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4D HSO Email

All the parts of the copy you see being highlighted will be explained in more
detail in the Explanations section of this document.

SL: How I went from <pain state> to <dream state>

SL Alternative: <Common method> is for <pain state trait>


Today, I wanted to share a story of how I <achieved desired result>,

…and how you can apply the <solution> to do the same.

Let me explain:

<Set the scene and give context to the story>

<Explain the problem you faced to achieving your goal>

<Explain how you tried to solve that problem and why those solutions didn’t

<Explain how your real solution came to be>

And that's when I came up with the <solution>:

<Explain why this method/solution is so great and superior>

(No <common undesired action to take>, no <common undesired action to
take>, and definitely no <common undesired action to take> 🤮)

So if you’re tired of <trying common solution> only to be left with no


And are losing hope because of <common pain>,

Then click here and I’ll show you how to <achieve desirable result> with

<sign off>

1. <pain state> to <dream state:

The pain state is the avatar facing his problems.

Example: From no clients

The dream state is what the avatar wants to achieve.

Example: Making $10k/mo

2. <pain state trait>:

If we previously decided that the pain state could be having no clients,

A pain state trait would be:

Outreach is for broke copywriters.

3. <Set the scene and give context to the story>:

For this part, you want to tell the reader the time & place of the story and
what you were trying to achieve.


Back in March 2020, Bitcoin was exploding in the crypto space.

Everywhere you looked on the internet you’d hear about a new crypto
millionaire that appeared overnight.

And I decided I wanted to become one of them.

4. <Explain the problem you faced to achieving your goal>

The story should be based around what you wanted to achieve. And like in
every story, there is a roadblock or a problem stopping you from achieving
that. Describe what is the problem, why it stopped you from achieving your
goal, and what bad outcome will you achieve if you don’t solve this


The problem?

I knew nothing more about Crypto besides the fact that Bitcoin was worth a
TON of money.

5. <Explain how you tried to solve that problem and why those solutions
didn’t work>

This part of the copy is optional. If the story talks about how you tried to
solve the problem with some solutions but it failed the first few times, then
you can explain that part of the story in this section. Tell people what
solution you tried, why it failed, and to what bad outcome it led you to.


So I joined the 10 most popular Crypto communities,

All sharing their strategies to “get rich overnight”.

But as you can imagine,

Since everyone had access to that information,

It was nothing more valuable than what my grandma could tell me about

So it led me down a disastrous path of investing, then losing, investing,

then losing, and so on…

6. <Explain how your real solution came to be>

In this part, you want to describe how you found or came up with the
solution that in the end helped you achieve your dream outcome.


Until one day,

I understood the “reverse Crypto investing strategy”.


Instead of following what everyone else was doing in those Crypto

I decided to go completely against them.

The result?

I didn’t become a millionaire overnight,

But I did make multiple millions of dollars in the next three months.

7. <Explain why this method/solution is so great and superior>

Here you want to justify why your new solution is better than what solutions
you have tried in the past.


All because instead of following the normal path to get normal results,

I followed the unconventional Crypto investing strategy to get

unconventionally good returns.

7. <common undesired action to take>

Here you tell people what your solution is not about. More specifically, let
them know what undesirable traits your solution has nothing to do with.


(No risking all your profits, investing based on dumb luck or following the
BS advice Crypto Communities give you)

8. <common pain>

Here you want to tell people the usual pain or problem they face from
following the advice they’ve been hearing until now.

And are losing hope because of consistent losing months,

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