Chemistry Bonding

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chemistry bonding 11/19/22, 4:19 PM

chemistry bonding

science chemistry
what is ionic bonding ?

it is an electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions

- it happens between metals and nonmetals

- transfere of electrons from an atoms which have to many to an atom which doesnt have
enough so when it gain it , it become stable with 8 electrons in the valence shell

ions are formed when atoms loses or gains electrons

- metal loses electrons and change into positive ion (cation)
- non metal gains electrons and become negative ion (anion)

these oppositely charged ions are attracted by a strong bond called ionic bonding
the " ionic crystal " is a giant 3d dimensional structure held together by electrostatic
attraction force between opposite charged ions
examples :

sodium chloride (NaCI)

sodium is in table in group1 (11Na) which means it loses 1 electron and become positive
chorine is in table in group 7 (17CL) so it gains one electron and becomes negative (CL-1 )

then we represent it in dot diagram he will tell you to represent the dot diagram with valence
shells only on with all in our case we need to write valence shell only like here :

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chemistry bonding 11/19/22, 4:19 PM

dot diagram only valence shell

so for the diagram we will put the it after the change and we will represent the transferred
atom with another color or shape like above

so in the first shape we have sodium with

11 = protons = 11
Na = electrons = 11 and configuration of { 2,8,1 }
23 = neutrons = 12

and in the second shape we sodium ion with ( here it changed as it became an ion )

11 = protons = 11
Na = electrons = 10 and configuration of { 2,8 }
23 = neutrons = 12

and same with chlorine it changed and gained one electron from sodium

imp infö :
atoms have stable electronic structure similar to the nearest noble gas of them
metals tend to have structure of noble gas ( their outer shell is complete 8 ) before them
while nonmetals tend to have structure of noble gases after them

how to write a formula ?

- see how much they will gain or loose ions

- switch there ions and write them down Page 2 of 4
chemistry bonding 11/19/22, 4:19 PM

- simplify if there is

example 2 example 1 ( or CaF2 )

structure of ionic compound ( simple lattice ) = its a regular arrangment of alternating

opposite charged ions

physical properties :

- they are solid at room temp (because ions are attracted together by ionic bond )
- they are high melting point and boiling point *( because ions are bonded by strong bond ) (
so it cannot be broken easily )
- solid crystals does not conduct electricity (because ions are not free to move )
- they re good conductors of electricity and heat when they are either molten or aqueous (
because ions are free to move )
- most dissolve in water

note in metals there outer shell is incomplete less that four electrons
in nonmetals more than four or four Page 3 of 4
chemistry bonding 11/19/22, 4:19 PM Page 4 of 4

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