Austin Sarat View On Israel Gaza

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Austin Sarat, a law professor at Amherst College, has written extensively on the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In his writings, he has criticized both Israeli and Palestinian actions,
arguing that both sides have contributed to the ongoing violence.

In a 2023 article, Sarat wrote that "the Israeli occupation of Gaza is a form of collective
punishment that has caused immense suffering to the Palestinian people." He also criticized
Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls Gaza, for its use of violence against Israeli

Sarat has also been critical of the international community's response to the conflict. He has
argued that the United States and other countries have failed to hold Israel accountable for its
actions, and that they have also failed to provide adequate support to the Palestinian people.

Sarat's views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are complex and nuanced. He is critical of both
sides, but he also recognizes that the conflict is a complex one with no easy solutions. He has
called for a just and lasting peace that will address the needs of both the Israeli and Palestinian

Here are some specific examples of Sarat's writings on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

● In a 2023 article for the Verdict, Sarat wrote that "the Israeli occupation of Gaza is a form
of collective punishment that has caused immense suffering to the Palestinian people."
● In a 2022 article for the New York Review of Books, Sarat criticized the United States for
its support of Israel, arguing that the US has "turned a blind eye to Israel's violations of
international law."
● In a 2021 article for the Harvard Law Review, Sarat called for a "truth and reconciliation
process" in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that such a process is necessary for
healing and reconciliation.

Sarat's views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are controversial, but they are also important. He
is one of the few legal scholars who has written extensively on the conflict from a critical
perspective. His work is valuable because it challenges the dominant narrative of the conflict,
which often portrays Israel as the victim and the Palestinians as the aggressors.

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