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The science of identification by means of pores. It is an important branch of

the science of fingerprinting and it is based on a specialized study on pore structure
found on the epidermal ridges of the skin as a means of identification.

Mouth of the sweat gland ducts located on the summits of the ridges
arranged in a longitudinal row. When one observed closely the surface of the ridge
on the fingers and palm with the use of a magnifying lens. We will notice the tiny
globules of sweat that come out from this opening. The sweating is continuous and
is send to be a psychological process. The amount of sweat is dependent on the
activities of the sweat glands. When a person committing a crime is under an
emotional stress. The amount of sweat increases and this result often in blurred
development of identification has slowly slipped into oblivion.

Other advantages:
1. Poorly inked impression due to improper pressure or improper inking.
2. Lack of adequate visual support to examine poor structure.
3. Location of the pores to be compared.
4. The low percentage of fingerprints displaying pore structure when developed
or inked.
5. The degree of study required to guide expertise in poroscopy.
6. The time required to make a comparison and an identification.
Some remedy to attain better pore identification is that certain details should
be given attention. “Fill-in” is still a problem even with the use of modern powder.
Careful brushing can improve result. Careful cleaning of the fingerprint after
photography can improve the clarity of the pore structure, if the pores were there
in the first place. It has been observed that one of the simplest ways to improve
result is proper powder are by ensuring no powder moisture contaminates the
powder container as the cause of globing effect of the powder on latent
fingerprints. Demonstration and practice on correct pressure when fingerprinting
will also be an asset.
In 1912, Dr. Edmund Locard of Lyons, France examined pores in details and
published as proper as a result of his studies. According to Locard, the sweat pores
vary in the following:
1. Size- the size of the pores varies without system and several sizes of pore
maybe found along the same ridge.
2. Shape- Dr. Locard found that the pores are elliptical, oval, square, rhomboid
or triangle.
3. Position on Ridge- this is the most valuable feature of the pore structure
and is the most conspicuous. The pore usually lies in a single row along the
mid-section or crest of the ridge.
4. Number of Frequency- this feature characteristics of entire print or of all the
prints of an individual and may be calculated in two wyas:
a. David R. Ashbough (1993)- states that the number ranged from 1611
pores on smaller fingers to 2658 on the larger thumbprint.
b. According to Robert D. Olsen Sr. (1978) papillary skin contains an
average of 2700 pores per square inch


In 1963, fingerprint scientist Salil Kumar Chatterjee of Calcutta, India devised a

system founded on the unique configuration of the papillary ridges, as a result of his study,
he published the edge of the ridge of the various shape found there.
Professor Harris Wilder, an American scientist established the appearance of the
ridge and first emerge in the fetus as bumps with a pore appearing randomly somewhere
on its structure.
Chaterjee discovered that some characteristics were repeated in their basic
1. Straight = the edge is straight
2. Concave = the edge is concave, generally joining two other edge characteristics.
3. Convex = the edge is convex
4. Table = the edge is protruding with a narrow base on a broad flat top
5. Peak = the edge is protruding with a broad base and a pointed top
6. Pocket = the edge looks like a pocket with a sweat pore having one side open
7. Angle = the edge is an angle joining two other edge characteristics.
8. Any characteristics other than those mentioned = the edge characteristics can be
found on either side of the ridge.
Purpose of Edgeoscopy
Is to prove identity by using small segments of papillary skin lacking ridge detail
for comparative examination and identification. By combining the three related
science, poroscopy, edgeoscopy, ridge characteristics for the purpose of positive
identification of fingerprints would give us new term Ridgeology.

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