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(with inclusions of the provisions in D.O. No. 42. S. 2016)



The learner understands the relationship of a written text and the context in which it was
The learner writes a 1000-word critique of a selected text on the basis of its claim/s, context,
and properties as a written material.
Determines textual evidence to validate assertions and counterclaims made about a text read.

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define textual evidence in their own words;
2. Develop an appreciation for the importance of using evidence to support claims; and
3. Integrate textual evidence into their writing and speaking.

Determining Textual Evidence


1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages: English 11 Module
2. Learner’s Materials Pages:
3. Textbook Pages:
4. Additional Materials from (LR) portal:


1. Electronic resource: laptop, television
2. Laptop, television, bond paper, pictures

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
The teacher will lead the prayer through a power point presentation.

 Greetings
The teacher will greet his class.

 Setting the Class to Order

The teacher will say “Eagle Eye” and that is the time for the students to check their area
before they take their seats.

 Checking of Attendance
The teacher will ask the secretary of the class if there are any absentees.

B. Review
The teacher will conduct a recapitulation of the previous topics through a short activity.

Mechanics: The teacher will conduct a question-and-answer session to quickly review the
students acquired knowledge from the previous lesson. To choose the students that is going to
answer some question, the teacher will utilize the wheel of names.


What is counterclaims?
Why is it essential to conclude a counterclaim with a strong summary of key points?
How do counterclaims contribute to the depth of a discussion or argument?



Mechanics: The class will be grouped into 5 groups. Each group will received a topic. They have
to formulate claim/ assertion or counterclaim with supporting evidence.

Here are the topics:

Anti-terror bill in the Philippines

Black Lives Matter Movement
Bayanihan to Heal As One Act

Use this format:


The teacher will ask the students some questions to identify the level of their knowledge
about the topic to be discuss.


1. How do you support your claim or counterclaim?


The teacher will start to discuss the lesson.

What is textual evidence?

Textual evidence is defined as the details given by the author in order to support his/her
claims. It reveals the position of the writer and makes the reading more interesting. Evidences are
details that strengthen, add variety or weight to any argument.

Types of Textual Evidence

REFERENCING - act of mentioning a specific section of the text like an event or action.
PARAPHRASING - restating an author’s or someone else’s work using your own words without
losing the original idea of the text.
SUMMARIZING - stating the essential ideas together of the text in a shorter way.
QOUTING - stating a part of the text in the exact way it was written.


Why do you need to determine textual evidence?


Instruction: This is a group activity wherein you have to cite the strongest piece of textual
evidence to support your assertion and counterclaim.

An excerpt of Meat Culture

By Steve Pavlina
When I see a piece of flesh on someone’s plate, I also see the processes that brought it to
their plate. Some people argue that plants may be harmed by being eaten. I happen to agree. If we
care about minimizing harm to plants, then we’ll do much less harm by eating them directly as
opposed to grinding them up, feeding them to animals, and then grinding up and eating the
animals. If we stopped growing crops to feed to animals and fed those crops to people directly, it’s
estimated that we’d have enough food to feed the whole planet five times over. So if you do
actually care about plants, then you can greatly reduce your plant harm by eating plants directly.
Another way to reduce harm to plants is to favor fruits that can be eaten without killing the plants.
You can eat a wide variety of fruits, both sweet and non-sweet, without seriously hurting the plant
that spawned it. And that same plant will often continue to bear even more fruit. I think a more
sensible and realistic approach is to keep leaning towards a more conscious, compassionate, and
ecologically sound way of eating.
If you want to argue that we should model predators’ diets to justify meat culture, I encourage
you to go ahead and try being a truly predatory person for a while. Do it consciously. Prey on the
weak. See where that takes you.
Source: (Pavlina, 2014)

Write your assertion with textual evidence.

Write your counterclaim with textual evidence.


Direction: Read the passages carefully. Write the letter of your choice on the
space before the number.

A lot of people waste time driving around when they are lost. This can be avoided by
asking other people for direction. The trick is to find a person who would point the right

_____ 1. Which of the following is an assertion regarding this text?

A. People should ask directions from strangers when they are lost so that they do not waste time
B. I agree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions from strangers to save time
by asking someone reliable such as gas station attendant.
C. I disagree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions because they might end
up getting lost longer if a stranger gives them wrong directions.
D. All of these are correct.

_____ 2. Which of the following is a counterclaim about the text above?

A. People should ask directions from strangers when they are lost so that they do not waste time
B. I agree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions from strangers to save time
by asking someone reliable such as gas station attendant.
C. I disagree with the claim of the writer that people should ask directions because they might end
up getting lost longer if a stranger gives them wrong directions.
D. All of these are correct.

_____ 3. “A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.”
Which of the following is the best paraphrase?

A. A handshake does not mean the same thing around the world.
B. Internationally, a greeting by shaking hands is not the same.
C. A handshake means something different around the world.
D. All of these are correct.
A lot of people waste time driving around when they are lost. This can be avoided
by asking other people for direction. The trick is to find a person who would point
the right direction.

_____ 4. “Climbing a mountain is a dangerous activity.”

Which of the following is the best paraphrase?

A. A perilous sport is climbing mountain

B. Climbing mountains is dangerous activity.
C. Climbing mountains can be an unsafe activity.
D. None of these are correct.

The Leboyer method of childbirth seeks to protect a newborn’s delicate senses from the shock
of bright lights, harsh sounds, and rough handling. After the baby’s head has begun to emerge,
lights are dimmed and the delivery room is quieted. The baby is not held by the ankles and slapped
to encourage the first breath; Leboyer states that since the fetus’’ spinal column has never been in
a straight position; this kind of handling is a severe shock to the infant. Instead, the baby, with the
umbilical cord still attached, is gently placed on the mother’s abdomen until breathing begins
naturally. At this point, the baby is rinsed in a tepid bath, rather than weighed on a cold scale.
Babies born this way are usually relaxed and smiling, not tensed and screaming. Some studies of
Leboyer babies and standard-delivery have shown that Leboyer children are slightly more
physically advanced and quicker to learn. Parents of Leboyer children, in general, saw the birth as
a positive and exhilarating experience.

_____ 5. Which sentence best summarizes the selection?

A. The usual method of childbirth subjects newborns to bright lights,
harsh sounds, and rough handling.
B. In the Leboyer method of childbirth, a newborn’s first breath is
never encouraged by the common process of holding the infant by
the ankles and slapping it.
C. The Leboyer method of childbirth, designed to protect a newborn’s
delicate sense from the shock of standard deliveries, has positive
D.All of these are correct.

Answer Key:

1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D


Finding the Clues

Choose a Text: Select a short reading passage (a news article, a chapter excerpt from a book,
etc.) that interests you. Note that you have to print the short reading passage then paste it in an A4
size bond paper.

Identify the Claim: What is the main point or argument the author is making in the passage?
Write this claim in your own words.

Become a Detective: Look for details within the text that support the author's claim. These
could be facts, statistics, quotes, examples, or even the way the text is structured. Underline or
highlight these pieces of evidence.

Choosing a Text - 5 points

Identifying the Claim - 5 points
Evidence - 10 points
TOTAL - 20 points


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter that my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

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