Forms of EM Waves

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Lesson 1: Forms of EM Waves a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic

Thomas Young
Radio waves – photons with lowest energy.
- His double-slit interference experiment
provided the first experimental evidence for a Gamma rays – photons having the most energy.
wave theory of light. - EM waves have frequencies measured in cycles
- The double-slit experiment clearly demonstrate per second or hertz (Hz)
the ways in which the particles interfere with
each other as the electrons pass through the
slits and spread out in waves
 Dots
 Severation
 Slits
 Spread out

Electrons pass through the slit.

Isaac Newton – study of light.

- These oscillations may occur at very low
James Clerk Maxwell frequency or at an extremely high frequency.
- He provided a convincing wave description of Electromagnetic Spectrum
light and of other forms of electromagnetic
radiation - The entire range of frequencies.
- An EM wave is an electrical and magnetic - Frequency in a scheme.
disturbance that moves through space at the - It extends from the longest wavelengths of
speed of light. radio waves up to the highest frequencies of
- Father of Theory of Electromagnetism gamma rays.
- This arrangement strengthen the inverse
Speed of vacuum: (3x108 m/s) relationships between frequency and
Electromagnetic Waves wavelength, wavelength and energy, and direct
relationship between frequency and energy.
- The waves differ from each other in their
frequency and wavelength. Each type of wave occupies a particular range of
- The waves are similar in that they all move at wavelengths known as band.
the speed of light and consist of moving electric TYPES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM
and magnetic fields.
- This shows an EM wave as an electrical and 1. Radio waves
magnetic disturbance that moves through 2. Microwaves
space at the speed of light. 3. Infrared
- The oscillating electric and magnetic fields are 4. Visible Light
perpendicular to the direction in which the 5. Ultraviolet Light
waves move. 6. X-rays
- This makes EM waves transverse waves. 7. Gamma rays
- Also known as electromagnetic radiation, EM
Same characteristic: Not requiring any medium to
arranged in an electromagnetic spectrum
propagate the energy. The waves differ in the way they
based on their:
are produced and interact with matter and from each
 Frequency (f)
other in their frequency and wavelength.
 Wavelength (λ)
 photon energy (E) – bundle of energy.
Frequency 3. and far infrared, with wavelengths 50 to
1,000 micrometers.
- It is the number of complete vibrations per
second of the field at a point along the path of Sir William Herschel in 1800 discovered the existence
the passing wave.. of infared by passing sulight through prism.
- The number of waves.

Visible Light
- Depends on its frequency and speed.
- It has frequencies of about 4 × 1014 to 8 ×
- In vacuum, the wavelength of all EM waves is
1014 cycles per second, or hertz (Hz) and
given by the mathematical relationship λ=c/f
wavelengths of about 740 nanometers (nm) or
- From the Wave Speed Equation c= λf
2.9 × 10−5 inches, to 380 nm (1.5 ×
Where the wave speed, c, equals 3.0 x 108 m/s
10−5 inches).

Radio Wave Ultraviolet

- Lower frequencies than microwave - In Physics, ultraviolet radiation is traditionally
- Longest wavelength divided into four regions:
- Waves that can be longer than a football firld  near (400–300 nm),
or as short as a football.  middle (300–200 nm),
FM – around NCR; you can’t hear  far (200–100 nm),
 and extreme (below 100 nm).
- Poor in localities
Non-ionizing radiation – Refers to any type of EM
AM – mas malayo ang naririnig and nadedetect radiation that does not carry enough energy per
quantum to ionize atoms or molecules- that is to
- Loud and clear
completely remove an electron from an atom or

Based on the interaction of wavelengths of

ultraviolet radiation with biological materials, three
divisions have been designated:
- The microwave region extends from 1,000 to
 UVA (400–315 nm), also called black light;
300,000 MHz (or 30 cm to 1 mm wavelength)
 UVB (315–280 nm), responsible for the
radiation’s best-known effects on
organisms; (sunburn)
 and UVC (280–100 nm), which does not
- Invisible to the eye, it can be detected as a reach Earth’s surface. (does not reach earth
sensation of warmth on the skin. and most dangerous)
- The infrared range is usually divided into three
1. near infrared (nearest the visible - Electromagnetic radiation of extremely
spectrum), with wavelengths 0.78 to about short wavelength and high frequency, with
2.5 micrometers (a micrometer, or micron, wavelengths ranging from about 10−8 to
is 10-6 meter); 10−12 metre and corresponding frequencies
2. middle infrared, with wavelengths 2.5 to from about 1016 to 1020 hertz (Hz).
about 50 micrometers;
WAVE SPEED EQUATION Combining this information with the equation for speed

Wave - Is produced when a vibrating source

(speed = distance/time),
periodically disturbs the first particle of a medium. This
it can be said that the speed of a wave is also the
creates a wave pattern that begins to travel along the
medium from particle to particle.
Properties of Wave

Amplitude – Wave is an energy transport phenomenon.

Amplitude is the height of the wave, usually measured
in meters. It is directly related to the amount of energy
carried by a wave.
Wavelength – The distance between identical points in
the adjacent cycles of crests of a wave is called a
wavelength. It is also measured in meters.
Period – The period of a wave is the time for a particle
on a medium to make one complete vibrational cycle.
As the period is time, hence is measured in units of
time such as seconds or minutes.
Frequency – Frequency of a wave is the number of
waves passing a point in a certain time. The unit of
frequency is hertz (Hz) which is equal to one wave per

The diagrams at the right show several

"snapshots" of the production of a
wave within a rope. The motion of the
disturbance along the medium after
every one-fourth of a period is

Observe that in the time it takes from

the first to the last snapshot, the hand has made one
complete back-and-forth motion. A period has elapsed.

Observe that during this same amount of time, the

leading edge of the disturbance has moved a distance
equal to one complete wavelength. So in a time of one
period, the wave has moved a distance of one

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