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HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS

K-Sim Engine Room Simulator

Kongsberg Maritime AS

Department/Author: Approved by:

Arild Hermansen (s) Leif Pentti Halvorsen (s)


All rights reserved
No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or otherwise
copied without prior permission from

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator

Kongsberg Maritime

 1996 - 2015 Kongsberg Maritime AS. All rights reserved. No part of this work covered
by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied without prior permission
from Kongsberg Maritime AS

Issue No. Year/Date Inc. by Change description
A 25.08.2015 LPH

Kongsberg Maritime AS
Bekkajordet 8 A
P.O. Box 1009
N-3194 Horten, NORWAY
Telephone: +47 81 57 37 00

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator i

Kongsberg Maritime

Section Page
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
3 OPERATION REAL HV BREAKER. (DG 1) ................................. 7
3.1 Take the breaker out of Service ......................................... 8
3.2 Put breaker back in service: ............................................ 11

HI VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K Sim Engine Room Simulator ii

Kongsberg Maritime


The hardware supplied allows the participants to undertake practical procedures and
maintenance on marine high voltage equipment. This is to allow as a minimum for the
isolation and removal of a main circuit breaker in accordance with the correct safety
procedures, this includes the correct use of interlock keys as appropriate.

At the operational level:

 The hazards associated with High Voltage systems;
 The functional, operational and safety requirements for a marine high-voltage
 Basic arrangement of High Voltage systems and their protective devices;
 Safety procedures related to High Voltage systems; and
 Immediate actions to be taken under fault conditions.

At the management level:

 The functional, operational and safety requirements for a marine high-voltage
 Assignment of suitably qualified personnel to carry out maintenance and repair of
high voltage switchgear of various types;
 Taking remedial action necessary during faults in a high-voltage system;
 Producing a switching strategy for isolating components of a high-voltage system;
 Selecting suitable apparatus for isolation and testing of high-voltage equipment;
 Carrying out a switching and isolation procedure on a marine high-voltage system,
complete with Safety documentation.

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 1

Kongsberg Maritime

Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic.

The simulator model contains a Mimic Diagram representing the High Voltage
Switchboard. This process diagram can be operated from a Touch screen or from the
instructor station.

In real life, trapped key interlocks are widely used to ensure safe access to potentially live
equipment in a high voltage system. An example of use is to prevent access to the inside of
an electric breaker while it is operating. A trapped key is then used to lock the breaker
from being pulled out. Whenever the power switch is turned on, the key is held by the
interlock, and cannot be manually removed. In order to open the lock, the power switch
must first be turned off, which releases a key and allows it to be removed from the
interlock. The key can then be used to unlock the breaker. While the key is removed from
the switch interlock, it mechanically prevents the power switch from being turned on.
Power cannot be re-applied to the system until the breaker is locked in normal position,
releasing the key, and the key is then returned to the power switch interlock.

The above explained procedure is one of the training scenarios that are possible in the High
Voltage Switchboard module in Kongsberg engine room simulators. Another possible
training scenario is to access a transformer or a converter due to a malfunction. The key
lock system forces the users in such cases to isolate and earth down the equipment. When
the key pop-up has changed position to “pull out” position, access is allowed. Earth down
of the generators and main bus bars can also be practiced on the new switchboard mimic.
The Synchronising Panel and all breakers are available from pop-up panels.

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 2

Kongsberg Maritime



To ensure safe access to potentially live equipment, an integrated trapped key interlock
system is included in the model. The main principle is as follows; any switchgear that may
cause live parts in areas to be accessed must be isolated, earthed and locked without any
possibility for re-connection as long as that particular area is accessible. The simulated key
lock system is based on “one click” philosophy. As an example, clicking on an open key
(green) will pull it out of the lock (for example earth down device) and place itself in the
trapped key lock system. The other way around is valid when putting the equipment back
to operation.

Fig.1 Key Fig.2 Trapped Key Fig.4

Legend System Fig.3 Earth Down Earthing
Device Circuit

Fig. 2 in the illustration shows the trapped key lock system where five (5) keys from
various breakers/equipment are needed to unlock the trapped key (number 6 from left). The
trapped key will then turn green and may be removed from the trapped key system to
unlock the Earthing CB (fig.4) which in turn is used to earth down the 6.6 kV bus.

The fig. 3 in the illustration shows the pop-up earthting device in earth position with key in
“free” to pull out (green) position.

The earths down devices are accessible from the 6.6 kV Main Switchboard Mimic and the
Propulsion Power Drive mimic


Earth down a diesel generator:

 DG must be stopped and blocked locally to prevent any unintentionally start.
(activate engine EM STOP on Local Panel)
 Put related DG breaker to local from main switchboard
 Open earthing device pop-up (fig.3) and select “isolate” (symbol will change
position and color)
 Select “earth” from earthing device pop-up (symbol will change position and color)
and the key color changes from red to green.

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 3

Kongsberg Maritime

Earth down port MSWBD:

 Earth Down both generators (2 and 4) as described above
 Split Bus and set in TEST position (ensure no load on bus)
 Both Propulsion transformers must be earthed down. (See separate procedure in
Propulsion Power Drive System below)
 Pull out the left key in Bus-Tie Breaker and insert in trapped key system
 When all keys are green, pull out the trapped key (6 from left) and insert in Earth
Down device.
 Close Earth Down Breaker (fig. 4) (earth symbol turns red)

Port MSWBD Earthed Down

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 4

Kongsberg Maritime

Earth down the Propulsion Transformer:

 Disconnect transformer from power supply by open the Transformer breaker
 Disconnect PEM from power supply by setting the PEM/CONV breaker to Test
 Open the transformer earth down device pop-up, isolate and earth down the
transformer (earth symbol changes position and color)

 Earth Down and accessing the Converter:

 Earth down propulsion transformer as described above
 Pull out key and place it into the trapped key lock system (one click). Observe that
key is inserted in trapped key lock system)
 Earth down the converter by means of the pop-up earth down device (PEM/CONV
breaker must be in TEST position)
 Pull out key and place it into the trapped key lock system (one click). Observe that
key is inserted in trapped key lock system and that trapped key is free to pull out.
 Click on trapped key symbol to insert it into the converter cabinet lock (one click).
 Click on OP/CL to open the cabinet door. Any converter failure may now be reset.

Converter is earthed

Earth Down and access the PEM:

 -Open the transformer supply breakers and put them to earth position by means of
the pop-up breaker.
 -Block motor rotation by activation of shaft brake (important to prevent back
feeding caused by rotating machinery)
 -Earth down both motor half’s by means of the motor/converter breaker pop-up.
 -Pull out both keys and insert them in the trapped key system (one click).
 Isolate the excitation breakers by putting them to test position by means of the
circuit breaker pop up.
 Pull out both keys and insert them in the trapped key system (one click).
 Pull out key and insert it into the trapped key system rack (The PEM enclosure key
is now free to be pulled out).
HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 5
Kongsberg Maritime

 Insert the key into the PEM enclosure lock and open the door.
 Any motor failure may now be “repaired”

Illustration shows a trapped key lock system where five (5) keys from various
breakers/equipment are needed to unlock the trapped key. The trapped key will then turn
green and may be removed from the trapped key system to unlock the PEM enclosure.

To put the various propulsion units back to normal operating condition, follow the
described procedures in the opposite order;

PEM back to normal operating condition:

 Close door, pull out key and re-insert the trapped keys into their original positions.

 NOTE! All keys shall be IN and LOCKED (Red Color) when restored the plant.

 NOTE! When running half motor because of faulty transformer or converter, the
affected motor half must be isolated from the converter by putting the breaker to
TEST position.

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 6

Kongsberg Maritime


The Full mission Simulator, DG1 has a real high voltage breaker interfaced to the
simulator SW model. This chapter gives an operational description of the equipment

Real Breaker DG 1

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 7

Kongsberg Maritime

3.1 Take the breaker out of Service

1. Disconnect DG in remote from PMS or locally on HVSWB from Main BUS. (Open
Breaker, confirm green light on cabinet)
2. Set DG breaker to LOCAL.

Breaker Control
3. Stop and activate Emergency Stop for DG. (LOCAL Control in Engine room)
4. Push the Rack in/out Button.

Rack in/out Button

5. Use the small crank handle in the Breakers Crank Handle Key Hole and crank anti
clockwise 20 turns until stop. Confirm that isolate symbol on Simulator is shown.

Isolate Symbol on Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic

6. Earth down the Bus between generator and breaker by using the big crank handle.
Crank clockwise until stop. (The yellow mark indicates position.) Confirm that
Earth down symbol on Simulator is shown. Breaker is now fully disconnected from
bus and the breakers “Trapped Key” is released.

“Crank Handle Key Hole” used for Earth Down

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 8

Kongsberg Maritime

Earth down Symbol Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic

7. Open Locker.

Locker Opened.
8. Place the trolley in front of the cabinet.
9. Disconnect the breakers power supply

Power Supply

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 9

Kongsberg Maritime

10. Pull the two grip handles towards center of breaker and slide the breaker out to the

Grip Handles

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 10

Kongsberg Maritime

3.2 Put breaker back in service:

1. Enter breaker to position; Pull the two grip handles towards center of breaker and
slide breaker in to the cabinet.

Grip Handles
2. Remove the trolley and connect the breakers power supply.

Power Supply
3. Close Locker. And confirm that the Key is in located in the breakers key hole at
Simulator Hi Voltage Mimic.

Green Key on Simulator Hi Voltage Mimic. (Ready to disconnect earth)

4. Disconnect Earth the Bus between generator and breaker by using the big crank
handle, crank anti-clockwise until stop. (Look at the yellow mark.) Confirm that
isolate symbol on Simulator is shown

“Crank Handle Key Hole” used for Earth Down

Isolate Symbol on Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 11

Kongsberg Maritime

5. Pull small black handle and cower the “Key Hole” for the big crank handle.
6. Push the Rack in/out Button.

Rack in/out Button

7. Use the small crank handle and crank clockwise 20 turns until stop. Confirm that in
Sevice symbol on Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic is shown.

In Service Symbol on Simulator Hi-Voltage Mimic

8. Set Breaker back to Remote.

Breaker Control

HI-VOLTAGE System Diesel Electric ERS K-Sim Engine Room Simulator 12

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