Presentación Proyecto Creativo Moderno Azul

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what houses were like in the 80's

Normally the houses were bigger and cheaper than

today, there were more bedrooms because there were
more children, there was a living room and a sitting
room, usually each child had his own room, it was
fashionable to have gotele walls, there were also
lamps, and there are many more things ...
what school was like in
the 80's
there were other subjects, the teachers were much stricter, if you misbehaved they
would give you a ruler or put books in your hands for as long as the teacher told you, at
recess they would make you copy the words you had made a mistake in class about
10000, there was a lot of homework .....
What were jobs and professions like in the 1980s?

in the 80's the P.F. reigned which are the plumbers,

the carpenters, the glazier, the baker who had to get
up at 6 o'clock in the morning to make bread, the
botijo maker, the cobbler .....
what food was like in the
the food was much more natural, not like now that everything is more
industrialized before you went to the greengrocer and smelled fruit not lik
now that smells of chemicals, and the fruit was eaten in his tienpo, was
going to eat sales and every weekend went to grandma's house
what families were like
in the 80s
we used to go to grandma's house every Sunday and my uncles, aunts and cousins would come..., we would have
barbecues, there was a lot of communication between us, they would stay at our houses to sleep some special day

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