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Sender site Sent date Seed quantity sent (kg) Type of seaweed transported

Mundra 08/04/2023 420 Kappaphycus alvarezii

Mundra 25/11/2022 76 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 09/12/2022 210 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 03/02/2023 208 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 14/02/2023 133 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 17/02/2023 273 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 27/02/2023 151 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 08/03/2023 72 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 10/03/2023 144.5 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 16/03/2023 154 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 06/04/2023 400 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Tuticorin 21/03/2023 480 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Okha 06/06/2023 200 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Bhandarwada tiwari 06/02/2023 40 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt Dwarka 17/08/2023 50 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mandappam 23/09/2023 1000 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 30/09/2023 580 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt Dwarka 09/10/2023 318 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mundra 12/10/2023 380 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt Dwarka 29/10/2023 700 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 19/11/2023 690 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 20/11/2023 700 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 30/12/2023 750 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 01/01/2024 750 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 04/01/2024 750 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Mode of transportation Receiver site Seed quantity received (kgReceived date
Tempo Chakratirth 400 09/04/2023
Train Golap 70 26/11/2022
Train Golap 200 10/12/2022
Train Jakimiriya 193 04/02/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 100 16/02/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 133 18/02/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 136 01/03/2023
Tempo Luni 70 08/03/2023
Tempo Luni 142.3 10/03/2023
Tempo Luni 151 16/03/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 340 08/04/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 320 23/03/2023
Rikshaw Beyt Dwarka 200 06/06/2023
Train Jakimiriya 40 06/02/2023
Bus Jarpara 47.1 18/08/2023
Train Arambhada 250 26/09/2023
Tempo Jarpara 561 30/09/2023
Boat Arambhada 300 09/10/2023
Train Kajirbhati 300 14/10/2023
Train Kajirbhati 630 30/10/2023
Train kajirbhati 600 20/11/2023
Train Kajirbhati 520 21/11/2023
Train Patilwadi 622 31/12/2023
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 630 02/01/2024
Train Bhandarwada tiwari 630 05/01/2024
Duration of transportati Quality of seed
1 day Healthy
1 day Healthy
1 day Healthy
1 day Healthy
2 days Healthy
1 day Healthy
2 days Healthy
2 days Healthy
2 days Healthy
2 hours Healthy
15 hours Healthy
60 hours Non-healthy
4 hours Healthy
5 hours Healthy
1 day Non-healthy
1 Healthy
1 Healthy
1 Healthy
1 Healthy
1 Healthy
1 Healthy
The piloting has been carries out at 3 different sites in Diu 1) Pavti Jetty 2)Vanakbara Creek 3) Chakartir
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material are good for seedling
Material is in good condition.
Raft cultivation & Tube net cultiivation going on
Material not yet harvested
Jarpara cultivation
For Seedling
For cultivation at Arambhada site by pole method
35 kg
592 kg
Raft method
Raft method
Any additional remarks
The seed has been harvested after 25 days due to rough sea & has been kept in bags at Diu for further cultivation pos
Seed is in good condition
Seed is in good condition
Material is in good condition

Seed quality is good

seed quality is good

Material quality is good.

Seed quality is good .
3 rafts of 3x3m each & 3 tube net of 10m each

Seed is not good condition's so we transfer it for drying.

Seed quality is good.
If non- healthy quality what are Quarantine days at sender site Quarantine days at receiver sit
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
5 3
1 2
Moisture loss, dehydration, spoil 0 1
0 2
0 1
Seed is red and White colour. 0 2
seed colour red 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
Age of seaweed Moisture loss (kg) Material loss (kg)
41 20 0
40 6 0
40 10 40
45 15 18
45 30 20
45 120 20
45 2 15
45 2 0
45 2.2 0
45 3 0
40 60 0
45 60 140
45 0 0
45 0 0
300 450
19 0
0 18
20 60
70 38
70 20
150 30
128 128
120 120
130 130
Site name Year Month Anchor cost
Bhandarwada tiwari 2023 Feb
Bhandarwada tiwari 2023 Mar
Bhandarwada tiwari 2023 Apr
Bhandarwada tiwari 2023 May
Diu 2023 Apr 2339
Diu 2023 May
Beyt Dwarka 2023 Jun 3000
Beyt Dwarka 2023 Jul 0
Beyt Dwarka 2023 Aug
Jarpara 2023 Aug 0
Beyt Dwarka 2023 Sept 0
Arambhada 2023 Sept 0
Jarpara 2023 Sept 14560
Beyt dwarka 2023 Oct 0
Jarpara 2023 Oct 0
Beyt dwarka 2023 Nov 0
Jarpara 2023 Nov 0
Jarpara 2023 Dec 0
Beyt dwarka 2023 Dec 0
Beyt dwarka 2024 Jan 0
Net cost Rope cost Twine cost Knives and cans cost

29625 2157

1299 5994 480 1590

301 2652 200 55

749 4138 492 75
790 500 300
0 0 0 0
0 1755 300 0
1020 3520 0 56
0 6880 812 180
0 7240 1327 0
225 0 0 0
0 8581 1203 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 5001 1268 0
0 5774 1011 0
bamboo cost Lights cost Floaters cost Total Capex
12500 643 3450 48375
2800 14502
3375 320 800 10703
3075 0 450 8979
1350 2940
0 0 0 0
9620 0 750 12425
2000 0 0 6596
0 940 0 23372
16240 0 1500 26307
0 0 0 225
20250 0 750 30784
0 0 0 0
11970 0 0 11970
4800 0 750 11819
0 0 0 6785
Food cost Labour/Farmer chargesDrying activity cost Seed transportation cos
1000 4500 7000
4080 5000
1350 15000 1200 5000
9258 25600 4000
4850 5200
1690 9800 0 2850
700 17600 0 4700
500 8400
457 1850 0 1452
1000 8400 0 1500
900 11000 0 1000
1175 3600 0 2000
700 36850 0 0
640 15450 0 0
3000 29400 0 0
1140 14850 0 0
1480 22750 0 0
1500 33600 0 0
1000 22200 0 0
Boat hiring charges Travel expenses Accommodation Seed purchase cost
11800 2950
3000 2270
3000 2190
2000 600
500 960 0 0
2000 1300 7800
1000 1200 10000
500 2928 0 8700
6500 1000 5200 0
500 3924 0 0
8000 1720 9600 0
1500 2981 0 0
2500 4237 0 0
5000 1960 8000 0
4000 1600 5200 0
Labour transportation cosRaw material transportation cosTotal opex Total
17000 17000
27580 27580
63450 111825
40860 40860
53608 68110
11550 11550
19610 30313
28190 37169
11500 14440
0 0 5219 5219
22000 34425
25100 31696
0 2500 21403 44775
0 0 50250 76557
3000 1000 24514 24739
0 1500 53220 84004
2000 0 22471 22471
5000 2000 37967 49937
0 1500 51560 63379
0 0 34000 40785
Cultivation site name Depth of water (meter) Type of seaweed Origin of seed
Bhandarwada tiwari 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Bhandarwada tiwari 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Bhandarwada tiwari 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Bhandarwada tiwari 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Tuticorin
Bhandarwada tiwari 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Tuticorin
Beyt Dwarka 6 Kappaphycus alvarezii Okha
Jakimirya 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Golap 3 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Golap 3 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Mundra 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Mundra 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Mundra 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Beyt Dwarka 6 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mandappam
Bhandarwada tiwari 3 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Bhandarwada tiwari 3 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Beyt Dwarka 8 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt Dwarka
Chakratirth 3 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Jarpara 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt Dwarka
Beyt Dwarka 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mandappam
Beyt dwarka 6 Kappaphycus alvarezii Okha
Jarpara 12 Kappaphycus alvarezii
Beyt dwarka 8 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Arambhada 2 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Beyt dwarka 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Kajirbhati 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Patilwadi 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Jarpara 10 Kappaphycus alvarezii Jarpara
Luni 2 Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra
Beyt dwarka 7 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt Dwarka
Kajirbhati 8 Kappaphycus alvarezii Okha
Beyt dwarka 8 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Jarpara Kappaphycus alvarezii Jarpara
Patilwadi 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt Dwarka
Beyt dwarka 8 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Bhandarwada tiwari 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Bhandarwada tiwari 5 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Kajirbhati 10 Kappaphycus alvarezii Byet dwarka
Kajirbhati 10 Kappaphycus alvarezii Beyt dwarka
Method of cultivation Number of Rafts (if usedNumber of Long ropes (iDate of seeding
Raft 3 0 06/02/2023
Raft 5 0 21/02/2023
Raft & Longrope 3 5 03/03/2023
Raft 2 0 27/03/2023
Raft 6 0 26/03/2023
Raft & Tube Net 3 0 04/06/2023
Raft 2 0 07/02/2023
Raft 2 0 27/11/2022
Raft 8 0 11/12/2022
Raft 6 0 02/01/2023
Raft 4 0 03/01/2023
Raft 19 0 10/01/2023
Raft, Tubenet & Longrop 4 1 13/07/2023
Raft 5 0 10/04/2023
Raft 7 0 11/04/2023
Raft & Tubenet 5 0 15/08/2023
Raft 7 0 03/05/2023
Long rope 0 2 20/08/2023
Raft Method 8 0 02/09/2023
Raft cultivation 11 0 15/09/2023
Raft 3 0 29/09/2023
raft method 18 0 07/10/2023
pole method 0 42 11/10/2023
Raft based cultivation 24 0 26/10/2023
Raft 12 0 31/10/2023
Raft 3 0 02/11/2023
Raft 12 34 30/10/2023
Raft 10 2 08/03/2023
Raft cultivation 20 0 16/11/2023
Raft 25 0 02/12/2023
Raft 20 0 12/12/2023
Raft 17 0 11/12/2023
Raft 25 0 01/01/2024
Raft cultivation 16 0 24/01/2024
Raft 16 0 04/01/2024
Raft 14 0 06/01/2024
Raft 17 0 21/11/2023
Raft 15 0 23/11/2023
Initial weight of seed (k Age of seaweed Expected harvesting daDGR % (Daily growth rate
150 32 09/03/2023
200 45 08/04/2023
135 45 03/05/2023
185 45 03/05/2023
135 45 03/05/2023
200 29 20/07/2023
25 45 06/05/2023
70 45 04/01/2023
160 45 06/05/2023
180 45 16/02/2023
120 45 17/02/2023
570 45 24/02/2023
300 45 14/08/2023
150 45 03/05/2023
190 45 04/05/2023
82 30 17/09/2023 3.65
280 41 25/08/2023
47.1 30 04/10/2023
320 45 02/10/2023 2
900 30 15/10/2023 3.75
100 31 31/10/2023 4
800 32 08/11/2023 4.6
318 31 11/11/2023 0
320 40 26/11/2023 2.92
630 35 01/12/2023
160 35 03/12/2023
1023 30 30/11/2023 4
349 45 23/04/2023
1262 35 15/12/2023
900 30 02/01/2024 5
1200 42 12/01/2024 3.73
680 30 11/01/2024 1.5
622 30 02/02/2024 5
0 67 09/03/2024 1.6
750 30 05/02/2024 5
750 30 07/02/2024 5
700 45 22/12/2023
700 45 01/01/2024
Quality of seed Number of tube net (if Number of cage (if usedNumber of floating (if u
Very good
Very good
Good 3
Very good
Good 0 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Good 2 0
Very good 0
Very good 5
Good 4 0 0
Good 0
Good 1 0 7
Good 0 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Very good 0 0 0
Very good 0 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Very good 0 0 0
Very good 17 0 0
Good 3 0 0
Good 4 0 10
Very good 0 0 0
Very good 0 0 0
Very good 8 0 0
Very good 0 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Good 9 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Good 8 0 0
Good 0 0 0
Good 22 0 0
Good 15 0 0
Cultivated amount (kg)
Harvesting site name Type of seaweed Harvested start date Harvested completed dat
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 02/05/2023 02/05/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 03/05/2023 03/05/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 04/05/2023 04/05/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 05/05/2023 05/05/2023
Jaki mirya Kappaphycus alvarezii 06/05/2023 06/05/2023
Golap Kappaphycus alvarezii 06/05/2023 06/05/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 09/03/2023 09/03/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 08/04/2023 08/04/2023
Bhandarwada tiwari Kappaphycus alvarezii 16/04/2023 16/04/2023
Golap Sargassum 15/02/2023 15/02/2023
Palghar Ulva lactuca 28/01/2023 28/01/2023
Mundra Kappaphycus alvarezii 24/04/2023 24/05/2023
Mundra Kappaphycus alvarezii 02/04/2022 16/03/2023
Beyt Dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 15/08/2023 15/08/2023
Golap Kappaphycus alvarezii 04/01/2023 04/01/2023
Beyt Dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 14/07/2023 14/07/2023
Chakartirth Kappaphycus alvarezii 23/05/2023 23/05/2023
Beyt Dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 02/09/2023 03/09/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 15/09/2023 17/09/2023
Jarpara Kappaphycus alvarezii 29/09/2023 29/09/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 07/10/2023 07/10/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 26/11/2023 30/10/2023
Jarpara Kappaphycus alvarezii 30/10/2023 06/05/2023
Luni Kappaphycus alvarezii 24/04/2023 25/04/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 17/11/2023 21/11/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 12/12/2023 15/12/2023
Jarpara Kappaphycus alvarezii 11/12/2023 18/12/2023
Sutrapada Sargassum 10/12/2023 30/12/2023
Beyt dwarka Kappaphycus alvarezii 24/01/2024 28/01/2024
Kajirbhati Sargassum 14/01/2024 24/01/2024
Total amount harvested(kgQuality of seaweed
320 Very good
1148 Very good
1185 Very good
1854 Very good
150 Good
355 Good
160 Good
250 Very good
285 Very good
1900 Good
128 Good
15000 Good
54611 Good
300 Good
170 Good
90 Good
330 Good
320 Good
900 Good
101 Very good
1120 Good
1310 Very good
1023 Good
520 Bad
1967 Very good
1200 Very good
752 Bad
9400 Very good
1157 Good
2850 Very good
Type of seaweed Name of Harvesting Sit Quantity sent from harvesting site (k Name of Processing Sit
Kappaphycus alvarezii Jakimiriya 150 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 250 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 285 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 100 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 100 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 120 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 1148 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 1185 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Bhandarwada tiwari 1854 Excel Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Adgaon 50 VRTI Lote
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1090 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1100 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 890 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1470 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 990 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1260 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 820 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1120 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 880 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1160 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1250 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1230 Mandvi
Kappaphycus alvarezii Mundra 1740 Mandvi
Sargassum Pethkilla 50 Excel Lote
Sargassum Golap 50 Excel Lote
Quantity received at proQuantity of wet input forQuantity of dry output afMoisture content of drie
140 0 0 0
250 250 12 12
272 0 0 0
100 0 0 0
100 0 0 0
110 0 0 0
1100 0 0 0
1135 0 0 0
1760 760 34.5 12
46 46 3.5 12
1080 1064 94 35
1110 1065 97.35 35
880 0 0 0
1480 905 72.12 35
990 0 0 0
1270 0 0 0
830 0 0 0
1100 0 0 0
890 0 0 0
1140 0 0 0
1260 1120 60 35
1190 0 0 0
1740 0 0 0
50 50 50 12
50 50 50 12
Processing start date Method of processing Quantity of wet processiClimazyme K (5%) - kg
03/10/2023 Wet 140 82.2
09/04/2023 Dry 0 0
17/04/2023 Wet 272 208.6
02/05/2023 Wet 100 72.47
02/05/2023 Wet 100 77.32
02/05/2023 Wet 110 82.16
03/05/2023 Wet 1100 715
04/05/2023 Wet 1135 810
05/05/2023 Wet 1000 767
19/05/2023 Wet 0 0
24/04/2023 Wet & Dry 16 0
25/04/2023 Wet & Dry 45 27
26/04/2023 Wet & Dry 880 577.24
27/04/2023 Wet 575 311.17
12/05/2023 Wet 990 615
13/05/2023 Wet 1270 782
15/05/2023 Wet 830 530
16/05/2023 Wet 1100 730
17/05/2023 Wet & Dry 890 578.14
18/05/2023 Wet 1140 724
19/05/2023 Wet 140 69.3
20/05/2023 Wet & Dry 1190 686.48
24/05/2023 Wet 1740 1096.3
27/05/2023 Dry
06/06/2023 Dry
Solid wet residue - Kg Climazyme K+ (28%) - kg Solid dry residue - kg Climacolloid (SRC) - kg
55.25 13.5 0
0 0 0 0
58.2 33 0 0
21.16 11.85 3.35 0
20.24 12.18 3.6 0
25.1 13.2 3.88 0
230.68 110 31.78 0
252.96 133 41.07 0
207.28 135.84 33.42 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 15.2 0
0 15.2 0
0 29.6 0
0 69.86 0
0 45.65 0
340 60.5 0
277.56 48.95 0
377 62.7 0
52.34 62.7 0
345.98 65.45 0
530.88 97.237 0
Climacolloid (RC) - kg Cellulosic biomass - kg Batch no (Climazyme KBatch no (Climazyme K
3.57 A010323001

4.78 A010423001

0 B010423001
0 B010423002
0 B010423003
0 B010523004
0 B010523005
0 B010523006
0 B010523007
0 B010523008
0 B010523009
0 B010523010
0 B010523011
0 B010523012
Batch no (Climacolloid Batch no (Climacolloid Climazyme S (5%) - kg Climazyme S+ (10%) -


Climacolloid Alginate - Batch no (Climazyme SBatch no (Climazyme SBatch no (Climacolloid A

15.2 A040523001 A060523001

8.2 A040623002 A060623002
Climacolloid (Ulvan) - k Batch no (Climacolloid Ulvan)

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