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Personal Details

Full Name Andy Wijaya

Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Place & Date of Birth Blitar, July 17th 1981
Nationality and Citizenship Indonesian
Languages Spoken and WrittenIndonesian (mother tongue), English
Home Address Perumahan Griya Pondok Rajeg
Blok D 4 No:5
Cibinong, Bogor ( 16961 )
Phone: 085216261318
University Address Universitas Gunadarma / University of Gunadarma
Jl. Akses Kelapa Dua , Cimanggis, Indonesia
Phone: (021) 8719525 / (021) 8727541

Educational History

Undergraduate Program University of Gunadarma, 2000-2004

Major: Accounting
GPA 3.02 out of 4.00
Senior High School SMA Mardi Yuana, 1997-2000
Major : Social
Junior High School SMP Eka Wijaya, 1994-1997
Elementary School SD Abadi Jaya IV, 1987-1994
Additional Education

March 2002 English course at LIA, General English

(Basic Levels)
March 2003 English course at LIA, General English
(Intermediate Level)

Seminars and Training

September 16th, 2002 Workshop at University of Gunadarma the course in

“Securities Fundamental Analysis”
August 15th, 2003 Paper title: Analysis Laporan Keuangan Pada PT. Hero
Supermarket TBK.
July 19h, 2004 Course at University of Gunadarma the course in “ Introduction
Brevet A “
November , 2007 Brevet A & B at STAN ( Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara ).

Experiences :
( Insurance Broker )
Position : Finance Staff.
Period : January 2005 – November 2005
Job duties :
1. Collect all outstanding Invoice to Customer.
2. Make Credit Receive ( Make voucher receipt ).
3. Check Payment from customer.
4. Analyze the outstanding invoice.
5. Make Reminder letter to all customer.
( Forwarding Company )
Position : Accounting and Finance Staff.
Period : Desember 2005 – Desember 2009
Job duties :
1. Checking Balance Statement ( Bank ) and ensure proper position.
2. Oversee daily operations of A/R and Collection.
3. Monitor and analyze monthly A/R and Collection.
4. Manage payments & operational cashflow. ( based on invoice ).
5. Perform input accounting journal ( Cash/Bank/AR/AP,etc ).
6. Verifying cash and bank voucher.
7. Bank and Cash Reconciliation.
8. Make Tax Report VAT and Withholding art 23 report for tax Department.
9. Make Monthly Depreciation.
10. Prepare Monthly Financial Reports, such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement .


( Properties Developer )
Position : Accounting Staff.
Period : January 2010 – July 2010
Job duties :
1. Perform input accounting journal into the system ( IFCA ).
2. Bank and Cash Reconciliation.
3. Make Voucher Payment.
4. Make General Ledger.
4. Company : PT.Duta Sugar International .
Position : Accounting Staff.
Period : Agustus 2010 – Agustus 2011
Job duties :
1. Make Cost Of Goods Sold.
2. Make Delivery Order / Controlling Purchase Order.
3. Make Voucher Payment.
4. Account Receivable and Account Payable Reconciliation.
5. Bank Reconciliation.
5. Company : PT.Meskom Agro Sarimas / PT.Inhill sarimas kelapa
Position : Supervisor Accounting.
Period : Agustus 2011 – January 2014
Job duties :
1. Make Cost Of Goods Sold.
2. Make Financial Report such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement,Statement of
Changes in Equity.
3. Bank Reconciliation.
4. Make Monthly Depreciation


Position : Supervisor Accounting and Tax.
Period : February 2014 – January 2015
Job duties :
1. Make Cost Of Goods Sold.
2. Make Financial Report such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement,Statement of Changes
in Equity.
3. Bank Reconciliation.
4. Make Monthly Depreciation
5. Counting and reporting PPN, 4 ayat 2,23


Position : Supervisor Accounting and Tax.
Period : January 2015 – Jun 2019
Job duties :

1. Make Financial Report such as Balance Sheet, Income Statement,COGS.

2. Helping Make Fiscal reporting ( SPT Masa & SPT Tahunan VAT & WHT article 4(2),
23,26,15 including Make Ekualisasi.
3. Ensure accurate , efficient, effective and timely tax compliance ( Art 4 verse 2,
23,23,VAT,21,15 ).
4. Control and Reconcile all Transaction in Accounting General Ledger.
5. Controlling Budgetting.
6. Update Tax Regulation and Meet with A/R for discuss any problem.
7. Checking all General ledger is correct.
8. Make With Holding Income Tax art 23, Income Tax art 4 verse 2, 15. ( Base on
Promotion Reimbursement and others transaction).


Position : Manager Accounting / Finance and Tax.
Period : July 2019 – Present
Job duties :
1. Financial report (Balance sheet, Profit & Loss, Income Statement) ( use SAP-B
one )

2. Calculation COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)

3. Review General Ledger accounts to ensure that all financial transactions meets
the statutory and reporting requirements.

4. Manage the operational accounting activities including A/P, A/R, Cash/Bank,

GL, Fixed Assets, Inventory. ( Ensure financial Condition. )

5. Ensure that all statutory and tax reporting are completed accurately and reported
in a timely manner.

6. Ensure SPT Masa VAT & WHT article 4(2), 23,26,15 including Make

7. Control and Reconcile Aging Account Receivable.

8. Make Forecast monthly and Yearly

9. Make Cast Flow Weekly

10. Control and Reconcile Aging Account Receivable.

11. Responsible to external audit (Audit for TAX, FINANCIAL )

12. Analyze financial statements to provide an overview of operating performance.

13. Making SPT Badan Company and Review with Tax Consultan.

14. Payroll.

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