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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

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A review on the combination of deep learning techniques with proximal

hyperspectral images in agriculture
Jayme Garcia Arnal Barbedo
Embrapa Digital Agriculture, Campinas, SP, Brazil


Keywords: Hyperspectral images can capture the spectral characteristics of surfaces and objects, providing a 2-D spacial
Electromagnetic spectrum component to the spectral profiles found in a given scene. There are several techniques that can be used to
Machine learning extract information from hyperspectral images, with deep learning becoming the preferred choice in the last
Convolutional neural network
decade due to its ability to implicitly extract features from images. The combination of hyperspectral images
with deep learning has been extensively explored in the context of remote sensing (data collected by drones
and satellites), which has generated an extensive literature that has been thoroughly analyzed in a series of
reviews and surveys. The application of deep learning to proximal hyperspectral images is more recent, but
there are already many articles dedicated to this objective, especially in the areas of agriculture and food
science. Although significant progress has been made in just a few years, there are still many aspects that are
not well understood and many problems that have not yet been overcome. This review aims at characterizing
the current state of the art of deep learning applied to hyperspectral images captured at close range, focusing
on the main challenges and research gaps that still need to be properly addressed. Some possible solutions
and potential directions for future research are suggested, as an effort to bring the techniques developed in
the academy closer to meeting the requirements found in practice. Only applications related to vegetable
production and products were considered in this review, because applications related to animal farming and
products of animal origin have their own particularities and the literature on the subject is not as extensive.

1. Introduction Hyperspectral imaging systems extend the capabilities of spectrom-

eters by capturing the spectral profiles of whole areas instead of single
The automation of processes in agriculture is a long-sought goal. points. This makes it possible to analyze surfaces or objects of interest
Currently, the decision-making process in farms is heavily reliant on as a whole, thus providing a more complete characterization about the
human observations and inputs. While human experience and intuition absorption and reflection bands associated to those objects and condi-
are very valuable when decisions have to be made, the data and tions to which they are subjected at that particular moment. Remote
information that support those decisions should be as objective as sensing applications employing hyperspectral images (HSI) captured
possible. This is particularly true in the case of visual inspections, by satellites and drones have been particularly successful, spawning
because as remarkable as the human sight is, it is also prone to optical a large number of methods that can effectively extract the wealth of
and psychological phenomena that can skew perception and, as a result, information contained in those images (Lu et al., 2020). This is in large
produce unreliable observations (Bock et al., 2010; Barbedo, 2018; part due to the availability of datasets such as Indian Pines, Salinas and
Pandey et al., 2021). This has motivated the search for image-based University of Pavia datasets (Makantasis et al., 2015), which have been
techniques for automation of agriculture processes (Xiao et al., 2022). widely used in remote sensing (Paoletti et al., 2019).
As imaging technologies evolved and techniques for image processing Proximal hyperspectral images, which are captured in close prox-
and analysis became more successful, the number of studies dedicated imity to the objects of interest, are particularly useful for applications
to the subject grew sharply (Bock et al., 2020). While most studies related to agriculture and food science (Lu et al., 2020). As in the
employ conventional RGB (red–green–blue) images, more sophisticated case of remote sensing, research activity on this subject has been
sensors are being increasingly used, among which hyperspectral imag- steadily growing, but at a slower pace (Wendel et al., 2018). The most
ing systems have been particularly successful (Nguyen et al., 2021). likely reason for this is the lack of datasets available for research,
Fig. 1 illustrates the difference between RGB and hyperspectral images which means that any new research will require the collection of data
in terms of their typical electromagnetic spectrum.

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Received 19 December 2022; Received in revised form 14 April 2023; Accepted 7 May 2023
Available online 16 May 2023
0168-1699/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Fig. 1. Electromagnetic spectrum range of RGB and hyperspectral images (Bock et al., 2020). RGB images encode the visible range into 3 color channels, while hyperspectral
images can have several hundred wavebands.

suitable for its specific objectives. It is worth pointing out that the issues that are relevant to this field of research as a whole. Further
range of applications for hyperspectral images in agriculture is rather information about aspects of hyperspectral imaging in agriculture that
extensive, so even if there were some datasets available, they would are only briefly addressed in this article can be found in other reviews
likely only cover a small part of the data needs. The main challenge (Table 1).
with collecting new hyperspectral images is probably the relatively high
cost of the equipment. However, as the technology evolves and prices 2. Definitions and acronyms
fall, hyperspectral imaging systems tend to become more accessible.
This is a major reason for the growing number of articles observed in Some terms deemed of particular importance in the context of this
the last few years (Brugger et al., 2021). work are defined in this section. Most of the definitions are adapted
Another reason for the proliferation of new methods exploring hy- from Bock et al. (2022) and Barbedo (2022b). A list of acronyms used
perspectral images is the evolution of techniques to extract information in this article with the respective meanings is given in Table 2.
from the raw data. While some success has been achieved by methods Artificial intelligence: a computational data-driven approach capa-
employing empirical approaches (Barbedo et al., 2015, 2017) and con- ble of performing tasks that normally require human intelligence to
ventional machine learning (Ang and Seng, 2021), deep learning mod- independently detect, track, or classify fish.
Convolutional neural network: the most common class of deep neural
els have quickly become prevalent (Wang et al., 2021). The inception of
networks used in deep learning; this type of architecture is often a
deep learning techniques in the early 2010 decade has had a profound
regularized version of multilayer perceptrons, thus being more robust
effect on the way digital images are analyzed (Barbedo, 2022a). This
to overfitting.
type of technique can recognize patterns and capture spatial relation-
Cross-validation: a technique often used to assess the generalization
ships without the need for handcrafted features. Deep learning has been
capability of a model. In k-fold cross-validation, a given dataset is
remarkably successful in classification, object recognition and semantic
divided into k subsets, from which one is retained for testing and the
segmentation tasks using the information contained in RGB images. In
remainder k-1 subsets are used for training. The process is repeated k
the case of hyperspectral images, usually there are hundreds of spectral
times (folds), always using a different subset for testing.
bands, instead of the three color channels found in RGB images (Bock
Deep learning : a special case of machine learning that utilizes ar-
et al., 2020). Exploring the wealth of information contained in such
tificial neural networks with many layers of processing to implicitly
a detailed spectral characterization is not as straightforward, usually
extract features from the data and recognize patterns of interest. Deep
requiring either new types of network architectures (Yang, 2022) or learning is appropriate for large datasets with complex features and
the inclusion of processing steps that are not found in the case of RGB where there are unknown relationships within the data.
images. Feature: measurement of a specific property of a data sample. It can
Despite the growing number of studies investigating the use of be a color, texture, shape, reflectance intensity, index values, or spatial
hyperspectral images to deal with problems relevant to agriculture, information.
there are still many challenges without a suitable solution and research Hyperspectral imaging : the process of using a spectral imaging sensor
gaps to be addressed (Rangarajan et al., 2022). This is particularly to collect and process reflectance information from the electromagnetic
true in the case of deep learning, because this type of technique, spectrum to obtain a spectral signature of each pixel in the image of
although powerful, has many subtleties and particularities that, if not the object of interest. Hyperspectral imaging typically assesses several
properly addressed, may lead to sub-optimal models and unreliable hundred narrow wavebands extending beyond the visible spectrum.
results. In this context, the objectives of this review are threefold: (1) Image augmentation: process of applying different image processing
characterize the current state of the art, with emphasis on the main techniques to alter existing images in order to create more data for
challenges reported in the literature; (2) identify major research gaps training the model.
and methodological flaws that can potentially prevent the proposed Imaging : use of sensors capable of capturing images in a certain
methods to be applied under real conditions; (3) propose some solutions range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Imaging sensors include RGB
and directions for future research. It is important to emphasize that (red–green–blue), multispectral, hyperspectral and thermal images.
the objective is not to provide technical details about every work Machine learning : application of artificial intelligence (AI) algo-
mentioned in the article, but to identify general trends and common rithms that underpin the ability to learn characteristics of fish via

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 1
Review and survey articles dealing with hyperspectral imaging in agriculture.
Reference Theme
Ang and Seng (2021) Machine learning applied to HSI in agriculture
Golhani et al. (2018) Neural networks and HSI for plant disease recognition
Khan et al. (2022) Machine and deep learning with HSI for agriculture applications
Lowe et al. (2017) Detection and classification of plant stresses using HSI
Lu et al. (2020) Applications of HSI in agriculture
Mishra et al. (2020) HSI for plant phenotyping
Sarić et al. (2022) Applications of HSI in plant phenotyping
Sethy et al. (2022) HSI applications for precision agriculture
Su (2020) Machine Learning and digital images for crop/weed discrimination
Thomas et al. (2018) HSI for plant disease detection
Wan et al. (2022) Hyperspectral Sensing of Plant Diseases
Wang et al. (2021) Deep learning with HSI for agriculture applications
Wang et al. (2022) Deep learning in multiscale agricultural sensing
Wieme et al. (2022) HSI and artificial intelligence for quality assessment of fruit

Table 2
Acronyms used in this review.
Acronym Meaning Acronym Meaning
AI Artificial Intelligence RBF Radial Basis Function
CAE Convolutional Autoencoder RCNN Recursive CNN
CNN Convolutional Neural Networks RF Random Forest
DBN Deep Belief Network SACNN Symmetric All CNN
DNN Deep Neural Network SAE Stacked Autoencoder
GAN Generative Adversarial Net SAN Self-Attention Networks
LSSVM Least Squares SVM SCNN Shallow CNN
LSTM Long Short Term Memory SSAE Stacked Sparse Autoencoder
NN Neural Network SSD Single Shot Detector
PCA Principal Component Analysis SVM Support Vector Machine
PCNN Point-Centered CNN TCN Temporal Convolutional Network
PLS Partial Least Squares WT Wavelet Transform

extraction of features from a large dataset. Machine learning models are 3. Literature review
often based on knowledge obtained from annotated training data. Once
the model is developed, it can be used to predict the desired output on The search for articles was carried out in November 2022 on Scopus
test data or unknown images. and Google Scholar, as both encompass virtually all relevant bibli-
Mathematical morphology: this type of technique, usually applied to ographic databases. Two sets of terms were used. The first, more
binary images, can simplify image data, eliminating irrelevant struc- specific, employed the terms ‘‘hyperspectral’’, ‘‘deep learning’’ and
tures while retaining the basic shapes of the objects. All morphological ‘‘agriculture’’. In order to check for articles that were missed in the first
search, a second more general set of terms (‘‘hyperspectral’’, ‘‘image’’
operations are based on two basic operators, dilation and erosion.
and ‘‘deep learning’’) was also employed. Lastly, the reference lists of a
Model: a representation of what a machine learning program has
few selected review articles were also peered. Only articles published in
learned from the data.
peer-reviewed journals were retained. A single highly relevant confer-
Overfitting : when a model closely predicts the training data but fails
ence article was included. Studies dealing with industrialized food and
to fit testing data. with products of animal origin were removed as those possess specific
Proximal sensing : optical information obtained at relatively close characteristics that would broaden too much the scope of this review.
distances. The selected articles were divided into nine groups according to
Reflectance: the proportion of the incident light in the electromag- their main application. Since there is no standardized classification, this
netic spectrum reflected by an object per wave band. division is rather arbitrary, and some groups are related. For example,
Remote sensing : optical information of an object obtained in the the detection of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) in kernels falls into the
field or landscape, in a noninvasive manner, without contact with the stress detection/quantification group, but the presence of this disease
sampling units using a sensor. is also associated with the presence of toxins and with degraded product
Segmentation: the process of partitioning a digital image containing quality. The group division adopted in this work had as main objective
the objects of interest (fish) into multiple segments of similarity or to provide a quick way to visualize the current research trends and
classes (based on sets of pixels with common characteristics of hue, should not be taken as definitive. Although there are many different
saturation, and intensity) either automatically or manually. In the latter applications for hyperspectral images and deep learning in agriculture,
case, the human-powered task is also called image annotation in the four are clearly the most explored: stress detection and quantification
context of training AI algorithms. When performed at the pixel level, (30 articles), product quality (28), distinction between product varieties
the process is referred to as semantic segmentation. (21), and detection/quantification of impurities and contaminants (18).
This section is organized into two subsections. The first subsection
Semi-supervised learning : a combination of supervised and unsuper-
addresses characteristics and challenges that are intrinsic to each type
vised learning in which a small portion of the data is used for a first
of application. The second subsection is dedicated to aspects that are
supervised training, and the remainder of the process is carried out with
intrinsic to the use of hyperspectral images and deep learning, being
unlabeled data.
common to all applications.
Supervised learning : a machine learning model, based on a known la-
beled training dataset that is able to predict a class label (classification) 3.1. Characteristics and challenges intrinsic to each type of application
or numeric value (regression) for new unknown data.
Unsupervised learning : machine learning that finds patterns in unla- This section contains several tables revealing some technical details
beled data. about the articles considered in this article. In order to keep the tables

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 3
Articles dealing with stress detection and quantification.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Brugger et al. (2021) SAN (1D) Disease detection in barley leaves (B) 0.89–0.911 262–500
Chu et al. (2022) SCNN-ATT (1D) Identification of herbicide stress (M) 0.80–0.961 400–1000
Cui et al. (2022a) CNN (1D,3D) Early detection of apple valsa canker (B) 0.981,2 400–1000
Fazari et al. (2021) CNN (3D) Detection of anthracnose in olives (B) 0.92–0.951,2 450–1050
Feng et al. (2020) CNN (3D) Salt-stress phenotyping (Q) 0.59–0.943,4 380–1030
Gao et al. (2021) CNN (3D) Heat stress detection (B) 0.94–0.971,2 600–1700
Gui et al. (2021) CNN-SVM (1D) Severity estimation of soybean mosaic disease (M) 0.941 383.7–1032.7
Jin et al. (2018) DCRNN (1D) Fusarium Head Blight detection in wheat∗ (B) 0.751,2 400–1000
Liang et al. (2021) DNN (1D) Detection and classification of rice leaf folder (B) 0.981 380–1030
Nagasubramanian et al. (2019) CNN (3D) Plant disease identification (B) 0.87–0.961,2 400–1000
Nguyen et al. (2021) CNN (2D,3D) Disease detection in grapevines∗ (B) 0.71–0.971 400–1000
Pandey et al. (2021) Faster RCNN, DeepLabv3+ (1D) Detection of fusiform rust disease in pine (B) 0.62–0.831 400–1000
Park et al. (2018) CNN + FCN (3D) Disease severity in apple leaves (M) 0.851 356–1018
Polder et al. (2019) FCN (3D) Virus Y detection in potatoes∗ (B) 0.78–0.885,6 400–1000
Qi et al. (2021) CNN (2D,3D) Detection of potato late blight∗ (M) 0.791 N/A
Rangarajan et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Detection of FHB in wheat kernels (B) 1.001,2 400–750
Rehman et al. (2020) 1D CNN (1D) Relative water content of maize plants (Q) 0.877 370–1030
Wang et al. (2019) GAN (1D) Early detection of tomato spotted wilt virus (B) 0.961 400–1000
Weng et al. (2021) Residual attention CNN (3D) Detection of FHB in wheat kernels (B) 0.981 374–1030
Xiao et al. (2022) CNN (3D) Pest identification (B) 0.991 400–1000
Yang et al. (2019) CNN (1D) Estimation of plant cold damage levels (Q) 0.824 450–885
Yang (2022) CNN (3D) Disorder recognition in plant leaves (M) 0.952 400–1000
Yipeng et al. (2022) Self-search deep net (3D) Detection of FHB in wheat kernels (M) 0.981 374-1030
Zhang et al. (2020b) Deep forests (1D) Identification of frost-damaged rice seeds (B) 0.995,6 866.4-1701.0
Zhang et al. (2020e) CNN (1D) Identification of blight resistant rice seeds (M) 0.912 975.0–1645.8
Zhang et al. (2020a) CNN (3D) Detection of FHB in wheat kernels (Q) 0.977 400–1000
Zhang et al. (2021b) CNN (1D) Detection of freezing damage in corn seeds (M) 0.97-1.001 400-1000
Zhang et al. (2022b) CNN (1D) Identification of blight resistant rice seeds (B,M) 0.89–0.921 413–1016
Zhao et al. (2021) Inception-v3, VGG-16 (1D) Detection of cotton waterlogging stress (M) 0.971 450–950
Zhu et al. (2022a) CNN (3D) Nitrogen stress quantification in rice (M) 0.991 400–1000

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the asterisks indicate that the images were collected in the field (all others were collected in controlled environments), while the
letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column, the specific metrics
adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’ is the F1-score; ‘‘3’’ is the Intersection over
union (IoU); ‘‘4’’ is the Correlation coefficient (r); ‘‘5’’ is the Precision; ‘‘6’’ is the Recall; ‘‘7’’ is the Coefficient of determination (r2 ).

concise, some information is presented in an abbreviated manner, as uncontrolled conditions (especially varying illumination and angle of
detailed in the captions. All values in the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column were insolation), and also because fixed setups have a longer history of
obtained on the test sets, and not on the validation or training sets. success (Sethy et al., 2022). However, the technology of portable
hyperspectral cameras is evolving fast, so it is reasonable to expect
3.1.1. Stress detection and quantification more research employing this type of equipment in the near future.
Stress detection and quantification are very important to support Most research on stress detection focus on discriminating between
decisions and farm management. Thus, it is no surprise that this is healthy samples and those affected with the stress of interest. Under
among the most common applications for hyperspectral images in agri- a controlled experimental setup, it is possible to guarantee that the
culture. Both biotic (e.g. diseases and pests) and abiotic (e.g. drought samples will never be affected by other factors, but under real condi-
and herbicides) stresses are commonly tackled (Table 3). Hyperspectral tions different stresses (diseases, pests, drought, nutrition problem, etc.)
images are particularly useful for assessing specific changes in plant may be present, sometimes simultaneously. Discriminating between
reflectance patterns, which can be associated with physiological pro- different stresses based on their spectral profiles is difficult, not only
cesses (Brugger et al., 2021). More importantly, hyperspectral images because it is challenging to design and carry out experiments dedicated
have the potential to enable stress detection before they produce visible to this objective, but also because most stresses tend to manifest more
symptoms (Chu et al., 2022; Fazari et al., 2021; Liang et al., 2021; strongly in the water absorption bands (especially 1450 nm) (Barbedo
Nguyen et al., 2021). Technologies offering accurate early stress de- et al., 2017). As a result, unless there is some ancillary data to help nar-
tection can arguably be the most impactful in agriculture, as they can row down the possible answers (e.g. meteorological data and weather
avoid losses, reduce the use of chemicals and increase yield (Liang reports), it is unlikely that hyperspectral images can be used to discrim-
et al., 2021). Hyperspectral images can also be a suitable replacement inate between stresses. It is worth pointing out, however, that even a
for expensive and time consuming laboratorial analysis (Gui et al., simple warning indicating that something is wrong can by itself be very
2021; Wang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021a; Zhu et al., 2022a), being useful, but the goal of specifying the problem will likely continue to be
particularly useful for timely detection of diseases and contaminants pursued in the future.
in seeds (Wang et al., 2021). High-throughput phenotyping for quick The automatic detection of stresses is highly dependent on their
assessment of stress resistance across several samples is another com- severity. When severity is high, even crude methods are able to detect
mon application for hyperspectral images (Pandey et al., 2021; Rehman the problem. On the other hand, when the stress onset is recent,
et al., 2020; Yang, 2022; Zhang et al., 2022b). signs and symptoms (visible or not) tend to be slight and difficult to
The detection of stress-related damage in products (especially detect. Since stress detection should ideally occur as early as possible,
grains) after harvest is usually done under controlled conditions us- determining the sensitivity of the models (and equipment) and the
ing fixed equipment with dedicated illumination. Early detection of earliest moment in which the stress can be detected is essential to assess
stresses, particularly diseases, is more useful in the field, but most the potential impact of the technology being developed. Although most
research on the subject is still carried out under laboratory conditions, studies investigate and report results on the matter (Brugger et al.,
with only a few exceptions (Nguyen et al., 2021; Polder et al., 2019; 2021; Chu et al., 2022; Fazari et al., 2021; Gui et al., 2021; Liang et al.,
Qi et al., 2021). This is probably due to the difficulties caused by 2021; Nguyen et al., 2021; Pandey et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2019),

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 4
Articles dealing with product quality.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Chen et al. (2021a) RBF-PLS (1D) Determination of pomelo fruit quality (Q) 0.90–0.924 1000–2500
Chen et al. (2022a) CNN (2D,3D) Defect detection of green coffee beans (M) 0.981 660–980
Chen et al. (2022b) CNN (1D) Sugar content in apples (Q) N/A 400–1700
Feng et al. (2019) CNN (1D) Bruises on detection on winter jujube (B) 0.90–1.001 380–1030
Gomes et al. (2021) CNN (1D) Prediction of sugar and pH levels in grapes (Q) 0.66–0.957 N/A
Han et al. (2021) CNN (3D) Quality estimation of nuts (M) 0.90–0.961 388.9–1005.3
He et al. (2021b) CNN (1D) Estimation of micro-components in flowers (Q) 0.60–0.937 874–1734
Jie et al. (2020) CNN (1D) Determination of granulation in citrus (B) 0.851 400–1000
Li et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Prediction of soluble solid content in jujubes (Q) 0.867 1000–2500
Liu et al. (2022b) Autoencoder (1D) Anomaly detection in strawberries (M) 0.76–0.912,8 885–1733
Mesa and Chiang (2021) CNN (3D) Banana quality grading (B,M) 0.981 1000–2500
Ni et al. (2020) SAE (1D) Mulch film sorting on cotton (M) 0.951 1000–2500
Pang et al. (2022) YOLOv3 (3D) Bruise detection on apples (B) 1.002 930–2548
Raghavendra et al. (2022) CNN (3D) Banana quality grading (M) 0.991 1000–2500
Su et al. (2021) CNN (1D,3D) Quality evaluation of strawberries (M,Q) 0.55–0.841,7 380–1030
Wang et al. (2018) CNN (3D) Detection of internal damage in blueberries (B) 0.882 328.8–1113.5
Xiang et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Estimation of soluble solids content and firmness of tomatoes (Q) 0.977 400–1000
Xu et al. (2022) SAE-PLS, LSSVM (1D) Prediction of firmness and pH in grapes (Q) 0.90–0.927 400.7–1001.6
Yan et al. (2021) DNN (3D) Phenolic-level prediction of barley malt (M) 0.991 950–1760
Yang et al. (2020b) SAE-RF (1D) Estimation of soluble solid content in peach (Q) 0.927 908.1–1735.6
Zhang et al. (2020d) CNN (1D) Chemical composition of black goji berries (Q) 0.84–0.902 874–1734
Zhang et al. (2020c) Deep forests (1D) Identification of sprouted wheat kernels (B) 0.87–0.901 866.4–1701.0
Zhang et al. (2022a) Attention-Based CNN (1D) Prediction of oil content in maize kernels (Q) 0.927 866.4–1701.0
Zhang et al. (2022d) Convolutional GAN (1D) Prediction of oil content in maize kernels (Q) 0.73–0.907 866.4–1701.0
Zhang et al. (2022e) CNN, LSTM (1D) Moisture detection in corn seeds (Q) 0.91–0.984 968–2575
Zhao et al. (2020) CNN (3D) Hyperspectral images built from RGB images (Q) 0.51–0.927 397–1003
Zheng et al. (2022) SACNN (3D) Detection of adulteration in wheat flour (M) 0.92–0.981 380–1030
Zhu et al. (2023) CNN (2D,3D,mixed) Identification of sprouted wheat kernels (B) 0.96–0.981 866.4–1701

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’
column, the specific metrics adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’ is the F1-score; ‘‘4’’ is the
Correlation coefficient (r); ‘‘7’’ is the Coefficient of determination (r2 ); ‘‘8’’ is the Area under the curve (AUC).

some fail to do so in a comprehensive manner. It is worth pointing out for training the model (Gomes et al., 2021). This problem is difficult
that, depending on the problem being addressed and the objectives of to address, because including samples from varieties with different
the study, a sensitivity analysis may not be applicable, so its absence is characteristics may actually cause the model to converge to a sub-
not always indicative of a methodological flaw. optimal point instead of improving its generalization capabilities (Raviv
et al., 2022). Although some strategies and techniques can partially
3.1.2. Product quality compensate for those difficulties (Gomes et al., 2021), in most cases
Determining agricultural product quality is important not only to it may be more productive to create dedicated models that fit better
guarantee that the expectations of potential consumers will be met, but the specific characteristics of individual varieties (Zhang et al., 2022a).
it is also essential for selecting the most appropriate batches for further Another important factor to consider when detecting damage and
processing (for example, selecting the best grapes for wine production) defects is that their sources and visual characteristics can vary consid-
(Table 3). Damaged products also tend to become more susceptible erably. The variability associated to the problem may be such that it
to pathogen infections and other types of contamination (Wang et al., becomes unfeasible to generate training datasets covering the whole
2018). The identification of damage and product sorting is usually done range of possibilities. One way to deal with this problem is to employ
manually and visually, in a process that tends to be time consuming semi-supervised methods capable of correctly interpret different types
and error prone (Liu et al., 2022b; Zhang et al., 2020c; Zhu et al., of damage without specific training (Liu et al., 2022b). Although some
2023). In many cases, factors that lead to low quality do not produce success has been achieved in this study, more research is needed to
visible effects, a fact that is usually addressed by means of expensive better understand how semi-supervised and unsupervised learning can
and time consuming laboratory analyses (Han et al., 2021; He et al., be applied to hyperspectral images (Section 3.2).
2021b; Li et al., 2022; Zheng et al., 2022), for which, under certain The positioning of fruits and seeds can have a strong impact on the
conditions, hyperspectral images may be a cost- and time-effective detectability and measurement of the factors that are relevant to the
alternative (Chen et al., 2022a). product’s quality (Li et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022a). However, in a
One of the main applications for models capable of determining the practical setup, it can be difficult to guarantee that all samples will be
quality of products is real-time product sorting. In this case, latency, ideally positioned, especially if real-time operation is required (Zhang
which is the time the whole system takes to complete the action, et al., 2020c). This motivated some studies to either capture multiple
needs to be very low. Deep learning is usually seen as a computing images of the same objects arranged in different positions (Zhang et al.,
intensive technique, and while this is certainly true for the training 2020c, 2022c), or capture images with the sample container positioned
process, trained models can be lightweight and run even in devices at multiple different angles, with all data cubes being concatenated
with limited computational resources (Barbedo, 2022b). Other delaying afterwards (Yan et al., 2021). Regardless of the feasibility of enforcing
factors should also be taken into account, particularly the time needed sample positions and capturing multiple angles, it is important to inves-
for the hardware to respond and perform the proper action. Even with tigate the impact of this factor and how this can affect the reliability
these difficulties, there is evidence that real-time equipment are indeed of the model.
viable (Chen et al., 2022a).
Quality indicators can be highly dependent on the variety and even 3.1.3. Distinction of product varieties
vintage of the agricultural product (Su et al., 2021). This can make it Different varieties of a given product can have different properties
difficult to develop models that adapt well to samples with character- that are more or less suitable to different uses (Qiu et al., 2018; Wu
istics that deviate only mildly from those found in the samples used et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020f). Thus, mixing up varieties may lead

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 5
Articles dealing with distinction of product varieties.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Cui et al. (2022b) MobileNetV2 + SVM (3D) Tea type classification (M) 0.99 908–1735
Fu et al. (2022a) SSAE (1D) Identification of maize seed varieties (M) 0.96 871.6–1766.3
Jin et al. (2022b) CNN (1D) Identification of rice seed varieties (M) 0.86 900–1700
Kabir et al. (2022) VGGNet (CNN) (1D) Discrimination of tea varieties (M) 0.89 874–1734
Li et al. (2021b) 1D CNN (1D) Identification of soybean varieties (M) 0.95 866.4–1701.0
Nie et al. (2019) CNN (1D) Classification of hybrid rice seeds (M) 0.95 975–1648
Onmankhong et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Classification of rice varieties (M) 0.95 1002–1998
Qiu et al. (2018) CNN (1D) Variety identification of rice seeds (M) 0.87 380–1734
Weng et al. (2020) PCA network (3D) Determination of rice variety (M) 0.98 400–1000
Wu et al. (2018) CNN (1D) Discrimination of Chrysanthemum varieties (M) 1.00 874–1734
Wu et al. (2019) CNN (1D) Variety identification of oat seeds (M) 0.99 874–1734
Wu et al. (2021) CNN (1D) Variety classification of crop seeds (M) 0.99 874–1734
Yu et al. (2021) SSAE, CNN (1D) Hybrid okra seed identification (M) 0.94–0.98 948.2–1649.2
Zhang et al. (2020f) CNN, RCNN, LSTM (1D) Variety identification of coated maize kernels (M) 0.90 874–1734
Zhang et al. (2021a) CNN (1D) Corn seed variety classification (M) 0.93 450–979
Zhang et al. (2022c) CAE (1D) Identification of maize seed varieties (M) 1.00 382.2–1026.7
Zhao et al. (2022) 1D CNN (1D) Classification wheat seed varieties (M) 0.96 400–1000
Zhou et al. (2021) CNN (1D) Identification of maize seed varieties (M) 0.93–0.98 326.7–1098.1
Zhu et al. (2019a) CNN (1D) Identification of cotton seed varieties (M) 0.88–0.94 942–1646
Zhu et al. (2019b) CNN (1D) Identification of soybean seed varieties (M) 0.90 874–1734
Zhu et al. (2020) Several CNN Models (1D) Identification of soybean seed varieties (M) 0.91–0.97 400–1000

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. All values in
the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column represent the percentage of correctly classified samples.

to quality and economic loss (Onmankhong et al., 2022). In addi- 2022; Han and Gao, 2019; Seo et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2019, 2021; Yang
tion, it is necessary to devise effective screening methods in order to et al., 2022; Ye et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2022; Zhu et al., 2022b). Visual
avoid fraud (Jin et al., 2022b; Zhang et al., 2022c). Currently, variety screening is sometimes possible, but in many cases this requires trained
discrimination is largely done by physical and chemical laboratory personnel, and the subjectivity of the detection may cause the process
analysis, which are usually expensive, time consuming (Cui et al., to become unreliable (Agarwal et al., 2020). Thus, proper screening
2022b; Fu et al., 2022a; Onmankhong et al., 2022; Wu et al., 2018; Zhu for harmful objects and substances often requires laboratorial analysis,
et al., 2019b) and have many other shortcomings that cannot be easily which can be time consuming and expensive (Mansuri et al., 2022; Sun
addressed (Li et al., 2021b; Wu et al., 2019). Since in most cases the et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2020a). In this context,
visible differences between varieties are too minute for visual inspec- hyperspectral images arise as a potential high throughput alternative
tion or for RGB images to be applicable (Li et al., 2021b; Onmankhong for detecting insects (Agarwal et al., 2020), heavy metals (Sun et al.,
et al., 2022), hyperspectral images appear as a potential alternative. 2019, 2021; Xin et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2020a,b, 2022), toxins (Han
Most of the research on the combination of hyperspectral images with and Gao, 2019; Zhu et al., 2022b), pesticides (He et al., 2021a; Jiang
deep learning is dedicated to grains, especially rice, soybean and maize et al., 2019; Ye et al., 2022), mold (Liu et al., 2020; Mansuri et al.,
(Table 4). 2022; Yang et al., 2022; Yuan et al., 2022), among others (Table 6).
Classifying seeds and crops by variety is among the most chal- Most countries have legal limits for the amount of each type of
lenging problems, because differences that enable discrimination often impurity and contaminant, and reliably determining if a given batch
are minute, even at the chemical level (Cui et al., 2022b; Fu et al., comply with those limits is usually the most important objective of a
2022a; Jin et al., 2022b). The problem becomes even more challeng-
system employing hyperspectral images and deep learning (Agarwal
ing when the number of possible varieties is high (Yu et al., 2021).
et al., 2020). Legal limits can be quite low, so one of the biggest
Combining hyperspectral images with deep learning has led to some
challenges in the detection of foreign objects and substances using
success, with accuracies near 100% being quite common (Table 5).
hyperspectral images is to determine if the method and equipment
However, experiments are normally carried out under ideal conditions,
being adopted are sensitive enough for that purpose (Ye et al., 2022).
so achieving a similar degree of success under real world conditions is
The datasets used in the experiments should contain samples covering
not straightforward (Kabir et al., 2022).
a wide range of contamination levels in order to make it possible
The characteristics of the problems and the approaches adopted
to reliably determine the detection threshold. Most studies fulfill this
in the studies shown in Table 5 are for the most part similar. This
requirement, but there are a few cases in the literature that employ
makes variety identification a prime candidate for the application of
datasets that are too limited for meaningful conclusions.
transfer learning. Instead of training models from scratch, transfer
learning makes it possible to reuse models trained on different data In the specific case of insect detection (whole body and fragments),
by exploring the idea that basic information extracted by the network an additional challenge is to associate the foreign bodies to the re-
is common to many classification problems. This technique has been spective species. This is important because some species are more
widely applied in computer vision, but have rarely been applied in harmful than other, either as a health hazard or as a biosecurity pest
the context of spectral analysis. Wu et al. (2021) trained the original threat (Agarwal et al., 2020). Although there are not many studies ded-
model on a large dataset containing pea varieties, and used this as the icated to this issue, results seem to indicate that current hyperspectral
basis to train models for rice, oat, wheat, and cotton. The technique imaging devices are not sensitive enough to allow for reliable species
showed promise, especially with small and limited datasets, but more identification, unless the objects of interest are carefully selected and
investigation is needed to realize the full potential of transfer learning positioned (Agarwal et al., 2020).
applied to hyperspectral images. Transfer learning was also employed The detection and recognition of toxins in kernels also have some
by Zhu et al. (2020) for classification of soybean varieties. specific challenges. In controlled experiments, it is possible to guaran-
tee that the samples will only be affected by the contaminant of interest.
3.1.4. Detection and quantification of impurities and contaminants In the real world, however, other substances are likely to be present.
Impurities and contaminants can not only reduce the quality of final Those substances can have spectral profiles that are relatively similar
products, but can also represent a significant health hazard (Feng et al., to those associated to the toxins, skewing the detection process (Han

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 6
Articles dealing with detection/quantification of impurities and contaminants.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Agarwal et al. (2020) CNN, Capsule Network (1D) Detection of insect fragments (M) 0.90–0.961 800–1000
Feng et al. (2022) CNN-LSTM (2D) Detection of foreign bodies in hickory nuts (M) 0.991 400–1000
Han and Gao (2019) CNN (1D) Aflatoxin detection in peanuts (B) 0.90–0.951 292–865
He et al. (2021a) 1D CNN (1D) Recognition of pesticide residues on leaves (M) 0.981 920–1700
Jiang et al. (2019) CNN (3D) Detection of pesticide residues in apple (B) 0.951 865.1–1711.7
Liu et al. (2020) CNN (1D) Detection of moldy peanut kernels (M) 0.94–0.991 400–1000
Mansuri et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Detection of mold in maize kernels (B) 0.971 398–1003
Seo et al. (2021) U-Net + CNN (1D) Detection of vegetable residues (M) 0.941 400–1000
Sun et al. (2019) DBN (1D) Cadmium content estimation in lettuce leaves (Q) 0.927 431–961
Sun et al. (2021) DBN (3D) Lead content estimation in lettuce leaves (M) 0.971 478–978
Xin et al. (2020) SAE (1D) Prediction of cadmium residue in lettuce (Q) 0.957 380–1030
Yang et al. (2022) SAE, CNN, SVM (1D) Detection of moldy maize kernels (M) 0.991 400-1000
Ye et al. (2022) CNN, ResNet (1D) Detection of pesticide residue grapes (M) 0.93–0.971 376–1044
Yuan et al. (2022) PCNN (3D) Detection of moldy peanuts (B) 0.981 960–2568
Zhou et al. (2020a) WT-SAE (1D) Prediction of lead content in lettuce (Q) 0.967 380–1030
Zhou et al. (2020b) SAE (1D) Detection of heavy metals in lettuce (Q) 0.947 400.7–1001.6
Zhou et al. (2022) WT-SAE (1D) Detection of lead in lettuce (Q) 0.95–0.987 480.5–1001.6
Zhu et al. (2022b) 1D-modified TCN (1D) Detection of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts (B) 0.991,2 415–799

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’
column, the specific metrics adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’ is the F1-score; ‘‘7’’ is the
Coefficient of determination (r2 ).

Table 7
Articles dealing with determination of viability/vigor.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Jin et al. (2022a) CNN (1D) Viability and vigor of rice seeds (B) 0.851 900–1700
Ma et al. (2020) CNN (1D) Viability prediction of Japanese mustard spinach seeds (B) 0.901 1002–2300
Pang et al. (2020) CNN (1D,2D) Vitality Estimation of corn seeds (B) 0.90–0.991 370.2–1042.3
Pang et al. (2021) CNN, LSTM (1D,2D) Viability estimation of Sophora japonica (M) 0.991 370–1042
Wu et al. (2022) CNN (1D) Determination of rice seed vigor (M) 0.981,2 874–1734
Yang et al. (2020a) CNN (1D,3D) Determination of rice seed vigor (B) 0.991 873–1734

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’
column, the specific metrics adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’ is the F1-score.

and Gao, 2019; Zhu et al., 2022b). This is a considerable barrier for terms of their chemical properties, and significant variations can be
the practical application of the methods found in the literature. Another found even within the same seed samples (Ma et al., 2020). In many
challenge that can be difficult to address is the fact that toxin screening cases, the spectrum is averaged over the entire batch and differences
is usually carried out on kernel batches, and not on individual seeds. between the samples are lost (Jin et al., 2022a; Pang et al., 2020; Wu
A given batch can exceed legal limits due to several kernels being et al., 2022). Properly evaluating and exploring those variations is not
moderately contaminated, but also due to a single kernel having high trivial though, and more research is needed for the development of
contamination levels (Han and Gao, 2019). Thus, it is not enough to models capable of providing more sensitive estimations for vigor and
determine how many kernels are contaminated, it is also necessary to viability (Ma et al., 2020).
quantify the toxin levels. Given the current sensitivity of hyperspectral Different vigor and viability conditions generate spectral profiles
equipment, this is not easy to achieve (Barbedo et al., 2017). that can differ between crop varieties. Thus, in most cases it may be
necessary to generate specific models for each variety, and considering
3.1.5. Determination of viability and vigor that the number of varieties is usually high, the effort required both
Determining viability and vigor of seeds prior to sowing is very in terms of data collection and model training can be too high. This is
important to maximize germination and yield. Poor storage conditions, an important obstacle for the development of commercial technologies.
high temperature, high humidity, or physical damage during mechan- One way to mitigate the effects of this spectral diversity is to employ
ical processing after harvest will cause the seeds to lose vitality (Jin transfer learning to enable successful models to be retrained for other
et al., 2022a; Pang et al., 2020). Most traditional methods for determin- varieties using a fraction of the data that would be needed in case of
ing seed viability and vigor are destructive and time consuming (Ma training from scratch (Yang et al., 2020a).
et al., 2020; Pang et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2020a),
and visual distinction is nearly impossible (Pang et al., 2021). The use 3.1.6. Determination of geographic origin
of hyperspectral images for this task has been showing some promise, Products that have a geographic indication associated usually have
especially when combined with deep learning (Table 7). significant added value based on their quality and reputation (Hao
A problem that is common to almost all the research employing hy- et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2023). Also, the same plant species cultivated
perspectral images in agriculture is that experimental conditions often in different regions can have different properties that can affect quality
depart significantly from those expected to be found in practice. In the and prices (Dong et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021a). Manual and visual
case of viability and vigor, many studies employ artificial accelerated sorting is sometimes possible (Xiao et al., 2020), but their reliability
seed aging, as this strategy is faster and more controllable than natural can be severely affected by the subjectivity of the process (Gao et al.,
aging (Jin et al., 2022a). Although the conclusions reached using this 2019). Thus, reliable confirmation of geographical usually involves
setup can still be relevant, the development of technologies suitable expensive and time consuming laboratorial analysis (Hao et al., 2022;
for operation under real conditions depends on more realistic data (Ma Li et al., 2021a), for which hyperspectral images have been shown to
et al., 2020; Pang et al., 2021). be a suitable replacement (Table 8).
Another challenge that is not always properly addressed is the fact One important factor to be considered when using samples from dif-
the seeds (especially the small ones) tend to be very heterogeneous in ferent geographical areas is the fact that, unless portable hyperspectral

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 8
Articles dealing with determination of geographic origin.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Dong et al. (2022) CNN (2D) Geographic origin of wolfberries (M) 0.96–1.001 900–1700
Gao et al. (2019) CNN (1D) Geographic origin of fruits (M) 0.901 874–1734
Hao et al. (2022) CNN (2D) Geographic origin of wolfberries (M) 0.971,2 400–1000
Li et al. (2021a) CNN (1D) Geographic origin of nuts (M) 0.971 383.4–990.4
Wang et al. (2023) CNN + LSTM (1D) Geographic origin of Coix seeds (M,Q) 0.85–0.931,7 350–2550
Xiao et al. (2020) CNN (1D) Geographic origin of Radix Astragali (B) 0.981 380–1734

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the
‘‘Accuracy’’ column, the specific metrics adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’
is the F1-score; ‘‘7’’ is the Coefficient of determination (r2 ).

Table 9
Articles dealing with determination of maturity.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Gao et al. (2020) CNN (3D) Estimation of strawberry ripeness∗ (B) 0.981 370–1015
Garillos-Manliguez and Chiang (2021) Several CNN models (3D) Papaya maturity estimation (M) 0.902 400–900
Su et al. (2021) CNN (1D,3D) Maturity evaluation of strawberries (M,Q) 0.55-0.841,7 380–1030
Wendel et al. (2018) CNN (1D) Maturity estimation of mangoes∗ (Q) 0.977 411.3–867.0

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the asterisks indicate that the images were collected in the field (all others were collected in controlled environments), while the letters
B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column, the specific metrics adopted
are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘2’’ is the F1-score; ‘‘7’’ is the Coefficient of determination (r2 ).

imaging devices are employed for in-site image acquisition, samples conditions (Wendel et al., 2018). An additional difficulty that affects
need to be harvested, prepared and transported to the site where all kinds of images is the possibility of occlusions due to nearby fruits,
imaging will take place. Inevitably, the samples collected in different leaves and other objects (Gao et al., 2020). Solving this problem may
areas will be subjected to different storage and transportation durations require employing multiple sensors or other alternative strategies that
and conditions, which can potentially cause spectral changes (Karoui have yet to be investigated, at least in the context of hyperspectral
and Blecker, 2011). Since samples collected in the same areas will likely images.
be subjected to the same conditions, the spectral correlation among Most of the methods found in the literature address the maturity
them can artificially increase. In turn, this will artificially increase the problem at the individual fruit level. As mentioned above, this can be
separability between classes, artificially making the model’s task easier. very useful for selective picking by robots, but such technology is not
If post-harvest alterations are not properly considered, it may become yet mature enough for use in a wide scale (Wendel et al., 2018). Thus,
difficult to determine if the differences explored by the deep learning in real orchard and farms, for operational and cost reasons harvesting
model for the classification are indeed due to regional traits, or if the may need to be done all at once, or at least over relatively large blocks.
classification is biased due to spectral alterations occurring during the Since maturity is usually not uniform across the entire area, optimizing
time between harvest and imaging. None of the studies mentioned in harvest timing or the selection of harvesting areas within orchards
Table 8 addressed this issue, but Wang et al. (2023) mentioned plans of is not a trivial task. According to Wendel et al. (2018), a suitable
taking into accounting different storage conditions in future research. solution for this problem could increase yield by reducing harvested
fruit at suboptimal maturity and minimizing mature fruit that drop
3.1.7. Determination of maturity from trees prior to harvest. These authors have proposed a robotic
The ripeness of fruits is arguably the most important factor that platform capable of mapping maturity at higher granularity levels, with
drives the optimal moment for harvest and for trade. Hyperspectral promising results.
images have the potential to detect the minute spectral differences
of fruits at different maturity stages without the subjectivity involved 3.1.8. Nutrition status
in visual inspections and the complexity of conventional laboratorial Optimal yield is highly dependent on a carefully balanced nutri-
analyses (Gao et al., 2020; Garillos-Manliguez and Chiang, 2021). tion, as both deficiency and excess of any given nutrient can cause
Hyperspectral images have been employed for maturity and ripeness production to be sub-optimal. Timely monitoring of nutrition param-
estimation at least since the early 2010 decade (Gao et al., 2020), but eters throughout extensive fields is difficult, especially considering
only recently deep learning techniques were introduced to the problem that problems may take some time to manifest visually. Hyperspectral
(Table 9). images can potentially detect chemical alterations before symptoms
Hyperspectral images can be applied to maturity determination are visible, which has motivated their use for nutrition monitoring
because the spectral characteristics of the fruits usually reflect the using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). However, the relatively low
different levels of ripeness. However, depending on the fruit being spatial resolution still limits the applicability of this approach (Chen
considered, those spectral changes can be mild, making it difficult to et al., 2021b). Portable hyperspectral imaging devices can be used to
achieve a useful maturity classification. On the other hand, maturity capture images at close proximity to the plants, and can be installed
changes are often reflected on the visual characteristics of the fruit as in machinery and robots to carry out the imaging autonomously (Chen
well, a fact that has been explored frequently in the literature (Li et al., et al., 2021b). The number of studies adopting this approach is still
2018). For this reason, some studies have adopted multimodal deep small, especially in combination with deep learning, and only Nitrogen
learning architectures to fuse the information provided by hyperspec- has been consistently studied (Table 10).
tral and RGB images, thus effectively exploring the complementarity The exact same challenges discussed for stress detection applica-
that may exist between them (Garillos-Manliguez and Chiang, 2021). tions are present in the case of nutrition status. First, although the
Fruit maturity estimation is important not only to determine the estimation of the nutrition status is more useful in the field (Chen
optimal moment for harvest and the best storage and trade strategy, et al., 2021b; Yang et al., 2021), most research is carried out with hy-
but can also be explored by robotic platforms for automated selective perspectral images collected under laboratory conditions. Second, the
picking (Halstead et al., 2018). However, conditions in the field can spectral alterations caused by nutrition issues can easily be emulated
be difficult, particularly due to the wide range of possible illumination by other factors, especially other stresses. This type of situation can

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 10
Articles dealing with determination of nutrition status.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Chen et al. (2021b) SSD CNN (3D) Nitrogen prediction in maize∗ (Q) 0.737 450–900
Fu et al. (2022b) Modified SSAE (1D) Determination of Zn content in rape leaves (Q) 0.967 431–962
Sabzi et al. (2021) 1D CNN (1D) Estimation of nitrogen content in cucumber (Q) 0.96–0.984 400–1000
Yang et al. (2021) CNN (3D) Estimation of leaf nitrogen content in wheat∗ (Q) 0.867 360–1025
Yu et al. (2018) SAE-FNN (1D) Prediction of nitrogen in oilseed rape (Q) 0.907 380–1030

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the asterisks indicate that the images were collected in the field (all others were collected in controlled environments), while the
letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column, the specific metrics
adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘4’’ is the correlation coefficient (r); ‘‘7’’ is the coefficient of determination (r2 ).

Table 11
Articles dealing with other applications.
Reference DL model Application Accuracy Band (nm)
Abbas et al. (2021) 5-layer network (1D) Tree species classification∗ (M) 0.85–0.961 400–1000
Diao et al. (2022) Lightweight-3D-CNN (3D) Discrimination between corn and weeds∗ (B) 0.981 400–1000
Liu et al. (2021) GAN (1D) Green pepper segmentation∗ (B) 0.911 400–1000
Liu et al. (2022a) Complex-valued NN (1D) Green pepper segmentation∗ (B) 0.931 400–1000
Mishra et al. (2021) U-Net (2D) Semantic segmentation of plants (B) 0.963 407–997
Steinbrener et al. (2019) CNN (3D) Fruit and vegetable classification (M) 0.921 470–630

In the ‘‘Application’’ column, the asterisks indicate that the images were collected in the field (all others were collected in controlled environments), while the
letters B, M and Q indicate binary classification, multi-class classification and quantification problems, respectively. In the ‘‘Accuracy’’ column, the specific metrics
adopted are given by the following superscript numbers: ‘‘1’’ is the percentage of correctly classified samples; ‘‘3’’ is the Intersection over union (IoU).

be avoided in controlled experiments, but is mostly unavoidable under relevant to the problem at hand are few (Brugger et al., 2021), so
real conditions. As a result, accurate estimates for the nutrition status most of the data can be discarded without loss of accuracy (He et al.,
may only be possible with the use of ancillary data (Barbedo, 2019). 2021b), and this redundancy removal can even increase the robustness
Third, investigating the sensitivity of the hyperspectral-based system is of the model (Zhang et al., 2020c; Onmankhong et al., 2022; Hao
important to determine how severe nutrition problems should become et al., 2022). Narrowing down the bands of interest is among the most
before the system is able to detect them. Because the application of common objectives found in the literature (Barbedo et al., 2017; Chu
proximal hyperspectral images and deep learning for assessment of et al., 2022; Liang et al., 2021; Park et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019;
nutrition status is still in its infancy, these challenges (particularly the Zhang et al., 2020b; Chen et al., 2022a; Xu et al., 2022; Wu et al.,
latter two) have only been superficially addressed in the literature. 2019; Zhang et al., 2020f; Yuan et al., 2022; Sabzi et al., 2021), being
important not only to reduce the computational burden, but it is also an
3.1.9. Other applications
important step toward the development of portable and cost effective
There are a few other applications for which the combination of hy-
equipment for potential practical use (Weng et al., 2021; Yipeng et al.,
perspectral images and deep learning have been explored. The studies
2022; Zhang et al., 2020a; Gao et al., 2020). One way to do so is by
in Table 11 can be roughly divided into two main groups, segmentation
of objects of interest and discrimination between different plant species. observing the typical spectral curves produced by the different classes,
One of the main objectives of the segmentation studies in Table 11 is and then identifying the wavelengths that provide the best distinction
to enable harvest automation. As mentioned before, despite the remark- among the classes. For example, if the classes of interest tend to present
able advancements achieved in agricultural robotics, more research is significant differences in water content, the wavelength of 1450 nm
needed to meet current practical demands. Liu et al. (2021) focused on will certainly be of interest. The advantage of this approach is that
the objective of reducing costs by adapting a filter to an RGB sensor cheaper equipment dedicated only to the wavelengths of interest can
in order to simulate the technical characteristics of a hyperspectral be developed. In addition, if exactly three wavelengths are selected,
device. Liu et al. (2022a) and Mishra et al. (2021) aimed at improving standard deep learning architectures broadly used to process the three
the robustness to illumination variations by employing complex-valued channels of RGB images can now be directly applied, making the
neural networks. training process more straightforward.
In the case of plant species recognition, one of the main challenges Another way to decrease the amount of data to be processed by the
is the seasonality of the spectral profiles, which may have strong varia- models is by applying some kind of data reduction technique, among
tions over the year. As a result, the separability of the different classes which Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is by far the most widely
also vary, making it difficult to develop a single deep learning model used (Rangarajan et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022e; Zhao et al., 2021;
that is always valid, unless sophisticated multitemporal strategies are Chen et al., 2022b; Han et al., 2021; Pang et al., 2022; Yan et al., 2021;
employed (Abbas et al., 2021). Different growth stages also introduce
Kabir et al., 2022; Weng et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2019a;
variability to the problem, increasing the challenge involved in the
Pandey et al., 2021; Pang et al., 2020). This technique transforms
task (Diao et al., 2022).
the original spectral bands into a few decorrelated components which
concentrate most of the relevant information contained in the image.
3.2. General aspects related to hyperspectral images and deep learning
Although this is a proven approach (Mishra et al., 2021; Yan et al.,
3.2.1. Data reduction 2021), the entire spectrum is still needed for extraction of the principal
Hyperspectral images provide a wealth of information encoded in components, so the goal of enabling compact and cost effective equip-
the spatial distribution of spectral characteristics of a given surface ment may not be met. Also, data reduction techniques may alter the
or object. The downside is that large amounts of data need to be original spectral patterns into a non-optimal representation of the data,
stored and processed (Fazari et al., 2021), as the number of bands thus reducing the effectiveness of the models (Rehman et al., 2020).
can sometimes surpass 1000 (Table 12 ). In many cases, this can On the other hand, if individual wavelengths do not provide enough
overwhelm the available computational resources (Onmankhong et al., distinctiveness between classes, data reduction approaches tend to yield
2022). Often, the bands that contain the information that is actually superior results.

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Table 12
Number of bands and spectral range adopted in the studies.
Reference Bands Range (nm) Reference Bands Range (nm)
Abbas et al. (2021) 204 400–1000 Sabzi et al. (2021) 327 400–1000
Agarwal et al. (2020) 80 800–1000 Seo et al. (2021) 128 400–1000
Chen et al. (2021a) 177 1000–2500 Steinbrener et al. (2019) 16 470–630
Chen et al. (2022a) 25 660–980 Su et al. (2021) 400 380–1030
Chen et al. (2022b) 1367 400–1700 Sun et al. (2019) 618 431–961
Chu et al. (2022) 350 400–1000 Sun et al. (2021) 240 478–978
Cui et al. (2022b) 616 908–1735 Wang et al. (2018) 1002 329–1113
Cui et al. (2022a) 512 400–1000 Wang et al. (2019) 83 400–1000
Diao et al. (2022) 305 400–1000 Wang et al. (2023) 396 350–2550
Dong et al. (2022) 256 900–1700 Wendel et al. (2018) 244 411–867
Fazari et al. (2021) 61 450–1050 Weng et al. (2020) 260 400–1000
Feng et al. (2019) 256 380–1030 Weng et al. (2021) 260 374–1030
Feng et al. (2020) 512 380–1030 Wu et al. (2018) 256 874–1734
Feng et al. (2022) 400 400–1000 Wu et al. (2019) 256 874–1734
Fu et al. (2022b) 618 431–962 Wu et al. (2021) 256 874–1734
Gao et al. (2019) 256 874–1734 Wu et al. (2022) 200 874–1734
Gao et al. (2020) 256 370–1015 Xiang et al. (2022) 462 400–1000
Gao et al. (2021) 268 600–1700 Xiao et al. (2020) 600 380–1734
Garillos-Manliguez and Chiang (2021) 150 400–900 Xiao et al. (2022) 224 400–1000
Gui et al. (2021) 256 384–1033 Xin et al. (2020) 953 380–1030
Han and Gao (2019) 1200 292–865 Xu et al. (2022) 478 400–1001
Han et al. (2021) 462 389–1005 Yan et al. (2021) 220 950–1760
Hao et al. (2022) 125 400–1000 Yang et al. (2019) 240 450–885
He et al. (2021a) 79 920–1700 Yang et al. (2020b) 508 908–1736
Jiang et al. (2019) 256 865–1712 Yang et al. (2020a) 256 874–1734
Jie et al. (2020) 120 400–1000 Yang et al. (2021) 520 360–1025
Jin et al. (2018) 339 400–1000 Yang (2022) 300 400–1000
Jin et al. (2022b) 100 900–1700 Yang et al. (2022) 824 400–1000
Jin et al. (2022a) 100 900–1700 Ye et al. (2022) 310 376–1044
Kabir et al. (2022) 256 874–1734 Yipeng et al. (2022) 260 374–1030
Li et al. (2021b) 224 866–1701 Yu et al. (2018) 512 380–1030
Li et al. (2021a) 176 383–990 Yu et al. (2021) 256 948–1649
Li et al. (2022) 233 1000–2500 Yuan et al. (2022) 288 960–2568
Liang et al. (2021) 616 380–1030 Zhang et al. (2020b) 256 866–1701
Liu et al. (2020) 128 400–1000 Zhang et al. (2020f) 200 874–1734
Liu et al. (2021) 121 400–1000 Zhang et al. (2020d) 256 874–1734
Liu et al. (2022b) 256 885–1733 Zhang et al. (2020a) 696 400–1000
Liu et al. (2022a) 121 400–1000 Zhang et al. (2020c) 254 866–1701
Ma et al. (2020) 207 1002–2300 Zhang et al. (2021b) 420 400–1000
Mansuri et al. (2022) 97 398–1003 Zhang et al. (2021a) 420 450–979
Mesa and Chiang (2021) 288 1000–2500 Zhang et al. (2022c) 678 382–1027
Mishra et al. (2021) 186 407–997 Zhang et al. (2022a) 254 866–1701
Nagasubramanian et al. (2019) 240 400–1000 Zhang et al. (2022b) 473 413–1016
Nguyen et al. (2021) 204 400–1000 Zhang et al. (2022d) 254 866–1701
Ni et al. (2020) 288 1000–2500 Zhang et al. (2022e) 288 968–2575
Nie et al. (2019) 172 975–1648 Zhao et al. (2020) 204 397–1003
Onmankhong et al. (2022) 256 1002–1998 Zhao et al. (2021) 126 450–950
Pandey et al. (2021) 462 400–1000 Zhao et al. (2022) 94 400–1000
Pang et al. (2020) 128 370–1042 Zheng et al. (2022) 1650 380–1030
Pang et al. (2021) 115 370–1042 Zhou et al. (2020a) 953 380–1030
Pang et al. (2022) 256 930–2548 Zhou et al. (2020b) 478 400–1002
Park et al. (2018) 519 356–1018 Zhou et al. (2021) 1000 327–1098
Polder et al. (2019) 224 400–1000 Zhou et al. (2022) 411 481–1002
Qi et al. (2021) 204 N/A Zhu et al. (2019b) 256 874–1734
Qiu et al. (2018) 512 380–1734 Zhu et al. (2020) 128 400–1000
Raghavendra et al. (2022) 288 1000–2500 Zhu et al. (2022a) 237 400–1000
Rangarajan et al. (2022) 1208 400–750 Zhu et al. (2022b) 400 415–799
Rehman et al. (2020) 540 370–1030 Zhu et al. (2023) 254 866–1701

3.2.2. Extraction of useful information textures and the spatial distributions of the spectral bands are relevant.
Hyperspectral images have two spatial dimensions and one spec- However, some authors argue that keeping the spatial relationships
tral dimension, making it challenging to find the best way to ex- is not always the best course of action, because irregularities in the
tract relevant information. One of four general approaches is usually topography of the objects may cause variations in the spectrum that
adopted (Nguyen et al., 2021). The first one extracts the 1D spectral are not actually related to the problem being addressed (Zhang et al.,
information separately for each pixel in the image (Brugger et al., 2021;
2020e). This fact inspired many studies to average the spectrum over
Gomes et al., 2021; Kabir et al., 2022; Mansuri et al., 2022; Sabzi
the entire area (Gui et al., 2021; Rehman et al., 2020; Seo et al., 2021;
et al., 2021; Fu et al., 2022b), frequently employing a 1D CNN. This is
Sun et al., 2021; Weng et al., 2020), thus integrating the information
roughly equivalent to employing a conventional spectrograph to every
point in the surface of interest. Since each pixel is treated as a sep- and diluting possible spurious variations. In other words, instead of
arate sample with its own associated spectrum, this approach has the treating each pixel separately, they are averaged into a single spectrum
advantage of enabling large training sets with many individual spectra, associated to the whole image (or object of interest). The set of spectra
even if few images are available (Zhu et al., 2019b). On the other hand, using this approach will be much smaller, but outlier pixels producing
spatial relationships are ignored, making this a poor option when image spurious spectra will have their impact significantly diminished. This

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

second approach also employs 1D models to explore the resulting in- either undamaged or submitted to heat stress. A number of articles
formation. In the third approach, spatial patterns are identified for the claim that the data is available upon request (Brugger et al., 2021;
bands of interest by processing the two spatial dimensions separately, Chen et al., 2021a, 2022b; Cui et al., 2022b,a; Garillos-Manliguez and
often by means of a 2D CNN (Feng et al., 2022; Hao et al., 2022; Chiang, 2021; Hao et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021a; Mesa and Chiang, 2021;
Jin et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2022; Pang et al., 2020). In this case, Nagasubramanian et al., 2019; Pandey et al., 2021; Polder et al., 2019;
the spectral relationship between different wavelengths is usually not Raghavendra et al., 2022; Rangarajan et al., 2022; Su et al., 2021; Wang
explored, which can cause valuable information to be lost. In the fourth et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2021; Xiang et al., 2022; Yang, 2022; Ye et al.,
approach, spatial and spectral dimensions are processed in tandem, 2022; Yu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020e, 2022a,b; Zhu et al., 2022b),
either by applying the two previous approaches separately and then but this does not guarantee access to the original material.
combining the results appropriately, or by employing 3D CNNs capable The main reason for the failure of models trained with limited
of processing the entire data cube at once (Diao et al., 2022; Su et al., datasets is that they will closely fit the data distribution of the training
2021). Both strategies have produced encouraging results, but there samples, which in turn causes a loss of generality and poor performance
is some evidence that 3D CNNs are more successful, especially if the with samples that differ from those used for training (Wu et al.,
number of training samples is not high (Nguyen et al., 2021). In any 2021). This phenomenon, commonly called overfitting, is among the
case, the third approach is the most likely to fully explore to wealth most challenging problems associated with machine learning and deep
of information contained in hyperspectral images (Rangarajan et al., learning techniques. As mentioned before, using more representative
2022), at the price of being more computationally intensive. Some training datasets is usually the best solution, but since this is often
authors have also adopted a hybrid approach combining 2D and 3D difficult to achieve (Wu et al., 2021), the next best option is to apply
strategies (Chen et al., 2022a; Qi et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2023). techniques that mitigate overfitting and improve generalization capa-
bilities. Regularization techniques such as dropout (Jin et al., 2018;
3.2.3. Segmentation of the objects of interest Wang et al., 2023) and batch normalization (Li et al., 2021b; Nie et al.,
A crucial step that almost always needs to be carried out is the 2019; Wu et al., 2019) are particularly useful, showing promise in the
segmentation of the region of interest (ROI), so the spectral analysis context of deep learning.
is carried out solely on the relevant objects (Yan et al., 2021; Kabir The generalization problem is even more challenging in the context
et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2021a; Jiang et al., 2019; Seo et al., 2021; of hyperspectral images. There have been some evidence that classifiers
Pang et al., 2021; Dong et al., 2022). This is usually done by identifying trained using a set of hyperspectral images with certain characteristics
one or more spectral bands in which objects of interest and background will tend to fail even when they try to classify images captured with
are contrasting enough for proper segmentation (Pandey et al., 2021; the same equipment using only slightly different settings (Bruzzone
Yang et al., 2022). Under laboratory conditions, this task is relatively and Persello, 2009). This is a problem that has rarely been addressed,
straightforward, although errors are still possible (Barbedo et al., 2015; perhaps because hyperspectral equipment are still expensive, making it
Zhu et al., 2023). In the field, where conditions and background difficult to generate data with enough variability and even to properly
objects are more unpredictable, achieving proper segmentation can be investigate the actual generalization capability of a given model. For
harder (Liu et al., 2022a). Segmentation errors can be particularly dam- this reason, while the methodologies used in the studies cited in this
aging if parts of the background are taken as objects of interest, because article can probably be applied to other hyperspectral image datasets,
their spectral profiles will likely be completely spurious, leading to the the specific models are likely only valid for the exact conditions under
wrong predictions. False negatives, in which an object or a portion of which the images originally used for training were captured.
the region of interest are discarded, can also have a deleterious effect, There are some indirect ways to make the data more diverse, among
especially if the lost region contains the cues needed for the correct which image augmentation is probably the most employed (Barbedo,
answer. Because segmentation can be a challenging task by itself, many 2022a). Image augmentation is the process of applying different image
investigations have focused primarily on this problem (Liu et al., 2021, processing techniques to alter existing training images in order to create
2022a; Mishra et al., 2021). more data with different characteristics for training the model. There
are some pitfalls that should be avoided when applying this type of
3.2.4. Data diversity and generalization technique (see next two paragraphs), but if properly employed it can
Deep learning techniques are very effective in extracting infor- improve the robustness of the model significantly (Shorten and Khosh-
mation from digital images, but their generalization capabilities are goftaar, 2019; Zhu et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2020). A variation of image
relatively limited (Barbedo, 2022b). It is well established that deep augmentation, called test time augmentation, applies one or more of
learning models need many images to be properly trained, but this the same image transformations applied during training to images to
has more to do with the need for the data to properly represent the be evaluated by the trained model. This allows for a better exploration
variability associated to the problem at hand than with the number of the range of possible characteristics that the image being analyzed
of images itself. Data collection and annotation is usually expensive could present, thus improving the robustness and performance of the
and time demanding (Han and Gao, 2019), so most studies employ prediction (Fazari et al., 2021). In most cases, image augmentation
limited datasets that cover only a small portion of potential real world only deals with the spatial nature of the samples, usually ignoring
conditions (Cui et al., 2022a; Zhang et al., 2020a; Pang et al., 2022; spectral aspects. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there are no
Yan et al., 2021; Zhu et al., 2020; He et al., 2021a; Zhou et al., 2022; studies investigating possible problems caused by this, and augmenta-
Jin et al., 2022a; Su et al., 2021). While it is acceptable to have this tion techniques incorporating spectral aspects are absent even in the
type of experimental limitation, the results reported in the articles case of remote sensing, an area of research that has several studies
should always be weighted against those limitations to avoid unrealistic dealing specifically with image augmentation applied to hyperspectral
conclusions and claims. It is important to consider that data limitations images (Nalepa et al., 2020).
become more damaging as research matures, because the leap from Image augmentation must be applied only to the training set after
academic studies to practical technologies often requires models to be the division of the original dataset (Barbedo, 2022a). Unfortunately,
developed and tested with more representative data (Rangarajan et al., many authors first apply image augmentation, and only afterwards the
2022; Sun et al., 2021). Given the difficulties in building truly repre- division into training and test sets is carried out. As a result, both sets
sentative datasets, in many cases this objective may only be feasible will contain the exact same samples, with only some minute differences,
if data sharing becomes more widespread. Among all the studies cited making it easier for the model to perform well on the test set. This pro-
in this work, a single one made the dataset fully available (Gao et al., duces heavily biased results that in no way represent the true accuracy
2021). This dataset contains hyperspectral images of rice seeds that are of the proposed model. Around 20% of the articles cited in this review

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

which apply image augmentation have this problem. It is important Table 13

Articles adopting cross-validation.
that both authors and reviewers be aware of this fact, in order to
avoid publication of articles with a methodological error as serious Cross-validation Reference

as this. It is worth pointing out that applying image augmentation 5-fold Fu et al. (2022a), Han and Gao (2019), Han et al. (2021),
He et al. (2021b), Li et al. (2021b), Ma et al. (2020),
incorrectly aggravates training-test information leaks, a problem that
Nguyen et al. (2021), Onmankhong et al. (2022), Pang et al.
has caught the attention of many researchers of different areas (Nalepa (2022), Wang et al. (2023), Wendel et al. (2018), Wu et al.
et al., 2019), but has been largely ignored in the case of proximal (2019), Zhang et al. (2020b), Zheng et al. (2022)
hyperspectral images. 10-fold Dong et al. (2022), Feng et al. (2020, 2022), Hao et al.
When spectral differences between classes are subtle, applying im- (2022), Li et al. (2021a, 2022), Liang et al. (2021),
age augmentation may actually cause the spectral characteristics of the Nagasubramanian et al. (2019), Pandey et al. (2021),
artificially generated images to completely depart from those found in Rehman et al. (2020), Zhang et al. (2020e,c), Zhao et al.
actual images. This is unlikely to occur with operations like translation,
rotation and shifting, but it is a real possibility with operations that
alter pixel values, like image noising and blurring. More importantly,
this phenomenon can occur when more sophisticated techniques like smaller, increasing the chances of overfitting. Since labeling individual
GANs are applied (Wang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2022d). Avoiding pixels may be visually unfeasible, some authors have adopted the
this type of problem is possible in most cases, but the effects of image strategy of assigning a label for each line in the image (Polder et al.,
augmentation should always be a point of attention. 2019). The procedure is similar to the image-based labeling, as the label
is assigned to entire regions and objects without considering possible
3.2.5. Class imbalance heterogeneities, but greatly increases the number of labeled samples by
In classification problems, it is common for some classes to have considering each line separately.
a much larger number of samples than others (Fazari et al., 2021). In general, studies employing supervised learning divide their
If not properly addressed during training, this may lead to severely datasets into training and test sets (and sometimes a validation set),
biased models that will tend to heavily favor the most numerous classes. so the models can be tested against data that was not used in their
Although there are many strategies that can be employed to mitigate training. Such a division is almost always carried out randomly, which
this problem (Johnson and Khoshgoftaar, 2019), two are commonly means that there is always a chance that the data distributions in both
applied due to their simplicity: reducing larger classes by removing sets can be skewed and lead to unrealistic high or low accuracies.
part of the samples for training, or applying image augmentation to Because of this fact, it is good practice to adopt cross-validation, in
the smaller classes. The former is normally used when the number of which the division is carried out multiple times and results are averaged
training samples is high, which in the case of hyperspectral images only afterwards. Cross-validations using 5 and 10 folds are the most common
happens when individual pixels are taken as samples (Jin et al., 2018). (Table 13). Using this technique is particularly important in the case
The latter has been used in a few cases with limited number of training of small datasets, but unfortunately most studies do not adopt this
samples (Rehman et al., 2020; Pandey et al., 2021; Polder et al., 2019),
with satisfactory results. Employing cost-sensitive learning techniques
during the training process is another approach that has yielded good
3.2.7. External factors
results (Nagasubramanian et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Wu et al.,
Among the external factors that can cause difficulties, illumination
2022; Li et al., 2021a).
effects are likely the most challenging (Weng et al., 2021; Steinbrener
3.2.6. Model training process et al., 2019). Phenomena like shadows, specular reflections, angle of
Almost all studies considered in this review adopted supervised incidence, among others, can greatly increase the variability associated
learning for model training. This approach relies on carefully annotated to the problem and introduce noise (Xiao et al., 2022), making it
images to teach the model to recognize the patters of interest. Data difficult to guarantee that the model will be prepared to deal with
annotation usually requires considerable effort, especially considering the whole range of conditions that can be found in practice. This
that proper training of deep learning models frequently require a large problem is more prominent when images are collected in the field
amount of samples. Data annotation can also be error prone, especially under uncontrolled conditions (Jin et al., 2018; Rangarajan et al., 2022;
at the pixel level (Zhu et al., 2022b). Some authors have been able Chen et al., 2021b; Wendel et al., 2018), but this can be challenging
to successfully reduce the labor involved in the task by introducing an even in a laboratory environment (Feng et al., 2020; Zhang et al.,
imperfect but quick automatic pre-labeling process, followed by manual 2020c; Ye et al., 2022; Ma et al., 2020). Although there are some
correction of mislabeled samples (Pandey et al., 2021). Unsupervised methods for mitigation of illumination variations (Wendel et al., 2018),
and semi-supervised learning approaches can drastically decrease the they are only partially effective and in many cases the only way to deal
amount of data that needs to be actually labeled (Gao et al., 2021; with this problem without enforcing very strict image capture protocols
Barbedo, 2022b) and reduce the impact of labeling errors (Zhu et al., is to guarantee that the dataset used to train the model is representative
2022b), but although these have been successfully applied with con- enough, which is by itself a considerable challenge.
ventional RGB images, it is not clear if existing techniques can be Another factor that can decrease the robustness of deep learning
successfully adapted to the characteristics of hyperspectral images, so models is the presence of noise in certain bands. It is common practice
more research is needed to better understand their potential. to discard the bands at the extremities of the captured spectral range,
Data annotation can become even more challenging when the image as these tend to be very noisy and carry little information (Zhang et al.,
patterns to be identified are too subtle for human observers to dis- 2020c; Zhu et al., 2023; Kabir et al., 2022; Li et al., 2021b; Pang et al.,
cern (Polder et al., 2019). This is one major reason for the frequent 2021; Gao et al., 2019; Wendel et al., 2018). However, other bands can
choice of assigning a single label to the whole image, instead of anno- become noisy due to capture conditions or the spectral characteristics
tating each pixel separately. The problem with this strategy is that the of the objects of interest (Polder et al., 2019). If this is a recurrent
objects and regions in the image may not have uniform characteristics, problem, applying noise removal techniques may be recommended (Xu
so averaging it all into a single label may not represent well what et al., 2022; Yan et al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2021; He et al., 2021a; Sun
is happening in the image (Wang et al., 2019). Spatial relationships et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2020a), as long as these do not also remove
that can be very valuable for classification purposes are also lost. In relevant information (Xin et al., 2020). Outliers that for some reason
addition, the number of labeled samples for training will be much depart too much from the characteristics expected for the samples used

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

Fig. 2. Summary of all challenges discussed in this review.

for training should also be removed in order to avoid training models using deep learning techniques, with promising results. Although this
with poor data (Xu et al., 2022). type of approach cannot replace actual hyperspectral images in every
The sensor itself is another source of noise that is mostly unavoid- situation, it can greatly extend the practical applications of inexpensive
able. Sensor noise include thermal-driven (strip noise), quantization- high-resolution RGB images. Even as the hyperspectral technology
related, and shot (photon) noise (Zhu et al., 2022a). Strip noise, which evolves and costs decrease, having the ability to explore simpler im-
results from an increase in the temperature of the sensor, can sometimes ages beyond their apparent limitations can be invaluable to enable
cause severe distortions that should be filtered out, a goal that may technologies that would otherwise be unfeasible.
require sophisticated techniques capable of preserving structural and Despite the prevalence of deep learning techniques for image anal-
textural details (Zhu et al., 2022a). ysis and classification observed in the last decade, there are situations
and conditions for which other approaches, including conventional
3.2.8. Final remarks machine learning techniques and heuristic-inspired methods, can be
Besides all the challenges discussed throughout this section, there more appropriate (LeCun et al., 2015). Also, hybrid approaches com-
are some practical difficulties that further hinder a more widespread bining different types of models (deep or otherwise) can produce more
use of hyperspectral images, especially in real world situations (Zhang consistent results (Zhang et al., 2020f, 2022c). It is important to ana-
et al., 2022c). Compared with RGB sensors, hyperspectral equipment lyze different approaches using different criteria (accuracy, complexity,
are still rather expensive and, considering that most of those are non- robustness, etc.) in order to arrive at the best solution for a given
portable scanning devices, they are more difficult and time-consuming problem.
to operate. Snapshot hyperspectral cameras, on the other hand, offer a Finally, it is worth mentioning that reproducibility of published
spatial resolution that is insufficient for many of the potential applica- studies has become an important problem, especially in the case of ma-
tions. Motivated by this situation, Zhao et al. (2020) investigated the chine learning. The most straightforward way to address this problem
possibility of deriving hyperspectral-like images from plain RGB images is to make implementations and codes publicly available. In the context

J.G.A. Barbedo Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 210 (2023) 107920

of this review, four articles made their codes fully available (Feng et al., Barbedo, J.G.A., 2022a. Deep learning applied to plant pathology: The problem of
2020; Gao et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2022b; Zhang et al., 2022b). This is data representativeness. Trop. Plant Pathol. 47, 85–94.
not a high number, but indicates that at least some research groups are
Barbedo, J.G.A., 2022b. A review on the use of computer vision and artificial
aware of this problem and are taking steps to minimize its effects. intelligence for fish recognition, monitoring, and management. Fishes 7 (6), http:
Fig. 2 summarizes all application-specific and general challenges //
raised in this review. Barbedo, J.G.A., Tibola, C.S., Fernandes, J.M.C., 2015. Detecting Fusarium head blight
in wheat kernels using hyperspectral imaging. Biosyst. Eng. 131, 65–76. http:
4. Concluding remarks Barbedo, J.G.A., Tibola, C.S., Lima, M.I.P., 2017. Deoxynivalenol screening in wheat
kernels using hyperspectral imaging. Biosyst. Eng. 155, 24–32.
The combination of proximal hyperspectral images with deep learn- 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2016.12.004.
Bock, C.H., Barbedo, J.G.A., Del Ponte, E.M., Bohnenkamp, D., Mahlein, A.-K., 2020.
ing techniques is relatively new, but the literature already contains
From visual estimates to fully automated sensor-based measurements of plant
many examples of success. As encouraging as the results are, it is disease severity: Status and challenges for improving accuracy. Phytopathol. Res.
important to have in mind that most studies are initial proofs of concept 2 (9),
carried out under ideal conditions that are unlikely to be found in a Bock, C.H., Pethybridge, S.J., Barbedo, J.G.A., Esker, P.D., Mahlein, A.-K.,
potential practical application. Many of the challenges and issues raised Ponte, E.M.D., 2022. A phytopathometry glossary for the twenty-first century:
Towards consistency and precision in intra- and inter-disciplinary dialogues. Trop.
in this review still lack suitable solutions, so considerable research Plant Pathol. 47, 14–24.
effort is still needed in order for hyperspectral images to realize their Bock, C.H., Poole, G.H., Parker, P.E., Gottwald, T.R., 2010. Plant disease severity
full potential and truly benefit the agricultural sector. Understanding estimated visually, by digital photography and image analysis, and by hyper-
the real stage of maturity of the techniques and related technologies spectral imaging. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 29 (2), 59–107.
is very important not only for scientists and researchers, but also
Brugger, A., Schramowski, P., Paulus, S., Steiner, U., Kersting, K., Mahlein, A.-K.,
for entrepreneurs willing to explore the potential market, in order to 2021. Spectral signatures in the UV range can be combined with secondary plant
avoid botched products and services. The premature introduction of metabolites by deep learning to characterize barley–powdery mildew interaction.
technologies to the market can not only lead companies to fail, but may Plant Pathol. 70 (7), 1572–1582.
Bruzzone, L., Persello, C., 2009. A novel approach to the selection of spatially
also ruin the perception of potential customers regarding that particular
invariant features for the classification of hyperspectral images with improved
technology. generalization capability. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 47 (9), 3180–3191.
Deep learning techniques seem to adapt well to the characteristics
of hyperspectral images, and the studies mentioned in this review offer Chen, S.-Y., Chiu, M.-F., Zou, X.-W., 2022a. Real-time defect inspection of green coffee
several possible ways to explore the wealth of information provided by beans using NIR snapshot hyperspectral imaging. Comput. Electron. Agric. 197,
this type of image. Among the many challenges mentioned in Section 3, Chen, H., Qiao, H., Feng, Q., Xu, L., Lin, Q., Cai, K., 2021a. Rapid detection of
the need for more representative data and the development of models pomelo fruit quality using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with
more robust to the conditions found in practice seem to be the most chemometric methods. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 8,
important. A third major challenge that was only briefly mentioned fbioe.2020.616943.
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