M2 - Activity 3

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Name: Jamera, Queen Bernadeth D.

February 16, 2021

Year/Section: BSICT-2B Score:


Historical Importance of Text in Understanding Philippines History

Examining the Author’s Main Argument and Point of View

Interpretation of Primary Sources

ACITIVTY 3: Let’s Break It On! Identify the practices mentioned by Plasencia on the
following aspects:

1. Community
 the unit government in the community is called barangay and ruled by chieftain.
2. Property
 children inherited the properties and each community has a pond only families
within can fish
3. Marriage
 man requires giving a dowry and men were monogamous
4. Religion
 they worship many Gods and Goddesses and also they believe in sacred animals
5. Superstitious
 they believe in aswang, dwarfs, manananggal, sorcerer etc.
 they also believe in magical power of amulet and charms such as anting-anting
also in manganggayuma or love poison.
6. Burial or death
 the deceased was buried beside his house and grief was accompanied by eating
and drinking.

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