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Nguyễn Thị Thuận - nguyenthuanninhthuan@gmail.



Thi nói trước, thi viết sau.
PHẦN VIẾT (200 điểm, 60 phút)
Câu 1-5 (50 điểm): mô tả một bức hình gồm 2 chữ, mỗi câu 10 điểm.
Câu 6-7 (70 điểm): viết hai email về yêu cầu, than phiền, câu hỏi, thông
tin….mỗi câu 35 điểm.
Câu 8 (80 điểm): viết bài essay. Gồm 5 đoạn, 1 đoạn mở bài, 3 đoạn trong
thân bài, 1 đoạn kết bài.
PHẦN NÓI (200 điểm, 20 phút)
Câu 1-2 (30 điểm): đọc hai đoạn văn cho sẵn, lưu ý cách nhấn âm, phát
âm,….Mỗi câu 15 điểm.
Câu 3 (40 điểm): mô tả một bức tranh, khoảng 5-6 câu.
Câu 4-6 (50 điểm): Cho sẵn câu hỏi trong đề nhưng không cho thời gian
chuẩn bị, máy đọc câu hỏi xong là phải trả lời liền.
Câu 7-9: Cho bảng biểu, lịch trình, câu hỏi không có trong đề nên nghe thật
kĩ để trả lời câu hỏi.
Câu 10: Có một đoạn đối thoại giữa 2 hoặc 3 người về than phiền hay yêu
cầu gì đó, lắng nghe thật kĩ câu giỏi để đưa ra giải pháp cho vấn đề.
Câu 11: Câu hỏi có sẵn trong đề, nêu quan điểm về một vấn đề nào đó.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -


Lưu ý:
Khi tranh có vật thì dùng thì hiện tại đơn, cấu trúc there are/there is…….
Khi tranh có người thì dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiếm khi dùng hiện tại
Cuối mỗi câu viết lưu ý phải kết thúc bằng dấu chấm “.”
Xem thật kĩ phần này.

The family has lots of the fun.

The man is riding the bicycle.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Two people are smiling while the woman is taking some photos.

to have a good health

Some people are exercising in the morning to have good health.

doing yoga

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

People are looking at the map in order to find the right direction.

Some people are shopping clothes in the shop.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Two people are pushing the stoller on the street.

The baby is taking the book.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

There are some cups, plates, and glasses on the table.

Some people are waiting at airport because the flight is delayed.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

There is the boat in the water.

The teacher is showing some pictures.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some children are playing the water on the street.

The man is smiling because he fells happy.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The woman is talking on the telephone.

The man is using the shovel ( cái cuốc).

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The kid is standing among (giữa) the pigeons ( đàn chim bồ câu).

looking through

Some people are ordering some things after the meeting.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some passengers ( hành khách) are going when the trains arrive.

The man reading the newspapers is sitting bihind the cup of cafe.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

There is nobody in the room after the meeting.

Some cleark (nhân viên) are standing bihind the counter ( quầy hàng).
in the counter / at the counter???

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Two people are walking with the dog.

Some children are splashing ( chơi té nước, tạt nước) in the water.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The man is writting on the notebook.

The people are using the lift (xe nâng) to go up the hill.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some people are standing next to the luggage ( hành lí).

Some childrens are blowing the candles (nến) on the cake at party.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The woman is pushing the child.

The horses are running though it is cold.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The kids are playing tennis outside.

Some people are reading books in the class.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some people are say goodbye at the airport.

Two people are talking to each other while the pen is sitting on the table.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some people are warming ( sưởi ấm) the hands since (bởi vì = because) it
is cold.

The people are using the presentation ( bài thuyết trình).

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

There is a chain ( cái khóa) in the bicycle.

The bicycle is chained ( bị khóa).

The man riding the motobike is looking at the man riding the horse.
Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The man is operating ( vận hành) the forklift ( máy nâng).

The people are playing chess on the floor.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The children are talking together during the time studying.

Two people are talking to each other while the girl is listening to music.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Two campers who is a couple (Hai người cắm trại là một đôi).

The man is talking about the chart very well.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

People are using the map because they are want to find the right direcrion
(phướng hướng đúng).

The boat is floating (trôi nổi) in the river.


Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Some people are riding the bicycles.

Some people are having an experiment (cuộc thí nghiệm) in the laboratory
(phòng thí nghiệm).

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

The modle (người làm mẫu) is traning teakwondo while everyone is sitting
on the ground (mặt đất).

Some people are using the handles (tay nắm) in the bus.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Ngoài ra còn một số câu, mình không có hình ảnh để show nhưng lại có
từ, cũng phải xem kĩ nha.
The instructor is showing how to do the Math exercise.
The man is using the kayak in the cloudy day.
The men are hanging near the windowns.
The children are going on the bus at the bus stop.
Some women are testing sample wine.
There are a lighthouse (ngọn hải đăng) near the house.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 6+7
Cấu trúc chính của nó được bôi vàng bên dưới. Luôn bao gồm:

- Đầu tiên phải có lời chào (Dear + tên người nhận)

- Lời giới thiệu và mục đích viết (I am writing in response to your
email about + nội dung chính (nội dung chính thường nằm sau từ
subjects trong đầu đề email, đôi khi phải đọc tiếp nội dung trong bài
để tìm nội dung chính))
- Nói thẳng vào bài, yêu cầu gì trả lời đó, tùy đề yêu cầu trả lời cho
question, request, cho information, problem, reason, suggest.
- Lời kết: thank you hoặc I am looking forward to hearing from you.
- Đóng thư: Sincerely,
Tên người gửi

Một số dạng mà đề yêu cầu, mỗi cấu trúc sẽ có cách viết tương ứng đi
kèm như sau:
Request: If you don’t mind, could you please…….
Mentioning problems: One problem that I have encountered is….
Opinions: I think that….
Providing explainations: I am writing because…
Giving suggestions: I suggesst that….
Cấu trúc I have a couple of +…+ for you. First,…… Second,…. hay được
sử dụng cho nhanh cho 2 yêu cầu trong đề bài. Xem kĩ cách làm và cấu trúc
những ví dụ bên dưới để nắm được cách viết email. Các khung bên cạnh là
gợi ý khác cho bài làm.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 1
From: speednet cable service
To: Alice
Subject: overdue payment
Dear Alice
Hello, this is a letter from speednet cable service. We install cables for TV and
broadband internet service. We proms you the best quality and the fastes service in the
city. Please write to us give as a call if you have any question

Direction: respond to the email as if you have recently moved to the city and have
been looking for a good cable television and internet service. In your email, ask two
questions and make at least one request for information

Dear Tom (2 question, 1 request)
I am writing in response to your email about using your service. I have a couple of
question for you. First, how long is the warranty period if I purchase the cable for TV and
broadband internet service? Second, how much do I have to pay for the cable service
every month? If you don’t mind, could you please send me special offer? Thank you.
Sincerely,  How much cost which I pay every month?
Alice  When you install it?
 Could you tell me how long do you install

Lưu ý:
Các khung bên cạnh là gợi ý cách trả lời khác.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 2
From Jeff
To: Sana
Subject: overdue payment
Dear Sana
We found out that the check we were supposed to received from you for the
construction work hasn’t arrived. I would appreciate an explanation about this. Other
wise, there will be no more business between us.
Directions: respond to the email. In your email, describe one reason why you
couldn’t send the payment on time and ask one question

Dear Jeff (1 reason, 1 ask)
I received your email about overdue payment. I’m so sorry about this problem.
Unfortunately, I have an issue with my bank account, it has been locked for bank
maintenaces. I am waiting for information from bank. Could you please wait 2 more
days, I will sent you the payment and compensation for any inconvenience this may
cause. Thank you.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 3:

Dear Rosa
I am writing in response to your email about your reservation in Decamber. I have had
some information. First, if you reserve a room in our hotel, you will receive a free buffet.
Second, you will use all services such as swimming pool, meeting room. Could you
please let me know the day you will check? Thank you.


Victoria hotel

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 4

From: Northgate home electronics

To: customer who purchased LCD

Subject: 19-inch-widescreen LCD

Dear customer,

Thank you for your recent purchase for a 19-inch widescreen LCD monitor. We hope
that you enjoy using your monitor. We guarantee that all our monitors are of excellent
quality and will provide maximum saticfaction.

Our monitors can display very lifeline images in true-color mode, so graphics designers
choose us as their top choice, we hope that you will continue shopping with us. If there are
any problems with your monitor, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Northgate home electronics

Direction: response the email as if you are a customer of Northgate home electronics. In
your email describle two problems that you have with your 19-inch widescreen LCD
monitor and make one request for information.


Dear Nothgate (2 problems, 1 request)

I am writing in response to your email about 19-inch LCD monitor. I have a couple of
problems. First, the speaker system is too small. Second, the LCD monitor shut down
suddenly when I was using it. If you don’t mind, could you please check and fix these
problem for me. Thank you.

Sincerely,  The image quality is poor

 The screen is too small
Sana  Could yo change for me a different LCD?
Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 5

From: J.cho.


Subject: upcoming staff visit

Dear Mike,

I will be coming to your office on Friday to discuss our upcoming join project, I have
never been to your city before. So I am going to stay a few extra days to visit it. Do you
have any recommendations about what I should see?



Direction: respond to the email. In your email, ask one question and make two


Dear sir or madam ( 1 question, 2 suggestion)

I am writing in response to your email about the staff visit. I have some suggests for
you. First, I think you should visit all departments in my office. Second, you should visit
some of project where will held. What time do you arrive on Friday? Thank you.

Sincerely,  You should visit dining room of staff in my office.

 How long do you visit?
 Could you tell me what time it finishs?
Mary Watson

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 6

From: R-Teinhart, Teinhart corproration

To: heaty catery services

Subject: business lunch

Dear heaty catery services,

I am organizing a business lunch at our office in two weeks and a colleague of mine
recommended your catering services, please tell me one about your food and the services
you can provice.

Thank you

Director: respond to the email as if you work for heaty catery services. In your email,
give threes pieces of informations


Dear R-Teinhart (3 information)

I am writing in response to your email about the business lunch. I have three pieces
of information for you. First, the meal is very delicious and cheap. Second, the meal is
good quality because it was made by the best cook. Also the services are good. Thank

 The beef steak is very popular at Heaty catery service
Heaty catery service  The cost foe person os 20 dollar.
 If you reserve before 10 May, you will receive a discount
of 10 percent.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 7
From: J.Marson

To: E-Carvajal

Subject: problem during your stay

Dear Mr.E-carvajal,

We understand that you experienced some problems during your recent a summit hotel.
We reget any inconvenience to you and would like to make sure that these problem don’t
happen again. Could you please describe the problems that you experienced?

Jonh Mason

Direction: respond to the email. In your email, describe two problem that you had during
your hotel saty and make one suggestion.


Dear J.Marson (2 problems, 1 suggestion)

I received your email about the problem during my stay. I have a couple of problem.
First, my computer could not connect the internet at sometime. Second, the lights shut
down suddenly when I was using it. I suggest that your hotel should check and fix this
equipment. Thank you.

Sincerely,  The light in the toilet is broken down.

 The internet is slow.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Emal 8

From: J.rice

To: H-garrer

Subject: computer problems

Hello Mr.garrer,

I can still unable to use any computer. I have not been able to get any help from the
technical help group. As a manager, would you be able to get me help more quickly?

Thank you,

Janes Rice.

Direction: Respond the email if you are Mr.Rice manager. In your email, describle one
thing you are doing to help and ask two questions.


Dear Hgarrer (1 thing which to help, 2 question)

I am writing in response to your email about the computer can’t use. I have a couple of
questions for you. First, what happened with your computer? Second, when do you have
problem with your computer? I think I will reinstall your computer. Thank you.



Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 9

From: trendy fashions

To: charlene martin

Subject: opening sale

Dear Ms.Martin,

We are writing to you today let you know about the grand opening sale of our newest
branch in the downtown are. If you come in between 10.00 a.m April 5th and 8.00 p.m April
11th. You can receive a 20% discount on all items in the store.

Hope to see you soon!

Your friends at trendy fashion.

Directions: write an email respond to the information. Respond as if you were charlene
martin. Ask two questions and make one request


Dear sir or Madam (2 question, 1 suggest)

I am writing in response to your email about the opening sale. I have a couple of
question for you. First, where is the store? Second, how many branches dose your store
have? If you don’t mind, could you please tell me your store discount next? Thank you.


Chalene Makim

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 10

From: Brian ken

To: All employee

Subject: Maintenance work

Dear all employee

The technical support team has finished performing routime maintenance work on
employee compurters. We completed the work yesterday. So as of today, you can use your
office computers without any interruptins. If you have any problem with your computer,
please contact us as technical Thank you.

Brian ken

Technical support.

Directions: respond to the email as if you have a amployee. In your email, describe one
problem that you leave with your computer and make two reqquest.


Dear brian kim (1 problems, 2 request)

I received your email about the maintence work. One problem that I have
encountered is the system shut down suddenly when I was using it. If you don’t mind,
could you please fix problem and restore lost program for me? Thank you.



Từ email 11 trở xuống, mọi người tự làm nha, nhiều quá mình đánh máy
khổng nổi, thông cảm ha, hehe. Lưu ý: là nhất định phải tự làm nhen, ra
thi biết đâu gặp được. Chăm lên nào. (có thể áp dụng những gợi ý phía
dưới mà mình đã đề cập ở trang 43, 44).
Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 11

I am writing in response to your email about the problems with in-company Mail
Delivery. I have a couple of problems for you. First, I didn’t receive the mail 3 days ago.
Also, I didn’t forward the email for the accounting deparment. I suggest thet you check
my email and fix problems. Thanhk you.


Jack Chirac.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 12

Email 13

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 14

Email 15

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Email 16

Email 17

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Những câu hỏi, câu yêu cầu, cho thông tin cho sẵn, vấn đề dạng chung mà mình đã
từng làm, ghi nhớ và áp dụng thích hợp cho đề bài nhé.

Đặt câu hỏi, yêu cầu:

 When/where do we meet?
 How long the interview/meet take?
 Could you tell me what subject you ask me?
 How much do you want for the salary/this position?
 I would like to know when the job will begin?could you send me a job
 Could you please check and fix this problem for me?
 Could you tell me how many peopleo in the meeting?
 What time the meeting happenes?
 Could you please restore lost programs?

Problem: vấn đề

 The system shut down suddenly when I was using it.

 The light in toilet broken down when I was using it.
 My computer can not connect the internet at sometime.
 The internet is slow.
 I can not open my pictutes in my computer.
 I can not access to my websites.
 All my document was lost.
 I usually get email from other departments very late.
 The mail is sent to the wrong department.
 I think your box mail very full. You need to delete some mails which qre not

Nêu yêu cầu với ai đó:

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

 It requires you to have the Marketing/accounting degree.

 It requires the appiciant has an least two years of experience.
 It requires good communication skills and English skills.

Câu 8: viết essay (ôn kĩ nha).

Câu 1: Some companies believe that working alone allows emoloyees to focus on
assignments. Others encourge a collaborative work environment, believing it
increase productivity. Which do you think it better? Why? Give reasons or example
to support your opinion.

Today, people have many choices about work form. People can work alone or work
in a group in acompanies. Personally, I prefer to work in a group than work alone because
working in a group help increase collaboration, get more ideas, and improve skills

First of all, working in a group help increase collaboration. This is good thing because
employees feel comfortable to exchange their experience, create a friendly environment.
Also, I don’t think that working doesn’t have that kind of opportunity

Secondly, working in group helps get more ideas .If every number in a group shows at
least one idea, their group will have many opinions. Clearly, working in a group is much

Lastly, working with other people can improve skills. In a group, if there is a member
who is work at a skill such as presentation, other member can replace to complete their
jobs perfectly. Therefore, every person in group can learn from other colleagues to
improve their skills.

To summaries, my preference is working in a group. If working in group, I think

employees is working in group, I think employees can increase collaborations, get more

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

idea and improve skills. For me, these three things are important, and that’s why I will
choose to work in a group in future.

Câu 2: Some jobs require employees to get up early in the morning to start the day’s
work. Other jobs require employees to get up later in the day and work until late at
night. Which working style do you think is better? Why? Give reasons or example
to support your opinion.

Some jobs require employees to get up early in the morning to start the day work.
Other jobs require employees to get up later in the day and work until late at night. In my
opinion, I think get up early in the morning to start the day work helps them have
comfortable spirit, avoid traffic jam, and have to more time to do other work.

Firstly, getting up early in the morning to start the day work helps worker have
comfortable spirit. In the morning, the air is very clean, they will fell happies and have
more energy to start work.

Secondly, getting up early in the morning to start the day work helps avoid traffic
jam. Traffic jam is a serious problem in Viet Nam, so they should avoid go to work in
rush hour. Additionally, going work early helps them save the time and they can take a

Finally, getting up early in the morning to start the day work helps them do other
works. In the afternoon, after finishing work, they will have time to do other works such
as helping family, learing more skills or going out with friend,…I think them will fell
happy and have motivitation to continute working.

In conclusion, I think getting up early in the morning to start the day work is the best
choice. I believe it helps them have a fresh spirit, avoid traffic jam and have more time to
do other works.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 3: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Some people believe that job satisfaction is more important than a high salary. Give
reasons or example to support your opinion.

Nowadays, everyone want to find an excellent job for them. An excellent job means a
high salary, a high position,…In my opinion, I agree with following statement “ some
people believe that job satisfaction is more important than a high salary”. I think that
because job satisfaction helps us have a comfortable spirit, increase the trust into our
company, get a high promotion.

Firstly, job satisfaction helps us have a comfortable spirit. If we satisfy with our job,
we will always have full of energy at work. Also, we will have a postive attitude about
our job, it makes us become an active person.

Secondly, I think job satisfaction makes us increase the trust on our company, the
company has a good policy which will make their employees trust them. We will want to
contribute to our company. So, a satisfied employee is more loyal to the company.

Lastly, job satisfaction helps us get a high promotion. I think that we will a big
passion for job when we satisfy with it. It makes us concentrate on work. We always

want to complete the work with the best way. Our seniar will appreciate us better
and recommend us to higher promotion.

In conclusion, I prefer to have job satisfaction rather than a high salary. Job
satisfaction will helps us to have a comfortable spirit, increase the trust our company, and
get a high promption. For me, those things are really important and that’s why I choose
job satisfaction.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 4: Some people want to need each other in person to communicate while
others want to telephone instead of face-to-face communication? Which of these
communication methods do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your opinion.

Today, with the development of information technology, many forms of

communication are born such as telephone, email, chat, voices,...At this time, face-to-
face communication becomes so outdated. But I think I like face-to-face comunication
because promotes, satisfactorily resolves thought and emotions, builds better

Firstly, face-to-face comunication motivates people. When communicating in this

form, you and your friends sit side by side, chat, smile, receive compliments when you do
well, receive thanks when you help them, fell yourself important, strong, great.
That motivates you to think positively, motivate you to act, and perform more effective

Sencondly, face-to-face comunication satisfactorily addresses thoughts and emotions.

When you meet face-to-face, you can see people’s reaction like their facial expressions
and body language as well as their voices, there by questioning proving and actively
listening to understand, get the listener’s perspective. Determine their understanding of
the main issue and encourage feedback. This is especially important to help you not only
satisfactorily resolve thoughts and fellings, but also new and creative ideas.

Lastly, face-to-face comunication builds better relationships. Whether it is friendship,

a partnership or a bussiness ralationship, it is much more difficult to them. It provides a
friends feeling that promotes the success of ralationships, bringning many benefits such
as revitalizing and creating strong links between you and others.

In short, face-to-face comunication brings many practical benefits for everyone. In

this ways, people can be motivated to work effectively, solve thoughts and feelings and

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

builds better community relationships. So I prefer face-to-face comunication rather than

phone comunication.

Câu 5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Living in a large urban area is better than living in a small town. Use specific
reasons and examples to support your opinion.

While many people live in a small town, many others believe that a large urban area is
better for them. I agree that a large urban area is better than a small town. I think that
living in a large when area is good because of better education facilities, better healthcare
and better service.

First of all, I think a large urban area can provide students with the best education
facilities. This is a good thing because it has many school, colleages and universities
which are convenient for study. Furthermore, the schools and universities always update
equipment knowledge for student. Also, I don’t think that a small town has that kind of

Next, living in an urban area citizens are helped about healthcare. Hospitals in a large
urban area has more modern equipment and better service which would help people
better. Clearly, living in an urban area is much better.

Finally, living in a big city has better services. The big cities always have many
entertainment parks, bookstores and supermarket. We can come these places to relax at
weeken or buy things which we need.

In short, my preference is living in a large urban rather than a small town. I think this
because it brings better education facilities, better healthcare and better services.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 6: Some people are satisfied about where they are, but others are not. What do
you like moost about the town which you live in? Give reasons or example to
support your opinion.

While some people are satisfied about where they are, but others are not. Personally, I
am satisfied about my hometown where I live. I think that my hometown has fresh air,
light traffic, and friendly people.

Firstly, the atmosphere is unpolluted in my hometown. In the cities, I always wear a

face mask when I go out, but I do not in my hometown. I feel comfortable when I breathe
the fresh air.

Secondly, my hometown does not have traffic jam. Traffic density in this town is
light. Moreover, the roads are very wide. Therefore, I don’t feel annoyed whenever I

Finally, people are very friendly. They always smile at everybody. Furthermore, my
neighbours are willing to help me when I have an issue. It makes me love people in my

In conclusion, I am satified about the towm where I live. I fell that it is the best place
for me to have the fresh air, light traffic, and friendly people. These reasons, explain why
I love the life in my hometown.

Câu 7: Many companies have always required employees to dress professionallly

(for instance, in a bussiness suit). Some of these companies now allow their
employees to come to work once a week in more casual clothing? Is this a good idea?
Why of why not? Give reasons or example to support your opinion.

In my opinion, it is better to allow employees once a week to wear simpler clothes

than to ask employees to wear work uniforms throught the week, because this shows

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

respect for employees, simulates employees to work more effectively, and creates an
open workplace atmosphere.

Firstly, the company shows respect for its employees because each person has a
different fashion hobby. When employees are free to do what they like, they will be
happy to work. If they wear work uniform all week, they will not see freedom, newness.
On the contrary, just one day of the week, the employees are dressed in whatever style
they like, they fell respected and happy.

Secondly, the company simulates employees to work more effectively. When the staff
are free to wear the clothes they like, they will feel happy, feel respected. At the time,
employees will feel like working, love the office and they will show their talents. They
work creatively, enthusiastically and bring hight efficiency.

Thirdly, the company creates an open atmosphere at work. When individuals are free
to choose to do something they feel comfortable and open. That feeling spread
throughout the body and throughout the company. As a result, they willing to exchange
new ideas with their superiors. That bring ptoductivity to the company.

In summary, the company allows employees to wear casual clothes once a week to
create great effects that bring hight ptoductivity to the company. It is a company that
shows respect for employees, simulates employees to work more effectively, and creates
an open workplace atmosphere. Only a small change in the regulation that employees
have to wear work uniforms throughout the week has changed the whole attitude of
employees to become more possitive.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 8: Think about a job you have had or world like to have. In your opinion,
what are the most important characteristics that you and the people you work with
should prosess to be successful in the job? Use reasons and specifc explames to
illustrate why these characteristics qre important.

In this essay, I present three important characteristics of a good teacher because

techers are my career. It is good and professional, has good morality.

Firstly, the most important characteristitcs of doing well in teaching is that teachers
must be good at expertise. Expertise in the field of science that teachers study and teach.
Teachers must be good at width and depth to teaching well. That teachers not only
coovey knowledge to students but aslo solve students’ questions well. To be professional,
teachers not only study at scholl but also learn from books and colleagues.

Secondly, another important feature of good teaching is that teachers must be

professional. Professionallsm is to understand students’ psychology, pedagogical
psychology, know how to to teach and aducate students.

Lastly, the last important characteristitcs to do good teaching is that teachers must
have good morality. The teacher is an example for students to follow. The morality of
teachers plays a very important role, contributing to determining the quality of education.
Students observe and learn the style of fashion, the way of communication, the way of
learning, the way of life of the teacher.

In short, teachers have a big role in development of students’ perceptions and

personalities. Therefor, a good teaches must have good expertise, good professional
skills, and good morality.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 9: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better for a company to hire a job appliciant who already has work
experience than to hire an appliciant who recently graduated from school. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Many people think that it is better for a company to hire a job appliciant who already
has work experience than to hire an appliant who recently graduated from school. I agree
with this idea because I believe that living university education is essential for academic
jobs while soft skills and experience are useful in business.

Firstly, if there is only a degree but no experience, it will be very difficult for an
employee to handle practical problems, because the theory learned at school is difficult
from reality.

Secondly, experienced people will learn faster than those with only degrees. That
helps the company reduce training time.

Finally, an experienced degree is someone who has soft skills good enough to handle
everyday-no-more-jobs. For example, when a company takes a new gradute, it takes a lot
of time to guide them to use a photo machine, scanner, how to write a report, even a
powpoint. That slows down the work scheduce very much.

In conclusion, I think that companies should choose experienced candidates because

they creat a sense of reassurance for employeer. That they don’t need to spend too much
effort, cost and time to retain. So, it is better for a company to hire a job appliant who
already has worked experience than to hire an appliant who recently graduated from

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 1+2: đọc theo đoạn văn, chú ý cách phát âm và nhấn âm. Sẽ
làm trực tiếp trong các đề phía sau.
Câu 3:
Lưu ý:
Nói theo bố cục bên dưới, phần tô đậm là những câu quan trọng nhất
định phải có trong bài. Tùy theo ngữ cảnh mà nói nice sunny day,
have a good time. Gặp hoàn cảnh, thời tiết xấu thì nói bad day.

Xem các ví dụ sau:

Well, there are two people and many birds on the bridge in this picture. I
guess they are a family, the mother and the son. The mother is sitting and
wearing a yellow dress. The son is standing next to her and weariing shirt and
short. They are feeding the birds. It look like a nice sunny day. They are
probly having a good time.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Well, there are some people in this picture. Almost people are sitting on the ground in
the park. I guess they are a group os friends, and havinf a barbecue. It seem that there a
lot os cups, water bottles, glasses foods, and other things on the ground. I can see a lot of
trees far away. It looks like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Well, there are many people im this picture. They are eating outside. I can see two
couple are eating and talking together. There are a lot os cups, glasses, bottles, some
plates os foods and other things on the table. There are a lot of trees around them. It looks
like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Well, there are three people on the street in this picture. I guess they are a family, the
father and his children. On the left of this picture, the father is stopping and talking with
his daughter. On the right of this picture, the son is stopping and looking at his father and
sister. It looks like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Well, there are some people and many trees in this picture. I guess they are in the
park. On the left of this picture, there are many people. It seem that they are talking
together. In the center of this picture, some people are riding their bicycle. On the right of
this picture, they are probly a family, the father, the mother, and their son. They are going
for a walk in the park. It looks like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Well, there are some people on the street in this picture. On the left of this picture,
there are a traffic light and sign. In the center of this picture, many people are crossing
the street. On the right of this picture, two yellow bus and a red car are stopping. It looks
like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Well, I can see three women in this pictuer. It seems that at the supermartket. In the
center of this picture, the woman has a short hair. She is wearing a blue t-shirt. I'd guess
she is choosing fruit. Oh, I can see a basket full of goods beside her. It seems that two
women behind her are also choosing something. They are probably having a good time.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Well, there are some people in this picture. I guess they are in a street mark. On the
left of this picture, there are a lot of vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, bean and more
than. On the right of this picture, the woman is wearing the traditional Indian dress. It
looks like a nice sunny day. They are probly having a good time.

Well there are two people in this picture. I guess they are sitting on pavement. I guess
the woman is selling something. Far away i guess the gril is reading a book. I can see two
trees on slidewalk. It looks a nice sunny day. They are probably having a good time

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 4 + 5 +6: nhìn câu hỏi và trả lời, ý trả lời tự mỗi người nói nha,
phần này không biết ghi lưu ý sao cho mọi người luôn á.

CÂU 7+8+9
Lưu ý:

Khi gặp các bảng lịch trình bên dưới thì hãy nhớ kĩ câu hỏi và học thuộc câu
trả lời, vào thi gặp các bảng này thì không cần nghe câu hỏi nữa vì đã có sẵn
câu hỏi như bên dưới nên cứ trả lời y nguyên theo cách đã trả lời dưới đây.

Câu 7: khi nào lắp đặt hệ thống email mới cho tất cả máy tính?
Trloi: from March 9 to April 1
Câu 8: Hệ thống cũ sẽ kg tồn tại cho đến ngày 1 tháng 4. Đúng không?
Trloi: Old system is available until April 30
Câu 9: Can you tell me everything Hudson Consultants will be training?

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Trloi: nói 3 dòng có tên Hudson Consultants trong cột thứ 2.

Câu 7: Tôi biết có Guest Speaker, cho tôi biết về mục đó?
Trloi: Nói hết dòng này: từ “11:00AM đến ...Thinking”
Câu 8: Tôi biết quí vừa rồi chúng ta bắt đầu họp lúc 9g, vậy nếu tôi đến
lúc 8:30 là khá sớm. Đúng kg?
Trloi: Yes. This quarter we start meeting at 10AM.
Câu 9: Những chtrinh vào buổi chiều?
Trloi: nói phần 1:00pm và 2:00pm.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 7: Chủ đề đầu tiên của seminar là gì? Ai nói?

Trloi: the first is Developing Creative Thinking Skill given by Anna
Câu 8: seminar chỉ đc tổ chức vào tháng 10, đúng kg?
Trloi: Well, let me check that for you. No, it is held in October and
Câu 9: Tôi nghĩ Jun Li nói rất hay. Cho tôi biết những buổi tập huấn của
cô ấy?
Trloi: Well, let me check that for you. 0n October 15: workshop:
Resolving Workplace Conflict and on October 29: workshop: Team Project
Overcoming Challenges.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 7: Tôi nghe có ai đó nói về thức ăn...Ai nói và họ nói về chủ đề gì?
Trloi: That’s Andy Emet who is talking about My mother’s kitchen: An
Egyptian Cookbook.
Câu 8: Có phải Marlene Loring nói lúc 7:15? Tôi nên đến lúc mấy giờ để
nghe bài nói này?
Trloi: dấu * should arrive before 7:30 because all talks starts promptly at 7:30.
Câu 9: Tôi muốn biết những bài nói còn lại, bạn có thể cho tôi biết về
chúng kg?
Trloi: nói hết 2 dòng cuối của ngày 22 và 29 December.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 7: Mấy giờ tôi (chuyến bay) đến Seoul vào thứ 3?
Trloi: Well, you arrive in Seoul at 4:35pm on Tuesday, January 6.
Câu 8: Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ đi chuyến bay của hãng....airline có phải kg?
Trloi: No, I don’t think so. You’ll take Fairlane Airways Flight 764.
Câu 9: Cho tôi thông tin chi tiết chuyến bay lúc tôi trở về?
Trloi: Nói hết 3 dòng

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 7: New Software Training bắt đầu khi nào? Ở đâu?

Trloi: New Software Training begins on March 16th at Technology
Training Center, room 222.
Câu 8: Tôi đến trễ....khoảng 11g. Có Break nào cho tôi kg?
Trloi: Well, let me see. I’m afraid not because there’s a Coffee Break from
10 to 10:15
Câu 9: Tôi muốn có cơ hội thực tập về việc sd software, bạn có thể githich
việc này giúp tôi?
Trloi: Well, New Data Base Software Demonstration with computers
available for 20 participants and Individual Practice, you choose one practice
task...và nói 3 dòng này nữa

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 7: Tôi đến trễ, 7g tôi mới đến, vậy tôi sẽ bỏ lỡ chtrinh gì?
Trloi: Well, let me see. You’ll miss Social Hour, at Museum Lobby at
Câu 8: Tôi đc biết Guest Speaker nói về việc Quyên Góp tiền...có phải kg?
Trloi: No, guest speaker talks about “Environmental Chalenges Facing our
Câu 9: Cho tôi biết chtrinh sau khi Guest Speaker nói?
Trloi: 2 dòng này nha....

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu hỏi số 7: Tôi đăng ký seminar bằng cách nào?

Trloi: Câu đầu tiên chỗ dấu sao cuối cùng...tới “on the last day of June.”
Nếu nhắm kg kịp thì trloi đến dấu phẩy cũng đc.
Câu hỏi số 8: ...the time and place of session III? (thgian và địa điểm của
session III?)
Trloi: 1:15-3:45pm và Davis Center room 308.
Câu hỏi số 9: Những chtrinh của buổi sáng?
Trloi: 3 dòng: 9:30 am, 10:00am, và 11:00am: Nói giờ và nói tên
chtrinh....không cần nói phòng nha vì sợ không kịp giờ...

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Khi không gặp được những bảng lịch trình trên thì cứ bình tĩnh nghe
và trả lời theo cách câu giờ bên dưới đây:

Phần tô đậm màu vàng là những câu cửa miệng, khi máy đọc xong
câu hỏi thì nói luôn nhằm câu giờ để có thời gian tra đáp án trong bảng
lịch trình. Nếu nghe được câu hỏi thì trả lời luôn, không cần câu giờ.
Đặc biệt khi trong bảng có dấu sao (*) là phần chú thích thêm, sẽ có
trong câu trả lời.

Câu 7 + 8 (trả lời 1 chi tiết)

Let me check that for you. Let’s see, Its look like + câu trả lời
Câu 9 (trả lời 2-3 chi tiết)
Well, that’s a good question. I have got a schedule in front of me. It says
that First + ý 1, Secondly + ý 2, Finally + ý cuối.
Riêng câu 9, nếu nghe không được người ta hỏi gì thì hãy liệt kê 3 dòng
cuối cùng trong bảng lịch trình từ dưới đếm lên để trả lời cho câu hỏi này
(làm kiểu này đúng 75% ), nhớ mẹo này nha nha.
Câu 10:
Câu này khá là mệt, họ nói một lèo như phàn nàn hay yêu cầu về một vấn
đề nào đó và mong muốn mình đưa ra giải pháp, nếu ai nghe được, nghe tốt
thì hãy bình tĩnh làm nhé.
Cái này thì dành cho những người không nghe được gì hết nè, cô hay nói
là điếc đặc á, không nói là không có điểm nên cứ nói hết đoạn này vô, có
điểm á mà nhiều hay ít điểm thì tùy người chấm à nha. Cứ thoải mái nói đi.
Hi, Sir or Madam.This is Rin, and I am returning your call from this
morning. I am sorry to head that problem. I also understand that it is
frustrating .I will solve pronlem immediately for you. Let me know if you
have any questions. Thanks again for your call. And again we’re very sorry
about this problem.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -

Câu 11.
Nêu quan điểm về một ý kiến, nói theo cấu trúc bên dưới,
In my opinion, I think that + ý kiến +because firstly + ý kiến, secondly + ý
kiến 2, finally+ ý kiến cuối cùng. In conclusion, with these above about
reasons, I think that + ý kiến.
Ví dụ

In my opinion, I think that advances in technology have make the world a

better place beacause firstly, teachnology helps increase food productivity
and makes some kind of fruits and vegetables available on specifia seasons
all years. Secondly, teachnology helps connect everything together. They can
decrease distance between them by using cell phones, ching and sharing
problems happiness together. Lastly, teachnology improves health quality. In
conclusion, with these above about reasons. I think that advances in
teachnology have make the world in the better place.

Nguyễn Thị Thuận -


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Tóm lại
Hãy nắm thật kĩ cấu trúc và phương pháp để thi nhé (các lưu ý được nhấn
mạnh trong khung và phần tô đậm màu vàng trong bài, ghi nhớ thật kĩ để nó
trở thành vũ khí chiến đấu nhé, hehe).

Xem và làm thử hết 10 bộ đề nói cho quen dần.

Xem thật kĩ phần viết: câu 1-5 và câu 8 vì khả năng trùng đề 95% (học kĩ
nha ).

Các câu còn lại chưa chắc đã trùng nhưng sau khi đã xem ví dụ các dạng
bài trên, đã có phương pháp thì cứ bình tĩnh áp dụng cho tất cả các câu nhé.
Cứ làm theo lời cô nói là pass 100% (trích lời cô Hạnh)

Cảm ơn cô Tuyết Hạnh đã giúp em thi đậu nhé. 3><3


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