǐ chī zhúzi ma?] - Do pandas only eat bamboo?

♦ ban —— 禁止 [jìnzhǐ]
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] - Beijing banned housing sales
in the region. [Beijing ordered a ban on home sales in the area.]

♦ banana —— 香蕉 [xiāngjiāo]
香蕉不贵。[Xiāngjiāo bú guì. ]- Bananas are not expensive.

♦ bank ——
- financial institution: 银行 [yínháng]
银行几点开门?[Yíngháng jǐdiǎn kāimén?] - What time does the bank open?
我要去银行取钱。 (wǒ yào qù yínháng qǔ qián) - I'm going to the bank to withdraw money.
他常常把钱存进银行里。 (tā chángcháng bǎ qián cún jìn yínháng lǐ) - He often deposits money into the bank.
- shore: 岸 [àn]
船傍了岸。[Chuán bàngle àn.] - The boat drew alongside the bank.

♦ bar ——

♦ barrier —— 障碍 zhàng ài
他们之间的语言障碍很大,但他们还是尽力交流。Tāmen zhī jiān de yǔ yán zhàng ài hěn dà, dàn tāmen hái shì jìn lì
jiāo liú. There is a big language barrier between them, but they still try to communicate.
良好的沟通是消除误解和障碍的最佳途径。Liáng hǎo de gōu tōng shì xiāo chú wù jiě hé zhàng ài de zuì jiā tú jìng.
Good communication is the best way to eliminate misunderstandings and barriers.

♦ base ——

♦ basketball —— 篮球 [lánqiú]
我会打篮球。(Wǒ huì dǎ lánqiú.) - I can play basketball.
这个篮球是圆形的,很好玩。 (Zhège lánqiú shì yuánxíng de, hěn hǎowán.) This basketball is round, and it's fun to
play with.

♦ bath —— 洗澡 xǐzǎo
我每天洗澡。Wǒ měitiān xǐzǎo. - I take a shower every day.
我每晚洗澡。Wǒ měi wǎn xǐzǎo. - I bath every night. [I take a shower every night.]
她昨天给她的狗洗了个澡。Tā zuó tiān gěi tā de gǒu xǐ le gè zǎo. She gave her dog a bath yesterday.

♦ bathroom —— 厕所 cèsuǒ
我想去厕所。Wǒ xiǎng qù cèsuǒ. – I want to go to the bathroom [toilet].
厕所在哪里?Cèsuǒ zài nǎlǐ? – Where is the toilet [bathroom]?

♦ be (to ~) —— 是 shì
你是谁?Nǐ shì shéi? - Who are you?
这是你的,那是我的。Zhè shì nǐ de, nà shì wǒ de. - This is yours and that is mine.
我是玛丽。Wǒ shì mǎlì. - I am Mary.
纽约是大城市。Niǔyuē shì dà chéngshì. - New York is a large city.
这只小猫是黑的。Zhè zhī xiǎomāo shì hēide. - This little cat is black.
他是数学教授。Tā shì shùxué jiaòshòu. - He is a mathematics professor.
她妈妈是医生。Tā māma shì yīshēng. - Her mother is a doctor.

♦ beach —— 海滩 hǎitān, 海边 hǎibiān

让我们一起去海滩吧。Ràng wǒmen yīqǐ qù hǎitān ba. Let's go to the beach with us.
我很想这个周末去海滩。(Wǒ hěn xiǎng zhège zhōumò qù hǎitān.) I would love to go to the beach this weekend.
这家旅店大约距离海边只有十分钟的路程。Zhè jiā lǚdiàn dàyuē jùlí hǎibiān zhǐyǒu shí fēnzhōng de lùchéng. - This
inn is about only ten minutes away from the beach.

♦ bear (to ~) —— 负 [fù]

你身为组长,应该负起责任来。[Nǐ shēn wèi zǔ zhǎng, yīnggāi fù qǐ zérèn lái.] - As group leader, you should take

♦ beat ——

♦ beautiful —— 漂亮 [piàoliang], 美(丽) [měi(lì)]

美丽的花园 [měilì de huāyuán] - beautiful garden
这女人很漂亮。(zhè nǚ rén hěn piào liang) The women is very beautiful.
那个女孩子很漂亮,我很喜欢她。 Nàgè nǚ háizi hěn piàoliang, wǒ hěn xǐhuan tā. That girl is very beautiful, I like her
a lot.
花园真漂亮。[Huāyuán zhēn piàoliang. ]- The garden is really beautiful.
这个女孩子穿的衣服很漂亮。Zhège nǚ háizi chuān de yīfú hěn piàoliang.The clothes this girl is wearing are very
生日蛋糕很漂亮。[Shēngrì dàngāo hěn piaòliang.] - The birthday cake is very beautiful.
中国秋天很美。[Zhōngguó qiūtiān hěn měi.] - Autumn is beautiful in China.
他家的房子很美。[Tā jiā de fángzi hěn měi.] - His family's house is very beautiful.
美国国歌很美。[Měiguó guógē hěn měi.] - The American national anthem is beautiful.
♦ because —— 因为 [yīnwèi]
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] - Because the train
was late, I do not think I can make it on time.
因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] - As
[because] the stadium isn't far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.

♦ become (to ~) —— 变 [biàn], 成为 [chéngwéi]

变自信的六个方法!如何变得更有自信 [Biàn zìxìn de liù gè fāngfǎ! Rúhé biàn dé gèng yǒu zìxìn] - Six ways to
become more confident! how to become more confident
中国已经成为世界最大的汽车组装国。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà de qìchē zǔzhuāng guó.] - China has
become the world’s largest assembler of cars.
中国成为了世界上最大的汽车市场。[Zhōngguó chéngwéile shìjiè shàng zuìdà de qìchē shìchǎng.] - China has
claimed [has become the largest] the title of world's biggest automobile market.

♦ bed —— 床 [chuáng]
偌大的房,寂寞的床。[Ruòdà de fáng, jìmò de chuáng.] - Such a big room, a lonely bed.
我的房间里有一张床和一张桌子。Wǒ de fángjiān lǐ yǒu yì zhāng chuáng hé yì zhāng zhuōzi. There is a bed and a
desk in my room.
- to make the bed: 整理床铺 (zhěnglǐ chuángpù)

♦ bedroom —— 卧室 wòshì
他们的房子很大,有四个卧室。Tāmen de fángzi hěn dà, yǒu sì gè wòshì. Their house is very big, with four

♦ beer —— 啤酒 [píjiǔ]
我们喝了三瓶啤酒。[Wǒmen hē le sānpíng píjiǔ.] - We drank three bottles of beer.
啤酒走了气了。 [pí jiǔ zǒu le qì le。] - The beer is stale.
爸爸不让我喝啤酒。[Bàba bú ràng wǒ hē píjiǔ.] - Dad does not allow me to drink beer.

♦ before —— 以前 yǐ qián
你以前去过那里吗?(nǐ yǐ qián qù guò nà li ma) Have you been there before?

♦ begin (to ~) —— 开始 [kāishǐ] ; begin building, construction: 动工 [dònggōng]

莫扎特五岁就开始作曲了。[Mòzhātè wǔ suì jiù kāishǐ zuòqǔle.] - Mozart began to compose when he was five years
新的电视塔动工了。[Xīn de diànshì tǎ dònggōngle.] - Construction of the new television tower has started.

♦ behavior ——
♦ behind —— 后面 [hòumiàn], 后边 [hòubian]
房子的后面就是火车站。[Fángzi de hòumiàn jiùshì huǒchē zhàn.] - Behind the house is the train station.
房子后边有一条河。[Fángzi hòubian yǒu yītiáo hé.] - Behind the house is a river.

♦ Beijing —— 北京 [běijīng]
北京离这儿不远。[Běijīng lí zhè'er bù yuǎn.] - Beijing is not far from here.
我上个星期去了北京。Wǒ shàng gè xīngqí qùle Běijīng. I went to Beijing last week.
礼拜三我去北京。[Lǐbàisān wǒ qù Běijīng.] - I’ll go to Beijing on Wednesday.
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de
hángbān.] - Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.
在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] - Beijing city, the
capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people.

♦ believe (to ~) —— 相信 [xiāngxìn]

相信我,我们能等上一夜。[Xiāngxìn wǒ, wǒmen néng děng shàng yīyè.] - Believe me, we can wait all night.
如果我告诉你实话,你会相信我吗?(Rúguǒ wǒ gàosù nǐ shíhuà, nǐ huì xiāngxìn wǒ ma?) Would you believe me if I
told you the truth?

♦ beneficial —— 利于 [lìyú]
现在削减公司开支有利于公司将来的盈利。[Xiànzài xuējiǎn gōngsī kāizhī yǒu lìyú gōngsī jiānglái de yínglì.] - Cuts in
company spending now should lead to profits in the long term. [... is beneficial for the company's future profitability.]

♦ benefit ——

♦ best —— 最好的 zuì hǎo de

她是我最好的朋友。Tā shì wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu. She is my best friend.

♦ benzene —— 苯 [běn]
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river.

♦ better ——

♦ between ——

♦ beyond —— 以外 [yǐwài]
五个除了多喝水以外的改变人生小习惯 [Wǔ gè chúle duō hē shuǐ yǐwài de gǎibiàn rénshēng xiǎo xíguàn] - Five
Life-Changing Habits Beyond Drinking More Water

[Back to Contents]

bi - bo

♦ big —— 大 [dà]
这是一个大问题。(Zhè shì yī gè dà wèn tí.) This is a big problem.
上海有很多大楼房。[Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō dà lóufáng.] - Shanghai has many big buildings.
加拿大很大。[Jiānádà hěn dà.] - Canada is big.
纽约是大城市。[Niǔyuē shì dà chéngshì.] - New York is a large city.
我的公司不大。[Wǒ de gōngsī bú dà.] - My company is not big.
我们的客厅很大。[Wǒmén de kètīng hěn dà.] - Our living room is very large.

♦ bill ——
♦ billion ——
♦ bird —— 鸟 [niǎo]
我看见一只小鸟。[Wǒ kànjiàn yī zhǐ xiǎo niǎo.] - I saw a bird.
小鸟在天空飞。[Xiǎo niǎo zài tiānkōng fēi.] - Birds are flying in the sky.

♦ birth —— 出生 [chūshēng]
中国应该取消所有的出生限制。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi qǔxiāo suǒyǒu de chūshēng xiànzhì.] - China should lift all
controls on births.

♦ birthday —— 生日 [shēngrì]
你的生日是哪天? [Nǐ de shēngrì shì nǎtiān?] - When is your birthday?
他的生日是几月几号? Tā de shēngrì shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào? When is his birthday?
她的生日是今天。(Tā de shēngrì shì jīntiān.) - Her birthday is today.
我的生日是十二月二十五日。 (wǒ de shēngrì shì shí'èr yuè èrshíwǔ rì) - My birthday is on December 25th.
生日快乐![Shēngrì kuàilè!] - Happy birthday!
祝你生日快乐![Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè!] - Wishing you a happy birthday!
今天是妈妈的生日。[Jīntiān shì māmā de shēngrì.] - Today is mom’s birthday.
她的生日是五月三十号。 (tā de shēngrì shì wǔ yuè sānshí hào.) Her birthday is on May 30th.
我的生日是三月十四号,也就是后天。[Wǒ de shēng rì shì sān yuè shí sì hào, yě jiù shì hòutiān.] - My birthday is
March 14, that’s the day after tomorrow.

♦ bit: a bit —— 一点 [yīdiǎn]

声音再大一点。[Shēngyīn zài dà yīdiǎn.] - A bit louder, please.

♦ black —— 黑(色) [hēi(sè)]

教室有黑板。[Jiàoshì yǒu hēibǎn.] - There is a blackboard in the classroom.
这只小猫是黑的。[Zhè zhī xiǎomāo shì hēide.] - This little cat is black.

♦ blackboard —— 黑板 [hēibǎn]
教室有黑板。[Jiàoshì yǒu hēibǎn.] - There is a blackboard in the classroom.

♦ block (city ~) —— 楼房 [lóufáng], 大楼 [dàlóu]

上海有很多大楼房。[Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō dà lóufáng.] - Shanghai has many big blocks.
他们新建了一座大楼。[Tāmen xīn jiàn le yīzuò dàlóu. ]- They recently constructed a building (a block).

♦ blood ——
♦ bloom —— 花朵 [huāduǒ]
凋谢的花朵 [diāoxiè de huāduǒ] - declining flower [withered flowers]

♦ blue —— 蓝(色) [lán(sè)]

今天天真蓝。[Jīntiān tiān zhēn lán.] - The sky is really blue today.
你喜欢蓝色的还是红色的?[Nǐ xǐhuān lán sè de háishì hóngsè de?] - Do you like the blue one or the red one?
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.

♦ block ——
~ of flats: 楼 [lóu]
沿河一座座公寓楼拔地而起。[Yán hé yīzuò zuò gōngyù lóu bá dì ér qǐ.] - Apartment blocks have risen along the

♦ board ——

♦ boat —— 船 [chuán]
船傍了岸。[Chuán bàngle àn.] - The boat drew alongside the bank.
河上有一只小船。[Héshàng yǒu yī zhī xiǎo chuán.] - There is a little boat on the river.

♦ body —— 身体 shēntǐ
他每天锻炼身体。Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ. - He exercises his body every day.
他的身体很强壮,每天都锻炼。Tā de shēntǐ hěn qiángzhuàng, měitiān dōu duànliàn. His body is very strong, he
exercises every day.
她的身体很瘦,应该多吃点。Tā de shēntǐ hěn shòu, yīnggāi duō chī diǎn. Her body is very thin, she should eat more.
他都八十岁了,身体还那么强壮。Tā dōu bāshí suìle, shēntǐ hái nàme qiángzhuàng. - He’s already eighty but still
going strong.

♦ book [noun] —— 书 [shū]

桌子上面有一本书。[zhuō zǐ shàng miàn yǒu yī běn shū] - There is a book on the table.
把这本书给她。[Bǎ zhè běn shū gěi tā.] - Give her this book.
我 看 完 这本书 了 。[Wǒ kàn wán zhè běn shū le.] - I finished reading this book.
你的书在这儿。[Nǐ de shū zài zhèr.] - Your book is here.
这本书写得不错。[Zhè běn shūxiě dé bùcuò.] - This book is well-written.
这是一本汉语书。(Zhè shì yī běn hànyǔ shū.) - This is a Chinese book.
每个学生都有书。[Měi gè xuésheng dōu yǒu shū.] - Every student has a book.
这是谁的书本?是她的。[Zhè shì shéi de shūběn? Shì tā de.] - Whose book is this? It is hers.
这本书很有意思。[Zhè běn shū hěn yǒuyìsi.] - This book is very interesting.
我要借书。[Wǒ yào jiè shū.]- I want to borrow some books.

♦ book [verb] —— 订 [dìng]

我要订两晚酒店,四号和五号。[Wǒ yào dìng liǎng wǎn jiǔdiàn, sì hào hé wǔ hào.] - I need to book a hotel for two
nights, (for) the fourth and the fifth.

♦ bookstore —— 书店 shūdiàn
这个书店是新的。[Zhè ge shūdiàn shì xīnde.] - This bookstore is new.

♦ boring —— 无聊 wúliáo
我觉得这个电影太无聊了。 Wǒ juéde zhège diànyǐng tài wúliáo le. - I think this movie is too boring.

♦ born (to be ~) —— 出生 [chūshēng]

他出生在美国。[Tā chūshēng zài měiguó.] - He was born in America.
他不知道自己在哪里出生。Tā bù zhīdào zìjǐ zài nǎlǐ chūshēng. - He is unsure where he was born.
我出生在八六年二月十四号。[Wǒ chūshēng zài bāliù nián èr yuè shísì hào.] - I was born on February 14, (19)86.
林肯出生于一八零九年二月十二号。[Línkěn chūshēng yú yī bā líng jiǔ nián èr yuè shí èr hào.] - Lincoln was born on
February 12, 1809.

♦ borrow —— 借 jiè
你可以借五本书。[Nǐ kěyǐ jiè wǔ běn shū.] - You may borrow five books.
她向我借了一本书。 (tā xiàng wǒ jiè le yì běn shū) - She borrowed a book from me.
我想在图书馆里借几本书。 (Wǒ xiǎng zài túshūguǎn lǐ jiè jǐ běn shū.) I want to borrow some books from the library.
♦ boss —— 老板 [lǎobǎn]
老板 开 完 会 了 。[Lǎobǎn kāi wán huì le.] - The boss finished having the meeting.
他们的老板很严厉。Tāmen de lǎobǎn hěn yánlì. Their boss is strict.
这家公司的老板是谁?[Zhè jiā gōngsī de lǎobǎn shì shéi?] - Who is the boss of this company?
老板,一切听你的![Lǎobǎn, yīqiè tīng nǐ de!] - Boss, anything you say! [Boss, everything listens to you!]
我们需要把这份报告上交给老板。(Wǒmen xūyào bǎ zhè fèn bàogào shàngjiāo gěi lǎobǎn.) - We need to submit this
report to the boss.

♦ both —— 两个都 liǎng gè dōu

这部电影对我们两个人来说都很好看。Zhè bù diànyǐng duì wǒmen liǎng gè rén lái shuō dōu hěn hǎokàn.This movie
was great for both of us.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.

♦ bother (to ~) —— 麻烦 [má fan]

不用麻烦了。[bù yòng má fan le] - Don't bother.

♦ bottle —— 瓶(子) [píng(zi)]

我们喝了三瓶啤酒。[Wǒmen hē le sānpíng píjiǔ.] - We drank three bottles of beer.
我们有三个空瓶子。[Wǒmen yǒu sǎn gè kōng píngzi.] - We have three empty bottles.

♦ bound —— 注定 [zhùdìng]
这样的计划注定会失败的。[Zhèyàng de jìhuà zhùdìng huì shībài de.] - Such a plan is bound to fail.

♦ boutique —— 店 [diàn]
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] - Beijing was awash
with luxury handbag boutiques.

♦ bowl —— 碗 [wǎn]
早晨我吃了两个包子,喝了一碗米粥。[Zǎochén wǒ chīle liǎng gè bāozi, hēle yī wǎn mǐ zhōu.] - At breakfast, I had
two steamed buns and a bowl of rice porridge.

♦ box —— 箱子 xiāngzi, 盒子 hézi

这个箱子内有很多衣服。​(Zhège xiāngzi nèi yǒu hěn duō yīfú.) - There are many clothes in this box.
我家里的猫喜欢躲在箱子内睡觉。(Wǒ jiālǐ de māo xǐhuān duǒ zài xiāngzi nèi shuìjiào.) - My family's cat likes to hide
inside the box to sleep.
这个盒子内装了许多漂亮的珠宝。(Zhège hézi nèi zhuāngle xǔduō piàoliang de zhūbǎo.) - This box contains many
beautiful jewels inside.

♦ boy —— 孩子 [háizi]
这孩子学他爸爸走路的样子。[Zhè hái zǐ xué tā bàba zǒulù de yàngzi.] - The boy imitates his father’s way of walking.

♦ boyfriend —— 男友 [nányǒu]
丽丽的男友是个飞行员。[Lì lì de nányǒu shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - Lili's boyfriend is a pilot.

[Back to Contents]

br - bz

♦ brag (to ~) —— 吹牛 [chuīniú]

他喜欢吹牛。[Tā xǐhuān chuīniú.] - He likes to throw the bull. [He likes to brag.]

♦ brand —— 品牌 [pǐnpái]
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] - Beijing was awash
with luxury handbag boutiques.
对于外国品牌汽车来说,中国市场仍然利润丰厚。[Duìyú wàiguó pǐnpái qìchē lái shuō, zhōngguó shìchǎng réngrán
lìrùn fēnghòu.] - China remains a lucrative market for foreign-branded cars.

♦ bread, roll ~ —— 面包 [miànbāo]

我每天都吃面包。[Wǒ měitiān dōu chī miànbāo.] - I eat bread every day.
♦ break ——
- break up (to ~): 分手 fēnshǒu
他跟女朋友分手了。 (Tā gēn nǚpéngyou fēnshǒule.) - He broke up with his girlfriend.
- break down: 抛锚 pāo máo
她的车在高速公路上抛锚了。(Tā de chē zài gāo sù gōng lù shàng pāo máo le.) Her car broke down on the highway.

♦ breakfast —— 早餐 [zǎocān]
我不提供过夜和早餐。[Wǒ bù tígōng guòyè hé zǎocān.] - I do not provide bed and breakfast.

♦ breathe (to ~) —— 呼吸 [hūxī]

我们试一下呼吸练习。[Wǒmen shì yīxià hūxī liànxí.] - Let's try breathing exercises.

♦ brick —— 砖头 zhuāntóu
那个工厂生产砖头。(nà gè gōngchǎng shēngchǎn zhuāntóu) That factory makes [produces] bricks.

♦ bright —— 明亮 [míngliàng]
他有一双明亮的眼睛。[Tā yǒu yīshuāng míngliàng de yǎnjīng.] - He has a pair of bright eyes. [He has bright eyes.]
光线很亮,照亮了整个房间。Guāngxiàn hěn liàng, zhàoliàng le zhěnggè fángjiān. The light is very bright,
illuminating the entire room.

♦ bring (to ~) —— 带 [dài], 拿来 [ná lái]

请别带照相机。[Qǐng bié dài zhàoxiàngjī.] - Please don't bring a camera.
词典都在那里,把它们拿来。[Cídiǎn dōu zài nàlǐ, bǎ tāmen ná lái.] - The dictionaries are over there, bring them here.

♦ broken —— 坏 [huài]
二号楼的电梯坏了。[Èr hào lóu de diàntī huàile.] - Building 2's elevators are currently out of service.

♦ brother ——
- older brother: 哥哥 gēgē
他有一个哥哥和两个姐姐。Tā yǒu yí gè gēgē hé liǎng gè jiějiě. He has one older brother and two older sisters.

♦ brother-in-law —— older sister’s husband: 姐夫 [jiěfū]; younger sister’s husband: 妹夫 [mèifū]

李先生是我的妹夫。[Lǐ xiānshēng shì wǒ de mèifū.] - Mr. Li is my brother-in-law.

♦ budget ——

♦ bug (to ~) —— 窃听 [qiètīng]

剧组成员们都担心自己的房间被窃听。[Jùzǔ chéngyuánmen dōu dānxīn zìjǐ de fángjiān bèi qiètīng.] - Crew members
suspected their rooms were bugged.

♦ build (to ~) —— (修)建 [(xiū)jiàn]

河对岸就是新建的发电厂。[Hé duì'àn jiùshì xīnjiàn de fǎ diàn chǎng.] - Across the river is the newly-built power
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。[Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà.] -
China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.

♦ building —— 楼 [lóu]
请上楼。[qǐng shàng lóu] - Please go upstairs.
二号楼的电梯坏了。[Èr hào lóu de diàntī huàile.] - Building 2's elevators are currently out of service.

♦ bull —— 公牛 [gōngniú]
那是一头母牛,不是公牛。[Nà shì yītóu mǔ niú, bùshì gōngniú.] - That is a cow, not a bull.

♦ bully —— 欺负 qīfù
你可以不喜欢她,可是你不能欺负她。Nǐ kěyǐ bù xǐhuān tā, kěshì nǐ bùnéng qīfù tā. You can dislike her, but you can’t
bully her.

♦ bun —— 包子 [bāozi]
早晨我吃了两个包子,喝了一碗米粥。[Zǎochén wǒ chīle liǎng gè bāozi, hēle yī wǎn mǐ zhōu.] - At breakfast, I had
two steamed buns and a bowl of rice porridge.

♦ burden —— 包袱 [bāofú]
你有没有必要去背这个沉重的包袱。[Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu bìyào qù bèi zhège chénzhòng de bāofú.] - Do you need to carry
the heavy burden?

♦ bus —— 公共汽车 [gōnggòng qìchē], 公交车 [gōngjiāo chē], 巴士 bāshì

一辆公共汽车刚过去。[Yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē gāng guòqù.] - A bus has just passed by.
你错过公共汽车了?[Nǐ cuòguò gōnggòng qìchēle?] - Did you miss the bus?
你经常坐公共汽车吗?[Nǐ jīngcháng zuò gōnggòng qìchē ma?] - Do you often take a bus?
双层公共汽车能用在人口密集的城区来很多乘客。[Shuāng céng gōnggòng qìchē néng yòng zài rénkǒu mìjí de
chéngqū lái hěnduō chéngkè.] - Double-decker buses can be used to move a lot of people through dense urban
我需要购买一张在巴士上的车票。Wǒ xūyào gòumǎi yī zhāng zài bāshì shàng de chēpiào. - I need to buy a ticket
aboard the bus.
- to take the bus —— 坐车 [zuòchē]
他坐车常看书。[Tā zuòchē cháng kànshū.] - He often reads while taking the bus.

♦ business — 生意 [shēng yi]

一些人有自己的生意。[yīxiē rén yǒu zìjǐ de shēngyì] - Some people had their own business.

♦ business card —— 名片 [míngpiàn]

这是我的名片。[Zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn.] - This is my business card.

♦ business trip —— 出差 [chūchāi]

下月三号我要去台湾出差。[Xià yuè sān hào wǒ yào qù Táiwān chūchāi.] - I’ll go to Taiwan on business on the third
of next month.

♦ busy —— 忙(碌) máng(lù)

你工作忙吗?[Nǐ gōngzuò máng ma?] - Are you busy?
你忙吗? Nǐ máng ma? Are you busy? 我很忙。Wǒ hěn máng. I am so busy.
他们都非常忙。[Tāmen dōu fēicháng máng.] - They are all extremely busy.
我很好,可是太忙。[Wǒ hěnhǎo, kěshì tài máng.] - I am well, but too busy.
星期二上午我很忙。[Xīngqī’èr shàngwǔ wǒ hěn máng.] - I am very busy on Tuesday morning.
星期一我最忙。[Xīngqīyī wǒ zuì máng.] - I am busiest on Monday.
你没看见我正在忙吗?[Nǐ méi kànjiàn wǒ zhèngzài máng ma?] - Don’t you see I’m busy at the moment?
他工作很忙。[Tā gōngzuò hěn máng.] - He is very busy with his work.
你近来忙不忙?[Nǐ jìnlái máng bù máng?] - Are you busy recently?
我刚才很忙。[Wǒ gāngcái hěn máng.] - I was very busy just now.
你忙什么,再坐一会儿吧。[Nǐ máng shénme, zài zuò yīhuǐ'er ba.] - What’s the hurry? Stay a bit longer.
叔叔忙着呢,你别捣乱。[Shūshu máng zhene, nǐ bié dǎoluàn.] - Uncle’s busy. Don’t disturb him.
我的工作很忙。 (wǒ de gōngzuò hěn máng) - My job is very busy.
她的工作很忙碌。(tā de gōngzuò hěn mánglù) - Her job is very busy.

♦ but —— 可是 [kěshì], 只 [zhǐ], 其实 [qíshí], 就是 [jiùshì]

我很好,可是太忙。[Wǒ hěnhǎo, kěshì tài máng.] - I am well, but too busy.
她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。[Tā méiyǒu jiěmèi, zhǐyǒu yīgè gēgē.] - She has a brother but no sisters.
我想去看电影,可是我没有时间。Wǒ xiǎng qù kàn diànyǐng, kěshì wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān. I want to go see a movie, but I
don’t have time.
他说他会来,可是他没来。Tā shuō tā huì lái, kěshì tā méi lái. He said he would come, but he didn’t.
他不但会说中文,可是还会写汉字。Tā bùdàn huì shuō zhōngwén, kěshì hái huì xiě hànzì. He can not only speak
Chinese, but also write Chinese characters.
出租汽车很方便就是价格太贵。[Chūzū qìchē hěn fāngbiàn jiùshì jiàgé tài guì.] - Cabs are convenient, but they are
not cheap.
- not only… , but also…: → also

♦ buy (to ~) —— 买 [mǎi]

我要去买药。[Wǒ yào qù mǎi yào.] - I need to buy some medicine.
我买贵了。[Wǒ mǎi guìle.] - I paid too much for it. [I bought it too expensive.]
你想买,那就买吧。[Nǐ xiǎng mǎi, nà jiù mǎi ba.] - If you want to buy it, then buy it.
王先生要买什么?[Wáng xiānsheng yào mǎi shénme?] - What does Mr. Wang want to buy?
我周末去商场买东西。[Wǒ zhōumò qù shāngchǎng mǎi dōngxi.] - On the weekend I go to the shopping mall to buy
我要买很多东西。[Wǒ yào mǎi hěnduō dōngxi.] - I want to buy a lot of things.

♦ by —— 通过 tōngguò
他通过努力学习,考上了大学。Tā tōngguò nǔlì xuéxí, kǎoshàngle dàxué. He got into college by studying hard.
你可以通过地铁去那里。Nǐ kěyǐ tōngguò dìtiě qù nàlǐ. You can go there by metro.

[Back to Contents]

__ C__
ca - ce

♦ cab —— 出租汽车 chūzū qìchē

出租汽车很方便就是价格太贵。Chūzū qìchē hěn fāngbiàn jiùshì jiàgé tài guì. - Cabs are convenient, but they are
not cheap.

♦ cake —— 蛋糕 [dàngāo]
她做了一个蛋糕。(tā zuò le yī gè dàngāo) She made a cake.
生日蛋糕很漂亮。[Shēngrì dàngāo hěn piaòliang.] - The birthday cake is very beautiful.
一打蛋糕要六个鸡蛋。Yī dǎ dàngāo yào liù gè jīdàn. - You need six eggs to make a dozen of cakes.
你不准吃我的蛋糕!Nǐ bùzhǔn chī wǒ de dàngāo! You are not allowed to eat my cake!

♦ calculate (to ~) —— (计)算 [(jì)suàn]

他要计算一下他的收入。[Tā yào jìsuàn yíxià tā de shǒurù. ]- He wants to calculate his income.
我大致算了一下,每年可以收取至少一百万美元。[Wǒ dàzhì suànle yīxià, měinián kěyǐ shōuqǔ zhìshǎo yībǎi wàn
měiyuán.] - According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, we could reap at least one million dollar a year. [I did
a rough calculation and I could charge at least a million dollars a year.]

♦ calendar —— 日历 [rìlì]
我在日历上做过标记了。[Wǒ zài rìlì shàng zuòguò biāojìle.] - I have marked it on the calendar.

♦ California —— 加利福尼亚 [jiālìfúníyà]

我是加利福尼亚人。[Wǒ shì Jiālìfúníyà rén.] - I am from California.

♦ call (to ~) —— 叫 jiào

我叫… Wǒ jiào … – “I am called…
他叫小明。Tā jiào xiǎomíng. - His name is Xiaoming.
他被人叫出去了。Tā bèi rén jiào chūqùle. - Somebody called him outside.
洛杉矶又叫天使之城。Luòshānjī yòu jiào tiānshǐ zhī chéng. - Los Angeles is also called the City of Angels.
我怎么称呼你好呢?Wǒ zěnme chēnghu nǐ hǎo ne? – What shall I call you?

♦ camera —— 照相机 zhàoxiàngjī.

请别带照相机。Qǐng bié dài zhàoxiàngjī. - Please, don't bring a camera.

♦ campaign ——

♦ campus —— 校园 xiàoyuán
我们在校园内见面吧。Wǒmen zài xiàoyuán nèi jiànmiàn ba. Let’s meet in the campus.

♦ can —— 会 [huì], 可以 [kěyǐ], 能(够) néng(gòu)

我不会。[wǒbúhuì] - I don’t know how.
我会说汉语。[Wǒ huì shuō hànyǔ.] - I can speak Chinese.
你可以像我这样做。(Nǐ kěyǐ xiàng wǒ zhèyàng zuò.) You can do it like me.
我会开车。[Wǒ huì kāi chē.] - I know how to drive.
我们明天可以做完。[Wǒmen míngtiān kěyǐ zuò wán.] - We can finish doing it tomorrow.
你能够帮我一个忙吗?Nǐ nénggòu bāng wǒ yīgè máng ma? Can you do me a favor?
你能吃完吗?[Nǐ néng chī wán ma?] - Can you finish eating all?
我能够帮你完成这个任务。(Wǒ nénggòu bāng nǐ wánchéng zhège rènwù.) - I can help you complete this task.
他们能够在一个小时内完成这项工作。(Tāmen nénggòu zài yīgè xiǎoshí nèi wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò.) - They
can complete this task within an hour.
你们能够做得更好。(Nǐmen nénggòu zuò dé gèng hǎo.) - You can do better.
我们能够理解你的困境。(Wǒmen nénggòu lǐjiě nǐ de kùnjìng.) - We can understand your plight.
你能不能给我说一下怎么做? (Nǐ néng bù néng gěi wǒ shuō yí xià zěnme zuò?) - Can you tell me how to do it?
这个机器人能够自动完成各种任务。(Zhège jīqìrén nénggòu zìdòng wánchéng gèzhǒng rènwù.) - This robot can
automatically complete various tasks.

♦ Canada —— 加拿大 [jiānádà]

加拿大很大。[Jiānádà hěn dà.] - Canada is big.
我是加拿大人。[Wǒ shì Jiānádà rén.] - I am from Canada.

♦ cancel (to ~) —— 取消 [qǔxiāo]

由于天气原因,我们不得不取消了这次旅行。Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, wǒmen bùdébù qǔxiāo le zhè cì lǚxíng. Due to
the weather, we had to cancel this trip.
他们取消了对中国的访问。Tāmen qǔxiāo le duì Zhōngguó de fǎngwèn. They cancelled their visit to China.
由于新冠疫情,很多活动都被取消了。Yóuyú xīnguān yìqíng, hěnduō huódòng dōu bèi qǔxiāo le. Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, many activities have been cancelled.

♦ cancer —— 癌症 [áizhèng]
他罹患了癌症。Tā líhuànle áizhèng. He suffered from cancer.
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de
fēngxiǎn.] - A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

♦ candidate ——

♦ capable —— 能力 nénglì
他有能力胜任这项工作。 Tā yǒu nénglì shèngrèn zhè xiàng gōngzuò. He is capable of doing this job.

♦ capital —— 首都 [shǒudū]
在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] - Beijing city, the
capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people.

♦ car —— (汽)车 [(qì)chē]

那是我的车。[Nà shì wǒ de chē.] - That is my car.
你有车吗?[Nǐ yǒu chē ma?] - Do you have a car?
她说了再见就上车了。[Tā shuōle zàijiàn jiù shàng chē le.] - She said goodbye then got into the car.
汽车很多。[Qìchē hěn duō.] - There are many buses.
都是他才酿成了车祸。[Dōu shì tā cái niàng chéngle chēhuò.] - The car crash was all his fault.
现在汽车价格都不高,所以家家户户都买的起。[Xiànzài qìchē jiàgé dōu bù gāo, suǒyǐ jiājiāhùhù dōu mǎi de qǐ.] -
Cars are not expensive nowadays, therefore every family can afford them.
中国开始向西方国家出口汽车。[Zhōngguó kāishǐ xiàng xīfāng guójiā chūkǒu qìchē.] - China begins to export cars to
the western countries.
中国已经成为世界最大的汽车组装国。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà de qìchē zǔzhuāng guó.] - China has
become the world’s largest assembler of cars.

♦ carbon dioxide —— 二氧化碳 [èryǎnghuàtàn]

交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] -
Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.

♦ card —— 信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ

你可以用现金或者信用卡付款。(Nǐ kěyǐ yòng xiànjīn huòzhě xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn.) You can pay with cash or credit

♦ cardboard —— 纸板 zhǐbǎn
这个盒子是由纸板制成的。(zhè gè hézi shì yóu zhǐbǎn zhì chéng de) This box is made of cardboard.

♦ care (to take ~), to deal with, to manage —— 办 bàn

我有很多事要办。Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào bàn. - I have a lot to take care of.

♦ career ——

♦ careful —— 小心 xiǎoxīn
你吃太多了,小心胃疼。 Nǐ chī tài duō le, xiǎoxīn wèiténg. - You ate too much, be careful not to get a stomachache.
请在船上小心行走。Qǐng zài chuán shàng xiǎoxīn xíngzǒu. - Please walk carefully aboard the ship.

♦ careless —— 马虎 mǎhu
这一件事情很重要,不能马虎。(Zhè yí jiàn shìqíng hěn zhòngyào, bùnéng mǎhu.) - This matter is very important, we
cannot be careless.

♦ carry (to ~) —— 背 [bèi]

你有没有必要去背这个沉重的包袱。[Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu bìyào qù bèi zhège chénzhòng de bāofú.] - Do you need to carry
the heavy burden?

♦ case —— 箱子 [xiāngzi]
我箱子丢了。[Wǒ xiāngzi diūle.] - My baggage is lost [I lost may case].

♦ cash —— 现金 xiànjīn
你可以用现金或者信用卡付款。(Nǐ kěyǐ yòng xiànjīn huòzhě xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn.) You can pay with cash or credit

♦ cast (to ~) —— 浇铸 [jiāozhù]

这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。[Zhè shí de gāngshuǐ kěyǐ bèi jiāozhù chéng gè zhǒng dàxiǎo bùtóng
de xíngzhuàng.] - The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size.

♦ cat —— 猫 [māo]
猫喜欢吃鱼。[Māo xǐhuan chī yú. ] - Cats like to eat fish.
这只小猫是黑的。[Zhè zhī xiǎomāo shì hēide.] - This little cat is black.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] - Another cat came to my house.
猫比狗刨得慢。[Māo bǐ gǒu páo dé màn.] - Cats run slower than dogs.

♦ catch ——
♦ cause ——

♦ cease (to ~) —— 辍 [chuò]

中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] - After dropping out of middle school, he
began selling leather handbags.

♦ cell ——

♦ center —— 中心 zhōngxīn
我们的公司在城市中心。Wǒmen de gōngsī zài chéngshì zhōngxīn Our company is in the city center.

♦ central ——

♦ century ——

♦ certain ——

♦ certainly ——

[Back to Contents]

ch - cl

♦ chair —— 椅子 yǐ zi.
这是一张椅子。 (zhè shì yī zhāng yǐ zi.) - This is a chair.

♦ challenge ——

♦ chance ——
♦ change (to ~) —— 换 huàn, 改变 gǎibiàn, 转变 zhuǎnbiàn, 变化 biànhuà
我要换衣服。Wǒ yào huàn yīfu. - I need to change my clothes.
中国社会已经发生了变化。Zhōngguó shèhuì yǐjīng fāshēngle biànhuà. - Chinese society has changed.
这个房间太小了,我们需要换一个。 Zhège fángjiān tài xiǎo le, wǒmen xūyào huàn yí ge. - This room is too small, we
need to change to a different one.
如果你不喜欢这本书,你可以换一本。 (Rúguǒ nǐ bù xǐhuan zhè běn shū, nǐ kěyǐ huàn yì běn.) If you don’t like this
book, you can change it for another one.
结婚成家后,我对事物的看法发生了很大的转变。Jiéhūn chéngjiā hòu, wǒ duì shìwù de kànfǎ fāshēngle hěn dà de
zhuǎnbiàn. - After getting married, my perspective on things has changed a lot.
五个除了多喝水以外的改变人生小习惯 Wǔ gè chúle duō hē shuǐ yǐwài de gǎibiàn rénshēng xiǎo xíguàn - Five
Life-Changing Habits Beyond Drinking More Water

♦ character —— 字 [zì]
我认识一百个字。[Wǒ rènshi yībǎi gè zì. ] - I recognize one hundred characters.
这个字不难写。[Zhè ge zì bù nán xiě.] - This character is not difficult to write.
我认识这个字。[Wǒ rènshí zhège zì.] - I know this character.
你这个字写得不对。[Nǐ zhège zì xiě dé bùduì.] - You wrote this character wrong.

♦ charge —— 充电 chōng diàn

我需要给手机充电。 (wǒ xū yào gěi shǒu jī chōng diàn) - I need to charge my phone.
我的电脑电池没有电了,需要充电。 (wǒ de diàn nǎo diàn chí méi yǒu diàn le, xū yào chōng diàn) - My laptop
battery is dead, I need to charge it.
我们可以在这里充电吗? (wǒ men kě yǐ zài zhè lǐ chōng diàn ma) - Can we charge here?
我们应该准备充电器和充电宝。 (wǒ men yīng gāi zhǔn bèi chōng diàn qì hé chōng diàn bǎo) - We should prepare
chargers and power banks.
- to be in charge - 负责 [fùzé]
这里谁负责?[Zhèlǐ shéi fùzé?] - Who is in charge here?

♦ charger —— 充电器 chōng diàn qì

这个充电器坏了,不能充电。 (zhè gè chōng diàn qì huài le, bù néng chōng diàn) - This charger is broken, it can't

♦ chase (to ~) —— 追 [zhuī]

一言既出,驷马难追。[Yī yán jìchū, sìmǎ nán zhuī.] - A word already produced, team-of-4-horses difficult chase. [As
soon as the words are spoken, the horse is hard to follow.]

♦ chat (to ~) —— 聊天 liáotiān

我们在聊天。 Wǒmen zài liáotiān. - We are chatting.
我喜欢跟朋友聊天儿。 Wǒ xǐhuān gēn péngyǒu liáotiān er. - I like to chat with friends.
我要上课了,不能跟你聊天了。 Wǒ yào shàngkèle, bùnéng gēn nǐ liáotiānle. - I have to go to class, I can't chat with
you anymore.

♦ cheap —— 便宜 piányi
这件衣服又便宜又好。Zhè jiàn yīfu yòu piányi yòu hǎo. - This outfit is good and inexpensive.
再便宜点,好不好。Zài piányí diǎn, hǎobù hǎo. – Make it cheaper, please [okay]?

♦ cheat (to ~) —— (in an exam): 抄袭 chāoxié

考试的时候不要抄袭。 Kǎoshì de shíhou bùyào chāoxié. - Don't cheat during the exam.

♦ check (to ~) —— 检查 jiǎnchá

请按照标准答案检查你的作业。 Qǐng ànzhào biāozhǔn dá’àn jiǎnchá nǐ de zuòyè. Please check your homework
according to the standard answer.

♦ cheer (to ~ up) —— 加油 [jiāyóu], 打起精神 dǎqǐ jīngshén

你要打起精神,不要总是想着过去的事情。Nǐ yào dǎqǐ jīngshén, bùyào zǒng shì xiǎngzhe guòqù de shìqíng. You
have to cheer up and stop thinking about the past.
考试快到了,我们都要打起精神,努力复习。Kǎoshì kuài dàole, wǒmen dōu yào dǎqǐ jīngshén, nǔlì fùxí. The exam is
coming soon, we all have to perk up [to cheer up] and study hard.
她刚失恋,我们要帮她打起精神。Tā gāng shīliàn, wǒmen yào bāng tā dǎqǐ jīngshén. She just broke up, we have to
help her cheer up.
加油![Jiā yóu!] - Cheers!
振作起来! (Zhènzuò qǐlái!) - Cheer up!

♦ chess —— 棋 [qí]
我对下棋不感兴趣。[Wǒ duì xià qí bùgǎn xìngqù.] - I’m not interested in chess.

♦ chest —— 胸 [xiōng]

♦ child —— 孩子 [háizi], children 儿女 [er nǚ], 儿童 [értóng]

我有一个孩子。(wǒ yǒu yī gè hái zi) I have one child.
他的孩子还小。[Tā de háizi hái xiǎo.] - His child is still young.
这些孩子很可爱。[Zhèxiē háizi hěn kěài.] - These children are very lovely.
让孩子自己做。[Ràng háizi zìjǐ zuò.] - Let the children do it themselves.
孩子们太小,夜间不能让他们出去。[Háizimen tài xiǎo, yèjiān bùnéng ràng tāmen chūqù.] - The children are too
young to be allowed out at night.
孩子在唱歌。[Háizi zài chànggē.] - The child is singing.
孩子喜欢穿新衣。[Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī.] - Children like to wear new clothes.
这孩子像他爸爸。[Zhè háizi xiàng tā bàba.] - This child resembles his father.
儿女都已长大成人。[Érnǚ dōu yǐ zhǎng dà chéngrén.] - The children have all grown up.
这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。[Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole.] - It’s only a year since I last saw the
child and he’s grown so tall.

♦ childhood —— 儿时 [er shí]

他俩是儿时的好友。[Tā liǎ shì er shí de hǎoyǒu.] - They were good friends in their childhood.

♦ China —— 中国 [zhōngguó]
中国历史很长。[Zhōngguó lìshǐ hěn cháng.] - China has a long history.
我乘飞机去中国。[Wǒ chéng fēijī qù zhōngguó.] - I take an airplane to go to China.
中国秋天很美。[Zhōngguó qiūtiān hěn měi.] - Autumn is beautiful in China.
中国人不太喜欢咖啡。[Zhōngguó rén bù tài xǐhuān kāfēi.] - The Chinese do not like coffee very much.
中国的春节真热闹。[Zhōngguó de chūnjié zhēn rènao.] - China's Spring Festival is very lively.
每年十月一号是中国的国庆日。[Měi nián shí yuè yī hào shì Zhōngguó de Guóqìng rì.] - The annual October 1 is
China’s National Day.
明年我要回中国。[Míngnián wǒ yào huí zhōngguó.] - I'll go back to China next year.
北京在中国北方。[Běijīng zài zhōngguó běifān.] - Beijing is in northern China.
中国橘子很甜。[Zhōngguó júzi hěn tián.] - Chinese oranges are very sweet.
她去了中国很多地方。[Tā qùle zhōngguó hěnduō dìfang.] - She has been to many places in China.

♦ Chinese —— 汉语 [hànyǔ], 中文 zhōngwén, 华语 [huáyǔ]

你会说中文吗?(Nǐ huì shuō zhōngwén ma?) - Can you speak Chinese?
我不太会说中文。(Wǒ bù tài huì shuō zhōngwén.) - I don't speak Chinese very well.
汉语不难学。[Hànyǔ bù nán xué.] - Chinese is not difficult to study.
学华语真有趣。[Xué huáyǔ zhēn yǒuqù.] - Learning Chinese is really interesting.
汉语语法不太难。[Hànyǔ yǔfǎ bú tài nán.] - Chinese grammar is not very difficult.
我会说汉语。[Wǒ huì shuō hànyǔ.] - I can speak Chinese.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
他说的汉语很流利。[Tā shuō de hànyǔ hěn liúlì.] - His spoken Chinese is fluent.
你的汉语怎么样?[Nǐ de hànyǔ zěnmeyàng?] - How is your Chinese?
我用词典学汉语。[Wǒ yòng cídiǎn xué hànyǔ.] - I use the dictionary to study Chinese.

♦ choice —— 选择 [xuǎnzé]
中国年轻人的独居选择 [Zhōngguó niánqīng rén de dújū xuǎnzé] - the choice of living alone for youths [young
people] in China

♦ choose (to ~) —— 选择 xuǎnzé

你可以按照自己的喜好选择食物。 Nǐ kěyǐ ànzhào zìjǐ de xǐhào xuǎnzé shíwù. You can choose food according to your
own preference.

♦ Christmas —— 圣诞节 [shèngdànjié]

圣诞节我要回家。[Shèngdànjié wǒ yào huíjiā.] - I will go home for Christmas.
圣诞节在十二月。[Shèngdànjié zài shíèr yuè.] - Christmas is in December
你的圣诞礼物是什么?[Nǐ de shèngdàn lǐwù shì shénme?] - What is your Christmas gift?

♦ church ——

♦ cigarette —— 香烟 [xiāngyān]
香烟一般是一包二十支。[Xiāngyān yībān shì yī bāo èrshí zhī.] - Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.
♦ cinema —— 电影院 diànyǐngyuàn
这个电影院在哪里?(Zhège diànyǐngyuàn zài nǎlǐ?) - Where is this cinema?
昨晚我在电影院看到了她。(Zuó wǎn wǒ zài diàn yǐng yuàn kàn dào le tā.) I saw her at the cinema last night.

♦ circle —— 圆形 [yuán xíng]

圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.

♦ citizen ——

♦ city —— 城(市) chéng(shì)

这座城市人口太多。Zhè zuò chéngshì rénkǒu tài duō. - The city is over-populated.
我们的公司在城市中心。Wǒmen de gōngsī zài chéngshì zhōngxīn Our company is in the city center.
纽约是大城市。Niǔyuē shì dà chéngshì. - New York is a large city.
这座城市四面八方都有美丽的风景。Zhè zuò chéngshì sìmiàn bāfāng dōu yǒu měilì de fēngjǐng. - This city has
beautiful scenery all around.

♦ civil ——

♦ claim ——

♦ class —— 课 kè, 教室 jiào shì

他在学校里上了四年的中文课。(Tā zài xuéxiào lǐ shàng le sì nián de zhōngwén kè.) - He took Chinese classes at
school for four years.
我们上午九点开始上课。Wǒmen shàngwǔ jiǔ diǎn kāishǐ shàngkè. We start class at nine o’clock in the morning.
老师叫她到教室前面来。(Lǎo shī jiào tā dào jiào shì qián miàn lái.) The teacher called her up to the front of the

♦ classical —— 古代 gǔdài
我学习古代哲学。[Wǒ xuéxí gǔdài zhéxué.] - I study classical philosophy.

♦ classmate —— 同学 tóngxué
她跟我不是同学。(Tā gēn wǒ bùshì tóngxué.) - She is not my classmate.

♦ classroom —— 教室 [jiàoshì], 课堂 kètáng

教室有黑板。[Jiàoshì yǒu hēibǎn.] - There is a blackboard in the classroom.
我们的教室在三楼。Wǒmen de jiàoshì zài sān lóu. Our classroom is on the third floor.
我们在课堂上要回答老师的问题。(Wǒmen zài kètáng shàng yào huídá lǎoshī de wèntí.) We need to answer the
teacher's questions in class.

♦ clean —— 干净 [gānjìng]
他的房间很干净。[Tā de fángjiān hěn gānjìng.] - His room is very clean.

♦ clean (to ~) —— 打扫 [dǎsǎo]

我们 打扫 完 了 。[Wǒmen dǎsǎo wán le.] - We finished cleaning.
他每天打扫房间。[Tā měitiān dǎsǎo fángjiān.] - He cleans the room everyday.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。[Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān.] - My mother helps me to clean my room
every day.

♦ clear —— 清(楚) [qīng(chǔ)], 明确 [míngquè]

这孩子说话咬字不清。[Zhè háizi shuōhuà yǎozì bù qīng.] - The kid has unclear articulation. [The child can't speak
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics
like math and science.
我没有听清楚。你可以说慢一点吗?[Wǒ méiyǒu tīng qīngchǔ. Nǐ kěyǐ shuō màn yīdiǎn ma?] - I did not hear it clearly.
Can you speak more slowly?

♦ clearly ——
♦ clever —— 聪明 [cōngming]
你的建议很聪明。[Nǐ de jiànyì hěn cōngming.] - Your suggestion is very clever.
他看起来很聪明。Tā kàn qǐlái hěn cōngmíng. He is, as it seems, very clever.
我的朋友很聪明,她学习很快。(Wǒ de péngyǒu hěn cōngmíng, tā xuéxí hěn kuài.) - My friend is very smart, she
learns quickly.

♦ climb (to ~) —— 登 dēng, 爬(山) pá(shān)

他们决定明天去爬山。(Tāmen juédìng míngtiān qù páshān.) - They have decided to go mountain climbing tomorrow.
最先登上珠穆朗玛峰的人是谁?[Zuì xiān dēng shàng zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de rén shì shéi?] - Who first reached the
summit of Mt. Everest? [Who was the first person to climb Mount Everest?]

♦ close ——
- adj. (near): 近 [jìn]
我家离学校很近。​(Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn.) My home is close to the school.
他们的超市离这儿很近。Tāmen de chāoshì lí zhèr hěn jìn. Their supermarket is very close to here.
她跟父母关系很亲密。 (Tā gēn fùmǔ guānxì hěn qīnmì.) - She has a close relationship with her parents.
我家离学校很近,只有五百米的距离。 (Wǒ jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn, zhǐyǒu wǔbǎi mǐ de jùlí.) My home is very close to
the school, only five hundred meters away.
- vb. (to shut): 闭 [bì]
银行很近,前面左转就到了。[Yínháng hěn jìn, qiánmiàn zuǒ zhuǎn jiù dàole.] - The bank is close by, turn left in the
front, you will find it immediately.

♦ close friends —— 老朋友 [lǎo péngyǒu]

他们是多年的老朋友了。[Tāmen shì duōnián de lǎo péngyǒule.] - They have been close friends for many years.

♦ clothing, clothes —— 衣服 yīfu

衣服洗好了。Yīfú xǐ hǎole. - The clothes have been washed.
这件衣服太大了。Zhè jiàn yīfú tài dà le. - This piece of clothing is too big.
我买了一件新衣服。(Wǒ mǎi le yī jiàn xīn yīfú.) - I bought a new piece of clothing.
他穿了一件黑衣服。[Tā chuānle yī jiàn hēi yīfu.] - He wore one piece of black clothing.
我要换衣服。[Wǒ yào huàn yīfu.] - I need to change my clothes.
这件衣服又便宜又好。[Zhè jiàn yīfu yòu piányi yòu hǎo.] - This outfit is good and inexpensive.
我的衣服很旧。[Wǒde yīfu hěn jiù.] - My clothes are very old.
孩子喜欢穿新衣。[Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī.] - Children like to wear new clothes.
这件衣服大约要一百元。 (zhè jiàn yīfú dàyuē yào yībǎi yuán) - This piece of clothing will cost about 100 yuan.
这个女孩子穿的衣服很漂亮。Zhège nǚ háizi chuān de yīfú hěn piàoliang.The clothes this girl is wearing are very

♦ cloud —— 云 [yún]
那片云是鱼的形状。[Nà piàn yún shì yú de xíngzhuàng.] - That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

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coa - com

♦ coach ——
♦ coal —— 煤炭 [méitàn]
中国今年将继续减少煤炭产量。[Zhōngguó jīnnián jiāng jìxù jiǎnshǎo méitàn chǎnliàng.] - China will keep cutting
excess coal production this year.

♦ coat —— 上衣 [shàngyī]
足球场上走着两个穿着黑色上衣的男人 [Zúqiú chǎng shàng zǒu zháo liǎng gè chuānzhuó hēisè shàngyī de nánrén]
- two men in black tops [coats, jackets] walking on football field

♦ cock —— 公鸡 [gōngjī]
公鸡啼了。[Gōngjī tíle.] - The rooster is crowing.
♦ coffee —— 咖啡 [kāfēi]
中国人不太喜欢咖啡。[Zhōngguó rén bù tài xǐhuān kāfēi.] - The Chinese do not like coffee very much.
我喜欢美国咖啡。Wǒ xǐhuan Měiguó kāfēi. Ilike American coffee.
我给自己做了一杯咖啡。(wǒ gěi zìjǐ zuò le yī bēi kāfēi) I made myself some coffee.
如果你喜欢,我可以给你做一杯咖啡。 (Rúguǒ nǐ xǐhuan, wǒ kěyǐ gěi nǐ zuò yì bēi kāfēi.) If you like, I can make you a
cup of coffee.

♦ coin —— 硬币 [yìngbì]
硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] - Coins are usually round and flat.

♦ cold —— 冷 [lěng] (to have a cold, to catch a cold — 感冒 [gǎnmào])

我感冒了。[Wǒ gǎnmàole.] - I've got a cold.
今天好冷。[Jīntiān hǎo lěng.] - Today is quite cold.
这儿冬天很冷。[Zhèr dōngtiān hěn lěng.] - Winter here is cold.
孩子感冒了。[Háizi gǎnmào le.] - The child has caught a cold.
天越来越冷了。[Tiān yuè lái yuè lěngle.] - The weather is getting colder and colder.

♦ collar —— 领 [lǐng]
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.

♦ colleague —— 同事 tóngshì
这位女士是我的同事。 (Zhè wèi nǚshì shì wǒ de tóngshì.) This lady is my colleague.

♦ collection ——
♦ college ——
♦ collide (to ~) —— 相撞 [xiāng zhuàng]
一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车与公交车相撞。[Yī liàng zhèng jìnxíng cèshì de gǔgē wú rén jiàshǐ qìchē yǔ
gōngjiāo chē xiāng zhuàng] - A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus.

♦ color —— 颜色 yánsè
你喜欢什么颜色?Nǐ xǐhuan shénme yánsè? What color do you like?
我最喜欢的颜色是红色。Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de yánsè shì hóngsè. My favorite color is red.

♦ combine (to ~) —— 结合 [jiéhé]

运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ come (to ~) (back) —— (回)来 [(huí)lái]

你早点来。[nǐ zǎo diǎn lái] - Come early.
我马上回来。(wǒ mǎ shàng huí lái) - I'll be back in a moment.
你明天再来吧。[Nǐ míngtiān zàilái ba.] - Please come again tomorrow.
今天我来晚了。[Jīntiān wǒ lái wǎnle.] - Today I came late.
明天我会来。[Míngtiān wǒ huì lái] - I will be here tomorrow.
请你下次再来。[qǐng nǐ xià cì zài lái] - Please come again next time.
明天他来吗?[Míngtiān tā lái ma?] - Will he come tomorrow?
他三天后回来。[Tā sān tiānhòu huílái.] - He’ll come back in three days’ time.
他今天来过两次。[Tā jīntiān láiguò liǎng cì.] - He came twice today.
你必须在一个小时内回来。Nǐ bìxū zài yī gè xiǎoshí nèi huílái. You must come back within an hour.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] - Another cat came to my house.
请常来玩儿。[Qǐng cháng lái wáner] - Please come often to play.
三小时后她来。[Sān xiǎoshí hòu tā lái. ] - She will come three hours from now.
他说他会来,可是他没来。Tā shuō tā huì lái, kěshì tā méi lái. He said he would come, but he didn’t.
昨天有三个人来找你。[Zuótiān yǒusān gèrén lái zhǎo nǐ.] - Three people came to see you yesterday.
他刚才来找过你。[Tā gāngcái lái zhǎoguò nǐ. ] - He has just come to look for you.
明天我朋友来美国。[Míngtiān wǒ péngyou lái měiguó.] - My friend will come to America tomorrow.
- to come up with…想出 xiǎng chū
来吧 (赶快) (Lái ba (gǎnkuài)) - Come on.

♦ come down (to ~) —— 下来 [xiàlái]

请从梯子上下来。[Qǐng cóng tīzi shàng xiàlái.] - Come down from the ladder please.

♦ come out (to ~) —— 出来 [chūlái]

我每天傍晚都出来散步。[Wǒ měitiān bàngwǎn dōu chūlái sànbù.] - I go out to walk every evening.

♦ comfort 安慰 [ānwèi]
听了你讲的话,我心里很安慰。[Tīngle nǐ jiǎng dehuà, wǒ xīnlǐ hěn ānwèi.] - After listening to what you just said, I am
feeling much better now. [After hearing what you said, I feel very comforted.]

♦ comfortable —— 舒服 [shūfu]
我有点不舒服。[Wǒ yǒudiǎn bú shūfú.] - I feel sick. [I am a little uncomfortable.]
我今天不舒服。[Wǒ jīntiān bù shūfu.] - I am not feeling well today.

♦ command —— 指令 zhǐlìng
那只狗很聪明,它能听懂很多指令。(Nà zhī gǒu hěn cōngmíng, tā néng tīngdǒng hěn duō zhǐlìng.) - That dog is very
intelligent, it can understand many commands.

♦ commercial ——

♦ common —— 常见 [chángjiàn], 常用 [chángyòng]

圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.
比如说,叫一个人夜猫子就是一个常用的比喻。[Bǐrú shuō, jiào yīgè rén yèmāozi jiùshì yīgè chángyòng de bǐyù.] -
Calling a person a night owl is an example of a common metaphor.

♦ communicate (to ~) —— 通信 [tōngxìn], 交流 jiāo liú

中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Mobile Communications Corporation
他们之间的语言障碍很大,但他们还是尽力交流。Tāmen zhī jiān de yǔ yán zhàng ài hěn dà, dàn tāmen hái shì jìn lì
jiāo liú. There is a big language barrier between them, but they still try to communicate.

♦ communication —— 沟通 gōutōng
这项工作需要很强的沟通能力。 (Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào hěn qiáng de gōutōng nénglì.) This job requires strong
communication skills.
在这个岗位上需要很强的沟通能力。(Zài zhège gǎngwèi shàng xūyào hěn qiáng de gōutōng nénglì.) Strong
communication abilities are required for this position [job].

♦ community ——

♦ company —— 公司 [gōngsī], 企业 [qǐyè]

我的公司不大。[Wǒ de gōngsī bú dà.] - My company is not big.
她在公司工作。 (Tā zài gōngsī gōngzuò.) - She works at the company.
我们的公司有很多女员工。 (Wǒmen de gōngsī yǒu hěnduō nǚ yuángōng.) Our company has many female
公司的主任在开会。[Gōngsī de zhǔrèn zài kāihuì.] - The directors of this company are having a meeting.
这家公司的老板是谁?[Zhè jiā gōngsī de lǎobǎn shì shéi?] - Who is the boss of this company?
这家公司有十名女员工。[Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu shí míng nǚ yuángōng.] - This company has ten female staffs.

♦ compare ——

♦ competitive —— 竞争 jìngzhēng
我们要提高自己的竞争能力。 Wǒmen yào tígāo zìjǐ de jìngzhēng nénglì. We need to improve our competitiveness.

♦ complaint —— 怨言 yuàn yán

他从来没有任何怨言。(tā cóng lái méi yǒu rèn hé yuàn yán) He never has any complaints.

♦ complete —— 完全 [wánquán], 满 [mǎn], 完成 wánchéng

他满身是汗。[Tā mǎn shēn shì hàn.] - He is sweating all over. [completely]
他们能够在一个小时内完成这项工作。(Tāmen nénggòu zài yīgè xiǎoshí nèi wánchéng zhè xiàng gōngzuò.) - They
can complete this task within an hour.
他在三天内完成了这个任务。Tā zài sān tiān nèi wánchéng le zhège rènwù. He completed this task within three
这个机器人能够自动完成各种任务。(Zhège jīqìrén nénggòu zìdòng wánchéng gèzhǒng rènwù.) - This robot can
automatically complete various tasks.
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.

♦ complexion —— 脸色 liǎn sè
她的脸色不太好看。(Tā de liǎn sè bù tài hǎo kàn.) Her complexion doesn't look very good.

♦ compliment —— 恭维 [gōngwéi]
刚开始听起来像是恭维,其实不然。[Gāng kāishǐ tīng qǐlái xiàng shì gōngwéi, qíshí bùrán.] - At first it sounds like a
compliment, but it is not.

♦ compose (to ~) —— 作曲 [zuòqǔ]

莫扎特五岁就开始作曲了。[Mòzhātè wǔ suì jiù kāishǐ zuòqǔle.] - Mozart began to compose when he was five years

♦ computer —— 电脑 [diànnǎo]
我弟弟喜欢玩电脑。[Wǒ dìdi xǐhuān wán diànnǎo.] - My younger brother likes to play on the computer.

[Back to Contents]

con - coz

♦ concern —— 关心 guānxīn
谢谢你的关心。Xièxiè nǐ de guānxīn. – Thank you for your concern.

♦ concert —— 演唱会 yǎnchànghuì , 音乐会 yīnyuèhuì

你今天晚上要跟我们一起去演唱会 吗?Nǐ jīntiān wǎnshàng yào gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù yǎnchànghuì ma? Do you want
to go to the concert with us tonight?
我们坐公共汽车去演唱会。Wǒmen zuò gōnggòng qìchē qù yǎnchànghuì. We take a bus to the concert.
音乐会的门票是给我们的,不是给别人的。Yīnyuèhuì de ménpiào shì gěi wǒmen de, bùshì gěi bié rén de. The
concert tickets are for us, not for anyone else.

♦ condition ——

♦ conference —— 会 huì
他正在开会。Tā zhèngzài kāihuì. - He is in conference.

♦ confident —— 自信 zìxìn
我很自信这次考试会取得好成绩。 Wǒ hěn zìxìn zhè cì kǎoshì huì qǔdé hǎo chéngjī. I am confident that I will
achieve good results in this exam.
变自信的六个方法!如何变得更有自信 Biàn zìxìn de liù gè fāngfǎ! Rúhé biàn dé gèng yǒu zìxìn - Six ways to
become more confident! how to become more confident

♦ confirm (to ~) —— 确认 [quèrèn]

确认过眼神,我遇上对的。[Quèrènguò yǎnshén, wǒ yù shàng duì de.] - Having ascertained the gaze, I’ve met the
right person. [After confirming the eyes, I met the right one.]

♦ confront (to ~) —— 面对 [miàn duì]

面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.

♦ congratulate —— 祝贺 [zhùhè]
祝贺你![Zhùhè nǐ!] - Congratulations!
朋友们祝贺我了。[Péngyoumen zhùhè wǒ le.] - My friends all congratulated me.

♦ congratulation —— 恭喜 [gōngxǐ]
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] -
Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.

♦ congress ——
♦ consider ——

♦ constraint —— 限制 [xiànzhì]
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.

♦ constriction —— 缩小 [suōxiǎo]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils [myosis= pupil constriction], runny nose,
wheezing and muscle twitching.

♦ consumer ——

♦ contain (to ~) —— 含有 [hányǒu]

当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes [benzene-containing gas] rising from the

♦ continue (to ~) —— 继续 [jìxù]

我们要继续前进。[Wǒmen yào jìxù qiánjìn.] - We must continue to move forward.
中国今年将继续减少煤炭产量。[Zhōngguó jīnnián jiāng jìxù jiǎnshǎo méitàn chǎnliàng.] - China will keep cutting [will
continue to reduce] excess coal production this year.

♦ contract —— 合同 hétong
他们按照合同履行了自己的义务。 Tāmen ànzhào hétong lǚxíngle zìjǐ de yìwù. They fulfilled their obligations
according to the contract.

♦ control (to ~) —— 控制 [kòngzhì]

我控制不住自己。[Wǒ kòngzhì bù zhù zìjǐ.] - I can't control myself.

♦ convenient —— 方便 fāngbiàn
这儿买东西很方便。Zhèr mǎi dōngxi hěn fāngbiàn. - It is convenient to go shopping here.
出租汽车很方便就是价格太贵。Chūzū qìchē hěn fāngbiàn jiùshì jiàgé tài guì. - Cabs are convenient, but they are
not cheap.
这个城市的交通越来越方便了。Zhège chéngshì de jiāotōng yuè lái yuè fāngbiàn le. The transportation in this city is
becoming more and more convenient.

♦ convulsion —— 抽搐 [chōuchù]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle
twitching [convulsion].

♦ cook (to ~) —— 做饭 [zuòfàn]

你会做饭吗?(Nǐ huì zuòfàn ma?) - Can you cook?
妈妈做饭做得真好。[Māma zuòfàn zuò de zhēnhǎo.] - Mom cooks very well.

♦ cookie —— 饼干 bǐnggān
她为我们烤了一些饼干,为我们的公路旅行做准备。Tā wèi wǒmen kǎo le yīxiē bǐnggān, wèi wǒmen de gōnglù
lǚxíng zuò zhǔnbèi. She baked us some cookies for our road trip.

♦ cool —— 凉快 [liàngkuài]
北部夏天很凉快。[Běibù xiàtiān hěn liángkuài.] - It is cool in the north in summer.

♦ copy (to ~) —— 抄 [chāo]

我把书名抄下了。[Wǒ bǎ shū míng chāo xiàle.] - I have copied the book title.

♦ core —— 核心 [héxīn]
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] - A woman has never
sat in the inner circle of power.
♦ corporation —— 公司 [gōngsī]
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Mobile Communications Corporation
中国电信集团公司 [Zhōngguó diànxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Telecommunications Corporation

♦ correct —— 正确 [zhèngquè]
他的见解很正确。[Tā de jiànjiě hěn zhèngquè. - His opinion is correct.

♦ correspondence —— 信件 [xìnjiàn]
请把我的信件转到我的新地址。[Qǐng bǎ wǒ de xìnjiàn zhuǎn dào wǒ de xīn dìzhǐ.] - Please forward my mail
[correspondence] to my new address.

♦ corruption —— 腐败 [fǔbài]
腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] - Corruption is something you can never completely
root out.

♦ cost —— 费用 [fèiyòng], 成本 chéngběn

他们正在努力减少生产成本。 Tāmen zhèngzài nǔlì jiǎnshǎo shēngchǎn chéngběn. They are working hard to reduce
production costs.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - [Specific] Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.

♦ could ——

♦ country —— 国(家) [guó(jiā)]

你是哪个国家的?[Nǐ shì nǎge guójiā de?] - Where are you from? [Which country are you from?]
你是哪国人? Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén? Which country are you from ?
有很多国家参赛。[Yǒu hěnduō guójiā cānsài.] - There are many countries participating in the games.

♦ couple ——

♦ course ——

♦ court ——

♦ cousin —— 表弟 [biǎo dì]; ; younger female cousin on mother’s side: 表妹 [biǎo mèi]; older female cousin on
mother’s side: 表姐 [biǎo jiě]; older male cousin on father’s side: 堂哥 [táng gē]; younger male cousin on father’s
side: 堂弟 [tāng dì]
他表弟住在美国。[Tā biǎo dì zhù zài měiguó.] - His younger brother is staying in USA.

♦ cover ——

♦ cow —— (母)牛 [(mǔ)niú]

那是一头母牛,不是公牛。[Nà shì yītóu mǔ niú, bùshì gōngniú.] - That is a cow, not a bull.
母牛流产了。[mǔ niú liú chǎn le。] - The cow cast her calf.

[Back to Contents]

cr - cz

♦ crash (to ~) —— 坠落 [zhuìluò]

他的飞机坠落了。Tā de fēijī zhuìluòle. His plane crashed.
飞机坠落在山上了。(Fēijī zhuìluò zài shān shàng le.) The plane crashed on the mountain.
一架小型客机在起飞后不久坠落到一条河里。[Yī jià xiǎoxíng kèjī zài qǐfēi hòu bùjiǔ zhuìluò dào yītiáo hé lǐ.] - A small
passenger plane crashed into a river shortly after takeoff.

♦ create (to ~) —— 创造 [chuàngzào]

我们必须充分发挥自己的创造能力。(Wǒmen bìxū chōngfèn fāhuī zìjǐ de chuàngzào nénglì.) We must fully utilize our
creative abilities.
为什么大自然要不厌其烦地创造蚊子呢?[Wèishéme dà zìrán yào bùyànqífán de chuàngzào wénzi ní?] - Why did
Mother Nature have to take such great pains to create mosquitos?

♦ creativity —— 创造(力) chuàngzào(lì)

她在音乐方面有很高的艺术创造能力。(Tā zài yīnyuè fāngmiàn yǒu hěn gāo de yìshù chuàngzào nénglì.) She has
high artistic creativity in music.
我们应该发挥自己的创造力和想象力。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi fāhuī zìjǐ de chuàngzàolì hé xiǎngxiànglì.) We should
unleash our creativity and imagination.

♦ credit card —— 信用卡 [xìnyòngkǎ]

现在大家都用信用卡。[Xiànzài dàjiā dōu yòng xìnyòngkǎ.] - Everyone uses a credit card now.

♦ crew —— 剧组 [jùzǔ], 人员 [rényuán]

剧组成员们都担心自己的房间被窃听。[Jùzǔ chéngyuánmen dōu dānxīn zìjǐ de fángjiān bèi qiètīng.] - Crew members
suspected their rooms were bugged.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd [crew] that turns out.

♦ crime ——

♦ cross (to ~) —— 横断 [héngduàn]

一颗大树横断在路上。[Yī kē dà shù héngduàn zài lùshàng.] - A big tree crossing the street blocked the road.

♦ crow (to ~) —— 啼 [tí]

公鸡啼了。[Gōngjī tíle.] - The rooster is crowing.

♦ cucumber —— 黄瓜 [huángguā]
黄瓜可以生吃。[Huángguā kěyǐ shēng chī.] - Cucumbers can be eaten raw.

♦ cultural ——

♦ culture —— 文化 [wénhuà]
我喜欢美国文化。[Wǒ xǐhuān měiguó wénhuà.] - I like American culture.

♦ cup —— 杯 bēi
一杯水,谢谢。(Yī bēi shuǐ, xièxiè.) - One cup of water, thank you.

♦ current ——

♦ customer ——

♦ cut ——

♦ cute —— 可爱 kě’ài
他们的孩子都很可爱。Tāmen de háizi dōu hěn kě’ài. Their children are all very cute.
那些狗很可爱,我想抱抱它们。(Nàxiē gǒu hěn kě’ài, wǒ xiǎng bàobào tāmen.) Those dogs are very cute, I want to
hug them.

[Back to Contents]

da - de
♦ dance (to ~) —— 跳舞 tiàowǔ, 舞蹈 wǔdǎo
她跳舞跳得很好。Tā tiàowǔ tiào de hěnhao. - She dances very well.
我觉得跳舞比唱歌难。Wǒ juédé tiàowǔ bǐ chànggē nán. I think dancing is harder than singing.
我们一起唱歌跳舞吧! Wǒmen yìqǐ chànggē tiàowǔ ba! Let’s sing and dance together!
她弃了自己的舞蹈事业,为了照顾家人。(Tā qìle zìjǐ de wǔdǎo shìyè, wèile zhàogù jiārén.) - She gave up her dancing
career to take care of her family.
她的爱好是唱歌和跳舞。(tā de àihào shì chànggē hé tiàowǔ) - Her hobbies are singing and dancing.

♦ dark —— 黑 [hēi]
夜变得越来越黑了。[Yè biàn dé yuè lái yuè hēile.] - The nights were growing darker.

♦ data ——

♦ daughter —— 女儿 [nǚer]
我有一个女儿。 (Wǒ yǒu yī gè nǚ'ér.) I have a daughter.
我女儿还很小。[Wǒ nǚér hái hěn xiǎo.] - My daughter is still young.

♦ daughter-in-law —— 媳(妇) [xí(fù)]

她们婆媳关系融洽。[Tāmen póxí guānxì róngqià.] - The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is

♦ David —— 大卫 dà wèi
我叫大卫。Wǒ jiào dà wèi. My name is David.

♦ day —— 天 [tiān], 日子 [rìzi]

我一天吃一个苹果。[Wǒ yī tiān chī yí gè píngguǒ.] - I eat an apple a day.
日子不好过啊。[Rìzi bù hǎoguò a.] - Pretty tough day today.[Not having a good day.]
他三天后回来。[Tā sān tiānhòu huílái.] - He’ll come back in three days’ time.

♦ dead ——

♦ deal —— 处理 chǔlǐ
他处理这件事很有经验。(Tā chǔlǐ zhè jiàn shì hěn yǒu jīngyàn.) - He has a lot of experience in dealing with this

♦ dear —— 亲爱 [qīn'ài]
亲爱的老师们,你们辛苦了。[Qīn'ài de lǎoshīmen, nǐmen xīnkǔle.] - Dear teachers, thank you for your hard work!

♦ death ——

♦ debate ——

♦ December —— 十二月 [shíèryuè]

圣诞节在十二月。[Shèngdànjié zài shíèr yuè.] - Christmas is in December.

♦ decide —— 决定 juédìng
我决定去看电影。(Wǒ juédìng qù kàn diànyǐng.) - I've decided to go watch a movie.
他决定学习中文。(Tā juédìng xuéxí Zhōngwén.) - He has decided to study Chinese.
我们决定去旅游。(Wǒmen juédìng qù lǚyóu.) - We have decided to go on a trip.
她决定不再吃肉。(Tā juédìng bùzài chī ròu.) - She has decided to stop eating meat.
我决定学习汉语,因为我想到中国工作。(Wǒ juédìng xuéxí hànyǔ, yīnwèi wǒ xiǎng dào Zhōngguó gōngzuò.) - I have
decided to learn Chinese because I want to work in China.
我已经决定不再放弃我的梦想。(Wǒ yǐjīng juédìng bùzài fàngqì wǒ de mèngxiǎng.) - I have decided not to give up on
my dreams anymore.

♦ decision ——

♦ deep —— 深 [shēn]
他深深体会到这情的温暖。[Tā shēn shēn tǐhuì dào zhè qíng de wēnnuǎn.] - He deeply felt the warmth of the

♦ defeat —— 败仗 [bàizhàng], 输 [shū]

他不会认输。[Tā bù huì rènshū.] - He will not accept defeat.

♦ defect —— 缺陷 [quēxiàn]
汽车生产商召回了逾一千万辆气囊存在缺陷的汽车。[Qìchē shēngchǎn shāng zhàohuíle yú yīqiān wàn liàng qìnáng
cúnzài quēxiàn de qìchē.] - Automakers have recalled more than 10 million vehicles with the defective airbags.

♦ defence ——

♦ definitely —— 一定 yídìng
他如此聪明,一定能考上好大学。(Tā rúcǐ cōngmíng, yídìng néng kǎoshàng hǎo dàxué.) He is so smart, he will
definitely get into a good university.

♦ degree ——

♦ delicious —— 好吃 [hào chī]

这个菜很好吃。 (zhè ge cài hěn hǎo chī.) - This dish is delicious.
那里有很多好吃的东西。(Nà lǐ yǒu hěn duō hǎo chī de dōng xi.) - There are many delicious things there.

♦ demand —— 要求 [yāoqiú]
我们决不会屈服于恐怖分子的要求之下。[Wǒmen jué bù huì qūfú yú kǒngbù fèn zi de yāoqiú zhī xià.] - We will never
give in to terrorist demands.
不要屈服于这些要求。[Bùyào qūfú yú zhèxiē yāoqiú.] - Do not give in to those demands.

♦ democrat ——

♦ democratic ——

♦ dense —— 密集 mìjí
双层公共汽车能用在人口密集的城区来很多乘客。[Shuāng céng gōnggòng qìchē néng yòng zài rénkǒu mìjí de
chéngqū lái hěnduō chéngkè.] - Double-decker buses can be used to move a lot of people through dense urban

♦ describe ——

♦ design ——

♦ despite ——

♦ detail —— 细节 [xìjié]
作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà
de jùtǐ xìjié. - As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal the details of this project.

♦ determine ——

♦ develop (to ~) —— 发展 [fāzhǎn]

中国发展得很快。[Zhōngguó fāzhǎn de hěnkuài.] - China is developing fast.

♦ developed —— 发达 fā dá
上海是个发达的城市。(shàng hǎi shì gè fā dá de chéng shì) Shanghai is a developed city.

♦ development ——
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di - do

♦ dial —— 表盘 biǎo pán

这个手表的表盘是圆形的。 (Zhège shǒubiǎo de biǎo pán shì yuánxíng de.) The dial of this watch is round.

♦ dictionary —— 词典 [cídiǎn]
我用词典学汉语。[Wǒ yòng cídiǎn xué hànyǔ.] - I use the dictionary to study Chinese.
我要找一本汉英词典。[Wǒ yào zhǎo yī běn hànyīng cídiǎn.] - I want to find a Chinese-English dictionary.
词典都在那里,把它们拿来。[Cídiǎn dōu zài nàlǐ, bǎ tāmen ná lái.] - The dictionaries are over there, bring them here.

♦ Diesel engine —— 柴油(发动)机 [Cháiyóu (fādòng)jī]

柴油发动机跟汽油发动机有几点很不相同。[Cháiyóu fādòngjī gēn qìyóu fādòngjī yǒu jǐ diǎn hěn bù xiāngtóng.] -
Diesel engines differ from gasoline engines in important ways.

♦ die ——
- to die in a disaster: 罹难 línán
她的父亲罹难了。Tā de fùqīn línánle. Her father died in an accident.

♦ diet —— 节食 [jiéshí]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ difference ——

♦ different ——

♦ difficult —— (困)难 (kùn)nan

这个字不难写。Zhè ge zì bù nán xiě. - This character is not difficult to write.
汉语不难学。Hànyǔ bù nán xué. - Chinese is not difficult to study.
这个问题很难。 (zhè ge wèn tí hěn nán.) - This question is difficult.
汉语语法不太难。Hànyǔ yǔfǎ bú tài nán. - Chinese grammar is not very difficult.
这道数学题对我来说很难。Zhè dào shùxué tí duì wǒ lái shuō hěn nán. This math problem is very difficult for me.
学汉语的时候,发音很难。Xué hànyǔ de shíhòu, fāyīn hěn nán. When learning Chinese, pronunciation is difficult.
这个问题太难了,我不知道怎么做。Zhège wèntí tài nán le, wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme zuò. - This problem is too difficult, I
don't know how to solve it.
这是一件很困难的事情。(Zhè shì yí jiàn hěn kùnnan de shìqíng.) - This is a very difficult matter.

♦ dig (to ~) —— 刨 [páo]

十字镐是刨土的工具。[Shízì gǎo shì páo tǔ de gōngjù.] - A pick is a tool for digging.

♦ diligence —— 勤奋 [qínfèn]
亚裔美国人聪明,勤奋。[Yà yì měiguó rén cōngmíng, qínfèn.] - Asian-Americans are smart and hard-working
我们学习算术需要勤奋和耐心。Wǒmen xuéxí suànshù xūyào qínfèn hé nàixīn. We need diligence and patience
when learning arithmetic.

♦ dinner —— 晚饭 [wǎnfàn]
晚饭我们吃什么?[Wǎnfàn wǒmen chī shénme?] - What will we have for dinner?
晚上你过来吃晚饭吗?(wǎn shang nǐ guò lái chī wǎn fàn ma?) Will you come and have dinner tonight?
他们正在准备晚饭。 Tāmen zhèngzài zhǔnbèi wǎnfàn. They are preparing dinner.
我们可以一起去看电影,然后再去吃晚饭。(Wǒmen kěyǐ yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng, ránhòu zài qù chī wǎnfàn.) - We can
go see a movie together and then go eat dinner.

♦ diplomatic —— 外交 [wàijiāo]
他是一个杰出的外交家。[Tā shì yīgè jiéchū de wàijiāo jiā.]- He is a distinguished [an outstanding] diplomat.

♦ direction ——
♦ director —— 主任 [zhǔrèn]
公司的主任在开会。[Gōngsī de zhǔrèn zài kāihuì.] - The directors of this company are having a meeting.

♦ disaster —— 灾难 zāinàn
这个国家罹遭了战争的灾难。Zhège guójiā lízāole zhànzhēng de zāinàn. This country suffered from the disaster of

♦ disc (disk) —— 唱片 [chàngpiàn]

我有许多唱片。[Wǒ yǒu xǔduō chàngpiàn.] - I have many discs.

♦ disclose (to ~) —— 透露 [tòulù]

作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。[Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà
de jùtǐ xìjié.] - As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal (disclose) the details of this project.

♦ discourage (to ~) —— 灰心 huīxīn

你不要灰心,打起精神来,一定会有好的结果的。Nǐ bùyào huīxīn, dǎqǐ jīngshén lái, yídìng huì yǒu hǎo de jiéguǒ de.
Don’t be discouraged, cheer up, there will be a good result.

♦ discover ——

♦ discuss (to ~) —— 讨论 tǎo lùn, 商量 shāngliáng

我们需要讨论这个问题。(Wǒmen xū yào tǎo lùn zhè gè wèn tí.) We need to discuss this problem.
我们可以一起商量这件事。(Wǒmen kěyǐ yìqǐ shāngliáng zhè jiàn shì.) - We can discuss this matter together.
我们应该于下个月开始讨论这个计划。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi yú xià gè yuè kāishǐ tǎolùn zhège jìhuà.) - We should start
discussing this plan next month.

♦ discussion ——

♦ disease ——

♦ dish —— 菜 cài
这个菜很好吃。 (zhè ge cài hěn hǎo chī.) - This dish is delicious.
那些菜都是我做的。(Nàxiē cài dōu shì wǒ zuò de.) I made all those dishes.
这道菜太辣了。Zhè dào cài tài là le. - This dish is too spicy.

♦ distinguished —— 杰出 [jiéchū]
他是一个杰出的外交家。[Tā shì yīgè jiéchū de wàijiāo jiā.]- He is a distinguished [an outstanding] diplomat.

♦ disturb —— 打扰 dǎrǎo
请不要打扰我。(Qǐng bùyào dǎrǎo wǒ.) - Please don't disturb me.

♦ do —— 做 [zuò]
我有很多事要做。[Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào zuò.] - I have many things to do.
你可以像我这样做。(Nǐ kěyǐ xiàng wǒ zhèyàng zuò.) You can do it like me.
他说这么做是为了我好。(tā shuō zhè me zuò shì wèi le wǒ hǎo) He said he did it for my benefit.
你能不能给我说一下怎么做? (Nǐ néng bù néng gěi wǒ shuō yí xià zěnme zuò?) - Can you tell me how to do it?
- to have to do → have

♦ doctor —— 医生 [yīshēng]
我是一个医生。[Wǒ shì yīgè yīshēng.] - I am a doctor.
她妈妈是医生。[Tā māma shì yīshēng.] - Her mother is a doctor.
我爸爸是医生。[Wǒ bàba shì yīshēng.] - My father is a doctor.
我要看医生。[Wǒ yào kàn yīshēng.] - I need a doctor.

♦ document —— 文件 wén jiàn

麻烦你马上把这份文件签字。(má fan nǐ mǎ shàng bǎ zhè fèn wén jiàn qiān zì) - Could you please sign this
document right away?

♦ dog —— 狗 [gǒu]
他家有一条狗。[Tā jiā yǒu yìtiáo gǒu.] - His family has a dog.
树下有一只狗。[shù xià yǒu yī zhī gǒu] - There is a dog under the tree.
他们的狗叫什么名字?Tāmen de gǒu jiào shénme míngzi? What is their dog’s name?
她的狗非常可爱。(tā de gǒu fēicháng kě'ài) - Her dog is very cute.
猫比狗刨得慢。[Māo bǐ gǒu páo dé màn.] - Cats run slower than dogs.
有一只狗从门口走过来。Yǒu yī zhī gǒu cóng ménkǒu zǒu guòlai. A dog walked over from the door.

♦ dollar —— 美元 [měiyuán]
我有一百块美元。[Wǒ yǒu yībǎi kuài měiyuán.] - I have one hundred dollars.
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.

♦ dolphin —— 海豚 [hǎi tún]

♦ domain —— 领域 [lǐngyù]
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] -
Chinese women have made huge progress in most spheres [domains] of life.
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas [domains] with
clear metrics like math and science.

♦ domestic —— 国内 [guónèi]
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn
jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] - As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or

♦ don't —— 别 [bié]
请别吸烟。[Qǐng bié xīyān.] - Please don't smoke.
请别带照相机。[Qǐng bié dài zhàoxiàngjī.] - Please don't bring a camera.

♦ door —— 门 mén
请把门打开。 qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi - Open the door, please.
请马上关门。qǐng mǎ shàng guān mén - Please close the door right away.

♦ doubt —— 怀疑 huáiyí
不,我不是在怀疑你。Bù, wǒ bùshì zài huáiyí nǐ. – No, I’m not doubting you.

♦ down ——

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dr - dz

♦ dragon —— 龙 lóng
这条龙有五米长。 zhè tiáo lóng yǒu wǔ mǐ cháng This dragon is five meters long.
龙是中国的传统文化象征。 lóng shì zhōng guó de chuán tǒng wén huà xiàng zhēng Dragon is a traditional cultural
symbol of China.
龙的形状很像一条巨大的蛇。 lóng de xíng zhuàng hěn xiàng yī tiáo jù dà de shé - The shape of a dragon is very
similar to that of a huge snake.
那只龙在水里游来游去。 nà zhī lóng zài shuǐ lǐ yóu lái yóu qù - The dragon swims around in the water.

♦ draw (to ~) —— 画 huà

女儿喜欢画画。 Nǚ'ér xǐhuān huà huà. - The daughter likes to draw.

♦ dream —— 梦(想) [mèng(xiǎng)]

昨晚我做了一个可怕的梦。[Zuó wǎn wǒ zuòle yīgè kěpà de mèng.] - I had a terrible dream last night.
不要轻易放弃自己的梦想。(Bùyào qīngyì fàngqì zìjǐ de mèngxiǎng.) - Don't easily give up on your dreams.
我已经决定不再放弃我的梦想。(Wǒ yǐjīng juédìng bùzài fàngqì wǒ de mèngxiǎng.) - I have decided not to give up on
my dreams anymore.
同屋说我做梦时都会说梦话。Tóng wū shuō wǒ zuòmèng shí dūhuì shuō mènghuà. - My roommate says when I
dream, I talk in my sleep.
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。[Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ
yíngdé yīxiē róngyù.] - As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory.

♦ dress —— 打扮 [dǎbàn], 连衣裙 [liányīqún]

她的打扮和她的年龄很不相配。[Tā de dǎbàn hé tā de niánlíng hěn bù xiāngpèi.] - Her make-up does not fit her age.
[Her dress was very inappropriate for her age.]

♦ drink (to ~) —— 喝 [hē]

你要喝什么?[Nǐ yào hē shénme?] - What do you want to drink?
爸爸不让我喝啤酒。[Bàba bú ràng wǒ hē píjiǔ.] - Dad does not allow me to drink beer.
我们喝了三瓶啤酒。[Wǒmen hē le sānpíng píjiǔ.] - We drank three bottles of beer.
我只喝葡萄酒。[Wǒ zhǐ hē pútaojiǔ.] - I only drink grape wine.
喝茶对身体好。[Hēchá duì shēntǐ hǎo.] - Drinking tea is good for your health.

♦ drive (to ~) —— 开车 [kāi chē], 驾驶 [jiàshǐ]

你会开车吗?Nǐ huì kāichē ma? Can you drive?
我会开车。[Wǒ huì kāi chē.] - I know how to drive.
一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车与公交车相撞。[Yī liàng zhèng jìnxíng cèshì de gǔgē wú rén jiàshǐ qìchē yǔ
gōngjiāo chē xiāng zhuàng] - A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus.

♦ drop (to ~) —— 掉 [diào]

请把它扔掉。[Qǐng bǎ tā rēng diào.] - Please throw it away.
- to drop out (discontinue one's studies): 辍学 chuòxué
中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] - After dropping out of middle school, he
began selling leather handbags.

♦ drug ——

♦ duck —— 鸭 [yā]
我爱吃烤鸭。[Wǒ ài chī kǎoyā.] - I love to eat roast duck.

♦ due to —— 由于 [yóuyú]
由于天气原因,我们不得不取消了这次旅行。Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, wǒmen bùdébù qǔxiāo le zhè cì lǚxíng. Due to
the weather, we had to cancel this trip.
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.
由于新冠疫情,很多活动都被取消了。Yóuyú xīnguān yìqíng, hěnduō huódòng dōu bèi qǔxiāo le. Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, many activities have been cancelled.

♦ dumpling —— 饺子 jiǎozi
我想吃饺子,可是我不会包。Wǒ xiǎng chī jiǎozi, kěshì wǒ bù huì bāo. I want to eat dumplings, but I don’t know how
to make them.

♦ during —— 期间 qī jiān
会议期间她的手机响了。(Huì yì qī jiān tā de shǒu jī xiǎng le.) Her phone rang during the meeting.

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♦ each —— 各个 gège
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù. -
Chinese women have made huge progress in most [in each] spheres of life.

♦ eagle —— (老)鹰 [(lǎo)yīng]

老鹰飞得高。[Lǎoyīng fēi dé gāo.] - Eagles fly high.
美国的国鸟是鹰,是一种非常威武的动物。 (Měiguó de guó niǎo shì yīng, shì yī zhǒng fēicháng wēiwǔ de dòngwù.) -
The national bird of the United States is the eagle, which is a very majestic type of animal.

♦ early —— 早(期) [zǎo(qí)]

你早点来。[nǐ zǎo diǎn lái] - Come early.
明天我要早去。[Míngtiān wǒ yào zǎo qù.] - Tomorrow I'll go early.
他起床起得不早。[Tā qǐchuáng qǐ de bù zǎo.] - He does not get up early.
这件事我早就知道了。[zhè jiàn shì wǒ zǎo jiù zhī dào le] - I knew about this a long time ago.

♦ east —— 东边 [dōngbiān]
太阳从东边升起。[Tàiyang cóng dōngbiān shēngqǐ.] - The sun rises from the east.

♦ easy —— 容易 [róngyì]
成功不容易。[Chénggōng bù róngyì.] - To succeed is not easy.
这个问题不容易通过。Zhège wèntí bù róngyì tōngguò. This question is not easy to pass.
这个问题很容易解决。(Zhè gè wèn tí hěn róng yì jiě jué.) This problem is easy to solve.

♦ eat (to ~) —— 吃 [chī]

我想吃点什么。[Wǒ xiǎng chī diǎn shénme.] - I’d like to have something to eat.
你 吃 完 了 吗 ?[Nǐ chī wán le ma?] - Are you done eating?
你能吃完吗?[Nǐ néng chī wán ma?] - Can you finish eating all?
谁先到, 谁先吃。[Shéi xiān dào, shéi xiān chī.] - Whoever arrives first will eat first.
我一天吃一个苹果。[Wǒ yī tiān chī yí gè píngguǒ.] - I eat an apple a day.
我每天都吃面包。[Wǒ měitiān dōu chī miànbāo.] - I eat bread every day.
他不喜欢吃鱼。[Tā bù xǐhuān chī yú.] - He doesn't like to eat fish.
冰箱里有什么,我们就吃什么。[Bīngxiāng li yǒu shé me, wǒmen jiù chī shénme.] - We’ll eat whatever we can find in
the fridge.
他病得一点也不想吃。[Tā bìng dé yīdiǎn yě bùxiǎng chī.] - He is so ill that he doesn’t feel like eating anything.
我爱吃烤鸭。[Wǒ ài chī kǎoyā.] - I love to eat roast duck.

♦ economic ——

♦ economy —— 经济 [jīngjì]
能源在经济中远非是一个次要问题。[Néngyuán zài jīngjì zhōngyuǎn fēi shì yīgè cì yào wèntí.] - Energy is far from a
peripheral issue in the economy.

♦ edge ——

♦ education —— 教育 [jiàoyù]
美国的大学教育很好。[Měiguó dàxué jiàoyù hěnhao.] - American higher education is good.
中国各地的教育官员正在招募男教师。[Zhōngguó gèdì de jiàoyù guānyuán zhèngzài zhāomù nán jiàoshī.] -
Education officials across China are recruiting male teachers.

♦ effect ——

♦ effective —— 有效 [yǒuxiào]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ efficiency —— 效率 [xiàolǜ]
他的工作效率很高。[Tā de gōngzuò xiàolǜ hěn gāo.] - He is really efficient. [His work efficiency is very high.]

♦ effort ——
- great effort: 努力 nǔlì
他通过自己的努力提高了自己的学习能力。(Tā tōngguò zìjǐ de nǔlì tígāo le zìjǐ de xuéxí nénglì.) He improved his
learning ability through his own efforts.

♦ egg —— 鸡蛋 jīdàn
一打蛋糕要六个鸡蛋。Yī dǎ dàngāo yào liù gè jīdàn. - You need six eggs to make a dozen of cakes.

♦ eight ——

♦ either —— 也 yě
如果你不去,我也不去。 (Rúguǒ nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě bù qù.) If you don’t go, I won’t go either.

♦ elder brother —— 哥哥 [gēge], 大哥 [dàgē]

我有两个哥哥。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè gēgē.] - I have two brothers.
哥哥学习很好。[Gēge xuéxí hěnhǎo.] - The older brother studies well.
我哥哥是工程师。[Wǒ gěge shì gōngchéngshī.] - My older brother is an engineer.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。[Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile.] - My brother has came back from abroad.
李大哥请我吃雪糕。[Lǐ dàgē qǐng wǒ chī xuěgāo.] - Brother Lee treats me ice cream.
她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。[Tā méiyǒu jiěmèi, zhǐyǒu yīgè gēgē.] - She has a brother but no sisters.

♦ elder sister —— 姐很 [jiějiě], 大姐 [dàjiě]

我姐姐很漂亮。[Wǒ jiějiě hěn piàoliang.] - My sister is very pretty.
李大姐是我的邻居。[Lǐ dàjiě shì wǒ de línjū.] - Sister Lee is my neighbor.

♦ election ——

♦ elevator —— 电梯 [diàntī]
我坐电梯上楼。[Wǒ zuò diàntī shànglóu.] - I am taking the elevator to go upstairs.
二号楼的电梯坏了。[Èr hào lóu de diàntī huàile.] - Building 2's elevators are currently out of service.

♦ eliminate (to ~) —— 取消 [qǔxiāo]

少数几家餐馆减少或取消了小费。[Shǎoshù jǐ jiā cānguǎn jiǎnshǎo huò qǔxiāole xiǎofèi.] - A small number of
restaurants have reduced or eliminated tipping.

♦ eloquent —— 雄辩 [xióngbiàn]
事实胜于雄辩。[Shìshí shèng yú xióngbiàn.] - Facts beat eloquence. [Facts speak louder than words.]

♦ else ——

♦ email —— 电子邮 diànzǐ yóujiàn

我们通过电子邮件联系吧。Wǒmen tōngguò diànzǐ yóujiàn liánxì ba. Let’s keep in touch by email.

♦ emission —— 排放 [páifàng]
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] -
Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.

♦ employee —— 员工 yuángōng
我们的公司内有很多员工。​(Wǒmen de gōngsī nèi yǒu hěn duō yuángōng.) - There are many employees in our

♦ encounter —— 遇到 yù dào
他在跳舞时遇到了难题。 (tā zài tiàowǔ shí yùdào le nántí.) - He encountered a difficulty while dancing.
这个问题是我们在工作中遇到的一个障碍。Zhè gè wèn tí shì wǒmen zài gōng zuò zhōng yù dào de yī gè zhàng ài.
This problem is an obstacle we encountered at work.

♦ end ——

♦ energy —— 能源 [néngyuán]
能源在经济中远非是一个次要问题。[Néngyuán zài jīngjì zhōngyuǎn fēi shì yīgè cì yào wèntí.] - Energy is far from a
peripheral issue in the economy.

♦ engine —— 发动机 [fādòngjī]

柴油发动机跟汽油发动机有几点很不相同。[Cháiyóu fādòngjī gēn qìyóu fādòngjī yǒu jǐ diǎn hěn bù xiāngtóng.] -
Diesel engines differ from gasoline engines in important ways.

♦ engineer —— 工程师 [gōngchéngshī]

我哥哥是工程师。[Wǒ gěge shì gōngchéngshī.] - My older brother is an engineer.
♦ English —— 英语 [yīngyǔ]
他不说英语。[Tā bù shuō yīngyǔ.] - He does not speak English.
你应该学英语。[Nǐ yīnggāi xué yīngyǔ.] - You should study English.
在这个城市里,很多人都会说英语。 (Zài zhège chéngshì lǐ, hěn duō rén dōu huì shuō Yīngyǔ.) In this city, many
people can speak English.
你说英语吗?[Nǐ shuō yīngyǔ ma?] - Do you speak English?

♦ enjoy ——

♦ enough ——

♦ ensure (to ~) —— 确保 quèbǎo

我们总是确保有足够的食物给我们所有人。Wǒmen zǒng shì quèbǎo yǒu zúgòu de shíwù gěi wǒmen suǒyǒu rén.
We always make sure that there's enough food for all of us.

♦ enter (to ~) —— 进(入) [jìn(rù)]

火车进站了。[Huǒchē jìn zhàn le.] - The train has entered the station.
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] - A woman has never
sat in the inner circle of power.
- to enter the field —— 入场 [rùchǎng]
现在美国队入场。[Xiànzài měiguó duì rù chǎng.] - The American team is now entering the field.

♦ entertainment —— 娱乐 [yúlè]
娱乐业永远是年轻人的行当。[Yúlè yè yǒngyuǎn shì niánqīng rén de hángdang.] - Entertainment is always a young
person’s business.

♦ enthusiastic —— 热心 [rèxīn]
他很热心地帮助我。[Tā hěn rèxīn de bāngzhù wǒ.] - He helps me enthusiastically.

♦ entire —— 整个 [zhěnggè]
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.

♦ environment —— 环境 huánjìng
我们 需要/应该 保护环境。Wǒmen xūyào/ yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng. - We need to protect the environment.
政府需要采取措施保护环境。Zhèngfǔ xūyào cǎiqǔ cuòshī bǎohù huánjìng. - The government needs to take
measures to protect the environment.
他很快就能接受新环境。 (Tā hěn kuài jiù néng jiēshòu xīn huánjìng.) He can adapt to a new environment quickly.
通过这个计划,我们可以更好地保护环境。(Tōngguò zhège jìhuà, wǒmen kěyǐ gèng hǎo de bǎohù huánjìng.) -
Through this plan, we can better protect the environment.

♦ environmental ——

♦ eradicate (to ~) —— 根除 [gēnchú]

腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] - Corruption is something you can never completely
root out [eradicate].

♦ especially ——

♦ establish ——

♦ estimate (to ~) —— 估计 [gūjì]

因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] - Because the train
was late, I do not think I can make it on time.

♦ eternal —— 永恒 [yǒnghéng]
我听岁月像旋律永恒。Wǒ tīng suìyuè xiàng xuánlǜ yǒnghéng.] - I’ve heard that the passage of time is as eternal as
a melody. [I listen to the years like the melody of eternity.]

♦ Europe —— 欧洲 [Ōuzhōu]
德国在欧洲。[Déguó zài ōuzhōu.] - Germany is in Europe.
我们决定一起去欧洲旅行。Wǒmen juédìng yīqǐ qù ōuzhōu lǚxíng. We decided to take a trip to Europe for us.

♦ even —— 连 [lián], 甚至 [shènzhì]

连他都不知道。[Lián tā dōu bù zhīdào.] - Even he doesn’t know it.
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn
jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] - As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or
even closed [down].

♦ evening —— 晚(上) [wǎn(shang)]

晚上我去看电影。[Wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng.] - In the evening, I am going to see a movie.
我星期五晚上要工作。[Wǒ xīngqīwǔ wǎnshàng yào gōngzuò.] - I need to work on Friday evening.
他们是在一次晚会上认识的。[Tāmen shì zài yīcì wǎnhuì shàng rènshí de.] - They got to know each other at a party.

♦ event ——
♦ ever ——

♦ every —— 每 [měi], 都 [dōu]

每个学生都有书。[Měi gè xuésheng dōu yǒu shū.] - Every student has a book.
我每天傍晚都出来散步。[Wǒ měitiān bàngwǎn dōu chūlái sànbù.] - I go out to walk every evening.

♦ everybody —— 每个人 [měi gè rén], 大家(都) [dàjiā (dōu)]

大家都到了吗?[Dàjiā dōu dàole ma?] - Is everybody here?
每个人都吃完午饭了吗?[měi gè rén dōu chī wán wǔ fàn le ma ?] - Did everybody finish their lunch?

♦ every day —— 每天 [měitiān]

他每天锻炼身体。[Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ.] - He exercises his body every day.
他每天打扫房间。[Tā měitiān dǎsǎo fángjiān.] - He cleans the room everyday.
我每天都吃面包。[Wǒ měitiān dōu chī miànbāo.] - I eat bread every day.
我每天上学读书。[Wǒ měitiān shàngxué dúshū.] - I go to school every day.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。[Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān.] - My mother helps me to clean my room
every day.

♦ everyone —— 大家 [dàjiā]
大家都很喜欢这次活动。 (dà jiā dōu hěn xǐ huan zhè cì huó dòng) Everyone enjoys this activity.
大家都这么说。[Dàjiā dōu zhème shuō.] - So they say. [Everyone says so.]

♦ everything —— 一切 [yīqiè]
一切都会好的。[Yīqiè dūhuì hǎo de.] - Everything will be OK.
老板,一切听你的![Lǎobǎn, yīqiè tīng nǐ de!] - Boss, anything you say! [Boss, everything listens to you!]

♦ everywhere —— 到处 [dàochù]
他到处找工作,但是没有成功。Tā dàochù zhǎo gōngzuò, dànshì méiyǒu chénggōng. He looked for a job
everywhere, but he didn’t succeed.
今天天气很好,花儿到处开了。Jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo, huā er dàochù kāile. The weather is very nice today, flowers
are blooming everywhere.

♦ evidence ——

♦ exactly ——

♦ exam —— 考试 [kǎoshì]
他们通过了这次考试。Tāmen tōngguòle zhè cì kǎoshì. They passed this exam.
我已经准备好了考试。 Wǒ yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole kǎoshì. I have already prepared for the exam.
我很担心这次考试的成绩。 (Wǒ hěn dānxīn zhè cì kǎoshì de chéngjī.) I'm very worried about my exam results this
考试前要好好复习。 (Kǎoshì qián yào hǎohǎo fùxí.) I need to review well before the exam.
考试的时候不要抄袭。 (Kǎoshì de shíhou bùyào chāoxié.) Don't cheat during the exam.
考试结束了,我可以松口气了。 (Kǎoshì jiéshù le, wǒ kěyǐ sōng kǒuqì le.) The exam is over, I can finally breathe a
sigh of relief.
我很自信这次考试会取得好成绩。 (Wǒ hěn zìxìn zhè cì kǎoshì huì qǔdé hǎo chéngjī.) I am confident that I will
achieve good results in this exam.
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] -
Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.

♦ example ——

♦ excellent —— 棒 bàng
他的英语口语很棒。 (tā de yīngyǔ kǒuyǔ hěn bàng.) His spoken English is great.

♦ except —— 除了 [chúle]
五个除了多喝水以外的改变人生小习惯 [Wǔ gè chúle duō hē shuǐ yǐwài de gǎibiàn rénshēng xiǎo xíguàn] - Five
Life-Changing Habits Beyond [Except] Drinking More Water

♦ exchange (to ~) —— 交换 [jiāohuàn]

我想换钱。[Wǒ xiǎng huànqián.] - I want to exchange money.

♦ excuse (to ~) —— 请问 [qǐngwèn]

请问! [Qǐngwèn ] - Excuse me!
请问你姓什么?[Qǐngwèn nǐ xìng shénme?] - May I know your surname? [What's your last name?]
请问,这是几点钟?(Qǐng wèn, zhè shì jǐ diǎn zhōng?) - Excuse me, what time is it?
请问,​你知道她的名字吗?​(Qǐngwèn, nǐ zhīdào tā de míngzì ma?) Excuse me, do you know her name?

♦ executive ——

♦ exercise ——
- verb: 锻炼 [duànliàn, 运动 yùndòng
他每天锻炼身体。[Tā měitiān duànliàn shēntǐ.] - He exercises his body every day.
年轻人也要锻炼。[Niánqīngrén yě yào duànliàn.] - Young people also need to exercise.
你要是回来(的话),我们(就)去运动吧。Nǐ yàoshì huílái (de huà), wǒmen (jiù) qù yùndòng ba. If you come back, let’s
go exercise.
- noun: 练习 [liànxí]
他拿出一个练习本。[Tā ná chū yīgè liànxí běn.] - He brought out an exercise-book.
把你的练习本给你的老师。[Bǎ nǐ de liànxí běn gěi nǐ de lǎoshī.] - Give your exercise book to your teacher.

♦ exhausted —— 疲惫 pí bèi
他的脸看起来很疲惫。(Tā de liǎn kàn qǐ lái hěn pí bèi.) His face looks very tired.

♦ exist ——

♦ expect —— 想到 xiǎngdào
我没有想到你会如此喜欢中国文化。(Wǒ méiyǒu xiǎngdào nǐ huì rúcǐ xǐhuan Zhōngguó wénhuà.) I didn’t expect you
to like Chinese culture so much.
♦ expenses —— 开支 [kāizhī]
现在削减公司开支有利于公司将来的盈利。[Xiànzài xuējiǎn gōngsī kāizhī yǒu lìyú gōngsī jiānglái de yínglì.] - Cuts in
company spending [expenses] now should lead to profits in the long term.

♦ expensive —— 贵 guì
这本书不贵。Zhè běn shū bù guì. - This book is not expensive.
那些衣服太贵了,我买不起。(Nàxiē yīfu tài guìle, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ.) Those clothes are too expensive, I can’t afford them.
香蕉不贵。Xiāngjiāo bú guì. - Bananas are not expensive.
这条裤子很贵。Zhè tiáo kùzi hěnguì. - This pair of pants is quite expensive.
我买贵了。Wǒ mǎi guìle. - I paid too much for it. [I bought it too expensive.]
这件衣服太贵了,我买不起。 (zhè jiàn yīfú tài guì le, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ) - This clothes is too expensive, I can't afford it.
这个包太贵了,我买不起。Zhège bāo tài guì le, wǒ mǎi bù qǐ. - This bag is too expensive, I can't afford it.

♦ experience —— 经验 [jīngyàn], 体会 [tǐhuì]

让我告诉你我的体会。[Ràng wǒ gàosù nǐ wǒ de tǐhuì.] - Let me tell you how I feel about it. [Let me tell you my
我们需要一个有经验的领导。(Wǒ men xū yào yī gè yǒu jīng yàn de lǐng dǎo.) - We need an experienced leader.
他处理这件事很有经验。(Tā chǔlǐ zhè jiàn shì hěn yǒu jīngyàn.) - He has a lot of experience in dealing with this

♦ expert ——

♦ explain ——

♦ explore (to ~) —— 探索 [tànsuǒ]

由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式. [Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì
nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] - Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in
the city.

♦ export (to ~) —— 出口 [chūkǒu]

美国的很多汽车厂向世界各地出口产品。[Měiguó de hěnduō qìchē chǎng xiàng shìjiè gèdì chūkǒu chǎnpǐn.] - A
number of American auto plants export their products around the world.
中国开始向西方国家出口汽车。[Zhōngguó kāishǐ xiàng xīfāng guójiā chūkǒu qìchē.] - China begins to export cars to
the western countries.

♦ express (to ~) —— 表达 [biǎodá], 表示 biǎo shì

那位领导在公开场合表示了支持。(Nà wèi lǐng dǎo zài gōng kāi chǎng hé biǎo shì le zhī chí.) - The leader expressed
support in public.
我的内部感受无法表达。​(Wǒ de nèibù gǎnshòu wúfǎ biǎodá.) My inner feelings cannot be expressed.
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] - Chinese online
comments expressed support for the operation.

♦ expression —— 表达 biǎodá, 表情 biǎoqíng

她有很强的语言表达能力。(Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de yǔyán biǎodá nénglì.) She has strong language expression
从他的表情看,他很高兴。 Cóng tā de biǎoqíng kàn, tā hěn gāoxìng. From his expression, he is very happy.

♦ extra —— 额外 wánchéng
老师给了我们一些额外时间来完成这个项目。Lǎoshī gěi le wǒmen yīxiē éwài shíjiān lái wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.
The teacher gave us some extra time to finish the project.

♦ extremely —— 非常 [fēicháng]
今天非常热。[Jīntiān fēicháng rè.] - It's extremely hot today.
他们都非常忙。[Tāmen dōu fēicháng máng.] - They are all extremely busy.
她的中文说得非常好。(tā de zhōng wén shuō de fēi cháng hǎo) She speaks Chinese extremely well.

♦ eye —— 眼睛 [yǎnjīng]
他有一双明亮的眼睛。[Tā yǒu yīshuāng míngliàng de yǎnjīng.] - He has a pair of bright eyes. [He has bright eyes.]
她的眼睛很大很漂亮。(tā de yǎnjīng hěn dà hěn piàoliang) - Her eyes are big and beautiful.

[Back to Contents]

__ F__
fa - fe

♦ face —— 脸 liǎn
他的脸很白。(Tā de liǎn hěn bái.) His face is very white.
我的脸上有点儿红。(Wǒ de liǎn shàng yǒu diǎn er hóng.) There's a bit of redness on my face.
他的脸上带着笑容。(Tā de liǎn shàng dài zhe xiào róng.) There's a smile on his face.
我不喜欢她的脸。(Wǒ bù xǐ huān tā de liǎn.) I don't like her face.
我喜欢她的脸上的微笑。(Wǒ xǐ huān tā de liǎn shàng de wēi xiào.) I like the smile on her face.

♦ fact —— 事实 [shìshí]
他很难接受这个事实。 (Tā hěn nán jiēshòu zhège shìshí.) - He finds it hard to accept this fact.
事实胜于雄辩。[Shìshí shèng yú xióngbiàn.] - Facts beat eloquence. [Facts speak louder than words.]

♦ factor ——

♦ fail (to ~) —— 失败 [shībài]

这样的计划注定会失败的。[Zhèyàng de jìhuà zhùdìng huì shībài de.] - Such a plan is bound to fail.

♦ fair —— 公平 [gōngpíng]
上天是公平的。[Shàngtiān shì gōngpíng de.] - God is fair.

♦ fall —— 坠落 zhuìluò
她从楼梯上坠落下来,受了伤。(Tā cóng lóutī shàng zhuìluò xiàlái, shòu le shāng.) She fell down from the stairs and
got injured.
这个小球坠落在地上,发出了响声。(Zhège xiǎo qiú zhuìluò zài dìshàng, fā chū le xiǎngshēng.) The small ball fell on
the ground and made a sound.

♦ family —— 家(人) jiā(rén)

他家有五口人。Tā jiā yǒu wǔ kǒu rén. There are five people in his family.
他们如同一家人。(Tāmen rútóng yī jiārén.) They are like a family.
我的家人很多。Wǒ de jiārén hěn duō. I have many family members.
他家有一条狗。[Tā jiā yǒu yìtiáo gǒu.] - His family has a dog.
他家的房子很美。[Tā jiā de fángzi hěn měi] - His family's house is very beautiful.
这是我家的照片。[Zhè shì wǒjiā de zhàopiàn.] - This is the picture of my family.

♦ famous —— 有名 [yǒumíng], 著名 [zhùmíng]

他的书很有名。[Tāde shū hěn yǒumíng. ]- His book is famous.
他是一位著名的作家。[Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de zuòjiā.] - He is a famous writer.

♦ far —— 远(离) [yuǎn(lí)]

北京离这儿不远。[Běijīng lí zhè'er bù yuǎn.] - Beijing is not far from here.
从这里到火车站有多远? Cóng zhèlǐ dào huǒchēzhàn yǒu duō yuǎn? How far is it from here to the train station?
公司离我家很远。Gōngsī lí wǒ jiā hěn yuǎn. The office is far from my house.
经过两天的航行,我们已经远离陆地。[Jīngguò liǎng tiān de hángxíng, wǒmen yǐjīng yuǎnlí lùdì.] - After two days of
sailing, we were far from land.

♦ fast —— 快 [kuài]
他跑得很快。[Tā pǎo dé hěn kuài.] - He runs very fast.

♦ fat —— 肥 [féi]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ father —— 爸爸 [bàba], (formal) 父亲 [fùqīn]

你爸爸在家吗?[Nǐ bàba zàijiā ma?] - Is your father in? [Is your dad at home?]
他的父亲很老了。[Tā de fùqīn hěn lǎole.] - His father is very old.
我爸爸是医生。[Wǒ bàba shì yīshēng.] - My father is a doctor.
今天是父亲节。[Jīntiān shì fùqīn jié.] - Today is Father's Day.
这孩子像他爸爸。[Zhè háizi xiàng tā bàba.] - This child resembles his father.
这孩子学他爸爸走路的样子。[Zhè hái zǐ xué tā bàba zǒulù de yàngzi.] - The boy imitates his father’s way of walking.
爸爸不让我喝啤酒。[Bàba bú ràng wǒ hē píjiǔ.] - Dad does not allow me to drink beer.
我们吃完饭爸爸就付款。[Wǒmén chīwán fàn bàba jiù fùkuǎn.] - Dad will pay the bill after we finish eating.
她的父亲罹难了。Tā de fùqīn línánle. Her father died in an accident.

♦ father-in-law —— husband’s father: 公公 [gōnggong]; wife’s father – 岳父 [yuèfù]

她的公公去世了。[Tā de gōnggōng qùshìle.] - Her father-in-law has passed away.

♦ fault —— 错 [cuò]
不是我的错。[Bùshì wǒ de cuò.] - It's not my fault.
都是我的错。[dōu shì wǒ de cuò。] - It's all my fault.

♦ favorite —— 喜欢的 xǐ huān de

她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。(Tā zuì xǐ huān de yán sè shì lán sè.) Her favorite color is blue.

♦ fear ——
♦ February —— 二月 [èr yuè]
林肯出生于一八零九年二月十二号。[Línkěn chūshēng yú yī bā líng jiǔ nián èr yuè shí èr hào.] - Lincoln was born on
February 12, 1809.

♦ federal ——

♦ feel (to ~) —— 感(到) [gǎn(dào)]

我感到地板在动。[Wǒ gǎndào dìbǎn zài dòng.] - I feel the floor move.
我对下棋不感兴趣。[Wǒ duì xià qí bùgǎn xìngqù.] - I’m not interested in chess.
外面的阳光很好,让人感到温暖。Wàimiàn de yángguāng hěn hǎo, ràng rén gǎndào wēnnuǎn. The sunshine outside
is very nice and warm [and makes people feel warm.]

♦ feeling —— 情 [qíng]
他深深体会到这情的温暖。[Tā shēn shēn tǐhuì dào zhè qíng de wēnnuǎn.] - He deeply felt the warmth of the

♦ feeling well —— 舒服 [shūfu]

我今天不舒服。[Wǒ jīntiān bù shūfu.] - I am not feeling well today.
我的胃不舒服。[Wǒ de wèi bù shūfu.] - My stomach doesn't feel well.

♦ female —— 女 [nǚ]
她是一位女老师。 (Tā shì yī wèi nǚ lǎoshī.) She is a female teacher.
我不晓得他是男的还是女的。[Wǒ bù xiǎodé tā shì nán de háishì nǚ de.]- I do not know if he is a man or woman. [I
don't know if he is male or female.]
这家公司有十名女员工。[Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu shí míng nǚ yuángōng.] - This company has ten female staffs.

♦ festival —— 节 [jié]
今天是父亲节。[Jīntiān shì fùqīn jié.] - Today is Father's Day.
中国的春节真热闹。[Zhōngguó de chūnjié zhēn rènao.] - China's Spring Festival is very lively.

♦ fever — 发烧 [fāshāo]
我发烧了。[Wǒ fāshāole.] - I've got a cold. [I have a fever.]
我有点儿发烧。[Wǒ yǒu diǎn r fāshāo.] - I have a bit of a fever.

♦ few —— 少 [shǎo]
商店不少。[Shāngdiàn bù shǎo] - There are quite a few shops.

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fi - fl

♦ field —— 场 [chǎng]
足球场上走着两个穿着黑色上衣的男人 [Zúqiú chǎng shàng zǒu zháo liǎng gè chuānzhuó hēisè shàngyī de nánrén]
- two men in black tops [coats, jackets] walking on football field

♦ fight ——

♦ figure ——
♦ file —— 文件 wén jiàn
麻烦你马上把这个文件发给我。(má fan nǐ mǎ shàng bǎ zhè gè wén jiàn fā gěi wǒ) - Could you please send me this
file right away?

♦ filial —— 孝 [xiào]
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.

♦ fill —— 填 tián
请在表格内填写你的姓名和电话。Qǐng zài biǎogé nèi tiánxiě nǐ de xìngmíng hé diànhuà. Please fill in your name
and phone number in the form.

♦ film ——

♦ final ——
♦ finally ——
♦ financial ——

♦ find (to ~) —— 找 zhǎo

请帮我找一下这个地方。(Qǐng bāng wǒ zhǎo yí xià zhè ge dì fāng.) - Please help me find this place.
- find out: 找出 zhǎochū
我们需要找出真相,解决这件事。(Wǒmen xūyào zhǎochū zhēnxiàng, jiějué zhè jiàn shì.) - We need to find out the
truth and solve this matter.

♦ fine —— 精 [jīng]
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] - Beijing was awash
with luxury handbag boutiques.

♦ finger ——

♦ finish —— 完(成) wán (chéng), 终点 zhōngdiàn

我们明天可以做完。[Wǒmen míngtiān kěyǐ zuò wán.] - We can finish doing it tomorrow.
你能吃完吗?[Nǐ néng chī wán ma?] - Can you finish eating all?
我今天要写完 。[Wǒ jīntiān yào xiě wán.] - I need to finish writing it today.
你今天做不完没关系。[Nǐ jīntiān zuòbùwán méi guānxi.] - You don't have to finish today.
我没看完。[Wǒ méi kàn wán.] - I didn't finish reading it.
我说完了。[Wǒ shuō wán le.] - I am finished talking.
你 吃 完 了 吗 ?[Nǐ chī wán le ma?] - Are you done eating?
我 看 完 了 。[Wǒ kàn wán le.] - I have finished watching it.
卖 完 了 。[Mài wán le.] - It's sold out.
我们 打扫 完 了 。[Wǒmen dǎsǎo wán le.] - We finished cleaning.
我 做 完 作业 了 。[Wǒ zuò wán zuòyè le.] - I finished doing my homework.
老板 开 完 会 了 。[Lǎobǎn kāi wán huì le.] - The boss finished having the meeting.
我 看 完 这本书 了 。[Wǒ kàn wán zhè běn shū le.] - I finished reading this book.
我们 学 完 这 篇 课文 了 。[Wǒmen xué wán zhè piān kèwén le.] - We finished studying this lesson.
我看 完 了 电影 。(To tell us that you watched it till the end.) [Wǒ kàn wán le diànyǐng.] - I finished watching the
每个人都吃完午饭了吗?[měi gè rén dōu chī wán wǔ fàn le ma ?] - Did everybody finish their lunch?
你做完功课再看电视。[Nǐ zuò wán gōngkè zài kàn diànshì. ]- You can watch TV when you’ve finished your
我们吃完饭爸爸就付款。[Wǒmén chīwán fàn bàba jiù fùkuǎn.] - Dad will pay the bill after we finish eating.
她花了很长时间才完成了这个项目。(Tā huā le hěn cháng shí jiān cái wán chéng le zhè gè xiàng mù.) She took her
time finishing the project.

♦ fire —— 火 huǒ
- to make a fire: 生火 (shēng huǒ)

♦ firefighting —— 消防 [Xiāofáng]
消防员奋不顾身营救孩子们。[Xiāofáng yuán fènbùgùshēn yíngjiù háizimen.] - The fireman showed great courage in
rescuing the children.

♦ firm ——

♦ first —— 先 [xiān]
谁先到, 谁先吃。[Shéi xiān dào, shéi xiān chī.] - Whoever arrives first will eat first.
最先登上珠穆朗玛峰的人是谁?[Zuì xiān dēng shàng zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de rén shì shéi?] - Who first reached the
summit of Mt. Everest?

♦ fish —— 鱼 yú
他不喜欢吃鱼。[Tā bù xǐhuān chī yú.] - He doesn't like to eat fish.
猫喜欢吃鱼。[Māo xǐhuan chī yú.] - Cats like to eat fish.
那片云是鱼的形状。[Nà piàn yún shì yú de xíngzhuàng.] - That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
冰箱里的冻鱼怎么做好吃呢?[Bīngxiāng lǐ de dòng yú zěnme zuò hào chī ne?] - How to make the frozen fish in the
refrigerator delicious?

♦ fit (to ~) —— 相配 [xiāngpèi]

她的打扮和她的年龄很不相配。[Tā de dǎbàn hé tā de niánlíng hěn bù xiāngpèi.] - Her make-up does not fit her age.
[Her dress was very inappropriate for her age.]

♦ five ——

♦ flag —— 旗(帜) qí(zhì)

看中国国旗! [Kàn zhōngguó guóqí.] - Look at the Chinese flag!
升起一面旗帜 shēng qǐ yī miàn qízhì to put up a flag

♦ flame —— 火光 [huǒguāng]
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

♦ flat —— 扁 [biǎn], 平 [píng], 扁平 biǎnpíng

硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] - Coins are usually round and flat.

♦ flight —— 飞行 [fēixíng], 航班 [hángbān]

他的祖父曾是个飞行员。[Tā de zǔfù céng shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - His grandfather was a pilot.
你要乘坐的航班是从哪个机场起飞的? (Nǐ yào chéngzuò de hángbān shì cóng nǎge jīchǎng qǐfēi de?) Which airport
does your flight depart from?
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de
hángbān.] - Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.

♦ floor —— 地板 [dìbǎn], 层 céng

我感到地板在动。[Wǒ gǎndào dìbǎn zài dòng.] - I feel the floor move.
你的房间在哪一层?Nǐ de fángjiān zài nǎ yī céng? Which floor is your room on?
我们的教室在三楼。Wǒmen de jiàoshì zài sān lóu. Our classroom is on the third floor.

♦ flow (to ~) —— 流 [liú]

交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] -
Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.

♦ flower —— 花 [huā]
你喜欢那些花?(Nǐ xǐhuan nàxiē huā?) Which flowers do you like?
这红花很美。[Zhè hónghuā hěnměi.] - This red flower is very pretty.
春天花都开了。[Chūntiān huā dōu kāi le.] - The spring flowers are all blossoming.

♦ fluctuate (to ~) —— 浮动 [fúdòng]

具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.

♦ fluent —— 流利 [liúlì]
他说的汉语很流利。[Tā shuō de hànyǔ hěn liúlì.] - His spoken Chinese is fluent.
她的中文说得非常流利。(Tā de zhōngwén shuō de fēicháng liúlì.) - She speaks Chinese very fluently.

♦ fly (to ~) —— 飞 [fēi]

小鸟在天空飞。[Xiǎo niǎo zài tiānkōng fēi.] - Birds are flying in the sky.
老鹰飞得高。[Lǎoyīng fēi dé gāo.] - Eagles fly high.

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fo - fz

♦ focus ——

♦ folder —— 文件夹 wénjiànjiā

请把文件放在文件夹内。(Qǐng bǎ wénjiàn fàng zài wénjiànjiā nèi.) - Please put the documents inside the folder.

♦ follow (to ~) —— 跟(来) gēn (lái)

请跟我来。(Qǐng gēn wǒ lái.) - Please follow me.

♦ food —— 食物 shíwù, 菜 cài, 餐 cān

你喜不喜欢吃美国菜? Nǐ xǐ bùxǐhuan chī Měiguó cài? Do you like American food?
我提供了他食物。Wǒ tígōngle tā shíwù. - I provided him with food.
你喜欢哪里的食物?(Nǐ xǐhuān nǎlǐ de shíwù?) - Where do you like the food from?
她很喜欢吃中国菜。Tā hěn xǐhuān chī zhōngguó cài. She likes to eat Chinese food very much.
她说她喜欢吃中餐。 (Tā shuō tā xǐhuān chī zhōngcān.) - She said she likes to eat Chinese food.
我太喜欢吃中国菜了! Wǒ tài xǐhuān chī Zhōngguó cài le! - I love eating Chinese food too much!
你可以按照自己的喜好选择食物。 Nǐ kěyǐ ànzhào zìjǐ de xǐhào xuǎnzé shíwù. You can choose food according to your
own preference.

♦ foot —— 脚底 [jiǎodǐ]

♦ football —— 足球 [zúqiú]
因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] - As
the stadium isn't far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.
足球场上走着两个穿着黑色上衣的男人 [Zúqiú chǎng shàng zǒu zháo liǎng gè chuānzhuó hēisè shàngyī de nánrén]
- two men in black tops [coats, jackets] walking on football field

♦ for —— 为 wèi, 对(于) [duì(yú)]

我要为你做饭。Wǒ yào wèi nǐ zuò fàn. I want to cook for you.
你能为我们留个座位吗?Nǐ néng wèi wǒmen liú gè zuòwèi ma? Can you save a seat for us?
为了身体好,我们每天都要走一走。Wèile shēntǐ hǎo, wǒmen měitiān dū yào zǒu yī zǒu. We walk around every day
for our health.
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] - Chinese online
comments expressed support for the operation.

♦ force ——

♦ foreign
- foreign country —— 外国 [wàiguó]
对于外国品牌汽车来说,中国市场仍然利润丰厚。[Duìyú wàiguó pǐnpái qìchē lái shuō, zhōngguó shìchǎng réngrán
lìrùn fēnghòu.] - China remains a lucrative market for foreign-branded cars.

♦ foreign language —— 外语 [wàiyǔ]

很多学生学外语。[Hěnduō xuéshēng xué wàiyǔ.] - Many students study foreign languages.

♦ foresee (to ~) —— 预知 [yùzhī]

他能预知未来。[Tā néng yùzhī wèilái.] - He can predict the future.

♦ forget (to ~) —— 忘(记) wàng(jì)

我忘了他的地址。[Wǒ wàngle tā de dìzhǐ.] - I forgot his address.
这件事如此重要,你怎么能忘记呢?(Zhè jiàn shì rúcǐ zhòngyào, nǐ zěnme néng wàngjì ne?) This matter is so
important, how could you forget it?

♦ forgive —— 原谅 [yuánliàng]
我来晚了, 请原谅。[Wǒ lái wǎnle, qǐng yuánliàng.] - I'm late, please forgive me.
他既然认错了,就原谅他一次吧。[Tā jìrán rèncuòle, jiù yuánliàng tā yīcì ba.] - Since he has made an apology, forgive
him just this once.

♦ form —— 表格 biǎogé
请在表格内填写你的姓名和电话。Qǐng zài biǎogé nèi tiánxiě nǐ de xìngmíng hé diànhuà. Please fill in your name
and phone number in the form.

♦ former ——

♦ fortune ——

- to make a fortune: 发财 (fā cái)

♦ forward ——

♦ fountain pen —— 钢笔 [gāngbǐ]

我的钢笔是新的。[Wǒ de gāngbǐ shì xīn de.] - My fountain pen is new.

♦ four ——

♦ France —— 法国 [fǎ guó]

我来自法国。[Wǒ lái zì Fǎguó.] - I come from France.
十年以前我去了法国。[Shínián yǐqián wǒ qùle fǎguó.] - I went to France ten years ago.

♦ free —— 得空 [dé kòng]

午餐后你得空吗?[Wǔcān hòu nǐ dé kòng ma?] - Are you free after lunch?

♦ freedom —— 自由 zìyóu
美国人喜欢自己开车到处走的自由。Měiguó rén xǐhuān zìjǐ kāichē dàochù zǒu de zìyóu. Americans like the freedom
of driving around by themselves.

♦ freeze —— 冻 [dòng]
冰箱里的冻鱼怎么做好吃呢?[Bīngxiāng lǐ de dòng yú zěnme zuò hào chī ne?] - How to make the frozen fish in the
refrigerator delicious?

♦ French —— 法语 fǎyǔ
我不但要学习汉语,还要学习法语。Wǒ bùdàn yào xuéxí hànyǔ, hái yào xuéxí fǎyǔ. I not only want to learn Chinese,
but also want to learn French.

♦ fresh —— 新鲜 xīnxiān
这个菜市场里的水果很新鲜。 (Zhège càishìchǎng lǐ de shuǐguǒ hěn xīnxiān.) The fruits in this market are very fresh.

♦ Friday —— 星期五 [xīngqīwǔ]

我星期五晚上要工作。[Wǒ xīngqīwǔ wǎnshàng yào gōngzuò.] - I need to work on Friday evening.
我上个星期五去了北京。(Wǒ shàng gè xīngqīwǔ qù le Běijīng.) - I went to Beijing last Friday.
礼拜五晚上我看了一部电影。[Lǐbàiwǔ wǎnshàng wǒ kàn le yí bù diànyǐng.] - I watched a movie on Friday night.

♦ fridge —— 冰箱 [bīngxiāng]
冰箱里有什么,我们就吃什么。[Bīngxiāng li yǒu shé me, wǒmen jiù chī shénme.] - We’ll eat whatever we can find in
the fridge

♦ friend —— 朋友 [péngyou], 好友 [hǎoyǒu]

这是我的朋友。 (zhè shì wǒ de péng yǒu.) - This is my friend.
我有许多朋友。[Wǒ yǒu xǔduō péngyǒu.] - I have many friends.
她是我最好的朋友。Tā shì wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu. She is my best friend.
他们是多年的老朋友了。[Tāmen shì duōnián de lǎo péngyǒule.] - They have been close friends for many years.
我在和朋友打球。[Wǒ zài hé péngyou dǎqiú.] - I am playing ball with my friend.
他俩是儿时的好友。[Tā liǎ shì er shí de hǎoyǒu.] - They were good friends in their childhood.
朋友们祝贺我了。[Péngyoumen zhùhè wǒ le.] - My friends all congratulated me.
我常给朋友打电话。[Wǒ cháng gěi péngyou dǎdiànhuà.] - I often call my friends on the telephone.
我现在和他做朋友了。[Wǒ xiànzài hé tā zuò péngyǒule.] - I’m friends with him now.
下个星期天把朋友们都叫来一起吃饭。Xià gè xīngqítiān bǎ péngyǒumen dōu jiào lái yīqǐ chīfàn. - Next Sunday, let's
gather friends to eat together.
- to make friends with somebody: 与某人交朋友 (yǔ mǒu rén jiāo péngyou)
♦ friendly —— 友好 yǒu hǎo, 友善 [yǒushàn]
她很漂亮,可是不太友好。Tā hěn piàoliang, kěshì bù tài yǒuhǎo. She is very beautiful, but not very friendly.
那里的人都很友好。(Nà lǐ de rén dōu hěn yǒu hǎo.) - The people there are all very friendly.
他的态度很友善。[Tā de tàidù hěn yǒushàn.] - He has a friendly attitude.

♦ from —— 从 [cóng], 离 [lí]

北京离这儿不远。[Běijīng lí zhè'er bù yuǎn.] - Beijing is not far from here.
从北京到上海要多长时间? Cóng Běijīng dào Shànghǎi yào duō cháng shíjiān? How long does it take from Beijing
to Shanghai?
从小我就喜欢画画。 Cóng xiǎo wǒ jiù xǐhuan huàhuà. I have liked drawing since I was young.
有一只狗从门口走过来。Yǒu yī zhī gǒu cóng ménkǒu zǒu guòlai. A dog walked over from the door.
太阳从东边升起。[Tàiyang cóng dōngbiān shēngqǐ.] - The sun rises from the east.
他从小和祖母一起生活。[Tā cóngxiǎo hé zǔmǔ yīqǐ shēnghuó.] - He’s lived with his grandmother since he was little.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。[Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile.] - My (older) brother has came back from abroad.

♦ front (in ~ of) —— 前(面) [qián(miàn)]

我家前面有草原。[Wǒjiā qiánmiàn yǒu cǎoyuán.] - There is a grassland in front of my house.
银行很近,前面左转就到了。[Yínháng hěn jìn, qiánmiàn zuǒ zhuǎn jiù dàole.] - The bank is close by, turn left in the
front, you will find it immediately.
老师叫她到教室前面来。(Lǎo shī jiào tā dào jiào shì qián miàn lái.) The teacher called her up to the front of the

♦ fulfill (to ~) —— 完成 [wánchéng], 履行 lǚxíng

是,我们一定完成任务。[Shì, wǒmen yīdìng wánchéng rènwù.] - Right, we will fulfil the task.
他们按照合同履行了自己的义务。 Tāmen ànzhào hétong lǚxíngle zìjǐ de yìwù. They fulfilled their obligations
according to the contract.

♦ full (adj.) —— 充满 [chōngmǎn], 充分 chōngfèn

我们必须充分发挥自己的创造能力。(Wǒmen bìxū chōngfèn fāhuī zìjǐ de chuàngzào nénglì.) We must fully utilize our
creative abilities.
青春的路上充满了彷徨。[Qīngchūn de lùshàng chōngmǎnle fǎnghuáng.] - The road of youth is full of indecision.
[The road to youth is full of hesitation.]

♦ fun —— 好玩 hǎowán
那里有很多好玩的地方。(Nàlǐ yǒu hěn duō hǎowán de dìfāng.) - There are many fun places over there.
玩得开心! (Wán dé kāixīn!) - Have fun!

♦ fund ——

♦ future —— 未来 [wèilái], 将来 [jiānglái]

他能预知未来。[Tā néng yùzhī wèilái.] - He can predict the future.
现在削减公司开支有利于公司将来的盈利。[Xiànzài xuējiǎn gōngsī kāizhī yǒu lìyú gōngsī jiānglái de yínglì.] - Cuts in
company spending now should lead to profits in the long term. [... is good for the company's future profitability.]

[Back to Contents]

__ G__
ga - go

♦ gale —— 大风 [dàfēng]
那棵树被大风刮倒了。[Nà kē shù bèi dàfēng guā dàole.] - That tree was uprooted by the gale. [The tree was
knocked down by the strong wind.]

♦ game —— 比赛 [bǐsài], 游戏 [yóuxì]

看比赛![Kàn bǐsài! ]- Watch the game!
这个游戏多了三个人。[Zhège yóuxì duōle sān gèrén.] - We have three people too many for the game.
他爱玩电脑游戏,但是他应该花更多的时间去学习。(Tā ài wán diànnǎo yóuxì, dànshì tā yīnggāi huā gèngduō de
shíjiān qù xuéxí.) - He loves to play computer games, but he should spend more time studying.
♦ garage —— 车库 [chēkù]
屋后有个车库。[Wū hòu yǒu gè chēkù.] - At the back of the house is a garage.

♦ garden —— 花园 [huāyuán]
美丽的花园 [měilì de huāyuán] - beautiful garden
花园真漂亮。[Huāyuán zhēn piàoliang.] - The garden is really beautiful.

♦ gas —— 气体 [qìtǐ]
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes [benzene-containing gas] rising from the
火力发电是造成全球变暖的温室气体的最大来源。[Huǒlì fādiàn shì zàochéng quánqiú biàn nuǎn de wēnshì qìtǐ de
zuìdà láiyuán.] - Electricity generated from coal is the biggest source of the greenhouse gases that lead to global

♦ gasoline —— 汽油 [qìyóu]
柴油发动机跟汽油发动机有几点很不相同。[Cháiyóu fādòngjī gēn qìyóu fādòngjī yǒu jǐ diǎn hěn bù xiāngtóng.] -
Diesel engines differ from gasoline engines in important ways.
由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式.[Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì
nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] - Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in
the city.

♦ gathering —— 聚会 [jùhuì]
我请你参加我的生日聚会。[Wǒ qǐng nǐ cānjiā wǒ de shēngrì jùhuì.] - I am inviting you to my birthday party.

♦ general ——

♦ generally —— 一般 [yībān]
香烟一般是一包二十支。[Xiāngyān yībān shì yī bāo èrshí zhī.] - Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.

♦ generation ——

♦ geography —— 地理学 [dì lǐ xué]

♦ geometry —— 几何 [jǐhé]
圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.

♦ Germany —— 德国 [déguó]
德国在欧洲。[Déguó zài ōuzhōu.] - Germany is in Europe.

♦ get (to ~) —— 要得到 yào dédào

你要得到什么? Nǐ yào dédào shénme? What do you want to get?
他想要得到她的爱。 Tā xiǎng yào dédào tā de ài. He wants to get her love.
- get up: 起床 [qǐchuáng]
他起床起得不早。[Tā qǐchuáng qǐ de bù zǎo.] - He does not get up early.
我每天早上一起床就喝一杯牛奶。(Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang yī qǐchuáng jiù hē yī bēi niúnǎi.) - I drink a glass of milk
every morning as soon as I get up.
你要得到的东西不一定是你需要的东西。 Nǐ yào dédào de dōngxi bù yīdìng shì nǐ xūyào de dōngxi. What you want
to get is not necessarily what you need.

♦ gift —— 礼物 [lǐwù]
你的圣诞礼物是什么?[Nǐ de shèngdàn lǐwù shì shénme?] - What is your Christmas gift?
我给妈妈寄了礼物。[Wǒ gěi māma jìle lǐwù.] - I have mailed the gift to mom.
这个礼物送给你,希望你会喜欢一下。(Zhège lǐwù sòng gěi nǐ, xīwàng nǐ huì xǐhuan yīxià.) - This gift is for you, I hope
you will like it.
这个礼物很好,但是我没有钱买。 (zhège lǐwù hěn hǎo, dànshì wǒ méiyǒu qián mǎi) - This gift is good, but I don't
have money to buy it.

♦ gin —— 劲酒 [jìn jiǔ]

♦ girl —— 女孩子 nǚ háizi

那个女孩子很漂亮,我很喜欢她。 Nàgè nǚ háizi hěn piàoliang, wǒ hěn xǐhuan tā. That girl is very beautiful, I like her
a lot.
这个女孩子穿的衣服很漂亮。Zhège nǚ háizi chuān de yīfú hěn piàoliang.The clothes this girl is wearing are very

♦ girlfriend —— 女朋友 nǚ péngyǒu

妈妈今天请了几个女朋友来家里聚会。Māmā jīntiān qǐngle jǐ gè nǚ péngyǒu lái jiālǐ jùhuì.Mom invited some female
friends over for a party today.

♦ give (to ~) —— 给 [gěi], 送 [sòng]

请把这个给我。(Qǐng bǎ zhè ge gěi wǒ.) - Please give me this.
把这本书给她。[Bǎ zhè běn shū gěi tā.] - Give her this book.
他送我一本书。[Tā sòng wǒ yī běn shū.] - He gave me a book.
请给我一张纸。(Qǐng gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ.) - Please give me a piece of paper.
可以给我一杯水吗?(kě yǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ ma) Can you give me a glass of water, please?
把你的练习本给你的老师。[Bǎ nǐ de liànxí běn gěi nǐ de lǎoshī.] - Give your exercise book to your teacher.
- give in (to ~) —— 屈服 [qūfú]
他们屈服于我的看法了。[Tāmen qūfú yú wǒ de kànfǎle.] - They gave in to my opinion.
不要屈服于这些要求。[Bùyào qūfú yú zhèxiē yāoqiú.] - Do not give in to those demands.
她屈服于诱惑了。[Tā qūfú yú yòuhuòle.] - She gave in to the temptation.
- give up: 放弃 fàngqì
我不会放弃学习中文的机会。(Wǒ bù huì fàngqì xuéxí zhōngwén de jīhuì.) - I won't give up the opportunity to study
放弃不是解决问题的办法。(Fàngqì bùshì jiějué wèntí de bànfǎ.) - Giving up is not the solution to the problem.
如果我是你,我就不会放弃。 (Rúguǒ wǒ shì nǐ, wǒ jiù bù huì fàngqì.) If I were you, I would not give up.
只有放弃旧的观念,才能接受新的事物。(Zhǐyǒu fàngqì jiù de guānniàn, cái néng jiēshòu xīn de shìwù.) - Only by
giving up old ideas can we accept new things.

♦ glad —— 高兴 [gāoxìng]
(我)很高兴认识你。(Wǒ hěn gāoxìng rènshì nǐ.) - I'm very glad to meet you. [Nice to meet you.]

♦ glass —— 杯 bēi
请你给我一杯水。(Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ.) - Please give me a glass of water
可以给我一杯水吗?(kě yǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ ma) Can you give me a glass of water, please?

♦ go (to ~) —— 去 qù, 走 zǒu

您慢走!Nín màn zǒu! - Mind how you go!
我太累了,不能去了。Wǒ tài lèi le, bù néng qù le. - I'm too tired, I can't go.
我们要去哪儿?Wǒmen yào qù nǎr? - Where are we going?
我们明天去哪儿?Wǒmen míngtiān qù nǎr? Where are we going tomorrow?
礼拜三我去北京。Lǐbàisān wǒ qù Běijīng. - I’ll go to Beijing on Wednesday.
你不去,我也不去。Nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě bù qù. - If you’re not going, I’m not going either.
明天我要早去。Míngtiān wǒ yào zǎo qù. - Tomorrow I'll go early.
午饭以后我去学校。Wǔfàn yǐhòu wǒ qù xuéxiào. - I will go to school after lunch.
我去坐在树下。wǒ qù zuò zài shù xia. - I am going to sit under the tree.
晚上我去看电影。Wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng. - In the evening, I am going to see a movie.
十年以前我去了法国。Shínián yǐqián wǒ qùle fǎguó. - I went to France ten years ago.
放手! (Fàngshǒu!) - Let go!
- to go to school → school
- go out (to ~) —— 出(门) chū(mén)
我们出去走走吧。[Wǒmen chūqù zǒuzou ba.] - Let's go out to take a walk.
外面的天气太冷了,我不想出门。Wàimian de tiānqì tài lěng le, wǒ bù xiǎng chūmén. - It's too cold outside, I don't
want to go out.

♦ goal ——

♦ goat —— 羊 yáng
(要是)睡不着的话,(就)喝一杯羊奶吧!(Yàoshì) shuìbùzháo de huà, (jiù) hē yībēi yángnǎi ba!If you can’t sleep,
drink a glass of goat milk.

♦ god —— 上天 [shàngtiān]
上天是公平的。[Shàngtiān shì gōngpíng de.] - God is fair.
天哪! (Tiān nǎ!) - My God!
♦ good —— 好 [hǎo]
早上好。[zǎo shàng hǎo] - Good morning.
今天天气很好。[Jīntiān tiānqì hěnhǎo.] - The weather is good today.
我的汉语口语不太好。[Wǒ de hànyǔ kǒuyǔ bú tài hǎo.] - My spoken Chinese is not very good.
我的数学很好。[Wǒ de shùxué hěnhǎo.] - I am good at mathematics.
这支笔好写。[Zhè zhī bǐ hǎoxiě.] - This pen is good to write with.
喝茶对身体好。[Hēchá duì shēntǐ hǎo.] - Drinking tea is good for your health.
美国运动员好。[Měiguó yùndòngyuán hǎo.] - The American athletes are good.
这件衣服又便宜又好。[Zhè jiàn yīfu yòu piányi yòu hǎo.] - This outfit is good and inexpensive.
这家商店服务很好。[Zhè jiā shāngdiàn fúwù hěn hǎo.] - This store's service is very good.
做得好! (Zuò dé hǎo!) - Good job!

♦ goodbye —— 再见 [zàijiàn]
她说了再见就上车了。[Tā shuōle zàijiàn jiù shàng chē le.] - She said goodbye then got into the car.
再见! Zàijiàn. Goodbye. 再见.明天见! Zàijiàn. Míngtiān jiàn! Goodbye. See you tomorrow!

♦ Google —— 谷歌 [gǔgē]
一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车与公交车相撞。[Yī liàng zhèng jìnxíng cèshì de gǔgē wú rén jiàshǐ qìchē yǔ
gōngjiāo chē xiāng zhuàng] - A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus.

♦ government —— 政府 zhèngfǔ
政府应该为民众谋福利。Zhèngfǔ yīng gāi wèi mínzhòng móu fúlì. - The government should seek welfare for the
政府正在推进一项扶贫计划。Zhèngfǔ zhèngzài tuījìn yī xiàng fúpín jìhuà. - The government is promoting an
anti-poverty campaign.
政府需要采取措施保护环境。Zhèngfǔ xūyào cǎiqǔ cuòshī bǎohù huánjìng. - The government needs to take
measures to protect the environment.
政府发布了一项新政策。Zhèngfǔ fābùle yī xiàng xīn zhèngcè. - The government has released a new policy.

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gr - gz

♦ grade ——
- score: 成绩 chéngjī
他的成绩都很好。Tā de chéngjì dōu hěn hǎo. His grades are all very good.
我很担心这次考试的成绩。 (Wǒ hěn dānxīn zhè cì kǎoshì de chéngjī.) I'm very worried about my exam results
[grades] this time.
我很自信这次考试会取得好成绩。 (Wǒ hěn zìxìn zhè cì kǎoshì huì qǔdé hǎo chéngjī.) I am confident that I will
achieve good results [grades] in this exam.
虽然他不聪明,但是他很努力,所以成绩不错。(Suīrán tā bù cōngmíng, dànshì tā hěn nǔlì, suǒyǐ chéngjì bùcuò.) -
Although he is not smart, he works hard, so his grades are good.
- class: 年级 niánjí
他在六年级学习。Tā zài liù niánjí xuéxí. - He is studying in the sixth grade.

♦ grammar —— 语法 [yǔfǎ]
汉语语法不太难。[Hànyǔ yǔfǎ bú tài nán.] - Chinese grammar is not very difficult.

♦ grandfather —— father’s father: 公公/祖父/ 爷爷 [gōnggōng/zǔfù/yéyé]; mother’s father: 外公 [wàigōng]

他的祖父曾是个飞行员。[Tā de zǔfù céng shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - His grandfather was a pilot.

♦ grandmother —— father’s mother: 婆婆/祖母/奶奶 [pópo/zǔmǔ/nǎinai]; mother’s mother: 外婆 [wàipó]

他从小和祖母一起生活。[Tā cóngxiǎo hé zǔmǔ yīqǐ shēnghuó.] - He’s lived with his grandmother since he was little.

♦ grape —— 葡萄 [pútáo]
我只喝葡萄酒。[Wǒ zhǐ hē pútaojiǔ.] - I only drink grape wine.
黑葡萄比红葡萄还甜。[Hēi pútáo bǐ hóng pútáo hái tián.] - Black grapes taste even sweeter than the red ones.

♦ grass —— 草 [cǎo]
绿草很嫩。[Lǜ cǎo hěn nèn.] - Green grass is tender.
我家前面有草原。[Wǒjiā qiánmiàn yǒu cǎoyuán.] - There is a grassland in front of my house.
♦ gratitude —— 感激 [gǎnjī]
我太感激你了。[Wǒ tài gǎnjī nǐle.] - I feel very much indebted to you.
她向她的父母表达了感激之情。 (tā xiàng tā de fù mǔ biǎo dá le gǎn jī zhī qíng) - She expressed her gratitude to her

♦ great —— 丰盛 fēngshèng
我跟家人吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 (Wǒ gēn jiārén chīle yī dùn fēngshèng de wǎncān.) - I had a delicious dinner with my

♦ green —— 绿 [lǜ], 青 [qīng]

绿草很嫩。[Lǜ cǎo hěn nèn.] - Green grass is tender.
青苹果比红苹果好吃吗?[Qīng píngguǒ bǐ hóng píngguǒ hào chī ma?] - Do green apples taste better than red

♦ greenhouse —— 温室 [wēnshì]
火力发电是造成全球变暖的温室气体的最大来源。[Huǒlì fādiàn shì zàochéng quánqiú biàn nuǎn de wēnshì qìtǐ de
zuìdà láiyuán.] - Electricity generated from coal is the biggest source of the greenhouse gases that lead to global

♦ ground ——

♦ group —— 组 [zǔ], 集团 [jítuán]

你身为组长,应该负起责任来。[Nǐ shēn wèi zǔ zhǎng, yīnggāi fù qǐ zérèn lái.] - As group leader, you should take
中国电信集团公司 [Zhōngguó diànxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Telecommunications Corporation
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Mobile Communications Corporation
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[Cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán.] - A woman has never
sat in the inner circle of power.

♦ grow (to ~) —— 长 [zhǎng]

这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。[Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole.] - It’s only a year since I last saw the
child and he’s grown so tall.
♦ growth ——
♦ guess ——

♦ guitar —— 吉他 jítā
你会弹吉他吗?(Nǐ huì tán jítā ma?) - Can you play the guitar?

♦ gun ——

♦ guy ——

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__ H__
ha - he

♦ habit —— 习惯 [xíguàn]
每天早起很难,可是这是一个好习惯。Měi tiān zǎo qǐ hěn nán, kěshì zhè shì yī gè hǎo xíguàn. Waking up early
every day is difficult, but it is a good habit.
五个除了多喝水以外的改变人生小习惯 [Wǔ gè chúle duō hē shuǐ yǐwài de gǎibiàn rénshēng xiǎo xíguàn] - Five
Life-Changing Habits Beyond Drinking More Water

♦ hair ——

♦ hairstyle —— 发型 fàxíng
你喜欢他的新发型吗? Nǐ xǐhuan tā de xīn fàxíng ma? Do you like his new hairstyle?
♦ half —— 半 [bàn]
半个小时。(bàn ge xiǎo shí) Half an hour.

♦ hand —— 手 [shǒu]

♦ handbag —— 手提包 [shǒutí bāo]

北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] - Beijing was awash
with luxury handbag boutiques.

♦ handle (to ~) —— 处理 chǔlǐ

我不知道该怎么处理这件事。(Wǒ bù zhīdào gāi zěnme chǔlǐ zhè jiàn shì.) - I don't know how to handle this matter.

♦ handwriting —— 笔迹 [bǐjī]
我认得出他的笔迹。[Wǒ rèndé chū tā de bǐjī.] - I can identify his handwriting.

♦ hang ——

♦ happen (to~) —— 发生 [fāshēng]

这个故事发生在五百年前。[Zhège gùshì fāshēng zài wǔbǎi nián qián.] - The story took place five hundred years ago.
让他告诉你发生了什么事情。[Ràng tā gàosù nǐ fāshēngle shénme shìqíng.] - Let him tell you what has happened.
告诉我那一夜发生了。什么哪一夜?[Gàosù wǒ nà yīyè fāshēngle. Shénme nǎ yīyè?] - Tell me what happened that
night. What night?

♦ happy —— 高兴 [gāoxìng], 快乐 [kuàilè], 开心 kāixīn

新年快乐![Xīnnián kuàilè!] - Happy New Year!
生日快乐![Shēngrì kuàilè!] - Happy birthday!
工作让我很高兴。[Gōngzuò ràng wǒ hěn gāoxìng.] - Working makes me happy.
观众很高兴。[Guānzhòng hěn gāoxìng. ]- The audience is very happy.
祝你生日快乐![Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè!] - Wishing you a happy birthday!
今天是他的生日,但是为什么他看起来不太开心?Jīntiān shì tā de shēngrì, dànshì wèishénme tā kàn qǐlái bú tài
kāixīn? Today is his birthday, so why does he seem unhappy?

♦ hard ——
- difficult: 难 nán
他们的生活如此艰难。(Tāmen de shēnghuó rúcǐ jiānnán.) Their life is so hard.
他很难接受这个事实。 (Tā hěn nán jiēshòu zhège shìshí.) - He finds it hard to accept this fact.
- exhausting: 辛苦 [xīnkǔ]
亲爱的老师们,你们辛苦了。[Qīn'ài de lǎoshīmen, nǐmen xīnkǔle.] - Dear teachers, thank you for your hard work!

♦ hardworking —— 努力 [nǔlì]
从今以后我会更加努力。[Cóng jīn yǐhòu wǒ huì gèngjiā nǔlì.] - I will be more hardworking from now on.
他通过努力学习,考上了大学。Tā tōngguò nǔlì xuéxí, kǎoshàngle dàxué. He got into college by studying hard.
考试快到了,我们都要打起精神,努力复习。Kǎoshì kuài dàole, wǒmen dōu yào dǎqǐ jīngshén, nǔlì fùxí. The exam is
coming soon, we all have to perk up [to cheer up] and study hard.

♦ harmonious —— 融洽 [róngqià], 和谐 [héxié]

她们婆媳关系融洽。[Tāmen póxí guānxì róngqià.] - The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is

♦ hat —— 帽子 màozi
太阳很大,要带帽子。Tàiyáng hěn dà, yào dài màozi. - The sun is too strong, you should wear a hat.

♦ have (to ~) —— 有 [yǒu]

你有车吗?[Nǐ yǒu chē ma?] - Do you have a car?
我有两个哥哥。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè gēgē.] - I have two brothers.
上海有很多大楼房。[Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō dà lóufáng.] - Shanghai has many big buildings (blocks).
我没有妹妹。[Wǒ méiyǒu mèimei. ] - I don't have a younger sister.
今天我有很多事儿。[Jīntiān wǒ yǒu hěnduō shìr.] - I have a lot to do today.
我们有三个空瓶子。[Wǒmen yǒu sǎn gè kōng píngzi.] - We have three empty bottles.
- to have to do: 关系 guānxi
这一件事情和你有关系吗?(Zhè yí jiàn shìqíng hé nǐ yǒu guānxi ma?) - Does this matter have anything to do with
♦ he —— 他 [tā]
连他都不知道。[Lián tā dōu bù zhīdào.] - Even he doesn’t know it.

♦ head —— 头 [tóu]
我头疼。[Wǒ tóuténg.] - I have a headache.

♦ health —— 健康 jiànkāng, 身体 shēntǐ

你的身体怎么样?Nǐ de shēntǐ zěnme yàng? How is your health?
你的身体如何?Nǐ de shēntǐ rúhé? - How is your health?
我的身体不太好,感冒了。Wǒ de shēntǐ bù tài hǎo, gǎnmào le. My health is not very good, I have a cold.
你要注意身体,多喝水。Nǐ yào zhùyì shēntǐ, duō hē shuǐ. You should take care of your health, drink more water.
牛奶对你的身体好。Niúnǎi duì nǐde shēntǐ hǎo. - Milk is good for your health.
你身体好吗?很好,谢谢!Nǐ shēntǐ hǎo ma? Hěn hǎo, xièxiè! - Do you feel good? - Very well, thanks!
近来她身体很不好。Jìnlái tā shēntǐ hěn bù hǎo. - Recently she has been rather unwell.
祝你身体健康。Zhù nǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng. - I wish you the best of health.
你爸爸,妈妈身体好吗?Nǐ bàba, māmā shēntǐ hǎo ma? - How is your parent’s health?
我们应该多运动,保持健康。Wǒmen yīnggāi duō yùndòng, bǎochí jiànkāng. We should exercise more and keep
你的健康状况怎么样?Nǐ de jiànkāng zhuàngkuàng zěnme yàng? How is your health condition
健康是最大的财富。Jiànkāng shì zuìdà de cáifù. Health is the greatest wealth.
她很注意饮食健康。Tā hěn zhùyì yǐnshí jiànkāng. She pays a lot of attention to dietary health.
为了健康,我每天都吃水果。Wèile jiànkāng, wǒ měitiān dōu chī shuǐguǒ. For the sake of health, I eat fruits every
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de fēngxiǎn.
- A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

♦ hear of, that..., about.. (to ~) —— 听(说) tīng(shuō)

听不到。Tīng bù dào. – Can’t hear.
听说她工作得很晚。Tīngshūo tā gōngzuò de hěn wǎn. - I hear she works very late.
听了我的故事后,他哈哈大笑了。Tīngle wǒ de gùshì hòu, tā hāhā dà xiàole. - After listening to my story, he laughed
out loud.
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì. -
Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.

♦ heart ——

♦ heat ——

♦ heavy —— (沉)重 (chén)zhòng

你的包太重了,需要帮忙吗?Nǐ de bāo tài zhòng le, xū yào bāngmáng ma? - Your bag is too heavy, do you need
这个箱子太沉重了,我搬不动。Zhège xiāngzi tài chénzhòngle, wǒ bān bù dòng. This box is too heavy, I can’t move
他的话让我感到很沉重的责任。Tā de huà ràng wǒ gǎndào hěn chénzhòng de zérèn. His words made me feel a
heavy responsibility.
他们面临着沉重的压力和困难。Tāmen miànlínzhe chénzhòng de yālì hé kùnnán. They face heavy pressure and
她用沉重的语气说:“我有不好的消息要告诉你。”Tā yòng chénzhòng de yǔqì shuō:“Wǒ yǒu bù hǎo de xiāoxī yào
gàosù nǐ.” She said in a heavy tone: “I have bad news to tell you.”
这是一个沉重的损失,我们都很难过。Zhè shì yīgè chénzhòng de sǔnshī, wǒmen dōu hěn nánguò. This is a heavy
loss, we are all very sad.
你有没有必要去背这个沉重的包袱。Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu bìyào qù bèi zhège chénzhòng de bāofú. - Do you need to carry
the heavy burden?

♦ height —— 高度 [gāodù]
世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。[Shìjiè shàng rènhé shānfēng dōu dá bù dào zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de
gāodù.] - No other mountain in the world is as tall as [can reach the height of ] Mount Everest.

♦ hello! —— 你好 [nǐ hǎo]

你好![Nǐ hǎo!] - Hello!
您好![Nín hǎo!] - Hello [informal]
喂 [Wèi] - Hello. [a pretty rude way of getting people’s attention]
大家好![Dàjiā hǎo!] - Hello everyone!
大卫:玛丽,你好!玛丽:你好,大卫![Dà wèi: Mǎlì, nǐ hǎo! Mǎlì: Nǐ hǎo, dà wèi! ] - David: Mary, hello! Mary: Hello,
大卫:你们好吗? 玛丽:我们都很好。你好吗? 大卫:我也很好。[Dà wèi: Nǐmen hǎo ma? Mǎlì: Wǒmen dōu hěn hǎo.
Nǐ hǎo ma? Dà wèi: Wǒ yě hěn hǎo.] - David: How are you? Mary: We are all fine. How are you? David: I'm fine too.

♦ help (to ~) —— 帮(助) bāng(zhù), 帮忙 bāngmáng

我可以帮助你吗?Wǒ kěyǐ bāngzhù nǐ ma? - May I help you?
谁能帮我?Shéi néng bāng wǒ? Who can help me?
你的包太重了,需要帮忙吗?Nǐ de bāo tài zhòng le, xū yào bāngmáng ma? - Your bag is too heavy, do you need
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān. - My mother helps me to clean my room
every day.
她不接受别人的帮助。 (Tā bù jiēshòu biérén de bāngzhù.) She doesn't accept help from others.
你能帮我把箱子放上车吗?(Nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎ xiāngzi fàng shàng chē ma?) - Can you help me put the suitcase
on the car?
你得谢谢他帮助你找工作。Nǐ děi xièxie tā bāngzhù nǐ zhǎo gōngzuò. - You must thank him for helping you find work.

♦ her —— 她的 tā de
她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。(Tā zuì xǐ huān de yán sè shì lán sè.) Her favorite color is blue.

♦ here —— 这儿 [zhèr], 这里 zhèlǐ

你的书在这儿。[Nǐ de shū zài zhèr. ]- Your book is here.
这儿疼。[Zhè'er téng.] - It hurts here.
这里有家超市。(zhè lǐ yǒu jiā chāo shì) Here is the supermarket.
北京离这儿不远。[Běijīng lí zhè'er bù yuǎn.] - Beijing is not far from here.
从这里到火车站有多远? Cóng zhèlǐ dào huǒchēzhàn yǒu duō yuǎn? How far is it from here to the train station?
这儿冬天很冷。[Zhèr dōngtiān hěn lěng. ]- Winter here is cold.
这儿买东西很方便。[Zhèr mǎi dōngxi hěn fāngbiàn.] - It is convenient to go shopping here.

♦ hesitate (to ~) —— 彷徨 [fǎnghuán

青春的路上充满了彷徨。[Qīngchūn de lùshàng chōngmǎnle fǎnghuáng.] - The road of youth is full of indecision.
[The road to youth is full of hesitation.]

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hi - hz

♦ hibernate (to ~) —— 冬眠 dōngmián

有些动物会在冬天冬眠。 (Yǒuxiē dòngwù huì zài dōngtiān dōngmián.) - Some animals hibernate in winter.

♦ hide —— 躲 duǒ
我家里的猫喜欢躲在箱子内睡觉。(Wǒ jiālǐ de māo xǐhuān duǒ zài xiāngzi nèi shuìjiào.) - My family's cat likes to hide
inside the box to sleep.

♦ high —— 高 [gāo]
老鹰飞得高。[Lǎoyīng fēi dé gāo.] - Eagles fly high.
他的工作效率很高。[Tā de gōngzuò xiàolǜ hěn gāo.] - He is really efficient. [His work efficiency is very high.]
这座山大约有两千米高。 (zhè zuò shān dàyuē yǒu liǎng qiān mǐ gāo) - This mountain is about 2,000 meters high.

♦ high school —— 高中学 [gāo zhōngxué]

♦ him ——

♦ himself ——

♦ his —— 他的 tā de
他的中文名字是什么? Tā de zhōngwén míngzì shì shénme? What is his Chinese name?
他的父母都是医生。 Tā de fùmǔ dōu shì yīshēng. His parents are both doctors.

♦ history —— 历史(学) [lìshǐ (xué)]

中国历史很长。[Zhōngguó lìshǐ hěn cháng.] - China has a long history.

♦ hit ——

♦ hobby —— 爱好 àihào
他的爱好是什么?Tā de àihào shì shénme? What is his hobby?
我的爱好是看电影。 (wǒ de àihào shì kàn diànyǐng) - My hobby is watching movies.

♦ hold (to ~) —— 举行 [jǔxíng]

会议在哪里举行?[Huìyì zài nǎlǐ jǔxíng?] - Where’s the meeting taking place? [Where is the meeting held?]
他们固守传统,只在五月举行婚礼。[Tāmen gùshǒu chuántǒng, zhǐ zài wǔ yuè jǔxíng hūnlǐ.] - They keep to the
custom of having their marriages only in May. [They stick to tradition and only hold their wedding in May.]
等一等。 (děng yī děng.) - Hold on.

♦ home —— 家 [jiā]
这是我的家。 (zhè shì wǒ de jiā.) - This is my home.
他不在家。(tā bú zài jiā) He’s not home.
你爸爸在家吗?[Nǐ bàba zàijiā ma?] - Is your father in? [Is your dad at home?]
你认得回家的路吗?[Nǐ rèndé huí jiā de lù ma?] - Can you find your way home?
我大约两点钟回家。 (wǒ dàyuē liǎng diǎn zhōng huí jiā) - I will go back home at about 2 o'clock.

♦ hometown —— 家乡 jiāxiāng
我的家乡在山东。 (wǒ de jiāxiāng zài shāndōng) - My hometown is in Shandong.

♦ homework —— 功课 [gōngkè]; (家庭)作业 (jiātíng) zuòyè

她在写作业。 (Tā zài xiě zuòyè.) - She is doing homework.
我 做 完 作业 了 。[Wǒ zuò wán zuòyè le.] - I finished doing my homework.
你做完功课再看电视。[Nǐ zuò wán gōngkè zài kàn diànshì.] - You can watch TV when you’ve finished your
老师今天给我们布置了很多作业。Lǎoshī jīntiān gěi wǒmen bùzhì le hěn duō zuòyè. The teacher gave us a lot of
homework today.
请按照标准答案检查你的作业。 Qǐng ànzhào biāozhǔn dá’àn jiǎnchá nǐ de zuòyè. Please check your homework
according to the standard answer.

♦ honest —— 真诚 [zhēnchéng]
我们要真诚待人。[Wǒmen yào zhēnchéng dàirén.] - We must treat other people with honesty.

♦ honour —— 荣誉 [róngyù]
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。[Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ
yíngdé yīxiē róngyù.] - As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory.

♦ hope ——

♦ horse —— 马 [mǎ]

♦ hospital —— 医院 [yīyuàn]
我要去医院。 [Wǒ yào qù yīyuàn.] - I need to go to hospital.
我马上就去医院。(wǒ mǎ shàng jiù qù yī yuàn) - I'm going to the hospital right away.

♦ hot —— 热 [rè]
今天非常热。Jīntiān fēicháng rè. - It's extremely hot today.
今天太热了。Jīntiān tài rè le. - Today is too hot.
今天的天气最热了。Jīntiān de tiānqì zuì rè le. Today's weather is the hottest.

♦ hotel —— 酒店 [jiǔdiàn]
我要订两晚酒店,四号和五号。[Wǒ yào dìng liǎng wǎn jiǔdiàn, sì hào hé wǔ hào.] - I need to book a hotel for two
nights, (for) the fourth and the fifth.

♦ hour —— 小时 [xiǎoshí]
半个小时。(bàn ge xiǎo shí) Half an hour.
三小时后她来。[Sān xiǎoshí hòu tā lái.] - She will come three hours from now.
我每天都要学习一小时。(Wǒ měitiān dōu yào xuéxí yī xiǎoshí.) - I study for one hour every day.

♦ house —— 家 [jiā], 房子 [fángzi], 屋 [wū], 房屋 [fángwū]

我的家很大。Wǒ de jiā hěn dà. My house is big.
我的家离学校很近。Wǒ de jiā lí xuéxiào hěn jìn. My house is very close to school.
他家的房子很美。[Tā jiā de fángzi hěn měi.] - His family's house is very beautiful.
又有一只猫来到我家了。[Yòu yǒuyī zhǐ māo lái dào wǒjiāle.] - Another cat came to my house.
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] - Beijing banned housing sales
in the region. [Beijing ordered a ban on home sales in the area.]

♦ how —— 怎么(样) [zěnme(yàng)], 如何 rúhé

你好吗?[Nǐ hǎo ma?] - How are you?
请问,这个怎么用?(Qǐng wèn, zhè ge zěn me yòng?) - Excuse me, how do you use this?
你的身体如何?(Nǐ de shēntǐ rúhé?) How is your health?
你的汉语怎么样?[Nǐ de hànyǔ zěnmeyàng?] - How is your Chinese?
你的工作如何进行?(Nǐ de gōngzuò rúhé jìnxíng?) How is your work going?
你能不能给我说一下怎么做? (Nǐ néng bù néng gěi wǒ shuō yí xià zěnme zuò?) - Can you tell me how to do it?
冰箱里的冻鱼怎么做好吃呢?[Bīngxiāng lǐ de dòng yú zěnme zuò hào chī ne?] - How to make the frozen fish in the
refrigerator delicious?
我们在学校里学习如何说汉语。 (Wǒmen zài xuéxiào lǐ xuéxí rúhé shuō hànyǔ.) - We learn how to speak Chinese at

♦ however ——

♦ how many —— 多少 [duōshǎo]

你们中有多少人是北京人?[Nǐmen zhōng yǒu duōshǎo rén shì běijīng rén?] - How many of you are from Beijing?

♦ hug —— 抱 bào
那些狗很可爱,我想抱抱它们。(Nàxiē gǒu hěn kě’ài, wǒ xiǎng bàobào tāmen.) Those dogs are very cute, I want to
hug them.

♦ huge —— 巨大 [jùdà]
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] -
Chinese women have made huge progress in most spheres of life.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.
随着美国汽车业的复苏,一个巨大的机会即将出现。[Suízhe měiguó qìchē yè de fùsū, yīgè jùdà de jīhuì jíjiāng
chūxiàn.] - A huge opportunity was on the horizon as the auto industry in the United States started its revival.

♦ human ——

♦ hundred —— 百 [bǎi]
一百个人要参加聚会。[Yī bǎi gè rén yào cānjiā jùhuì. ]- One hundred people will participate in the meeting.
我有一百块美元。[Wǒ yǒu yībǎi kuài měiyuán.] - I have one hundred dollars.

♦ husband ——

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♦ I —— 我 wǒ
我想买一本书。Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī běn shū. I want to buy a book.
♦ ice cream —— 冰淇淋 bīngqílín, 雪糕 [xuěgāo]
李大哥请我吃雪糕。[Lǐ dàgē qǐng wǒ chī xuěgāo.] - Brother Lee treats me ice cream.
女儿喜欢吃冰淇淋。 (Nǚ'ér xǐhuān chī bīngqílín.) The daughter likes to eat ice cream.

♦ idea —— 主意 [zhǔyì]
在我个人看来,这是个好主意。[Zài wǒ gèrén kàn lái, zhè shìgè hǎo zhǔyì.] - As far as I’m concerned [In my personal
opinion], this is a good idea.

♦ identify ——

♦ idle —— 闲置 [xiánzhì]
中国火电厂约半数产能闲置。[Zhōngguó huǒ diànchǎng yuē bànshù chǎnnéng xiánzhì.] - China's coal-fired power
plants now run at about half of capacity. [About half of China's thermal power plants are idle.]

♦ if —— 如果 rúguǒ
如果你是我男朋友就好了。Rúguǒ nǐ shì wǒ nánpéngyǒu jiù hǎo le. If you were my boyfriend, then all would be well.
如果我有钱,我会买一辆新车。 (Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu qián, wǒ huì mǎi yí liàng xīn chē.) If I had money, I would buy a new

♦ illuminate (to ~) —— 照亮 [zhào liàng]

光线很亮,照亮了整个房间。Guāngxiàn hěn liàng, zhàoliàng le zhěnggè fángjiān. The light is very bright,
illuminating the entire room.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

♦ image ——

♦ imagination —— 想象力 xiǎngxiànglì

我们应该发挥自己的创造力和想象力。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi fāhuī zìjǐ de chuàngzàolì hé xiǎngxiànglì.) We should
unleash our creativity and imagination.

♦ imagine ——

♦ immediately —— 马上 mǎ shàng, 就 [jiù]

我马上回来。(wǒ mǎ shàng huí lái) - I'll be back in a moment.
他马上就要来了。(tā mǎ shàng jiù yào lái le) - He'll be here in a moment.
我马上就去医院。(wǒ mǎ shàng jiù qù yī yuàn) - I'm going to the hospital right away.
我们马上就要到机场了。(wǒ men mǎ shàng jiù yào dào jī chǎng le) - We're arriving at the airport in a moment.
银行很近,前面左转就到了。[Yínháng hěn jìn, qiánmiàn zuǒ zhuǎn jiù dàole.] - The bank is close by, turn left in the
front, you will find it immediately.

♦ impact ——

♦ important —— 重要 zhòngyào
这个问题不如那个问题重要。(Zhège wèntí bùrú nàge wèntí zhòngyào.) This question is not as important as that one.
这件事如此重要,你怎么能忘记呢?(Zhè jiàn shì rúcǐ zhòngyào, nǐ zěnme néng wàngjì ne?) This matter is so
important, how could you forget it?

♦ imprint (to ~) —— 印(记) [yìn(jì)]

有些歌你只要听过一两次,就会印在你的脑海里。[Yǒuxiē gē nǐ zhǐyào tīngguò yī liǎng cì, jiù huì yìn zài nǐ de nǎohǎi
lǐ.] - Even a song that you hear only a couple of times can be in your head forever.

♦ improve (to ~) —— 提高 tígāo, 好转 [hǎozhuǎn]

他通过学习汉语提高了自己的职业技能。(Tā tōngguò xuéxí hànyǔ tígāo le zìjǐ de zhíyè jìnéng.) - He improved his
professional skills by studying Chinese.
有迹象表明情况可能好转。[Yǒu jīxiàng biǎomíng qíngkuàng kěnéng hǎozhuǎn.] - There are indications that the
situation may be improving.
我们要提高自己的竞争能力。 Wǒmen yào tígāo zìjǐ de jìngzhēng nénglì. We need to improve our competitiveness.
♦ in —— 里 lǐ, 在 zài, 内 nèi
他在中国。Tā zài zhōngguó. - He is in China.
我的手机在我的包里。Wǒ de shǒujī zài wǒ de bāo lǐ. My phone is in my bag.
这个包里有什么?Zhège bāo lǐ yǒu shénme? What’s in this bag?
你住在哪个城市?Nǐ zhù zài nǎge chéngshì? Which city do you live in?
我的书包里有一本书。​(Wǒ de shūbāo lǐ yǒu yī běn shū.) There is a book in my backpack.
这个房间里有五个人。Zhège fángjiān lǐ yǒu wǔ gè rén. There are five people in this room.
我们在公园里玩。​(Wǒmen zài gōngyuán lǐ wán.) We play in the park.
我们的教室内有很多学生。​(Wǒmen de jiàoshì nèi yǒu hěn duō xuéshēng.) - There are many students in our
我的房间里有一张床和一张桌子。Wǒ de fángjiān lǐ yǒu yì zhāng chuáng hé yì zhāng zhuōzi. There is a bed and a
desk in my room.

♦ include (to ~) —— 包括 [bāokuò]

包括小费吗?[Bāokuò xiǎofèi ma?] - Does that include the tip?
去博物馆的门票包括在内了。[Qù bówùguǎn de ménpiào bāokuò zài nèile.] - Admission to the museum is included in
the package.

♦ including ——

♦ income —— 收入 shǒurù
他要计算一下他的收入。[Tā yào jìsuàn yíxià tā de shǒurù.] - He wants to calculate his income.

♦ indeed ——

♦ India —— 印度 [yìndù]
中国,韩国或印度裔学生被录取的可能性高得多。[Zhōngguó, hánguó huò yìndù yì xuéshēng bèi lùqǔ de kěnéng
xìng gāo dé duō.] - A student of Chinese, Korean or Indian descent is so much more likely to be admitted.

♦ indicate (to ~) —— 表明 [biǎomíng]

有迹象表明情况可能好转。[Yǒu jīxiàng biǎomíng qíngkuàng kěnéng hǎozhuǎn.] - There are signs that [indicate that]
the situation may be improving.

♦ indication —— 迹象 [jīxiàng]
有迹象表明情况可能好转。[Yǒu jīxiàng biǎomíng qíngkuàng kěnéng hǎozhuǎn.] - There are indications that the
situation may be improving.

♦ individual ——

♦ Indonesia —— 印尼 [yìnní]
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ industry —— 业 [yè]
娱乐业永远是年轻人的行当。[Yúlè yè yǒngyuǎn shì niánqīng rén de hángdang.] - Entertainment industry is always a
young person’s business.

♦ inflammation —— 发炎 fāyán
这个药可以减少疼痛和发炎。 Zhège yào kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo téngtòng hé fāyán. This medicine can reduce pain and

♦ information —— 信息 [xìnxī]
这个网站有各种各样的信息。 (Zhège wǎngzhàn yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de xìnxī.) This website has all kinds of
这本书将为我们提供所需要全部信息。[Zhè běn shū jiāng wèi wǒmen tígōng suǒ xūyào quánbù xìnxī.] - This book
will provide us with all the information we need.

♦ ingredient —— 成分 [chéngfèn]
营养成分都列在包装上面。[Yíngyǎng chéngfèn dōu liè zài bāozhuāng shàngmiàn.] - All ingredients are listed right
on the package

♦ injure —— 伤 [shāng]
一名老师也受了重伤。[Yī míng lǎoshī yě shòule zhòngshāng.] - A teacher was also severely injured.

♦ inside —— 内 [nèi]
她的手机在书包内。(Tā de shǒujī zài shūbāo nèi.) - Her phone is inside the school bag.

♦ instead ——

♦ institution ——

♦ instruct (to ~) —— 指示 zhǐshì

我们按照他的指示做了。 Wǒmen ànzhào tā de zhǐshì zuòle. We did as he instructed.

♦ instruction —— 说明 shuōmíng
请按照说明书使用这个产品。 Qǐng ànzhào shuōmíngshū shǐyòng zhège chǎnpǐn. Please use this product according
to the instructions.

♦ intelligent —— 聪明 [cōngmíng]
这儿的学生都很聪明。[Zhè'er de xuéshēng dōu hěn cōngmíng.] - All of the students here are very intelligent.

♦ interest —— 兴趣 [xìngqù]
我对下棋不感兴趣。[Wǒ duì xià qí bùgǎn xìngqù.] - I’m not interested in chess.

♦ interesting —— 有趣 [yǒuqù]
那本书很有趣。​(nà běn shū hěn yǒu qù.) - That book is very interesting.
学华语真有趣。[Xué huáyǔ zhēn yǒuqù.] - Learning Chinese is really interesting.
他喜欢有趣的人们。(tā xǐ huan yǒu qù de rén men) He likes people who are interesting.
这个电影不但很有趣,还很感人。Zhège diànyǐng bùdàn hěn yǒuqù, hái hěn gǎnrén. This movie is not only very
interesting, but also very touching.

♦ international ——

♦ interview ——

♦ into ——

♦ investment ——

♦ invitation —— 邀请 yāoqǐng
我接受了他的邀请。 (Wǒ jiēshòu le tā de yāoqǐng.) - I accepted his invitation.

♦ invite —— (邀)请 (yāo)qǐng

请坐。(Qǐng zuò.) - Please sit down.
请你给我一杯水。(Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ.) - Please give me a glass of water.
请把这个给我。(Qǐng bǎ zhège gěi wǒ.) - Please give me this.
请你帮我一下。(Qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ yīxià.) - Please help me a little.
请问这个怎么用?(Qǐngwèn zhège zěnme yòng?) - Excuse me, how do you use this?
请注意安全。(Qǐng zhùyì ānquán.) - Please pay attention to safety.
请稍等一下。(Qǐng shāo děng yīxià.) - Please wait a moment.
李大哥请我吃雪糕。[Lǐ dàgē qǐng wǒ chī xuěgāo.] - Brother Lee treats me ice cream.
他们邀请我们参加他们下个月的婚礼。Tāmen yāoqǐng wǒmen cānjiā tāmen xià gè yuè de hūnlǐ. They invited us to
their wedding next month.

♦ issue —— 问题 [wèntí]
能源在经济中远非是一个次要问题。[Néngyuán zài jīngjì zhōngyuǎn fēi shì yīgè cì yào wèntí.] - Energy is far from a
peripheral issue in the economy.
♦ it —— 它 tā
它是一只小猫。Tā shì yī zhī xiǎo māo. It is a small cat.
它很聪明。Tā hěn cōngmíng. It is very smart.

♦ item ——

♦ its ——

♦ itself ——

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♦ January —— 一月 [yīyuè]
一月一号是新年。[Yīyuè yīhào shì xīnnián.] - January the first is New Year's Day.

♦ Japan —— 日本 Rìběn
我的老师是日本人。Wǒ de lǎoshī shì Rìběn rén. My teacher is a Japanese.

♦ Japanese —— 日语 rìyǔ
我会说一点儿日语。Wǒ huì shuō yīdiǎn er rìyǔ. - I can speak a little Japanese.

♦ jeans —— 牛仔裤 [niú zǎi kù]

♦ jewel —— 珠宝 zhūbǎo
这个盒子内装了许多漂亮的珠宝。Zhège hézi nèi zhuāngle xǔduō piàoliang de zhūbǎo. - This box contains many
beautiful jewels inside.

♦ job —— 岗位 gǎngwèi
在这个岗位上需要很强的沟通能力。Zài zhège gǎngwèi shàng xūyào hěn qiáng de gōutōng nénglì. Strong
communication abilities are required for this position [job].

♦ join ——

♦ joke —— 笑话 xiàohuà
他给我们讲了一个有趣的笑话,我们一起笑了起来。Tā gěi wǒmen jiǎng le yī gè yǒuqù de xiàohuà, wǒmen yīqǐ xiào
le qǐlái. He told us a funny joke and we all laughed together.

♦ joy —— 乐趣 lèqù
她在于学习中发现了乐趣。 Tā zài yú xuéxí zhōng fāxiàn le lèqù. - She found joy in learning.

♦ judgement —— 判断 pànduàn
你有能力做出正确的判断吗? Nǐ yǒu nénglì zuò chū zhèngquè de pànduàn ma? Are you able to make the right

♦ July —— 七月 [qī yuè]

今天七月三十一号,明天几月几号?Jīntiān qī yuè sān shí yī hào, míng tiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào? - It’s July 31 today, what’s
the date tomorrow?

♦ jump (to ~) —— 跳 tiào

一只猴子突然从树上跳了下来。Yī zhǐ hóuzi túrán cóng shù shàng tiàole xiàlái. - A monkey suddenly jumped down
from the tree.

♦ just —— 就 jiù, 刚 [gāng], 只 [zhǐ]

一辆公共汽车刚过去。[Yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē gāng guòqù.] - A bus has just passed by.
你只是需要些练习。[Nǐ zhǐshì xūyào xiē liànxí.] - You just need some practice.
我们一起去海滩吧,就我们。Wǒmen yīqǐ qù hǎitān ba, jiù wǒmen. Let's go to the beach, just us.
♦ just now —— 刚才 [gāngcái]
他刚才来找过你。[Tā gāngcái lái zhǎoguò nǐ.] - He has just come to look for you.
我刚才很忙。[Wǒ gāngcái hěn máng.] - I was very busy just now.

[Back to Contents]

♦ keep ——
- to keep on: 坚持 jiānchí
他生病了,但是他还是打起精神,坚持工作。Tā shēngbìngle, dànshì tā háishì dǎqǐ jīngshén, jiānchí gōngzuò. He was
sick, but he still pulled himself together and kept working.

♦ key —— 钥匙 yàoshi
你把钥匙放在哪儿了?Nǐ bǎ yàoshi fàng zài nǎrle? Where did you put the key?
他的钥匙落在了口袋内。(Tā de yàoshi luò zài le kǒudài nèi.) - His key fell inside the pocket.

♦ kid ——
♦ kill ——
♦ kilogram —— 公斤 [gōngjīn]
她体重六十公斤。[Tā tǐzhòng liùshí gōngjīn.] - She weighs sixty kilograms.

♦ kind ——
- class, type: 种 zhǒng
这种菜很好吃。(zhè zhǒng cài hěn hǎo chī) This kind of food is delicious.
这家商店有各种各样的衣服。 (Zhè jiā shāngdiàn yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de yīfú.) This shop has all kinds of clothes.
在超市里你可以买到各种各样的零食。 (Zài chāoshì lǐ nǐ kěyǐ mǎidào gè zhǒng gè yàng de língshí.)
In the supermarket, you can buy all kinds of snacks.
我们班有各种各样的学生。 (Wǒmen bān yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de xuéshēng.)
There are all kinds of students in our class.
- cordial: 善良 [shànliáng]
那位老婆婆很善良。[Nà wèi lǎopópo hěn shànliáng.] - That old lady is very kind.
他不但聪明还很善良。Tā búdàn cōngmíng hái hěn shànliánɡ. He’s not only smart, but also kind.

♦ kitchen —— 厨房 [chúfáng]
这间厨房太小。[Zhè jiān chúfáng tài xiǎo.] - This kitchen is too small.

♦ knock —— 敲 qiāo
谁在敲门?Shéi zài qiāomén? Who is knocking on the door?

♦ know —— 知道 [zhī dào], 晓得 [xiǎodé], 认识 [rènshi]

我知道他的名字。[Wǒ zhīdào tāde míngzì.] - I know his name.
我认识这个字。[Wǒ rènshí zhège zì.] - I know this character.
你认识那些人吗?(Nǐ rènshi nàxiē rén ma?) Do you know those people?
你认识他们的老师吗?Nǐ rènshi tāmen de lǎoshī ma? Do you know their teacher?
这件事我早就知道了。[zhè jiàn shì wǒ zǎo jiù zhī dào le] - I knew about this a long time ago.
这消息我知道了。[Zhè xiāoxī wǒ zhīdàole.] - I have heard [know] that news already.
我不晓得他是男的还是女的。[Wǒ bù xiǎodé tā shì nán de háishì nǚ de.]- I do not know if he is a man or woman.
连他都不知道。[Lián tā dōu bù zhīdào.] - Even he doesn’t know it.
我认识很多留学生。[Wǒ rènshi hěnduō liúxuéshēng.] - I know many foreign students.
他们是在一次晚会上认识的。[Tāmen shì zài yīcì wǎnhuì shàng rènshí de.] - They got to know each other at a party.

♦ knowledge —— 知识 [zhīshì]
他知识丰富。[Tā zhīshì fēngfù.] - He’s a man of great knowledge.

♦ Korea —— 韩国 [hánguó]
中国,韩国或印度裔学生被录取的可能性高得多。[Zhōngguó, hánguó huò yìndù yì xuéshēng bèi lùqǔ de kěnéng
xìng gāo dé duō.] - A student of Chinese, Korean or Indian descent is so much more likely to be admitted.

[Back to Contents]
la - le

♦ lack (to ~) —— 缺乏 [quēfá]

我好像缺乏爱人的能力 。[Wǒ hǎoxiàng quēfá àirén de nénglì.] - I seem to lack the ability to love.

♦ ladder —— 梯子 [tīzi]
请从梯子上下来。[Qǐng cóng tīzi shàng xiàlái.] - Come down from the ladder please.

♦ lady —— 女士 nǚshì
这位女士是我的同事。 (Zhè wèi nǚshì shì wǒ de tóngshì.) This lady is my colleague.

♦ lamp —— 灯 [dēng]
到了红绿灯以后,往右拐。[Dàole hónglǜdēng yǐhòu, wǎng yòu guǎi.] - After you get to the traffic light, turn right.

♦ land —— 陆地 [lùdì]
经过两天的航行,我们已经远离陆地。[Jīngguò liǎng tiān de hángxíng, wǒmen yǐjīng yuǎnlí lùdì.] - After two days of
sailing, we were far from land.

♦ landscape —— 风景 fēngjǐng
祖国内有许多美丽的风景。(Zǔguó nèi yǒu xǔduō měilì de fēngjǐng.) - There are many beautiful sceneries inside the

♦ language —— 语(言) yǔ(yán)

我的语言能力不错。 (Wǒ de yǔyán nénglì bùcuò.) My language ability is not bad.
他能够说三种语言。Tā nénggòu shuō sān zhǒng yǔyán. He can speak three languages.
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ large ——

♦ last —— 最后 [zuìhòu], 上(个) shàng (gè); last year —— 去年 [qùnián]; last night —— 昨晚 [Zuó wǎn]
我坐在最后一排。[Wǒ zuò zài zuìhòu yī pái.] - I’m sitting in the last row.
去年我毕业了。[Qùnián wǒ bīyè le.] - I graduated last year.
我上个星期去了北京。 (Wǒ shàng gè xīngqī qùle Běijīng.) - I went to Beijing last week.
他上个月开始学习中文。 (Tā shàng gè yuè kāishǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén.) - He started learning Chinese last month.
昨晚我做了一个可怕的梦。[Zuó wǎn wǒ zuòle yīgè kěpà de mèng.] - I had a terrible dream last night.
我从去年十月开始学中文。[Wǒ cóng qùnián shí yuè kāishǐ xué Zhōngwén.] - I started learning Chinese last October.
[since October last year]
你上个月买了什么东西?Nǐ shàng gè yuè mǎile shénme dōngxi? What did you buy last month?
他上个星期六去了电影院。Tā shàng gè xīngqíliù qùle diànyǐngyuàn. He went to the cinema last Saturday.

♦ late —— 晚的 [wǎn de], 晚点 [wǎndiǎn]

今天我来晚了。[Jīntiān wǒ lái wǎnle.] - Today I came late.
我来晚了, 请原谅。[Wǒ lái wǎnle, qǐng yuánliàng.] - I'm late, please forgive me.
我很晚睡觉。[Wǒ hěn wǎn shuìjiào.] - I sleep very late.
对不起,我来晚了。[Duìbùqǐ, wǒ lái wǎnle.] - Sorry, I'm late.
听说她工作得很晚。[Tīngshūo tā gōngzuò de hěn wǎn.] - I hear she works very late.
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] - Because the train
was late, I do not think I can make it on time.
- to be late: 迟到 chídào
你不准再迟到了,明白吗?Nǐ bùzhǔn zài chídàole, míngbai ma? You are not allowed to be late again, understand?

♦ later ——

♦ laugh (to ~) —— 笑 [xiào]

听了我的故事后,他哈哈大笑了。[Tīngle wǒ de gùshì hòu, tā hāhā dà xiàole.] - After listening to my story, he laughed
out loud.
不准笑,这是个严肃的问题。Bùzhǔn xiào, zhè shì gè yánsù de wèntí. Don’t laugh, this is a serious problem.
他给我们讲了一个有趣的笑话,我们一起笑了起来。Tā gěi wǒmen jiǎng le yī gè yǒuqù de xiàohuà, wǒmen yīqǐ xiào
le qǐlái. He told us a funny joke and we all laughed together.

♦ law ——

♦ lawyer —— 律师 [lǜshī]
我想当律师。[Wǒ xiǎng dāng lǜshī.] - I want to be a lawyer.
你必须找到一位能干的律师 (nǐ bì xū zhǎo dào yī wèi néng gàn de lǜ shī) You must find an able lawyer.

♦ lay ——

♦ lazy —— 懒 lǎn
他很聪明,可是很懒。Tā hěn cōngmíng, kěshì hěn lǎn. He is very smart, but very lazy.

♦ lead [verb] ——

♦ lead [metal] —— 铅 qiān

铁比铅轻。Tiě bǐ qiān qīng. Iron is not so heavy as lead.

♦ leader —— 长 [zhǎng], 领导 lǐng dǎo

她的领导能力很强。 (Tā de lǐngdǎo nénglì hěn qiáng.) She has strong leadership skills.
你身为组长,应该负起责任来。[Nǐ shēn wèi zǔ zhǎng, yīnggāi fù qǐ zérèn lái.] - As group leader, you should take
我们需要一个有经验的领导。(Wǒ men xū yào yī gè yǒu jīng yàn de lǐng dǎo.) - We need an experienced leader.
那位领导在公开场合表示了支持。(Nà wèi lǐng dǎo zài gōng kāi chǎng hé biǎo shì le zhī chí.) - The leader expressed
support in public.

♦ learn (to ~) —— 学会 xuéhuì

学华语真有趣。[Xué huáyǔ zhēn yǒuqù.] - Learning Chinese is really interesting.
算术很难,但是我们必须学会它。Suànshù hěn nán, dànshì wǒmen bìxū xuéhuì tā. Arithmetic is difficult, but we must
learn it.

♦ least (at ~) —— 至少 [zhìshǎo]

我大致算了一下,每年可以收取至少一百万美元。[Wǒ dàzhì suànle yīxià, měinián kěyǐ shōuqǔ zhìshǎo yībǎi wàn
měiyuán.] - According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, we could reap at least one million dollar a year.

♦ leather —— 皮 [pí]
中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] - After dropping out of middle school, he
began selling leather handbags.

♦ leave [noun] —— 假 [jiǎ]

我上星期四请假。wǒ shàng xīng qī sì qǐng jiǎ - I was on leave last Thursday.

♦ leave [verb] —— 离开 lí kāi, 走 [zǒu]

我这就走。Wǒ zhè jiù zǒu. - I’m leaving right now.
我马上就要离开了。wǒ mǎ shàng jiù yào lí kāi le - I'm leaving in a moment.
他就要离开中国去美国了。Tā jiù yào líkāi zhōngguó qù měiguó le. - He is about to leave China for the United States.

♦ left ——

♦ leg —— 腿 [tuǐ]

♦ legal —— 法定 [fǎdìng]
中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] - China
should lower the legal marriage age to 18.

♦ less ——

♦ lesson —— 课文 [kèwén]
我们 学 完 这 篇 课文 了 。[Wǒmen xué wán zhè piān kèwén le.] - We finished studying this lesson.
- lesson (to have ~) —— 有课 [yǒu kè]
你周三有课吗?[Nǐ zhōusān yǒu kè ma?] - Do you have lessons on Wednesday?

♦ let —— 让我们...吧。ràng wǒmen … ba

让我想一想。[ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng] - Let me see.
让我来作自我介绍。[Ràng wǒ lái zuò zìwǒ jièshào]. - Let me introduce myself.
让我告诉你我的体会。[Ràng wǒ gàosù nǐ wǒ de tǐhuì.] - Let me tell you how I feel about it.
让他告诉你发生了什么事情。[Ràng tā gàosù nǐ fāshēngle shénme shìqíng.] - Let him tell you what has happened.
- let's:
让我们带些零食去公园吧。Ràng wǒmen dài xiē língshí qù gōngyuán ba. Let's bring some snacks with us to the park.

♦ letter ——

♦ level —— 水平 shuǐpíng
他的汉语水平如何?(Tā de hànyǔ shuǐpíng rúhé?) How is his Chinese level?
我的中文水平越来越高了。Wǒ de Zhōngwén shuǐpíng yuè lái yuè gāo le. My Chinese level is getting higher and

[Back to Contents]

li - lz

♦ library —— 图书馆 túshūguǎn

上午我要去图书馆。Shàngwǔ wǒ yào qù túshūguǎn. - I need to go to the library this morning.
我想在图书馆里借几本书。 Wǒ xiǎng zài túshūguǎn lǐ jiè jǐ běn shū. - I want to borrow some books from the library.
她每天都去图书馆学习。Tā měitiān dōu qù túshūguǎn xuéxí. She goes to the library to study every day.

♦ lie —— 躺 tǎng
你躺着啊。Nǐ tǎngzhe a. – You lie.
你是不是躺着了?Nǐ shì bùshì tǎngzhele? – Are you lying down?

♦ life —— 生活 shēnghuó, 生命 shēngmìng, 人生 rénshēng

他们的生活如此艰难。Tāmen de shēnghuó rúcǐ jiānnán. - Their life is so hard.
你认为火星上有生命吗?Nǐ rènwéi huǒxīng shàng yǒu shēngmìng ma? - Do you believe there is life on Mars?
五个除了多喝水以外的改变人生小习惯 Wǔ gè chúle duō hē shuǐ yǐwài de gǎibiàn rénshēng xiǎo xíguàn] - Five
Life-Changing Habits Beyond Drinking More Water
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù. -
Chinese women have made huge progress in most spheres of life.
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de fēngxiǎn.
- A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

♦ light —— 光 guāng
光线很亮,照亮了整个房间。Guāngxiàn hěn liàng, zhàoliàng le zhěnggè fángjiān. The light is very bright,
illuminating the entire room.

♦ like (prep.) —— 像 [xiàng], 一样 yīyàng, 如同 rútóng

他的声音像父亲。(Tā de shēngyīn xiàng fùqin.) - His voice is like his father's.
这个苹果像橙子一样甜。(Zhège píngguǒ xiàng chéngzi yīyàng tián.) - This apple is as sweet as an orange.
我们班的语文老师像我的妈妈。(Wǒmen bān de yǔwén lǎoshī xiàng wǒ de māma.) - Our Chinese teacher is like my
他们如同一家人。(Tāmen rútóng yī jiārén.) They are like a family.
她跟我一样喜欢音乐。 (Tā gēn wǒ yīyàng xǐhuān yīnyuè.) - She likes music just like me.
他们俩的个子一样高,像双胞胎。(Tāmen liǎ de gèzi yīyàng gāo, xiàng shuāngbāotāi.) - They are both the same
height, like twins.
刚开始听起来像是恭维,其实不然。[Gāng kāishǐ tīng qǐlái xiàng shì gōngwéi, qíshí bùrán.] - At first it sounds like a
compliment, but it is not.

♦ like (to ~) —— 喜欢 [xǐhuān], --> to look like…

随你喜欢。Suí nǐ xǐhuān. Do as you like.
谁都喜欢他。[Shéi dōu xǐhuān tā.] - Everybody likes him.
我喜欢吃中餐。 (Wǒ xǐ huān chī zhōng cān.) - I like to eat Chinese food.
你喜欢看电影吗? (Nǐ xǐ huān kàn diàn yǐng ma?) - Do you like to watch movies?
她喜欢唱歌。 (Tā xǐ huān chàng gē.) - She likes to sing.
我喜欢狗。 (Wǒ xǐ huān gǒu.) - I like dogs.
他喜欢喝茶。 (Tā xǐ huān hē chá.) - He likes to drink tea.
我喜欢看电影。(Wǒ xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng.) - I like to watch movies.
猫喜欢吃鱼。[Māo xǐhuan chī yú.] - Cats like to eat fish.
他不喜欢吃鱼。[Tā bù xǐhuān chī yú.] - He doesn't like to eat fish.
你喜欢蓝色的还是红色的?[Nǐ xǐhuān lán sè de háishì hóngsè de?] - Do you like the blue one or the red one?
我不喜欢游泳。[wǒ bù xǐhuān yóuyǒng] - I don’t like swimming.
我喜欢美国文化。[Wǒ xǐhuān měiguó wénhuà.] - I like American culture.
我喜欢西方音乐。[Wǒ xǐhuān xīfāng yīnyuè. ] - I like western music.
孩子喜欢穿新衣。[Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī.] - Children like to wear new clothes.
弟弟喜欢游泳。[Dìdi xǐhuān yóuyǒng.] - The younger brother likes to swim.
她们喜欢逛街。[Tāmen xǐhuān guàngjiē.] - They like shopping. [loitering on the street]
我看着越来越喜欢。[Wǒ kànzhe yuè lái yuè xǐhuān.] - Looking (at it), I like (it) more and more.

♦ likely ——

♦ line ——

♦ list (to ~) —— 列 [liè]

营养成分都列在包装上面。[Yíngyǎng chéngfèn dōu liè zài bāozhuāng shàngmiàn.] - All ingredients are listed right
on the package.

♦ listen (to ~) —— 听(信) [tīng(xìn)]

千万不要听他的。[Qiān wàn bùyào tīng tā de.] - Do not listen to him.
可我不会听信她的。[Kě wǒ bù huì tīngxìn tā de.] - But I wouldn't listen to her.
我喜欢看电影和听音乐。Wǒ xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng hé tīng yīnyuè. I like to watch movies and listen to music.
你上班的时候,喜欢听音乐吗?Nǐ shàngbān de shíhou, xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè ma? Do you like to listen to music when
you work?
如果你想学中文,你就要多听多说。 (Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng xué Zhōngwén, nǐ jiù yào duō tīng duō shuō.) If you want to
learn Chinese, you have to listen and speak more.
老板,一切听你的![Lǎobǎn, yīqiè tīng nǐ de!] - Boss, anything you say! [Boss, everything listens to you!]
听口音你是南方人。[Tīng kǒuyīn nǐ shì nánfāng rén.] - Based on your accent, it seems you are from south (of China).
[Listen to the accent you are southerner.]

♦ little —— 小 [xiǎo]
这只小猫是黑的。[Zhè zhī xiǎomāo shì hēide.] - This little cat is black.
他从小和祖母一起生活。[Tā cóngxiǎo hé zǔmǔ yīqǐ shēnghuó.] - He’s lived with his grandmother since he was little.
- a little: 一点(儿) yīdiǎn(r)
她有一点不高兴。(tā yǒu yī diǎn bù gāo xìng) She is a little unhappy.
我会说一点儿中文。Wǒ huì shuō yīdiǎnr zhōngwén. I can speak a little Chinese.

♦ live (to ~) —— 住 zhù, 生活 shēnghuó

你住在哪儿?/ 你住在哪里?Nǐ zhù zài nǎr? / Nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ?) - Where do you live?
你住在哪个城市?Nǐ zhù zài nǎge chéngshì? Which city do you live in?
我的姑妈住在美国。Wǒ de gūmā zhù zài měiguó. - My aunty is staying in USA. [My aunt lives in America.]
他表弟住在美国。Tā biǎo dì zhù zài měiguó. - His younger brother is staying in USA.
我住在北京。Wǒ zhù zài Běijīng. I live in Beijing.
我们今年住在这边。– Wǒmen jīnnián zhù zài zhèbiān. We live here this year.
他在中国生活。Tā zài zhōngguó shēnghuó. - He lives in China.
你跟你的父母住在一起吗?(Nǐ gēn nǐ de fùmǔ zhù zài yìqǐ ma?) - Do you live with your parents?
这个房间太小了,我们住不下。Zhège fángjiān tài xiǎo le, wǒmen zhù bù xià. - This room is too small, we can't live
他从小和祖母一起生活。Tā cóngxiǎo hé zǔmǔ yīqǐ shēnghuó. - He’s lived with his grandmother since he was little.
他按照自己的想法生活。 Tā ànzhào zìjǐ de xiǎngfǎ shēnghuó. He lives according to his own ideas.

♦ lively —— 热闹 [rènào]
中国的春节真热闹。[Zhōngguó de chūnjié zhēn rènao.] - China's Spring Festival is very lively.

♦ living room —— 客厅 [kètīng]

我们的客厅很大。[Wǒmén de kètīng hěn dà.] - Our living room is very large.
♦ local ——

♦ lonely —— 寂寞 [jìmò]
偌大的房,寂寞的床。[Ruòdà de fáng, jìmò de chuáng.] - Such a big room, a lonely bed.

♦ long —— 长 [cháng], 久 [jiǔ]

好久不见了。[Hǎojiǔ bùjiànle.] - Haven't see you for ages. [Long time no see.]
密西西比河很长。[Mìxīxībǐhé hěn cháng.] - The Mississippi River is very long.
再见。 (Zàijiàn.) - So long.

♦ look —— 看 [kàn]
她的西装很好看。[Tā de xīzhuāng hěn hǎokàn.] - Her suit looks good.
看中国国旗! [Kàn zhōngguó guóqí.] - Look at the Chinese flag!
看比赛![Kàn bǐsài!] - Watch the game!
抬头看 táitóu kàn to look up
- look for... (to ~) —— 找 [zhǎo]
你找什么?[Nǐ zhǎo shénme?] - What are you looking for?
我要找一本汉英词典。[Wǒ yào zhǎo yī běn hànyīng cídiǎn.] - I want to find a Chinese-English dictionary.
他刚才来找过你。[Tā gāngcái lái zhǎoguò nǐ.] - He has just come to look for you.
你找我有事吗?[Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒushì ma?] - Is there something you want to see me about? [Are you looking for me?]
昨天有三个人来找你。[Zuótiān yǒusān gèrén lái zhǎo nǐ.] - Three people came to see you yesterday.
- to look forward: 期待 qídài
我们都期待着你的回答。(Wǒmen dōu qídài zhe nǐ de huídá.) We're all looking forward to your answer.
- look like... (to ~) —— 像 [xiàng]
她长得像她母亲。[Tā zhǎng dé xiàng tā mǔqīn.] - She looks like her mother.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

♦ lose ——

♦ loss ——

♦ lost —— 丢了 [diūle]
我 手机/钱包/箱子 /护照 丢了。[Wǒ shǒujī/qiánbāo/xiāngzi/hùzhào diūle.] - My (mobile) phone/ wallet/ baggage
[case]/ passport is lost.

♦ lot ——

♦ love (to ~) —— 爱 [ài]

我爱我妈妈。[Wǒ ài wǒ māma.] - I love my mom.
我爱吃烤鸭。[Wǒ ài chī kǎoyā.] - I love to eat roast duck.

♦ lovely —— 可爱 [kěài]
这些孩子很可爱。[Zhèxiē háizi hěn kěài.] - These children are very lovely.

♦ low —— 低 [dī]
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.
如果这所学校比较难进,录取率低,它就越有名气。[Rúguǒ zhè suǒ xuéxiào bǐjiào nán jìn, lùqǔ lǜ dī, tā jiù yuè yǒu
míngqì.] - A school's reputation is bolstered by its glimmer of exclusivity and by a low acceptance rate.

♦ lower (to ~) —— 降 [jiàng]

中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] - China
should lower the legal marriage age to 18.

♦ luck —— 运气 [yùnqì]
祝你好运![Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn!] - Good luck!

♦ luggage —— 行李 xínglǐ
在机场里,你需要注意你的行李和随身物品。 (Zài jīchǎng lǐ, nǐ xūyào zhùyì nǐ de xínglǐ hé suíshēn wùpǐn.) At the
airport, you need to pay attention to your luggage and personal belongings.

♦ lunch —— 午饭 [wǔfàn], 午餐 [wǔcān]

每个人都吃完午饭了吗?[měi gè rén dōu chī wán wǔ fàn le ma ?] - Did everybody finish their lunch?
午饭以后我去学校。[Wǔfàn yǐhòu wǒ qù xuéxiào.] - I will go to school after lunch.
妈妈要准备午饭。[Māma yào zhǔnbèi wǔfàn.] - Mother has to prepare lunch.
午餐后你得空吗?[Wǔcān hòu nǐ dé kòng ma?] - Are you free after lunch?
她妈妈为她做了一份三明治作午餐。(Tā mā mā wèi tā zuò le yī fèn sān míng zhì zuò wǔ cān. Her mom made her a
sandwich for lunch.

♦ luxury —— 奢侈 [shēchǐ]
北京到处是奢侈品牌手提包精品店。[Běijīng dàochù shì shēchǐ pǐnpái shǒutí bāo jīngpǐn diàn.] - Beijing was awash
with luxury handbag boutiques.

[Back to Contents]

ma - me

♦ machine ——

♦ magazine ——

♦ mail (to ~) —— (邮)寄 [(yóu)jì]

我给妈妈寄了礼物。[Wǒ gěi māma jìle lǐwù.] - I have mailed the gift to mom.
她正在学习如何用电脑发邮件。 (Tā zhèngzài xuéxí rúhé yòng diànnǎo fā yóujiàn.) - She is learning how to send
emails on the computer.
您收到了我上周邮寄给您的包裹了吗?[Nín shōu dàole wǒ shàng zhōu yóujì gěi nín de bāoguǒle ma?] - Did you
receive the package I sent to you last week?

♦ main ——

♦ mainland —— 大陆 dà lù
他回到了中国大陆。(tā huí dào le zhōng guó dà lù) He came back to mainland China.

♦ maintain ——

♦ major —— 专业 [zhuānyè]
你的专业是什么?[Nǐ de zhuānyè shì shénme?] - What is your major?

♦ majority ——

♦ make (to ~) —— 作 [zuò]

那些菜都是我做的。(Nàxiē cài dōu shì wǒ zuò de.) I made all those dishes.
她做了一个蛋糕。(tā zuò le yī gè dàngāo) She made a cake.
我给自己做了一杯咖啡。(wǒ gěi zìjǐ zuò le yī bēi kāfēi) I made myself some coffee.
让我来作自我介绍。[Ràng wǒ lái zuò zìwǒ jièshào.] - Let me make a self-introduction. [Let me introduce myself.]

♦ male —— 男 [nán]
我不晓得他是男的还是女的。[Wǒ bù xiǎodé tā shì nán de háishì nǚ de.]- I do not know if he is a man or woman. [I
don't know if he is male or female.]

♦ man —— 人 [rén]
他是个明理的人。[Tā shìgè mínglǐ de rén.] - He’s an understanding person. [He is a reasonable man.]
♦ manage —— 能够 nénggòu
她是个聪明的女孩,她总是能够找到解决问题的方法。(Tā shì gè cōngmíng de nǚhái, tā zǒng shì nénggòu zhǎodào
jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.) - She is a clever girl, she always manages to find solutions to problems.

♦ management ——

♦ manager —— 经理 [jīnglǐ]
今天经理有会。[Jīntiān jīnglǐ yǒu huì.] - The manager has a meeting today.

♦ many, much —— (许)多 [(xǔ)duō], 很多 [hěnduō]

我有许多朋友。[Wǒ yǒu xǔduō péngyǒu.] - I have many friends.
汽车很多。[Qìchē hěn duō.] - There are many buses.
我有许多唱片。[Wǒ yǒu xǔduō chàngpiàn.] - I have many discs.
上海有很多大楼房。[Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō dà lóufáng.] - Shanghai has many big buildings.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.

♦ manufacturer —— 生产商 [shēngchǎn shāng]

汽车生产商召回了逾一千万辆气囊存在缺陷的汽车。[Qìchē shēngchǎn shāng zhàohuíle yú yīqiān wàn liàng qìnáng
cúnzài quēxiàn de qìchē.] - Automakers [manufacturer] have recalled more than 10 million vehicles with the
defective airbags.

♦ many —— 很多 [hěnduō]
我们的公司有很多女员工。 (Wǒmen de gōngsī yǒu hěnduō nǚ yuángōng.) Our company has many female
在这个城市里,很多人都会说英语。 (Zài zhège chéngshì lǐ, hěn duō rén dōu huì shuō Yīngyǔ.) In this city, many
people can speak English.

♦ March —— 三月 [sān yuè]

今天三月十五号。[Jīntiān sān yuè shíwǔ hào.] - Today is March 15.
我的生日是三月十四号,也就是后天。[Wǒ de shēng rì shì sān yuè shí sì hào, yě jiù shì hòutiān.] - My birthday is
March 14, that’s the day after tomorrow.

♦ mark —— 标记 [biāojì]
我在日历上做过标记了。[Wǒ zài rìlì shàng zuòguò biāojìle.] - I have marked it on the calendar.

♦ market —— (菜)市场 (cài)shìchǎng

这个菜市场里的水果很新鲜。 (Zhège càishìchǎng lǐ de shuǐguǒ hěn xīnxiān.) The fruits in this market are very fresh.
中国成为了世界上最大的汽车市场。[Zhōngguó chéngwéile shìjiè shàng zuìdà de qìchē shìchǎng.] - China has
claimed the title of world's biggest automobile market.
中国已经成为世界最大汽车市场。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà qìchē shìchǎng.] - China has emerged as
the world’s largest auto market.

♦ marriage —— 结婚 [jiéhūn]
中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] - China
should lower the legal marriage age to 18.

♦ marry (to ~) —— 结婚 [jiéhūn]

他们大约两年前结婚的。 (tāmen dàyuē liǎng nián qián jiéhūn de) - They got married approximately two years ago.
结婚成家后,我对事物的看法发生了很大的转变。[Jiéhūn chéngjiā hòu, wǒ duì shìwù de kànfǎ fāshēngle hěn dà de
zhuǎnbiàn.] - After getting married, my perspective on things has changed a lot.

♦ Mars —— 火星 huǒxīng
你想去火星旅行吗?Nǐ xiǎng qù huǒxīng lǚxíng ma? Do you want to travel to Mars?
火星是太阳系的第四颗行星。Huǒxīng shì tàiyángxì de dì sì kē xíngxīng. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system.
火星上有水吗?Huǒxīng shàng yǒu shuǐ ma? Is there water on Mars?
中国的火星探测器成功着陆了。Zhōngguó de huǒxīng tàncèqì chénggōng zhuólù le. China’s Mars probe successfully
火星的表面是红色的。Huǒxīng de biǎomiàn shì hóngsè de. The surface of Mars is red.
中国应该计划一次火星任务。Zhōngguó yīnggāi jìhuà yīcì huǒxīng rènwù. - China should plan a mission to Mars.
你认为火星上有生命吗?Nǐ rènwéi huǒxīng shàng yǒu shēngmìng ma? - Do you believe there is life on Mars?

♦ Mary —— 玛丽 Mǎlì
她的名字是玛丽。Tā de míngzi shì Mǎlì. Her name is Mary.

♦ match
- [noun] —— 赛 [sài]
因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] - As
the stadium isn't far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.
- [verb] —— 相配 [xiāngpèi]
她的打扮和她的年龄很不相配。[Tā de dǎbàn hé tā de niánlíng hěn bù xiāngpèi.] - Her make-up does not fit her age.
[Her dress was very inappropriate for her age.]

♦ material —— 材料 cáiliào
他们弃用了那种低质量的材料,换成了更好的。(Tāmen qì yòngle nà zhǒng dī zhìliàng de cáiliào, huàn chéng le gèng
hǎo de.) - They abandoned the low-quality material and replaced it with a better one.

♦ mathematics —— 数学 [shùxué]
我的数学很好。[Wǒ de shùxué hěnhǎo.] - I am good at mathematics.
我妈妈教数学。[Wǒ māma jiāo shùxué.] - My mother teaches mathematics.
他是数学教授。[Tā shì shùxué jiaòshòu.] - He is a mathematics professor.
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics
like math and science.

♦ matter —— 事(情) shì(qíng)

这件事我早就知道了。zhè jiàn shì wǒ zǎo jiù zhī dào le - I knew about this a long time ago.
她跟我说过这件事情。Tā gēn wǒ shuōguò zhè jiàn shìqíng. - She has talked to me about this matter.
这件事情跟我没关系。Zhè jiàn shìqíng gēn wǒ méi guānxi. - This matter has nothing to do with me.
我不了解这件事。Wǒ bù liǎojiě zhèjiàn shì. - I don't understand this matter.
- [verb]
没关系。Méiguānxì. – It doesn’t matter.

♦ may —— 可以 [kěyǐ], 可能 [kěnéng]

你可以借五本书。[Nǐ kěyǐ jiè wǔ běn shū.] - You may borrow five books.
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de
fēngxiǎn.] - A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

♦ maybe —— 可能 [kěnèng], 也许 [yěxǔ]

明天可能下雨。[Míngtiān kěnéng xiàyǔ.] - It might rain tomorrow.
也许下一次吧。[Yěxǔ xià yīcì ba.] - Maybe some other time.
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ me ——

♦ meal —— 餐 [cān], 饭 [fàn]

我喜欢中餐。[Wǒ xǐhuān zhōngcān.] - I like Chinese food.
我吃了饭再去接你。[Wǒ chīle fàn zài qù jiē nǐ.] - I’ll pick you up after I finish my dinner.

♦ mean (to ~) —— 意味 [yìwèi]

按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.

♦ meaning —— 意思 [yìsi]
我不明白你的意思。[Wǒ bù míngbái nǐ de yìsi.] - I don’t see what you mean. [I don't understand you.]
这个词的意思如下。(Zhège cí de yìsi rúxià.) The meaning of this word is as follows.

♦ measure —— 衡量 [héngliáng]
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics
[measure standard] like math and science.

♦ meat —— 肉 ròu
她决定不再吃肉。(Tā juédìng bùzài chī ròu.) - She has decided to stop eating meat.
♦ media ——

♦ medical ——

♦ medicine —— 药 [yào]
我要去买药。[Wǒ yào qù mǎi yào.] - I need to buy some medicine.
他每天都要吃一次药。(Tā měitiān dōu yào chī yī cì yào.) - He takes medicine once a day.

♦ meet (to ~) —— 遇 [yù], 认识 [rènshí], 见 [jiàn]

很高兴认识你。[Hěn gāoxìng rènshí nǐ.] - Nice to meet you.
很高兴认识大家。[Hěn gāoxìng rènshí dàjiā.] - Nice to meet you all.
我们周五晚上见吧![Wǒmen zhōuwǔ wǎnshàng jiàn ba!] - Let’s meet on Friday night!
确认过眼神,我遇上对的。[Quèrènguò yǎnshén, wǒ yù shàng duì de.] - Having ascertained the gaze, I’ve met the
right person. [After confirming the eyes, I met the right one.]

♦ meeting —— (聚)会 [(jù)huì], 会议 [huìyì]

老板 开 完 会 了 。[Lǎobǎn kāi wán huì le.] - The boss finished having the meeting.
一百个人要参加聚会。[Yī bǎi gè rén yào cānjiā jùhuì.] - One hundred people will participate in the meeting.
今天经理有会。[Jīntiān jīnglǐ yǒu huì.] - The manager has a meeting today.
会议在哪里举行?[Huìyì zài nǎlǐ jǔxíng?] - Where’s the meeting taking place?
公司的主任在开会。[Gōngsī de zhǔrèn zài kāihuì.] - The directors of this company are having a meeting.
请告诉他一点开会。[Qǐng gàosù tā yīdiǎn kāihuì.] - Please tell him the meeting is at one o'clock.
他上午十点有一个会议。Tā shàngwǔ shí diǎn yǒu yīgè huìyì. He has a meeting at ten o’clock in the morning.

♦ melody —— 旋律 [xuánlǜ]
我听岁月像旋律永恒。Wǒ tīng suìyuè xiàng xuánlǜ yǒnghéng.] - I’ve heard that the passage of time is as eternal as
a melody. [I listen to the years like the melody of eternity.]

♦ member —— 成员 [chéngyuán]
剧组成员们都担心自己的房间被窃听。[Jùzǔ chéngyuánmen dōu dānxīn zìjǐ de fángjiān bèi qiètīng.] - Crew members
suspected their rooms were bugged.

♦ memorize, (to ~) —— 记住 [jìzhù]

请记住这些生词。[Qǐng jìzhù zhè xiē shēngcí.] - Please memorize these new words.

♦ memory ——

♦ mention —— 提到 [tí dào]

他没有提到她的请求。[Tā méiyǒu tí dào tā de qǐngqiú.] - He made no mention of her request.
不用谢![bùyòng xiè!] - Don't mention it!

♦ menu —— 菜单 càidān
你喜欢他的菜单吗?Nǐ xǐhuan tā de càidān ma? Do you like his menu?
服务员给我们拿来了菜单和水。Fúwùyuán gěi wǒmen nálái le càidān hé shuǐ. The waiter brought us the menu and

♦ message —— 信息 xìnxī
如果你现在不能打电话的话,我们就发信息吧!Rúguǒ nǐ xiànzài bùnéng dǎdiànhuà de huà, wǒmen jiù fāxìnxī ba. If
you can’t make a phone call now, we’ll text [send messages].

♦ metaphor —— 比喻 [bǐyù]
比如说,叫一个人夜猫子就是一个常用的比喻。[Bǐrú shuō, jiào yīgè rén yèmāozi jiùshì yīgè chángyòng de bǐyù.] -
Calling a person a night owl is an example of a common metaphor.

♦ method ——

♦ metro —— 地铁 dìtiě
你可以通过地铁去那里。Nǐ kěyǐ tōngguò dìtiě qù nàlǐ. You can go there by metro.

[Back to Contents]

mi - mz

♦ middle ——

♦ middle school —— 中学 [zhōngxué]

我弟弟上中学。[Wǒ dìdi shàng zhōngxué.] - My younger brother is in middle school.
中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] - After dropping out of middle school, he
began selling leather handbags.

♦ might ——

♦ mighty —— 威武 wēiwǔ
美国的国鸟是鹰,是一种非常威武的动物。 (Měiguó de guó niǎo shì yīng, shì yī zhǒng fēicháng wēiwǔ de dòngwù.) -
The national bird of the United States is the eagle, which is a very majestic [mighty] type of animal.

♦ military ——

♦ milk —— 牛奶 [niúnǎi]
牛奶对你的身体好。[Niúnǎi duì nǐde shēntǐ hǎo.] - Milk is good for your health.
我每天早上一起床就喝一杯牛奶。(Wǒ měitiān zǎoshang yī qǐchuáng jiù hē yī bēi niúnǎi.) - I drink a glass of milk
every morning as soon as I get up.

♦ million ——

♦ mind —— 脑海 [nǎohǎi]
有些歌你只要听过一两次,就会印在你的脑海里。[Yǒuxiē gē nǐ zhǐyào tīngguò yī liǎng cì, jiù huì yìn zài nǐ de nǎohǎi
lǐ.] - Even a song that you hear only a couple of times can be in your head forever.
- would you mind: 请问可以 qǐngwèn kěyǐ
请问可以把盐递给我吗?(Qǐngwèn kěyǐ bǎ yán dì gěi wǒ ma?) Would you mind passing me the salt?

♦ minute —— 分钟 [fēnzhōng]
等我一下,我一分钟就到了。[Děng wǒ yīxià, wǒ yī fēnzhōng jiù dàole.] - A moment please, I'll be there within one

♦ miss (to ~) —— to want 想 [xiǎng], to let slip 错过 [cuòguò]

我想我妈妈。[Wǒ xiǎng wǒ māma.] - I miss my mother.
你错过公共汽车了?[Nǐ cuòguò gōnggòng qìchēle?] - Did you miss the bus?

♦ mission —— 任务 [rènwù]
中国应该计划一次火星任务。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jìhuà yīcì huǒxīng rènwù.] - China should plan a mission to Mars.

♦ mistake —— 错(误) [cuò(wù)]

我们能够从错误中学习。Wǒmen nénggòu cóng cuòwù zhōng xuéxí. We can learn from mistakes.
他既然认错了,就原谅他一次吧。[Tā jìrán rèncuòle, jiù yuánliàng tā yīcì ba.] - Since he has made an apology he
admitted his mistake], forgive him just this once.
做任何败坏他们声誉的行为都是错误的。[Zuò rènhé bàihuài tāmen shēngyù de xíngwéi dōu shì cuòwù de.] - Doing
anything to ruin their reputation would be a mistake.

♦ mister —— 先生 [xiānsheng]
王先生要买什么?[Wáng xiānsheng yào mǎi shénme?] - What does Mr. Wang want to buy?
李先生是我的妹夫。[Lǐ xiānshēng shì wǒ de mèifū.] - Mr. Li is my brother-in-law.

♦ mobile —— 移动 [yídòng]
中国移动通信集团公司 [Zhōngguó yídòng tōngxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Mobile Communications Corporation

♦ model ——

♦ modern ——

♦ modify —— 修改 xiūgǎi
我们的计划或许需要修改。(Wǒmen de jìhuà huòxǔ xūyào xiūgǎi.) Perhaps we need to modify our plan.

♦ moment ——

♦ Monday —— 星期一 [xīngqīyī]

昨天礼拜一。[Zuótiān lǐbàiyī.] - Yesterday was Monday.
星期一我最忙。[Xīngqīyī wǒ zuì máng.] - I am busiest on Monday.
昨天是星期日,今天是星期一。[Zuótiān shì xīngqírì, jīntiān shì xīngqí yī.] - Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday.

♦ money —— 钱 [qián]
我没有钱。 (wǒ méiyǒu qián) - I have no money.
我想换钱。[Wǒ xiǎng huànqián.] - I want to exchange money.
我们必须要节约用钱。 (wǒmen bìxū yào jiéyuē yòng qián) - We must save money.
如果我有钱,我会买一辆新车。 (Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu qián, wǒ huì mǎi yí liàng xīn chē.) If I had money, I would buy a new

♦ monkey —— 猴子 [hóuzi]
一只猴子突然从树上跳了下来。[Yī zhǐ hóuzi túrán cóng shù shàng tiàole xiàlái.] - A monkey suddenly jumped down
from the tree.

♦ month —— 月 [yuè]
今天几月几号?[Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?] - What month is it today?
一年有十二个月。[Yì nián yǒu shíèr gè yuè.] - There are twelve months in a year.
他们下个月会到达。(tāmen xià gè yuè huì dàodá) They will arrive next month.
我每月交房租。[Wǒ měi yuè jiāo fángzū.] - I pay the rent every month.

♦ more —— 多 [duō], 更加 [gèngjiā]; more and more: 越来越 [yuè lái yuè], 还 [hái]
从今以后我会更加努力。[Cóng jīn yǐhòu wǒ huì gèngjiā nǔlì.] - I will be more hardworking from now on.
天越来越冷了。[Tiān yuè lái yuè lěngle.] - The weather is getting colder and colder.
如果我有更多时间,我会去散步。 (Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu gèng duō shíjiān, wǒ huì qù sànbù.) If I had more time, I would go
for a walk.
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。[Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà.] -
China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.
或许你需要更多的练习才能掌握这个技能。(Huòxǔ nǐ xūyào gèng duō de liànxí cái néng zhǎngwò zhège jìnéng.)
Perhaps you need more practice to master this skill.
黑葡萄比红葡萄还甜。[Hēi pútáo bǐ hóng pútáo hái tián.] - Black grapes taste even sweeter than the red ones.
变自信的六个方法!如何变得更有自信 [Biàn zìxìn de liù gè fāngfǎ! Rúhé biàn dé gèng yǒu zìxìn] - Six ways to
become more confident! how to become more confident

♦ morning —— 早上 [zǎo shàng], 上午 [shàngwǔ], 早晨 [zǎochén]

早上好。[zǎo shàng hǎo] - Good morning.
老师,您早![Lǎoshī, nín zǎo!] - Good morning, teacher!
上午我要去图书馆。[Shàngwǔ wǒ yào qù túshūguǎn.] - I need to go to the library this morning.
现在是上午10 点。Xiànzài shì shàngwǔ 10 diǎn. It is 10 o’clock in the morning now.

♦ mosquito —— 蚊子 [wénzi]
为什么大自然要不厌其烦地创造蚊子呢?[Wèishéme dà zìrán yào bùyànqífán de chuàngzào wénzi ní?] - Why did
Mother Nature have to take such great pains to create mosquitos?

♦ most —— 最 zuì
这个饭馆的菜最好吃。Zhè ge fànguǎn de cài zuì hǎochī. The food at this restaurant is the most delicious.

♦ mother —— 妈妈 [māma], (formal) 母亲 [mǔqīn]

我想我妈妈。[Wǒ xiǎng wǒ māma.] - I miss my mother.
妈妈是家里的女主人。 (Māma shì jiā lǐ de nǚ zhǔrén.) Mom is the female head of the household.
我妈妈教数学。[Wǒ māma jiāo shùxué.] - My mother teaches mathematics.
妈妈做饭做得真好。[Māma zuòfàn zuò de zhēnhǎo.] - Mom cooks very well.
她妈妈是医生。[Tā māma shì yīshēng.] - Her mother is a doctor.
妈妈要准备午饭。[Māma yào zhǔnbèi wǔfàn.] - Mother has to prepare lunch.
她长得像她母亲。[Tā zhǎng dé xiàng tā mǔqīn.] - She looks like her mother.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。[Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān.] - My mother helps me to clean my room
every day.
今天是妈妈的生日。[Jīntiān shì māmā de shēngrì.] - Today is mom’s birthday.

♦ mother-in-law —— husband’s mother – 婆婆 [pópo]; wife’s mother – 岳母 [yuèmǔ]

那位老婆婆很善良。[Nà wèi lǎopópo hěn shànliáng.] - That old lady is very kind.
她们婆媳关系融洽。[Tāmen póxí guānxì róngqià.] - The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is

♦ motherland —— 祖国 Zǔguó
祖国内有许多美丽的风景。(Zǔguó nèi yǒu xǔduō měilì de fēngjǐng.) - There are many beautiful sceneries inside the

♦ mountain —— 山 [shān]
中国有很多大山。[Zhōngguó yǒu hěnduō dà shān.] - There are many big mountains in China.
这座山大约有两千米高。 (zhè zuò shān dàyuē yǒu liǎng qiān mǐ gāo) - This mountain is about 2,000 meters high.
世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。[Shìjiè shàng rènhé shānfēng dōu dá bù dào zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de
gāodù.] - No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest.

♦ mouth —— 嘴 [zuǐ]

♦ move (to ~) —— 动 [dòng]

我感到地板在动。[Wǒ gǎndào dìbǎn zài dòng.] - I feel the floor move.

♦ movement ——

♦ movie —— 电影 diànyǐng
我们去看电影吧。Wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng ba. - Let's go see a movie.
我喜欢看电影。(Wǒ xǐhuān kàn diànyǐng.) - I like to watch movies.
你会看电影吗?(Nǐ huì kàn diànyǐng ma?) - Do you know how to watch a movie?
那个电影很好看。​(nà gè diàn yǐng hěn hǎo kàn.) - That movie is very good.
电影开始了。Diànyǐng kāishǐ le. - The movie has started.
我看 完 了 电影 。(To tell us that you watched it till the end.) Wǒ kàn wán le diànyǐng. - I finished watching the movie.
礼拜五晚上我看了一部电影。Lǐbàiwǔ wǎnshàng wǒ kàn le yí bù diànyǐng. - I watched a movie on Friday night.
晚上我去看电影。Wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng. - In the evening, I am going to see a movie.

♦ Mr. ——

♦ Mrs. ——

♦ much —— 太 tài
太好了!Tài hǎo le! - That's great!
我太感激你了。Wǒ tài gǎnjī nǐle. - I feel very much indebted to you.
多少钱?Duōshǎo qián? – How much?

♦ muscle —— 肌肉 jīròu
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù. - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle

♦ museum —— 博物馆 [bówùguǎn]

去博物馆的门票包括在内了。[Qù bówùguǎn de ménpiào bāokuò zài nèile.] - Admission to the museum is included in
the package.

♦ mushroom —— 蘑菇 [mógū]
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

♦ music —— 音乐 [yīnyuè]
我常听古典音乐。[Wǒ cháng tīng gǔdiǎn yīnyuè.] - I often listen to classical music.
我喜欢西方音乐。[Wǒ xǐhuān xīfāng yīnyuè.] - I like western music.
她跟我一样喜欢音乐。 (Tā gēn wǒ yīyàng xǐhuān yīnyuè.) - She likes music just like me.
你上班的时候,喜欢听音乐吗?Nǐ shàngbān de shíhou, xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè ma? Do you like to listen to music when
you work?

♦ must —— 要 [yào], 不得不 [bùdé bù]

我们要继续前进。[Wǒmen yào jìxù qiánjìn.] - We must continue to move forward.
你必须在一个小时内回来。Nǐ bìxū zài yī gè xiǎoshí nèi huílái. You must come back within an hour.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to [must] cancel the entire project.

♦ my —— 我的 wǒ de
这是我的朋友。 (zhè shì wǒ de péngyǒu) - This is my friend.
这是我的家。 (zhè shì wǒ de jiā) - This is my home.

♦ myself ——

[Back to Contents]

♦ name —— 名字 míngzì; family name: 贵姓 guìxìng
你叫什么名字?Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? / 你的名字叫什么?Nǐ de míngzi jiào shénme - What’s your name?
你叫什么?Nǐ jiào shénme? - What’s your name? [informal]
我知道他的名字。Wǒ zhīdào tāde míngzì. - I know his name.
请你告诉我你的名字。Qǐng nǐ gàosu wǒ nǐ de míngzì.) - Please tell me your name.
我的名字叫玛丽。Wǒ de míngzì jiào mǎlì. - My name is Mary.
您贵姓?Nín guìxìng? - May I ask your name?
我姓王。 我叫王兰。Wǒ xìng wáng. Wǒ jiào wáng lán. - My family name is Wang. My name is Wang Lan.

♦ nation ——

♦ national ——
- national anthem —— 国歌 [guógē]
美国国歌很美。[Měiguó guógē hěn měi.] - The American national anthem is beautiful.

♦ natural ——

♦ nature —— 自然 [zìrán]
为什么大自然要不厌其烦地创造蚊子呢?[Wèishéme dà zìrán yào bùyànqífán de chuàngzào wénzi ní?] - Why did
Mother Nature have to take such great pains to create mosquitos?

♦ naughty —— 顽皮 [wánpí]
我弟弟很顽皮。[Wǒ dìdì hěn wánpí.] - My younger brother is very naughty.

♦ near —— 近 [jìn]
他年近四十。 tā nián jìn sì shí。 He is near forty.

♦ nearly ——

♦ necessary ——

♦ need (to ~) —— (需)要 [(xū)yào]

这需要时间。[zhè xū yào shí jiān] - It takes time.
我今天要写完 。[Wǒ jīntiān yào xiě wán.] - I need to finish writing it today.
上午我要去图书馆。[Shàngwǔ wǒ yào qù túshūguǎn.] - I need to go to the library this morning.
我要换衣服。[Wǒ yào huàn yīfu.] - I need to change my clothes.
我们的计划或许需要修改。(Wǒmen de jìhuà huòxǔ xūyào xiūgǎi.) Perhaps we need to modify our plan.
你只是需要些练习。[Nǐ zhǐshì xūyào xiē liànxí.] - You just need some practice.
年轻人也要锻炼。[Niánqīngrén yě yào duànliàn.] - Young people also need to exercise.
这本书将为我们提供所需要全部信息。[Zhè běn shū jiāng wèi wǒmen tígōng suǒ xūyào quánbù xìnxī.] - This book
will provide us with all the information we need.
我们需要好好商量这一件事情。(Wǒmen xūyào hǎohǎo shāngliáng zhè yí jiàn shìqíng.) - We need to discuss this
matter carefully.

♦ neighbour —— 邻居 [línjū]
李大姐是我的邻居。[Lǐ dàjiě shì wǒ de línjū.] - Sister Lee is my neighbor.

♦ nephew —— brother’s son: 侄子 [zhízi]; sister’s son: 外甥 [wàisheng]

♦ network ——

♦ never —— 从来(没有) [cónglái (méiyǒu)], 永远 [yǒngyuǎn]

我从来没有见过他。[Wǒ cónglái méiyǒu jiànguò tā.] - I’ve never seen him before. [I have never met him.]
腐败是永远根除不了的。[Fǔbài shì yǒngyuǎn gēnchú bùliǎo de.] - Corruption is something you can never completely
root out.

♦ new —— 新 [xīn]
这个书店是新的。[Zhè ge shūdiàn shì xīnde.] - This bookstore is new.
新年快乐![Xīnnián kuàilè!] - Happy New Year!
我的钢笔是新的。[Wǒ de gāngbǐ shì xīn de.] - My fountain pen is new.
一月一号是新年。[Yīyuè yīhào shì xīnnián.] - January the first is New Year's Day.
新的电视塔动工了。[Xīn de diànshì tǎ dònggōngle.] - Construction of the new television tower has started.
- new word —— 生词 [shēngcí]
请记住这些生词。[Qǐng jìzhù zhè xiē shēngcí.] - Please memorize these new words.
请念生词。[Qǐng niàn shēngcí.] - Please read the new words aloud.

♦ news —— 新闻 [xīnwén], 消息 [xiāoxī]

这消息我知道了。[Zhè xiāoxī wǒ zhīdàole.] - I have heard that news already.
这是一个好消息。 (zhè shì yī gè hǎo xiāo xī.) - This is good news.
他跟我说了一些好消息。 (Tā gēn wǒ shuōle yīxiē hǎo xiāoxi.) - He told me some good news.
她每天都会上网看新闻。(Tā měitiān dōu huì shàngwǎng kàn xīnwén.) - She goes online to read news every day.
我每天都要看新闻了解世界上的事情。 (Wǒ měitiān dōu yào kàn xīnwén liǎojiě shìjiè shàng de shìqíng.) - I have to
read the news every day to understand what is happening in the world.
根据电视新闻,这项工程可能会被取消。[Gēnjù diànshì xīnwén, zhè xiàng gōngchéng kěnéng huì bèi qǔxiāo.] -
According to the TV news, this project is likely to be cancelled.

♦ newspaper —— 报纸 [bào zhǐ]

我要看今天的报纸。[Wǒ yào kàn jīntiān de bào zhǐ.] - I want to read today's newspaper.

♦ New York —— 纽约 [Niǔyuē]

我们家在纽约。[Wǒmén jiā zài niǔyuē.] - My family lives in New York.
纽约是大城市。[Niǔyuē shì dà chéngshì.] - New York is a large city.
纽约在波士顿南边。[Niǔyuē zài bōshìdùn nánbiān.] - New York is to the south of Boston.

♦ next ——
- next year —— 明年 [míngnián]
明年我要回中国。[Míngnián wǒ yào huí zhōngguó.] - I'll go back to China next year.

♦ nice —— to be nice to... 对 [duì]

他的后爸对他很好。[Tā de hòu bà duì tā hěn hǎo.] - His stepfather treats him very well.

♦ niece —— brother’s daughter: 侄女 [zhínǚ]; sister’s daughter: 外甥女 [wàishengnǚ]

♦ night —— 晚(上) [wǎn(shàng)], 夜 [yè]

晚安![wǎn'ān!] - Good night!
我每晚洗澡。[Wǒ měi wǎn xǐzǎo.] - I bath every night. [I take a shower every night.]
今天晚上我们得加班。[Jīntiān wǎnshàng wǒmen dé jiābān] - We have to work overtime tonight.
夜变得越来越黑了。[Yè biàn dé yuè lái yuè hēile.] - The nights were growing darker.
相信我,我们能等上一夜。[Xiāngxìn wǒ, wǒmen néng děng shàng yīyè.] - Believe me, we can wait all night.
他们要我们整夜工作。[Tāmen yào wǒmen zhěng yè gōngzuò.] - They made us work all night.
我们周五晚上见吧![Wǒmen zhōuwǔ wǎnshàng jiàn ba!] - Let’s meet on Friday night!
礼拜五晚上我看了一部电影。[Lǐbàiwǔ wǎnshàng wǒ kàn le yí bù diànyǐng.] - I watched a movie on Friday night.
昨晚我做了一个可怕的梦。[Zuó wǎn wǒ zuòle yīgè kěpà de mèng.] - I had a terrible dream last night.
我要订两晚酒店,四号和五号。[Wǒ yào dìng liǎng wǎn jiǔdiàn, sì hào hé wǔ hào.] - I need to book a hotel for two
nights, (for) the fourth and the fifth.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness. [Huge flames lit up the night like
mushroom clouds.]

♦ no, not —— 不 bù
爸爸不让我喝啤酒。Bàba bú ràng wǒ hē píjiǔ. - Dad does not allow me to drink beer.
香蕉不贵。Xiāngjiāo bú guì. - Bananas are not expensive.

♦ noisy —— 吵 chǎo
这个地方太吵了。 Zhège dìfāng tài chǎo le. - This place is too noisy.

♦ none ——

♦ noodle — 面条 miàntiáo
我喜欢吃米饭和面条。Wǒ xǐhuān chī mǐfàn hé miàntiáo. I like to eat rice and noodles.

♦ noon — 中午 [zhōngwǔ]
中午我要见教授。[Zhōngwǔ wǒ yào jiàn jiàoshòu.] - At noon, I will see my professor.

♦ nor ——

♦ north(ern) —— 北方 [běifāng]
北京在中国北方。[Běijīng zài zhōngguó běifāng.] - Beijing is in northern China.
北京在中国的北部。(běi jīng zài zhōng guó de běi bù) Beijing is in the north of China.

♦ not —— 不 bù
我不是老师,我是学生。Wǒ bùshì lǎoshī, wǒ shì xuéshēng. I am not a teacher, I am a student.

♦ note ——

♦ nothing —— 不客气 [búkèqi]

不客气 [búkèqi] - It was nothing, you are welcome, don't be so polite
这点儿小事儿,不客气。[Zhè diǎner xiǎo shìr, búkèqi.] - This trivial matter, it was nothing.

♦ notice ——

♦ notify (to ~) —— 通知 tōngzhī

如果你改变主意了,就请及时通知我取消预约。Rúguǒ nǐ gǎibiàn zhǔyì le, jiù qǐng jíshí tōngzhī wǒ qǔxiāo yùyuē. If
you change your mind, please let me know [notify me] in time to cancel the appointment.

♦ now —— 现在 [xiànzài], 如今 rújīn

现在去,好不好?[Xiànzài qù, hǎobùhǎo?] - Let's go now, okay?
我现在和他做朋友了。[Wǒ xiànzài hé tā zuò péngyǒule.] - I’m friends with him now.
现在美国队入场。[Xiànzài měiguó duì rù chǎng.] - The American team is now entering the field.
现在大家都用信用卡。[Xiànzài dàjiā dōu yòng xìnyòngkǎ.] - Everyone uses a credit card now.
我现在习惯吃西餐了。[Wǒ xiànzài xíguàn le chī xīcān le.] - I am used to eating western food now.
他如今已经是一名大学教授了。(Tā rújīn yǐjīng shì yī míng dàxué jiàoshòu le.) He is now a university professor.
♦ number —— 号(码) hào(mǎ)
这是我的电话号码。 (zhè shì wǒ de diàn huà hào mǎ.) - This is my phone number.
我没有你的电话号。[Wǒ méiyǒu nǐde diànhuà hào.] - I do not have your phone number.
她的电话号码是多少?(Tā de diànhuà hàomǎ shì duōshǎo?) - What is her phone number?
我的电话号码是123456789。 (wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ) - My phone number is

♦ nurse —— 护士 [hùshi]
我姐姐是护士。[Wǒ jiějie shì hùshi.] - My older sister is a nurse.

♦ nutrition —— 营养 [yíngyǎng]
营养成分都列在包装上面。[Yíngyǎng chéngfèn dōu liè zài bāozhuāng shàngmiàn.] - All ingredients are listed right
on the package

[Back to Contents]

__ O__
♦ obey (to ~) —— 听 [tīng], 服从 [fúcóng]
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.
你认为当兵的不服从命令就应该受处罚吗?[Nǐ rènwéi dāng bīng de bù fúcóng mìnglìng jiù yīnggāi shòu chǔfá ma?] -
Do you think a soldier should be punished for not following [disobey] orders?

♦ obligation —— 义务 yìwù
他们按照合同履行了自己的义务。 Tāmen ànzhào hétong lǚxíngle zìjǐ de yìwù. They fulfilled their obligations
according to the contract.

♦ obstacle —— 障碍 zhàng ài
这个问题是我们在工作中遇到的一个障碍。Zhè gè wèn tí shì wǒmen zài gōng zuò zhōng yù dào de yī gè zhàng ài.
This problem is an obstacle we encountered at work.
障碍不是无法克服的,只要你努力,一定能够跨过去。Zhàng ài bù shì wú fǎ kè fú de, zhǐ yào nǐ nǔ lì, yī dìng néng
gòu kuà guò qù. Obstacles can be overcome, as long as you work hard, you can definitely get past them.

♦ obtain (to ~) —— 取得 [qǔdé]

中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] -
Chinese women have made [obtained] huge progress in most spheres of life.
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed [to obtain success] in
areas with clear metrics like math and science.

♦ occur ——

♦ October —— 十月 [shí yuè]

每年十月一号是中国的国庆日。[Měi nián shí yuè yī hào shì Zhōngguó de Guóqìng rì.] - The annual October 1 is
China’s National Day.

♦ of —— 的 [de]
这是你的,那是我的。[Zhè shì nǐ de, nà shì wǒ de.] - This is yours and that is mine.
这是我的书。 (Zhè shì wǒ de shū.) - This is my book.

♦ off ——

♦ offer (to ~) —— 提供 [tígōng]

我们提供的是事实。[Wǒmen tígōng de shì shìshí.] - What we offer is truth.

♦ office —— 办公室 bàngōngshì

办公室在哪儿?Bàngōngshì zài nǎr? - Where is the office?
我正在回办公室。wǒ zhèng zài huí bàn gōng shì I’m coming back to the office.
老师还在办公室呢。Lǎoshī hái zài bàngōngshì ne. - The teacher is still in the office.
她的办公室在这个楼的上面。Tā de bàngōngshì zài zhège lóu de shàngmiàn. - Her office is above in this building.

♦ officer ——

♦ official —— 官员 [guānyuán]
中国各地的教育官员正在招募男教师。[Zhōngguó gèdì de jiàoyù guānyuán zhèngzài zhāomù nán jiàoshī.] -
Education officials across China are recruiting male teachers.

♦ officiate (to ~) —— 主持 [zhǔchí]

我们的婚礼将由这位神父主持。[Wǒmen de hūnlǐ jiāngyóu zhè wèi shénfù zhǔchí.] - Our nuptials will be performed
by this priest.

♦ often —— (经)常 [(jīng)cháng]

他坐车常看书。[Tā zuòchē cháng kànshū.] - He often reads while taking the bus.
请常来玩儿。[Qǐng cháng lái wáner.] - Please come often to play.
我不常生病。[Wǒ bù cháng shēngbìng. ]- I do not get sick often.
我常给朋友打电话。[Wǒ cháng gěi péngyou dǎdiànhuà.] - I often call my friends on the telephone.
我常听古典音乐。[Wǒ cháng tīng gǔdiǎn yīnyuè.] - I often listen to classical music.
他吃饭后常常散步。[Tā chīfàn hòu chángcháng sànbù.] - He often takes a walk after meals.
你经常坐公共汽车吗?[Nǐ jīngcháng zuò gōnggòng qìchē ma?] - Do you often take a bus?
因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] - As
the stadium isn't far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.

♦ oh ——

♦ oil ——

♦ OK (to be ~), to suit —— 行 xíng

没事。Méishì. – OK.
明天去,行吗?Míngtiān qù, xíngma? - Let's go tomorrow, okay?

♦ old —— 老(人) [lǎo(rén)], 旧 [jiù], 岁 [suì]

他的父亲很老了。[Tā de fùqīn hěn lǎole.] - His father is very old.
我的衣服很旧。[Wǒde yīfu hěn jiù.] - My clothes are very old.
他都八十岁了,身体还那么强壮。[Tā dōu bāshí suìle, shēntǐ hái nàme qiángzhuàng.] - He’s already eighty but still
going strong.
老人们爱谈论古今。[Lǎorénmen ài tánlùn gǔjīn.] - The elderly love to talk about things that happened in both ancient
and modern times. [Old people love to talk about past and present.]
莫扎特五岁就开始作曲了。[Mòzhātè wǔ suì jiù kāishǐ zuòqǔle.] - Mozart began to compose when he was five years

♦ older sister —— 姐姐 [jiějie]

我有一个姐姐。[Wǒ yǒu yí gè jiějie.] - I have an older sister.
我姐姐是护士。[Wǒ jiějie shì hùshi.] - My older sister is a nurse.

♦ Olympic games —— 奥运会 [àoyùnhuì]

我喜欢看奥运会。[Wǒ xǐhuān kàn àoyùnhuì.] - I like to watch the Olympic games.

♦ on —— 上 shàng
请把这本书放在桌子上。Qǐng bǎ zhè běn shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng. Please put this book on the table.
水果在桌子上。Shuǐguǒ zài zhuōzi shàng. The fruits are on the table.

♦ once —— 曾 [céng], 一次 [yīcì]

他的祖父曾是个飞行员。[Tā de zǔfù céng shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - His grandfather was a pilot.
他每天都要吃一次药。(Tā měitiān dōu yào chī yī cì yào.) - He takes medicine once a day.
我每周要去一次超市。(Wǒ měi zhōu yào qù yī cì chāoshì.) - I go to the supermarket once a week.

♦ one ——
♦ oneself —— 自(己) [zì(jǐ)]
让我来作自我介绍。[Ràng wǒ lái zuò zìwǒ jièshào]. - Let me introduce myself.
我控制不住自己。[Wǒ kòngzhì bù zhù zìjǐ.] - I can't control myself.
我给自己做了一杯咖啡。(wǒ gěi zìjǐ zuò le yī bēi kāfēi) I made myself some coffee.

♦ online —— 上网 shàngwǎng
她每天都会上网看新闻。(Tā měitiān dōu huì shàngwǎng kàn xīnwén.) - She goes online to read news every day.

♦ only —— 只(有) [zhǐ(yǒu)]

她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。[Tā méiyǒu jiěmèi, zhǐyǒu yīgè gēgē.] - She has a brother but no sisters.
我只有一张电影票。(wǒ zhǐ yǒu yī zhāng diàn yǐng piào) I only have one movie ticket.
这家旅店大约距离海边只有十分钟的路程。Zhè jiā lǚdiàn dàyuē jùlí hǎibiān zhǐyǒu shí fēnzhōng de lùchéng. - This
inn is about only ten minutes away from the beach.

♦ onto ——

♦ open (to ~) —— 打开 [dǎ kāi], 开门 [kāimén], 开幕 [kāimù]

请把门打开。[qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。] - Open the door, please.
银行几点开门?[Yíngháng jǐdiǎn kāimén?] - What time does the bank open?
奥运会开幕了。[Àoyùnhuì kāimù le.] - The Olympic games are opening.

♦ operate —— 操作 cāozuò
你可以按照如下步骤操作。(Nǐ kěyǐ ànzhào rúxià bùzhòu cāozuò.) You can follow the steps below to operate.

♦ operation —— 行动 [xíngdòng]
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] - Chinese online
comments expressed support for the operation.

♦ opinion —— 见解 [jiànjiě], 看法 [kànfǎ]

他的见解很正确。[Tā de jiànjiě hěn zhèngquè.] - His opinion is correct.
他们屈服于我的看法了。[Tāmen qūfú yú wǒ de kànfǎle.] - They gave in to my opinion.
我们应该接受别人的不同意见。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi jiēshòu biérén de bùtóng yìjiàn.) We should accept different
opinions from others.
- opinion (in my ~) —— 在我个人看来,。。。[Zài wǒ gèrén kàn lái, ...]
在我个人看来,这是个好主意。[Zài wǒ gèrén kàn lái, zhè shìgè hǎo zhǔyì.] - In my personal opinion, this is a good

♦ opportunity —— 机会 [jīhuì]
我不会放弃学习中文的机会。(Wǒ bù huì fàngqì xuéxí zhōngwén de jīhuì.) - I won't give up the opportunity to study
随着美国汽车业的复苏,一个巨大的机会即将出现。[Suízhe měiguó qìchē yè de fùsū, yīgè jùdà de jīhuì jíjiāng
chūxiàn.] - A huge opportunity was on the horizon as the auto industry in the United States started its revival.

♦ oppose (to ~) —— 反对 [fǎnduì]

中国强烈反对该系统。[Zhōngguó qiángliè fǎnduì gāi xìtǒng.] - China has objected strongly to the system. [China
strongly opposes the system.]

♦ option ——

♦ or —— 或(者) huò(zhě), 还是 [háishì]

你喜欢蓝色的还是红色的?[Nǐ xǐhuān lán sè de háishì hóngsè de?] - Do you like the blue one or the red one?
你想去北京或者上海吗?(Nǐ xiǎng qù Běijīng huòzhě Shànghǎi ma?) Do you want to go to Beijing or Shanghai?
你喜欢吃苹果或者香蕉?(Nǐ xǐhuān chī píngguǒ huòzhě xiāngjiāo?) Do you like to eat apples or bananas?
他是老师或者学生?(Tā shì lǎoshī huòzhě xuéshēng?) Is he a teacher or a student?
我们可以坐火车或者飞机去那里。(Wǒmen kěyǐ zuò huǒchē huòzhě fēijī qù nàlǐ.) We can take a train or a plane to go

♦ orange —— 橘子 [júzi], 橙子 [chéngzi]

中国橘子很甜。[Zhōngguó júzi hěn tián.] - Chinese oranges are very sweet.
这个苹果像橙子一样甜。(Zhège píngguǒ xiàng chéngzi yīyàng tián.) - This apple is as sweet as an orange.
这种水果形状像橙子,味道像菠萝。[Zhè zhǒng shuǐguǒ xíngzhuàng xiàng chéngzi, wèidào xiàng bōluó.] - This fruit
is shaped like an orange and tastes like a pineapple.

♦ order
[noun] —— command: 命令 [mìnglìng], sequence, queue: 顺序 shùnxù
你认为当兵的不服从命令就应该受处罚吗?[Nǐ rènwéi dāng bīng de bù fúcóng mìnglìng jiù yīnggāi shòu chǔfá ma?] -
Do you think a soldier should be punished for not following orders?
我们按照时间顺序排列了这些照片。 Wǒmen ànzhào shíjiān shùnxù páilièle zhèxiē zhàopiàn. We arranged these
photos according to the time order.
[verb] —— 下令 [xiàlìng]
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] - Beijing banned housing sales
in the region.

♦ organization ——

♦ organize (to ~) —— 组织 zǔzhī

他有很强的组织能力。(Tā yǒu hěn qiáng de zǔzhī nénglì.) He has strong organizational skills.

♦ origin —— 裔 [yì]
中国,韩国或印度裔学生被录取的可能性高得多。[Zhōngguó, hánguó huò yìndù yì xuéshēng bèi lùqǔ de kěnéng
xìng gāo dé duō.] - A student of Chinese, Korean or Indian descent is so much more likely to be admitted.

♦ other —— 其他 [qítā]
我没有其他要求。[Wǒ méiyǒu qítā yāoqiú.] - I have no other request.
比尔和其他的孩子们正在玩耍。[Bǐ'ěr hé qítā de háizimen zhèngzài wánshuǎ.] - Bill and the other boy(s) are playing.
一些在我的花园里的玫瑰是白色的,其他的则是红色的。[Yīxiē zài wǒ de huāyuán lǐ de méiguī shì báisè de, qítā de
zé shì hóngsè de.] - Some of the roses in my garden are white, and others are red.

♦ others ——

♦ our —— 我们的 wǒmen de

我们的老师很好。Wǒmen de lǎoshī hěn hǎo. - Our teacher is good.

♦ out —— 出去 [chūqù]
他被人叫出去了。[Tā bèi rén jiào chūqùle.] - Somebody called him outside.

♦ outside —— 外面 wàimian
外面的天气太冷了,我不想出门。Wàimian de tiānqì tài lěng le, wǒ bù xiǎng chūmén. - It's too cold outside, I don't
want to go out.
外面的阳光很好,让人感到温暖。Wàimiàn de yángguāng hěn hǎo, ràng rén gǎndào wēnnuǎn. The sunshine outside
is very nice and warm.

♦ outstanding —— 杰出 [jiéchū]
他是一个杰出的外交家。[Tā shì yīgè jiéchū de wàijiāo jiā.]- He is a distinguished [an outstanding] diplomat.

♦ over ——

♦ overcome —— 克服 kè fú
我们要有信心,能够克服困难。Wǒmen yào yǒu xìnxīn, nénggòu kèfú kùnnán. We must have confidence and be
able to overcome difficulties.
障碍不是无法克服的,只要你努力,一定能够跨过去。Zhàng ài bù shì wú fǎ kè fú de, zhǐ yào nǐ nǔ lì, yī dìng néng
gòu kuà guò qù. Obstacles can be overcome, as long as you work hard, you can definitely get past them.

♦ overtime (work) —— 加班 [jiābān]

今天晚上我们得加班。[Jīntiān wǎnshàng wǒmen dé jiābān] - We have to work overtime tonight.

♦ owl —— 夜猫子 [yèmāozi]

比如说,叫一个人夜猫子就是一个常用的比喻。[Bǐrú shuō, jiào yīgè rén yèmāozi jiùshì yīgè chángyòng de bǐyù.] -
Calling a person a night owl is an example of a common metaphor.
♦ own ——

♦ owner ——

[Back to Contents]

__ P__
pa - pe

♦ pack —— 包 [bāo]
香烟一般是一包二十支。[Xiāngyān yībān shì yī bāo èrshí zhī.] - Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.

♦ package —— 包(装) [bāo(zhuāng)], 包裹 [bāoguǒ]

去博物馆的门票包括在内了。[Qù bówùguǎn de ménpiào bāokuò zài nèile.] - Admission to the museum is included in
the package.
营养成分都列在包装上面。[Yíngyǎng chéngfèn dōu liè zài bāozhuāng shàngmiàn.] - All ingredients are listed right
on the package.
您收到了我上周邮寄给您的包裹了吗?[Nín shōu dàole wǒ shàng zhōu yóujì gěi nín de bāoguǒle ma?] - Did you
receive the package I sent to you last week?

♦ page ——

♦ pain ——

♦ painting ——

♦ pair —— 双 [shuāng]
他有一双明亮的眼睛。[Tā yǒu yīshuāng míngliàng de yǎnjīng.] - He has a pair of bright eyes. [He has bright eyes.]

♦ panda —— 熊猫 [xióngmāo]
熊猫只吃竹子吗?[Xióngmāo zhǐ chī zhúzi ma?] - Do pandas only eat bamboo?
熊猫是中国的国宝,是一种濒临灭绝的动物。 (Xióngmāo shì Zhōngguó de guó bǎo, shì yī zhǒng bīnlín mièjué de
dòngwù.) - Pandas are a national treasure of China and a type of animal that is on the verge of extinction.

♦ pants —— 裤子 [kùzi]
这条裤子很贵。[Zhè tiáo kùzi hěnguì.] - This pair of pants is quite expensive.

♦ paper —— 纸 zhǐ
请给我一张纸。(Qǐng gěi wǒ yī zhāng zhǐ.) - Please give me a piece of paper.

♦ parade —— 游行 [yóuxíng]
整个村庄的人都出来看游行。[Zhěnggè cūnzhuāng de rén dōu chūlái kàn yóuxíng.] - Entire villages came to see the

♦ parent —— 父母 [fùmǔ]
我的父母来自中国。(Wǒ de fùmǔ láizì Zhōngguó.) - My parents are from China.
他的父母都是医生。 Tā de fùmǔ dōu shì yīshēng. His parents are both doctors.
他家里有五口人,父母和三个孩子。 (Tā jiā lǐ yǒu wǔ kǒu rén, fùmǔ hé sān gè háizi.) There are five people in his
family, his parents and three children.
她跟父母关系很亲密。 (Tā gēn fùmǔ guānxì hěn qīnmì.) - She has a close relationship with her parents.

♦ Paris —— 巴黎 [bālí]
我是巴黎人。[Wǒ shì Bālí rén.] - I am from Paris.
♦ park —— 公园 gōngyuán
他们上周末去了公园。Tāmen shàng zhōumò qùle gōngyuán. They went to the park last weekend.
如果明天下雨,我就不去公园了。 (Rúguǒ míngtiān xià yǔ, wǒ jiù bù qù gōngyuán le.) If it rains tomorrow, I will not go
to the park.
让我们带些零食去公园吧。Ràng wǒmen dài xiē língshí qù gōngyuán ba. Let's bring some snacks with us to the park.

♦ part —— 部分 [bùfèn]
中国学生应该成为其中的一部分。[Zhōngguó xuéshēng yīnggāi chéngwéi qízhōng de yībùfèn.] - Chinese students
should be a part of it.

♦ participant ——

♦ participate (to ~) —— 参加 cānjiā

请参加我们的晚会。[Qǐng cānjiā wǒmen de wǎnhuì.] - Please join our party.

♦ particular ——

♦ particularly ——

♦ partner ——

♦ party —— (聚)会 [(jù)huì], 派对 pàiduì

我请你参加我的生日聚会。[Wǒ qǐng nǐ cānjiā wǒ de shēngrì jùhuì.] - I am inviting you to my birthday party.
他们是在一次晚会上认识的。[Tāmen shì zài yīcì wǎnhuì shàng rènshí de.] - They got to know each other at a party.
妈妈今天请了几个女朋友来家里聚会。Māmā jīntiān qǐngle jǐ gè nǚ péngyǒu lái jiālǐ jùhuì.Mom invited some female
friends over for a party today.
我很高兴参加你的派对。(Wǒ hěn gāoxìng cānjiā nǐ de pàiduì.) I would be happy to come to your party.
大约有三百人参加了那次聚会。 (dàyuē yǒu sān bǎi rén cānjiā le nà cì jùhuì) - Approximately 300 people attended
that party.

♦ pass ——
(to ~ away) —— 去世 [qùshì]
她的公公去世了。[Tā de gōnggōng qùshìle.] - Her father-in-law has passed away.
- (to ~ by) —— 过去 [guòqù], 通过 [tōngguò]
他们通过了这次考试。Tāmen tōngguòle zhè cì kǎoshì. They passed this exam.
这个问题不容易通过。Zhège wèntí bù róngyì tōngguò. This question is not easy to pass.
一辆公共汽车刚过去。[Yī liàng gōnggòng qìchē gāng guòqù.] - A bus has just passed by.
恭喜你啊!听说你通过了注册会计师考试。[Gōngxǐ nǐ a! Tīng shuō nǐ tōngguòle zhùcè kuàijìshī kǎoshì.] -
Congratulations! I heard that you passed the CPA exam.

♦ passenger —— 乘客 [chéngkè], 旅客 [lǚkè]

火车上的乘客没事吧?[Huǒchē shàng de chéngkè méishì ba?] - Are the passengers in the train alright?
北京新火车站到今年已经接待各方旅客五千万人次。[Běijīng xīn huǒchē zhàn dào jīnnián yǐjīng jiēdài gè fāng lǚkè
wǔqiān wàn réncì.] - By this year, the new Beijing railway station has served 50 million passengers.
双层公共汽车能用在人口密集的城区来很多乘客。[Shuāng céng gōnggòng qìchē néng yòng zài rénkǒu mìjí de
chéngqū lái hěnduō chéngkè.] - Double-decker buses can be used to move a lot of people [many passengers]
through dense urban areas.

♦ past ——

♦ patience —— 耐心 nàixīn
我们学习算术需要勤奋和耐心。Wǒmen xuéxí suànshù xūyào qínfèn hé nàixīn. We need diligence and patience
when learning arithmetic.

♦ patient ——

♦ passport —— 护照 [hùzhào]
我护照丢了。[Wǒ hùzhào diūle.] - My passport is lost.
♦ pattern ——

♦ pavilion —— 村 cūn
奥运村很好。[Àoyùncūn hěn hǎo.] - The Olympic pavilion is good.

♦ pay (to ~) —— 付款 [fùkuǎn], 交 [jiāo]

我每月交房租。[Wǒ měi yuè jiāo fángzū.] - I pay the rent every month.
你可以用现金或者信用卡付款。(Nǐ kěyǐ yòng xiànjīn huòzhě xìnyòngkǎ fùkuǎn.) You can pay with cash or credit
我们吃完饭爸爸就付款。[Wǒmén chīwán fàn bàba jiù fùkuǎn.]- Dad will pay the bill after we finish eating.
- to pay attention → attention

♦ peace ——

♦ peak —— 峰 [fēng]
世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。[Shìjiè shàng rènhé shānfēng dōu dá bù dào zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de
gāodù.] - No other mountain [peak] in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest.

♦ pen —— 笔 [bǐ]
这支笔好写。[Zhè zhī bǐ hǎoxiě.] - This pen is good to write with.
这个包里有我的书和笔。Zhège bāo lǐ yǒu wǒ de shū hé bǐ. This bag has my books and pens.

♦ people —— (口)人 (kǒu) rén, 民众 mínzhòng

那些人是谁?(Nàxiē rén shì shéi?) Who are those people?
你认识那些人吗?(Nǐ rènshi nàxiē rén ma?) Do you know those people?
我家有四口人。 (Wǒ jiā yǒu sì kǒu rén.) There are four people in my family.
那里的人都很友好。(Nà lǐ de rén dōu hěn yǒu hǎo.) - The people there are all very friendly.
昨天有三个人来找你。[Zuótiān yǒusān gèrén lái zhǎo nǐ.] - Three people came to see you yesterday.
他家里有五口人,父母和三个孩子。 (Tā jiā lǐ yǒu wǔ kǒu rén, fùmǔ hé sān gè háizi.) There are five people in his
family, his parents and three children.
政府应该为民众谋福利。Zhèngfǔ yīng gāi wèi mínzhòng móu fúlì. - The government should seek welfare for the

♦ per ——

♦ perform ——

♦ performance ——

♦ perhaps —— 或许 [huòxǔ]
或许他会来参加我的生日聚会。(Huòxǔ tā huì lái cānjiā wǒ de shēngrì jùhuì.) Perhaps he will come to my birthday
我们的计划或许需要修改。(Wǒmen de jìhuà huòxǔ xūyào xiūgǎi.) Perhaps we need to modify our plan.
或许你需要更多的练习才能掌握这个技能。(Huòxǔ nǐ xūyào gèng duō de liànxí cái néng zhǎngwò zhège jìnéng.)
Perhaps you need more practice to master this skill.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - Costs could [perhaps] fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.

♦ period ——
♦ person —— 人 [rén]
他是个明理的人。[Tā shìgè mínglǐ de rén.] - He’s an understanding person. [He is a reasonable man.]

♦ personal ——

♦ philosophy —— 哲学 [zhéxué]
我学习古代哲学。[Wǒ xuéxí gǔdài zhéxué.] - I study classical philosophy.

♦ phone —— 手机 [shǒujī], 电话 [diàn huà]

那个是我的手机。[Nàgè shì wǒ de shǒujī.] - That is my cell phone.
电话响了。[diàn huà xiǎng le。] - The telephone is ringing.
我手机丢了。[Wǒ shǒujī diūle.] - My (mobile) phone is lost.
我需要给手机充电。 (wǒ xū yào gěi shǒu jī chōng diàn) - I need to charge my phone.
我的电话号码是123456789。 (wǒ de diànhuà hàomǎ shì yī èr sān sì wǔ liù qī bā jiǔ) - My phone number is

♦ photo —— 照片 zhàopiàn
这是我的照片。 (zhè shì wǒ de zhàopiàn) - This is my photo.
请帮我们拍张照片好吗?Qǐng bāng wǒmen pāi zhāng zhàopiàn hǎo ma? Could you take a picture [photo] of us,
你能帮我把照片传到电脑上吗?​(Nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎ zhàopiàn chuán dào diànnǎo shàng ma?) Can you help me
transfer my photos to my computer?
我们按照时间顺序排列了这些照片。 Wǒmen ànzhào shíjiān shùnxù páilièle zhèxiē zhàopiàn. We arranged these
photos according to the time order.[in chronological order.]

♦ physical ——

♦ physics —— 物理 wùlǐ
我在中学学了物理。[Wǒ zài zhōngxué xué le wùlǐ.] - I studied physics in middle school.

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pi - pl

♦ piano —— 钢琴 [gāngqín]
我做钢琴调音师很多年了。[Wǒ zuò gāngqín diào yīn shī hěnduō niánle.] - I worked as a piano tuner for many years.

♦ pick ——
- [noun]: (十字)镐 [(shízì) gǎo]
十字镐是刨土的工具。[Shízì gǎo shì páo tǔ de gōngjù.] - A pick is a tool for digging.
- [verb]: to pick up: 去接 [qù jiē]
我吃了饭再去接你。[Wǒ chīle fàn zài qù jiē nǐ.] - I’ll pick you up after I finish my dinner.

♦ picnic —— 野餐 yěcān
如果下雨了,我们不得不取消野餐。(Rúguǒ xià yǔ le, wǒmen bùdé chúxiāo yěcān.) If it rained, we would have to
cancel the picnic.

♦ picture —— 照片 [zhàopiàn]
这是我家的照片。[Zhè shì wǒjiā de zhàopiàn.] - This is the picture of my family.
- take a picture: 拍一张照片 pāi yī zhāng zhàopiàn
请帮我们拍一张照片,好吗?Qǐng bāng wǒmen pāi yī zhāng zhàopiàn, hǎo ma? Can you take a picture of us,

♦ piece ——

♦ pilot —— 飞行员 [fēixíngyuán]

丽丽的男友是个飞行员。[Lì lì de nányǒu shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - Lili's boyfriend is a pilot.
他的祖父曾是个飞行员。[Tā de zǔfù céng shìgè fēixíngyuán.] - His grandfather was a pilot.

♦ pineapple —— 菠萝 [bōluó]
这种水果形状像橙子,味道像菠萝。[Zhè zhǒng shuǐguǒ xíngzhuàng xiàng chéngzi, wèidào xiàng bōluó.] - This fruit
is shaped like an orange and tastes like a pineapple.

♦ pirate —— 海盗 hǎidào
海盗登上了这艘船。Hǎidào dēng shàng le zhè sōu chuán. - The pirates came aboard this ship.

♦ place —— 地方 dìfang
请帮我找一下这个地方。(Qǐng bāng wǒ zhǎo yí xià zhè ge dì fāng.) - Please help me find this place.
那个地方很漂亮。​(Nà gè dìfāng hěn piàoliang.) - That place is very beautiful.
她去了中国很多地方。Tā qùle zhōngguó hěnduō dìfang. - She has been to many places in China.
这个地方最安静了。Zhège dìfang zuì ānjìng le. This place is the quietest.
这个地方太吵了。 Zhège dìfāng tài chǎo le. - This place is too noisy.
那个地方大约需要一个小时才能到达。 (nèi gè dìfāng dàyuē xūyào yīgè xiǎoshí cáinéng dàodá) - It takes about an
hour to reach that place.

♦ plan ——
- [noun]: 计划 [jìhuà]
按照计划,我们明天出发。 Ànzhào jìhuà, wǒmen míngtiān chūfā. According to the plan, we will leave tomorrow.
我们的计划或许需要修改。(Wǒmen de jìhuà huòxǔ xūyào xiūgǎi.) Perhaps we need to modify our plan.
我们应该于下个月开始讨论这个计划。 (Wǒmen yīnggāi yú xià gè yuè kāishǐ tǎolùn zhège jìhuà.) - We should start
discussing this plan next month.
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà. -
China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.
中国应该计划一次火星任务。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jìhuà yīcì huǒxīng rènwù.] - China should plan a mission to Mars.
作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。[Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà
de jùtǐ xìjié.] - As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal the details of this project.
这样的计划注定会失败的。[Zhèyàng de jìhuà zhùdìng huì shībài de.] - Such a plan is bound to fail.
- [verb]: 跑步 pǎobù
她打算每天早上起床后去跑步。(Tā dǎsuàn měitiān zǎoshang qǐchuáng hòu qù pǎobù.) - She plans to go for a run
every morning after she wakes up.

♦ plant (factory) —— 厂 [chǎng]

美国的很多汽车厂向世界各地出口产品。[Měiguó de hěnduō qìchē chǎng xiàng shìjiè gèdì chūkǒu chǎnpǐn.] - A
number of American auto plants export their products around the world.

♦ plate —— 盘子 pánzi
请把盘子放在桌子上面。Qǐng bǎ pánzi fàng zài zhuōzi shàngmiàn. - Please put the plate above the table.

♦ play (to ~) —— 玩(耍) [wán(shuǎ)

你喜欢去那里玩儿吗?(Nǐ xǐ huān qù nà lǐ wánr ma?) - Do you like to play there?
我弟弟喜欢玩电脑。[Wǒ dìdi xǐhuān wán diànnǎo.] - My younger brother likes to play on the computer.
比尔和其他的孩子们正在玩耍。[Bǐ'ěr hé qítā de háizimen zhèngzài wánshuǎ.] - Bill and the other boy(s) are playing.
老师不准我们上课玩手机。Lǎoshī bùzhǔn wǒmen shàngkè wán shǒujī. The teacher doesn’t allow us to play with our
phones in class.
- to play ball —— 打球 dǎqiú
我在和朋友打球。[Wǒ zài hé péngyou dǎqiú.] - I am playing ball with my friend.

♦ player ——

♦ please —— 请 [qǐng]
请坐。[Qǐng zuò. ]- Please, sit down.
请坐下。[Qǐng zuò xià.] - Sit down, please.
请把门打开。[qǐng bǎ mén dǎ kāi。] - Open the door, please.
请上楼。[qǐng shàng lóu] - Please go upstairs.
请,安静。[Qǐng, ānjìng.] - Be quiet, please.
请让她先走。[Qǐng ràng tā xiān zǒu . ]- Please let her go first.
请你下次再来。[qǐng nǐ xià cì zài lái] - Please come again next time.
请常来玩儿。[Qǐng cháng lái wáner.] - Please come often to play.
请再说一遍。(Qǐng zài shuō yí biàn.) - Please say it again.
请别吸烟。[Qǐng bié xīyān.] - Please don't smoke.
请记住这些生词。[Qǐng jìzhù zhè xiē shēngcí.] - Please memorize these new words.
请翻译这句话。[Qǐng fānyì zhèjù huà.] - Please translate this sentence.
请坐在这把大椅子上。[Qǐng zuò zài zhè bǎ dà yǐzi shàng. ]- Please sit in this large chair.
请念生词。[Qǐng niàn shēngcí. ] - Please read the new words aloud.
请参加我们的晚会。[Qǐng cānjiā wǒmen de wǎnhuì.] - Please join our party.
请把它扔掉。[Qǐng bǎ tā rēng diào.] - Please throw it away.
我来晚了, 请原谅。[Wǒ lái wǎnle, qǐng yuánliàng.] - I'm late, please forgive me.

♦ PM ——
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♦ pocket —— 口袋内 kǒudài

他的钥匙落在了口袋内。(Tā de yàoshi luò zài le kǒudài nèi.) - His key fell inside the pocket.
她把手机从口袋里拿出来。Tā bǎ shǒujī cóng kǒudài lǐ náchūlái. She took the phone out of/from her pocket.

♦ point ——

♦ police —— 警察 jǐngchá
警察开心地笑了。Jǐngchá kāixīn dì xiàole. - The police officer laughed happily.

♦ policy —— 政策 zhèngcè
政府发布了一项新政策。Zhèngfǔ fābùle yī xiàng xīn zhèngcè. - The government has released a new policy.

♦ polite —— 客气 kèqì
你太客气了! Nǐ tài kèqì le! - You are too polite!

♦ political ——

♦ politics ——

♦ pollution —— 污染 wūrǎn
为了减少污染,我们应该多骑自行车,少开汽车。 Wèile jiǎnshǎo wūrǎn, wǒmen yīnggāi duō qí zìxíngchē, shǎo kāi
qìchē. To reduce pollution, we should ride bicycles more and drive cars less.

♦ pool —— 池 chí
我们可以做一个圆形的游泳池。 (Wǒmen kěyǐ zuò yīgè yuánxíng de yóuyǒngchí.) We can make a round swimming

♦ poor —— 差 chà
他的英语很差。Tā de yīngyǔ hěn chà. - His English is very poor.
我的中文太差了。Wǒ de zhōngwén tài chà le. - My Chinese is too poor.

♦ poplar —— 杨树 [yáng shù]

在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] - Beijing city, the
capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people.

♦ popular —— 受欢迎 [shòu huānyíng]

他的著作很受欢迎。[Tā de zhùzuò hěn shòu huānyíng.] - His writings/works are very popular.

♦ population —— 人口 [rénkǒu]
这座城市人口太多。[Zhè zuò chéngshì rénkǒu tài duō.] - The city is over-populated.
这个城市的人口已经超过了一百万。 (Zhège chéngshì de rénkǒu yǐjīng chāoguòle yī bǎi wàn.) The population of this
city has exceeded one million.
这个乡村的人口很少,只有几百人。 (Zhège xiāngcūn de rénkǒu hěn shǎo, zhǐyǒu jǐ bǎi rén.) The population of this
village is small, only a few hundred people.
我们正在研究这个城市的人口增长趋势。 (Wǒmen zhèngzài yánjiū zhège chéngshì de rénkǒu zēngzhǎng qūshì.)
We are studying the population growth trend of this city.

♦ porridge —— 米粥 [mǐ zhōu]

早晨我吃了两个包子,喝了一碗米粥。[Zǎochén wǒ chīle liǎng gè bāozi, hēle yī wǎn mǐ zhōu.] - At breakfast, I had
two steamed buns and a bowl of rice porridge.

♦ position ——

♦ positive ——
♦ possible ——

♦ power —— 权力 [quánlì], 力量 lìliàng

虎是一种很有力量的动物。 (Hǔ shì yī zhǒng hěn yǒu lìliàng de dòngwù.) - Tigers are a very powerful type of animal.
从来没有一个女性进入核心权力集团。[cónglái méiyǒu yīgè nǚxìng jìnrù héxīn quánlì jítuán] - A woman has never
sat in the inner circle of power.

♦ power bank —— 充电宝 chōng diàn bǎo

我们应该准备充电器和充电宝。 (wǒ men yīng gāi zhǔn bèi chōng diàn qì hé chōng diàn bǎo) - We should prepare
chargers and power banks.

♦ power plant —— (发)电厂 [(fā)diàn chǎng]

河对岸就是新建的发电厂。[Hé duì'àn jiùshì xīnjiàn de fǎ diàn chǎng.] - Across the river is the newly-built power
中国取消修建一百多座火力发电厂的计划。[Zhōngguó qǔxiāo xiūjiàn yībǎi duō zuò huǒlì fādiàn chǎng de jìhuà.] -
China is cancelling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants.
中国火电厂约半数产能闲置。[Zhōngguó huǒ diànchǎng yuē bànshù chǎnnéng xiánzhì.] - China's coal-fired power
plants now run at about half of capacity.

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pr - pz

♦ practice (to ~) —— 练习 [liànxí]

他在练习汉语。 (Tā zài liànxí Hànyǔ.) - He is practicing Chinese.
但是正在我只想练习。[Dànshì zhèngzài wǒ zhǐ xiǎng liànxí.] - Right now, I just want to practice.
你只是需要些练习。[Nǐ zhǐshì xūyào xiē liànxí.] - You just need some practice.
或许你需要更多的练习才能掌握这个技能。(Huòxǔ nǐ xūyào gèng duō de liànxí cái néng zhǎngwò zhège jìnéng.)
Perhaps you need more practice to master this skill.

♦ prairie —— 草原 [cǎoyuán]
我家前面有草原。[Wǒjiā qiánmiàn yǒu cǎoyuán.] - There is a grassland in front of my house.

♦ precious —— 宝贵 [bǎoguì]
时间是宝贵的。[Shíjiān shì bǎoguì de.] - Time is precious.

♦ predict (to ~) —— 预知 [yùzhī]

他能预知未来。[Tā néng yùzhī wèilái.] - He can predict the future.

♦ prepare (to~) —— 准备 [zhǔnbèi]

妈妈要准备午饭。[Māma yào zhǔnbèi wǔfàn.] - Mother has to prepare lunch.
他们正在准备晚饭。 Tāmen zhèngzài zhǔnbèi wǎnfàn. They are preparing dinner.
你为什么不准备一些水果? Nǐ wèishéme bù zhǔnbèi yīxiē shuǐguǒ? Why don’t you prepare some fruits?
我已经准备好了考试。 Wǒ yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole kǎoshì. I have already prepared for the exam.
我们准备去旅游,你想不想一起去? Wǒmen zhǔnbèi qù lǚyóu, nǐ xiǎng bùxiǎng yīqǐ qù? We are preparing to go
traveling, do you want to go with us?

♦ present (gift) —— 礼物 [lǐwù]

你包好礼物了吗?[Nǐ bāo hǎo lǐwùle ma?] - Did you wrap the presents?

♦ president ——

♦ pressure ——

♦ pretty —— 漂亮 [piàoliang]
我姐姐很漂亮。[Wǒ jiějiě hěn piàoliang.] - My sister is very pretty.

♦ prevent (to ~) —— 毖 [bì]

惩前毖后。[Chéngqiánbìhòu.] - Punish before prevent after. [Punish the former and avoid the latter.]

♦ price —— 价(格) [jià(gé)]

随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn
jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] - As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or
现在汽车价格都不高,所以家家户户都买的起。[Xiànzài qìchē jiàgé dōu bù gāo, suǒyǐ jiājiāhùhù dōu mǎi de qǐ.] -
Cars are not expensive nowadays [The price of cars is not high now], therefore every family can afford them.

♦ priest —— 神父 [shénfù]
我们的婚礼将由这位神父主持。[Wǒmen de hūnlǐ jiāngyóu zhè wèi shénfù zhǔchí.] - Our nuptials will be performed
by this priest.

♦ primary school —— 小学 [xiǎoxué]

小学生也有作业。[Xiǎoxuéshēng yěyǒu zuòyè.] - Primary school students also have homework.

♦ private ——

♦ probably ——

♦ problem —— 问题 wèntí
no problem — 没关系 méiguānxi
这个问题太难了。 Zhège wèntí tài nán le. - This problem is too difficult.
你今天做不完没关系。Nǐ jīntiān zuòbùwán méi guānxi. - You don't have to finish today. [It's okay if you can't finish
这是一个大问题。(Zhè shì yī gè dà wèn tí.) This is a big problem.
我不知道怎么解决这个问题。(Wǒ bù zhī dào zěn me jiě jué zhè gè wèn tí.) I don't know how to solve this problem.
这个问题很容易解决。(Zhè gè wèn tí hěn róng yì jiě jué.) This problem is easy to solve.
我们需要讨论这个问题。(Wǒmen xū yào tǎo lùn zhè gè wèn tí.) We need to discuss this problem.
这个问题太难了,我不知道怎么做。Zhège wèntí tài nán le, wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme zuò. - This problem is too difficult, I
don't know how to solve it.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù. -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.

♦ process ——

♦ produce —— 工厂 gōngchǎng
那个工厂生产砖头。(nà gè gōngchǎng shēngchǎn zhuāntóu) That factory makes [produces] bricks.

♦ product —— 产品 [chǎnpǐn]
请按照说明书使用这个产品。 Qǐng ànzhào shuōmíngshū shǐyòng zhège chǎnpǐn. Please use this product according
to the instructions.
美国的很多汽车厂向世界各地出口产品。[Měiguó de hěnduō qìchē chǎng xiàng shìjiè gèdì chūkǒu chǎnpǐn.] - A
number of American auto plants export their products around the world.

♦ production ——

♦ profession —— 职业 [zhíyè]
他的职业是教师。[Tā de zhíyè shì jiàoshī.] - Teaching is his profession.

♦ professional ——

♦ professor —— 教授 [jiàoshòu]
他是数学教授。[Tā shì shùxué jiaòshòu.] - He is a mathematics professor.
中午我要见教授。[Zhōngwǔ wǒ yào jiàn jiàoshòu.] - At noon, I will see my professor.
他如今已经是一名大学教授了。(Tā rújīn yǐjīng shì yī míng dàxué jiàoshòu le.) He is now a university professor.

♦ profit —— 盈利 [yínglì]
现在削减公司开支有利于公司将来的盈利。[Xiànzài xuējiǎn gōngsī kāizhī yǒu lìyú gōngsī jiānglái de yínglì.] - Cuts in
company spending now should lead to profits in the long term.
♦ program ——

♦ progress —— 进步 [jìnbù]
看到孩子们有进步,心里很高兴。[Kàn dào háizimen yǒu jìnbù, xīnlǐ hěn gāoxìng.] - He was very pleased to see that
the kids had made progress.
中国女性在生活的各个领域取得了巨大进步。[Zhōngguó nǚxìng zài shēnghuó de gège lǐngyù qǔdéle jùdà jìnbù.] -
Chinese women have made huge progress in most spheres of life.

♦ project —— 工程 [gōngchéng], 项目 [xiàngmù]

她说她会帮我完成这个项目。(Tā shuō tā huì bāng wǒ wánchéng zhège xiàngmù.) She said she would help me with
the project.
根据电视新闻,这项工程可能会被取消。[Gēnjù diànshì xīnwén, zhè xiàng gōngchéng kěnéng huì bèi qǔxiāo.] -
According to the TV news, this project is likely to be cancelled.
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.
面对这么多问题,他们不得不取消整个项目。[Miàn duì zhème duō wèntí, tāmen bùdé bù qǔxiāo zhěnggè xiàngmù.] -
Confronted with so many problems, they had to cancel the entire project.

♦ promote —— 推进 tuījìn
政府正在推进一项扶贫计划。Zhèngfǔ zhèngzài tuījìn yī xiàng fúpín jìhuà. - The government is promoting an
anti-poverty campaign.

♦ pronunciation —— 发音 fāyīn
这个词汇的发音很难。 (zhège cíhuì de fāyīn hěn nán.) - The pronunciation of this vocabulary is difficult.

♦ property ——

♦ protect —— 保护 bǎohù
我们 需要/应该 保护环境。Wǒmen xūyào/ yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng. - We need to protect the environment.
政府需要采取措施保护环境。Zhèngfǔ xūyào cǎiqǔ cuòshī bǎohù huánjìng. - The government needs to take
measures to protect the environment.

♦ prove ——

♦ provide (to ~) —— 提供 [tígōng]

我提供了他食物。[Wǒ tígōngle tā shíwù.] - I provided him with food.
我不提供过夜和早餐。[Wǒ bù tígōng guòyè hé zǎocān.] - I do not provide bed and breakfast.
这本书将为我们提供所需要全部信息。[Zhè běn shū jiāng wèi wǒmen tígōng suǒ xūyào quánbù xìnxī.] - This book
will provide us with all the information we need.

♦ public —— 公开 gōng kāi

那位领导在公开场合表示了支持。(Nà wèi lǐng dǎo zài gōng kāi chǎng hé biǎo shì le zhī chí.) - The leader expressed
support in public.

♦ pull ——

♦ punish (to ~) —— 惩 [chéng], 处罚 [chǔfá]

惩前毖后。[Chéngqiánbìhòu.] - Punish before prevent after. [Punish the former and avoid the latter.]
你认为当兵的不服从命令就应该受处罚吗?[Nǐ rènwéi dāng bīng de bù fúcóng mìnglìng jiù yīnggāi shòu chǔfá ma?] -
Do you think a soldier should be punished for not following orders?

♦ pupil —— 瞳孔 [tóngkǒng]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle

♦ puppy —— 小狗 xiǎo gǒu

那个小狗很可爱。​(Nà gè xiǎo gǒu hěn kě'ài.) - That puppy is very cute.

♦ purple —— 紫 [zǐ]
我喜欢紫色。[Wǒ xǐhuan zǐ sè.] - I like purple.
♦ purpose ——

♦ purse —— 钱包 [qiánbāo]
小偷把我的钱包偷走了。[Xiǎotōu bǎ wǒ de qiánbāo tōu zǒule.] - A thief took my purse.

♦ push ——

♦ put —— 放 fàng
我们可以把书放在书包内。(Wǒmen kěyǐ bǎ shū fàng zài shūbāo nèi.) - We can put the books inside the school bag.
请把这本书放在桌子上。Qǐng bǎ zhè běn shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng. Please put this book on the table.
你把钥匙放在哪儿了?Nǐ bǎ yàoshi fàng zài nǎrle? Where did you put the key?
请将水果放在冰箱内。(Qǐng jiāng shuǐguǒ fàng zài bīngxiāng nèi.) - Please put the fruits inside the refrigerator.
- to put on (to ~) 穿 [chuān]
她穿上袜子。[Tā chuān shàng wàzi.] - She draws on her socks.[She put on socks.]

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♦ quality ——
♦ question —— 问题 wèntí
这个问题很难。 (zhè ge wèn tí hěn nán.) - This question is difficult.
你能回答这个问题吗?(Nǐ néng huídá zhège wèntí ma?) Can you answer this question?
我有一个问题要问你。(Wǒ yǒu yī gè wèn tí yào wèn nǐ.) I have a question to ask you.
这是我不能回答的问题。(Zhè shì wǒ bùnéng huídá de wèntí.) This is a question I can't answer.
这道题很难。 (zhè dào tí hěn nán.) - This question is very difficult.

♦ quickly ——

♦ quiet —— 安静 ānjìng
这个地方最安静了。Zhège dìfang zuì ānjìng le. This place is the quietest.
不准说话,要安静。Bùzhǔn shuōhuà, yào ānjìng. No talking, be quiet.
安静点! (Ānjìng diǎn!) - Be quiet!
到处都是人,我们找不到一个安静的地方。Dàochù dōu shì rén, wǒmen zhǎo bù dào yīgè ānjìng de dìfāng. There are
people everywhere, we can’t find a quiet place.

♦ quit (to ~) —— 放弃 fàngqì, 退出 tuìchū

我不干了! (Wǒ bù gān le!) - I quit.

♦ quite ——

♦ quiz —— 测验 [cèyàn]

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__ R__
♦ rabbit —— 兔子 [tù zǐ]

♦ race —— 赛跑 sàipǎo
他们正在赛跑,看谁先到达终点线。Tāmen zhèngzài sàipǎo, kàn shuí xiān dàodá zhōngdiàn xiàn. They are racing
to see who can reach the finish line first.

♦ radio ——

♦ rain (to ~) —— (下)雨 [xià yǔ]

下雨了。[xià yǔ le] - It is raining
明天会下雨吗?Míngtiān huì xiàyǔ ma? Will it rain tomorrow?
明天可能下雨。[Míngtiān kěnéng xiàyǔ.] - It might rain tomorrow.

♦ raise ——

♦ range ——

♦ rat —— 鼠 [shǔ]

♦ rate —— 率 [lǜ]
如果这所学校比较难进,录取率低,它就越有名气。[Rúguǒ zhè suǒ xuéxiào bǐjiào nán jìn, lùqǔ lǜ dī, tā jiù yuè yǒu
míngqì.] - A school's reputation is bolstered by its glimmer of exclusivity and by a low acceptance rate.

♦ rather ——

♦ ratio —— 比例 [bǐlì]
在首都北京,人和杨树的比例是十比一。[Zài shǒudū běijīng, rén hé yáng shù de bǐlì shì shí bǐ yī.] - Beijing city, the
capital of China, has one poplar tree for every 10 people. [In the capital, Beijing, the ratio of people to poplar trees is
ten to one.]

♦ raw —— 原 [yuán], 生 [shēng]

黄瓜可以生吃。[Huángguā kěyǐ shēng chī.] - Cucumbers can be eaten raw.

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♦ reach (to ~) —— (到)达 (dào)dá, 够 gòu,

他太高了,我够不着。Tā tài gāo le, wǒ gòu bù zháo. - He's too tall, I can't reach him.
他们正在赛跑,看谁先到达终点线。Tāmen zhèngzài sàipǎo, kàn shuí xiān dàodá zhōngdiàn xiàn. They are racing
to see who can reach the finish line first.
世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。Shìjiè shàng rènhé shānfēng dōu dá bù dào zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de
gāodù. - No other mountain in the world is as tall as [can reach the height of ] Mount Everest.

♦ read (to ~) —— 看(书) [kàn(shū)] (to read aloud — 念 [niàn])

我没看完。[Wǒ méi kàn wán.] - I didn't finish reading it.
我 看 完 这本书 了 。[Wǒ kàn wán zhè běn shū le.] - I finished reading this book.
他坐车常看书。[Tā zuòchē cháng kànshū. ]- He often reads while taking the bus.
我要看今天的报纸。[Wǒ yào kàn jīntiān de bào zhǐ.] - I want to read today's newspaper.
请念生词。[Qǐng niàn shēngcí.] - Please read the new words aloud.

♦ ready —— 准备好 zhǔnbèi hǎo

你准备好了吗? Nǐ zhǔnbèi hǎole ma? Are you ready?
既然你还没准备好,我就一个人去。Jìrán nǐ hái méi zhǔnbèi hǎo, wǒ jiù yīgè rén qù. As you aren't ready, I shall go

♦ real ——
♦ reality —— 现实 xiànshí
我们要接受现实,努力改变不满意的事情。 (Wǒmen yào jiēshòu xiànshí, nǔlì gǎibiàn bù mǎnyì de shìqíng.) We need
to accept reality and work hard to change unsatisfactory things.

♦ realize ——

♦ really —— 真 [zhēn]
今天真热。[Jīntiān zhēn rè.] - It is really hot today.
花园真漂亮。[Huāyuán zhēn piàoliang.] - The garden is really beautiful.
今天天真蓝。[Jīntiān tiān zhēn lán.] - The sky is really blue today.
学华语真有趣。[Xué huáyǔ zhēn yǒuqù.] - Learning Chinese is really interesting.
是否我真的一无所有?[Shìfǒu wǒ zhēn de yīwúsuǒyǒu?] - Is it true (or not) that I have absolutely nothing? [Do I
really have nothing?]

♦ reason ——

♦ reasonable —— 明理 [mínglǐ]
他是个明理的人。[Tā shìgè mínglǐ de rén.] - He’s an understanding person. [He is a reasonable man.]

♦ recall (to ~) —— 召回 [zhàohuí]

汽车生产商召回了逾一千万辆气囊存在缺陷的汽车。[Qìchē shēngchǎn shāng zhàohuíle yú yīqiān wàn liàng qìnáng
cúnzài quēxiàn de qìchē.] - Automakers have recalled more than 10 million vehicles with the defective airbags.

♦ receive (to ~) —— 收 [shōu], 接待 [jiēdài]

北京新火车站到今年已经接待各方旅客五千万人次。[Běijīng xīn huǒchē zhàn dào jīnnián yǐjīng jiēdài gè fāng lǚkè
wǔqiān wàn réncì.] - By this year, the new Beijing railway station has served [received] 50 million passengers.
您收到了我上周邮寄给您的包裹了吗?[Nín shōu dàole wǒ shàng zhōu yóujì gěi nín de bāoguǒle ma?] - Did you
receive the package I sent to you last week?

♦ recent ——

♦ recently —— 近来 [jìnlái]
近来她身体很不好。[Jìnlái tā shēntǐ hěn bù hǎo.] - Recently she has been rather unwell.
你近来忙不忙?[Nǐ jìnlái máng bù máng?] - Are you busy recently?

♦ recognize (to ~) —— 认识 [rènshi], 认得 [rèn(dé)]

我认识一百个字。[Wǒ rènshi yībǎi gè zì. ] - I recognize one hundred characters.
我认得出他的笔迹。[Wǒ rèndé chū tā de bǐjī.] - I can identify his handwriting.
你认得回家的路吗?[Nǐ rèndé huí jiā de lù ma?] - Can you find your way home?
他既然认错了,就原谅他一次吧。[Tā jìrán rèncuòle, jiù yuánliàng tā yīcì ba.] - Since he has made an apology, forgive
him just this once.

♦ record (to ~) —— 记录 [jìlù]

不要把教师讲的每句话都记录下来。[Bùyào bǎ jiàoshī jiǎng de měi jù huà dōu jìlù xiàlái.] - Don't write down [record]
every word the instructor says.

♦ recruit (to ~) —— 招募 [zhāomù]

中国各地的教育官员正在招募男教师。[Zhōngguó gèdì de jiàoyù guānyuán zhèngzài zhāomù nán jiàoshī.] -
Education officials across China are recruiting male teachers.

♦ red —— 红(色) [hóng(sè)]

这红花很美。[Zhè hónghuā hěnměi.] - This red flower is very pretty.
他的衬衫是红色的。Tā de chènshān shì hóngsè de. His shirt is red.
我最喜欢的颜色是红色。Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de yánsè shì hóngsè. My favorite color is red.
你喜欢蓝色的还是红色的?[Nǐ xǐhuān lán sè de háishì hóngsè de?] - Do you like the blue one or the red one?
青苹果比红苹果好吃吗?[Qīng píngguǒ bǐ hóng píngguǒ hào chī ma?] - Do green apples taste better than red
一些在我的花园里的玫瑰是白色的,其他的则是红色的。[Yīxiē zài wǒ de huāyuán lǐ de méiguī shì báisè de, qítā de
zé shì hóngsè de.] - Some of the roses in my garden are white, and others are red.
♦ reduce (to ~) —— 减少 [jiǎnshǎo], 削减 [xuējiǎn]
少数几家餐馆减少或取消了小费。[Shǎoshù jǐ jiā cānguǎn jiǎnshǎo huò qǔxiāole xiǎofèi.] - A small number of
restaurants have reduced or eliminated tipping.
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de
fēngxiǎn.] - A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.
他们正在努力减少生产成本。 Tāmen zhèngzài nǔlì jiǎnshǎo shēngchǎn chéngběn. They are working hard to reduce
production costs.
这个药可以减少疼痛和发炎。 Zhège yào kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo téngtòng hé fāyán. This medicine can reduce pain and

♦ reflect ——

♦ refrigerator —— 冰箱 [bīngxiāng]
请将水果放在冰箱内。(Qǐng jiāng shuǐguǒ fàng zài bīngxiāng nèi.) - Please put the fruits inside the refrigerator.
冰箱里的冻鱼怎么做好吃呢?[Bīngxiāng lǐ de dòng yú zěnme zuò hào chī ne?] - How to make the frozen fish in the
refrigerator delicious?

♦ region —— 地区 [dìqū]
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] - Beijing banned housing sales
in the region.

♦ register (to ~) —— 报到 [bàodào]

新生已开始报到。[Xīnshēng yǐ kāishǐ bàodào.] - The new students have started registering.

♦ relate ——

♦ relationship —— 关系 [guānxì]
她跟父母关系很亲密。 (Tā gēn fùmǔ guānxì hěn qīnmì.) - She has a close relationship with her parents.
她们婆媳关系融洽。[Tāmen póxí guānxì róngqià.] - The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is

♦ release (to ~) —— 发布 fābù

政府发布了一项新政策。Zhèngfǔ fābùle yī xiàng xīn zhèngcè. - The government has released a new policy.

♦ religious ——

♦ remain ——

♦ remember —— 记得 jìdé
记得把我们也算在你的计划里。Jìdé bǎ wǒmen yě suàn zài nǐ de jìhuà lǐ. Don't forget [Remember] to include us in
your plans.

♦ remove ——

♦ rent (to ~) —— 租 [zū]

他想租一间房。[Tā xiǎng zū yī jiān fáng.] - He wants to rent a room.

♦ reply (to ~) —— 回复 huí fù

他说他马上会回复我。(tā shuō tā mǎ shàng huì huí fù wǒ) - He said he'll reply to me right away.
我们会尽快给你回复。Wǒmen huì jǐnkuài gěi nǐ huífù. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

♦ report —— 报告 bàogào
我们需要把这份报告上交给老板。(Wǒmen xūyào bǎ zhè fèn bàogào shàngjiāo gěi lǎobǎn.) - We need to submit this
report to the boss.
♦ represent ——

♦ republican ——

♦ reputation —— 声誉 [shēngyù]
做任何败坏他们声誉的行为都是错误的。[Zuò rènhé bàihuài tāmen shēngyù de xíngwéi dōu shì cuòwù de.] - Doing
anything to ruin their reputation would be a mistake.

♦ request —— 要求 [yāoqiú], 请求 [qǐngqiú]

我没有其他要求。[Wǒ méiyǒu qítā yāoqiú.] - I have no other request.
他没有提到她的请求。[Tā méiyǒu tí dào tā de qǐngqiú.] - He made no mention of her request.
按照老师的要求,我们每天都要做作业。 Ànzhào lǎoshī de yāoqiú, wǒmen měitiān dōu yào zuò zuòyè. According to
the teacher’s requirement, we have to do homework every day.

♦ require (to ~) —— 需要 xūyào

学习外语需要很好的记忆能力。 (Xuéxí wàiyǔ xūyào hěn hǎo de jìyì nénglì.) Learning a foreign language requires
good memory skills.

♦ rescue (to ~) —— 营救 [yíngjiù]

消防员奋不顾身营救孩子们。[Xiāofáng yuán fènbùgùshēn yíngjiù háizimen.] - The fireman showed great courage in
rescuing the children.

♦ research ——

♦ resemble (to ~) —— 像 [xiàng]

这孩子像他爸爸。[Zhè háizi xiàng tā bàba.] - This child resembles his father.

♦ resource ——

♦ respect —— 尊重 zūnjìng
我们应该尊重不同的文化。Wǒmen yīnggāi zūnjìng bùtóng de wénhuà. - We should respect different cultures.
如果你想要得到别人的尊重,你就要先尊重别人。 Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng yào dédào biérén de zūnzhòng, nǐ jiù yào xiān
zūnzhòng biérén. If you want to get respect from others, you have to respect others first.

♦ respond ——

♦ responsibility —— 责任 [zérèn]
你身为组长,应该负起责任来。[Nǐ shēn wèi zǔ zhǎng, yīnggāi fù qǐ zérèn lái.] - As group leader, you should take

♦ rest (to ~) —— 休息 [xiūxi]

我们休息五分钟。[Wǒmen xiūxi wǔ fēnzhōng.] - Let's have a five-minute break.
星期天我休息。[Xīngqītiān wǒ xiūxi.] - I rest on Sunday.

♦ restaurant —— 饭馆 fànguǎn, 餐馆 [cānguǎn], 餐厅 cāntīng

我们在餐厅吃饭。 Wǒmen zài cāntīng chīfàn. - We are eating at the restaurant.
那里有一家餐厅。​nà lǐ yǒu yī jiā cān tīng. - There is a restaurant over there.
这个饭馆的菜最好吃。Zhè ge fànguǎn de cài zuì hǎochī. The food at this restaurant is the most delicious.
这家餐馆有五名服务员。Zhè jiā cānguǎn yǒu wǔ míng fúwùyuán. - This restaurant has five waiters.
你知道那儿附近有个好的餐馆吗?Nǐ zhīdào nà'er fùjìn yǒu gè hǎo de cānguǎn ma? - Do you know of a good
restaurant around here?

♦ restriction —— 限制 [xiànzhì]
中国应该取消所有的出生限制。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi qǔxiāo suǒyǒu de chūshēng xiànzhì.] - China should lift all
controls on births.

♦ result —— 结果 jiéguǒ
你不要灰心,打起精神来,一定会有好的结果的。Nǐ bùyào huīxīn, dǎqǐ jīngshén lái, yídìng huì yǒu hǎo de jiéguǒ de.
Don’t be discouraged, cheer up, there will be a good result.
♦ retort —— 反驳 fǎn bó
那是一个非常精彩的反驳 (nà shì yī gè fēi cháng jīng cǎi de fǎn bó) It was a very able retort.

♦ return (to ~) —— 回(到) huí (dào)

他已经回家了。[Tā yǐjīng huíjiā le.] - He has already gone home.
圣诞节我要回家。[Shèngdànjié wǒ yào huíjiā.] - I will go home for Christmas.
明年我要回中国。[Míngnián wǒ yào huí zhōngguó.] - I'll go back to China next year.
他于昨天晚上回到家。 (Tā yú zuótiān wǎnshàng huí dào jiā.) - He returned home yesterday evening.
我哥哥已经从国外回来了。[Wǒ gēgē yǐjīng cóng guówài huíláile.] - My (older) brother has came back from abroad.
你认得回家的路吗?[Nǐ rèndé huí jiā de lù ma?] - Can you find your way home?

♦ reveal ——

♦ review (to ~) —— 复习 fùxí

考试前要好好复习。 (Kǎoshì qián yào hǎohǎo fùxí.) I need to review well before the exam.

♦ revive (to ~) —— 复苏 [fùsū]

随着美国汽车业的复苏,一个巨大的机会即将出现。[Suízhe měiguó qìchē yè de fùsū, yīgè jùdà de jīhuì jíjiāng
chūxiàn.] - A huge opportunity was on the horizon as the auto industry in the United States started its revival.

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ri - rz

♦ rich —— 丰富 [fēngfù]
他知识丰富。[Tā zhīshì fēngfù.] - He’s a man of great knowledge.

♦ ride (to ~) —— 骑 qí
我住的地方离学校不远,所以我每天骑车或者走路去上课。Wǒ zhù de dìfang lí xuéxiào bù yuǎn, suǒyǐ wǒ měitiān qí
chē huòzhě zǒulù qù shàngkè. I don’t live far from school, so I go to classes by bike [I ride] or on foot.

♦ right ——
- adjective [right hand]: 右 [yòu]
到了红绿灯以后,往右拐。[Dàole hónglǜdēng yǐhòu, wǎng yòu guǎi.] - After you get to the traffic light, turn right.
- adjective [correct]: 正确 zhèngquè
你有能力做出正确的判断吗? Nǐ yǒu nénglì zuò chū zhèngquè de pànduàn ma? Are you able to make the right
- adverb] 就 [jiù]
我这就走。[Wǒ zhè jiù zǒu.] - I’m leaving right now.

♦ ring (to ~) —— 响 [xiǎng]

电话响了。[diàn huà xiǎng le] - The telephone is ringing.

♦ rise (to ~) —— to go up 升起(来) [shēng qǐ(lái)], to swell 涨 [zhǎng]

太阳慢慢地升了起来。[Tàiyáng màn man de shēngle qǐlái.] - The sun slowly rose up.
当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river.
由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式.[Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì
nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] - Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in
the city.

♦ risk —— 风险 [fēngxiǎn]
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de
fēngxiǎn.] - A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

♦ river —— 河 [hé], 江 [jiāng]

黄河在中国。[Huánghé zài zhōngguó.] - The Yellow River is in China.
房子后边有一条河。[Fángzi hòubian yǒu yītiáo hé.] - Behind the house is a river.
河上有一只小船。[Héshàng yǒu yī zhī xiǎo chuán.] - There is a little boat on the river.
沿河一座座公寓楼拔地而起。[Yán hé yīzuò zuò gōngyù lóu bá dì ér qǐ.] - Apartment blocks have risen along the
河对岸就是新建的发电厂。[Hé duì'àn jiùshì xīnjiàn de fǎ diàn chǎng.] - Across the river is the newly-built power

♦ road —— 路 [lù]
祝你一路平安。[Zhù nǐ yīlù píng'ān.] - I wish you a safe journey.
这条路好像很长似的。[Zhè tiáo lù hǎoxiàng hěn cháng shì de.] - This road seems to be long.
我祝你们一路顺风![Wǒ zhù nǐmen yīlù shùnfēng!] - I wish you bon voyage! [I wish you all the best of luck!]
青春的路上充满了彷徨。[Qīngchūn de lùshàng chōngmǎnle fǎnghuáng.] - The road of youth is full of indecision.
[The road to youth is full of hesitation.]

♦ robot —— 机器人 jīqìrén

这个机器人能够自动完成各种任务。(Zhège jīqìrén nénggòu zìdòng wánchéng gèzhǒng rènwù.) - This robot can
automatically complete various tasks.

♦ rock (stone) —— 石 [shí]

久而久之,老石也风沙化了。[Jiǔ'érjiǔzhī, lǎo shí yě fēngshā huàle.] - Over time, old rocks also eroded into sand.

♦ role ——

♦ room —— 房(间) fáng(jiān)

这个房间很大。 (Zhège fángjiān hěn dà.) This room is big.
他的房间很干净。Tā de fángjiān hěn gānjìng. - His room is very clean.
他每天打扫房间。Tā měitiān dǎsǎo fángjiān. - He cleans the room everyday.
这个房间里有五个人。Zhège fángjiān lǐ yǒu wǔ gè rén. There are five people in this room.
这个房间太小了,我们住不下。Zhège fángjiān tài xiǎo le, wǒmen zhù bù xià. - This room is too small, we can't live
光线很亮,照亮了整个房间。Guāngxiàn hěn liàng, zhàoliàng le zhěnggè fángjiān. The light is very bright,
illuminating the entire room.
我妈妈每天帮我打扫房间。Wǒ māmā měitiān bāng wǒ dǎsǎo fángjiān. - My mother helps me to clean my room
every day.

♦ rose —— 玫瑰 [méiguī]
一些在我的花园里的玫瑰是白色的,其他的则是红色的。[Yīxiē zài wǒ de huāyuán lǐ de méiguī shì báisè de, qítā de
zé shì hóngsè de.] - Some of the roses in my garden are white, and others are red.

♦ rough(ly) —— 大致 [dàzhì]
我大致算了一下,每年可以收取至少一百万美元。[Wǒ dàzhì suànle yīxià, měinián kěyǐ shōuqǔ zhìshǎo yībǎi wàn
měiyuán.] - According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, we could reap at least one million dollar a year. [I did
a rough calculation and I could charge at least a million dollars a year.]

♦ round —— 圆(形) yuán(xíng)

这个盘子是圆形的。Zhège pánzi shì yuánxíng de. This plate is round.
我喜欢圆形的饼干。Wǒ xǐhuān yuánxíng de bǐnggān. I like round cookies.
这个球是圆形的。Zhège qiú shì yuánxíng de. This ball is round.
这个蛋糕是圆形的。 (Zhè gè dàngāo shì yuánxíng de.) This cake is round.
硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] - Coins are usually round and flat.

♦ row —— 排 [pái]
我坐在最后一排。[Wǒ zuò zài zuìhòu yī pái.] - I’m sitting in the last row.

♦ ruin (to ~) —— 败坏 [bàihuài]

做任何败坏他们声誉的行为都是错误的。[Zuò rènhé bàihuài tāmen shēngyù de xíngwéi dōu shì cuòwù de.] - Doing
anything to ruin their reputation would be a mistake.

♦ rule —— 规则 guīzé
你必须按照规则行事。 Nǐ bìxū ànzhào guīzé xíngshì. You must act according to the rules.

♦ run (to ~) —— 跑步 [pǎobù]

他跑得很快。[Tā pǎo dé hěn kuài.] - He runs very fast.
她打算每天早上起床后去跑步。(Tā dǎsuàn měitiān zǎoshang qǐchuáng hòu qù pǎobù.) - She plans to go for a run
every morning after she wakes up.
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sa - sc

♦ safe ——

♦ safety —— 安全 [ānquán], 平安 [píng'ān]

请注意交通安全。[Qǐng zhùyì jiāotōng ānquán.] - Please be careful on the roads. [Please pay attention to traffic
祝你一路平安。[Zhù nǐ yīlù píng'ān.] - I wish you a safe journey.

♦ sail (to ~) —— 航行 [hángxíng]

经过两天的航行,我们已经远离陆地。[Jīngguò liǎng tiān de hángxíng, wǒmen yǐjīng yuǎnlí lùdì.] - After two days of
sailing, we were far from land.

♦ salary —— 工资 gōngzī
我跟老板谈了一下工资问题。 (Wǒ gēn lǎobǎn tánle yīxià gōngzī wèntí.) - I talked to my boss about the salary issue.

♦ sale —— 销售 [xiāoshòu]
北京下令禁止该地区的房屋销售。[Běijīng xiàlìng jìnzhǐ gāi dìqū de fángwū xiāoshòu.] - Beijing banned housing sales
in the region.

♦ same —— 一样 [yīyàng]
我们的书包是一样的。 (wǒ men de shū bāo shì yī yàng de) Our bags are the same.
巨大的火光像蘑菇云一样照亮了夜空。[Jùdà de huǒguāng xiàng mógūyún yīyàng zhào liàngle yèkōng.] - A fire and a
huge flash of light that resembled a mushroom cloud illuminating the darkness.

♦ sand —— 沙 [shā]
久而久之,老石也风沙化了。[Jiǔ'érjiǔzhī, lǎo shí yě fēngshā huàle.] - Over time, old rocks also eroded into sand.

♦ sandwich —— 三明治 sān míng zhì

她妈妈为她做了一份三明治作午餐。(Tā mā mā wèi tā zuò le yī fèn sān míng zhì zuò wǔ cān. Her mom made her a
sandwich for lunch.

♦ satisfy —— 满意 mǎnyì
我们要接受现实,努力改变不满意的事情。 (Wǒmen yào jiēshòu xiànshí, nǔlì gǎibiàn bù mǎnyì de shìqíng.) We need
to accept reality and work hard to change unsatisfactory things.

♦ Saturday —— 星期六 [xīngqīliù], 周六 [zhōuliù]

星期六下午你有空吗?[Xīngqīliù xiàwǔ nǐ yǒu kòng ma?] - Do you have time on Saturday afternoon?
周六和周日我不上班。[Zhōuliù hé zhōurì wǒ bú shàngbān.] - I don’t work on Saturday and Sunday.

♦ save ——

♦ say (to ~) —— 说 [shuō], 讲(话) [jiǎng(huà)]

你说的是。[Nǐ shuō de shì.] - What you said is right.
大家都这么说。[Dàjiā dōu zhème shuō.] - So they say. [Everyone says so.]
请再说一遍。[Qǐng zàishuō yībiàn.] - Say that again, please.
他说的话我听不懂。 (Tā shuō de huà wǒ tīng bù dǒng.) - I don't understand what he's saying.
听了你讲的话,我心里很安慰。[Tīngle nǐ jiǎng dehuà, wǒ xīnlǐ hěn ānwèi.] - After listening to what you just said, I am
feeling much better now.
不要把教师讲的每句话都记录下来。[Bùyào bǎ jiàoshī jiǎng de měi jù huà dōu jìlù xiàlái.] - Don't write down every
word the instructor says.
♦ scene ——

♦ scenery —— 风景 fēngjǐng
这座城市四面八方都有美丽的风景。Zhè zuò chéngshì sìmiàn bāfāng dōu yǒu měilì de fēngjǐng. - This city has
beautiful scenery all around.

♦ school —— 学校 [xué xiào]

午饭以后我去学校。[Wǔfàn yǐhòu wǒ qù xuéxiào.] - I will go to school after lunch.
这个学校很小。[Zhè gè xuéxiào hěn xiǎo.] - This school is small.
我们学校九月一号开学。[Wǒmen xuéxiào jiǔ yuè yī hào kāixué.] - Our school starts on September 1.
- to go to school - (去)上学 (qù) shàng xué
我每天上学读书。[Wǒ měitiān shàngxué dúshū.] - I go to school every day.
我们八点去上学。Wǒmen bā diǎn qù shàng xué. We go to school at eight o’clock.
我们在学校里学习如何说汉语。 (Wǒmen zài xuéxiào lǐ xuéxí rúhé shuō hànyǔ.) - We learn how to speak Chinese at

♦ schoolbag —— 书包 shūbāo
这是我的书包。 (zhè shì wǒ de shūbāo) - This is my schoolbag.

♦ science —— 科学 [kēxué]

♦ scientist ——

♦ scope —— 范围 [fànwéi]
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.

♦ score ——

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se - sf

♦ sea ——

♦ season ——

♦ seat ——

♦ second ——

♦ secondary —— 次要 cì yào
能源在经济中远非是一个次要问题。Néngyuán zài jīngjì zhōngyuǎn fēi shì yīgè cì yào wèntí. - Energy is far from a
peripheral issue in the economy.

♦ section ——

♦ security ——

♦ see (to ~) —— (看)见 (kàn)jiàn, to understand: 明白 míngbái

明天见。Míngtiān jiàn. - See you tomorrow.
好久不见。Hǎojiǔ bùjiàn. – Long time no see. [Haven’t seen you for a long time].
我要看医生。Wǒ yào kàn yīshēng. - I need [to see] a doctor.
我们去看电影吧。Wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng ba. - Let's go see a movie.
好久不见了。Hǎojiǔ bùjiànle. - Haven't seen you for ages.
我看见一只小鸟。Wǒ kànjiàn yī zhǐ xiǎo niǎo. - I saw a bird.
晚上我去看电影。Wǎnshang wǒ qù kàn diànyǐng. - In the evening, I am going to see a movie.
你没看见我正在忙吗?Nǐ méi kànjiàn wǒ zhèngzài máng ma? - Don’t you see I’m busy at the moment?
我从来没有见过他。Wǒ cónglái méiyǒu jiànguò tā. - I’ve never seen him before. [I have never met him.]
这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole. - It’s only a year since I last saw the
child and he’s grown so tall.
我明白了。 Wǒ míngbáile. - I see.
再见。 Zàijiàn. - See you.

♦ seek —— 谋 móu
政府应该为民众谋福利。Zhèngfǔ yīng gāi wèi mínzhòng móu fúlì. - The government should seek welfare for the

♦ seem (to ~) —— 好像 [hǎoxiàng]

我好像生病似的。[Wǒ hǎoxiàng shēngbìng shì de.] - It seems I am sick.
这条路好像很长似的。[Zhè tiáo lù hǎoxiàng hěn cháng shì de.] - This road seems to be long.
你好像很有钱似的。[Nǐ hǎoxiàng hěn yǒu qián shì de.] - You seem to be rich.
我好像缺乏爱人的能力 。[Wǒ hǎoxiàng quēfá àirén de nénglì.] - I seem to lack the ability to love.

♦ self —— 自己 [zìjǐ]
让孩子自己做。[Ràng háizi zìjǐ zuò.] - Let the children do it themselves.

♦ sell (to ~) —— 卖 [mài]

中学辍学后,他开始卖皮包。[Zhōngxué chuòxué hòu, tā kāishǐ mài píbāo.] - After dropping out of middle school, he
began selling leather handbags.

♦ send (to ~) —— 发给 fā gěi

麻烦你马上把这个文件发给我。(má fan nǐ mǎ shàng bǎ zhè gè wén jiàn fā gěi wǒ) - Could you please send me this
file right away?

♦ senior ——

♦ sense ——

♦ sentence —— 句 [jù]
不要把教师讲的每句话都记录下来。[Bùyào bǎ jiàoshī jiǎng de měi jù huà dōu jìlù xiàlái.] - Don't write down every
word [sentence] the instructor says.

♦ September —— 七月 [qī yuè]

今天是七月七号。[Jīntiān shì qī yuè qī hào.] - Today is September 7.
我们学校九月一号开学。[Wǒmen xuéxiào jiǔ yuè yī hào kāixué.] - Our school starts on September 1.

♦ series ——

♦ serious —— 重 [zhòng], 认真 rènzhēn, 严肃 yánsù

一名老师也受了重伤。[Yī míng lǎoshī yě shòule zhòngshāng.] - A teacher was also severely [seriously] injured.
我们需要认真对待这一件事情。(Wǒmen xūyào rènzhēn duìdài zhè yí jiàn shìqíng.) - We need to take this matter
不准笑,这是个严肃的问题。Bùzhǔn xiào, zhè shì gè yánsù de wèntí. Don’t laugh, this is a serious problem.

♦ serve ——

♦ service —— 服务 [fúwù]
这家商店服务很好。[Zhè jiā shāngdiàn fúwù hěn hǎo.] - This store's service is very good.
中国的服务员不习惯收小费。[Zhōngguó de fúwùyuán bù xíguàn shōu xiǎofèi.] - Chinese service people are not
used to receiving tips.

♦ set ——

♦ seven ——
♦ several ——
♦ sex ——
♦ sexual ——

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sh - sl

♦ shake ——

♦ Shanghai —— 上海 [shànghǎi]
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de
hángbān.] - Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.

♦ shape —— 形状 [xíngzhuàng]
圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.
那片云是鱼的形状。[Nà piàn yún shì yú de xíngzhuàng.] - That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
这块石头的形状很奇怪。[Zhè kuài shítou de xíngzhuàng hěn qíguài.] - The shape of this stone is strange.
这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。[Zhè shí de gāngshuǐ kěyǐ bèi jiāozhù chéng gè zhǒng dàxiǎo bùtóng
de xíngzhuàng.] - The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size.

♦ share ——

♦ she —— 她 tā
她是我的好朋友。Tā shì wǒ de hǎo péngyǒu. She is my good friend.

♦ ship —— 船 chuán
请在船上小心行走。Qǐng zài chuán shàng xiǎoxīn xíngzǒu. - Please walk carefully aboard the ship.

♦ shirt —— 衬衫 chènshān
那个衬衫多少钱?​(Nà gè chènshān duōshǎo qián?) - How much is that shirt?
他的衬衫是红色的。Tā de chènshān shì hóngsè de. His shirt is red.

♦ shoe —— 鞋子 [xíezi]
我的鞋子是蓝色的。 (wǒ de xié zi shì lán sè de) My shoes are blue.
这双鞋子很合适。[Zhèshuāng xiézi hěn héshì.] - These shoes fit me well.

♦ shoot ——

♦ shopping —— 逛街 guàngjiē
爸爸和妈妈一起去逛街了。Bàba hé māma yìqǐ qù guàngjiē le. Dad and mom went shopping together.
可以跟你一起逛街,真开心! Kěyǐ gēn nǐ yìqǐ guàngjiē, zhēn kāixīn! It is happy to go shopping with you.

♦ shopping mall —— 商场 [shāngchǎng]

我周末去商场买东西。[Wǒ zhōumò qù shāngchǎng mǎi dōngxi.] - On the weekend I go to the shopping mall to buy

♦ short —— 短 duǎn
这条裙子太短。Zhè tiáo qúnzi tài duǎn. - This skirt is too short.
今年春天很短。Jīnnián chūntiān hěn duǎn. - This year spring is short.

♦ shortly —— 不久 bùjiǔ
一架小型客机在起飞后不久坠落到一条河里。Yī jià xiǎoxíng kèjī zài qǐfēi hòu bùjiǔ zhuìluò dào yītiáo hé lǐ. - A small
passenger plane crashed into a river shortly after takeoff.

♦ shorts —— 短裤 [duǎn kù]

♦ shot ——

♦ should —— 应该 [yīnggāi]
你应该学英语。[Nǐ yīnggāi xué yīngyǔ.] - You should study English.
不客气,这是我应该做的。Bù kèqì, zhè shì wǒ yīnggāi zuò de. You’re welcome, this is what I should do.
我们应该保护环境。Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎohù huánjìng. We should protect the environment.
儿童应该在非常小的时候就开始学会自食其力。[Értóng yīnggāi zài fēicháng xiǎo de shíhòu jiù kāishǐ xuéhuì
zìshíqílì.] - Children are expected to earn their keep, starting at a very early age.[Children should learn to support
themselves at a very young age.]
你身为组长,应该负起责任来。[Nǐ shēn wèi zǔ zhǎng, yīnggāi fù qǐ zérèn lái.] - As group leader, you should take
中国应该将法定结婚年龄降至十八岁。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jiàng fǎdìng jiéhūn niánlíng jiàng zhì shíbā suì.] - China
should lower the legal marriage age to 18.
中国学生应该成为其中的一部分。[Zhōngguó xuéshēng yīnggāi chéngwéi qízhōng de yībùfèn.] - Chinese students
should be a part of it.
中国应该计划一次火星任务。[Zhōngguó yīnggāi jìhuà yīcì huǒxīng rènwù.] - China should plan a mission to Mars.

♦ shoulder ——

♦ shout (to ~) —— 叫 [jiào]

汽笛在叫。[Qìdí zài jiào.] - The steam whistle is blowing.

♦ show ——

♦ shut ——
闭嘴! (Bì zuǐ!) - Shut up!

♦ sick —— 病 [bìng]
我不常生病。[Wǒ bù cháng shēngbìng.] - I do not get sick often.
他病得一点也不想吃。[Tā bìng dé yīdiǎn yě bùxiǎng chī.] - He is so ill that he doesn’t feel like eating anything.
我好像生病似的。[Wǒ hǎoxiàng shēngbìng shì de.] - It seems I am sick.

♦ side —— 边 yībiān
他站在一边看着我们说话。Tā zhàn zài yībiān kànzhe wǒmen shuōhuà. He stood on one side, watching us talk.

♦ sign (to ~) —— 签字 qiān zì

麻烦你马上把这份文件签字。(má fan nǐ mǎ shàng bǎ zhè fèn wén jiàn qiān zì) - Could you please sign this
document right away?

♦ significant ——

♦ similar ——
♦ simple ——
♦ simply ——

♦ since —— 既然 [jìrán]
他既然认错了,就原谅他一次吧。[Tā jìrán rèncuòle, jiù yuánliàng tā yīcì ba.] - Since he has made an apology, forgive
him just this once.

♦ sing (to ~) —— 唱(歌) [chàng(gē)]

我会唱歌。(Wǒ huì chànggē.) - I can sing.
孩子在唱歌。[Háizi zài chànggē.] - The child is singing.
她唱得真好听。[Tā chàng dé zhēn hǎotīng.] - She sings really well.
他唱最高音部。[Tā chàng zuìgāo yīn bù.] - He sings soprano.
我们一起唱歌跳舞吧! Wǒmen yìqǐ chànggē tiàowǔ ba! Let’s sing and dance together!

♦ single ——

♦ sir —— 先生 [xiān sheng]

谢谢您,先生。 [xiè xie nín, xiān sheng] - Thank you, sir.

♦ sister —— (plural) 姐妹 jiěmèi; elder sister, 姐姐 jiějie; younger sister 妹妹 mèimei

她没有姐妹,只有一个哥哥。Tā méiyǒu jiěmèi, zhǐyǒu yīgè gēgē. - She has a brother but no sisters.
我姐姐在国外工作。Wǒ jiějie zài guówài gōngzuò. - My sister works abroad.
他有一个哥哥和两个姐姐。Tā yǒu yí gè gēgē hé liǎng gè jiějiě. He has one older brother and two older sisters.
玛丽和她的姐姐一起去了商店。Mǎ lì hé tā de jiě jiě yī qǐ qù le shāng diàn. Mary went to the store with her sister.

♦ sister-in-law —— older brother’s wife: 嫂子 [sǎo zi]; younger brother’s wife: 弟妹 [dìmèi]

♦ sit (to ~) —— 坐 [zuò]

请坐下。[Qǐng zuò xià.] - Sit down, please.
我去坐在树下。[wǒ qù zuò zài shù xia.] - I am going to sit under the tree.
请坐在这把大椅子上。Qǐng zuò zài zhè bǎ dà yǐzi shàng. - Please sit in this large chair.
我坐在最后一排。[Wǒ zuò zài zuìhòu yī pái.] - I’m sitting in the last row.

♦ site ——

♦ situation —— 情况 [qíngkuàng]
有迹象表明情况可能好转。[Yǒu jīxiàng biǎomíng qíngkuàng kěnéng hǎozhuǎn.] - There are indications that the
situation may be improving.

♦ six —— 六 liù
他已经六岁了。Tā yǐjīng liù suìle. - He is already six years old.
一打蛋糕要六个鸡蛋。Yī dǎ dàngāo yào liù gè jīdàn. - You need six eggs to make a dozen of cakes.
我家附近有一个六角形的公园。Wǒ jiā fùjìn yǒu yīgè liùjiǎoxíng de gōngyuán. - There is a hexagonal park near my
他在六年级学习。Tā zài liù niánjí xuéxí. - He is studying in the sixth grade.

♦ size —— 规模 [guīmó], 大小 [dàxiǎo]

这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。[Zhè shí de gāngshuǐ kěyǐ bèi jiāozhù chéng gè zhǒng dàxiǎo bùtóng
de xíngzhuàng.] - The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - Costs could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.

♦ skill —— 能力 nénglì, 才能 cái néng, 技能 jìnéng

她的领导能力很强。 (Tā de lǐngdǎo nénglì hěn qiáng.) She has strong leadership skills.
学习外语需要很好的记忆能力。 (Xuéxí wàiyǔ xūyào hěn hǎo de jìyì nénglì.) Learning a foreign language requires
good memory skills.
或许你需要更多的练习才能掌握这个技能。(Huòxǔ nǐ xūyào gèng duō de liànxí cái néng zhǎngwò zhège jìnéng.)
Perhaps you need more practice to master this skill.
这项工作需要很强的沟通能力。 (Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào hěn qiáng de gōutōng nénglì.) This job requires strong
communication skills.

♦ skin —— 皮肤 pífū
我的皮肤很敏感。Wǒ de pífū hěn míngǎn. - My skin is very sensitive.
他的皮肤很白很嫩。Tā de pífū hěn bái hěn nèn. - His skin is very fair and tender.
用温和的肥皂清洁皮肤。Yòng wēnhé de féizào qīngjié pífū. - Clean your skin with a mild soap.
他喜欢穿毛皮外套。Tā xǐhuan chuān máopí wàitào. - He likes to wear a fur coat.

♦ sky —— 天(空) tiān(kōng)

今天天真蓝。Jīntiān tiān zhēn lán. - The sky is really blue today.
小鸟在天空飞。Xiǎo niǎo zài tiānkōng fēi. - Birds are flying in the sky.
鸟在天空上面飞。Niǎo zài tiānkōng shàngmiàn fēi. - Birds fly in the sky above.

♦ sleep (to ~) —— 睡觉 shuìjiào

我很晚睡觉。Wǒ hěn wǎn shuìjiào. - I sleep very late.
我家里的猫喜欢躲在箱子内睡觉。Wǒ jiālǐ de māo xǐhuān duǒ zài xiāngzi nèi shuìjiào. - My family's cat likes to hide
inside the box to sleep.

♦ slow —— 慢 [màn]
请说慢一点。(Qǐng shuō màn yī diǎn.) - Please speak slowly.
我没有听清楚。你可以说慢一点吗?[Wǒ méiyǒu tīng qīngchǔ. Nǐ kěyǐ shuō màn yīdiǎn ma?] - I did not hear it clearly.
Can you speak more slowly?
太阳慢慢地升了起来。[Tàiyáng màn man de shēngle qǐlái.] - The sun slowly rose up.
猫比狗刨得慢。[Māo bǐ gǒu páo dé màn.] - Cats run slower than dogs.

♦ slump —— 暴跌 [bàodié]
随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn
jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] - As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or
closed. [With the slump in domestic steel prices, steel companies have cut production or even closed down.]

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sm - so

♦ small —— 小 xiǎo
这个学校很小。[Zhè gè xuéxiào hěn xiǎo.] - This school is small.
他的孩子还小。[Tā de háizi hái xiǎo.] - His child is still young.
这间厨房太小。[Zhè jiān chúfáng tài xiǎo.] - This kitchen is too small.

♦ smart —— 聪明 cōngmíng
我妹妹是个聪明的女孩,学习很好。Wǒ mèimei shì gè cōngmíng de nǚhái, xuéxí hěn hǎo.My younger sister is a
smart girl and studies very well.
他如此聪明,一定能考上好大学。(Tā rúcǐ cōngmíng, yídìng néng kǎoshàng hǎo dàxué.) He is so smart, he will
definitely get into a good university.
亚裔美国人聪明,勤奋。[Yà yì měiguó rén cōngmíng, qínfèn.] - Asian-Americans are smart and hard-working.

♦ smile —— 微笑 wēi xiào

他向我微笑。 (tā xiàng wǒ wēi xiào) - He smiled at me.

♦ smoke —— 吸烟 [xīyān]
请别吸烟。[Qǐng bié xīyān.] - Please don't smoke.

♦ smooth —— 畅 [chàng], 光滑 guāng huá

蛇的皮肤很光滑。 (shé de pí fū hěn guāng huá) The skin of a snake is very smooth.
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] -
Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing [when traffic flows smoothly].

♦ snacks —— 零食 língshí
让我们带些零食去公园吧。Ràng wǒmen dài xiē língshí qù gōngyuán ba. Let's bring some snacks with us to the park.

♦ snake —— 蛇 [shé]
蛇是一种爬行动物。 (shé shì yī zhǒng pá xíng dòng wù) Snake is a kind of reptile.
这条蛇的身体很长。 (zhè tiáo shé de shēn tǐ hěn cháng) This snake has a very long body.
我害怕蛇。 (wǒ hài pà shé) I am afraid of snakes.
这种蛇的毒性很强。 (zhè zhǒng shé de dú xìng hěn qiáng) This kind of snake is very venomous.
蛇的皮肤很光滑。 (shé de pí fū hěn guāng huá) The skin of a snake is very smooth.
龙的形状很像一条巨大的蛇。 (lóng de xíng zhuàng hěn xiàng yī tiáo jù dà de shé) The shape of a dragon is very
similar to that of a huge snake.

♦ snivel ——> snot

♦ snot —— 鼻涕 [bítì]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose [snot-flow], wheezing and
muscle twitching.

♦ so —— 这么 zhème, 如此 rúcǐ, 所以 suǒyǐ

他这么认为么?tā zhè me rèn wéi me Does he think so?
他如此聪明,一定能考上好大学。Tā rúcǐ cōngmíng, yídìng néng kǎoshàng hǎo dàxué. He is so smart, he will
definitely get into a good university.
这件事如此重要,你怎么能忘记呢?Zhè jiàn shì rúcǐ zhòngyào, nǐ zěnme néng wàngjì ne? This matter is so
important, how could you forget it?
所以,现在就在这里喝水吧。Suǒyǐ, xiànzài jiù zài zhèlǐ hē shuǐ ba. – So, drink water right here for now.

♦ social ——

♦ society —— 社会 shèhuì
中国社会已经发生了变化。Zhōngguó shèhuì yǐjīng fāshēngle biànhuà. - Chinese society has changed.

♦ sock —— 袜子 [wàzi]
她穿上袜子。[Tā chuān shàng wàzi.] - She draws on her socks.
把你的袜子拉起来。Bǎ nǐ de wàzi lā qǐlái. Pull your socks up. [literal expression]
振作起来 zhènzuò qǐlái Pull your socks up. [''Cheer up!'' - metaphorical expression that could be used to encourage

♦ soft —— 柔软 róuruǎn
这件衣服内衬很柔软。(Zhè jiàn yīfu nèi chèn hěn róuruǎn.) - The lining inside this clothing is very soft.

♦ soldier —— (士)兵 [(shì)bīng]

你认为当兵的不服从命令就应该受处罚吗?[Nǐ rènwéi dāng bīng de bù fúcóng mìnglìng jiù yīnggāi shòu chǔfá ma?] -
Do you think a soldier should be punished for not following orders?
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。[Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ
yíngdé yīxiē róngyù.] - As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory.

♦ solution —— 解决 jiě jué

放弃不是解决问题的办法。(Fàngqì bùshì jiějué wèntí de bànfǎ.) - Giving up is not the solution to the problem.

♦ solve (to ~) —— 解决 jiě jué

请你解决这道算术题。Qǐng nǐ jiějué zhè dào suànshù tí. Please solve this arithmetic problem.
我不知道怎么解决这个问题。(Wǒ bù zhī dào zěn me jiě jué zhè gè wèn tí.) I don't know how to solve this problem.
我们需要尽快解决这件事。(Wǒmen xūyào jǐnkuài jiějué zhè jiàn shì.) - We need to solve this matter as soon as
这个问题于现在已经解决了。 (Zhège wèntí yú xiànzài yǐjīng jiějué le.) - This problem has already been solved now.
我们需要找出真相,解决这件事。(Wǒmen xūyào zhǎochū zhēnxiàng, jiějué zhè jiàn shì.) - We need to find out the
truth and solve this matter.

♦ some —— 一些 [yīxiē]
这个杯子内有一些水。​(Zhège bēizi nèi yǒu yīxiē shuǐ.) - There is some water in this cup.
我们有一些问题。Wǒmen yǒu yīxiē wèntí. We have some questions.
他跟我说了一些好消息。 (Tā gēn wǒ shuōle yīxiē hǎo xiāoxi.) - He told me some good news.

♦ somebody ——

♦ someone ——

♦ something —— 一件事 yí jiàn shì

我想跟你说一件事。(Wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ shuō yí jiàn shì.) - I want to tell you something.

♦ sometimes ——
♦ son —— 儿子 [érzi]
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.

♦ song —— 歌(曲) [gē(qǔ)]

大家都觉得这首歌很好听。Dàjiā dōu juéde zhè shǒu gē hěn hǎotīng. Everyone thinks this song is good to listen.
有些歌你只要听过一两次,就会印在你的脑海里。[Yǒuxiē gē nǐ zhǐyào tīngguò yī liǎng cì, jiù huì yìn zài nǐ de nǎohǎi
lǐ.] - Even a song that you hear only a couple of times can be in your head forever.

♦ soon —— 马上 mǎ shàng, 快 kuài

我马上到了!wǒ mǎ shàng dào le - I’ll arrive soon!
我们需要尽快解决这一件事。Wǒmen xūyào jǐnkuài jiějué zhè yí jiàn shì. - We need to solve this matter as soon as
我们会尽快给你回复。Wǒmen huì jǐnkuài gěi nǐ huífù. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

♦ sorry —— 对不起 duìbùqǐ, 抱歉 bàoqiàn

对不起。duì bù qǐ - I am sorry.
对不起,我来晚了。Duìbùqǐ, wǒ lái wǎnle. - Sorry, I'm late.
抱歉,我不说英语。Bàoqiàn, wǒ bù shuō yīngyǔ. - I am sorry I don't speak English.

♦ sort ——

♦ sound ——
- verb: 听 [tīng]
刚开始听起来像是恭维,其实不然。[Gāng kāishǐ tīng qǐlái xiàng shì gōngwéi, qíshí bùrán.] - At first it sounds like a
compliment, but it is not.
- noun: 响声 xiǎngshēng
这个小球坠落在地上,发出了响声。(Zhège xiǎo qiú zhuìluò zài dìshàng, fā chū le xiǎngshēng.) The small ball fell on
the ground and made a sound.

♦ source —— 来源 [láiyuán]
火力发电是造成全球变暖的温室气体的最大来源。[Huǒlì fādiàn shì zàochéng quánqiú biàn nuǎn de wēnshì qìtǐ de
zuìdà láiyuán.] - Electricity generated from coal is the biggest source of the greenhouse gases that lead to global

♦ south —— 南边 [nánbiān], 南方 [nánfāng]

纽约在波士顿南边。[Niǔyuē zài bōshìdùn nánbiān.] - New York is to the south of Boston.
听口音你是南方人。[Tīng kǒuyīn nǐ shì nánfāng rén.] - Based on your accent, it seems you are from south (of China).

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sp - sq

♦ space —— 太空 [tàikōng]
我想遨游太空。[Wǒ xiǎng áoyóu tàikōng.] - I wish to travel into space.

♦ speak (to ~) —— 说(话) [shuō(huà)]

请说慢一点。(Qǐng shuō màn yī diǎn.) - Please speak slowly.
你说英语吗?[Nǐ shuō yīngyǔ ma?] - Do you speak English?
你会说中文吗?(Nǐ huì shuō zhōngwén ma?) - Do you speak Chinese?
我会说汉语。[Wǒ huì shuō hànyǔ.] - I can speak Chinese.
他不说英语。[Tā bù shuō yīngyǔ.] - He does not speak English.
他的中文说得很好。(Tā de zhōngwén shuō dé hěn hǎo.) - He speaks Chinese very well.
这孩子说话咬字不清。[Zhè háizi shuōhuà yǎozì bù qīng.] - The kid has unclear articulation. [The child can't speak
她的汉语说得很好。(tā de Hànyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo) - She speaks Chinese very well.

♦ special —— 特别 tèbié
你是哪国人?你的名字真特别! Nǐ shì nǎ guórén? Nǐ de míngzì zhēn tèbié! Where are you from? Your name is so

♦ specialty ——
这个菜是我们的特色。(Zhège cài shì wǒmen de tèsè.) - This dish is our specialty.

♦ specific —— 具体 [jùtǐ]
作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。[Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà
de jùtǐ xìjié.] - As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal the [specific] details of this project.
具体费用或许会有浮动,这取决于到场人员的规模。[Jùtǐ fèiyòng huòxǔ huì yǒu fúdòng, zhè qǔjué yú dàochǎng
rényuán de guīmó.] - Costs [specific fee] could fluctuate depending on the size of the crowd that turns out.

♦ speech ——

♦ spend (to ~) —— 花 huā

她在超市里买了很多东西,花了很多钱。 (tā zài chāoshì lǐ mǎi le hěn duō dōngxī, huā le hěn duō qián) - She bought
a lot of things in the supermarket and spent a lot of money.

♦ spicy —— 辣 là
这道菜太辣了。Zhè dào cài tài là le. - This dish is too spicy.
这个菜太辣了,我吃不了。Zhège cài tài là le, wǒ chī bù liǎo. This dish is too spicy, I can’t eat it.
这个菜很好吃,可是太辣了。Zhège cài hěn hào chī, kěshì tài là le. This dish is very delicious, but too spicy.
你喜欢吃辣的吗?Nǐ xǐhuan chī là de ma? Do you like spicy food?
我要一碗不辣的牛肉面。Wǒ yào yī wǎn bù là de niúròu miàn. I want a bowl of beef noodles without spice.
他对辣椒过敏。Tā duì làjiāo guòmǐn. He is allergic to chili peppers.
这里的人都爱吃辣。Zhèlǐ de rén dōu ài chī là. The people here all love spicy food.

♦ spoken language —— 口语 [kǒuyǔ]

我的汉语口语不太好。[Wǒ de hànyǔ kǒuyǔ bú tài hǎo.] - My spoken Chinese is not very good.

♦ sport —— 运动 [yùndòng]
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise [sport] with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.

♦ spring —— 春(天) chūn(tiān)

春天花都开了。[Chūntiān huā dōu kāi le.] - The spring flowers are all blossoming.
中国的春节真热闹。[Zhōngguó de chūnjié zhēn rènao.] - China's Spring Festival is very lively.
今年春天很短。[Jīnnián chūntiān hěn duǎn.] - This year spring is short.

♦ square —— 正方形 [zhèngfāngxíng]

圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.

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♦ stadium —— 体育场 [tǐyùchǎng]

因为体育场离我家不远,我经常去看足球赛。[Yīnwèi tǐyùchǎng lí wǒjiā bù yuǎn, wǒ jīngcháng qù kàn zúqiú sài.] - As
the stadium isn't far from my house, I often go and watch soccer matches.

♦ staff —— 员工 [yuángōng]
这家公司有十名女员工。[Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu shí míng nǚ yuángōng.] - This company has ten female staffs.

♦ stage ——

♦ stand ——

♦ standard —— 标准 [biāozhǔn]
请按照标准答案检查你的作业。 Qǐng ànzhào biāozhǔn dá’àn jiǎnchá nǐ de zuòyè. Please check your homework
according to the standard answer.
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed in areas with clear metrics
[measure standard] like math and science.

♦ star ——

♦ start (to ~) —— 开始 [kāishǐ]; start bulding, construction: 动工 [dònggōng]

电影开始了。[Diànyǐng kāishǐ le.] - The movie has started.
我们马上开始工作。(wǒ men mǎ shàng kāi shǐ gōng zuò) - We'll start working right away.
他上个月开始学习中文。 (Tā shàng gè yuè kāishǐ xuéxí Zhōngwén.) - He started learning Chinese last month.
我从去年十月开始学中文。[Wǒ cóng qùnián shí yuè kāishǐ xué Zhōngwén.] - I started learning Chinese last October.

♦ state ——

♦ statement ——

♦ station —— 站 [zhàn]
火车进站了。[Huǒchē jìn zhàn le.] - The train has entered the station.
房子的后面就是火车站。[Fángzi de hòumiàn jiùshì huǒchē zhàn.] - Behind the house is the train station.
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ stay (to ~) —— 坐 [zuò], 住 [zhù], 呆 dāi, 站 zhàn

你忙什么,再坐一会儿吧。[Nǐ máng shénme, zài zuò yīhuǐ'er ba.] - What’s the hurry? Stay a bit longer.
他表弟住在美国。[Tā biǎo dì zhù zài měiguó.] - His younger brother is staying in USA.
他在家里呆了一整天。Tā zài jiālǐ dāi le yī zhěng tiān. He stayed at home all day.
他站在一边看着我们说话。Tā zhàn zài yībiān kànzhe wǒmen shuōhuà. He stood on one side, watching us talk.

♦ steal (to ~) —— 偷 [tōu]

小偷把我的钱包偷走了。[Xiǎotōu bǎ wǒ de qiánbāo tōu zǒule.] - A thief took my purse.

♦ steam —— 汽 [qì]
汽笛在叫。[Qìdí zài jiào.] - The steam whistle is blowing.

♦ steel —— 钢(材) [gāng(cái)]

随着国内钢材价格的暴跌,钢铁企业纷纷减产甚至倒闭。[Suízhe guónèi gāngcái jiàgé de bàodié, gāngtiě qǐyè fēnfēn
jiǎnchǎn shènzhì dǎobì.] - As domestic steel prices have collapsed, steel-producing companies have scaled back or
这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。[Zhè shí de gāngshuǐ kěyǐ bèi jiāozhù chéng gè zhǒng dàxiǎo bùtóng
de xíngzhuàng.] - The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size.

♦ step —— 步骤 bùzhòu
你可以按照如下步骤操作。(Nǐ kěyǐ ànzhào rúxià bùzhòu cāozuò.) You can follow the steps below to operate.

♦ stepfather —— 后爹 [hòu diē], 后爸 [hòu bà]

他的后爸对他很好。[Tā de hòu bà duì tā hěn hǎo.] - His stepfather treats him very well.

♦ stick (to ~) —— 固守 [gùshǒu]

他们固守传统,只在五月举行婚礼。[Tāmen gùshǒu chuántǒng, zhǐ zài wǔ yuè jǔxíng hūnlǐ.] - They keep to the
custom of having their marriages only in May. [They stick to tradition and only hold their wedding in May.]

♦ still —— 还 hái, 仍 réng

他的孩子还小。Tā de háizi hái xiǎo. - His child is still young.
我女儿还很小。Wǒ nǚér hái hěn xiǎo. - My daughter is still young.
你还是老样子啊。Nǐ háishì lǎo yàngzi a. – You are just as you always were. [You are still the same.]
他都八十岁了,身体还那么强壮。[Tā dōu bāshí suìle, shēntǐ hái nàme qiángzhuàng.] - He’s already eighty but still
going strong.
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó. - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.
♦ stock ——

♦ stomach —— 胃 [wèi]
我的胃不舒服。[Wǒ de wèi bù shūfu.] - My stomach doesn't feel well.

♦ stone —— 石头 [shítou]
这块石头的形状很奇怪。[Zhè kuài shítou de xíngzhuàng hěn qíguài.] - The shape of this stone is strange.

♦ stop ——

♦ store —— 商店 shāngdiàn
这儿有很多商店。[Zhèr yǒu hěn duō shāngdiàn.] - There are many stores here.
商店不少。[Shāngdiàn bù shǎo] - There are quite a few shops.
这家商店服务很好。[Zhè jiā shāngdiàn fúwù hěn hǎo.] - This store's service is very good.

♦ story —— 故事 [gùshì]
这个故事发生在五百年前。[Zhège gùshì fāshēng zài wǔbǎi nián qián.] - The story took place five hundred years ago.
你到处都去过,一定有很多故事。Nǐ dàochù dōu qùguò, yīdìng yǒu hěnduō gùshì. You have been everywhere, you
must have a lot of stories.
听了我的故事后,他哈哈大笑了。[Tīngle wǒ de gùshì hòu, tā hāhā dà xiàole.] - After listening to my story, he laughed
out loud.

♦ strange —— 奇怪 [qíguài]
这块石头的形状很奇怪。[Zhè kuài shítou de xíngzhuàng hěn qíguài.] - The shape of this stone is strange.

♦ strategy ——

♦ street —— (马)路 [(mǎ)lù], 街(道) [jiē(dào)], 道(路) [dào(lù)]

北京的马路很宽。[Běijīng de mǎlù hěn kuān.] - Beijing's streets are wide.
她们喜欢逛街。[Tāmen xǐhuān guàngjiē.] - They like shopping. [loitering on the street]
一颗大树横断在路上。[Yī kē dà shù héngduàn zài lùshàng.] - A big tree crossing the street blocked the road.

♦ strict —— 严厉 yánlì
他们的老板很严厉。Tāmen de lǎobǎn hěn yánlì. Their boss is strict.

♦ strive (to ~) —— 努力 [nǔlì]

亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard [strive] to succeed in areas with clear
metrics like math and science.
→ hardworking

♦ stroll (to ~) —— 逛 [guàng]

她们喜欢逛街。[Tāmen xǐhuān guàngjiē.] - They like shopping. [loitering on the street]

♦ strong —— 强(壮) [qiáng(zhuàng), 强烈 [qiángliè]

他都八十岁了,身体还那么强壮。[Tā dōu bāshí suìle, shēntǐ hái nàme qiángzhuàng.] - He’s already eighty but still
going strong.
我的能力越来越强了。(Wǒ de nénglì yuè lái yuè qiáng le.) My abilities are getting stronger and stronger.
中国强烈反对该系统。[Zhōngguó qiángliè fǎnduì gāi xìtǒng.] - China has objected strongly to the system.

♦ structure ——

♦ struggle —— 斗争 [dòuzhēng]
那是一场生死斗争。[Nà shì yī chǎng shēngsǐ dòuzhēng.] - That was a life-and-death struggle.

♦ student —— 学生 [xuésheng]
他们都是学生。[Tāmen dōu shì xuésheng.] - They are all students.
每个学生都有书。[Měi gè xuésheng dōu yǒu shū.] - Every student has a book.
我认识很多留学生。[Wǒ rènshi hěnduō liúxuéshēng.] - I know many foreign students.
她是老师吗?她不是老师。她是学生。[Tā shì lǎoshī ma? Tā bùshì lǎoshī. Tā shì xuéshēng.] - Is she a teacher? No,
she is not a teacher. She is a student.
这儿的学生都很聪明。[Zhè'er de xuéshēng dōu hěn cōngmíng.] - All of the students here are very intelligent.
很多学生学外语。[Hěnduō xuéshēng xué wàiyǔ.] - Many students study foreign languages.
中国学生应该成为其中的一部分。[Zhōngguó xuéshēng yīnggāi chéngwéi qízhōng de yībùfèn.] - Chinese students
should be a part of it.

♦ study (to ~) —— 学(习) [xué(xí)]

他学习汉语。[Tā xuéxí hànyǔ.] - He studies Chinese.
我们 学 完 这 篇 课文 了 。[Wǒmen xué wán zhè piān kèwén le.] - We finished studying this lesson.
你应该学英语。[Nǐ yīnggāi xué yīngyǔ.] - You should study English.
汉语不难学。[Hànyǔ bù nán xué.] - Chinese is not difficult to study.
我们一起学习吧。Wǒmen yīqǐ xuéxí ba. Let’s study together
从今天开始,我要好好学习。 Cóng jīntiān kāishǐ, wǒ yào hǎohao xuéxí. From today on, I will study hard.
我的朋友在中国学习汉语。(Wǒ de péngyǒu zài Zhōngguó xuéxí hànyǔ.) - My friend is studying Chinese in China.
我妹妹是个聪明的女孩,学习很好。Wǒ mèimei shì gè cōngmíng de nǚhái, xuéxí hěn hǎo.My younger sister is a
smart girl and studies very well.
很多学生学外语。[Hěnduō xuéshēng xué wàiyǔ.] - Many students study foreign languages.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
我用词典学汉语。[Wǒ yòng cídiǎn xué hànyǔ.] - I use the dictionary to study Chinese.

♦ stuff —— 东西 dōng xi
别忘了你的东西。(bié wàng le nǐ de dōng xi) Don’t forget your stuff

♦ stupid —— 傻 [shǎ]
你以为他傻吗?他才不傻呢![Nǐ yǐwéi tā shǎ ma? Tā cái bù shǎ ne!] - You think he’s stupid? Not him!

♦ style —— 方式 [fāngshì]
健康的生活方式可以减少罹患癌症的风险。[Jiànkāng de shēnghuó fāngshì kěyǐ jiǎnshǎo líhuàn áizhèng de
fēngxiǎn.] - A healthful lifestyle might reduce the risk of cancer.

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♦ subject ——

♦ subway —— 地铁 [dìtiě]
我们可以坐地铁去吗?(Wǒmen kěyǐ zuò dìtiě qù ma?) - Can we take the subway there?
我乘地铁去医院。[Wǒ chéng dìtiě qù yīyuàn.] - I'll take the subway to the hospital.

♦ succeed (to ~) —— 成功 [chénggōng]

这个计划能够成功吗?Zhège jìhuà nénggòu chénggōng ma? Can this plan succeed?
他到处找工作,但是没有成功。Tā dàochù zhǎo gōngzuò, dànshì méiyǒu chénggōng. He looked for a job
everywhere, but he didn’t succeed.

♦ success —— 成功 [chénggōng]
成功不容易。[Chénggōng bù róngyì.] - To succeed is not easy.
我们必须努力才能要得到成功。 Wǒmen bìxū nǔlì cáinéng yào dédào chénggōng. We have to work hard to get
亚裔努力在数学和科学等具有明确衡量标准的领域取得成功。[Yà yì nǔlì zài shùxué hé kēxué děng jùyǒu míngquè
héngliáng biāozhǔn dì lǐngyù qǔdé chénggōng.] - Asian-Americans work hard to succeed [to obtain success] in
areas with clear metrics like math and science.

♦ successful ——
♦ succumb (to ~) —— 屈服 [qūfú]
他向权力屈服。[Tā xiàng quánlì qūfú.] - He succumbed to authority.

♦ such —— 偌 [ruò]
偌大的房,寂寞的床。[Ruòdà de fáng, jìmò de chuáng.] - Such a big room, a lonely bed.
这样的计划注定会失败的。[Zhèyàng de jìhuà zhùdìng huì shībài de.] - Such a plan is bound to fail.

♦ suddenly —— 突然 [túrán]
他这才突然明白过来。[Tā zhè cái túrán míngbái guòlái.] - He’s just suddenly understood.
一只猴子突然从树上跳了下来。[Yī zhǐ hóuzi túrán cóng shù shàng tiàole xiàlái.] - A monkey suddenly jumped down
from the tree.

♦ suffer —— 罹患 líhuàn
他罹患了癌症。Tā líhuànle áizhèng. He suffered from cancer.
这个国家罹遭了战争的灾难。Zhège guójiā lízāole zhànzhēng de zāinàn. This country suffered from the disaster of

♦ suggest ——

♦ suggestion —— 建议 [jiànyì]
你的建议很聪明。[Nǐ de jiànyì hěn cōngming.] - Your suggestion is very clever.

♦ suit ——
- noun: 西装 [xīzhuāng]
她的西装很好看。[Tā de xīzhuāng hěn hǎokàn.] - Her suit looks good.
- verb: 合适 [héshì], 适应 shìyìng
这对我太合适了。[Zhè duì wǒ tài héshìle.] - Suits me fine. [This is so suitable for me.]
已经安排好以适应每个人。Yǐjīng ānpái hǎo yǐ shìyìng měi gèrén. It has been arranged so as to suit everybody.

♦ summer —— 夏天 [xiàtiān]
北京夏天不热。[Běijīng xiàtiān bú rè.] - It is not hot in summer in Beijing.
北部夏天很凉快。[Běibù xiàtiān hěn liángkuài.] - It is cool in the north in summer.
夏天我穿白衬衫。[Xiàtiān wǒ chuān bái chènshān.] - I wear white shirts in the summer.

♦ sun —— 太阳 tàiyang
太阳已经升起来了。Tàiyáng yǐjīng shēng qǐlái le. The sun is up.
太阳慢慢地升了起来。Tàiyáng màn man de shēngle qǐlái. - The sun slowly rose up.
太阳从东边升起。Tàiyang cóng dōngbiān shēngqǐ. - The sun rises from the east.
太阳很大,要带帽子。Tàiyáng hěn dà, yào dài màozi. - The sun is too strong, you should wear a hat.

♦ sunshine —— 阳光 yángguāng
外面的阳光很好,让人感到温暖。Wàimiàn de yángguāng hěn hǎo, ràng rén gǎndào wēnnuǎn. The sunshine outside
is very nice and warm.

♦ Sunday —— 星期天 [xīngqītiān], 星期日 [xīngqírì], 周日 [zhōurì]

星期天我休息。[Xīngqītiān wǒ xiūxi.] - I rest on Sunday.
昨天是星期日,今天是星期一。[Zuótiān shì xīngqírì, jīntiān shì xīngqí yī.] - Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday.
周六和周日我不上班。[Zhōuliù hé zhōurì wǒ bú shàngbān.] - I don’t work on Saturday and Sunday.

♦ supermarket —— 超市。(zhè lǐ yǒu jiā chāo shì

这里有家超市。(zhè lǐ yǒu jiā chāo shì) Here is the supermarket.
他们的超市离这儿很近。Tāmen de chāoshì lí zhèr hěn jìn. Their supermarket is very close to here.
我每周要去一次超市。(Wǒ měi zhōu yào qù yī cì chāoshì.) - I go to the supermarket once a week.
他跟我一起去了趟超市。(Tā gēn wǒ yìqǐ qùle tàng chāoshì.) - He went to the supermarket with me.

♦ support —— 支持 [zhīchí]
那位领导在公开场合表示了支持。(Nà wèi lǐng dǎo zài gōng kāi chǎng hé biǎo shì le zhī chí.) - The leader expressed
support in public.
中国网友表达了对该行动的支持。[Zhōngguó wǎngyǒu biǎodále duì gāi xíngdòng de zhīchí.] - Chinese online
comments expressed support for the operation.

♦ sure —— 清楚 [qīng chu], 一定 [yīdìng]

我不太清楚。[wǒ bù tài qīng chu。] - I'm not really sure.
是,我们一定完成任务。[Shì, wǒmen yīdìng wánchéng rènwù.] - Right [Surely], we will fulfil the task.

♦ surface ——

♦ surname —— (贵)姓 [(guì)xìng]

贵姓 [guìxìng] - What's your surname?
您贵姓?[Nín guìxìng?] - What is your last name?
她姓什么?[Tā xìng shénme?] - What’s her surname?
我姓陈。[Wǒ xìng chén.] - My surname is Chen.
请问你姓什么?[Qǐngwèn nǐ xìng shénme?] - May I know your surname? [What's your last name?]
老师,您贵姓?-我姓张。[Lǎoshī, nín guìxìng?-Wǒ xìng zhāng.] - Could I have your surname, teacher? - My
surname is Zhang.
我叫玛丽,你姓什么?- 我姓王。 我叫王兰。[Wǒ jiào mǎlì, nǐ xìng shénme? Wǒ xìng wáng. Wǒ jiào wáng lán.] -
I’m Mary. What’s your surname? - My family name is Wang. My name is Wang Lan.

♦ sweat —— 汗 [hàn]
他满身是汗。[Tā mǎn shēn shì hàn.] - He is sweating all over.

♦ sweet —— 甜 [tián]
这个苹果像橙子一样甜。(Zhège píngguǒ xiàng chéngzi yīyàng tián.) - This apple is as sweet as an orange.
黑葡萄比红葡萄还甜。[Hēi pútáo bǐ hóng pútáo hái tián.] - Black grapes taste even sweeter than the red ones.

♦ swim —— 游泳 [yóuyǒng]
你会游泳吗?(Nǐ huì yóuyǒng ma?) - Can you swim?
我不喜欢游泳。[wǒ bù xǐhuān yóuyǒng] - I don’t like swimming.
明天我打算去游泳。 (Míngtiān wǒ dǎsuàn qù yóuyǒng.) - Tomorrow, I plan to go swimming.

♦ symbol —— 象征 xiàng zhēng

龙是中国的传统文化象征。 (lóng shì zhōng guó de chuán tǒng wén huà xiàng zhēng) Dragon is a traditional cultural
symbol of China.

♦ symptom —— 症状 [zhèngzhuàng]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle

♦ system —— 系统 xìtǒng]
中国强烈反对该系统。Zhōngguó qiángliè fǎnduì gāi xìtǒng.] - China has objected strongly to the system.

[Back to Contents]

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ta - te

♦ table —— 桌子 zhuō zǐ]

书在桌子上。(shū zài zhuō zi shàng) The book is on top of the table.
桌子上面有一本书。zhuō zǐ shàng miàn yǒu yī běn shū] - There is a book on the table.
她的手机在桌子上。 (tā de shǒujī zài zhuōzi shàng.) Her phone is on the table.
请把这本书放在桌子上。Qǐng bǎ zhè běn shū fàng zài zhuōzi shàng. Please put this book on the table.

♦ Taiwan —— 台湾 Táiwān]
下月三号我要去台湾出差。Xià yuè sān hào wǒ yào qù Táiwān chūchāi.] - I’ll go to Taiwan on business on the third of
next month.

♦ tailor —— 裁缝 cáiféng
那个裁缝做出漂亮的外套。(nà gè cáiféng zuò chū piàoliang de wàitào) That tailor makes beautiful coats.

♦ take (to ~) —— 拿 ná], (a bus, airplane), 坐 zuò]

我坐电梯上楼。Wǒ zuò diàntī shànglóu.] - I am taking the elevator to go upstairs.
你可以坐火车去。Nǐ kěyǐ zuò huǒchē qù.] - You may take the train to go there.
你拿到火车票了吗?Nǐ ná dào huǒchē piàole ma?] - Did you get your train ticket?
- take a seat, the bus (to ~) —— 坐 zuò]
你经常坐公共汽车吗?[Nǐ jīngcháng zuò gōnggòng qìchē ma?] - Do you often take a bus?
- take place (to ~) —— 发生 [fāshēng]
这个故事发生在五百年前。[Zhège gùshì fāshēng zài wǔbǎi nián qián.] - The story took place five hundred years ago.

♦ talk (to ~) —— 说 [shuō], 谈(论) [tán(lùn)]

我说完了。Wǒ shuō wán le.] - I am finished talking.
我跟老板谈了一下工资问题。 (Wǒ gēn lǎobǎn tánle yīxià gōngzī wèntí.) - I talked to my boss about the salary issue.
老人们爱谈论古今。Lǎorénmen ài tánlùn gǔjīn.] - The elderly love to talk about things that happened in both ancient
and modern times. Old people love to talk about past and present.]

♦ tall —— 高 gāo
他个子很高。Tā gèzi hěn gāo. - He is very tall.
那个人很高。​(nà gè rén hěn gāo.) - That person is tall.
他跟我一样高。(Tā gēn wǒ yíyàng gāo.) - He is as tall as me.
他太高了,我够不着。Tā tài gāo le, wǒ gòu bù zháo. - He's too tall, I can't reach him.
这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole. - It’s only a year since I last saw the
child and he’s grown so tall.

♦ task —— 任务 [rènwù]
是,我们一定完成任务。[Shì, wǒmen yīdìng wánchéng rènwù.] - Right, we will fulfil the task.
我能够帮你完成这个任务。(Wǒ nénggòu bāng nǐ wánchéng zhège rènwù.) - I can help you complete this task.
他在三天内完成了这个任务。Tā zài sān tiān nèi wánchéng le zhège rènwù. He completed this task within three

♦ taste (to ~) —— 味道 [wèidào]

我喜欢吃水果的味道。 (Wǒ xǐhuān chī shuǐguǒ de wèidào.) - I like the taste of fruits.
这种水果形状像橙子,味道像菠萝。[Zhè zhǒng shuǐguǒ xíngzhuàng xiàng chéngzi, wèidào xiàng bōluó.] - This fruit
is shaped like an orange and tastes like a pineapple.

♦ tax ——

♦ taxi —— 出租(汽)车 Chūzū (qì)chē

出租汽车很方便就是价格太贵。Chūzū qìchē hěn fāngbiàn jiùshì jiàgé tài guì. - Cabs are convenient, but they are
not cheap. [they are expensive]

♦ tea —— 茶 [chá]
喝茶对身体好。[Hēchá duì shēntǐ hǎo.] - Drinking tea is good for your health.
你要喝中国茶吗? Nǐ yào hē Zhōngguó chá ma? Do you want to drink Chinese tea?

♦ teach ——

♦ teacher —— 老师 [lǎoshī], 教师 [jiàoshī]

他是教师。[Tā shì jiàoshī.]- He is a teacher.
老师,您早![Lǎoshī, nín zǎo!] - Good morning, teacher!
她是一位女老师。 (Tā shì yī wèi nǚ lǎoshī.) She is a female teacher.
我的老师都很好。[Wǒ de lǎoshī dōu hěn hǎo.] - My teachers are all very good.
把你的练习本给你的老师。[Bǎ nǐ de liànxí běn gěi nǐ de lǎoshī.] - Give your exercise book to your teacher.
老师还在办公室呢。[Lǎoshī hái zài bàngōngshì ne.] - The teacher is still in the office.
亲爱的老师们,你们辛苦了。[Qīn'ài de lǎoshīmen, nǐmen xīnkǔle.] - Dear teachers, thank you for your hard work!
一名老师也受了重伤。[Yī míng lǎoshī yě shòule zhòngshāng.] - A teacher was also severely injured.
不要把教师讲的每句话都记录下来。[Bùyào bǎ jiàoshī jiǎng de měi jù huà dōu jìlù xiàlái.] - Don't write down every
word the instructor [teacher] says.
中国各地的教育官员正在招募男教师。[Zhōngguó gèdì de jiàoyù guānyuán zhèngzài zhāomù nán jiàoshī.] -
Education officials across China are recruiting male teachers.

♦ team —— (团)队 (tuán) duì

中国队很多人。[Zhōngguó duì hěnduō rén.] - The Chinese team is large.
现在美国队入场。[Xiànzài měiguó duì rù chǎng.] - The American team is now entering the field.
我们需要发挥团队合作的能力。(Wǒmen xūyào fāhuī tuánduì hézuò de nénglì.) We need to demonstrate our ability to
work as a team.
她是这个团队的领军人物。(Tā shì zhè gè tuán duì de lǐng jūn rén wù.) - She is the leading figure in this team.

♦ teardrop —— 泪珠 lèi zhū

她的脸上挂着泪珠。(Tā de liǎn shàng guà zhe lèi zhū.) There are tears on her face.

♦ technique —— 技术 jìshù
这项工作需要很高的技术能力。(Zhè xiàng gōngzuò xūyào hěn gāo de jìshù nénglì.) This job requires high technical

♦ technology ——

♦ telecommunication —— 电信 [diànxìn]
中国电信集团公司 [Zhōngguó diànxìn jítuán gōngsī] - China Telecommunications Corporation

♦ telephone —— 电话 [diànhuà]
我常给朋友打电话。[Wǒ cháng gěi péngyou dǎdiànhuà.] - I often call my friends on the telephone.
我没有你的电话号。[Wǒ méiyǒu nǐde diànhuà hào]. - I do not have your phone number.
安装电话。[Ānzhuāng diànhuà.] - Install a telephone.

♦ television (TV) —— 电视 [diànshì]

你做完功课再看电视。[Nǐ zuò wán gōngkè zài kàn diànshì.] - You can watch TV when you’ve finished your
新的电视塔动工了。[Xīn de diànshì tǎ dònggōngle.] - Construction of the new television tower has started.
根据电视新闻,这项工程可能会被取消。[Gēnjù diànshì xīnwén, zhè xiàng gōngchéng kěnéng huì bèi qǔxiāo.] -
According to the TV news, this project is likely to be cancelled.

♦ tell (to ~) —— 告诉 [gàosu]

请你告诉我你的名字。(Qǐng nǐ gàosu wǒ nǐ de míngzì.) - Please tell me your name.
请告诉他一点开会。[Qǐng gàosù tā yīdiǎn kāihuì.] - Please tell him the meeting is at one o'clock.
让我告诉你我的体会。[Ràng wǒ gàosù nǐ wǒ de tǐhuì.] - Let me tell you how I feel about it.
你能不能给我说一下怎么做? (Nǐ néng bù néng gěi wǒ shuō yí xià zěnme zuò?) - Can you tell me how to do it?
你能告诉我那些字怎么读吗?(Nǐ néng gàosu wǒ nàxiē zì zěnme dú ma?) Can you tell me how to read those
让他告诉你发生了什么事情。[Ràng tā gàosù nǐ fāshēngle shénme shìqíng.] - Let him tell you what has happened.
告诉我那一夜发生了。什么哪一夜?[Gàosù wǒ nà yīyè fāshēngle. Shénme nǎ yīyè?] - Tell me what happened that
night. What night?

♦ temporary —— 暂时 [zhànshí]
作为决策人,我暂时还不能透露这个计划的具体细节。[Zuòwéi juécè rén, wǒ zhànshí hái bùnéng tòulù zhège jìhuà
de jùtǐ xìjié.] - As the decision-maker, at this moment I cannot reveal the details of this project.

♦ temptation —— 诱惑 [yòuhuò]
她屈服于诱惑了。[Tā qūfú yú yòuhuòle.] - She gave in to the temptation.

♦ ten ——

♦ tend ——
♦ tennis —— 网球 [wǎngqiú]
- table tennis —— 乒乓球 [Pīngpāng qiú]

♦ term ——

♦ terrible —— 可怕 [kěpà]
昨晚我做了一个可怕的梦。[Zuó wǎn wǒ zuòle yīgè kěpà de mèng.] - I had a terrible dream last night.

♦ terror —— 恐怖 [kǒngbù]
我们决不会屈服于恐怖分子的要求之下。[Wǒmen jué bù huì qūfú yú kǒngbù fèn zi de yāoqiú zhī xià.] - We will never
give in to terrorist demands.

♦ test (to ~) —— 测试 [cèshì]

一辆正进行测试的谷歌无人驾驶汽车与公交车相撞。[Yī liàng zhèng jìnxíng cèshì de gǔgē wú rén jiàshǐ qìchē yǔ
gōngjiāo chē xiāng zhuàng] - A self-driving car being tested by Google struck a public bus.

♦ textbook —— 课本 [kèběn]

[Back to Contents]

th - to

♦ Thai —— 泰 [tài]
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ than —— 比 [bǐ], 于 [yú]

黑葡萄比红葡萄还甜。[Hēi pútáo bǐ hóng pútáo hái tián.] - Black grapes taste even sweeter than the red ones.
青苹果比红苹果好吃吗?[Qīng píngguǒ bǐ hóng píngguǒ hào chī ma?] - Do green apples taste better than red
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.

♦ thank —— 谢谢 [xièxiè]
谢谢你。[xiè xiè nǐ] - Thank you.
谢谢您,先生。 [xiè xie nín, xiān sheng。] - Thank you, sir.
不用谢![Bùyòng xiè!] - You are welcome! Don't mention it!
你得谢谢他帮助你找工作。[Nǐ děi xièxie tā bāngzhù nǐ zhǎo gōngzuò.] - You must thank him for helping you find
你身体好吗?很好,谢谢![Nǐ shēntǐ hǎo ma? Hěn hǎo, xièxiè!] - Do you feel good? - Very well, thanks!

♦ Thanksgiving —— 感恩节 [gǎnēnjié]

感恩节我们吃火鸡。[Gǎnēnjié wǒmén chī huǒjī.] - We eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

♦ that —— 那(个) [nà(gè)]

那是什么?​(nà shì shén me?) - What is that?
那是我的车。[Nà shì wǒ de chē.] - That is my car.
这是你的,那是我的。[Zhè shì nǐ de, nà shì wǒ de.] - This is yours and that is mine.
那个人很高。​(nà gè rén hěn gāo.) - That person is tall.
那个是我的手机。[Nàgè shì wǒ de shǒujī.] - That is my cell phone.
这个问题不如那个问题重要。(Zhège wèntí bùrú nàge wèntí zhòngyào.) This question is not as important as that one.

♦ the —— 这 zhè
这是我的朋友。 (zhè shì wǒ de péng yǒu.) - This is my friend.
这是一本书。 (zhè shì yī běn shū.) - This is a book.
这是一条狗。 (zhè shì yī tiáo gǒu.) - This is a dog.
这是我的家。 (zhè shì wǒ de jiā.) - This is my home.

♦ their —— 他们的 tāmen de

你认识他们的老师吗?Nǐ rènshi tāmen de lǎoshī ma? Do you know their teacher?

♦ them ——

♦ themselves ——

♦ then ——

♦ theory ——
♦ there —— 那里 [nàlǐ]
你以前去过那里吗?(nǐ yǐ qián qù guò nà li ma) Have you been there before?
那里有很多好吃的东西。​(nà lǐ yǒu hěn duō hǎo chī de dōng xī.) - There are many delicious things there.
那里的天气很热。(Nà lǐ de tiān qì hěn rè.) - The weather there is very hot.
那里的人都很友好。(Nà lǐ de rén dōu hěn yǒu hǎo.) - The people there are all very friendly.
词典都在那里,把它们拿来。[Cídiǎn dōu zài nàlǐ, bǎ tāmen ná lái.] - The dictionaries are over there, bring them here.

♦ therefore —— 所以 [suǒyǐ]
现在汽车价格都不高,所以家家户户都买的起。[Xiànzài qìchē jiàgé dōu bù gāo, suǒyǐ jiājiāhùhù dōu mǎi de qǐ.] -
Cars are not expensive nowadays, therefore every family can afford them.

♦ these ——

♦ they —— 他们 [tāmen]
他们新建了一座大楼。[Tāmen xīn jiàn le yīzuò dàlóu.] - They recently constructed a building.
他们都非常忙。[Tāmen dōu fēicháng máng.] - They are all extremely busy.
他们都要咖啡。[Tāmen dōu yào kāfēi.] - They all want coffee.

♦ thief —— 窃贼 [qièzéi], 小偷 [xiǎotōu]

小偷把我的钱包偷走了。[Xiǎotōu bǎ wǒ de qiánbāo tōu zǒule.] - A thief took my purse.

♦ thing —— 东西 [dōngxi], 事(情) [shì(qíng)], 事 [shìwù]

我要买很多东西。[Wǒ yào mǎi hěnduō dōngxi.] - I want to buy a lot of things.
那里有很多好吃的东西。(Nà lǐ yǒu hěn duō hǎo chī de dōng xi.) - There are many delicious things there.
这件事很重要。(Zhè jiàn shì hěn zhòngyào.) - This thing is very important.
我周末去商场买东西。[Wǒ zhōumò qù shāngchǎng mǎi dōngxi.] - On the weekend I go to the shopping mall to buy
我有很多事要做。[Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào zuò.] - I have many things to do.
我有很多事要办。[Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào bàn.] - I have a lot to take care of.
今天我有很多事儿。[Jīntiān wǒ yǒu hěnduō shìr.] - I have a lot to do today.
那些事情你都不用担心。(Nàxiē shìqíng nǐ dōu bùyòng dānxīn.) You don’t have to worry about those things.
在中国不能做的事情 [Zài zhōngguó bùnéng zuò de shìqíng] - things not allowed to do in China

♦ think (to ~) —— 以为 [yǐwéi], 认为 [rènwéi], 思(考) sī(kǎo), 想 [xiǎng]

让我想一想。[Ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xiǎng.] - Let me see. [Let me think about it.]
三思而后行。[Sānsī érhòu xíng.] - Three thoughts and after act. [Think twice.]
他这么认为么?(tā zhè me rèn wéi me) Does he think so?
你以为他傻吗?他才不傻呢![Nǐ yǐwéi tā shǎ ma? Tā cái bù shǎ ne!] - You think he’s stupid? Not him!
小明很聪明,他喜欢读书和思考。(Xiǎo Míng hěn cōngmíng, tā xǐhuan dúshū hé sīkǎo.) - Xiaoming is very bright, he
enjoys reading and thinking.
你认为火星上有生命吗?[Nǐ rènwéi huǒxīng shàng yǒu shēngmìng ma?] - Do you believe there is life on Mars?

♦ third ——

♦ this —— 这 [zhè]
这是你的,那是我的。[Zhè shì nǐ de, nà shì wǒ de.] - This is yours and that is mine.
请把这个给我。(Qǐng bǎ zhè ge gěi wǒ.) - Please give me this.
- this year —— 今年 [jīnnián]
今年春天很短。[Jīnnián chūntiān hěn duǎn.] - This year spring is short.

♦ those —— 那些 nàxiē
那些人是谁?(Nàxiē rén shì shéi?) Who are those people?
那些书你都看过了吗?(Nàxiē shū nǐ dōu kànguòle ma?) Have you read all those books?
你为什么不喜欢那些电影?(Nǐ wèishéme bù xǐhuan nàxiē diànyǐng?) Why don’t you like those movies?

♦ though ——

♦ thought ——
♦ threat ——
♦ three ——
♦ through ——
♦ throughout ——

♦ throw (to ~) —— 扔 [rēng]

请把它扔掉。[Qǐng bǎ tā rēng diào.] - Please throw it away.

♦ Thursday —— 星期四 [xīng qī sì], 周四 [zhōusì]

明天星期四。[Míngtiān xīngqīsì.] - Tomorrow is Thursday.
我上星期四请假。[wǒ shàng xīng qī sì qǐng jiǎ] - I was on leave last Thursday.
今天周四。[Jīntiān zhōusì.] - Today is Thursday.

♦ thus ——

♦ ticket —— 票 [piào]
我不知道在哪里买票。(Wǒ bù zhī dào zài nǎ lǐ mǎi piào.) - I don't know where to buy tickets.
你拿到火车票了吗?[Nǐ ná dào huǒchē piàole ma?] - Did you get your train ticket?

♦ tiger —— (老)虎 (lǎo)hǔ

虎是一种很有力量的动物。 (Hǔ shì yī zhǒng hěn yǒu lìliàng de dòngwù.) - Tigers are a very powerful type of animal.

♦ tight —— 紧 jǐn
我的内衣太紧了。​(Wǒ de nèiyī tài jǐn le.) My underwear is too tight.

♦ time (what ~) —— 时候 [shí hòu], 几点 [jǐ diǎn], 时间 [shí jiān], 次 [cì]

这需要时间。[zhè xū yào shí jiān。] - It takes time.
你什么时候睡觉? [Nǐ shénme shíhòu shuìjiào?] - What time do you go to bed?
银行几点开门?[Yíngháng jǐdiǎn kāimén?] - What time does the bank open?
今天我没有时间。[Jīntiān wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān.] - I don't have time today.
请你下次再来。[qǐng nǐ xià cì zài lái] - Please come again next time.
时间是宝贵的。[Shíjiān shì bǎoguì de.] - Time is precious.
由于时间限制,项目范围减小了。[Yóuyú shíjiān xiànzhì, xiàngmù fànwéi jiǎn xiǎole.] - Due to the time constraints,
the project scope has been reduced.
- time (to have ~) —— 有空 [yǒu kòng]
星期六下午你有空吗?[Xīngqīliù xiàwǔ nǐ yǒu kòng ma?] - Do you have time on Saturday afternoon?

♦ tip —— 小费 [xiǎofèi]
包括小费吗?[Bāokuò xiǎofèi ma?] - Does that include the tip?
中国的服务员不习惯收小费。[Zhōngguó de fúwùyuán bù xíguàn shōu xiǎofèi.] - Chinese service people are not
used to receiving tips.
少数几家餐馆减少或取消了小费。[Shǎoshù jǐ jiā cānguǎn jiǎnshǎo huò qǔxiāole xiǎofèi.] - A small number of
restaurants have reduced or eliminated tipping.

♦ tired —— 累 lèi
我很累。Wǒ hěn lèi. I am tired.
我太累了,不能去了。Wǒ tài lèi le, bù néng qù le. - I'm too tired, I can't go.

♦ title —— (~ of a book) 书名 [shū míng]

我把书名抄下了。[Wǒ bǎ shū míng chāo xiàle.] - I have copied the book title.

♦ to —— 至 [zhì], 于 yú, 向 xiàng

他向我微笑。 (tā xiàng wǒ wēi xiào) - He smiled at me.
我们约定于明天见面。 (Wǒmen yuēdìng yú míngtiān jiànmiàn.) - We agreed to meet tomorrow.

♦ toast ——
- let's toast: 让我们干杯。ràng wǒmen gānbēi
让我们为我们自己,和我们的美好时光干杯。Ràng wǒmen wèi wǒmen zìjǐ, hé wǒmen de měihǎo shíguāng gānbēi.
Let's make a toast to us, and all the great times we've had.

♦ today —— 今天 [jīntiān]
今天是七号。[Jīntiān shì qī hào.] - Today is the 7th.
今天几号?[Jīntiān jǐ hào?] - What's the date today?
今天几月几号?[Jīntiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?] - What month is it today?
今天是七月七号。[Jīntiān shì qī yuè qī hào.] - Today is September 7.
请问,今天几号?-今天九月一号。[Qǐngwèn, jīntiān jǐ hào?-Jīntiān jiǔ yuè yī hào.] - Excuse me, what's the date
today?- It's September 1st.
今天我来晚了。[Jīntiān wǒ lái wǎnle.] - Today I came late.
今天好冷。[Jīntiān hǎo lěng.] - Today is quite cold
我今天要写完 。[Wǒ jīntiān yào xiě wán.] - I need to finish writing it today.
今天我有很多事儿。[Jīntiān wǒ yǒu hěnduō shìr.] - I have a lot to do today.
他今天来过两次。[Tā jīntiān láiguò liǎng cì.] - He came twice today.
我今天不舒服。[Wǒ jīntiān bù shūfu.] - I am not feeling well today.
今天很暖和。[Jīntiān hěn nuǎnhuo.] - It's warm today.
今天天真蓝。[Jīntiān tiān zhēn lán.] - The sky is really blue today.
今天非常热。[Jīntiān fēicháng rè.] - It's extremely hot today.
今天我没有时间。[Jīntiān wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān.] - I don't have time today.
昨天是星期日,今天是星期一。[Zuótiān shì xīngqírì, jīntiān shì xīngqí yī.] - Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday.
今天经理有会。[Jīntiān jīnglǐ yǒu huì.] - The manager has a meeting today.
我要看今天的报纸。[Wǒ yào kàn jīntiān de bào zhǐ.] - I want to read today's newspaper.
今天晚上我们得加班。[Jīntiān wǎnshàng wǒmen dé jiābān] - We have to work overtime tonight.

♦ together —— 一起 [yī qǐ]

要不要一起去散步?[yào bú yào yī qǐ qù sàn bù] - Want to go for a walk together?
他们一起去看电影了。(Tāmen yīqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng le.) - They went to see a movie together.
如果你不忙,我们可以一起去看电影。 (Rúguǒ nǐ bù máng, wǒmen kěyǐ yìqǐ qù kàn diànyǐng.) If you are not busy, we
can go to watch a movie together.

♦ toilet —— 洗手间 xǐshǒujiān

请问,洗手间在哪儿?(Qǐngwèn, xǐshǒujiān zài nǎ'er?) - Excuse me, where is the restroom?

♦ Tokyo —— 东京 [dōngjīng]
国航取消了所有从北京和上海到东京的航班。[Guóháng qǔxiāole suǒyǒu cóng běijīng hé shànghǎi dào dōngjīng de
hángbān.] - Air China cancelled all flights to Tokyo from Beijing and Shanghai.

♦ tomorrow —— 明天 [míngtiān]
明天见。[Míngtiān jiàn.] - See you tomorrow.
明天我会来。[Míngtiān wǒ huì lái] - I will be here tomorrow.
我们明天可以做完。[Wǒmen míngtiān kěyǐ zuò wán.] - We can finish doing it tomorrow.
今天星期几?- 星期三。[Jīntiān xīngqí jǐ?- Xīngqísān.] - What day is it today? - It's Wednesday.
今天七月三十一号,明天几月几号?[Jīntiān qī yuè sān shí yī hào, míng tiān jǐ yuè jǐ hào?] - It’s July 31 today, what’s
the date tomorrow?
你明天再来吧。[Nǐ míngtiān zàilái ba.] - Please come again tomorrow.
明天他来吗?[Míngtiān tā lái ma?] - Will he come tomorrow?
明天会下雨吗?Míngtiān huì xiàyǔ ma? Will it rain tomorrow?
明天可能下雨。[Míngtiān kěnéng xiàyǔ.] - It might rain tomorrow.
明天去,行吗?[Míngtiān qù, xíngma?] - Let's go tomorrow, okay?
明天我要早去。[Míngtiān wǒ yào zǎo qù.] - Tomorrow I'll go early.
明天我朋友来美国。[Míngtiān wǒ péngyou lái měiguó.] - My friend will come to America tomorrow.
我明天上南京。[wǒ míng tiān shàng nán jīng] - I'm leaving for Nanjing tomorrow.

♦ tonight ——

♦ too —— 太 [tài], 也 [yě]

我也是。 (Wǒ yěshì.) - Me too.
我们都很好。您身体好吗?也很好。再见![Wǒmen dōu hěn hǎo. Nín shēntǐ hǎo ma? Yě hěn hǎo. Zàijiàn!] - We are
fine. How about you? Me too. Goodbye!
我很好,可是太忙。[Wǒ hěnhǎo, kěshì tài máng.] - I am well, but too busy.
认识你, 我也很高兴。[Rènshí nǐ, wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng.] - Nice to meet you too. (me too.)
大卫:你们好吗? 玛丽:我们都很好。你好吗? 大卫:我也很好。[Dà wèi: Nǐmen hǎo ma? Mǎlì: Wǒmen dōu hěn hǎo.
Nǐ hǎo ma? Dà wèi: Wǒ yě hěn hǎo.] - David: How are you? Mary: We are all fine. How are you? David: I'm fine too.

♦ tool —— 工具 [gōngjù]
十字镐是刨土的工具。[Shízì gǎo shì páo tǔ de gōngjù.] - A pick is a tool for digging.

♦ tooth —— 牙 [yá]
我牙疼。[Wǒ yá téng.] - I have a toothache.
♦ top ——

♦ torch —— 火炬 [huǒjù]
看奥运火炬![Kàn àoyùn huǒjù!] - Look at the Olympic torch!

♦ total ——

♦ touch ——
- noun: 联系 liánxì
如果你联系上了她,请/就告诉我。 Rúguǒ nǐ liánxì shàng le tā, qǐng/jiù gàosù wǒ. If you manage to reach her [if you
get in touch with her], please let me know.
- verb:

♦ touching —— 感人 gǎnrén
这个电影不但很有趣,还很感人。Zhège diànyǐng bùdàn hěn yǒuqù, hái hěn gǎnrén. This movie is not only very
interesting, but also very touching.

♦ tough ——

♦ toward(s) —— 往 [wǎng]
到了红绿灯以后,往右拐。[Dàole hónglǜdēng yǐhòu, wǎng yòu guǎi.] - After you get to the traffic light, turn right.

♦ tower —— 塔 dòng
新的电视塔动工了。[Xīn de diànshì tǎ dònggōngle.] - Construction of the new television tower has started.

♦ town —— 镇 zhèn
他住在这个小镇里。​(Tā zhù zài zhège xiǎo zhèn lǐ.) He lives in this small town.
这个小镇有一个圆形的广场。 (Zhège xiǎozhèn yǒu yīgè yuánxíng de guǎngchǎng.) This small town has a round

♦ tower —— 塔 [tǎ]
新的电视塔动工了。[Xīn de diànshì tǎ dònggōngle.] - Construction of the new television tower has started.

♦ toy —— 玩具 wán jù
小女孩不要这个玩具了。(xiǎo nǚ hái bù yào zhè ge wán jù le) The little girl doesn’t want the toy.

[Back to Contents]

tr - tz

♦ trade ——

♦ tradition —— 传统 [chuántǒng]
龙是中国的传统文化象征。 (lóng shì zhōng guó de chuán tǒng wén huà xiàng zhēng) Dragon is a traditional cultural
symbol of China.
按照中国的传统,一个孝顺的儿子意味着完全听父母的安排。[Ànzhào zhōngguó de chuántǒng, yīgè xiàoshùn de érzi
yìwèizhe wánquán tīng fùmǔ de ānpái.] - According to Chinese tradition, being a filial son means complete
obedience to his parents.
他们固守传统,只在五月举行婚礼。[Tāmen gùshǒu chuántǒng, zhǐ zài wǔ yuè jǔxíng hūnlǐ.] - They keep to the
custom of having their marriages only in May. [They stick to tradition and only hold their wedding in May.]

♦ traditional ——

♦ traffic —— 交通 [jiāotōng]
请注意交通安全。[Qǐng zhùyì jiāotōng ānquán.] - Please be careful on the roads. [Please pay attention to traffic
交通流畅的时候二氧化碳排放就会减少。[Jiāotōng liúchàng de shíhòu èryǎnghuàtàn páifàng jiù huì jiǎnshǎo.] -
Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced when traffic is free-flowing.
♦ train —— 火车 [huǒchē]
火车到了。[Huǒchē dào le.] - The train has arrived.
火车进站了。[Huǒchē jìn zhàn le.] - The train has entered the station.
你可以坐火车去。[Nǐ kěyǐ zuò huǒchē qù.] - You may take the train to go there.
房子的后面就是火车站。[Fángzi de hòumiàn jiùshì huǒchē zhàn.] - Behind the house is the train station.
火车上的乘客没事吧?[Huǒchē shàng de chéngkè méishì ba?] - Are the passengers in the train alright?
你拿到火车票了吗?[Nǐ ná dào huǒchē piàole ma?] - Did you get your train ticket?
因为火车晚点,估计我不能按时到达。[Yīnwèi huǒchē wǎndiǎn, gūjì wǒ bùnéng ànshí dàodá.] - Because the train
was late, I do not think I can make it on time.
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ training ——
♦ translate (to ~) —— 翻译 [fānyì]
请翻译这句话。[Qǐng fānyì zhèjù huà.] - Please translate this sentence.

♦ transfer —— 传到 chuán dào

你能帮我把照片传到电脑上吗?​(Nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎ zhàopiàn chuán dào diànnǎo shàng ma?) Can you help me
transfer my photos to my computer?

♦ transportation —— 交通 [jiāotōng]
由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式.[Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì
nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] - Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in
the city.

♦ travel —— 旅游 lǚyóu, 旅行 lǚxíng

什么是「反向旅游」?Shénme shì `fǎn xiàng lǚyóu'? - What is "reverse travel"?
我想去哪里旅游。Wǒ xiǎng qù nǎ lǐ lǚ yóu. - Where do you want to travel?
我想去西部旅行。Wǒ xiǎng qù xībù lǚxíng. - I'd like to travel in the west.
我想去国外旅行。Wǒ xiǎng qù guówài lǚxíng. - I want to travel abroad.
他打算去旅游两个星期。 Tā dǎsuàn qù lǚyóu liǎng gè xīngqī. - He plans to travel for two weeks.
我们准备去旅游,你想不想一起去? Wǒmen zhǔnbèi qù lǚyóu, nǐ xiǎng bùxiǎng yīqǐ qù? We are preparing to go
traveling, do you want to go with us?
我想去中国旅游,但是我不知道应该去哪里。Wǒ xiǎng qù Zhōngguó lǚyóu, dànshì wǒ bù zhīdào yīnggāi qù nǎlǐ. - I
want to travel to China, but I don't know where to go.

♦ treat (to ~) —— 待 dài

我们要真诚待人。Wǒmen yào zhēnchéng dàirén. - We must treat other people with honesty.

♦ treatment ——

♦ tree —— 树 [shù]
我去坐在树下。[wǒ qù zuò zài shù xia.] - I am going to sit under the tree.
树下有一只狗。[shù xià yǒu yī zhī gǒu] - There is a dog under the tree.
一颗大树横断在路上。[Yī kē dà shù héngduàn zài lùshàng.] - A big tree crossing the street blocked the road.
那棵树被大风刮倒了。[Nà kē shù bèi dàfēng guā dàole.] - That tree was uprooted by the gale. [The tree was
knocked down by the strong wind.]

♦ trial ——

♦ triangle —— 三角形 [sānjiǎoxíng]

圆形,正方形和三角形都是常见的几何形状。[Yuán xíng, zhèngfāngxíng hé sānjiǎoxíng dōu shì chángjiàn de jǐhé
xíngzhuàng.] - Circles, squares, and triangles are common geometric shapes.

♦ trip —— 旅游 lǚyóu
我们决定去旅游。(Wǒmen juédìng qù lǚyóu.) - We have decided to go on a trip.
由于天气原因,我们不得不取消了这次旅行。Yóuyú tiānqì yuányīn, wǒmen bùdébù qǔxiāo le zhè cì lǚxíng. Due to
the weather, we had to cancel this trip.

♦ trouble (make ~, cause ~) —— 捣乱 [dǎoluàn]

叔叔忙着呢,你别捣乱。[Shūshu máng zhene, nǐ bié dǎoluàn.] - Uncle’s busy. Don’t disturb him. [Don't make trouble]

♦ trousers —— 裤子 [kù zi]

♦ true —— 真 zhēn
我向你保证,这件事情是真的。 (wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎo zhèng, zhè jiàn shì qíng shì zhēn de) - I assure you that this is true.

♦ trust (to ~) —— 信任 xìnrèn

她的领导能力很强,团队都很信任她。(Tā de lǐngdǎo nénglì hěn qiáng, tuánduì dōu hěn xìnrèn tā.) She has strong
leadership abilities and her team trusts her.

♦ truth —— 事实 [shìshí], 真相 zhēnxiàng

我们提供的是事实。[Wǒmen tígōng de shì shìshí.] - What we offer is truth.
我们需要找出真相,解决这件事。(Wǒmen xūyào zhǎochū zhēnxiàng, jiějué zhè jiàn shì.) - We need to find out the
truth and solve this matter.

♦ try (to ~) —— 试 [shì]

我来试一下。(wǒ lái shì yī xià) Let me try.

♦ Tuesday —— 星期二 [Xīngqī’èr]

星期二上午我很忙。[Xīngqī’èr shàngwǔ wǒ hěn máng.] - I am very busy on Tuesday morning.

♦ tuning —— 调音 [diào yīn]

我做钢琴调音师很多年了。[Wǒ zuò gāngqín diào yīn shī hěnduō niánle.] - I worked as a piano tuner for many years.

♦ tunnel —— 隧道 suìdào
我们需要通过这个隧道才能到达目的地。(Wǒmen xūyào tōngguò zhège suìdào cáinéng dàodá mùdìdì.) - We need
to go through this tunnel to reach the destination.

♦ turn (to ~) —— 拐 [guǎi], 转 [zhuǎn], 变 biàn

我向左转。 (wǒ xiàng zuǒ zhuǎn) - I turn left.
到了红绿灯以后,往右拐。[Dàole hónglǜdēng yǐhòu, wǎng yòu guǎi.] - After you get to the traffic light, turn right.
银行很近,前面左转就到了。[Yínháng hěn jìn, qiánmiàn zuǒ zhuǎn jiù dàole.] - The bank is close by, turn left in the
front, you will find it immediately.
明天的天气或许会变冷。(Míngtiān de tiānqì huòxǔ huì biàn lěng.) The weather tomorrow may turn colder.
- to turn off, to close: 关 [guān]
请关灯。[Qǐng guāndēng.] - Please turn off the light.

♦ TV ——> television

♦ twice —— 两次 [liǎng cì]

他今天来过两次。[Tā jīntiān láiguò liǎng cì.] - He came twice today.

♦ twin —— 双胞胎 shuāngbāotāi.

他们俩的个子一样高,像双胞胎。(Tāmen liǎ de gèzi yīyàng gāo, xiàng shuāngbāotāi.) - They are both the same
height, like twins.

♦ two —— 两 [liǎng]
我有两个哥哥。[Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè gēgē.] - I have two brothers.

♦ type ——

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♦ uncle —— father’s younger brothers 叔叔 shū shu; father’s older brothers: 伯伯 bó bo; mother’s brothers: 舅舅 jìu
叔叔忙着呢,你别捣乱。Shūshu máng zhene, nǐ bié dǎoluàn. - Uncle’s busy. Don’t disturb him.

♦ under ——
♦ understand (to ~) —— 明白 míngbái, 懂 dǒng, 了解 liǎojiě, 听懂 tīngdǒng
我听不懂。Wǒ tīng bù dǒng. – I do not understand.
这个故事你懂吗?Zhège gùshi nǐ dǒng ma? - Do you understand this story?
我不了解这件事。Wǒ bù liǎojiě zhèjiàn shì. - I don't understand this matter.
他说的话我听不懂。 Tā shuō de huà wǒ tīng bù dǒng. - I don't understand what he's saying.
我不明白你的意思。Wǒ bù míngbái nǐ de yìsi. - I don’t see what you mean. [I don't understand you.]
这本书太难了,我看不懂。Zhè běn shū tài nán le, wǒ kàn bù dǒng. - This book is too difficult, I can't understand it.
他这才突然明白过来。Tā zhè cái túrán míngbái guòlái. - He’s just suddenly understood.
不好意思,我没听懂。你可以再说一次遍吗?Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ méi tīng dǒng. Nǐ kěyǐ zàishuō yīcì biàn ma? - Sorry, I
didn't understand. Can you say that again?
你不准再迟到了,明白吗?Nǐ bùzhǔn zài chídàole, míngbai ma? You are not allowed to be late again, understand?
那只狗很聪明,它能听懂很多指令。Nà zhī gǒu hěn cōngmíng, tā néng tīngdǒng hěn duō zhǐlìng. - That dog is very
intelligent, it can understand many commands.

♦ understanding —— 明理 mínglǐ
他是个明理的人。Tā shìgè mínglǐ de rén. - He’s an understanding person. [He is a reasonable man.]

♦ underwear —— 内衣 nèiyī
我的内衣太紧了。​Wǒ de nèiyī tài jǐn le. My underwear is too tight.

♦ unit ——

♦ until ——

♦ up ——
- [prep]: 上 shàng
往上游 wǎng shàng yóu up the river
上山 shàng shān to go up the hill
- [adv.]: 上 shàng
山顶上 shān dǐng shàng up on the hill
太阳已经升起来了。Tàiyáng yǐjīng shēng qǐlái le. The sun is up.
抬头看 táitóu kàn to look up
升起一面旗帜 shēng qǐ yī miàn qízhì to put up a flag
振作起来 zhènzuò qǐlái Pull your socks up. [''Cheer up!'' - expression that could be used to encourage someone]

♦ upon ——

♦ upset —— 烦 fán
这件事情让我很烦。(Zhè jiàn shìqíng ràng wǒ hěn fán.) - This matter is making me very upset.

♦ upstairs —— 楼上 [lóu shàng]

我坐电梯上楼。[Wǒ zuò diàntī shànglóu.] - I am taking the elevator to go upstairs.

♦ us —— 我们 wǒmen
这部电影对我们两个人来说都很好看。Zhè bù diànyǐng duì wǒmen liǎng gè rén lái shuō dōu hěn hǎokàn.This movie
was great for both of us.

♦ use (to ~) —— 用 [yòng]

请问,这个怎么用?(Qǐng wèn, zhè ge zěn me yòng?) - Excuse me, how do you use this?
现在大家都用信用卡。[Xiànzài dàjiā dōu yòng xìnyòngkǎ.] - Everyone uses a credit card now.
我用词典学汉语。[Wǒ yòng cídiǎn xué hànyǔ.] - I use the dictionary to study Chinese.
- get used to (to ~) —— 习惯 [xíguàn]
你会习惯的。[nǐ huì xí guàn de。] - You'll get used to it.
我现在习惯吃西餐了。[Wǒ xiànzài xíguàn le chī xīcān le.] - I am used to eating western food now.
中国的服务员不习惯收小费。[Zhōngguó de fúwùyuán bù xíguàn shōu xiǎofèi.] - Chinese service people are not
used to receiving tips.

♦ usually —— 通常 [tōngcháng]
硬币通常是圆而扁平。[Yìngbì tōngcháng shì yuán ér biǎnpíng.] - Coins are usually round and flat.
[Back to Contents]


♦ vacuum cleaner —— 吸尘器 [xī chén qì]

一些人以为我是卖吸尘器的 [yīxiē rén yǐwéi wǒ shì mài xīchénqì de] - Some people thought I was selling vacuum

♦ value ——

♦ various —— 不同 [bùtóng], 各种各 gè zhǒng gè

这时的钢水可以被浇铸成各种大小不同的形状。[Zhè shí de gāngshuǐ kěyǐ bèi jiāozhù chéng gè zhǒng dàxiǎo bùtóng
de xíngzhuàng.] - The steel is then ready to be cast into different shape and size.
各种各样的水果很好吃。 (Gè zhǒng gè yàng de shuǐguǒ hěn hǎochī.) Various kinds of fruits are delicious.

♦ vegetable ——
你应该减少吃油炸食品,多吃蔬菜水果。 Nǐ yīnggāi jiǎnshǎo chī yóuzhá shípǐn, duō chī shūcài shuǐguǒ. You should
reduce eating fried food and eat more vegetables and fruits.

♦ very —— 很 [hěn], 太 [tài], 非常 [fēicháng]

他个子很高。[Tā gèzi hěn gāo.] - He is very tall.
我不太忙。[Wǒ bù tài máng.] - I am not very busy.
我不太清楚。[wǒ bù tài qīng chu] - I'm not really sure. [I am not very sure.]
我有很多事要做。[Wǒ yǒu hěnduō shì yào zuò.] - I have many things to do.
我要买很多东西。[Wǒ yào mǎi hěnduō dōngxi.] - I want to buy a lot of things.
汉语语法不太难。[Hànyǔ yǔfǎ bú tài nán.] - Chinese grammar is not very difficult.
生日蛋糕很漂亮。[Shēngrì dàngāo hěn piaòliang.] - The birthday cake is very beautiful.

♦ victim ——

♦ Vietnam —— 越南 [yuènán]
部分火车站的广播开始使用印尼语,泰语和越南语。[Bùfèn huǒchē zhàn de guǎngbò kāishǐ shǐyòng yìnní yǔ, tàiyǔ
hé yuènán yǔ.] - Announcements at some train stations are made in Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese.

♦ view ——
[perspective] 看法 [kànfǎ]
结婚成家后,我对事物的看法发生了很大的转变。[Jiéhūn chéngjiā hòu, wǒ duì shìwù de kànfǎ fāshēngle hěn dà de
zhuǎnbiàn.] - After getting married, my perspective on things has changed a lot.

♦ village —— 村庄 [cūnzhuāng]
这个村庄里有很多人。​(Zhège cūnzhuāng lǐ yǒu hěnduō rén.) There are many people in this village.
整个村庄的人都出来看游行。[Zhěnggè cūnzhuāng de rén dōu chūlái kàn yóuxíng.] - Entire villages came to see the

♦ violence ——

♦ visit ——
- verb: 参观 [cānguān]
我参观了博物馆。[Wǒ cānguān le bówùguàn.] - I visited the museum.
- noun: 访问 fǎngwèn
他们取消了对中国的访问。Tāmen qǔxiāo le duì Zhōngguó de fǎngwèn. They cancelled their visit to China.

♦ vocabulary —— 词汇 cíhuì
这个词汇的发音很难。 (zhège cíhuì de fāyīn hěn nán.) - The pronunciation of this vocabulary is difficult.

♦ vodka —— 伏特加 [fú tè jiā]

♦ voice ——

♦ voleyball —— 排球 [páiqiú]

♦ Volkswagen —— 大众汽车 [dàzhòng qìchē]

中国是大众汽车的最大市场。[Zhōngguó shì dàzhòng qìchē de zuìdà shìchǎng.] - China is Volkswagen’s largest

♦ vote ——

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__ W__
♦ wage —— 工资 [gōngzī]
蓝领工资现在是每小时四至六美元仍远低于美国。[Lánlǐng gōngzī xiànzài shì měi xiǎoshí sìzhì liù měiyuán réng yuǎn
dī yú měiguó.] - Blue-collar wages are now 4 to 6 dollars an hour, still far lower than in the United States.

♦ wait —— 等 [děng]
我们在等你。 (Wǒmen zài děng nǐ.) - We are waiting for you.
请稍等一下。(Qǐng shāo děng yīxià.) - Please wait a moment.
我等了很久。[Wǒ děng le hěn jiǔ.] - I waited for a long time.
相信我,我们能等上一夜。[Xiāngxìn wǒ, wǒmen néng děng shàng yīyè.] - Believe me, we can wait all night.

♦ waiter —— 服务员 [fúwùyuán]

这家餐馆有五名服务员。[Zhè jiā cānguǎn yǒu wǔ míng fúwùyuán.] - This restaurant has five waiters.
服务员给我们拿来了菜单和水。Fúwùyuán gěi wǒmen nálái le càidān hé shuǐ. The waiter brought us the menu and

♦ walk (to ~) —— 走 [zǒu] (to take a walk — 散步 [sànbù]), 走路 [zǒulù]

她走路去上班。[Tā zǒulù qù shàngbān.] - She walks to work.
我们出去走走吧。[Wǒmen chūqù zǒuzou ba.] - Let's go out to take a walk.
要不要一起去散步?[Yào bùyào yīqǐ qù sànbù?] - Want to go for a walk together?
这孩子学他爸爸走路的样子。[Zhè hái zǐ xué tā bàba zǒulù de yàngzi.] - The boy imitates his father’s way of walking.
[The child walks like his father.]
他吃饭后常常散步。[Tā chīfàn hòu chángcháng sànbù.] - He often takes a walk after meals.
我每天傍晚都出来散步。[Wǒ měitiān bàngwǎn dōu chūlái sànbù.] - I go out to walk every evening.
我喜欢去公园散步。 (Wǒ xǐhuān qù gōngyuán sànbù.) - I like to go for a walk in the park.

♦ wall ——

♦ wallet —— 钱包 [qiánbāo]
我钱包丢了。[Wǒ qiánbāo diūle.] - My wallet is lost.
他的钱包里有很多钱。 (tā de qiánbāo lǐ yǒu hěn duō qián) - There is a lot of money in his wallet.

♦ want (to ~) —— 要 [yào], 想 [xiǎng]

你要什么?[Nǐ yào shénme?] - What do you want?
你要喝什么?[Nǐ yào hē shénme?] - What do you want to drink?
我想吃点什么。[Wǒ xiǎng chī diǎn shénme.] - I’d like to have something to eat. [I want to eat something.]
爸爸要冰。[Bàba yào bīng.] - Dad wants ice.
你想买,那就买吧。[Nǐ xiǎng mǎi, nà jiù mǎi ba.] - If you want to buy it, then buy it.
小女孩不要这个玩具了。(xiǎo nǚ hái bù yào zhè ge wán jù le) The little girl doesn’t want the toy.
要不要一起去散步?[Yào bùyào yīqǐ qù sànbù?] - Want to go for a walk together?
他们都要咖啡。[Tāmen dōu yào kāfēi.] - They all want coffee.
我喜欢这本书,可是我不想买。Wǒ xǐhuān zhè běn shū, kěshì wǒ bùxiǎng mǎi. I like this book, but I don’t want to
buy it.
王先生要买什么?[Wáng xiānsheng yào mǎi shénme?] - What does Mr. Wang want to buy?
我要看今天的报纸。[Wǒ yào kàn jīntiān de bào zhǐ.] - I want to read today's newspaper.

♦ war —— 战(争) zhàn(zhēng)

这个国家罹遭了战争的灾难。Zhège guójiā lízāole zhànzhēng de zāinàn. This country suffered from the disaster of

♦ warm —— 暖和 [nuǎnhuo], 温暖 [wēnnuǎn], 热情 rèqíng

今天很暖和。[Jīntiān hěn nuǎnhuo.] - It's warm today.
这个房间内很暖和。​(Zhège fángjiān nèi hěn nuǎnhuo.) - It is warm inside this room.
外面的阳光很好,让人感到温暖。Wàimiàn de yángguāng hěn hǎo, ràng rén gǎndào wēnnuǎn. The sunshine outside
is very nice and warm.
他们在我们到达时热情地欢迎了我们。Tāmen zài wǒmen dàodá shí rèqíng de huānyíng le wǒmen. They gave us a
warm welcome when we arrived.
她的笑容像阳光一样温暖人心。Tā de xiàoróng xiàng yángguāng yīyàng wēnnuǎn rénxīn. Her smile is as warm as
sunshine, comforting people's hearts.
他深深体会到这情的温暖。[Tā shēn shēn tǐhuì dào zhè qíng de wēnnuǎn.] - He deeply felt the warmth of the

♦ warn (to ~) —— 警告 [jǐnggào]

当局警告人们远离江水中升起的含有苯的气体。[Dāngjú jǐnggào rénmen yuǎnlí jiāngshuǐ zhōng shēng qǐ de hányǒu
běn de qìtǐ.] - Authorities are warning people to avoid the benzene fumes rising from the river.

♦ wash (to ~) —— 洗 [xǐ]

请把车洗一洗。[Qǐng bǎ chē xǐyixǐ.] - Please wash the car.

♦ waste —— 浪费 làngfèi
减少浪费是我们的责任。 Jiǎnshǎo làngfèi shì wǒmen de zérèn. Reducing waste is our responsibility.

♦ watch —— (手)表 [(shǒu)biǎo]

它不是手表。[tā bú shì shǒu biǎo。] - It is not a watch.
你的表有一点儿快。[Nǐ de biǎo yǒu yīdiǎněr kuài.] - Your watch is a little bit fast.
这个手表的表盘是圆形的。 (Zhège shǒubiǎo de biǎo pán shì yuánxíng de.) The dial of this watch is round.

♦ watch —— 看 [kàn]
我 看 完 了 。[Wǒ kàn wán le.] - I have finished watching it.
他们在看电影。 (Tāmen zài kàn diànyǐng.) - They are watching a movie.
我看 完 了 电影 。[Wǒ kàn wán le diànyǐng.] - I finished watching the movie.
礼拜五晚上我看了一部电影。[Lǐbàiwǔ wǎnshàng wǒ kàn le yí bù diànyǐng.] - I watched a movie on Friday night.
你做完功课再看电视。[Nǐ zuò wán gōngkè zài kàn diànshì.] - You can watch TV when you’ve finished your
看比赛![Kàn bǐsài!] - Watch the game!

♦ water —— 水 shuǐ
请你给我一杯水。(Qǐng nǐ gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ.) - Please give me a glass of water

♦ way ——
road —— 路 [lù]
我这就上路。[wǒ zhè jiù shàng lù] - I'm on my way.
你认得回家的路吗?[Nǐ rèndé huí jiā de lù ma?] - Can you find your way home?
- manner, mode —— 样子 [yàngzi], 方式 [fāngshì], 途径 [tújìng]
这孩子学他爸爸走路的样子。[Zhè hái zǐ xué tā bàba zǒulù de yàngzi.] - The boy imitates his father’s way of walking.
运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。[Yùndòng yǔ jiéshí jiéhé yěxǔ shì jiǎnféi zuì yǒuxiào de tújìng.] -
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.
由于汽油涨价, 人们开始探索省钱的市内交通方式.[Yóuyú qìyóu zhǎng jià, rénmen kāishǐ tànsuǒ shěng qián de shì
nèi jiāotōng fāngshì.] - Due to the rising price of gasoline, people began to explore cheap ways of transportation in
the city.
良好的沟通是消除误解和障碍的最佳途径。Liáng hǎo de gōu tōng shì xiāo chú wù jiě hé zhàng ài de zuì jiā tú jìng.
Good communication is the best way to eliminate misunderstandings and barriers.
不行! (Bùxíng!) - No way!
- method —— 方法 [fāngfǎ]
她是个聪明的女孩,她总是能够找到解决问题的方法。(Tā shì gè cōngmíng de nǚhái, tā zǒng shì nénggòu zhǎodào
jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.) - She is a clever girl, she always manages to find solutions to problems.
她很聪明,总是能找到解决问题的方法。(Tā hěn cōngming, zǒng shì néng zhǎodào jiějué wèntí de fāngfǎ.) - She is
very smart and always finds a way to solve problems.
变自信的六个方法!如何变得更有自信 [Biàn zìxìn de liù gè fāngfǎ! Rúhé biàn dé gèng yǒu zìxìn] - Six ways to
become more confident! how to become more confident

♦ we —— 我们 [wǒmen]
我们都是学生。Wǒmen dōu shì xuéshēng. We are students.
我们要去哪儿?Wǒmen yào qù nǎr? - Where are we going?
我们喝了三瓶啤酒。[Wǒmen hē le sānpíng píjiǔ.] - We drank three bottles of beer.
我们吃完饭爸爸就付款。[Wǒmén chīwán fàn bàba jiù fùkuǎn.] - Dad will pay the bill after we finish eating.
感恩节我们吃火鸡。[Gǎnēnjié wǒmén chī huǒjī.] - We eat turkey on Thanksgiving.

♦ wealth —— 财富 [cáifù]
恭喜发财。[Gōngxǐ fācái.] - Wish you a prosperous new year. [Wish you prosperity and wealth.]

♦ weapon ——

♦ wear (to ~) —— 穿 chuān, 带 dài

孩子喜欢穿新衣。Háizi xǐhuān chuān xīnyī. - Children like to wear new clothes.
他穿了一件黑衣服。Tā chuānle yī jiàn hēi yīfu. - He wore one piece of black clothing.
这个女孩子穿的衣服很漂亮。Zhège nǚ háizi chuān de yīfú hěn piàoliang.The clothes this girl is wearing are very
夏天我穿白衬衫。Xiàtiān wǒ chuān bái chènshān. - I wear white shirts in the summer.
太阳很大,要带帽子。Tàiyáng hěn dà, yào dài màozi. - The sun is too strong, you should wear a hat.
天气越来越冷,你要多穿点儿衣服。Tiānqì yuè lái yuè lěng, nǐ yào duō chuān diǎnr yīfu. The weather is getting
colder, you should wear more clothes.

♦ weather —— 天(气) [tiān(qì)]

今天天气很好。[Jīntiān tiānqì hěnhǎo.] - The weather is good today.
天越来越冷了。[Tiān yuè lái yuè lěngle.] - The weather is getting colder and colder.

♦ website —— 网站 wǎngzhàn
这个网站有各种各样的信息。 (Zhège wǎngzhàn yǒu gè zhǒng gè yàng de xìnxī.) This website has all kinds of

♦ wedding —— 婚礼 [hūnlǐ]
他们邀请我们参加他们下个月的婚礼。Tāmen yāoqǐng wǒmen cānjiā tāmen xià gè yuè de hūnlǐ. They invited us to
their wedding next month.
我们的婚礼将由这位神父主持。[Wǒmen de hūnlǐ jiāngyóu zhè wèi shénfù zhǔchí.] - Our nuptials will be performed
by this priest.
他们固守传统,只在五月举行婚礼。[Tāmen gùshǒu chuántǒng, zhǐ zài wǔ yuè jǔxíng hūnlǐ.] - They keep to the
custom of having their marriages only in May. [They stick to tradition and only hold their wedding in May.]

♦ Wednesday —— 星期三 [xīngqīsān], 周三 [zhōusān]

今天星期三。[Jīntiān xīngqīsān.] - Today is Wednesday.
你周三有课吗?[Nǐ zhōusān yǒu kè ma?] - Do you have lessons on Wednesday?
礼拜三我去北京。[Lǐbàisān wǒ qù Běijīng.] - I’ll go to Beijing on Wednesday.

♦ week —— 周 [zhōu], 星期 [xīngqī]

两个星期 [Liǎng gè xīngqí] - two weeks
一个星期有几天?[Yí gè xīngqī yǒu jǐ tiān?] - How many days are there in a week?
他每周都会回家。(tā měi zhōu dōu huì huí jiā) He will come home every week.
我上个星期去了北京。Wǒ shàng gè xīngqí qùle Běijīng. I went to Beijing last week.
我每周要去一次超市。(Wǒ měi zhōu yào qù yī cì chāoshì.) - I go to the supermarket once a week.

♦ weekend —— 周末 zhōumò
他们上周末去了公园。Tāmen shàng zhōumò qùle gōngyuán. They went to the park last weekend.

♦ weight (body ~) —— 体重 [tǐzhòng]

她体重六十公斤。[Tā tǐzhòng liùshí gōngjīn.] - She weighs sixty kilograms.
♦ welcome —— 欢迎 huānyíng
不客气!Bù kèqì! - You're welcome!
不用谢!bùyòng xiè! - You're welcome!
欢迎光临!Huānyíng guānglín! - Welcome!
他们在我们到达时热情地欢迎了我们。Tāmen zài wǒmen dàodá shí rèqíng de huānyíng le wǒmen. - They gave us a
warm welcome when we arrived.
不客气,这是我应该做的。Bù kèqì, zhè shì wǒ yīnggāi zuò de. - You’re welcome, this is what I should do.

♦ welfare —— 福利 fúlì
政府应该为民众谋福利。Zhèngfǔ yīng gāi wèi mínzhòng móu fúlì. - The government should seek welfare for the

♦ well —— 好 [hǎo], 不错 [bùcuò]

妈妈做饭做得真好。[Māma zuòfàn zuò de zhēnhǎo.] - Mom cooks very well.
我很好,可是太忙。[Wǒ hěnhǎo, kěshì tài máng.] - I am well, but too busy.
哥哥学习很好。[Gēge xuéxí hěnhǎo.] - The older brother studies well.
她跳舞跳得很好。[Tā tiàowǔ tiào de hěnhao.] - She dances very well.
这本书写得不错。[Zhè běn shūxiě dé bùcuò.] - This book is well-written.

♦ west ——

♦ western —— 西方 [xīfāng]
我喜欢西方音乐。[Wǒ xǐhuān xīfāng yīnyuè.] - I like western music.
我现在习惯吃西餐了。[Wǒ xiànzài xíguàn le chī xīcān le.] - I am used to eating western food now.
中国开始向西方国家出口汽车。[Zhōngguó kāishǐ xiàng xīfāng guójiā chūkǒu qìchē.] - China begins to export cars to
the western countries.

♦ western food —— 西餐 [xīcān]

西餐很方便。[Xīcān hěn fāngbiàn.] - Western food is very convenient.

♦ what —— 什么 [shénme]
你要什么?[Nǐ yào shénme?] - What do you want?
你叫什么名字?[Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?] - What’s your name?
你叫什么?[Nǐ jiào shénme?] - What’s your name? [informal]
今天我们做什么?[Jīntiān wǒmen zuò shénme?] - What are we doing today?
请问你姓什么?[Qǐngwèn nǐ xìng shénme?] - May I know your surname? [What's your last name?]
晚饭我们吃什么?[Wǎnfàn wǒmen chī shénme?] - What will we have for dinner?
你要喝什么?[Nǐ yào hē shénme?] - What do you want to drink?
你的圣诞礼物是什么?[Nǐ de shèngdàn lǐwù shì shénme?] - What is your Christmas gift?
你的专业是什么?[Nǐ de zhuānyè shì shénme?] - What is your major?
你忙什么,再坐一会儿吧。[Nǐ máng shénme, zài zuò yīhuǐ'er ba.] - What’s the hurry? Stay a bit longer.

♦ whatever ——

♦ wheezing —— 喘息 [chuǎnxī]
早期症状可能包括瞳孔缩小,流鼻涕,喘息和肌肉抽搐。[Zǎoqí zhèngzhuàng kěnéng bāokuò tóngkǒng suōxiǎo, liú
bítì, chuǎnxī hé jīròu chōuchù.] - Early symptoms can include pinprick pupils, runny nose, wheezing and muscle

♦ when —— …的时候 de shíhou

你上学的时候,学过中文吗?Nǐ shàngxué de shíhou, xuéguò zhōngwén ma? Did you learn Chinese when you were
in school?
你上班的时候,喜欢听音乐吗?Nǐ shàngbān de shíhou, xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè ma? Do you like to listen to music when
you work?

♦ where —— 哪儿 [nǎr], 哪里 nǎlǐ

你是哪里人?[Nǐ shì nǎlǐ rén?] - Where are you from?
你住在哪儿?[Nǐ zhù zài nǎr?] - Where do you live?
办公室在哪儿?[Bàngōngshì zài nǎr?] - Where is the office?
你住在哪里?(Nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ?) - Where do you live?
这是哪里?(Zhè shì nǎ lǐ?) - Where is this?
我们要去哪儿?Wǒmen yào qù nǎr? - Where are we going?
你的手机在哪里?Nǐ de shǒujī zài nǎlǐ? Where is your phone?
我们明天去哪儿?Wǒmen míngtiān qù nǎr? Where are we going tomorrow?
你的中文说得很好,哪里学的?(Nǐ de zhōngwén shuō dé hěn hǎo, nǎlǐ xué de?) - Your Chinese is very good, where
did you learn it?

♦ whether ——

♦ which ——

♦ while —— (a ~) 一会儿 [yīhuǐ'er]

你忙什么,再坐一会儿吧。[Nǐ máng shénme, zài zuò yīhuǐ'er ba.] - What’s the hurry? Stay a bit longer.

♦ whiskey —— 威士忌 [wēi shì jì]

♦ whistle —— 笛 [dí]
汽笛在叫。[Qìdí zài jiào.] - The steam whistle is blowing.

♦ white —— 白(色) [bái(sè)]

夏天我穿白衬衫。[Xiàtiān wǒ chuān bái chènshān.] - I wear white shirts in the summer.
一些在我的花园里的玫瑰是白色的,其他的则是红色的。[Yīxiē zài wǒ de huāyuán lǐ de méiguī shì báisè de, qítā de
zé shì hóngsè de.] - Some of the roses in my garden are white, and others are red.

♦ who —— 谁 [shéi]
你是谁?[Nǐ shì shéi?] - Who are you?
你喜欢谁?Nǐ xǐhuan shéi? Who do you like?
你想跟谁去?Nǐ xiǎng gēn shéi qù? Who do you want to go with?
你的朋友是谁?Nǐ de péngyǒu shì shéi? Who is your friend?
这是谁的书本?是她的。[Zhè shì shéi de shūběn? Shì tā de.] - Whose book is this? It is hers.
这家公司的老板是谁?[Zhè jiā gōngsī de lǎobǎn shì shéi?] - Who is the boss of this company?

♦ whole —— 整 [zhěng]
他们要我们整夜工作。[Tāmen yào wǒmen zhěng yè gōngzuò.] - They made us work all [whole] night.

♦ whom ——

♦ whose —— 谁的 shéi de
这是谁的书?Zhè shì shéi de shū? Whose book is this?

♦ why —— 为什么 [wèishénme], 怎么 [zěnme]

你为什么不学开车?[Nǐ wèishénme bùxué kāichē?] - Why don't you learn to drive?
你怎么啦?[Nǐ zěnme la?] - What’s the matter with you? or Why, is anything the matter?
好呀! (为什么不呢?) (Hǎo ya! (Wèishéme bù ne?)) - Why not?

♦ wide ——
♦ wife ——
♦ wild —— 野生 yěshēng
这个国家有很多野生动物。 (Zhège guójiā yǒu hěn duō yěshēng dòngwù.) - This country has many wild animals.

♦ will —— 会 huì
他每周都会回家。(tā měi zhōu dōu huì huí jiā) He will come home every week.
他们下个月会到达。(tāmen xià gè yuè huì dàodá) They will arrive next month.
你会及时回来吗?(nǐ huì jíshí huílái ma?) Will you be back in time?
她不会在那里吗?(tā bù huì zài nàlǐ ma?) Won't she be there?

♦ win (to ~) —— 赢(得) yíng(dé)

太好了,我们赢了! Tài hǎo le, wǒmen yíng le! - Great, we won!
作为一名年轻的士兵,他梦想在部队里赢得一些荣誉。Zuòwéi yī míng niánqīng dí shìbīng, tā mèngxiǎng zài bùduì lǐ
yíngdé yīxiē róngyù. - As a young soldier he dreamed of winning military glory.
♦ wind —— 风 fēng
那棵树被大风刮倒了。Nà kē shù bèi dàfēng guā dàole. - That tree was uprooted by the gale. [The tree was knocked
down by the strong wind.]

♦ window —— 窗户 chuānghu
这个房间的窗户很大。 (zhège fángjiān de chuānghu hěn dà.) The windows in this room are very big.
谁把窗户打开了?Shéi bǎ chuānghù dǎkāi le? Who opened the window?

♦ wine —— (葡萄)酒 [(pú táo) jiǔ]; red wine: 红酒 [hóngjiǔ]; white wine: 白葡萄酒 [bái pútáojiǔ]; sparkling wine: 气泡
酒 [qìpào jiǔ]
我只喝葡萄酒。[Wǒ zhǐ hē pútaojiǔ.] - I only drink grape wine.

♦ winter —— 冬天 [dōngtiān]
这儿冬天有雪吗?[Zhèr dōngtiān yǒu xuě ma?] - Is there snow in winter here?
这儿冬天很冷。[Zhèr dōngtiān hěn lěng.] - Winter here is cold.
有些动物会在冬天冬眠。 (Yǒuxiē dòngwù huì zài dōngtiān dōngmián.) - Some animals hibernate in winter.

♦ wish —— 祝 [zhù]
祝你好运![Zhù nǐ hǎo yùn!] - [I wish you] Good luck!
祝你一路平安。[Zhù nǐ yīlù píng'ān.] - I wish you a safe journey.
我祝你们一路顺风![Wǒ zhù nǐmen yīlù shùnfēng!] - I wish you bon voyage! [I wish you all the best of luck!]
祝你身体健康。[Zhù nǐ shēntǐ jiànkāng.] - I wish you the best of health.

♦ with —— 跟 gēn
我跟他一起去。 (Wǒ gēn tā yīqǐ qù.) - I'll go with him.
我跟他是朋友。(Wǒ gēn tā shì péngyǒu.) - I am friends with him.
你想跟谁去?Nǐ xiǎng gēn shéi qù? Who do you want to go with?
你跟谁去?(Nǐ gēn shéi qù?) - Who are you going with?
我喜欢跟家人一起吃饭。(Wǒ xǐhuān gēn jiārén yìqǐ chīfàn.) - I like to eat with my family.
我跟同事一起工作。 (Wǒ gēn tóngshì yīqǐ gōngzuò.) - I work with colleagues.
我们跟老师学习汉语。(Wǒmen gēn lǎoshī xuéxí Hànyǔ.) - We learn Chinese with the teacher.
你跟我学中文怎么样?(Nǐ gēn wǒ xué Zhōngwén zěnme yàng?) - How about you learn Chinese with me?
他跟我一起去了趟超市。(Tā gēn wǒ yìqǐ qùle tàng chāoshì.) - He went to the supermarket with me.
你跟你的父母住在一起吗?(Nǐ gēn nǐ de fùmǔ zhù zài yìqǐ ma?) - Do you live with your parents?
我喜欢跟朋友聊天儿。 (Wǒ xǐhuān gēn péngyǒu liáotiān er.) - I like to chat with friends.

♦ wither —— 凋谢 [diāoxiè]
凋谢的花朵 [diāoxiè de huāduǒ] - declining flower [withered flowers]

♦ within —— 内 [nèi]
去博物馆的门票包括在内了。[Qù bówùguǎn de ménpiào bāokuò zài nèile.] - Admission to the museum is included in
the package.

♦ without ——

♦ wolf —— 狼 [láng]
狼来了。[Láng láile.] - A wolf is coming.

♦ woman —— 女(性) [nǚ(xìng)]

这女人很漂亮。(zhè nǚ rén hěn piào liang) The women is very beautiful.
我不晓得他是男的还是女的。[Wǒ bù xiǎodé tā shì nán de háishì nǚ de.]- I do not know if he is a man or woman. [I
don't know if he is male or female.]
这家公司有十名女员工。[Zhè jiā gōngsī yǒu shí míng nǚ yuángōng.] - This company has ten female staffs.

♦ wonder ——

♦ word —— 言 [yán]
一言既出,驷马难追。[Yī yán jìchū, sìmǎ nán zhuī.] - A word already produced, team-of-4-horses difficult chase. [As
soon as the words are spoken, the horse is hard to follow.]
♦ work (to ~) —— 工作 [gōngzuò], 上班 shàngbān
我高高兴兴地工作。[Wǒ gāogāoxìngxìng de gōngzuò.] - I work happily.
她在公司工作。 (Tā zài gōngsī gōngzuò.) - She works at the company.
工作让我很高兴。[Gōngzuò ràng wǒ hěn gāoxìng.] - Working makes me happy.
我星期五晚上要工作。[Wǒ xīngqīwǔ wǎnshàng yào gōngzuò.] - I need to work on Friday evening.
他工作很忙。[Tā gōngzuò hěn máng.] - He is very busy with his work.
我们马上开始工作。(wǒ men mǎ shàng kāi shǐ gōng zuò) - We'll start working right away.
他们要我们整夜工作。[Tāmen yào wǒmen zhěng yè gōngzuò.] - They made us work all night.
听说她工作得很晚。[Tīngshūo tā gōngzuò de hěn wǎn.] - I hear she works very late.
他的工作效率很高。[Tā de gōngzuò xiàolǜ hěn gāo.] - He is really efficient. [His work efficiency is very high.]
你得谢谢他帮助你找工作。[Nǐ děi xièxie tā bāngzhù nǐ zhǎo gōngzuò.] - You must thank him for helping you find
你上班的时候,喜欢听音乐吗?Nǐ shàngbān de shíhou, xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè ma? Do you like to listen to music when
you work?
- noun: 上班 shàngbān
她今天上午十点上班。 (Tā jīntiān shàngwǔ shí diǎn shàngbān.) - She starts work at 10am this morning.
- work (to go to ~): 上班 [shàngbān]
今天天气很好,可是我要上班。Jīntiān tiānqì hěn hǎo, kěshì wǒ yào shàngbān. The weather is very nice today, but I
have to go to work.
她每天早上七点钟去上班。(Tā měitiān zǎoshang qī diǎn zhōng qù shàngbān.) - She goes to work at 7 o'clock every
周六和周日我不上班。[Zhōuliù hé zhōurì wǒ bú shàngbān.] - I don’t work on Saturday and Sunday.
- work hard (to ~): 努力 nǔlì
我们必须努力才能要得到成功。 Wǒmen bìxū nǔlì cáinéng yào dédào chénggōng. We have to work hard to get
如果你想去北京,你就要努力学习中文。 (Rúguǒ nǐ xiǎng qù Běijīng, nǐ jiù yào nǔlì xuéxí Zhōngwén.) If you want to
go to Beijing, you have to work hard to learn Chinese.
他们正在努力减少生产成本。 Tāmen zhèngzài nǔlì jiǎnshǎo shēngchǎn chéngběn. They are working hard to reduce
production costs.
虽然他不聪明,但是他很努力,所以成绩不错。(Suīrán tā bù cōngmíng, dànshì tā hěn nǔlì, suǒyǐ chéngjì bùcuò.) -
Although he is not smart, he works hard, so his grades are good.

♦ worker ——

♦ world —— 世界 [shìjiè]
如果我有钱,我会周游世界。(Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu qián, wǒ huì zhōuyóu shìjiè.) If I were rich, I would travel the world.
世界上任何山峰都达不到珠穆朗玛峰的高度。[Shìjiè shàng rènhé shānfēng dōu dá bù dào zhūmùlǎngmǎ fēng de
gāodù.] - No other mountain in the world is as tall as Mt. Everest.
中国已经成为世界最大汽车市场。[Zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi shìjiè zuìdà qìchē shìchǎng.] - China has emerged as
the world’s largest auto market.

♦ worry (to ~) —— 担心 dānxīn

那些事情你都不用担心。(Nàxiē shìqíng nǐ dōu bùyòng dānxīn.) You don’t have to worry about those things.
这件事情很简单,不用担心。(Zhè jiàn shìqíng hěn jiǎndān, bùyòng dānxīn.) - This matter is very simple, don't worry
about it.
我很担心这次考试的成绩。 (Wǒ hěn dānxīn zhè cì kǎoshì de chéngjī.) I'm very worried about my exam results this

♦ worth —— 值得 zhídé
这个电影不值得看。Zhège diànyǐng bù zhídé kàn. This movie is not worth watching.

♦ would —— 会 huì
如果我有更多时间,我会去散步。 (Rúguǒ wǒ yǒu gèng duō shíjiān, wǒ huì qù sànbù.) If I had more time, I would go
for a walk.
你想要茶还是咖啡?(Nǐ xiǎng yào chá háishì kāfēi?) Would you like some tea or coffee?
他说他会晚点打电话给我。(Tā shuō tā huì wǎn diǎn dǎ diànhuà gěi wǒ.) He said he would call me later.

♦ wrap (to ~) —— 包 [bāo]

你包好礼物了吗?[Nǐ bāo hǎo lǐwùle ma?] - Did you wrap the presents?

♦ write (to ~) —— 写 [xiě]

我今天要写完 。[Wǒ jīntiān yào xiě wán.] - I need to finish writing it today.
这个字不难写。[Zhè ge zì bù nán xiě.] - This character is not difficult to write.
我不会写汉字。[Wǒ búhuì xiě hànzì.] - I can not write Chinese characters.
这本书写得不错。[Zhè běn shūxiě dé bùcuò.] - This book is well-written.
你这个字写得不对。[Nǐ zhège zì xiě dé bùduì.] - You wrote this character wrong.
他的汉字写得非常漂亮。(Tā de hànzì xiě dé fēicháng piàoliang.) - He writes Chinese characters very beautifully.

♦ writer —— 作家 [zuòjiā]
他是一位著名的作家。[Tā shì yī wèi zhùmíng de zuòjiā.] - He is a famous writer.

♦ writing —— 著作 [zhùzuò]
他的著作很受欢迎。[Tā de zhùzuò hěn shòu huānyíng.] - His writings/works are very popular.

♦ wrong —— 不对 [bùduì]
你这个字写得不对。[Nǐ zhège zì xiě dé bùduì.] - You wrote this character wrong.

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♦ yard ——

♦ yeah ——

♦ year —— 年 [nián]
新年快乐![Xīnnián kuàilè!] - Happy New Year!
一年有十二个月。[Yì nián yǒu shíèr gè yuè.] - There are twelve months in a year.
他们是多年的老朋友了。[Tāmen shì duōnián de lǎo péngyǒule.] - They have been close friends for many years.
十年以前我去了法国。[Shínián yǐqián wǒ qùle fǎguó.] - I went to France ten years ago.
去年我毕业了。[Qùnián wǒ bīyè le.] - I graduated last year.
一月一号是新年。[Yīyuè yīhào shì xīnnián.] - January the first is New Year's Day.
我们去年去了希腊。[Wǒmen qùnián qùle xīlà.]- Last year we went to Greece.
这个故事发生在五百年前。[Zhège gùshì fāshēng zài wǔbǎi nián qián.] - The story took place five hundred years ago.
这孩子一年不见,长这么高了。[Zhè háizi yī nián bùjiàn, zhǎng zhème gāole.] - It’s only a year since I last saw the
child and he’s grown so tall.
- last year: 去年 qùnián
我们去年去过那里。(Wǒmen qùnián qùguò nàlǐ.) - We went there last year.

♦ yearn —— 向往 xiàng wǎng

我向往自由自在的生活。 (wǒ xiàng wǎng zì yóu zì zài de shēng huó) - I yearn for a free and easy life.

♦ yellow —— 黄 [huáng]
秋天草黄了。[Qiūtiān cǎo huáng le. ]- Grass turns yellow in the fall.

♦ yes ——

♦ yesterday —— 昨天 [zuótiān]
昨天礼拜一。[Zuótiān lǐbàiyī.] - Yesterday was Monday.
昨天是星期日,今天是星期一。[Zuótiān shì xīngqírì, jīntiān shì xīngqí yī.] - Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday.
昨天下了大雨。[Zuótiān xiàle dàyǔ.] - Yesterday it rained heavily.
你昨天跟谁说话了?Nǐ zuótiān gēn shéi shuōhuà le? Who did you talk to yesterday?
昨天有三个人来找你。[Zuótiān yǒusān gèrén lái zhǎo nǐ.] - Three people came to see you yesterday.
他昨天上了一天班,非常累。 (Tā zuótiān shàngle yī tiān bān, fēicháng lèi.) - He worked all day yesterday and was
very tired.

♦ yet —— 还 hái
还没。 (Hái méi.) - Not yet.

♦ you —— 你 [nǐ]; (informal): 您 [nín]

你好!Nǐ hǎo! - Hello!
你们好吗?(nǐ men hǎo ma) How’re you?
谢谢你。[xiè xiè nǐ] - Thank you.
你是谁?[Nǐ shì shéi?] - Who are you?
您贵姓?[Nín guìxìng?] - May I ask your name?
你叫什么名字?[Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?] - What’s your name?
认识你很高兴。Rènshí nǐ hěn gāoxìng. Nice to meet you.

♦ young —— 小 xiǎo, 年轻 niánqīng

我女儿还很小。[Wǒ nǚér hái hěn xiǎo.] - My daughter is still young.
中国年轻人的独居选择 [Zhōngguó niánqīng rén de dújū xuǎnzé] - the choice of living alone for youths [young
people] in China
娱乐业永远是年轻人的行当。[Yúlè yè yǒngyuǎn shì niánqīng rén de hángdang.] - Entertainment is always a young
person’s business.

♦ younger brother —— 弟弟 [dìdi]

弟弟喜欢游泳。[Dìdi xǐhuān yóuyǒng.] - The younger brother likes to swim.
哥哥和弟弟都学汉语。[Gēge hé dìdi dōu xué hànyǔ.] - My older and younger brothers both study Chinese.
我弟弟喜欢玩电脑。[Wǒ dìdi xǐhuān wán diànnǎo.] - My younger brother likes to play on the computer.
我弟弟很顽皮。[Wǒ dìdì hěn wánpí.] - My younger brother is very naughty.

♦ younger sister —— 妹妹 [mèimei]

我妹妹比我小三岁。[Wǒ mèimei bǐ wǒ xiǎo sān suì.] - My younger sister is three years younger than I.
我没有妹妹。[Wǒ méiyǒu mèimei.] - I don't have a younger sister.

♦ your ——

♦ yourself ——

♦ youth —— 青春 [qīngchūn]
青春的路上充满了彷徨。[Qīngchūn de lùshàng chōngmǎnle fǎnghuáng.] - The road of youth is full of indecision.
[The road to youth is full of hesitation.]

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__ Z__
♦ zone ——


[ I want some Chinese sentences with ... in simplified characters, with pinyin and English translation. I prefer level HSK3.
Translate the following expressions in English, with pinyin, simplified characters: ]

up 52. one 53. time 54. there 55. year 56. so 57. think 58. when 59. which 60. them 61. some 62. me 63. people 64. take 65.
out 66. into 67. just 68. see 69. him 70. your 71. come 72. could 73. now 74. than 75. like 76. other 77. how 78. then 79. its
80. our 81. two 82. more 83. these 84. want 85. way 86. look 87. first 88. also 89. new 90. because 91. day 92. more 93. use
94. no 95. man 96. find 97. here 98. thing 99. give 100. many

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