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260424VD for the lease of non-residential premises

April "26", 2024
Individual Valeriya Vadimivna Dering, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor", RNOKPP 2843914022,
registered: Ukraine, Lviv, str. Stryyska, 44a, sq. 7, on one side, and Rigate markets LTD,
represented by the owner Sabahattin Anil, hereinafter referred to as "Lessant", on the other side,
hereinafter jointly named Parties, guided by the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine and the
Economic Code of Ukraine, concluded this agreement (hereinafter the Agreement) on the
1.1 The Lessor transfers, and the Lessee accepts for temporary paid use under the terms of this
Agreement, the following non-residential premises, hereinafter referred to as "Premises":
1.1.1 Address of the Premises: Lviv, str. Zelena, 115-B, (5th floor) room 502.
1.1.2 The total area of the Premises is 50.00 m²


2.1 The transfer of the Premises to the Tenant for rent and the transfer of the Premises to the Lessor
from the lease is carried out by the representatives of the Parties on the basis of a bilateral Act of
acceptance and transfer. The premises are considered transferred from the moment the Parties sign
the Acceptance-Transfer Act.
2.2 The act of acceptance and transfer of the Premises, on the basis of which the Premises are
returned to the Lessor from the lease, is signed by the Parties after the actual release of the Premises
by the Tenant.
2.3 Leasing the premises does not result in the transfer of ownership of the leased premises to the
Tenant. The lessee uses the leased premises during the term of this Agreement.

3.1 The term of this Lease Agreement is 12 months (twelve months). Calculation of the lease term
begins from the moment of transfer of the Premises to the Tenant according to the Acceptance-
Transfer Act. 3.2 The term of this Agreement may be shortened by agreement of the Parties under
the conditions specified in this Agreement.


4.1 The rent under this Agreement is UAH 14,800.00. (Fourteen thousand eight hundred hryvnias)
and is paid by the Lessee by transferring funds to the Lessor's account, specified in the details of the
Parties to this Agreement, by the 10th of the current month. In case of non-payment of rent for one
calendar month, the electricity supply is terminated and the contract is considered invalid.
- for the last month of the lease, the Tenant pays the rent in advance, within seven banking days
from the date of signing this Agreement.
4.2. The amount of the rent may be revised by the Parties, in the event of the occurrence of certain
conditions (acceptance new legislative or by-law regulations that directly and/or indirectly affect
costs of the Lessor for the maintenance of the premises) at the request of the Lessor, with a
mandatory contract corresponding additional agreement to this Agreement:
- in the event of a change in the official exchange rate of the hryvnia to the US dollar, set by the
National Bank of Ukraine, by more than 15% (fifteen percent);
- in the event of a change in the inflation index for a year by more than 15% (fifteen percent).
4.3. By the 30th of each month, the parties are required to sign a bilateral Act on the provision of
services, which confirms the fact of renting the Premises in the previous month.
4.4. Reimbursement of costs incurred by the Lessor for payment of electricity, water supply
consumed by the Tenant, as well as security of the premises are carried out by the Tenant on the
basis separately issued invoice by the Lessor.
4.5. The lessee is obliged to reimburse the lessor for the cost of the utility service provided for in
clause 4.4 no later than 5 (five) working days from the moment the invoice is provided to him. of
this Agreement.


5.1 The LESSOR is obliged to:
5.1.1 Transfer the Premises to the Tenant in accordance with the Acceptance-Transfer Act within 10
days of this Agreement. calendar days from the moment of signing 5.1.2 Not to take any actions that
may have the effect of limiting the Tenant's use of this Premises.
5.1.3 Do not obstruct the Tenant's use of the Premises under the terms of this Agreement.
5.2 The LESSOR has the right to:
5.2.1 Receive rent in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
5.2.2 Once a quarter, during the working hours of the Tenant and in the presence of his
representative, inspect the Premises in order to check its condition and intended use.
5.3 The Lessor guarantees that at the time of concluding this Agreement, he has all rights regarding
disposition of the Premises, including by providing it for rent under the terms of this Agreement.
The Lessor guarantees that the Premises are not subject to a lien (including a tax lien), under
prohibition (seizure) and have no rights of third parties in relation to it.
5.4 If the Lessee carries out activities that cause damage to the premises, immediately terminate this
Agreement and demand compensation from the Lessee for the damage caused.

6.1 The tenant is obliged to:

6.1.1 Use the Premises for its intended purpose in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
6.1.2 Make timely payment of rent and other payments stipulated herein By contract.
6.1.3 Adhere to the proper operating and maintenance regime of the premises. At the same time, in
order to assess the condition of the Premises, the Parties will focus on the condition of the Premises
when it is leased, taking into account its normal wear and tear.
6.1.4 Not to carry out reconstruction and additions to the Premises without the written consent of
the Lessor.
6.1.5 Provide access to the Premises of the Lessor's representatives for the necessary inspection in
accordance with the procedure provided for in paragraph 5.2.2 clause 5.2 of this Agreement.
6.1.6 In the event of the expiration of the lease term or early termination (termination) of this
Agreement, vacate the Premises, after which, on the basis of the Act of Acceptance and Transfer,
return it to the Lessor in a condition no worse than on the day the Premises were leased to the
Tenant, taking into account its normal wear and tear and redevelopment and improvements made
with the permission of the Lessor.
6.1.7 At his own expense, as soon as possible, eliminate malfunctions, breakdowns, the
consequences of accidents and other deterioration of the Premises that occurred due to his fault and
bear responsibility for the damage caused.
6.1.8 To comply with all requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine regarding the use and
maintenance of non-residential premises (including but not limited to the following requirements:
fire safety requirements, sanitary standards)
6.2 The tenant has the right to:
6.2.1 Use the Premises without any restrictions in accordance with its purpose and the terms of this
6.2.2 Free access to the Premises.
6.2.3 Carry out modernization, modification, retrofitting, redevelopment and other improvements of
the Premises (further improvements) with the prior written consent of the Lessor, and on the
condition that the Lessee obtains the necessary state permits, if such permits are required by current
legislation to carry out such improvements. Such improvements are carried out at the expense of the
Lessee, or their cost is credited against the Lessee's obligations to pay rent upon agreement of the
6.2.4 Preferably before other business entities to enter into a new lease agreement.
6.2.5 To demand a reduction in the amount of the rent, if the condition of the Premises has
significantly deteriorated due to circumstances for which he is not responsible.
6.2.6 With the prior written consent of the Lessor, obtain the necessary permits (consent) at their
own expense, as well as install at their own expense in accordance with the procedure provided for
by the legislation of Ukraine, using the facade of the building in which the Premises are located,
exclusively advertising materials related to the activities of the tenant , to use the address of the
Premises in their commercial activities. When returning the premises from the lease, the Tenant is
obliged to dismantle the installed advertising materials, while the condition of the facade of the
building must not be worse than it was at the time of the lease of the premises.
7.1 After the termination of the lease term under this Agreement, the Lessee is obliged to transfer
To the lessor of the Premises within 15 calendar days from the end of the lease term hereunder By
7.2 During the period specified in clause 7.1 of this Agreement, the lessee is obliged to leave the
Premises and prepare it for transfer to the Lessor.
7.3 The Premises are considered returned to the Lessor from the moment of signing the Act of
acceptance and transfer of the Premises. The act of acceptance-handover is provided by the lessee to
the Lessor within the terms stipulated in Clause 7.1 of this Agreement. If the Lessor does not sign
the Acceptance-Transfer Act within five calendar days from the day of its receipt, the Premises shall
be considered transferred by the Lessee and accepted by the Lessor.
The Lessee's obligations to pay the rent cease from the date of actual vacation of the Premises by
the Lessee, which are specified in the Acceptance-Transfer Act.
7.4 The Premises must be handed over to the Lessor in the same condition in which it was leased,
taking into account its normal wear and tear and redevelopments and changes made with permission


8.1 For non-fulfilment and/or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement, the
Parties are responsible in accordance with this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.2 In case of late payment of rent, the Tenant shall pay a penalty in the amount of the National
Bank of Ukraine discount rate on the amount of the debt for each day of delay.
8.3 The lessor bears the following responsibility:
8.3.1 For violation of the terms provided for in Clause 5.1.1 of Clause 5.1 of this Agreement, a fine
of 0.5% of the amount of rent per month specified in Clause 4.1 of this Agreement for each day of
such violation.
8.3.2 For the death, destruction, loss, etc. of the premises due to the Lessee's fault, the Lessee shall
compensate The lessor shall bear the damages caused by this in full, taking into account the lost
8.4 In case of violation by the Lessee of the conditions and terms of reimbursement to the Lessor of
costs incurred by the latter for payment of services provided for in clause 4.4 of this Agreement, the
Lessee shall compensate the Lessor for all losses, fines, etc., related to the termination of payment
of such services by the Lessor to specialized organizations.
8.5 Damages caused by the fault of one of the Parties shall be compensated by this party.

8.6 Circumstances that arose beyond the control of the Parties, which any of the Parties could
neither avoid nor to eliminate their consequences, are considered as cases exempting from
responsibility for non-performance or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, if they
arose after the conclusion of this Agreement and prevent its full or partial execution.
8.7 Cases of force majeure include the following events: war and military actions, mobilization,
embargo, lockout, epidemics, natural disasters, acts of authorities that prevent the proper fulfillment
of obligations, as well as all other events and circumstances that the competent court recognizes and
declares as a case of force majeure. The party that has experienced force majeure must prove the
existence of circumstances liberating from responsibility, authentic documents.
8.9 The Lessor is not responsible for the Lessee's obligations.
9.1. This agreement enters into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid for
12 months from 31.12.2024 with the right to its further extension.
9.2. This Agreement is automatically renewed on the same terms and for the same term if none of
the Parties declared their intentions no later than two months before the expiration of the Agreement
break it up
9.3 This Agreement shall be terminated:
9.3.1 As a result of termination of the Agreement by mutual consent of the Parties.
9.3.2 In case of expiry of the lease term.
9.3.3 In case of liquidation of the Tenant.
9.3.4 In case of death (destruction) of the Premises.
9.3.5 As a result of termination of the Agreement in court at the request of one of the Parties.
9.3.6 In case of refusal of one of the parties from this Agreement due to the grounds and
consequences provided for in clauses 9.4 and 9.5 of this Agreement.
9.3.7 The validity of this Agreement shall be terminated in the event of alienation of the premises
by the Lessor. In this case, the Lessor undertakes to notify the Lessee of the termination of the
Agreement at least two months before the transfer of ownership to the new owner.
9.4 The Tenant may withdraw from this Agreement, if he - the Tenant no longer needs to rent the
Premises, about which he notifies the Lessor sixty calendar days in advance.
9.5 The Lessor has the right to withdraw from this Agreement (terminate it) unilaterally by
notifying the Lessee of this sixty calendar days in writing.
9.6 The legal relationship of the lease established by this Agreement shall be terminated on the
sixty- first calendar day from the date of sending the notice, in accordance with clauses 9.4 and 9.5.
The date of dispatch of the said notice is considered to be the date indicated on the receipt provided
by the communications department when sending the letter with the notice of delivery. In the
specified period, the tenant vacates the Premises and makes calculations for the actual time of use
of the Premises.
9.7 The party that has grounds for terminating this Agreement must send proposals for this the other
Party. The Party that received such an offer shall, within twenty days after receiving the offer, notify
the other Party of the results of consideration of the offer. In the event that the Parties have not
reached an agreement on the termination of the Agreement or in the event of failure to receive an
answer within the prescribed period, taking into account the time of postal circulation, the interested
Party has the right to refer the dispute to court for resolution.
10.1 After signing this Agreement, all previous negotiations, correspondence, previous agreements
and protocols of intent on issues related to the subject of this Agreement in one way or another shall
lose legal force.
10.2 This Agreement is drawn up in two original copies having the same legal force.
10.3 In cases not provided for in the Agreement, the parties are governed by current legislation.
10.4 In the event that the Lessee, during the validity of this Agreement, improves the premises,
which cannot be isolated without deterioration of the condition of the premises, such improvements
become the property of the Lessor after the expiration of the Agreement and the Lessee does not
have the right to reimbursement of the costs incurred by him for such improvements, if otherwise
will not be established by agreement of the parties.
10.5. The restoration of the premises is carried out in accordance with the procedure specified in
this Agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.
10.6. All disagreements and disputes between the Parties shall be resolved through mutual
negotiations, and in the event of failure to reach an agreement, by a competent court in accordance
with current legislation of order
10.7. Recognizing this Agreement as invalid in part does not entail its recognition as invalid in as a
10.8. The Party bears full responsibility for the correctness of the details specified by it in this
Agreement and undertakes to promptly notify the other Party in writing of their change, and in case
of failure to notify bears the risk of adverse consequences associated with it.

Individual Dering V.V.

Rigate markets LTD

Dering V.V.

owner Sabahattin Anil

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