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Assignment: 4

Naveen Kumar
Total Quality Management

Technical Appraisals of Maruti Suzuki India Limited

1. Customer Management:
Maruti Suzuki India Limited employs a robust CRM system integrated with digital channels and dealership
networks. They utilize data analytics to understand customer behavior, preferences, and trends. The
company emphasizes proactive communication and customer support through various touchpoints,
including social media, mobile apps, and online forums. Continuous feedback mechanisms enable timely
resolution of issues and the customization of products and services to meet evolving customer needs.


the above image, we can understand the complete relationship charter of a customer.
For example, we have taken a dealer of Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL) i.e. “Prem Motors”.

2. Employee Involvement:
Maruti Suzuki fosters employee involvement through structured programs and initiatives. They encourage
participation in decision-making processes through suggestion schemes and employee councils. Regular
training and development opportunities enhance skills and promote career growth. Moreover, the company
promotes a culture of inclusivity and collaboration through team-building activities, cross-functional
projects, and open communication channels.
Maruti Suzuki India Limited actively fosters employee engagement through a variety of initiatives. Let’s
explore some of these activities:

Training and Skill Development:

Maruti Suzuki invests in continuous learning and development for its employees. Regular training
programs enhance skills, boost confidence, and contribute to overall job satisfaction 1.
Two-Way Communication:
The company encourages open dialogue between leaders and employees. Effective communication
channels ensure that concerns are addressed promptly, fostering a positive work environment 1.
Recognition Programs:
Maruti Suzuki acknowledges outstanding performance through various recognition schemes.
Appreciation and rewards motivate employees and reinforce their commitment to the organization 1.
Employee Volunteering (e-Parivartan):
The e-Parivartan program enables Maruti employees to engage in social and community work. It’s
part of the company’s larger

3. Reward and Recognition System:

Maruti Suzuki's reward and recognition system incentivize performance and align it with organizational
objectives. They offer competitive compensation packages, performance-based bonuses, and incentives tied
to individual and team achievements. Recognition programs acknowledge excellence in various areas,
including innovation, customer service, and operational efficiency. Additionally, the company values long-
term commitment and offers benefits such as employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) to reward loyalty.
This loyalty reward program is designed to enhance the overall car ownership experience for customers.
Here are the key features:
 Earn Points: Customers earn points on every transaction they make within the Maruti Suzuki sales
and service network. For every 100 rupees spent, they receive up to 5 points, where 1 point equals 1
 Win Badges: By performing select actions, customers can earn badges that carry additional points.
 Card-less Program: Membership is linked directly to the customer’s mobile number, eliminating the
need for physical cards.
 Multiple Tiers: Customers can climb up to higher tiers (Member, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) with
exciting benefits, including exclusive invites and more reward points on spends.
Redeem Points: Points can be redeemed to save on service costs, accessories, and more.
4. Team Management Initiative:
Maruti Suzuki emphasizes agile methodologies and collaborative teamwork to drive efficiency and
innovation. They organize cross-functional teams that work in tandem with lean principles to optimize
processes and deliver results. Project management tools facilitate coordination and communication among
team members, ensuring alignment with project timelines and objectives. Regular performance reviews and
feedback sessions enable continuous improvement and talent development within the organization. Overall,
Maruti Suzuki prioritizes teamwork, accountability, and continuous learning to achieve organizational goals.

Maruti Suzuki India Limited has implemented several initiatives to enhance team management and foster a
collaborative work environment. Let’s explore some of these initiatives:

Skill Development Programs:

 The Maruti Suzuki Training Academy plays a crucial role in upgrading the skills of both employees
and workers from vendor companies. The focus is on reskilling and upskilling existing workers in
the automobile industry.
 The academy emphasizes teamwork, following the principle of Ho-Ren-So (Hokoku, Renraku, and
Sodan), which encourages transparency and information sharing within the organization.

People Technology Campaign:

Maruti Suzuki launched the “People Technology” campaign to celebrate innovations and technologies that
empower millions of customers. This campaign showcases how technology mobilizes and empowers people
over the years.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Maruti Suzuki’s CSR programs address both local and national issues. Key themes include:
 Road Safety: Initiatives under education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency care to promote
road safety.
 Skill Development: High-quality training to create a skilled and industry-ready workforce.
 Community Development: Improving healthcare, education, water, sanitation, and infrastructure
facilities for communities.

Employee Support During Difficult Times:

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Maruti Suzuki distributed meals prepared at in-house canteens to support
temporary workers and student trainees staying nearby.

Meet Our Employees:

Maruti Suzuki’s culture emphasizes teamwork, blending Japanese management systems with Indian values.
The focus remains on exceeding targets with creative solutions while keeping customers at the center of

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