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Magic item

Crystal Ball of Image

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
A crystal ball is a magical scrying device weighed
about seven pounds and 6 inches in diameter, made out
of a very large and smooth pearl. At its simplest, a
crystal ball allows one to gaze into its surface and view
another location, although other versions with different
powers added to it were create along the eons.
With this crystal ball a user could create an image of
itself at the location it was seeing, allowing further
interaction with the environment as if it were really there.
While touching it, you can cast scrying (save DC 17)
with it.
In addition, you can use an action to cast project image
(save DC 17) while you are scrying with the crystal ball,
targeting the location you can see within 30 feet of the
spell's sensor, as long as it is within 500 miles of you. You
don't need to concentrate on this spell to maintain it
during its duration, but it ends if the scrying ends. While
using the image projection, you can also use an action to cast
a spell as as if you were in the illusion's space, although if you
cast a spell that requires concentration the scrying spell will
end, impeding the spell to be cast at the location. Once a spell
is used in this way, the power to project image of the crystal
ball can't be used again until the next dawn.

The item is believed to be created by a legendary
archmage that ruled an elven empire of the south
with dark magic, and it was rumored to be the
primary means of rulership of its liege over the
nation during over a thousand years until destroyed
by a cataclysm that scarred the land, leaving it a
wasteland of barren magic. The realm's existence is
now in the past, but as of the item, it is still located
in the palatial tower in the kingdom's main castle,
were its owner spent most of his days in life.

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