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Yo Ho Ho, Off to Sea We Go!

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope
Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington
Additional Tags: pirate colin, excuse me privateer, penelope kidnapped, for her own good,
serious thirst on the high seas, keeping bridgerton sexy, lady
whistledown discovery, double-drabble-ish chapters, Chaotic Colin
Bridgerton, who needs shirts?, or dresses, blatant flirting and come ons,
suspiciously missing trunks, one cabin, one bed, two people, there's only
one chair, can he be chaotic when everything has been planned out?,
Colin "chaotic weddings only" Bridgerton, there's only thing Colin likes
to eat more than food, colin's favorite name, penelope finally gets what
she's been asking for, and colin is happy to give it, someone is head-
over-heels crazy in love, hint: his name is colin, you are married Pen,
happy endings and happily ever after, why do anthony's siblings always
cause him such grief, mr. and mrs. bridgerton
Language: English
Collections: Amazing Fics to Re-Read!
Stats: Published: 2022-08-20 Completed: 2023-11-26 Words: 33,003 Chapters:
Yo Ho Ho, Off to Sea We Go!
by LadyTicklebotham


Penelope Featherington has been kidnapped by the last person she would ever expect and
taken to the last place she'd ever dream of.

A.K.A: What would happen if Colin found out about LW and all those trips to the continent
were just cover for Colin pirating it up?

rating will change


I really don't need to open another new doc. Really. I have so many WIPs that I want to
finish.... but the heart wants what the heart wants and the heart wants sexy pirate Colin and
sea siren Penelope. And also the heart wants really short chapters-- like double-drabble-ish

This work is inspired by this fabulous art of Nana Banana here:
How can you see this and not want to write something to match it? Look at that pirate simp!

And also, a bit by 'The Other Miss Bridgerton'

This is likely to be a little crack-y and eventually super thirsty. So what else is new?

Note: This is not meant to be a very serious fic. Yes, Pen's kidnapped, but nothing bad will
happen to her. As my wise friend Stillpink would say "Keep Bridgerton Sexy™️."

See the end of the work for more notes

Inspired by (Pirate Colin) by Nana Banana Art

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Light filtered in through the pinholes in the sack, yellow dots burning though the tan fabric.
She fruitlessly tried to twist her hands and feet, the ropes cutting into her wrists, the muslin of
her dress saving her ankles from the same fate.

Every sound set her on edge. There was a clanging somewhere in the distance, likely a large
bell, and the busy voices of people, too far away to make out timbres or words. She’d scream
out, but a rag had been stuffed into her mouth.

Was this how it ended? She thought she had been careful—using a well-paid stable of hired
hacks, enlisting the help of Madame Delacroix, dressing in disguise. Obviously, it hadn’t
been enough. Someone found her. It didn’t matter how hard she kicked and flailed against her
kidnapper, they had been victorious; all it took was oil of sweet vitriol and a cloth to make
her pliant and easily handled. Though she at least had the satisfaction of connecting her
elbow to some sensitive spot and eliciting an angry growl. Serves them right.

She pondered the wisdom of trying to grope the floor she was sitting on to find a weapon
when she heard the unmistakable sound of an opening door.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts, as always! 💗

Chapter Notes

A quick note on the timeline here... imagine if Colin went away after saying that in
season two and when he came back Pen forgave him and then they just lived their lives
but weren't as close as they once were (so more book vibes at this point in their lives).
And also El and Pen forgave each other immediately because I hate them apart. Now we
are maybe 7 years after season two end, so Colin is 28 and Pen 25.

Thanks for the love 😘 You readers are the best, as per usual.
See the end of the chapter for more notes

She could hear her heart beat in her ears as she held her breath and listened to the thud of
boots against hardwood. A man’s steps, sure and swift, stopping in front of her. The smell of
leather and bergamot, an oddly comforting scent in such a situation. She was frightened but
wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her cower or cry. She was Lady bloody
Whistledown. If these were the last moments she would spend on this earth, she would not
spend them hysterical or pleading. She would be defiant and proud, lock eyes and hold her
head high, giving them all manner of hell if given the chance.

Penelope tried to kick out her legs and strike her captor, but he easily side-stepped her
attempt. Before she could lash out again, she felt sturdy arms slide underneath her knees and
behind her back. She jerked from one side to the other trying to connect any part of her body
with his, but was unceremoniously dropped onto a plush surface before she was successful.
Her body bounced slightly before sinking into what was most assuredly a feather mattress.

Before she could worry about the implications of being tossed onto a bed, the sack covering
her face was yanked off.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you are enjoying it! As always, I love to hear your thoughts.
Chapter Notes

Thanks for reading this... I'm having a lot of fun forcing myself to write quick and end
short. Thanks for sticking around with Captain Colin and me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She squinted against the sudden rush of light. A hand reached down to move her hair which
had fallen over her face, effectively blocking much of her view. She lurched away,
ungracefully scrambling backward like a clumsy worm.

She must have looked absurd because the man laughed, warm and loud and… familiar. She
whipped her head back against the mattress then shook it from side-to-side, clearing the
frizzy curls away from her sight.

Then she saw him. Him. HIM!? She had to be seeing things. Maybe she’d been hit over the
head when she was kidnapped and now she was hallucinating or dreaming. Dreaming of a
rogue Colin Brigderton with windswept waves and a shadowed jawline, standing in front of
her arms crossed, doing his best impersonation of his stern eldest brother.

“Mphf da vj fenf vj bmd bdgls!” she demanded through the cloth between her lips.

He chuckled. “I am happy to take that fabric out of your mouth and help you out of your
bindings if you will agree to keep your sharp elbows to yourself—they are exceedingly
boney.” She narrowed her eyes. “Or I can come back later, if you’re still feeling

She rolled her eyes and nodded her agreement. Colin strode to the edge of bed, his body
perilously close to hers as he made quick work of cutting her legs free, then unbinding her
hands so she could pull the rag out.

“Have you gone mad?!” she bellowed at him, unable to keep her ire out of her voice as she
leapt from the bed and pushed him hard in the chest. He didn’t budge, the infuriating man.

He leaned down so he was mere inches from her face. “No more than you, Lady

Chapter End Notes

It's getting exciting now! I hope you liked it. As always, I look froward to hearing your
Chapter Notes

Am I the only one who find smug Colin hot? Irl I would not be about it, but in fics...
Maybe it's because Newts does it so well...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Her knees buckled, and she stumbled backward until her knees hit the edge of the bed and
she collapsed.

“No response?” he asked condescendingly.

“I—I—” her mind couldn’t seem to form coherent thoughts.

His emerald eyes were intense; she looked away, not able to bear the steeliness she saw in
them. “That’s surprising, considering you’ve spent years giving your opinion on so many

Penelope was unable to find the defiance she’d had only moments earlier; her words were
barely a whisper. “How… how did you…”

“How did I know?” She nodded, grateful he finished her question rather than let her squirm
until she found the words herself. “I saw you get into the hack and followed you to the print
shop.” He had followed her. Why had he followed her? “I watched you step out of the
carriage dressed as a maid, go in and deal with your publisher. When you left I darted inside
and was able to confirm my suspicions when I saw your handwriting on a sheet titled Lady
Whistledown’s Society Papers. Honestly, Penelope, how could you be so unbelievably

His words broke her out of her stupor, meeting his eyes again, this time with a unyielding
gaze of her own. “I beg your pardon?”

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading! As always I look forward to your thoughts. ♥️

Chapter Notes

Sorry it's been a few days-- the work week makes updating difficult.

So I might be posting primarily on weekends... we will see!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He began ticking off items on his fingers. “The Queen, Lady Danbury’s offer of one thousand
pounds, the whole Ton is rabid to uncover you—and you’ve been careless with your

“I have not!” her face flushed with heat. What did he know about it? He was barely in town
during the Season any more.

Colin scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “And yet I, who am rarely in London, was able to follow
you and discover your secrets with ease. The modiste, the paper boy look outs, the hired hack
with the change of clothes—”

Her blue eyes grew as wide as saucers. “Mr. Whitfield? He… he told you?”

“It wasn’t hard to get it out of him. I pushed and he told me everything. Luckily, he doesn’t
know your name, so he couldn’t give that away.”

“Oh, God.” She couldn’t believe the man would reveal her secrets. After all she’d paid him,
how generous. “What I am going to do?” she whispered to herself.

“You don’t have to do anything. It’s been handled,” he said smugly.

She turned her face upward; he looked far too satisfied for her taste. “What does that mean?”

“Lady Whistledown will no longer be an issue for you. You are safe.”

“Meaning?” she asked, dragging out the word slowly.

“Meaning Lady Whistledown has published her final column. You’re welcome.”

Chapter End Notes

Baby did a bad, bad thing....
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Readers, I love and appreciate all of you! 💗 Now to the drama...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She must have misunderstood him… Surely, he couldn’t mean… “Final… column….” The
words slid slowly out of her mouth as what he said began to sink in.

“I must admit, it wasn’t easy, the people you work with are damned suspicious, but Lady
Whistledown has finally set down her quill.” He raised his chin and puffed out his chest,
clearly pleased.

The reality of his words were settling into her and with them she felt a kindling growing.
“Lady Whistledown has not done any such thing, because I have not written any such thing.
She cannot retire because I have not retired!”

“She can and she has,” he replied as if it were a forgone conclusion, as if she had no say in
the matter.

Penelope could feel the heat spread through her limbs and flush her face. “You cannot choose
when I end my column, Colin!”

“Someone needed to— as you were incapable of seeing the inevitable.”

“Incapable?!” She hated how high and shrill her voice sounded, but she wasn’t able to make
herself sound rational. The nerve of this man! “Since when do you get to make decisions
about my life’s work?”

“Since you’ve been taking insane risks with your very safety.” He was reprimanding her.
Him! Who apparently is a pirate now! Or at least dressed like one. “Or do you not remember
the death threats your nom de plume received? Death threats, I might point out, that you
yourself included in the pages of your own scandal sheet. Or had it slipped your mind
someone threatened to find you and ‘slice you from end to end?’”

Chapter End Notes

So... what do we think about Colin's decision now? I look forward to your thoughts as
Chapter Notes

Your comments are life, readers! I am giggling so much!

She stared at him, brow furrowed, mouth agape, unable to believe the words he was saying to
her. “Of course I haven’t forgotten! How could I have? They were made against me!” Really!
“You had no right to—”

He broke in and it infuriated her that he wouldn’t listen to her. “You gave us no choice—”

“—end my column without my permission!”

“You weren’t going to stop—”

She kept making her points; if he made no effort to hear her, she did not feel it necessary
to consider his words either. “I’ve worked very hard on that column—”

“—and the madman who wrote them was determined—”

“—and I am proud at what I’ve done.”

“—to find you and kill you!”

“Which is why I included it in my column! So that people would know—”

“Why you were killed?” he retorted.

“You are not listening to me!”

“Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean that I am not listening.”

She let out a grunt of frustration. There was no reasoning with him. There must be some
way to-- Then she realized. Us. “What did you mean by ‘us?’” His brow furrowed in
confusion. “You said ‘you gave us no choice.’ Who is us?”

He crossed his arms and lifted his noise in the air, “I should think it obvious—myself and
Chapter Notes

I'm sorry... there is no pirate Eloise... the captain of this ship is Colin and he is going to
be hoisting the mainsail and shivering all the timbers lol

Thank you, dear readers! The comment section has been so much fun!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Her fury returned five-fold. “So it wasn’t bad enough you carried out the scheme, you felt the
need to involve Eloise!”

“When I found out that Lady Whistledown—”

“Me! I am Lady Whistledown! We aren’t separate people, Colin!”

“Fine, when I found out about you,” the word emphasized to showcase his own irritation, “I
needed some time to process. I went to Will’s for a drink. I knew I would need to act—”

“No one asked you to do anything!” she cut in.

He ignored her and continued, “—When I returned to Number 5 it was late, so I planned to
extract information from Eloise in the morning. But when I arrived home I was surprised to
find my sister already out of bed, placing a letter bearing your name in the hands of her
favorite footman, eyes puffy and red.” Penelope’s heart dropped. She knew the letter—it was
the same as the dozen or so others Eloise had sent--pleading with her to stop publishing for
her own sake-- the same argument El made at least twenty times in person. She had refused.
“I, of course, was concerned with why my usually resilient sister was crying. She refused to
tell me at first; it was only if I asked if it were about Whistledown and she cleverly
determined I knew that she told me. Eloise was terrified,” Penelope felt guilt bubble inside
her. “As soon as she realized I had a plan to end Whistledown she insisted on helping. We
worked together to close the column—for your benefit, I might add.”

Her two closest friends had conspired against her. “I cannot believe you involved her in your

He scoffed, “I’d hardly call saving your life treachery.”

“What about kidnapping? And locking me in some room?” She gestured wildly to the space
around her.

“Cabin would be more accurate,” he said coolly.

“What does it matter? Room, cab…” Penelope took in her surroundings in earnest for the
first time. Bed. Table. Desk. Chairs. Wardrobe. And where there should have been
windows… portholes. “Are… are we… are we on a boat?” she stuttered.

Chapter End Notes

Lol.... They're on a boat (cue the music).... wonder how she will feel about that...

As always, I look forward to your thoughts!

Chapter Notes

Thanks for sticking with me on this fun but not researched fic! Hopefully I am still
Keeping Bridgerton Sexy ™️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“A ship would be more accurate, but yes, we are on a boat.” Spoken as if it wasn’t the most
ludicrous thing he had ever said.

“Colin, why are we on a boat?”

“One usually is on a boat when one is at sea.”

“At sea? What do you mean at sea?!” she demanded, her voice like a high whistle.

“I thought it was rather obvious, but look out the porthole if you are in doubt.” He nodded to
one of the openings pouring light into the room.

She ran up to the hole and saw nothing but navy ripples and blue, cloudless skies stretching
into the distance. “But we can’t be… We were just in a carriage and then we moved to
another carriage and then—” Her head had been in a sack, but surely she couldn’t have been
that wrong.

“We were in one carriage and then we got onto The Butterfly."

“The Butterfly?”

“My ship.”

“Your… You have a ship?! Since when do you have a ship?”

He squinted and tilted his head from side-to-side as if doing math in his mind. “For about
eight years.”

Her mouth dropped and eyes grew wide. “Eight years?!”

“You didn’t think I was just traveling on the continent aimlessly this whole time, did you?”
That was precisely what she had thought—that she had been stuck in London with her
mother and he had been luxuriating in exotic locales, bedding beautiful women.

“This is impossible! There is no way anyone could have kept a secret that long!” Of this, she
was certain. One of the Bridgertons would have found him out before year three. They
simply could not stay out of each other’s business.

He raised a brow and gave her a smug little smile. “Really, Lady Whistledown?”

Chapter End Notes

He's got her there🤣

And he will soon-ish have her in other ways 😏
As always, thank you for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

As always, thank you for reading! And of course leaving comments; I treasure them so

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She loathed to admit it, but he had a point. About keeping secrets, not about her column, and
certainly not about bringing her to sea.

“So, this whole time you’ve been a pirate?”

“Privateer, not pirate,” he corrected. “There is a difference.”

A curse slipped out under her breath, and he quirked a brow letting her know he heard her.
“Does it really matter?”

“Yes, quite a bit,” he said seriously. “One could see me hanged, the other might see me

“Pirate, privateer, I don’t care! I just want off of this boat!”

“Not possible.”

If he was lucky she would kill him, but at the moment she was leaning towards slow torture.
“Colin Christopher Bridgerton! You will let me off of this boat immediately!”

“We are at sea.” He pretended to ponder her words for a moment, pantomiming deep thought.
“I suppose you could try to swim for it, though you wouldn’t make it very far. We are miles
and miles from coastline.”

“So I am just supposed to wander around this ship for God knows how long?!”

“No, you will stay in this cabin for God knows how long—which is about four sennights…
give or take a few days.”

Chapter End Notes

🤔 I wonder what they are going to do stuck in that cabin for weeks...
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Thanks for staying on the ship with me and not jumping overboard! Hugs to you, dear

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“FOUR SENNIGHTS IN ONE ROOM!? Are you insane! I can’t be gone for four sennights!
I can’t be gone four hours! My mother—”

“Believes you are visiting Aubrey Hall with Eloise.”

“For a month?!”

“I doubt she will mention anything. Do you think she will come to fetch you? With Prudence
and Felicity making her bow next season?” He looked at her as if daring her to disagree with

She knew he was right, not that she would ever admit it to him; there was no way her mother
would care. Portia was likely relieved not to have her there to distract her from more
important matters. But…BUT…

“And what about your mother? And Anthony.”

Colin’s brows knit together in confusion. “What about them?”

“I cannot believe either would willingly agree to deceive my mother and allow her to believe
I was spending a month with the Bridgertons.”

“Anthony, Kate, and their brood have already left to visit India. And Mother is busy with her
other grandchildren, so Eloise will most certainly be able to intercept any post from your
mother—if she writes. Lord knows Eloise can mimic your hand quite well. It’s what made
ending the column possible—no one doubted it was you writing.”

She growled in frustration with her captor and her closest friend. “I cannot believe Eloise
would conspire with you to end my column, abduct me, and trap me on a ship!”

For the first time since he’d removed the sack from her head, Colin didn’t have a retort. And
he wasn’t staring at her in that manner that made her both uneasy and excited at once. She
eyed him suspiciously. He was hiding something, and by the way his attention transferred to
his fingertips, it was something very large indeed. But what? She mentally reflected on her
words—he was the one who told her Eloise was involved with ending Whistledown—and
she must have been involved in the kidnapping as Eloise was the thread weaving together
their carefully constructed falsehood. Which meant…

“Colin,” she asked slowly, “where does Eloise think I am?”

Chapter End Notes

Yes, Colin! Where?!

Thanks for reading! As always, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments
Chapter Notes

Well, this chapter is twice as long as it should be because I couldn't find a place to divide
it into two. I hope you will forgive me. ♥️

As always, thank you so much, dear readers! Love y'all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Not here,” he said matter-of-factly, still unable to meet her eyes.

She sucked in a breath to steady herself. “And where,” her voice was a calm fury, “does she
believe I am?”

“Does it matter?” he said with a heavy sigh—As if he had reason to be exasperated!

“Of course it matters! I will already have to lie about my whereabouts to my entire family
and your entire family and all of the ton—now I will have to keep the truth from Eloise as

“It’s not like you haven’t been lying to her for years about Whistledown.”

She ignored his retort and fought the urge to throttle him. “Where did you tell her I would be,

“With your cousins in Ireland.”

“And what, pray tell, do you think will happen with Eloise writes to me at my cousins' and I
never respond?”

“She won’t—she knows she can’t; it would be suspicious." She could tell he had completely
convinced himself this was the case and she knew there would be no convincing him

“You’ve lied to everyone I know!”

“You’ve lied to everyone you know,” he shot back.

“Not telling anyone I am Lady Whistledown is not lying! It’s not revealing a secret! There is
a large difference!”

“So, you weren’t lying and that was why you and Eloise remained estranged for almost a
twelve-month?” he replied haughtily.
“The reasons Eloise and I fought are between us and us alone.” He scoffed, the wretch. “But,
in time, she came to see the truth—that I do not owe her or you or anyone my secrets! Why
would I? You did not share your secret with me, Captain,” she snapped, emphasizing his title
to point out his own hypocrisy.

“My secret will not get me killed!” he barked.

She laughed, the sound devoid of all the humor and warmth it usually held. “No? Did I
misunderstand or are you not a pirate?”

He shook his head to show his disagreement with her point. “A privateer—there is a large

“Are you not still in danger out here doing God knows what?”

“No one has made multiple death threats against me—and if they had I would have enough
sense to stop!” he shot back.

“It was my decision whether or not I stopped writing after I received each threat—not
Eloise’s and not yours!”

He grabbed her shoulders as if grasping her might change her mind, could convince her he
was in the right—Penelope thought it ludicrous.

“And how could I had lived with myself if you had been hurt and I could have stepped in? If
I could have saved you, but worried instead about raising your ire?” His eyes held hers with
dark intensity and she found her anger with him fizzling against the affection behind his
words and the passion in his voice. “Pen, don’t you understand? I could not have lived with

Chapter End Notes

I wonder what will happen next 👀

I can't wait to hear from you in the comments!
Chapter Notes

Sorry it's been a few days, I edited a chapter for then updated my magnum opus (my
oldest and longest fic) and wanted to give it a few days to breathe out there. I will try to
update again tomorrow-- it's hard once the school week starts.

But this chapter is a fun one!

As always, thanks for all the love-- reads, kudos, bookmarks, comments-- you give me,
dear readers. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A variety of emotions were swirling inside her as she fought not to soften her resolve; the
righteous fire within her was dampening every second his fingers remained burning her skin.
He spoke with such passion for her, for her safety—she tried to convince herself it was polite
concern, concern from a man who she at one time considered to be one of her closest friends,
but his eyes… his eyes. They were hypnotizing her, igniting the part of her marked for him,
the part she wished away, making her forget everything but their proximity and the existence
of the bed behind her. They were both breathing hard, her chest rising and falling from
indignation and desire; he still held her tightly, as if she might float away.

“I could not have lived,” he repeated, his voice quieter. His gaze fell to her lips and, for a
brief moment, Penelope thought he might kiss her. She watched his Adam’s apple bob, and
she was suddenly, keenly aware his shirt was partially open and his neck, ordinary wrapped
and tied off by his cravat, was exposed. Her lips parted instinctually, and she took in a breath,
anticipating what might come, against her own better judgement.

But he didn’t kiss her. Of course he didn’t. Instead he released her and stepped away. She
flushed, embarrassment flooding her; he somehow had made her think what could be, a
practice she’d given up long ago, on that fateful night he’d told a group of gentlemen he’d
never court her. She should be mad, she reminded herself; furious with him for what he’d
done. She needed to be furious with him.

She planned to castigate him, to give him a tongue lashing so severe he would need weeks to
heal from the wounds. And she would have—her mouth opened, ready to begin her tirade,
and then he started to unbutton his shirt.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed it! I look forward to hearing from you in the comments! 💗
Pen's getting an eyeful...
Chapter Notes

I was hoping to update earlier, but school has been exhausting this week (it was that
field trip on Tuesday I think). But hopefully I will finish a few more chapters over the
weekend and give you some more updates (that's the perks of really short chapters).

Thank you again, dear readers

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope froze, her lips forming a perfect "O" of surprise, her eyes mesmerized by the
methodical movements of Colin’s fingers as he unfastened buttons and by the slow reveal of
his tanned skin. He shouldn't be doing this… But the protest in her mind died when he pulled
his shirt free of his trousers and it parted, exposing his toned torso. She had only stolen
glances at men made of marble, but the way Colin Bridgerton’s muscles flexed and stretched
as he moved, the fine dusting of hair across his chest, down his rippled abdomen, the trail
below his belly button that disappeared his behind the waist of his trousers made her flush,
the heat spreading through her body and coiling in her belly.

He removed the shirt completely, tossing it onto the back of his nearby chair. She was still
gaping at him, practically drooling, when he looked up, catching her. He grinned—
maddening, seductive, and all Colin.

“See something you like?” he asked with a chuckle.

Penelope snapped to attention, forcing herself to look away from the tantalizing patterns of
muscular creases, back to his infuriatingly smug, handsome face. She wouldn’t give him the
satisfaction—not after he’d taken her prisoner and set off to sea. Schooling her mouth into a
peevish line, she crossed her arms and said, “I see a face I would like to slap.”

He laughed, a deep, chocolatey sound, as he turned from her, walked to a wardrobe and
opened the door. She tried to ignore the way the lines of his back flexed and bent seductively,
but it was nearly impossible to disregard how elemental he was without his shirt. Colin took a
white shirt, sliding one arm into it, then the other, his shoulders shrugging it into place and he
pulled it on. There was something incredibly intimate about watching him dress.

He righted the collar while he turned back towards her. Penelope let out an involuntary hum
of approval; his smirk informing her that he heard the mortifying noise. She coughed loudly,
clearing her throat, a desperate and obvious attempt to pretend she had not just practically
moaned in front of him. Get a hold of yourself, Lady! Do not let him tempt you into forgetting
he kidnapped you!
“Is there a reason you have decided to further breach propriety and disrobe in front of me?”
she said in her most authoritative voice.

“I beg your pardon, Miss Featherington,” he replied smoothly, crossing to her. “After all, I
know how important you find propriety--with your work at Lady Whistledown.” She
frowned. “I did not realize I had offended you. Please allow me to explain. My shirt was wet

“I assume as a ship’s captain it frequently is,” she snapped back.

“Yes, of course.” His even tone was infuriating. “But when a shirt is very wet it could cause

“It looked perfectly dry to me.” She knew she was being petulant, but she felt she’d earned
some childish behavior.

“Oh, but it wasn’t. Here,” and before she knew it he’d taken her hand and placed it against
his bare chest.

Chapter End Notes

Colin Bridgerton! That is a gently-bred lady! lolol

As always, I look forward to your thoughts!

Chapter Notes

Life got in the way of a faster update even though this one was done yesterday. This one
is almost a perfect double-dribble length.... almost.
I love you, dear readers, and I thank you for all your support. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Her mind was racing, trying to match the thundering pace of her heart as her body burned
from the heat emanating from her hand—the hand that was currently pressed against the
warm skin of Colin’s chest. His body was so different from her own—firm and chiseled
where she was soft and plump. His hand covered hers, dwarfing it in comparison, caging her
fingers beneath his own.

“Can you feel?” he asked in a velvety voice.

Feel what? She could feel the beat of his heart—or, perhaps, it was hers, carried to her
fingertips, desperate to make contact, to connect to his. There was no trace of chill or
dampness; he might as well have been on fire for how he was heating her.

Penelope knew she needed to get ahold of herself—she was Lady Whistledown for heaven’s
sake! Stalking, conspiracy, abduction, stranded at sea. Remembering his transgressions
seemed to be the remedy to her stuttering mind. He would not slip away from responsibility
so easily—no matter how badly she might want to examine his form.

“Not even the hint of moisture,” she declared superiorly, but before she could pull her hand
away, Colin acted.

“Hmmm. Perhaps,” he began to guide her touch down, across his rippled abdomen, “it was

Chapter End Notes

You didn't expect him to just let that stand did you?
As always I would love to hear from you!
Hopefully another update tomorrow.
Chapter Notes

My friend Snooz told me it was Talk Like A Pirate Day! And I couldn't let that go
Although, if we talked like Privateer Colin it would be less "Argh! Mateys!" and more
"Oh no. I spilled tea on my trousers... looks like I will have to remove them." lol

Readers, thank you for being amazing, as always! I really appreciate you!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Dear God. All she wanted to do was let her hand wander, to explore him every ridge and
valley. As if magicked, her fingers bent closer to the heel of her hand, moving lightly across
the skin underneath. She hated this feeling of helplessness, of not being in control of her
movements. She would not let him win.

Gathering her resolve, she gave him a shove, figuring the space between them would help her
remain sensible, but all it did was give her a better view of his form. She nibbled her bottom
lip to keep herself from moaning. Why did he have to be so desirable? She hated feeling like
she had no control.

“Whether you were wet or not, which is highly unlikely given the state of your...,” she
blushed fiercely, but continued to reprimand him, her arms crossed, “…body, I am uncertain
why you believed it a good idea to disrobe in front of a lady. It was highly inappropriate.”

He grinned back at her wolfishly, as if he could read her mind. She silently cursed him for the
hundredth time that day. “Of course, you’re right,” he began to slowly fasten the buttons of
his shirt. “My apologies, my lady. I would never want to scandalize you.”

“I’m sure,” she retorted, rolling her eyes.

He chuckled, obviously amused by the response he elicited. “As much as I would like to lie
prostrate and allow you to punish me for my ungentlemanly behavior, I have to get back on
deck. A ship needs her captain.”

And just like that he was making his way towards the door. There was no way she was just
going to wait for him in his cabin, counting the minutes with only the unchanging view to
entertain her. If she were here, she might as well as make the best of it.

“I’ll come with you then.” She followed him to the cabin door.

“I’m afraid that’s impossible, Pen,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“And why not?” she demanded.

“Because if the crew knew you were here, they would likely throw you overboard.”

Chapter End Notes

I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments. 💗
He clearly thought this through. The man is a genius. lol

Thanks for reading!

Chapter Notes

I'm having such fun writing a Colin this chaotic and sexy lol

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your support! Your comments are like little

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Surely, she misheard him. He, who claimed to bring her aboard this ship for her own safety.
He, who was so worried she didn’t value her own enough he ended her column. He, who was
looking at her so seriously with those eyes… Damn him.

“I beg your pardon?”

“You must stay in the cabin,” his voice was unyielding.

What right does he have to be so attractive when being so firm—Annoying… So annoying,

she mentally corrected herself.

“So, you brought me on a boat I’m not safe on to keep me safe?”

“Penelope,” she said her name as if she were testing his patience. The audacity! “You are
perfectly safe here, of course.”

“Then I’ll just join you on deck.” She moved to open the cabin door as she said the words,
but he crowded her space, placing his hand above her, against the door, keeping it firmly
shut. She turned to demand he remove his hand, but his was leaning toward her, towering
above. She suddenly felt very hot again.

“Here in the cabin you are perfectly safe. On deck…”

“On deck?” She placed her hands on her hips and he let out an amused exhale.

“You do look like an adorable little angry kitten; I just want to give you a cuddle,” that
lopsided grin spreading across his face all charm and mischief.

Penelope forced herself to ignore how close he now was to her. Or that he had begun to
stroke her upper arm with his free hand.

Chapter End Notes

Oh, the man has a plan... 😏
As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts! ♥️
Chapter Notes

I meant to update earlier this weekend, but ran out of time until today. The good news I
have a couple of chapters ready for later this week.

As always, thank you dear readers! I do not exaggerate when I say your comments were
definitely the high point of last week ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He was trying to distract her! By touching her… God, Colin Bridgerton was touching her.
She was melting— she had to be; her whole body was turning liquid.

Focus, Penelope!

In perhaps her greatest moment of will power, she batted his hand away. “I am not an actual
cat, you know.”

“Can you blame me for wanting to pet my adorable ginger kitten?” His voice was entirely too
precious for her taste, even when coupled with the dangerously attractive quirk of his mouth.

“Do I look as if I am rubbing myself against you begging for affection?” she asked

His hand stilled, his eyes darkened, and his voice was deep, “You do not have to beg for
affection, a simple please would suffice.”

She huffed, giving him a shove, and tried to open the again, with the same result. “Please
move out of my way so I may go on deck.”

“Penelope,” Colin’s eyes turned serious and his whole demeanor became rigid. “You cannot
go on deck.”

“If you are the captain, then shouldn’t I be able to go where I please? Or maybe you don’t
have control of your crew?” Her tone was taunting and her stomach flipped when she saw his
jaw tighten with warning.

Chapter End Notes

Don't poke the bear, Penelope! lol We are getting near then end of the first part which is
As always, I would love to hear what you think in the comments!
Chapter Notes

Thank you for reading and everything else. I cannot tell you how much your comments
brightened my day yesterday. ♥️
A question finally answered (though it might be the one you were looking for).

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“I will forgive your insult as I know you are upset.” There is was unmistakable edge to his
voice. “My crew has never defied me, but I have also never given them reason to. The trust
between a captain and his crew is of the upmost importance—even bringing you to my cabin
might be seen as traitorous to some. Sailors are highly superstitious— red hair brings

Penelope was insulted. Why must redheads always be maligned? Why not blondes or
brunettes? “That is ridiculous—”

Colin held up his hand to silence her outrage and continued. “And women onboard anger the
sea gods. They are considered harbingers of doom that cause rough seas and violent weather

“I cannot believe that anyone would think that! It is preposterous!”

“Of course it is; I didn’t say I believed it—”

“Then there should be no problem—”

He spoke over her with such certitude she couldn’t help but stop and listen. “My men believe
it. They work on this ship, and I need them to be at their best, focusing on their jobs, not
terrified of a coming maelstrom, for the sake of the precious cargo we are carrying. And,” he
eyes locked to hers, “even if they did not feel that way, you would still be a terrible

Chapter End Notes

So if you read The Other Miss Bridgerton you likely knew why the crew might throw
Pen overboard.
Any guess as to the precious cargo? lol
I look forward to hearing your thoughts. 💙
Chapter Notes

I can't believe I've written 20 chapters of this already! It's all because of you, dear
readers! Thank you for all the love!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“How could I be distracting if I were just standing there? I do not have to speak with them,”
she argued.

“Your presence would be enough. These men are at sea with only the company of each other
for weeks on end. To see someone so soft, so delicate, so...” She could swear his eyes roamed
the length of her, only for a moment, before returning to meet her gaze. “…Voluptuous
aboard might tempt their baser instincts to the surface.”

“Their baser…” She was confused for a moment and then realized what he meant. “But you,
their captain, would be there—”

“And likely you would be perfectly safe. But if a problem arose and I had to leave your side,
there is a chance, however minute, something unsavory might occur. I will not take that
chance—not with you, never with you.”

Her heart fluttered; she told her body to stop, but it wouldn’t listen. She hated how his pretty
words were able to tangle her and have her forget all sense. She did not want to stay in this
room for weeks; she had to press the matter. “But I could—”

“No, you cannot. You will remain here. That is the end of it.” He was so confident, so… firm.
It was a different side of Colin; she realized she had seen him in new ways since he’d taken
her. He wasn’t the perfect gentleman she thought he had been. She would have never
imagined he could be so brazen or so unyielding. But no matter how attractive he
decisiveness was, she could not just acquiesce to his insistences.

But before she was able to argue, there was a knock on the other side of the door.

Chapter End Notes

Who could it be??

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, as always!
Chapter Notes

Sorry it's been a few days, but work continues to be a challenge.

Thank you, dear readers, for brightening my day with your kudos, bookmarks, and
comments. I adore you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Second breakfast, sir,” a young male voice called from the other side of the wood.

Penelope opened her mouth, but Colin shook his head, the look on his face so severe it
quieted her immediately.

“Leave it in the hallway, Charlie,” Colin directed.

There was a pause and Penelope could that tell when the boy started speaking again it was
carefully, as if he was worried he might offend. “But, Sir, if I leave it here then—”

“By the door, Charlie,” a pause between each firm word.

“Yes, Captain.” The reply was quick and obedient, and not a second later Penelope heard the
chattering of dishes followed by loud thud.

Breakfast! Breakfast sounded absolutely lovely. She’d left home before dawn and hadn’t had
anything to eat since dinner the previous night. Penelope stomach grumbled at the thought;
she hadn’t realized how hungry she was until that moment. Penelope opened her mouth to
ask for some, but, once again, Colin held up a finger up to silence her. She huffed indignantly
about being shushed yet another time.

The footsteps in the hallway faded away into the sound of the ocean outside and the faraway
business on deck. Before she knew it, Colin had opened the door and picked up a tray filled
with food enough for three people. Instinctively, she began walking toward the opening as
Colin moved the breakfast into the room. Perhaps she might be able to explore—to see the
hallway at least.

She had barely poked her head into the corridor when a muscular arm snaked around her
waist, pulling her back into the cabin.

Chapter End Notes

He certainly doesn't waste an opportunity, does he? Not that I can blame him, of course.
I look forward to reading your comments, as always!
Chapter Notes

I know I say this each time, but I am so thankful to all of you reading, kudosine,
bookmarked, and commenting on this fic. It's been a rough year so far at school and
your comments really brighten my day. Thank you so, so much!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope watched the door fall shut before Colin spun her around to face him. He was still
holding her about the waist, their bodies very close to one another. Dear Lord. Why was he
continually crowding her? It was so unlike him. Though, she had to admit, when he was near
enough for her to smell him—the smell of bergamot and sea and sweat—it was difficult for
her to raise an objection.

“And where do you think you are going?” His head was bowed, only inches from hers, and
his voice was low and deadly serious.

“I… I thought…” God, why was she stammering so? Pull yourself together, Penelope. “I
thought I might just have a glance to see what was on the other side.”

“And what,” they were standing so close, she could feel the breath from his quiet, stern
words, “did I tell you about leaving the cabin?”

“That I could not, but—”

“You cannot, under any circumstances, leave this room without my express permission,” he
repeated firmly. Penelope ceased taking breath as he bent further, positioning his mouth so
his lips brushed her ear as he spoke. “Do you understand? Or shall I have to tie you to the

Chapter End Notes

👀 👀 👀 Captain Colin! You are being very forward with a gently-bred young lady!

.... or don't. 😏
Calm yourself!

As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments! 🥰

Chapter Notes

You readers are the best! I laughed so hard at your comments-- I think I can safely say
everyone wants Colin to tie someone to the bed... whether it's Pen or themselves.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She gasped, whether out of shock or outrage, she didn’t know. It was hard for her to process
when he was so bold. “I beg your pardon,” she replied, managing to sound convincingly

He laughed, deep and rich—that mischievous sound that was all Colin— and walked away,
over to the breakfast tray, picking up a slice of bacon and folding it into his mouth. “You
heard me, Pen. And I’m a sailor, so I’ve very good with knots.” He wiggled his eyebrows and
smiled impishly. Quickly picking up the fork on the tray, he speared some eggs and shoveled
them into his mouth. “Now,” he said before he had completely finished chewing, “come have
your breakfast. You must be starving.”

All considerations of Colin’s scandalous words forgotten, she quickly made her way to the
small table Colin had placed the heavy tray on. He pulled a chair out for her, his lethal grin
making her stomach flip from something other than hunger. “My breakfast?” she queried,
examining the massive pile of food.

“When I asked for more breakfast, they assumed it was for me, of course. Hence the plentiful
pile. Can’t let the Captain go hungry, you know.”

“You do have quite the appetite,” she responded, tearing off a piece of bread, smearing it in
jam, and popping it into her mouth with a satisfied sigh.

“You have no idea,” he replied, his voice sounding like velvet. When she looked away from
her food and up to him, he was watching her mouth with such intensity she instantly warmed.

“Would you like some?” Penelope nodded to the laden tray as she picked up the fork and
took a bite of eggs.

He shook his head. “I’m not hungry,” then he gave her that grin again, the one that turned her
knees to jelly. “Not hungry for food at least.”

Chapter End Notes

The man just can't help himself, can he?

the night😏
A couple of chapters and I think we will move on to the next act.. and with that comes...
And you know who they say the night belongs to...

As always, thank you for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts
Chapter Notes

Where Pen asks... what are you hungry for? lol

As always, thank you dear readers! I love and adore all of you!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope wasn’t sure what he meant, but she was sure it couldn’t be anything good. “Colin
Bridgerton? Turning down food?” She craned her neck to glance out the porthole. “No, the
seas aren’t boiling and the sky seems to still be blue.”

“Very funny, Pen,” he replied, not a hint of humor in his voice.

For a moment she debated the advisability of pushing him, but quickly decided he’d earned
her impertinence. “If you aren’t hungry for food, then what are you hungry for?” She quirked
a brow cheekily and watched him carefully as she absently smeared jam on bread. He stared
at her in a way he’d never done before; the time stretching on long enough to make her
uneasy, and she wondered what he saw when he looked into her eyes as deeply as he was.
“Nothing to say?” she prodded, curious about what he could be thinking.

He narrowed his eyes in thought, then broke the enchantment, mumbling, “One would think
Lady Whistledown would know.”

“Know what?”

A lazy smile grew across his face and he bent down and took a bite of bread Penelope was
holding in her hand; she gasped and shooed him away, her fingers still damp from where his
mouth hand touched them. He chuckled, licking his lips, “Delicious.”

“I thought you weren’t hungry for food,” she teased; knowing full well that Colin was always
ready for a bite, despite any objections he might make.

He shrugged. “I’m not, but I couldn’t resist such a tempting morsel.”

Chapter End Notes

Only two more chapters until the end of act one (or whatever you want to call it)! I'm so

I'd love to hear what you think! ♥️

Chapter Notes

The penultimate chapter of Act I!

Thank you so much to all the lovely readers who read, kudos, bookmark, and comment.
Last chapter I laughed so hard at some of the comments.
Hugs to you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Colin picked up her cup and took a swig.

“I can pour you a cup, if you want,” she offered.

“But you don’t mind sharing with me, do you?” There is that bloody grin again.

“Depends. What will you share with me?”

“Everything. Anything. You name it, Pen,” his voice had fallen into a deeper register, and
once again Penelope felt there was some hidden communication she didn’t quite understand.

“The deck? Your crew?”

He shook his head, almost seeming disappointed with her. “Anything but that.” Above them,
there was some sort of commotion; the muffled words were impossible to hear, but the tone
indicated it was an argument. “Speaking of the deck and the crew, I am overdue and it seems
I am needed above.” They both turned their faces upward as a thud above them rattled the
loose contents of the room. Colin sighed and rolled his eyes. “I will come back to check on
you this afternoon.”

“Colin Bridgerton!” she scolded, placing her hands on her hips. “Do you really intend to
leave me here in this cabin with nothing but these four walls to keep me company?”

“Penelope, we have already established that you cannot come with me—”

She huffed at him, tired of this argument. “I never agreed to—”

He spoke over her authoritatively, “We don’t need to agree. This is my ship. I am the captain
and you will acquiesce to my authority.”

She glared at him, “I never agreed to be on this ship, so your authority does not apply to me.”

He laughed, this time without his usually warmth. “Whether you like it or not, I am in
command and you will submit.”
A shiver ran down her spine. His words should infuriate her, but instead they heated her in
another way. When he spoke with such dominance she only wanted to follow him, to give in
to everything he asked—not that she would ever let him know. “Then what shall I do? Lay in
bed and look at the ceiling? Stare out at the unchanging view? Lament the state of my dress?”

“You may, of course, if that is your choice. But I did bring something for you—”

Chapter End Notes

One more chapter... I wonder how Act I will end? (I know.. of course lol)
As always, I love to hear your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

We have reached the final chapter of Act I!

I can't believe it! I want to thank you all you readers so much-- you bring me such joy! I
can't wait to move on to Act II!

chapter names in some way to mark the change...

Anyway! Thank you for everything, fic besties!
I'm going to keep it the same fic on AO3... I'm trying to figure out if I should change the

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Another dress?” Hers really was filthy, covered in dirt and mystery spots from the struggle
and subsequent travel.

“That? Of course. Eloise packed a trunk for you. It’s in the hold. I’ll bring it when I check on
you this afternoon.” Her eyes must have given away her shock, because he chuckled and said,
“You don’t have to be so surprised. You know Eloise; she is very thorough. She might not
have known you were sailing, but she knew you were traveling. She would never leave you

Penelope considered his words. “If Eloise is responsible for my wardrobe, then what did you
bring for me.”

“Why don’t you see for yourself? It’s just over there, the trunk beside the bed.”

Penelope placed the fork she’d been eating with back on the tray and crossed the room to a
rather large leather chest. She looked back at Colin, and he raised his brows in a way that
said, ‘Well?’ She fumbled with the latch, a rather fussy mechanism that required her to use to
hands to open. After some effort, she heard a click and lifted the top to reveal dozens of book

“Are… are these all for me?” she asked, looking at him over her shoulder. He was leaning
against the door frame, gazing down at her with a pleased look on his face.

“Yes, I hope I chose well. I know you have read some, but I thought those might bring you
comfort here on the ship. There is also a journal among the volumes and ink in the writing
desk, if you are so inclined.”

She turned her attention back to her gift, running her hands over the sculpted binding and
embossed letters, taking in the titles, some of her favorites and others she’d never heard of.
She leaned down and breathed in deeply, taking in the marvelous scent of them. He might
have kidnapped her and locked her in a room, but he had also taken great care in creating a
small library for her.
“Colin, I can’t tell you how much—” Her words died, because when she turned to find him,
he realized he’d already slipped out the door.

Chapter End Notes

Did I surprise you by ending on a softer note? Captain Colin has depths.
I can't wait to start Act II with you!
I'd love to hear from you as always-- your comments are pure sunshine!
Chapter Notes

🎉 We've reached the second act! Now the fun really begins! 😏
Thanks to all of you readers-- I so appreciate all the love you've sent my way through
reads, kudos, and comments--especially comments!

Thanks to DaphneJane who gave be the idea of changing the chapter names to numerals
to differentiate between Act 1 and 2.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope laid on her stomach, legs bent, ankles crossed, stockinged feet in the air. She was
deep into an absurd but riveting book in which a lady runs from a very determined baron—
there had been a great deal of screaming and hanging from cliffs so far—when the door
unlocked and Colin entered, pushing the heavy wood open with his back, then swinging
around with a smaller tray, this one carrying another pot of tea and a plate of biscuits. He slid
the smaller tray onto the edge of the table, then picked up the leftovers from breakfast, taking
a moment to use a leg to nudge the new tray fully onto the table. When he reached the
entryway, he steadied breakfast between the wall and his body, flung the door open wide, and
maneuvered the tray out of the opening and setting it on the floor.

“Charlie! The tray!” he bellowed down the hall before letting the door click behind him. He
crossed to the table, grinning at her so mischievously she was suspicious.

“What?” she asked, bending the edge of a page to mark her place and closing the book.

“I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.” He chuckled and began to fix a cup of tea.

“What else was I supposed to do?” Penelope sat up, folding her legs underneath her. “Lie
upon the floor?”

“Of course not.” He took two long strides to the bed and passed her a cup with two biscuits
resting on the saucer. “For the record, you are always welcome in my bed.” She blushed
fiercely. How was she supposed to react to such a scandalous statement?

Chapter End Notes

Of course he would say something scandalous like that!
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Readers, can I say I adore you? I do! The comments section makes me giggle soooo
much! Hang in there... soon enough it will be night.. But first...

This chapter is a little longer than the rest at over 400 words, hopefully you will forgive
me. ♥️

And I created a word (why not? I like it, at least):

merryhouse: a cross between making merry and roughhouse, to carouse

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She decided rolling her eyes was the correct response. Penelope precariously balanced the
saucer on her lap and lifted the cup to her lips, blowing slightly before taking a sip. She was
pleasantly surprised to find he remembered how she took her tea—two spoonfuls of sugar
and a splash of milk.

“Now, what book have you been passing the time with?” he asked, as he sat down on the
chair by the table and poured his own cup.

She pinked, slightly embarrassed to give the answer. But he had procured all the books for
her, so what did she really have to feel self-conscious about? “A novel—Miss Butterworth
and the Mad Baron.”

He chuckled, “Ahh, yes. The cliffs.”

“Have you read it?” She’d never known a man to read a novel like the one they were

“Pen, I spend a great deal of time in this cabin alone—of course I have read it. I have to do
something to pass the long nights and a captain typically does not merryhouse with the crew.”
It was difficult for her to think of Colin, of all people, quietly spending an evening alone with
a book.

“I would like to carouse with the crew,” she said, off-handedly.

He gave her a stern look. “That will not be happening. Ever.” His firm tone made her blood
heat once again.

Outside the door, the sound of shaking dishes. “Captain, sir,” the recognizable voice of
Charlie called, “Is there anything else I should fetch you?”
It occurred to Penelope that Colin had not brought the trunk Eloise packed with him. She
placed the cup on the saucer carefully, so as not to spill, and whispered the words ‘my trunk’
while making a gesture of carrying one with her hands. His eyes watched her pantomime as
he responded. “Not at the moment, Charlie. Go about your other chores.”

“Yes, Sir,” the boy replied obediently. Penelope made the movement again, whispering the
word ‘trunk’ this time, so she could be sure Colin understood. He shook his head and held up
a finger to hush her in response.

When Charlie’s footsteps faded, she spoke. “Did you not understand? I was—"

“I understood—”

“…asking about my trunk—”

“…Yes, I gathered—”

“Well, can he bring it? It seems as if you forgot—”

“I did not forget—”

“Because you did not bring it—”

“I know. Penelope—”

“So, maybe he could—”

“Penelope,” he cut in more forcefully. She paused, raised her eyebrows, and waited for him
to speak. “About the trunk..”


“It seems to be missing.”

Chapter End Notes

👀 Missing? Oh my! 😏
I would love to hear your thoughts, as always!

And if you love Polin and are on Discord, there is a really fun Polin server to join (it is
over 18):
Maybe I will see you there!
Chapter Notes

It seems no one trusts the Captain! You all seem to think he did something with Pen's
trunk/things. Well, you will find out more in this chapter.

Again this is a double-double drabble at 400+ words. I know you probably don't mind,
but I am going to try to get it back to the 200 words length soon...

As always, thank you, dear readers, for all the reads, kudos, bookmarks, and comments--
they make my day! ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Missing?!” She was aware she sounded more like a squawking bird than a woman.

“Well, not missing precisely.” He was remarkably cool and composed for someone who had
just told her he had misplaced all her clothing and stuck her on a ship full of men.

“What does that mean?” she demanded.

“Missing implies that no one knows where it is. I do know where it is; it is just not onboard.”

“Not onboard?!” she shrieked. “Not onboard!”

“I placed it in the hold myself, but the crew were loading cargo after. They saw an unfamiliar
trunk, filled with a lady’s things, and determined it to be something unnecessary and put most
of it in storage with some of the other items we brought.”

“Most? Does that mean some of my items made it on the ship?”

“Yes, your soap, oils, and perfume—as well as some stockings.” At this, Colin reddened ever
so slightly, obviously embarrassed by his crew’s actions.

“Stockings?” Penelope could understand the others, but what use could men have with her
stockings? “I don’t understand why they would want my stockings more than any other item
of clothing.”

“Pen, think of your stockings. How do you wear them?”

“Like most women. On my legs, each held up with a garter ribbon tied to my thigh,”

His eyes darkened, “Delicate garments, touching the soft and…,” he glanced at down where
her thighs were hidden beneath her dress, “...supple parts of a female’s form might be a
comfort to men trapped aboard a ship, seeing no women for weeks.” She blushed,
immediately uncomfortable with the thought of sailors fingering her silk stockings thinking
about the legs that might hold them. Though it would likely be a large disappointment if they
ever met me.

“I do not think I would like the stockings back—”

“They would not be worth the trouble, I can assure you,” he mumbled under his breath.

She wondered briefly what he meant before continuing. “—but I would appreciate the other

“They are being collected as we speak. Luckily, the men hadn't a chance to use them.”

“But there is the larger problem. The rest of my things did not make it aboard and my dress is
filthy. What will I wear stuck on this ship?”

Colin’s dangerously charming grin appeared, instantly transforming his face from attractive
to stunningly handsome. “You could go without.”

Chapter End Notes

And you thought he couldn't get any more obvious! 🤣

Captain Colin proves you wrong!
Next chapter is our last one before evening comes!
I'm so excited!
I'm also super excited to hear from you and read your comments below. ♥️
Chapter Notes

I wonder what Penelope is going to say about Colin's suggestion she walk around

Readers, thank you for being so amazing! Reading, kudos-ing, bookmarks,

subscriptions, and especially comments. I love and appreciate you all!

Again, this chapter turned out to be long... over 500 words this time.. Soon it will return
to short chapters... I swear!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Colin Bridgerton!” She couldn’t believe he’d told her to eschew clothing.

“Well, it’s a solution.” He was temptation itself, staring at her with those mischievous,
gorgeous eyes. She pursed her lips together to show him she was not amused, and he laughed
in response. “We will figure something out. You won’t go nude—not unless you would

“I would not prefer,” she replied haughtily.

“Suit yourself.” He shrugged, standing, and shoved a biscuit in his mouth, washing it down
with the remainder of his tea. “I suppose I should return to deck. I rarely take respites during
the day. I will return tonight with dinner and your items.”

“Wait!” Penelope popped up, but her legs were sleepy from the way she had been sitting on
them. Her hands held her cup and plate, so her arms were unable to help her regain her
balance. Somehow, her legs got tangled in her dress and she stumbled forward. Sure she
would hit the worn wood of the cabin floor, she tensed expecting the fall, but strong arms
came to intervene, one catching her, the other taking the dishware. She stilled, rather
indelicately against his broad chest, then took a step back, entirely too close to him to be
considered safe.

“Are you alright?” He asked, stretching to place the teacup and saucer on the table, still
holding her arm.

“Yes, quite.” She pulled her arm from his hold, and crossed hers. “What will we do? About
my garments? And do not jest. I cannot wear this dress for weeks, Colin. I need clothing.”

He sighed, the sound more wary than exasperated or condescending. “I need to think on it. I
am certain I will find something suitable aboard. In the meantime, I can have that one washed
—Jenkins does all my washing; he is half-blind and does not ask questions. If you'd like, the
water in the wash basin is fresh—I haven’t used it yet. There are cloths below, if you desire ."

“Colin Bridgerton, are you saying I need a bath?” she asked incredulously.

“Penelope Featherington, are you going to continue to call me by two names this whole
journey?” She gave him her most withering gaze—he chuckled in response, the rogue. “Of
course, I’m not, Pen. You’ve mentioned the state of your dress more than once. I just
assumed you might prefer to clean up, but it is no concern to me whether you do or not.”

“You aren’t wrong. I would like to freshen myself a bit” she admitted reluctantly. To talk
about such things with Colin was still rather uncomfortable.

“I will not return until the sun is setting; you have plenty of time,” he walked to the door,
then turned around to look back at Penelope. “Unless, you prefer to wait for my return. I
would be happy to lend my assistance to the endeavor—I promise I would be very diligent in
my work.”

“Colin Christopher Bridgerton!” she gasped.

His laugh echoed in the small space, “Three names this time, I must be doing something
right.” And after those words he was gone, locking the door behind him. Leaving her
standing, flushed, imagining how it might feel if his hands traced her curves with a wet cloth.

Chapter End Notes

He's so thirsty... I love him, your honor!

As always, I would love to know your thoughts!

The next chapter... the night is upon them! 👏

Chapter Notes

We've made it! The sun is setting! You know what they say about the nighttime! It's the
right time...

Readers, I've gotten so much joy from you and the comment section. I appreciate the
kudos and reads, but the comments have me giggling so much! Thank you for that!

Now.. let's see what is happening in the cabin...

See the end of the chapter for more notes

While Colin had busied himself with his duties as the ship’s captain, Penelope had passed
most of her time reading, almost finishing the unnecessarily long novel she’d started that
morning. Curious about this new version of Colin, she also spent a fair amount of time
carefully perusing the cabins, opening his wardrobe, looking at the items on his shelves,
inside his cabinets, and within his bureau drawer.

At first she felt a little guilty about the invasion, but she reminded her he had kidnapped her,
ended her column without her consent, and locked her in this room without supervision—
clearly privacy was not something he was very concerned with. The journal with notes on his
travels had been enthralling, but she had only read an entry or two before she’d reached a
stretch where he compared the sea to some woman’s eyes, lamenting her absence. When he
had begun to catalog the things he wished he would see reflected in those eyes, her rapid
heartbeat would not allow her to continue. There was only so much she could bear and
reading Colin’s wicked thoughts about another woman was worse than the boredom.

She’d also taken the time to clean herself not long before he arrived, lamenting the fact that
her chemise, stays, and dress desperately needed a good wash. Once she was finished, she
decided to wash her cotton stockings in the basin with the soap, the one that smelled of Colin,
wrung them, and laid them out on the desk to dry. It felt scandalous to walk around with no
stockings, but she was happy for the little bit of freedom it allowed her.

He was true to his word—the sky had turned the dusky purple of twilight when he returned to
the room, dinner for several in tow. She’d already put the tea service tray next to the door, so
Colin had been able to place the heavy-laden one down without a problem. Dinner was a
hearty beef stew with onions and mushrooms cooked in a delicious wine sauce and a large
loaf of bread they used to sop up the remaining liquid in their bowls like neither of them had
lessons in table etiquette. She sat on the end of the bed, while Colin took the seat at the table.
He regaled her with reports from the deck, the everyday happenings aboard the ship and his
role in them while they dined.

Once Colin had finished the last, Penelope felt it time to bring up the subject of her wardrobe.
Colin said he would find her something to wear, yet he hadn’t brought anything in with him
and she was desperate to get into a clean chemise at the very least.


“Hmmm?” he hummed, sipping the last of his wine.

“Did you find women’s clothing? You said you were certain you would—were you

“As a matter of fact, I was.” He stood up and began walking back to towards the door.

“Thank goodness! I was worried…” Her words trailed off as he crossed to his wardrobe,
pulled out a garment and then tossed it to her. She held up the white linen in front of her,
looking from the clothing to Colin and back again. “Are you joking?”

“Joking?” He seemed confused.

“Colin, this is one of your shirts.”

Chapter End Notes

That Captain Bridgerton is no fool-- and he is deadly serious about you wearing his
shirt, Penelope. lol
We are getting closer to the moment of truth!
I would love to hear your thoughts, of course!
Chapter Notes

Will Pen wear the shirt? You can probably guess, but read on to know for sure... lol

These chapters just do not want to be 200ish words! I know you will forgive me. ♥️

Readers, I am so enjoying this voyage into the night with you! I know I constantly say
this in the beginning note, but you are just a ray of sunshine and I so appreciate all of

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Yes,” he replied simply, as if it wasn’t a ludicrous idea. “I’ll take the dishes back to the
kitchen and give you time to dress.”

“Colin, I cannot wear one of your shirts!”

“Why not?”

“Because… because I can’t!” Surely, he understood. Pirate or not, he grew up within the
confines of the same society she did.

“Penelope, I am offering you the shirt off my back… or a shirt I’d wear on my back. But you
are welcome to have this one if you prefer the smell of sea and sweat.” She blushed. Colin’s
masculine scent coupled with the fragrance of his soap and cologne made her feel warm all
over. Focus!

“Be serious, Colin! I’m a lady! I can’t wear a man’s shirt!” She hated that she sounded so
ridiculous, so prudish.

“No one will know, if that’s what concerns you. And, in truth, there aren’t many options—
unless you’ve changed your mind about sleeping in the nude—”

“Colin,” her tone was scolding.

“As I see it you have two choices,” he said, more seriously that before, “to wear my shirt or
stay in what you have on. But if you choose to continue to wear your clothes, I won’t be able
to have them cleaned.” She knew he was speaking sense- even if it highly annoyed her. The
thought of staying in her dirty garments made her skin itch. She supposed she would have to
wear the shirt simply because the two other alternatives were more unfortunate. “Think of it
as a nightshirt,” he added, his attempt to be helpful just making her more annoyed.

“It is not the same,” she pouted, letting out a small huff.
Colin shrugged. “I’ll give you a few minutes alone to change,” he replied as he picked up the
tray and its collection of empty dishes. “In the end,” he swung the door open, “it’s all the
same under the covers. The bed doesn’t care whether you sleep in a nightdress or like me,
without.” Then he was gone, the door falling shut behind him.

It was at that precise moment that it hit Penelope. The bed. There was only one bed and two
of them. One not-terribly-large bed and two entirely grown people—one a giant and the other
rather round. Wait… Did he... Did he say…. without? Surely, I misheard...

Chapter End Notes

Yes, he just told her that. lol. Poor Pen, practically fainting imagining sharing a bed. Just
you wait, Pen. Just you wait...

As always, I can't want to hear/read your thoughts!

Chapter Notes

Bedtime is almost upon us... and I have written another chapter that is twice as long as it
should be. Le sigh. It's so hard to stop writing these ones!

I love you, dear readers-- that is all. 💗

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope was pacing around the room her mind whirling, still wearing her morning dress
when Colin returned a quarter of an hour later. The door creaked open and she heard his
voice quietly ask if she were ready before she saw his face. She spun around just in time to
see the puzzled look on his face.

“Pen, I thought you were—”

“Where are you sleeping?” Her stomach flipped as she anticipated the answer with dread and

“Is that why you’re still in your—”

“You haven’t answered the question,” she cut in.

“I am sleeping in the bed in my cabin,” he said slowly, still evidently not seeing the problem.

She took a deep breath, almost readying herself for the reply to her next inquiry. “And where
will I sleep?”

“In the bed.” His response was matter-of-fact, but his eyes seemed to twinkle dangerously in
the candlelight.

“With… you?”

“Do you see another bed?” he asked, his brows raised. She supposed she shouldn't be
surprised— in less than a day Colin had said and done so many things that were shocking
according to the standards by which they usually lived and he hadn't batted an eye.

“But… we can’t… think of propriety…” She fought to find the right words, the words that
would make him be reasonable, the words that would make her regain her senses—she
wasn’t sure there were words that would desire space between them.

“Propriety? Should we also forget that you were the most notorious gossip in London and
ignored propriety at every turn to write and deliver the column? Forget that you are
unchaperoned on a ship full of men? Forget that you have washed and laid out your stockings
and are walking around with bare legs in what is essentially a bachelor’s lodgings?” Her
mouth fell open. He was correct, but some of those transgressions are not of her own making.
Very well, perhaps they were of her own making, but not her choice. That counts for
something, doesn’t it? “Penelope, both of us must stay in the cabin. And before you suggest it
—I am not sleeping on the floor and neither are you. We will share the bed—like you and
Eloise might.” Except that she hadn’t been in love with Eloise for half of her life. “I promise
I will be a gentleman and will wait until you ask before I ravish you,” the mischief was
evident in his voice.

“Colin Bridgerton!” she exclaimed, at that point more because it was an ingrained reaction
than because he’d surprised her with more scandalous talk. He was a notorious flirt, after all.

“No Christopher this time? I shall endeavor to be more brazen then.”

She giggled, “I’m not sure how you could be more shocking.”

“Oh, there are ways,” he almost purred, the timbre of his voice heated her bones. After
staring at her for a moment, he broke eye contact and cleared his throat. “I am going to go
check the deck, and when I return in approximately ten minutes, you should be ready for bed.
Keep your eye on the clock though, I can’t knock as many of the men are coming below deck
now that shifts have changed and their dinner is done.”

“Of course,” Penelope nodded.

He made to leave again, turning his head in her direction before leaving. “And Pen—”

“Hmm?” she hummed absent-mindedly, for her attention was now on the bed and how they
might arrange the pillows between the two of them.

“If you are still in that when I return, I will dress you in the shirt myself.”

Chapter End Notes

Hmmm... She forgot to ask him about something... What was it?
Colin will be back momentarily, in any case...
We are very close to bedtime... very, very close
I'm almost as excited as Colin... but only almost.

As always, I look forward to your thoughts! 😘

Chapter Notes

Ooooo.. Pen's ready for bed... now what? 👀

Who knows?
What I do know it that I adore you readers and I sooooo appreciate each and everyone of
you. It's been a rough school year thus far and these comments really do give me life. I
can't thank you all enough (but yes, I will thank you with smut very soon)!

The chapter is still sitting at over 400 words... even if it might not feel that way... lol

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope sat on the bed, nervously rearranging the two pillows in the middle, blanket pulled
under her chin—which was as high as she could get it without exposing her feet. She’d tidied
her dirty items the best she could, wrapping her stays in her chemise and folding her dress
clumsily around the rest. Colin’s shirt was as long as a nightshirt, hitting her knees; she had
to roll up the arms, and it was a little snug across the chest. She had thought it might not fit,
but then remembered how broad Colin was and, since his shirts were not overly tight, it made
sense it would still fit her.

The only problem was that the white linen was not opaque, and if she stood in front of him,
he would be able to see her form. So, she made the decision not to leave the bed until he was
safely out of the room the next morning.Until then the blanket would cover her, and the two
buttons at the top of the shirt would remain fastened, even if the top one chafed her neck a

The door swung open, exactly ten minutes later, and Colin walked in carrying a pitcher and
an empty basin. He eyed the make-shift barrier and the blanket pulled high and gave her a
lopsided smile. “I see you’re ready for bed,” he chuckled, setting both on the floor by the

“Yes, well, it didn’t take long since I already bathed.” Her cheeks flushed and she felt herself
turning into a lobster, unable to believe that she just told Colin Bridgerton she’d cleaned

He gave her an inscrutable look and continued what he was doing, surprisingly, without
comment. She watched as Colin picked up the basin with her dirty water and placed outside
of the room. She tried not to look too closely as he bent over, his trousers tightening
intriguingly around his strong legs and…. that. It was hard to ignore that. She picked up the
book she had conveniently placed nearby and pretended to read as her eyes followed him
from the door to the washstand. He sat the basin on top of the worn wood and poured a
generous amount of water into the bowl. Placing the pitcher beside the dented brass, he
unfastened the top button of his shirt. He followed with the second; when he grabbed the
bottom edge to pull it over his head, Penelope found herself interrupting his routine with a
rather shrill, “Wait!

Chapter End Notes

He was about to get nekkid and then... she stops him! Pen, what are you doing!
Some more thirst is coming your way next chapter...
As always, I look forward to hearing from you!
(And I swear we are close!)
Chapter Notes

I know I left you in a bit of a lurch last time... but I'm here now with another long
chapter... over 500 words!
Honestly, I am so excited to get to the heat, I can't stop myself from writing more

You readers are keeping me going and I so appreciate all the love from you all. You
deserve all the wonderful things for the joy you bring me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Colin dropped the fabric, thankfully leaving his shirt still on his body, and looked at her.

“Yes,” she said quickly.

“For?” He seemed genuinely puzzled.

“You were about to remove your shirt.”


“I am sitting right here,” she explained. He just stared at her as if she were speaking in
Ancient Greek. “And I am a lady—”

“A lady who saw me remove my shirt earlier today and didn’t perish at the sight,” he pointed
out rather smugly. “Pen,” his voice softened a bit, “what’s this really about?”

“You weren’t serious, were you?” His brow furrowed and Penelope could tell he was trying
to determine what she meant. “About… about how you…” God, she was going to have to say
it. Why was it so difficult for her to talk about it? She was Lady bloody Whistledown!

“How I….” he plied, stretching the last word.

“That is to say… you won’t really sleep…”

She could see understanding dawn in his eyes, crinkles forming at the corners. “Without
clothes? I plan to; why?”

“You can’t!” She was so loud he immediately shushed her, reminding her of quiet they
needed to maintain.
“Pen, you keep telling me things I can’t do or things you can’t do, but that hasn’t stopped us
from doing them, has it?” He raised one mischievous and daring brow.

“Colin Christopher Bridgerton, if you do not don clothing to sleep in I swear I shall run out
of this room screaming.” Her voice with steely; she would not let she would not give in on
this point—she had compromised too much already.

They locked eyes for what felt like an eternity, a battle of wills between them. Finally, he
gave a tired sigh and acquiesced to her wishes. “Fine, I will wear trousers to bed—not these
for they are filthy and uncomfortable to sleep in. I have a pair that I procured during my
travels with the string waist; the fit is looser and I will put those one. But I will not don a
shirt. It is difficult for me to sleep in comfort when clothed, and even with the string trouser,
it will be uncomfortable. I am the captain of the ship--I am needed to make vital decisions
and do hard labor aboard, so I need all the energy slumber will afford me.”

She had won something. Finally. After being the one to give everything and now that he had
made a concession, she was satisfied. “Fine, if you must,” she replied, rubbing her hands over
her face in an attempt to hide the blush on her cheeks at the thought of sleeping next to him
and his bare chest.

“Now,” he began in a rather stern voice, “I am going to wash and ready for bed and you shall
shut your eyes tightly. I will watch you very carefully and if I see even the hint of motion
from your eyes—a flutter of lashes, a tiny slit between the lids—I shall assume you are
observing my form and you rendered a hypocrite. And then I will sleep how I wish.” She
opened her mouth to protest, even though she was unsure what she might say, but he began
speaking again before she could. “I am about to remove my shirt, so be a good girl and close
your eyes.”

Chapter End Notes

👀 Pen is stronger than I am, I can tell you that!

she really wants... 🍆

She's getting what she wants... or what she thinks she wants... because we all know what

I am going to try to update tomorrow, but then I need to pause to work on my fic for
Grucy week.

As always, I look forward to reading your comments. 💗

Chapter Notes

I finally finished this chapter, which was entirely too long, and couldn't figure out where
to chop it into pieces. Luckily, the fantastic and fabulous @DaphneJane helped me
figure out where the chapter breaks should go. DJ, you are an angel!

But no worries, this chapter is still 400 words long!

Dear readers, you are the light in my lives right now-- thank you so much for keeping
me smiling and giggling and sane (or more sane than insane lol)! I adore you all!

Now, onward!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She rolled them before she shut her eyes securely. “I am a woman, not a girl, Colin,” mild
irritation creeping into her voice. He might be a few years older than she was, but she
wouldn’t stand for him treating her like a child.

“A fact I am very aware of, Pen.” His voice was muffled slightly, then there was the faint
whoosh of fabric. He must be taking off his shirt.

She spent the next several minutes head resting against the wall, listening intently to the
sounds, trying to discern what was happening. The thud of his boots against the floor, the
click of his trouser buttons as they met the side of the chair, the sigh of his shirt as it slid over
his skin to the ground. The slosh of the water in the basin, followed by the quiet but distinct
sound of a cloth being wrung and the whisper of it against his body—he was nude, standing
mere feet from her, cleaning himself. She fought against her curiosity; the desperate desire to
open her eyes and take in his form. It was impossible to ignore the sounds, so she allowed her
ears to help her picture where his hands were in between each dunk of the cloth into the bowl.
She was trying not to focus on how he seemed to be moving further down his body and
wondered what might feel like if her hands were roaming its surface, bathing him.

Almost as if he sensed the wanton thoughts plaguing her, Colin began to speak, and she was
thankful for the interruption of her fantasy. “Penelope, I noticed you have moved the pillows
to the middle of the bed.” His tone was amused.

“Yes, I thought we might keep them there during the night.”

“Whatever for?”

“So sharing the bed might be more proper.”

He let out a small scoff. “Penelope there is nothing proper about us sharing a bed—and it
hardly signifies because the two of us are the only people aware we will share a bed. I am
already compromising to give you what you want.”

"Compromise to give me what I want? You have compromised very little, Colin Bridgerton!"

"I wouldn’t say that.” The smug smile evident in his voice. “After all you've told me I’ve
compromised you dozens of times since you arrived in this cabin."

Chapter End Notes

Oh, he's so cheeky that Captain Colin! lol

Whatever is a girl to do faced with all that thirst?

As always, thank you so much for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Considering that I am about to pass out from exhaustion and really want to post, I am
going to keep things short and sweet so I can brush my teeth and go to sleep. lol

Readers, as always, thank you so much for all the support! Now, onto some parched

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Colin, be serious,” she reprimanded. “You know full well what I mean.”

“If you insist,” then his tone changed from teasing to firm, sending a little thrill through her.
“I am not going to leave my pillow in the middle of the bed and sleep flat and neither will
you, Penelope Featherington. It is ludicrous and wholly unnecessary. We are both adults. I am
perfectly capable staying on one side of the mattress. And, if it puts your mind at ease, you
can keep the blanket; I will not insist you share.”

She quickly turned her head in his direction, eyes almost popping open instinctively; the
momentary forgetfulness made her squeeze the lids together tighter. “You thought we would
share the blanket as well as the bed?” It seemed insanity for him to expect they would do
something so intimate.

“It does get quite chilly when the portholes are left open.” He was moving now, opening his
wardrobe and scrounging around.

“But…it’s warm; it’s spring, Colin,” she felt the need to point out.

She strained to hear the sound of him slipping into his trousers as he spoke. “True, but we are
at sea; it is different. However, I am happy to give you the blanket if it makes you happy—
which it seems to, as it is already up to your chin.”

Penelope pinked, embarrassed by her shyness. She’d never been so undressed around anyone
who was not her maid, and all she had ever heard from her family and society was how
unattractive she was, how misshapen. While she knew, deep within herself, she was a lovely
and good person, she still couldn't help but harbor doubts about her appearance—even if she
appreciated herself. Did that matter if no one else sincerely complimented your dress or your
eyes? If you were the only one who thought your hair was lovely? She exhaled a long, heavy

Colin chuckled, breaking into her self-doubts. “Tired of waiting already?”

Chapter End Notes

Colin negotiating so he still gets what he wants lol.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts!
😆 He will not be deterred!
Chapter Notes

Readers, we are so close to bedtime... So veeerrry close... Thank you for sticking with
me and our thirsty baes! I appreciate you all! You have no idea how much!

I know last chapter a lot of you were feeling

get her tenderness in the future. I promise!
🥺 for our Pen, but, rest assured, she will

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Just woolgathering.” He needn’t know how she worried no one would ever love her—nor
would he want to know.

“You were very good, Pen—not a peek." His praise pleased her, though she hated it did; a
little positive attention from Colin set her mind fluttering even though she wished he had no
effect on her. "I’m finished, you can open your eyes.” Her lids blinked open and she realized
the room was already much darker than it had been when she had closed them. Colin had
evidentially snuffed out some of the candles while he got ready for bed. He was walking
about, making a pile of clothing by the door.

Her eyes followed him as if bewitched. She knew he would be half-dressed—he had told her
as much—but she was not prepared for the sight of him. The unusual trousers seemed to be
made of blue silk, gathered together at the waist by a ribbon. They hung on his hips, the fine
fabric somehow loose and clinging at once—hugging the curve of him and the shape of his
thighs. Then there was his chest—she had only seen a glimpses that morning, now she was
able to take in the complete picture. How broad he was! So muscular and defined. The hard
lines of his torso deepening and stretching with each action, the mesmerizing movements of
his shoulder blades, how the skin rippled with each flex and pull. The angled indentions at his
hip, sharp, as if they had been drawn with charcoal or chiseled by a sculptor. She tried not to
stare, but it was an impossibility.

He turned to her without warning, and she prayed he did not see the desire in her eyes.
“These are to be washed, yes?” He held up the bundle she had folded together, accidentally
allowing it to unravel, her chemise and stays falling to the floor. She looked on in horror as
his eyes were momentarily transfixed upon her stays; then he bent over to pick up the pieces,
his fingers closing around cups.

Chapter End Notes

Wonder why he stared... 🤔
Well, now that's awkward for Pen lol.

I look forward to hearing from you, dear readers! 🥰

Chapter Notes

The time is finally upon us... for sleep!

Readers, as always you are wonderful and I appreciate you so much! Thank you for all

your kudos and the kind words that make me want to keep writing quickly and posting.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She swallowed, a coil in her tensing at him touching something that held her so intimately.
She looked away rather than watch him add her garments to the pile, hoping not watching
him would cool her flushed skin.

“I will take them in the morning to Jenkins. It will likely take at least a day to clean them and
another have them dry—on a ship the air is always damp below deck.”

“Two days?” Her mouth fell open in shock.

“Yes, but don’t worry. You can borrow more shirts.”

“Colin, I can’t possibly—”

“I’m going to snuff out the final candle and then climb into the bed,” he said, talking over


“You should take your pillow and get comfortable, so I can find my spot on the opposite

“But—” she protested weakly.

“Or do you need tucking in? I am happy to offer my expert services.” The lopsided grin he
gave her told her he was not serious—not that she ever would imagine he would serious
about her, not in that way.

Penelope took a pillow and carefully inched her way down the mattress, the blanket still high.
“Captain Bridgerton, what might you say if I took you up on one of your scandalous offers?”
She placed the feather cushion under her head and scooted to the very edge of the bed, giving
him as much space as she could without falling onto the floor.
“I am a man of action, Miss Featherington.” He padded over to the table holding the final
candle, licked his fingers, and pinched out the flame. “I wouldn’t have to say anything; my
actions would speak for themselves.” She giggled, unable to help herself. “Are you laughing
at me?” he asked, pretending to be offended. The cabin was dark now and she felt his weight
settle on the bed.

“Maybe,” she teased.

“I suppose I will have some work to do in the morning-- to regain the privilege of having you
call me Colin Christopher Bridgerton again.” The pillow brushed against her as he slid it
away, and she felt a light breeze move across her face as he plopped his head down near hers.
She heard the whisper of his feet rubbing against one another and the creak of the frame as he
shifted, turning on his side.

“Good night, Pen,” he yawned.

“Good night, Colin,” she answered.

She closed her eyes and tried to think of anything but how the silk trousers flattered Colin’s
form, anything but his firm chest, anything but him lying beside her within an arm’s reach.

Chapter End Notes

They are in the bed together!

Now whatever could happen?
Chapter Notes

Hello lovely readers! We are getting to the 👀 now!

I couldn't seem to stop myself when writing this chapter either--so it is longer.

But a heads up the double drabble length is coming back.

Thank you so, so much for all the love, readers! The reads, kudos, bookmarks, and
comments give me such life.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The room was exceedingly dark when Penelope woke, only the light from the moon shining
through the portholes. Without thinking too deeply, she turned over in the bed, as she always
did when brought out of her sleep before dawn. The rolling brought her inadvertently closer
to Colin, who was sleeping on his back.

She heard a quiet clicking sound and realized with a pang that it was the sound of his teeth
chattering together. She carefully pulled her arm from beneath the blanket and, with great
trepidation, reached out and delicately touched his bare arm with her fingers. The heat she’d
experienced when his ungloved hand grazed or clasped hers to pull her to the dance floor was
gone--instead his skin was chilled. She felt a ball of guilt settle in her stomach, if he got sick
because she wouldn’t share his own blanket with him she would not be able to forgive
herself. Falling ill on a ship with no doctor, no ingredients for remedies, might even prove to
be fatal.

Surely, under these circumstances, when Colin’s health was at risk, propriety and what
remained of her reputation must be placed aside. She considered waking him, demanding he
don a shirt. But likely she would just rouse him from sleep and he would refuse; Colin could
be quite stubborn when he believed he knew best—and he always seemed to think he knew
best. So, she made the best choice available to her.

Using the stealth she had honed through years as Lady Whistledown, Penelope gingerly
pulled the blanket to the side, placing it as close to Colin as she could without touching him,
and slid out of the bed as smoothly and slowly as possible, taking great care not to jostle the
mattress at all. She tiptoed around the bed, banging her toe against the post in the process; it
was all she could do not to howl in pain. Honestly, why does nothing seem to hurt as much as
hitting one’s toe against something in the dead of night?

Once the ache had subsided, she finished padding over to his side of the bed. Cautious not to
disturb him, she leaned over him warily, drawing the edge of the quilt into her fingers and
lifting the linen up and over his form. When the fabric covered his torso, she laid it down as
daintily as she was able. Then she moved closer to his legs and repeated the action, ensuring
his entire body was below the blanket.

Penelope crept back to her side of the bed, thankfully avoiding injuring herself this time, and
delicately settled back onto the mattress. She placed her head against the pillow, taking the
other end of the blanket and pulling it around her, being very cognizant to not tug too much,
lest Colin be exposed.

She laid awake for several minutes, wondering if she had somehow woken him without
realizing or if some higher power might smite her for lying under the quilt with a half-dressed
gentleman who was not her husband. But neither moment came, and Penelope fell back into
dreamless slumber.

Chapter End Notes

Pen out there justifying her actions pretty easily...

Now they are in the same bed and under the same quilt? Scandalous!

This fic is changing ratings very, very soon. 😘

Let me know your thoughts below-- you know I love to hear them!
Chapter Notes

.... well, the time has come. 👏 And with a longer chapter too!
I thought about making it M for a chapter and then just moving on to E, but I figured I'd
do one change and not two.

All my love to you, readers! 😘

See the end of the chapter for more notes

It wasn’t morning yet; the cabin was dimly lit, the sky the color of navy an hour before the
sun comes out of hiding. Penelope stirred into consciousness, her cheek pressed against a
warmth, both soft and hard at once, a rhythmic beating in her left ear, the smell of leather and
bergamot in her nose. Her eyelids fluttered open, and her vision focused on the landscape of
taut tanned skin and soft, brown hair on the horizon.

Am I… is my head laying on Colin? She realized, in horror, that it was not just her head, but,
somehow, during the night she had shifted to his side of the bed and was almost laying
completely atop him. She had curled around him, her breasts pressed to his stomach, the hips
aligned, a leg nested between his.

She should pull away, she knew she should, it was so improper… and yet… and yet, she
could not bring herself to separate from him. She lifted her head ever-so slightly, just enough
to confirm that Colin’s eyes were still closed. Then she settled against him once again,
nuzzling between the hard planes of his chest. After glancing up once more to ensure he
hadn’t woken, she gently glided her hand from where it rested on his shoulder to the solid
muscle of his bicep, down his arm, and then across to his torso. She idly traced the area
around his nipple, then over it, her middle finger lightly brushing the skin, watching it pebble
and raise like hers did when she was cold. She allowed her fingers to skim through the
dusting of chestnut hair and gracefully follow the grooves carved between his muscles, then
placed her palm flat against the washboard surface of his abdominals. He was so firm, a
counterpoint to her own form, her own personal Adonis sent to plague her with his

Suddenly, Penelope was overcome with the desire to kiss him, curiosity to know what his
skin would feel like against her lips. Dare she? She peeked at his face; his eyes remained
closed and his breathing remained steady. One kiss couldn’t hurt.And when would she have
the opportunity again? When he had wakened? After they returned to Britain? She couldn’t
fool herself into thinking there might be a second chance.
Before she had a moment to second guess herself, she turned her face and delicately pressed a
peck to the nearest square of skin. His chest hair tickled her nose, and she smiled both at her
boldness and at her new knowledge of him. Perhaps bolstered by not getting caught or being
so far from the familiar, she allowed herself the pleasure of his heated skin against her lips
again, placing another kiss, softer and lingering, over the spot where his heart beat. Not
wanting to risk being caught, she was about lay her head back down when she heard the
familiar baritone purr.

“Don’t stop now.”

Chapter End Notes

That Captain... he's something 😏
Poor Pen! That's got to be so embarrassing...

I am so excited to read your thoughts in the comments!

A heads up: I hope to keep posts a couple of times a week, but smut typically takes me
longer as I fret over it more...
Chapter Notes

My dear lovely, wonderful readers your responses to the last chapter were as good as an
early Christmas presents.
We are truly into the more adult section of the fic... as if Colin would allow it to
continue any other way lol.
I'm so excited to get the further and further in....

Once again, thank you so much for your kudos, subscriptions, and comments. I adore
you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Oh God!” she yelped, jumping up as if scalded, the only thought in her mind urging her to
flee, to run to the corner and hide away. She’d never felt so mortified in her entire life. How
long had he been awake? The thought made her stomach lurch and her face burn. She flung
the blanket away from herself, attempting to break free from the bed and her shameful

But Colin, even just roused from sleep, was quicker than she; he reached out and grabbed her
wrist before she could scramble more than foot. “Don’t you dare,” he growled deeply as he
tugged her back towards him. Penelope tumbled clumsily, landing partially on the mattress,
partially on Colin.

“Colin, I am so sorr—” The hand not holding hers found her back, and she wasn’t able to get
out five complete words before his lips had descended, crashing into hers. At first there was
an intensity to his embrace she couldn’t imagined in her wildest fantasies; if she hadn’t
known better, she’d say desperation to taste her, feel her—his hands somehow everywhere at
once, painting her skin pink. He gently pulled her bottom lip until her mouth opened, his
tongue flicking in, surprising her. Then he slowed, like a spark spreading after hit the
charcloth, groaning into her mouth; she lost herself to the caress of his lips and the dance of
his tongue with hers. Her senses were so overtaken by him she did not register the movement
of his hand, gliding upward from her hip, deftly unfastening buttons at her neck to snake
underneath the opening of the shirt and cup her breast.

Chapter End Notes

👀 Whatever could happen next?

I hope you enjoyed it!
Please let me know what you thought if you feel so inclined! ♥️
Chapter Notes

I'm sorry it's been over a week! I didn't even realize! My only excuse is that I was a
mountain cabin with nonexistent internet.

On the up side, you will definitely get two updates this week... hopefully, three
depending on how chill school or, rather, my students are.

Readers, I know I missed the Thanksgiving update, but I am incredibly thankful for you
all and all the support you give me.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Then he kissed her neck, the spot beneath her ear where her pulse thrummed. She gasped,
knowing it was wicked, the way he caressed the fullness of her, brushing his thumb back and
forth across her nipple while his other hand palmed her barely-covered derriere, pulling her
fully a top him. The silk of his trousers did little to conceal him, his sizable length pressing
against the heartbeat between her legs.

When alone Penelope would often attempt to relieve the ache by pressing her thighs together
tightly and squirming against the mattress. But her body was lying on Colin, not on the bed,
and, as she shifted, she felt his hardness rock against her in the most delicious way.

He groaned into the curve of her shoulder, and suddenly both of his hands had found their
way beneath the edge of the shirt, gripping the plush curve of her buttocks, rubbing her
wetness on his manhood, causing her to pant, overcome by the want pulsating within her.

“My Penelope,” Colin whispered, his breath tickling the soft skin beneath her ear as he
guided her body, stroking his sex with her own, the movement too much and not nearly
enough all at once. “So beautiful.”

Beautiful? Had he really called her beautiful? My Penelope. He had claimed her, deemed her
his own. She was finding it hard to breathe, the sensations, his words, overwhelming her.

“C-colin.. I… I cannot.. I cannot catch my breath.” She was taking in air, but it did not feel
like it would fill her lungs.

“Sometimes breathing is overrated,” he purred, tugging at her earlobe with his teeth.

“I can’t… I don’t have my wits about me…,” he was kneading her backside now, his lips
trailing kisses down her jaw, “I should… I should go… somewhere…,” then to her collar
bone, “this is too much…,” his face burrowed between her breasts, “I am a lady…” she
managed to squeak out as teeth sunk into the top of one breast as if he were marking her.
“We…. We must stop…"

Chapter End Notes

Pen!! Why?!
All Colin wants to do is ravish you... let him!
As always, I cannot wait to hear what you think! 💛
Chapter Notes

I can't believe this is chapter 44! I originally thought there would be 50 chapters, but
now I realize the more the merrier.

Readers, you just make everything better. The comment section is truly a place of joy!
Thank you for all your reads, bookmarks, and comments. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He froze, then lifted his head to meet her gaze. “What is the matter?” His hungry eyes
burning with concern.

“I…. I am overwhelmed.”

“Is it terribly upsetting?” He was massaging her buttocks now, rubbing soothing circles on
the back of her thighs. She was going to melt into him; she just knew it."

“No, no, it wasn't upsetting exactly…”

“Was it me? Did I do something to displease you?” His hands had pushed up the fabric at her
back, gliding up to her shoulder blades, down to squeeze her derriere, and returned.

“No,” she answered quickly, not wanting him to believe he was the cause for her unease.
“No, you are…” He was the only man she’d ever wanted, but she could not tell him that, so
she limped along with her explanation. “This is lovely… it is …”

His lips found hers, stealing her words. “I understand,” he crooned before kissing her sweetly
again. “You are not yet ready.”

“It’s not that I don’t want… there is a pulse I feel… it is pushing me towards you… but it’s
just…” She felt like a stammering child, not the confident woman she had grown to be. But
this proximity to him made her feel nervous, out-of-control, lightheaded—the newness of it
scared her.

“Do you trust me?”

He had kidnapped her, ended her column without her permission, lost her things, and trapped
her in a cabin on a boat at sea—and yet, she was still able to answer with a breathless, “Yes.”

“Trust me to ease your ache.”

“But what of your own needs?”

“Do not worry over me. Please may I aid you?” he asked, licking his lips with anticipation.

Not able to find her words while looking into his darkening eyes, she could only nod her

Chapter End Notes

She's agreed! 👏
Now, how will the captain handle that ache 🤔....
I can't wait to hear what you think!
Chapter Notes

I was going to be back earlier, but this chapter took a little bit longer than I thought... the
upside being it is two chapters long!

Dear readers, thank you so much for all your love and support-- it warms my heart. I
have some holiday fics I need to finish, but I am going to try to update this at least still
once a week if not twice (smut just takes me longer than flirty banter).

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She could do nothing but acquiesce, for as soon as she had given her consent, he had resumed
his ministrations with a tender hunger that made her liquify. He kissed her, his mouth
consuming her, his lips easing her nerves, his tongue teasing her own—everything all at once
as his hands pushed the shirt until it rested right beneath her breasts, exposing her to him.

Penelope breath matched her body, shuddering as he gripped her hips, encouraging her to
move against him. She shyly brought her pelvis forward, rubbing against the silk fabric of his
trousers, his manhood hard beneath her. Then, in quite the most wanton fashion she could
imagine, she spread her legs until both of his thighs were trapped between her own, the
friction of her movements increasing the pleasure she felt.

He groaned, more animal than man. “You are perfect,” his callused hand whispered between
their bodies. “My perfect Penelope,” she gasped and instinctively tensed as he parted her.
“Shhh,” he murmured, kissing her lips in an effort to relax her, “let me take care of you.” His
fingers moved upwards, to her most sensitive place, two fingers sliding up and down between
her folds, widening near the bottom, then coming together at the top, and she was lost.

All she could do was moan—first low and sultry, as the rough pads of his fingers circled her,
teasing and gentle, and he skimmed over her entrance. Then, high and breathy as he applied
more pressure to her nub. She shamelessly began pressing herself against his hand, over and
over, panting and calling out his name, a foreign feeling overtaking her until her hips
stuttered and she shook, heat burning across her skin, warmth seeping between her legs.

He caressed her buttocks and back, peppering kisses down her neck and on her shoulders as
her mind drifted back. She felt limp and light, as if every ounce of life had been wrung from
her body in the most satisfying way. At least she had the energy and the decency to blush,
realizing she had left quite a mess on Colin’s silk.

“It seems I have ruined your trousers,” she breathed, using considerable effort to say the
words, her skin turning redder. “I am so sorry—"
“You must never apologize for taking pleasure with me, Penelope,” he hummed, his hands
still soothing her skin.

“But—” she protested weekly, his tender strokes making it difficult to keep her eyes open.

“But,” he cut her off, “I have another pair and these can be cleaned.” He pulled her close,
tugging the blanket over their bodies, pressing her barely covered form to him without
lowering the shirt. “How are you feeling?”

“Lovely but tired,” she yawned, allowing herself to indulgence in shamelessness as she
nuzzled into his chest, the skin of their torsos touching.

“You’re spent, Pen, and should rest,” Colin crooned, his fingers combing through her curls.
The last thing she heard before sleep overtook her was his voice, low and deep, saying, “You
will need your strength.”

Chapter End Notes

I wonder what he means... 😏

I am sooo excited for the next chapters... there's one part that's coming up I've had in my
brain almost since I started this fic.

I'd love to hear your thoughts (and anything else you'd like to tell me... which I suppose
would still be your thoughts ).
Chapter Notes

I know it's been a long time! But I had to finish a holiday prompt and it ended up being a
lot longer than I thought it would be! And then, of course, the holidays themselves take

But I am back! And I hope to update at least twice a week again until the fic is finished.
I really appreciate all of you who are still with me despite the break I took. As a result,
this chapter is over 500 words, so much longer than the 200 double-dribble length!

I hope you have had lovely holidays, if you celebrate! I hope to update once more before
the new year. I am very thankful for you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When Penelope woke, she was alone, tucked under the blanket, Colin’s pillow turned
vertically mimicking the way he was laying under her earlier. She sighed, uncomfortable
emotions swirling within her; he'd left without speaking to her and it was hard not to imagine
the worst. Pulling herself into sitting position, she noticed food was laid out on the small
table across from the bed—scones and cakes with jam and tea. She extended out her arms,
stretching her back in a most satisfying way when she saw it—a small piece of parchment
folded into the shape of a heart, perched on the pillow beside her.

She unfolded it, smiling as she read.

My Pen, I could have watched you sleep for hours, but, alas, I am a captain and needed on
deck. I will return for tea and a small repast midday. Please have some food, I don’t wish for
you to go hungry. Yours, Colin

Her heart sang—she had worried he did not feel their moment together was of any
importance, that it held no significance for him, but he had left her a tender note and vowed
to return. She hopped out of bed and made her way to the table, suddenly famished, grabbing
the book she was reading on the way.

The tea was not warm, but luckily Colin had removed the bag from the pot so it wasn’t
undrinkable. She slathered marmalade onto a thick slice of honey cake and took a large bite.
She turned to the place she had marked and tried to concentrate on the story, but her mind
kept wandering—to the sea, to the deck, to her column, to Eloise, and, inevitably to Colin. It
was impossible not to think of him.

She buzzed, eager to see Colin again after their morning activities. The recollection of how
he kissed her, touched her, made her shiver with anticipation. She shifted in her seat trying to
ignore how her body reacted to the memory. She forced her attention back to breakfast and
the novel, taking a bite of a cinnamon scone before resuming her read. Try as she might, her
mind just wouldn’t separate from the monumental events of the early morning. She squeezed
her thighs together to try to release the tension, but now that she had experienced such bliss,
the movement did nothing but leave her frustrated.

Perhaps….. Maybe… Could she… do what Colin had done? Might she relieve her own ache?
Her breath caught—it would be very wicked, something a proper lady would never do. But
she hadn’t been a proper lady that morning. She had already engaged in scandalous behavior,
what was a little more? Especially as no one aside from her would know. She wished Colin
was there, but he was on deck and… and she was a grown woman.

Penelope finished her scone, for she really was quite hungry, took a last swig of tea, and then
crawled back into bed.

Chapter End Notes

🤔 Hmmm....What do you think Penelope will get up to now? 👀 😏

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Hello friends! This one is close to double-dribble length, but the next one is twice as

Thanks to of you dear readers who keep me motivated! I adore you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She was nervous, though Lord knew why. She was completely alone—no one even knew she
was there aside from Colin. She had nothing to be nervous about… and yet, she was. She
took a deep breath and lifted the bottom edge of the shirt she was wearing. Colin’s shirt.

Colin and his strong arms, the way the muscles tightened as he moved and flexed. His torso
—defined lines and the dusting of hair. How he smelled like a working man, sweat and sea,
but not unpleasant. The silk of his trouser and heat against her soft, bare skin.

She slipped her hand down to her womanhood, tentatively running a finger between her folds
as Colin did. Penelope moaned remembering the way the calluses on his hands caressed her,
the delicious friction of his fingertips against her most sensitive spot. She mimicked his
movements, first circling, then flicking, rubbing, testing until she discovered the perfect
amount of pressure to bring herself pleasure. In her mind it was Colin’s fingers, nimble and
practiced touching her, bringing her to a precipice. A tension was building, her body
demanding her fingers be quicker, harsher. She whimpered his name as she approached her
climax, knowing that while her hands were doing the work, it was he who was leading her
towards bliss. She was close to unraveling, moments away when she heard a soft clattering,
and a velvet baritone interrupted.

“I see you couldn’t wait for my return.”

Chapter End Notes

You knew it was going to happen-- it had to happen. Had to!
I'd love to know your thoughts, as always.
Chapter Notes

So many of you predicted the ending of the last chapter! The Captain just seems to have
a sense every time Penelope's heart rate is up. lol

A longer update for you-- a quadruple drabble. Thank you as always for sticking with
me on this voyage!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The shocked “Oh!” was out of her lips before she could censor her volume. Colin was quick
to her side, covering her mouth to quiet her scream. Her heart was beating quadruple time—
first awash with terror then surprise combined with shame and desire. He removed his hand
once her shout had finished, then it brushed over her body, making her shudder as he
gathered the edge of her shirt and slid it down to cover her. Penelope felt her face flushing as
she recognized how exposed she had been, yanking the fabric as far as she could, trying to
preserve some semblance of modesty and failing.

“I can’t believe… I just… Colin, I… that you…” she was stammering like a fool but couldn’t
help it. What could a woman—for she was no lady at the moment—say when she’d been
caught in such an act?

“I brought fresh tea with fruit and cheese,” Colin motioned to the table and crossed to sit in
the chair beside it. He eyed the remaining food from the morning. “You barely ate anything,”
he frowned.

“I had a scone and a large slice of honey cake—”

“That’s hardly enough,” he interrupted. “You must eat to keep your strength.” Honestly, he
sounded like—well, not her mother, for Portia would never suggest she eat—more, he
sounded like his mother. “Come, have some of what I brought.” When she didn’t
immediately stand, he repeated his call. “No time like the present, Pen.”

She huffed and stood, feeling the slickness between her thighs with each step. Scurrying over
to the wash basin, she cleaned her hands, making him chuckle, and then perched at the edge
of the bed.

“Too far,” he tsked. “You must be closer to reach the food.”

“If you haven’t noticed, there is no other seat,” she said, motioning to the area beside the
“Nonsense. There is a perfectly good seat right here,” he patted his lap twice to emphasize
the spot he wished her to take.

“Colin, I can’t possibly—”

“Come and sit by the table,” he repeated in a firm voice that made her breath catch. When he
spoke with such authority, she felt powerless to resist. Penelope stood and walked to him, her
legs feeling a little like jelly, the unsteady gait revealing her nerves. If he noticed, he said
nothing, popping a piece of cheese into his mouth as he waited.

She pulled the hem of the shirt as low as possible and then cautiously began to sit.

Chapter End Notes

Pen gets the best seat on the entire boat, imo.

What could that Captain be up to?
As always, I love to hear your thoughts!
(I should update again in a day or two. )
Chapter Notes

My wonderful readers, here is another longer chapter for you. It could have been two,
but I couldn't find a place to divide the chapter.

Thank you so much for all your support--it's so lovely and motivating. 🥰
See the end of the chapter for more notes

He had no patience for her trepidation and placed an arm around her waist, hauling her down
to his lap in a less than second. She immediately shifted to make sure the shirt covered as
much as possible, tucking the loose edges underneath her thighs to secure it. Unfortunately,
the motion just made her even more aware of Colin beneath her as the movement slid her
fingers against his muscular legs.

She could not believe she was sitting upon him in such a way; it was scandalous—but then
again, so was everything that had transpired since she was brought on board. For his part,
Colin seemed miraculously unaffected. He’d walked in on her touching herself and seemed
almost bored by it. She was suddenly plagued by horrible misgivings—what if their time
together was not as meaningful to him as it was to her? These acts were likely commonplace
for him. What if she was just a woman in a long succession, brought into his cabin to pass the
long nights with on the ship? Could she have been wrong about him?

The doubts in her mind were interrupted by Colin, who brought a slice of cheese to her lips.
“Open, Pen; you have to eat.” He held the cheddar there until she opened and took one bite,
then a second to finish the morsel.

She had just swallowed when he plucked a strawberry from the tray and lifted it for her.
“Colin, I’m more than capable of feeding myself.” She didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, but
the assistance was completely unnecessary.

“Indulge me my whims,” he replied, voice as smooth as glass. She wanted to refuse, to not
always give in so easily, but she couldn’t resist as he brushed the berry against the seam of
her mouth. She took a bite of its sweet flesh and then another, her lips brushing against his

He continued feeding her, sometimes reaching across her with his other hand to grab food,
skimming the fabric that pulled against her chest. Every time he touched her, something
wound within her, and she could not stop herself from restless movement; the squirming
providing little relief against the tension within.

Sometime later she had her fill of the repast and was finishing the dregs of her tea cup, the
one action Colin had allowed her to take without his aid, still on edge and in need of relief.
Being so close to him in such a state was torture; her senses were full of him, yet she felt so
empty. She wondered if he could tell how he’d consumed her thoughts.

“Your body…,” his words caused her to stiffen further, “…you are very tense.”

“Yes,” she replied, not completely trusting herself to say more in his presence lest she reveal
how much she wanted him. “I suppose you will be returning to the deck.”

“Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I left you in such a state?”

Chapter End Notes

👀 What kind of gentleman indeed...

Don't worry Pen, the Captain is here.
Chapter Notes

Dear passengers, I am sorry it's been several days since the last update.
Good news is I now have the next several chapters written! I promise I won't wait too
many days in between posts for these ones (it would just be cruel).

As always, thank you for all your support ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Turn towards the window, Pen, so you can see the sky and water. Let me help you relax,” he
purred. To face the porthole she had to shift her position in his lap. His legs were together,
which forced her to straddle him in the most unladylike way. She was bare under the shirt and
her legs were wide enough to feel a breeze against her center; it made her feel naughty,
reckless, and incredibly wanton. “You were touching yourself earlier.” She blushed furiously.
“You need only ask and it would be my honor to assist you. Would you like that, Pen?” One
of his hands had found its way to her knee, and his thumb was brushing gently, to and fro,
across the top. She swallowed hard and nodded, his lazy touch driving away all hopes of
verbal communication. “Is that a yes? It’s so hard to tell—you need to use your words.”

Typical. Colin being cheeky, forcing her to say what she wanted. “Yes,” she practically
moaned. She knew she should be embarrassed at the neediness in her voice, but found it
difficult to care.

The s of her yes had barely escaped her lips when he’d begun his work— left hand draping
her hair from one side to the other, revealing the column of her neck, while the right slid up
her thigh. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck, kissing along her shoulder up to her
ear. At the same time, the hand moved from her hair to the open collar of the shirt, slipping
underneath to fondle her.

Chapter End Notes

I'm not sure who is more excited for the next chapter me or Colin. lol
I'd love to hear your thoughts as always!
Chapter Notes

I promised to update soon, dear passengers, and I here I am! With a double double
drabble no less!

Captain Colin would not let me forsake you (especially with those
dropped online today... holy hell )
🔥pics of Newts that

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope squeaked when he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, tweaking

In a low rasp he whispered into her ear, “Your breasts are the most incredible things nature
has ever created.” She giggled, taken aback by his admiration of this part of her, then gasped
as he sucked at the spot on her neck where her pulse beat.

While his lips were driving her mad, he opened his legs, making her spread further, exposing
her completely. The hand, still teasing her breasts, had distracted her, and her breath caught
as one finger slid between her folds and delicately began tracing a line down and back.

“You are drenched,” his graveled voice was right at her ear.

“Is… is that a bad thing?” she panted, finding it difficult to focus on her words as he nimbly
began to circle her opening.

He smiled against her skin as he replied, “It is a very, very good thing. It makes it possible for
me to do this.” The finger ceased its seductive movement and he slowly pushed it inside of

“Oh, God, Colin!” she cried out, the feeling so strange and so right all at once.

He kissed the line of her jaw as he began to move the finger, in and out in a measured
rhythm. “Even though you are so tight… so very tight,” he fairly growled, “your wetness
readies you for me.” She needed more, and before she could ask, he gave it to her, inserting
another finger, making her moan as he sunk them in all the way before pulling them out. She
couldn’t stop herself from squirming, bringing her center closer to his hand when he was
entering her. “That’s it, my beautiful Pen, take your pleasure.” He removed his hand from her
breasts and placed it on her hip, guiding her motion. Soon her pace was fevered and she was
grinding against him, two fingers inside her while his callused thumb rubbed her bud.

With each violent rock of her hips she was chasing her release, his humming at her ear
spurring her, until her breath caught, her body jerked and she fell apart with a cry. She could
feel herself spasm around his fingers, wetting him, her bliss so absolute she could not bring
herself to do anything but shudder and fall against him.

The hand that was on her hip began caressing her arm, soothing her. In her haze she realized
he had not removed his fingers; she could still feel them resting inside her.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed it at least half as much as Pen and Colin did.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and will update again in a couple of days.
Chapter Notes

Hello, passengers!
This chapter picks up right where the last left off... ✌️
See the end of the chapter for more notes

Drifting back to consciousness from rapture, Penelope wondered if she would be able to walk
to the bed, utterly spent, when she felt his fingers stir, slowly stroking her already tender

“Colin, I—oh, God!” she gasped as he curled them, massaging an incredibly sensitive spot
within her. She’d still not fully descended from her last climax and he was propelling her
towards another. Her body jerked in equal parts protest and desire, craving him and wanting
to push him away all at once.

“I can’t… I can’t bear it…” she moaned—he’d begun to move his hand with more vigor, and
she thought she might perish from his ministrations.

“Of course you can, Pen,” he cooed as he increased the pressure, the friction of his firm
strokes kindling a heat that spread throughout her, flushing her skin and making her pant. She
gripped his legs, nails biting into the cloth of his trousers as she felt an intense fire building.
Her uncontrollable whimpers matched the vibration of her body; she felt as if she was
shaking apart.

“My Penelope, so tight and perfect,” he crooned, kissing right below her ear. His thumb
began pressed against her, but it was his words that made her break. “So very beautiful.”

Her scream caught in her throat as she came, stilling for a moment before instinctively
closing her knees, trapping his hand between them, body curving inward and slumping
forward. He caught her, cradling her form against his, peppering soft kisses against her skin
as he praised her.

Chapter End Notes

The Captain is certainly something, isn't he? 😏

I can't wait to hear your thoughts, dear readers! ♥️
Chapter Notes

I cannot believe there have been 53 chapters of this! We are getting closer and closer to
the moment, my dear Passengers!

Thank you so much for all your encouragement and love--it means the world!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A blissful exhaustion began to take over and her eyes drooped like when she tried to stay
awake in the carriage after a particularly long ball. Penelope whined as he removed his
fingers, leaving her sore and empty.

He chuckled, “If only I could live between your legs, but, alas, I have work to do.” She
watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean, humming with
satisfaction, seeming to savor the taste of her. Penelope might have blushed at the thought,
but she was still too weakened to muster much of a reaction. She felt him fumbling behind
her, the whisper of cloth rubbing against itself, and realized he was removing his cravat.

He brought the smooth white fabric between her thighs, and she trembled as he used it to
clean her tender skin. When he was done, he closed his own legs, allowing hers to do the
same, sore from being open so wide for so long. Then he slid an arm under her knees and
turned her, placing the other behind her back, and stood, as if lifting her was no more difficult
than raising a teacup.

Colin laid her on the bed, kissing her sweetly as he set her down, the taste of her on his
tongue. He smiled at her as he slid the quilt up. “You should rest. I will be back later with
supper.” He left a peck on the tip of her nose and then straightened to leave, but seemed to
change his mind, for he bent back, bringing his mouth close to her ear once more.

“I will enjoy having your smell linger on my skin and your taste dwell on my tongue.” She
mustered enough energy to gasp, not sure if his words excited or scandalized her. Then he
turned his head to brush his lips against hers one last time and whispered, “I shall dream
about sinking into you all day, my perfect Penelope.”

Chapter End Notes

Colin's definitely left Penelope with something to think about... the wicked man.
I think the upcoming chapters are going to be a lot of fun!
I would love to hear your thoughts, as always!
Chapter Notes

Passengers, I'm sorry the time between stops was long-- I had a lot of work to do and
didn't have time to refine and post. This is a longer chapter to make up for it.

A huge thanks to my beta Stillpink for helping me edit so I could post and DaphneJane
for her help. Love y'all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope yawned, feeling positively decadent for lying in bed all day. Although as an
unmarried lady she always had the ability to do so, she often had dozens of things to
accomplish each day and preferred to wake and be productive. But here on the ship the only
thing she had to keep her busy was Colin.

She blushed at the thought. Since he’d left to return to deck, he was all that occupied her
mind—both waking and in sleep. She rolled to his side of the mattress, burying her face in
his pillow to nuzzle against his scent, the smell of woods by the sea intoxicating her.

Wondering what the soft linen of the sheet would feel like against her bare skin, she pulled
the shirt over her head and dropped it on the floor before tugging the bed clothes over her
body. She relished the cool of the fabric upon her heated skin, still buzzing from Colin’s
touch. She burrowed in, knowing she was pressing her body against where he had lain, as if
they were sharing the spot and considering what it might be like to do so.

Then her thoughts drifted to the words that fell so prettily from his lips, each syllable
reverberating through her body like rose petals sprinkled into water. I shall dream about
sinking into you all day. The words played in her mind on an endless loop.

What was once mysterious now seemed within reach. The pleasures between husband and
wife, the ones widows whispered about on the edges of ballrooms and men spoke of in
riddles outside the doors of smoke-filled card rooms, had been hidden from her for so long.
Now, she was slotting ideas together in her mind, perhaps on the verge of true understanding.

The stiff appendage she rubbed herself against that morning, the one which aligned perfectly
to her womanhood—she’d seen it in paint and marble, never thinking much of it beyond an
anatomical curiosity. But after the day’s events, she was fairly certain it was meant to join
with her. And the longer she thought about the possibility, the surer she was that she wanted it
to be with Colin. She was already a hopeless spinster, so there was sense in waiting for a
husband—and she was beginning to believe that Colin might even find her attractive, as silly
as it seemed.

The idea made her flush. What would it be like to lie with Colin, naked bodies touching?
She was wanting, so she brushed her fingertips across her nipples, already pert and pebbled
from her scandalous thoughts of the Captain. She explored her breasts, squeezing, tugging,
tweaking—finding all the ways that she could bring herself pleasure by simply caressing the
responsive flesh.

Her thoughts were hopelessly focused on Colin; all she wanted was his touch. Instead of her
fingers, his lips pleasuring her breasts, his hands gripping her derriere possessively, his eyes
darkening with desire as they fixed upon her.

How could she possibly be so overcome again? Even though he had brought her to
completion twice, she craved more, sliding her fingers between her folds to find the sensitive
bundle of nerves. She was already on edge and moved her fingers frenzied and fast, the
memory of his words, the ghost of his fingers inside her, making her fall apart.

As she drifted into sleep, she decided she would offer him her innocence. Perhaps she did not
want to be trapped on this ship, perhaps she did not want to lose Lady Whistledown, but she
did want Colin and it seemed she might be able to have him—even if it were fleeting, even if
it would lead to heartache later, she didn’t think she could resist. Truly, she didn’t want to.

Chapter End Notes

I wonder what could happen with Pen sleeping naked in that bed.... 🤔
Penelope is getting some ideas.

As always, I look forward to your comments!

Chapter Notes

Sorry it's been a minute, passengers. I was felled by the stomach flu and a ton of work.
But I'm back now and soooo excited for these next few chapters!
Especially 57.
Thank you for continuing to find and read this! I love you all so much!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Warmth—as if she were standing in front of a fire on a winter morning, night dress lifted, the
flames making her skin feel toasted and pink. Then, a gentle caress, tracing aimless shapes
along her arm. Something silken fluttering against her cheek, whispering her name, rousing
her from sleep. As Penelope woke she realized she was no longer alone—someone was lying
beside her, his gentle kisses the sweetest awakening she’d ever experienced. Still sluggish,
she indulged in the affair, the movement of his lips, how he held her, the way his body
pressed to her.

“Colin,” she murmured, the moment hazy and sparkling like a dream.

“Penelope,” he returned between pecks. Her consciousness was stirring and it occurred to her
that she was nude, lying in bed, him beside her, their bare chests touching.

Her eyes shot open, acutely aware of his nearness and wondered if he could feel the rapid
beating of her heart. “Colin…” The words, whatever they were, fell from her mind, once her
eyes found his.

“I brought dinner, but you looked so peaceful napping and it has been such a busy day, I
thought I would join you. Imagine my delight when I discovered you were only dressed in
the bed linens.”

“Oh, dear,” she gasped, flushing. Who was she to have placed herself in such a scandalous
position—naked, in bed with a man she was not married to, the man she planned to ask to
compromise her further?

“Fear not, my perfect Pen. I’ve left my trousers on; your virtue is safe a little while longer.”
His velvet voice breezed across her skin as he continued to trail kisses along her jaw.

She took a deep breath to anchor herself, but was cast adrift in him; she swore she could taste
the salt of the ocean by just his scent. “Colin,” she sighed, reveling in all his tender touches.


“You said… you said…” It was difficult to find words in the midst of Colin’s affections.

“Well, promised…that if I asked…” Her voice trailed off, thoughts lost this time to how he
was tugging on her earlobe with his teeth. “You would…you…”

He chuckled before prompting her. “I would?”

“You would… take me?”

“Take you,” he repeated lazily, almost like a question—a question she knew he absolutely
knew the meaning of.

“My… virtue.” She exhaled as his mouth drifting from the side of her neck to the top of her
collar bone, his hand sliding down her arm to her fingertips and then to the flare of her hip,
leaving her shuddering at the intimacy.

“Oh, Pen,” he crooned, “I cannot.”

Chapter End Notes

🫣 Colin! How could you possibly say no when it seems like you've been angling for
this the entire time!
What do you think, dear readers?
As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Chapter Notes

Passengers, thank you for all your love and patience with me as I am posting a little
slower than I thought (I bought an iPad and have been doing a little bit of sketching, so
that took some time away from writing). To make it up to you, this chapter is much
longer than 200 words. ♥️I adore you all!

A special thanks to DaphneJane and Stillpink who really gave me a lot of feedback this

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“You… cannot?” Perhaps she has misheard him; he was still kissing her tenderly, after all.

“No.” He had said no.

Surely, a man touching a woman the way Colin touched her wished for more. Surely, there
had to be some sort of misunderstanding between them. Surely, she couldn’t be so wrong.

“I couldn’t possibly.” He’d refused her—it was a refusal that sounded like a soft caress, but a
refusal, nonetheless.

Oh, God. He was still kissing her, stoking her. Why was he when he didn’t want her?
Penelope decided his motives didn’t matter, she pulled away from him, tugging the blanket
and bed linens to her body. How could she have been so wrong? “I thought…I thought…but
of course not…” she mumbled, unable to keep the disappointment from her voice.

He reached for her, but she leaned away. Colin sighed, a noise dramatic enough to warrant
him a place on the stage, a wicked gleam in his pitiful eyes. “Of course, I want to…”

“I don’t know why—wait, you do?”

He looked at her as if she’d just sprouted a magical horn in the middle of her forehead. “I
should think it obvious.”

She scoffed, unable to fathom why, if he wanted her, he was rebuffing her. “Well, then why

“We are not married.” He spoke with complete sincerity, but Penelope was sure he couldn’t
not have meant them.
She scrunched her nose in confusion. “I’m not sure what marriage has to do with it. I have
offered myself to you—”

He watched her mouth intently as he ran the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip slowly to
cease her speaking, then dragged it over the center and pulling downward until it sprang free.
When finished, Colin turned his attention to her hair, wrapping one of her curls around his
fingers, absentmindedly playing with the strand. “I could only allow myself to take you if I
knew you would belong to me. Otherwise, I fear our parting would be too painful.” He
directed his gaze to hers, the intensity within stealing her breath. “The idea that I might join
with you so intimately and never experience it again would be more than I could bear.” He
brushed his lips against hers, then spoke with his mouth still pressed to hers. “But if you
married me, I could take you whenever you desired.”

“Marry?” she could hardly believe her ears. “Colin, you do not want to marry me—you said
as much.”

“The foolish words of a boy, but I’m a man now, Penelope,” he tugged her against him as if
to prove his point, the evidence of his desire pinned between them, “and I very much wish to
marry you.”

Passion and want, she could believe—they were trapped on a ship miles from land and she
was the only female aboard—but marriage? Impossible. But what had she to lose? Besides
her innocence, that was. If the farce made him feel better about having her, she would play
along. “Fine, I’ll marry you—now will you take me?”

He kissed her reverently, and for a brief moment it seemed as if the affection held great
significance. “We must be man and wife first.”

As if that was possible. “Colin, we are on a ship in the middle of the ocean!” She hadn’t
meant to sound so exasperated, but she had practically begged him for his assistance and the
polite thing for him to do would be to get on with it.

“Of which I am the captain.”

“I don’t see what your position has to do with the predicament—”

“We can get married, right this minute. We don’t even have to move.” The words were
spoken without a hint of artifice, his mean completely earnest.

He was the most vexing man. “Stop teasing—”

“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life. I am the Captain; this is my ship,
and I will marry us, here, in this bed.”

Chapter End Notes

I told you the Captain had a plan! 😏
I hope to have another update, my favorite one so far, to celebrate my birthday this
week, but we shall see if I am able to finish it in time with everything going on in real
As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!
57 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Dear travelers, I am so sorry about the delayed update. My life really got in the way the
past few weeks making me both overworked and exhausted. But I'm back and hoping to
update at least once a week.

So, chapter 57! I hope it doesn't disappoint. I've been itching to write this bit since the
very beginning. This is just the start of the scene, but it is four times longer than a
double drabble to make up for my absence.

Thanks to all of you still with me, reading and leaving me kudos and comments. Love
you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Penelope shook her head in disbelief. “Colin you cannot be—”

He kissed her soundly, silencing her and momentarily quieting the skeptical voice in her
mind. His lips moved from her mouth to her jaw. “We are gathered here today”—she would
have protested but he was leaving a trail of kisses down her neck in the most enjoyable way
—"to join this couple in holy matrimony.”

She inhaled, her breath skipping as he moved lower, dragging his lips across the swell of her
breasts. Without her realizing, he’d maneuvered her to her back, his body hovering over hers.
“Repeat after me”—her eyes widened as he pulled the linens away from her body, the cool air
in the cabin and his heated gaze making her shiver—“I, Penelope—” his tongue wickedly
swirled around her nipple and she moaned his name. “No,” he smiled devilishly, “you have to
say your name.”

“Oh, God,” she keened as his lips closed around her, her hand instinctively finding the back
of his head.

“Not him either,” Colin chuckled, moving the tip of his nose back and forth against the bud.
“Let’s start over”—he kissed the pert tip sweetly, lingering briefly each time as he pulled
away—“remember, you must repeat after me.” She was trying to focus on his cheeky words,
but the machinations of his mouth were making it extremely difficult to remember her own
name. “I…”

Colin nipped at the supple flesh of her breast, and she managed to squeak out the word, “I!”

He grinned roguishly, continuing to tease, taking her right nipple between his teeth, tugging it
gently before saying her name. “Penelope”—he repeated the motion, sucking lightly before
pulling the pink tip away from her body again and releasing it—“Ann”—again, longer and
harder—“Featherington.” Then he closed lips to suckle her.

“Penelope… oh… Anne... mmm…Featherington,” she moaned huskily in response,

threading her fingers in his hair, pulling him to her as he brought her pleasure.

He smiled against her, pausing his ministrations to continue the vow. “Take thee, Captain”—a
soft kiss against her pebbled peak— “Colin”—a flick of his tongue against already sensitive
skin— “Christopher” –a nip, teeth causing her to squeal—“Bridgerton”—a soft rush of air.

Pausing, he gazed up at her, hungry eyes fixed on her mouth, watching intently as if
desperate to hear his name on her tongue. He licked his thumb, the pad repeatedly gliding
over her neglected nipple. The delicate movement coupled with the heat of his attention,
made her momentarily forget her part of the ceremony. Brow furrowing from impatience, he
gave the pert bud a hard pinch, making her gasp. “Pen,” her name was his reprimand.

She squirmed as he replicated the movement, practically whining, “Captain Colin

Christopher Bridgerton” between each firm roll of her nipple between his thumb and
forefinger. She marveled at how much pleasure the pain of the action brought her. Once she
finished, he rewarded her with a soft kiss to the peak, soothing her throbbing skin.

Then he lifted his face to hers, his lips a mere inches from hers, his words a ghost’s kiss. “—
To be my wedded husband.”

As she repeated the words, he ceased all movement, seemingly holding his breath as she
spoke. “—To be my wedded husband.” He exhaled a ragged breath after the final word,
pressing his hips against hers, his hard length of him twitching against her most intimate

He was staring intensely into her eyes, and she felt the heat from it spread, sparking through
her. “To love—.” he started, a brief touch of his lips against hers before he pulled back to
watch her.

“To love—,” she recited, holding his gaze.

“Honor—” Another brush of lips.


Then his eyes darkened, almost colorless, and his voice turned to gravel, “—and obey.”

She shivered as she whispered, “—and obey.” Making a sound somewhere between a growl
and a groan, he once again ground himself into her, her body instinctively seeking the
friction, meeting his hips with her own.

“—Now and for all eternity.”

She took a shaky breath; the air had become heavy and her words trembled under the weight,
“—now and for all eternity.”
He descended upon her lips with a tender ferocity, almost desperation, kissing her so sweetly
she became dizzy even though she was lying down. When he broke the embrace, she felt
intoxicated—as if she’d drunk an entire decanter of brandy, but still she wanted more of him.

“Now will you take me?” She felt as if she were pleading with him to ruin her, but her
ruination was all she desired.

“Soon,” he promised, his right hand gliding down her body, skimming the side of her breast,
caressing her hip, across her stomach, lower still, until it cupped her mound. “But first,” he
slid a teasing finger delicately between her folds, “I must say my vows.”

Chapter End Notes

Hopefully, the wedding ceremony is living up your expectations-- the Captain is

certainly enjoying it!

I am dying to hear your thoughts-- I've missed them!

Next chapter the Captain takes his vows 😏

58 ♥️
Chapter Notes

My dear travelers turned wedding guests, thank you so, so much for your warm
welcome back! The only person I can think of more welcoming is our dear Captain.

This will likely be the longest chapter in the entire fic at over 1000 words. Soon we will
back to our double drabble length, but this one really couldn't be split. I just couldn't do

A huge thank you to the lovely DaphneJane, who edited this for me and always is
willing to help talk me off ledges. Love you, DJ!

And now for the continuation of the wedding ceremony-- I hope you enjoy it!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She gasped his name, and Colin brought the forefinger of his free hand to her lips, gently
pressing it against the plump, pink pout in an effort to silence her.

“Penelope,” he began, positioning himself so that she had no choice but to spread her legs
further to accommodate his body, “this is a ceremony,” the gap between her thighs was now
substantial, fully exposing herself to him, “so you must be very quiet while I say my vows.”
His wicked finger trailing up and down her seam, a mere whisper along the sensitive skin
inside. She squeaked and squirmed, moaning; he shushed her in response, continuing the
movement as he reprimanded her. “Unh unh unh,” he tsked, “if you do not remain silent, I
will have to begin again, delaying our union. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

The shake of her head was barely perceptible as her attention was focused on Colin—his
darkened eyes boring into hers, the heat that emanated from his skin, the weight of him above
her, the slow tickle of his finger. She wondered if she might perish from anticipation; if,
perhaps, he never planned on bedding her, but rather enjoyed tormenting her in this way,
making her beg for his assistance.

He interrupted her thoughts. “Good, for I don’t want that either. I want nothing more than our
joining.” She wanted to say they could have it at that moment, give up the play-acting and
continue to the pleasure, but, once again, he dizzied her, his finger gently circling the
sensitive bud between her legs. She gasped again, and he chuckled before reminding her,
“You must be silent, Pen. I am about to begin.”

“But how…” Her voice trailed off, her thoughts momentarily distracted by sensation.

“How?” he inquired.
“How can I be quiet when you”—he increased his pressure on the bundle of nerves and she
moaned as she spoke—“are … ohh… touching me so?” His speed increased and she
instinctively lifted her hips to push into him.

“You will find a way,”—two fingers were massaging her now, the V of them widening as
they glided down and closing as they returned— “perhaps you should bite your lip if you feel

She was breathing hard, chasing her release, feeling like a complete wanton. “Perhaps you
could pause?” she gasped out.

“I couldn’t possibly do that,” his voice casual. Then he leaned in, as if imparting a secret, “I
must, to ready you for me.” She shivered with anticipation; soon she would know what it felt
like to be a woman, even if it was only for a brief moment. “Shall I continue?” he asked,
fingers ghosting over her opening, making her inhale sharply. He was going to torture her,
she knew, so she bit her bottom lip in preparation and nodded.

“I, Captain”—another circle—“Colin”—then one finger slipped inside her—“Christopher”—

she bit down hard as he began dragging it in and out—"Bridgerton”—but was unable to stifle
a soft moan. He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if she was done and she nodded obediently;
after giving her a look of warning, he continued. “Take you”— he was pushing in a second
finger—“Penelope”—moving them slowly at first—“Anne”—then incrementally increasing
the pace with each word—“Featherington—”

In the depths of her soul, she knew this was a farce, a silly bit of make believe, but to hear
him say their names together in that way—it was undoing her far faster than any motion of
his fingers ever could.

“—to be”—his thumb found her nub and he began unraveling her— “my lawfully—"

She was on the verge of falling; not wanting to make a sound, she reached to her right,
grabbed the pillow lying there and covered her face so her noises would not be heard. She
cried out into the pillow and he… stopped. The fingers remained in position, but their
maddening movement ceased. How could he stop when she was so close? Unfairness
bordering on cruelty to keep her in such a state.

“Remove the pillow, Penelope.”

It wasn’t that she wanted the pillow to be pressed against her face, but how else could she
remain quiet? An impossibility under the circumstances. So, she ignored his request, instead
lifting her pelvis to meet his hand, in an attempt to pleasure herself.

She felt Colin’s other strong hand press firmly against her, stilling her hips. She tried to
wiggle closer to him with no avail; he kept her pinned too well. “Penelope”—a thrill shot
through her at the sound of his demanding voice—“you promised to obey. Now take the
pillow away so I can look into my bride’s eyes as I say my vows.” A small part of her wanted
to refuse, just to see what might happen, but the larger part wanted to acquiesce, to give him
anything and everything he asked for simply to please him.
She peeked out from behind the pillow; the fire in his eyes crackled as they met her own.
Penelope placed the pillow on the mattress beside her, and Colin smiled his approval. “I will
have to begin again, of course,” he smirked. “Hopefully, you can hold your peace, so we
won’t have to interrupt the ceremony again.”

As the ceremony resumed, so did the work of his fingers. “I, Captain Colin Christopher
Bridgerton”—he started slow, inserting them completely before withdrawing them entirely
—“take you, Penelope Anne Featherington” —then the speed increased, his strokes short and
deep—“to be my lawfully wedded”—his eyes, which occasionally glided over her body,
locked on hers—“wife ” He purred the word as if brought him physical pleasure. She
whimpered, biting her lip harder, overwhelmed by the heat the (word/title?) sent blazing
through her body.

“To have and to hold”—his fingers curved, gently massaging a secret spot, the one he’d
reached after tea that turned her to jelly—“to cherish”—two long drags in and out, brushing
the sensitive area—“protect”— followed by quick strokes curling inside her— “worship”—
she was panting heavily, trying to be obedient but failing— “and adore”—a tremor began
deep within her, radiated from her core and spread— “now”— her breath caught in her
throat, and she could not take in air— “and for all eternity.”

Her legs went first, shaking violently as he removed his hand, causing waves of pleasure to
crash through her, a flood of ecstasy escaping as he finished the ceremony. “Before we join
together as husband and wife, the groom will seal the union with a kiss.”

Penelope, still shuddering, eyes shut from the exhaustion of her (pleasure), could feel Colin’s
lips brush over the swell of her breast, trail across the soft roll of her stomach, down, down…
until they reached the valley between her legs.

“Colin,” she gasped, “what are you—”

“Kissing the bride, of course.”

Chapter End Notes

Was there any doubt where the Captain would kiss his bride?
Theirs will be a very, very happy union indeed!
I hope Colin's vows didn't disappoint-- I can't wait to hear your thoughts!
59 ♥️
Chapter Notes

I am so sorry it has been so long. The end of the year is always insanely busy and
stressed, and this year has been the roughest I've ever had. I would like to say I will
update again later this week, but I know that will be unlikely. Hopefully before the
month is out.

Thank you to all of you who stick around even when my updates aren't as regular as I
like-- hugs! And a huge thank you to DaphneJane who looked over this chapter for me
and is always so supportive.

(And Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate it!)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He wouldn’t… not there…

“Col—” The protest died the moment he placed a kiss on her sex. It all happened within a
moment—he widened her legs, pushing her thighs towards the mattress, then his lips
descended, placing a single slow, soft kiss on the sensitive spot he’d shown her that morning.

“Oh,” she whispered, unsure why she was still so surprised there were more pleasures to be
introduced to.

At first he was gentle—his tongue extending to delicately circle the swollen spot, flicking
over its center, lightly lapping, then returning for a kiss—moving from one to the other with
no discernible pattern, each fleeting touch making her whimper.

He parted her, his tempo increasing while the caress remained deft, broadening his tongue
one moment and pointing it the next, each motion amplifying her pleasure, bringing her close
to another unraveling at his hands.

Her cries were echoing off the wall of the cabin when Colin’s lips closed tightly around her,
his eyes meeting hers over the curve of her stomach. His pressure increased, gaze still trained
on hers, and she began to buzz, her body a taut rope beginning to fray. He released her
swollen nub and before she could steady herself, his tongue began to lap at her so rapidly she
could not count the strokes. She grabbed his hair and clutched him to her as the frenzied
movement caused her to snap and unwind; her body no longer under her control, legs
violently shaking and kicking as her hips lifted to meet his face and her hands anchored
themselves in his chestnut waves

His tongue laved her as she floated back into herself, the soft movements causing ripples of
bliss to wash over her. She sighed contentedly as he began to place sweet kisses upon her sex;
her fingers, once in a tight grip, instinctively had begun to brush through his hair.

He hummed appreciatively before pulling away, his face glistening, smiling and declaring
her, “Delectable.” He crawled up her body to kiss her properly, a tender heat behind the
embrace that warmed her thoroughly.

She blushed as he eased off the bed; his eyes still staring at her with a dark hunger. Without
looking away, he began to leisurely unfasten the fall of his trousers. Penelope could not
remain still, squeezing her thighs together, the jolt of anticipation making her squirm as she
watched him push the buttons through their holes.

“Now?” she whispered, eyes fixed, in a very unladylike manner, on the bulge hiding behind
the creased linen of his breeches.

“Yes, Wife. It is time for me to make you mine in body as well as soul.” A devilish grin
spread across his face as his trousers fell to the floor, revealing himself to her.

She gasped at the sight before her, an emphatic “No” falling from her mouth.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you don't hate me too much for leaving it there!
You know what this means next chapter is!
I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts!
And I promise to update as soon as I can.
60 ♥️
Chapter Notes

I took a moment for myself (and to update and write other things), but I am hopefully
back to at least a semi-regular posting schedule.
Much love to all of you still reading (and kudosing and commenting on) this fic. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Colin’s brow furrowed in confusion. “No?” he repeated, the word sounding less like a
question and more like a puzzle.

“There is no way… you cannot…” she stuttered, eyes locked on the length between his legs.

“I most certainly can,” he said calmly, walking back toward the bed.

“It is much too large, Colin!” she squeaked.

Then he laughed—damn the man!—extremely amused by her distress. “Oh, is that all?”

“Colin! You cannot—It will not—It does not resemble those in the art I’ve seen— those are
of normal size… But that” –she gestured to his manhood—“one would think you’ve sprouted
an extra leg!”

“Penelope, are you saying I have a peg leg?” Colin gripped the top of the chair near the table,
unable to stand on his own, laughing so hard his eyes were watering.

“Do not laugh at me! Be serious, please! I do not know what we will do,” she fretted,
anxiously picking at the bed linens. She wanted him so badly she ached; after the ceremony
farce she endured it was unfair she would not be able to experience the marital act with him.

“My dear, Pen,” Colin slowly walked to the bed, his voice as soft as butter. “I love we can
laugh together.” He sat on the bed, then crawled to her with the grace of a predator, and like
prey, she submitted—laying back on the mattress as he hovered above her. “And I love we
can be honest with one another.” He leaned forward and placed a searing kiss upon her lips;
she could feel the hard heat of him lying against her thigh. “And I swear to you, my beautiful
wife, it will fit.”

“How do you know?” she whispered, nerves giving way to anticipation.

“Because you were made for me, and I was made to pleasure you.” He sat back on his heels,
hunger apparent in his wolfish smile. “Now, do not keep me from my prize any longer.”
Chapter End Notes

Poor Pen-- she wasn't ready for that lol

Luckily the Captain is always ready
61 ♥️
Chapter Notes

I've been editing this for days--worrying about word choices and little minutia, waiting
for AO3 to be stable. In an effort to not slowly drive myself insane, I've decided to go
ahead and post.

A huge thank you to DaphneJane--not only is she the most beautiful writer, she is truly
the best writing partner, always up to help and hold my hand, always ready to calm me
down when I doubt everything I've written. Love you, DJ!

And ofc, thanks to all of you readers who stuck with me as I edged you for over 60
chapters (apparently, something the Captain and I have in common). I really appreciate
all the reads, kudos, and comments.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She suddenly felt unaccountably shy, unable to stop herself from shifting, pressing her legs
together and bending them, forming a low barrier between them. The only experience she had
was earned within the walls of this cabin. What if she couldn’t please him? If she wasn’t
enough? If he had her and decided she had not been worth all this trouble?

As if he sensed the anxiety within her, his hands glided soothingly over the tops and outside
of her thighs. He bent his head and placed a delicate kiss on the top of each knee, then began
parting them, his lips caressing the milky skin between as it was revealed, and she watched
his reverent movements transfixed.

Her legs were open to him, his body in the channel between, only a sliver of space between
them. He inched closer, dark eyes holding her gaze, until she felt his strong thighs press
against the sensitive skin of hers.

She watched mesmerized as he gripped his cock, his hand running down the shaft, marveling
at the length of taught skin and the way it flared near the end. Penelope gasped and stiffened
as he placed the tip between her folds, sliding along the seam, coating himself in her wetness.

“Relax, my darling, I will not hurt you.”

“I know… I will try harder—”

“You need to do nothing but lie here and continue to be perfect. Leave the rest to me.” He
reached between her legs with his free hand, finding her swollen nub with his thumb and
beginning to caress it. “Give in to your pleasure, Pen.” She shuddered, the spot already
aching, and rocked into his touch. As his finger lazily circled, bringing her close to another fit
of ecstasy, she felt him at her entrance and tensed instinctively. His thumb moved feverishly
in response, she moaned, and then he was inside her. His hands fell away, and he turned his
head toward the planks above, closing his eyes for a moment as if sending a silent prayer to
the heavens.

“Is”—she began to tremble—“it in?”

He hummed through pressed lips, almost as if he were in pain. “Only the tip.”

“But I already feel”—she searched her mind for the right word but only could find one

“You are so tight,” he groaned. “So incredibly, perfectly tight, we must be careful.”

She nodded, pretending to understand, wondering how he might ever fit within her if she
already felt so full.

Again, Colin read her mind because he leaned down and took one of her nipples into his
mouth. She squirmed, the peak already darkened and sensitive from his earlier ministrations,
as he flicked his tongue over it and then suckled. She grasped his hair as she squealed; he
smiled as tugged with his teeth and slipped further inside her.

“Oh, Colin,” she breathed, the delicious throbbing between her legs growing.

He chuckled and released the pert bud. “Such a lovely, dusky rose,” he said, his lips grazing
and taunting the nipple with each word. “We shall decorate a drawing room in this shade”—
his tongue flicked across her— “and paper the walls to match the delicate pink of your
womanhood”—his member nudging into her further— “what a naughty secret we shall
have”— a swirl around her— “when someone complements us on our taste, we shall both
know what inspired it.”

“Colin,” she gasped, “we couldn’t.”

“I can think of nothing more I would like to be reminded of while I take tea and count the
minutes until I can have you again.” His mouth moved up to her neck, sucking the spot where
her pulse beat; the area was still tingling as he pressed forward and she felt a sharp pain.

Penelope keened, grabbing Colin’s shoulders, her nails digging into the hard flesh.

His eyes found hers, lust surpassed by concern. “Are you alright, Pen?”

She nodded slowly. “Yes, I just need a moment.” She knew she would feel pain when he
broke through her maidenhead—she’d overhead Phillipa tell Prudence it had—but she was
still not prepared.

“All the time you need, my darling wife. ” The words burrowed inside her heart, and she
gave herself permission to indulge in the fantasy as he was. Tomorrow, she would be
spinster-for-life Penelope Featherington, but tonight she would be Mrs. Bridgerton. He
sweetly stroked the side of her face, his thumb tracing her lips as if it were staining them; his
eyes were fixed upon hers, the tender warmth crackling through her, threatening to turn into a
Impulsively, she lifted her head and placed a peck on the apple of one cheek, then the other.
The pain was gone, leaving only the sensation of being full and an intense need for what was
just out of reach.

“Are you… completely seated?” she asked, because surely he must be, the way he had
molded her to him.

“About halfway.”

“Halfway?!” How was it possible he was only halfway?

“Do not fret, Pen. We shall work you up to the entire length; you do not need to take it all
tonight.” A lovely thought, scandalous though it was, as if their futures were not separate.
“You are what matters—your pleasure, your comfort. Are you comfortable?”

“I believe so,” she whispered tentatively.

“I am happy to hear it… and not just because I would be worthless to you a few minutes
longer. I am only a man after all.” She giggled, his humor putting her at ease. He leaned in,
his lips met hers as he began to move, the deep and languid kisses mirroring the pace of his
hips. He slid in and out of her, never breaking his embrace, their bodies in full contact, the
coarse hair on his chest tickling her breasts.

He wrapped her legs around him, and she cried out, the change in position making her body
quiver in anticipation of her the climb to nirvana. His kiss left no room for breath, and she
had to pull away for fear she would suffocate. As she panted, his mouth trailed down,
marking her flesh with sucking kisses and playful nips, until he’d returned to her breasts
again. He seemed unable to stay away from them, burying his face between as his stubble
scraped against her, then biting the swell before returning to her nipples, pricking them to
further attention by rubbing his cheek across them.

“Oh Colin, oh Colin,” she moaned loudly, lengthening each syllable.

“Say my title,” he demanded huskily while he kissed the sensitive skin beneath her breast.

“Please,” she begged, weaving her fingers through his hair, trying to bring his mouth to one
of the pink peaks.

He teased her, tongue flicking out fleetingly to touch the taut tip. “My title,” he said firmly.

His tone caused her to writhe beneath him. Penelope always thought herself to a woman who
knew her mind, would not kowtow to a gentleman’s wishes, but something about the way he
took control made her mad. He had turned her into a complete wanton, pleading for his
attentions, mewling and compliant, and she couldn't bring herself to care.

“Oh Captain,” she whined as he gave her nipple a little kiss then circled around it with his

He growled, a low, rough sound that made her tremble and want. “I shall remember that for
later.” She swore his eyes were as black as coal for a moment. “But no, I meant my preferred

“Mr. Bridgerton!” He gave her what she wanted—the delicious pressure, the way his teeth
scraped against the flesh as he pulled away, how his tongue moved to soothe.

“Not Mr. Bridgerton—Husband.”

“Husband?” she breathed in question. It was hardly a title, and yet, the word felt true as she
said it—as if she was saying his name for the first time. Somewhere in the back of her mind,
she knew indulging in this fantasy was dangerous, but then he reached down to caress her
bundle of nerves, and logic was driven from her mind as the decadence of her dream took

“Yes,” he hissed. “Again.”

“Husband!” she cried. His lips, fingers, thrusts were fractures in cracked glass, each
spreading and branching, bringing her closer to shattering. She splintered from the feel of
him alone.

It only took one more rasped “Yes” to break her, her legs convulsing around him, heels
digging into his back as arms flailed wildly, fingers curling around the linens, headboard,
pillows, Colin—anything within reach as he invoked her rapture, and she wailed.

She was whimpering, her legs quivering like jelly, when, moments later, he hooked an arm
under each knee to deepen their connection. It was almost more than she could bear. His pace
quickened as his panting came harder, his face pressed to her cheek.

“My perfect, Pen”—his control was slipping—“my beautiful wife”—grinding his hips into
her—“my wife”—he growled, a feral animal—“my wife”—the words only prolonging her
high—“mine”—his deep, measured strokes giving way to frenzied thrusts—“mine”—he was
a man possessed—“mine”—hands slid underneath her derriere—“mine”—he pulled her
closer to him, and she thought she might tear into two—“mine”—she felt his hand on her
face, tilting her head upward—“look at me, Pen.” With great effort, her lids fluttered open,
and their eyes met; he plunged into her as he purred “my wife” in ecstasy.

His words, the sensation of him spilling into her, were the last things she experienced before
sweet bliss took her.

Chapter End Notes

I hope it lived up to expectations and you are as satisfied as Pen is ♥️

The story isn't over yet, but it's getting closer to the finish line.
As always, comments are cherished.
62 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Travelers, the end of summer and the new school caught up with me, but I was able to
finish this next chapter (thanks to the help of DaphneJane, who helped me beta once

We are getting closer and closer to Penelope realizing she's really married and our HEA.
♥️Until then, I hope you enjoy this little interlude.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When she came to consciousness, Colin’s body was curled around hers, arms wrapped and
hugging her to him, one hand gripping her breast, the other between her legs, cupping her, a
finger slipped between her folds. She felt as if he was claiming every inch of her skin as his
own and it roused the flame within her once more. Though she knew it was just a fantasy, she
couldn’t help but indulge in it, letting her mind imagine she belonged to him, his possessive
touch meaningful rather than coincidental, that each night could be spent as this one had
been. The dull ache between her legs was growing. She let out a ragged exhale, and tried to
press her legs together, forgetting Colin’s hand was in the middle. If she could stop thinking
about the Captain and his wicked ways she would be fine.

“Stop it, Penelope,” she whispered, chastising herself.

“You’re awake,” Colin purred, nuzzling in the spot between her shoulder and neck, the
nestled finger stirred and began rubbing her tender bundle of nerves.

“Colin,” she shuddered.

She could hear his grin as he spoke, “Did you want me to stop?”

God help her, she knew she should tell him to, but the words would not form on her tongue.
The only word she could say was “no.”

“Let me take care of you, wife,” he cooed; the hand on her breast slid like silk down to her
knee, spreading her wide so the bend tented and loosened the bed linens. Colin used his long
leg to free them from the blankets, and Penelope shivered as she was exposed to the night’s

She let out a little whine when his finger stopped its gentle caress of her bud, leaving her
achy and needy. He shushed her sweetly, his thumb brushing the sensitive skin of her inner
thigh while resting her leg atop his. Behind her she felt the dip of his hips, and she gasped as
he lazily entered her from behind.
The sensation was new and rapturous—somehow making her feel even fuller than she had
before. She mewed his name while he sank further into her, whispering naughty words.

“You are even more beautiful when you are full of me,” he crooned as his hips rolled
forward, his long, smooth thrusts stroking the spot within her that made her blood fizz. His
chin was resting on her shoulder as he rumbled in her ear. “Look at how well you take me,
Pen. ”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she peered down. Her sex was pink and swollen from their
activities, impossibly stretched around him, the moonlight making their coupling shimmer.
His arm came around her, trapping her body against his, grasping her breast possessively, and
she felt his skin burn against her. Transfixed, she watched him disappear and reappear until
his movement quickened making it impossible for her to think, keep her eyes open—do
anything but feel.

How was he able to take her apart so completely and remake her into this whimpering
woman, quivering around him, begging for him? She barely recognized her voice, small,
broken and needy, whining his name over and over, pleading for more. He was happy to
oblige, his feverish pace encouraging her to fall to pieces.

“Do you see, can you feel how we are made for each other? You were fated to be mine, Pen
—mine, all mine—and I yours.” Her breath caught and she began to shake, his words
pushing her beyond the precipice.

“Yours,” she repeated between her shudders, the word slowly losing the sounds of each letter
as convulsions wracked her, until the only sound to leave her was a tiny whine.

He stilled within her, still hard.

“You did not…” she struggled to find the words in her lust-drunken state.

“No,” he confirmed, his voice soft.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, her mind already succumbing to sleep.

“Do not apologize; this is my favorite place to be”—he pulled her closer, causing her to gasp
as he slid in a little further—“beside you, nestled within you, tethered together.” He kissed
the top of her head. “Now, close your eyes, my darling wife. You need your rest.”

She had soon drifted off, her body spent, her thoughts quieted by the intimacy of their
coupling and the way his arms held her close.

Chapter End Notes

The Captain just cannot get enough of his wife. Poor Pen is going to be so tired at the
end of this trip!
Next chapter Penelope wakes up in the morning.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts!

63 ♥️
Chapter Notes

The best laid plans...

Travelers, I am sorry this chapter has been docked for longer than I intended. It ended up
being a little difficult to write. Happily, it's done now-- and over twice the length of a
double drabble.
Thanks to everyone who is still coming to read this, kudos and comment. I appreciate all
of you!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Light was blazing in through the portholes when Penelope woke; the cloudless sky doing
little to assist the sea breeze in the cooling the cabin. The arms that had held her so tightly all
night were missing, and Pen slowly opened her eyes, glancing about to find the man they
were attached to had left. She sighed, trying to ignore the awful tightness in her throat and
hold back the tears already forming. She knew this was coming, knew it was fantasy, so why
did it still feel like her heart was being squeezed mercilessly?

She slowly rolled over, towards Colin’s side on the bed, planning to bury her face in his
pillow, hoping his scent would help ease the sting of her tears and rejection, but when she
turned there was a piece of parchment lying atop the cushion.

My Pen, please eat and dress. I will return around noon to take you on deck. Yours, Colin

Deck? He was going to take her on deck? What about the crew’s superstitions? Throwing her
overboard and the like? And even if she was to go on deck, what would she wear? Surely, he
didn’t mean for her to don his shirt outside the confines of the cabin. Maybe he thought she
could fashion a dress out of the bed clothes.

Clothing woes would have to wait as her stomach was finally waking to the smell of bacon.
She sat up and stretched, then looked to the table, finding a heaping plate of food atop, and,
much to her surprise, her dress draped across the back of the chair, looking clean, if a little

She never thought she would be so eager to see a piece of cloth, but the sight of her dress
caused her to jump from the bed and rush over to it as if it was a friend she hadn’t seen in
months. The fabric was stiffer, the delicate folds slightly misshapen, and a closer look
revealed breaks in the lace trim and faint smudges that had been washed but still clung to the
muslin. Still, she was excited to wear her own clothes again, and, even if the state of her dress
would have her mocked in London, here on the Butterfly she highly doubted it merited any
Whether it was excitement or anxiety that had Penelope move so swiftly, she didn’t know.
But no more than half an hour later she was fully dressed, save her slippers, which she
carefully laid out by the door, lounging on the bed and reading, stomach full from a delicious
breakfast. She tried to focus her mind on the novel, this one about a scandalous duchess and a
rakish army officer, but the dull ache between her legs kept returning her thoughts to the
previous night and Colin.

She picked up his note again, running her fingers across the surface to feel the slight
indentations from his quill, rereading the brief message. Once again, she was getting what
she wanted, the heat of the sun on her skin, the sight of the sea endless in all directions; he
was going to take her on the deck. She couldn’t help but wonder if the experience would end
similarly—all her expectations and imaginings surpassed, and yet still alone.

Chapter End Notes

So... Pen's going on deck 👀

Funny how quickly that "you have to stay in the cabin" rule is being broken...

I hope to update again at least next week!

As always, I would love to hear from you!
64 ♥️
Chapter Notes

I'm sorry it's been weeks, that wasn't my intention. I really want to finish the fic, but
work and life keep getting in the way. Thank you for sticking with me and the Captain.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The clock in Colin’s cabin had only just struck twelve when the door opened wide and the
Captain stepped into the room, looking windblown, rugged, and so handsome it hurt her to
look at him. Desperately hoping she would be able to steel herself against his charms, she
looked up at him, attempting to look apathetic even though she was anything but.

His eyes raked over her form and the familiar lopsided grin caused an embarrassingly dreamy
sigh to escape her lips. Dear Lord. She had to compose herself. He, of course, chuckled,
obviously exceedingly pleased with the reaction.

“What a sight to behold, Penelope reading atop my bed.”

She rolled her eyes, hoping she seemed less affected by him than she was a moment ago.
“Nothing you haven’t seen already.”

“I haven’t seen you reading in your frock”—his smile turned devilish—“though I do miss the
sight of you in my shirt or, preferably, nothing at all.”

“Colin!” she chided.

“No need to feign offence for my benefit or anyone else’s, for that matter; no one here is
concerned with propriety—though you will find that out for yourself soon enough.”

Penelope pushed up from the mattress, legs folded to one side, leaning on an arm for support.
“I am not sure if I should be relieved or worried I shall be corrupted in some way.”

“I think you have already been thoroughly corrupted.” She pinkened as he crossed over to the
bed and knelt beside the mattress. Then he took her right foot into his hands, pulling it until it
hung over the side. Running his fingers from her ankle to the tips of her toes, he massaged
the arch with his thumb, before sliding her slipper onto her foot as if she were Cinderella. He
tapped the left, a wordless direction for her to change position so he could dress it in the same
way. Penelope complied, swinging her legs to suspend them over the edge. Colin repeated the
action, which felt even more intimate as she looked down at him.

“A shame about the stockings,” he said casually.

“What’s wrong with them? I thought I cleaned them rather well.” She turned her gaze to her
toes, as if she could see them through her slippers.

“The problem is that you are wearing them. It’s quite a pity you felt the need to don them at
all,” he replied, his middle finger tracing lazy patterns around her ankle.

“It is proper”—Colin was caressing her calf, making it difficult to unearth the words she was
searching for— “to wear stockings”— his hand glided up to the crook of her knee, teasing
the sensitive skin there, then traced its way back down, heating Penelope with the action—
“in society.”

Colin laughed, dropping his hands, standing up, and brushing the dust from the floorboards
from his well-fitted navy trousers. “I think you will find a very different society here that
what you are accustomed to.” He offered her his hand, and she took it, allowing him to pull
her to her feet. “Shall we go?”


“It is why I came to the cabin midday—though I suppose I could return to deck alone—”

“What about all those superstitions? The throwing me overboard so my red hair doesn’t cause
a typhoon,” she asked with a raised brow.

“You will be safe; I swear it,” he said the words as if they were a vow.

He held out his hand, waiting for her to take it. “You said it wasn’t safe even with your
presence. What could change so much in two days’ time?”

“Everything,” he replied earnestly, reaching down and intertwining his fingers with hers.
“Now come along.” He gave her arm a little tug, setting her feet into motion, falling into step
behind his. The intimacy of their glove-less palms embracing eliminated all the questions
from her mind, her thoughts completely overtaken by the warmth traveling up her arm to her
chest, making her heart beat double-speed.

Chapter End Notes

They're going on deck!!

We are getting closer to the moment of truth and the moment of AnnaBananna's artwork
that inspired this whole fic. (I can't believe I might have started and finished a multi-
chapter fic before S3 airs... that's insane to me).

As always, I would love to hear from you if you feel so inclined. Thanks for reading!
65 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Travelers, I know it's been a few weeks, but I promise I am trying to finish this fic faster
than it seems. I want to thank you again for sticking with me when so many amazing
Polin stories are coming online this month.

To make it up to you, this chapter is over 800 words-- it seems I am having a harder and
harder time sticking to that 200 word limit.

Thank you to all of you for your reads, kudos, bookmarks, and comments--they are so
appreciated. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The bright noonday sun assaulted Penelope, forcing her to squint horribly as Colin helped her
emerge from the shadowed halls below onto the wooden planks of the deck.

“Careful, Pen,” Colin cautioned, his hands on her hips steadying her after she stumbled over
a board a finger’s width taller than the surrounding ones. Once she had gained her footing,
Colin released his hold, much to her chagrin, and turned his attention to a hulking figure
standing nearby.

With his height she thought him more giant than man, his brawn so inflated he appeared not
to have a neck. His chest was on display under his linen shirt, which was ripped open down
the center, black curls covering hard muscle and weathered skin. Even Colin, easily the tallest
man she’d ever known, had to look up to meet his eyes. The sailor took a piece of cloth from
the pocket of his trousers and wiped his brow and bald pate, both glistening in the noonday

“Hawkins, what is the state of the fore course? Is it still holding up?” She wanted to ask
Colin what a fore course was but didn’t want to interrupt his conversation in case it was
important. She stepped out from behind, sneaking away to observe two crew members
moving and resecuring ropes attached to one of the large sails.

“About as good as can be expected. The patch should last long enough for us to get to Italy—
providing we don’t hit any terrible weather.” As Colin and Hawkins continued their chat,
Penelope was unable to stop herself from walking to the side of the ship to get a better view
of the vast, inky blue water that stretched as far as the eye could see. She’d almost reached
the railing when a stocky, raven-haired gentleman popped out in front of her, his hair tied
back in a neat queue.

“Where the devil did you come from?” he asked, arms folded.
“I.. well…” Penelope wish she hadn’t stammered, but she couldn’t seem to find the right

“Morris, come look at who’s stowed away on the ship.” Seconds later a lanky man joined
them, glowering at her as if she’d attacked his mother.

“Ginger and a woman? We should toss her over the side before she causes us any trouble.”
Penelope laughed nervously, assuming it was a joke, but the sailor’s reaction and scowl told
her it hadn’t been.

“What’s the commotion, gents?” She quickly turned her head to find an attractive blonde
standing behind her, too close for her own comfort. He was exactly the type of handsome
rogue women of the ton found mysterious and thrilling, making a pastime imagining how he
received the scar on his right cheek, the thin, white line standing out like a beacon against his
dark tan.

“Stowaway,” Morris grunted. “Likely to find a typhoon with her here. We need to toss her.”

“Toss?” Penelope repeated quietly, her eyes darting wildly in an attempt to locate Colin.

“Nonsense,” the blonde grinned devilishly, moving so close she could feel his breath against
the back of her neck. “As long as Miss Van-neck here takes out her tits we won’t have to
dump her into the sea.”

“What?!” Penelope yelped. Quickly taking a step to her right, she tried to put distance
between the two of them, but had little luck as the man grabbed her around her waist and
pulled her closer to him. “Let go or I will tell the captain!” she shouted, making the men
around her laugh as if she’d just told a bawdy joke.

“We’re happy to help you unrig,” he whispered lewdly in her ear. She jerked away but was
only able to move a few inches further from his face.

She was about to scream for him, sure it was the only thing that might save her, but before
she could the blonde spun her around, and there Colin was —striding toward them. “Captain,
you’re just in time to see our new mermaid bless the ship with a view of her magnificent

It happened in an instant—strong hands pulling her behind him, arms swinging, the sickening
sound of flesh hitting bone, the blonde falling back onto the wooden planks, moaning weakly
and clutching his eye. Colin whirled around, concern etched in his face, “Are you alright?
Have you been harmed?” his eyes and fingers searching her for any injury.

“Captain!” the man named Morris called out; he’d knelt down to examine the blonde’s face.
“It was just a skit—Handsome George wouldn’t have done nothing.”

“She’s just a stowaway,” the man with a queue added. “Probably a fancy lady come aboard
Fast as a bullet he whipped around to face his crew. “APOLOGIZE!” Colin roared. Penelope
had never seen him so angry—come to think of it, she’d never seen him angry at all.

The men exchanged confused glances. “But Captain, she’s—”

“She is my wife!”

Chapter End Notes

Cat's out of the bag now! 😅

I wonder what Pen's going think/say...
I'm going to try to write that chapter faster than I wrote this one.

I hope this chapter answered a couple of common questions (Are they still in port? No,
they really are on their way to Italy

Why can she go on the deck now? Because they are married)

If you have thoughts to share, I'd love to hear them!

66 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Fellow travelers, I know it's been a hot minute... several things happened at once and I
got a little stuck being so close to the end... But excellent news! I have finished the rest
of the fic (save for the epilogue), so I will be able to update it at least twice a week. The
end is officially upon us!

As always, thank you for coming back to this story. I so appreciate all the reads, kudos,
and lovely comments. ♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Wife?!” she muttered faintly, trying to wrap her mind around the declaration.

The three men were talking over one another, each obviously desperate to convince their
captain of their innocence, andtook no further notice of her.

“Sir, we didn’t know—”

“When’d you get married? I thought you was a bachelor—”

“If we knew she was your missus—”

Colin had placed his body in front of hers, a wall between her and the other men on the deck.
“It doesn’t signify as no woman should be accosted on my ship—be she stowaway or the
lady of the ship. I will not stand for it; do you understand?” he barked.

The men meekly mumbled confirmations and more apologies; all the while Penelope’s world
was tilting and she was trying to find her footing both literally and figuratively. She reached
out, steadying herself with the help of the ship’s rail.

Wife. Wife!

“Uh, Captain?” the hulking Mr. Hawkins interrupted sheepishly. “Your wife looks rather ill.”

Then, as if she’d been touched by some sort of giddy madness, she began to giggle nervously,
the sound tumbling out of her mouth unbidden, the kind that could easily morph into the sort
of laughter stole breath. Wife! It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be.

Colin turned to her, concern etched in the lines of his face. “Penelope,” his tone full of care
and confusion, “are you alright?”

“Alright?” she squeaked out.

“I know you’ve had a fright, but I promise you these men will not harm you. Now they know
you are my wife—"

Another burst of anxious laughter. Colin took her hands, which had been covering her mouth,
into his own, staring into her eyes as if he trying to unlock some mystery. “I must know the
reason for all giggles.”

“You called me your wife.”

“Yes” he replied, stretching the word slowly, his hands now gliding up and down her arms, an
attempt to soothe or seduce her, she wasn’t sure which.

“I am not your wife, Colin!”

His face, which was before the picture of devotion, changed instantly.

Chapter End Notes

She's gone and done it now 😆

What will the captain have to say?

Next update coming over the weekend!

As always, I'd love to read your thoughts if you care to write them. ♥️
67 ♥️
Chapter Notes

It might be coming in at the last moment, but it is still the weekend where I am at (for
another hour at least), and, thanks to the wondrous DaphneJane (thank you, thank you,
friend!), I am able to post this on time! But to post on time I will have to respond to
comments tomorrow night (which is not my usual way). Please know that I cherish them
and so appreciate you taking the time to write one.

The final chapter will definitely be double-drabble (200ish) words, but I plan to post
twice a week at least until it's done. (The epilogue looks like it will be much longer and
will be posted all at once).

Thank you for sticking with me and the Captain on this journey. ♥️I love you all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Colin momentarily looked at her as if she were speaking in a language he’d never heard
before, jaw dropping before the surprise gave way to laughter. “Very funny, Pen.” He twisted
to address his crew, though no member in particular, when he finished, “My wife is very
funny.” Turning back to her he grinned, “For a moment I thought you serious.”

“I am not joking, Colin.” His face fell immediately. “You know very well we cannot be…
that we are not…” she whispered the next words as if she hadn’t declared the rest loudly
enough for their entire audience to hear, “man and wife.”

He pulled her further away from the gathering crowd of crew surrounding them, gave her an
assessing look as if he were a doctor trying to diagnose a mysterious illness. “Penelope, are
you ill? You do seem quite pale—”

“No, I am fine—”

“Then why,” his voice turned steely, “are you talking such nonsense?”


“That you are not my wife and I am not your husband.”

“Because it isn’t real—”

He pulled her into his arms, quite ignoring the hoots of the gentleman surrounding them, and
kissed her quite soundly. “Mmmm,” he hummed, “you taste real”—his lips continued across
her cheek, over to her ear— “and you feel real” –both of his hands slid down to squeeze her
derriere, causing her to shriek and the men to laugh approval—“and your little squeal of
delight sounds real—”

“Embarrassment, not delight—”

“It certainly sounded like delight…,” he paused pretending to think. “Hmm. Maybe…,” he
pressed her against his body, his hands now lifting her slightly so she could feel the
scandalous contact of his hips against her own as he bent his head to place soft kisses on the
swell of her breasts.

A shaky breath escaped her lips, and, wanton she had become, she would have likely allowed
him to continue, forgetful of their company, had some member of the crew not called out for
the captain and been immediately quieted by a chorus of shushes.

Remembering the collection, she pushed back against Colin, forcing him to return her feet to
the deck as she could not squirm out of his tight embrace.

“Colin, please! This is very serious matter!”

“You are quite right. My wife’s pleasure is of the upmost importance,” he replied playfully.

“Colin!” she huffed in frustration. “We cannot be married! There wasn’t a church! There
wasn’t even an altar!”

Chapter End Notes

Penelope, Penelope... you are spiraling my dear. 😆 And your husband is fully prepared
to make out with you right then and there. But in all seriousness for those of you
wondering why Penelope is so disbelieving, I will address that.

I will be back on Wednesday with another chapter! As always, I would love to hear your
68 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Posting this riiiiight under the wire. But it's still Wednesday where I live (at least for the
next... ten minutes )

I can't believe we are getting so close to the end! I have only one small part left to
write... so things are really close to wrapping up!

Thank you to all of you still reading, giving this kudos, and commenting-- you bring me
such joy!
And a huge thanks to DaphneJane, who beta-ed this for me and just continues to be the
most supportive writing buddy a girl could have.♥️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“The bed was the altar, your body the temple, and I happily worshiped you.” She blushed at
the reference, noticing how pleased Colin seemed to be about affecting her in such a way.

“That hardly makes sense!”

“I am the Captain. I married us; it is as simple as that.” Dear Lord. She was so weak for him
when he spoke with such casual authority, but she knew she couldn’t allow herself to be

“But there were no witnesses!” For surely, weddings must have witnesses, else how would
anyone know a ceremony had even occurred?

He dismissed her concern with a flick of his wrist, as if he were shooing away a fly. “Any
crew member would gladly vouch for us.”

Penelope’s eyes darted to the hulking and impressively rugged frame of Mr. Hawkins, and
she turned beet red at the thought of him witnessing all that their wedding vows entailed.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Colin scolded her. Then leaned in to whisper in her ear, “As
if I would ever let another man look upon you in such a state. You are mine and mine alone,
and I would not share the sight of you, let alone the passionate melody you produce.”

“I was not thinking anything of the sort,” she squeaked, but he chuckled, obviously correctly
interpreting her lobster-coloring as evidence of her guilt.

He lowered his voice, turning it into warmed butter. “I believe you should be punished, wife,
for thinking of being watched by another man as I drive into you… and for doubting the
validity of our nuptials.”
“But… surely… the ceremony will not be recognized by the Church of England.” Even as
she said the words, she couldn’t believe she was giving voice to them. Why was she trying to
prove that they were not married when all her dreams centered around that very idea?

Once again, Colin had an answer for her worry. “Like many couples, we will have to make it
more formal when we set foot on British soil. But that doesn’t mean our vows are any less

“But.. you… I… Colin, we cannot be married,” she protested, not sure why she was any
more but unable to stop from doing so.

“We are married,” he insisted.

And then she just blurted it out. The dreadful thought she couldn’t push from her mind.
“But... you didn’t mean it.”

Chapter End Notes

Oh, Pen. 🥺 You just have no idea. Just you wait.

Next chapter will post this weekend!
As always, I love to hear your thoughts if you'd like to write them down. 🥰
69 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Dear travelers, can you believe we have reached the Pen-ultimate chapter (wokka)? I
can't! (Mostly because I have never finished writing a multi-chapter fic.) And I am
posting this before 11:58 p.m. my time! Wonders never cease!

Thank you so much for sticking with me to the end! I already have an idea for a smutty
one-shot set on the boat after the main events of the fic.... So the good captain hasn't left
my thoughts yet.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He was taken aback, shock plastered on his face. “Says who?”

“It was playacting.” Colin's mouth hung open, dumbstruck, and she was suddenly feeling
quite timid and unsure. “Wasn’t it?”

“Why on God’s earth would you think that?” he snapped, flying to his hips, demanding

She didn’t know what to say. How could he not understand why she thought as she did? This
was Colin—Colin, the darling of the ton; Colin, one of the most eligible bachelors in all of
England; Colin, the dream of dozens of beautiful, desirable ladies. And her, Penelope, being,
well, Penelope. “The ceremony was not … traditional,” she responded lamely, finding it
difficult to explain her true thoughts.

“I cannot imagine a more fulfilling ceremony,” he grinned wickedly.

She felt exceedingly warm as crimson spread across her exposed skin. “And… oh… you…
you would never have married me to just”—she lowered her voice, not wishing the men to
overhear—“to take my innocence?”

“Of course that’s not why I married you.” He seemed almost offended.


“That’s why you married me .” He crossed his arms. Her mouth dropped open, unable to
argue with the statement. She had wanted him, but when she said ‘I do’ she did not think it
was real. “I married you,” and once again he was pulling her close, “because I want nothing
more than to touch you and take you and lie with you and live with you and love you for the
rest of my days.” His full lips met hers in a kiss that was languorous and sultry, their souls
embracing with each movement.
She pulled back as the crew began cheering, remembering they were no longer alone in their
cabin but on deck among hardened sailors. “Love?” she asked breathlessly.

He chuckled, amused. “How could I have been any clearer?”

She thought back on Colin's actions—how he’d acted to protect her, wrong-headed though it
might have been, carefully chosen books for her, touched her tenderly, taken care of her
needs even at the cost of his own—and his words—how many times he called her beautiful,
flirted, told her he cared for her, said they belonged to one another. “I thought you were
teasing me,” she said softly.

“Well, I was some of the time.” A grin spread across his face. “I do love teasing you”—he
dropped his voice to a husky whisper—“especially your nipples. And I had to get you to
agree to marry me somehow.”

“All that was so I would marry you?” she asked in disbelief.

“It was quite a lot of fun as well,” he replied, goosing her sides so she squeaked and hopped.

“Did you not think you could just ask me?” For how could Colin ever doubt that she would
want him?

“I did not think you would accept. You might have thought I was doing it because of
Whistledown—to protect you or save you or some bollocks—and then refuse.”

She gasped, worries flooding back. “Is that what it is?”

“For God’s sake, of course not, woman! Have you not been listening? I have made it
abundantly clear that I desire you beyond measure, and I could not love you any more if my
heart beat inside your own body. There is not another man on this planet who loves and
adores his wife more. We are married, I love you, and that is that.”

Her heart, which wanted to soar, was still bound within her chest. For how could she forget?
She had been unforgivably intrusive; it had been none of her business. Yet she knew that if
she left the question unasked, the mystery, the doubt would haunt her forever. “But what of
the woman?”

Chapter End Notes

Only one chapter and the epilogue left!

Will Pen ever believe? (I mean, you know the answer... but still come back to read the
last chapter!)

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts if you would like to leave them below!
70 ♥️
Chapter Notes

Dearest travelers, can you believe we've reached the final chapter of the story?! I can't!

midnight EST.
happy Wednesday!
But here we are! I am so excited to leave you with this I am once again posting it before
Happy Thanksgiving-Eve to those in the US and to everyone else,

As always, thank you for your reads and kudos and bookmarks and comments-- I so
appreciate it all!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“What woman?” he asked, genuinely baffled.

Hoping he wouldn’t hate her for invading his privacy, she pressed forward. She had to know.
“The woman you wrote of in your journal.”

His eyes widened in surprise. “You read my journal?”

“Not on purpose,” she interjected quickly, pinkening from embarrassment. “And I did stop
right after I began. But, oh Colin, you were so enthralled with her eyes and her… person .”
Her cheeks burned as she remembered the things she’d read.

He chuckled softly. “That woman stands before me.” Penelope turned this way and that,
searching for the lush goddess Colin had described. She was facing away from him, craning
her neck, when he spun her and pulled her into his arms once again. “Penelope, I was writing
of you.”

“But… that was written…”

A soft smile spread across his face. “Months ago.”

“And you… you spoke of… you wanted…”

“You. I want you. I desire you. I love you .” And she finally allowed herself to believe it.


He huffed quite loudly. “If you are about to come up with some fool argument about how we
aren’t married or how I have confused my love for you in friendship, I swear to God in
“I love you, too,” she answered, unable to keep it within a moment longer, her heart feeling
fuller and lighter than it ever had.

So swiftly she didn’t have time to do more than squeal in surprise, he picked her up as if she
were a rag doll and threw her over his shoulder. “Hawkins, I am retiring to my cabin. Take
the helm.”

“Colin!” she giggled.

“That’s husband to you!”

“But I wished to see the ship—” She waved her hands, motioning to the vessel, but in her
position, Colin would not have been able to see her.

“You’ll have plenty of time to see it later, for I cannot wait another minute; I must have my

Moments later, Colin was slowly descending the wooden staircase to the low, narrow
hallway, taking care not to jostle Penelope and hit her head against the boards around them.
Colin gently set her down in front of the door when they arrived at the cabin.

As he reached around her to let them inside, he whispered seductively in her ear, “Now be an
obedient wife and reveal yourself to me. Your husband wishes to worship you.”

Lying in bed later that night—thoroughly exhausted by Colin’s comprehensive affections but
unable to sleep—she mused on what Lady Whistledown might have to say about the
scandalous way she’d spent the past three days.

It is said that no matter how big the sea may be, sometimes two ships will meet. And meet
they did, dear readers! For this author has heard quite the scandalous tale of a passionate
privateer and snatched spinster. A narrative made all the more shocking by its two primary
characters—the dashing Mister Colin Bridgerton, and the dowdy Miss Penelope
Featherington—or perhaps I should say Mrs. Penelope Bridgerton? After all, the heroine has
finally obtained the treasure she has so long coveted—the love of her hero.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you find this a fitting ending for the Captain and his dear Penelope! I would love
to hear your thoughts in the comments below if you feel so inclined. Each one is like a
little treasure!
Only the epilogue left! Unlike the other chapters, this will be posted in one large chunk--
no more cliffhangers for you!
Chapter Notes

I cannot believe the end is here (or that I have actually finished a fic)! I just want to say
thank you so, so much to all of you readers who have embraced this fic and sent me love
through the views, kudos, bookmarks, and comments. You were wonderful sports with
all of the cliffhangers and pauses as my life took away my writing time. You really made
be more excited to write this and to keep going until I finished it, and I can't thank you

A huge thank you to DaphneJane, who gave me feedback and encouragement and
suggestions and beta'ed when my brain stopped working-- you are the best writing
partner and I adore you!

As promised, the epilogue--a normal length and no cliffhangers!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

She was fidgeting; she couldn’t help it. At any second, Colin’s brother and his wife, the
current viscount and viscountess, would walk into the drawing room oblivious to the scandal
Penelope and her husband were bringing to their doorstep.

“You don’t need to worry, Pen,” Colin said, squeezing her hand before resuming his pacing.
“The entire family adores you—they will be over the moon.”

Penelope looked up at him from her seat on the sofa, a dubious expression on her face.
“Something tells me they might feel differently when you inform them.”

“Nonsense,” he replied, waving away her concern. “It is happy news.”

“What is happy news?”

Turning her head, Penelope saw Kate enter the room, bright as a jewel in a dark purple crepe
dress, arms outstretched to give her brother-in-law a hug.

“That I am home, of course!” Colin answered jovially.

“Your mother must be ecstatic. Have you been by to see her?”

“Not as of yet.” A look of surprise flashed so quickly on the viscountess’ face, Penelope
almost thought she imagined it, for it was almost immediately replaced with a welcoming
smile. Kate motioned to an armchair, encouraging Colin to sit. Her eyebrow raised when he
sat down beside Penelope instead.
“To what do we owe the honor?”

“Just come to harass the viscount,” Colin said blithely.

“But surely you could have done so after you saw your mother.”

“Ahh, but seeing him before mother would certainly ensure that the vein in his forehead
bulge out just so. And you know how I live to set Anthony into hysterics.”

Kate chuckled good-naturedly, instructing a footman to place a large tea service on the table
in front of them.

“And Miss Featherington,” she said brightly, turning her attention to Penelope, “it is good to
see you again. I believed you to be out of the country.”

“I was,” Penelope answered nervously, “but I am back now.”

“I see.” And Penelope worried that, in fact, she might. “And you and Colin visited us on the
same morning, at the exact same time—very fortuitous.” A tiny smirk quirked at the corner
of her mouth as she poured a cup of tea for Colin.

“What is fortuitous?” a booming voice came from behind them. Anthony Bridgerton strode
into the room, making a beeline to his wife and dutifully pressing a kiss to her cheek before
doing a double-take and recognizing his own brother.

“Colin?!” He responded in surprise. “Last we heard from Eloise you were on the continent
and not scheduled to return for at least another month.” The younger brother stood and the
elder crossed to him, pulling him into a warm hug before Colin returned to his seat beside

“And… Miss Featherington…,” Anthony’s eyebrows furrowed as he sat down in the

armchair beside Kate’s, “you are here as well… what a pleasant surprise.” He directed his
attention back to his brother. “Mother must have been over the moon to see you, especially
after only… what? A month away?” Penelope watched the viscount cross one leg over the
other and reach his hand out to take his wife’s, their hands connecting across the gap between
the chairs after she’d passed Colin his tea.

“Thereabouts, and I am sure she will be, once I visit.”

Anthony dropped Kate’s hand abruptly. “You have not seen her then?”

“Not as of yet.”

The viscount took a steadying breath before asking, “Why the devil not? You know she will
be heartbroken to find you came here first.”

“I have pressing matters to discuss with you,” Colin said simply.

“Surely, it can wait,” Anthony replied tightly, in a tone that meant to brook no protest from
his brother.
“It cannot, I’m afraid. Shall we go to your study?”

“Certainly, it cannot be that serious,” Anthony said, nearly rolling his eyes.

“I assure you it is.”


“We can talk here—that is if you do not mind Kate knowing.”

The viscountess gave her husband a pointed expression, and Anthony, being the intelligent
man he was, did not make to leave his chair. “Whatever you wish to say to me, you can say in
front of Kate, of course.”

“Very well,” Colin said with a smile. “I need you to procure a special license.”

“A special license for what?” Anthony asked, the thought of marriage clearly not crossing his

“I should think it obvious.”


It was Kate’s turn to sigh deeply as she looked over to her husband pityingly. “Marriage.”

“Marriage?” He stared at Colin for a moment before realization dawned in him and his head
swiveled back and forth between the man and woman seated opposite him. “Are you… are
you telling me that you wish to marry… Miss Featherington?”

“Well, not exactly—”

Laughter of little mirth but much volume burst from Anthony, the sound punching the quiet
in the drawing room and giving Penelope such a start her teacup rattled against the saucer.
“You had me there, for a moment—”

“You see, we are already married—”

He laughed again, sounding more forced and nervous. “Very amusing, brother.”

“Anthony, he is serious,” Kate said, touching his forearm gently. “They arrived together.”

“That is impossible,” Anthony answered, his voice rising. “My brother would never be so
callous as to marry without my mother present, nor would he be so foolish to marry without
garnering the permission of a lady’s family.”

“Would you bother asking Portia Featherington anything of import?” Penelope gasped, and
Colin gave her a lopsided grin with a quiet, “Apologies.”

“If I were intending to marry her daughter I certainly would!” Anthony snapped.

“I suppose we can invite her to the wedding when the date is set.”
“I thought you were already married,” Anthony retorted, taking clear satisfaction in his

“We are, though I am not sure of the legality of the ceremony in England, hence the need for
a special license.”

Anthony gaped at him. “You… aren’t sure… of the legality … of the marriage .”

“Did I not say as much?” Colin replied lightly, suppressing a smile as he delighted in his
brother’s disbelief.

Rubbing the crease between his brows, Anthony wearily asked, “And why are you unsure
about the legality of the marriage?”

“I think the question is, is one married if one is unsure about its legality?” Kate asked,
serenely raising her teacup to her lips.

“An interesting question,” Colin pondered, and Penelope wondered if he were trying to be
murdered by his brother before they wed again.

“You have not answered my question!” Anthony growled.

“Of course, my apologies. To answer your question, we were at sea—”

“Wait, wait.” Anthony closed his eyes as if in pain. “You and Miss Featherington were on a
boat together?”

“A ship would be more accurate,” Colin replied.

“A ship, a ship he says,” Anthony said to Kate, a hint of hysteria in his voice. “And how
exactly did you and Miss Featherington end up on a ship together?”

“Does it really matter?”

“I would say it does! My brother somehow ends up on a ship with a young lady who was
thought to be in Ireland the past month!” The vein in Anthony’s forehead protruded as his
voice grew louder.

Penelope opened her mouth to respond, but shut it when Colin took her hand and squeezed,
signaling to her that he would handle the matter. “She did not go to Ireland.”

“Clearly she did not Colin! Not if she was on some blasted ship with you!”

“Not some ship, my ship,” Colin clarified.

“Oh, you have a ship now do you?” Anthony barked a laugh, stopping abruptly when he
noticed he alone found it funny.

“I’ve had a ship of my own for about eight years.”

“You’ve been off gallivanting abroad for the better part of 12 years,” Anthony replied, as if
the two ideas were mutually exclusive.

“Well, yes, on my ship—though I wouldn’t call it gallivanting; it was a great deal of work.”

Anthony ran his hands through his hair, causing some bits to poke out at odd angles,
increasing the resemblance between him and his younger brother. “You are making no

“I am making perfect sense. I have a ship, I sail, and then return to England,” Colin explained
as if his elder brother was no older than his nephews.

“You are a sailor?” Kate questioned, curiosity clearly a more compelling concern than her
husband’s annoyance.

“I am a captain.”

Anthony scoffed, likely convinced this was all some sort of insane jest. “Come now, Colin.
There is no way you could hide such a secret from your family for so long.”

“I didn’t really hide it, you all just assumed I was sightseeing on the continent when I was

“But why would you keep it a secret?” Kate asked.

Colin placed a hand over his heart dramatically. “A Bridgerton, a privateer? Think of the

“Good lord, Colin, what were you thinking?!” Anthony snapped.

“You always wanted me to have a vocation.”

The viscount’s hands cut through the air to emphasize each word like rigid punctuation
marks. “In the clergy or the military like all the other third-born sons in England! Not as a

“Privateer,” Penelope corrected politely. Anthony gave her such a quelling look that she
immediately shrank back, endeavoring to stay silent for the remainder of the conversation.

“Be that as it may,” Anthony said tightly, “it still does not explain how you came to be on the
boat or why your union is not legally binding.”

Kate’s eyes widened comically, her mouth fell open in a look of both shock and amusement.
“No! No, you didn’t!”

“I did,” Colin answered with a devilish grin. “Someone had to.”

Anthony turned to his now-giggling wife, looking at her as if she had lost all sense. “For the
love of—what is so damned funny?” he demanded.
“Don’t you see?” she gasped through her laughter

“See what?” Anthony bit back, exasperated.

“He married them!”

“He who?”

Kate’s giggles were giving way to belly laughs. “Colin! Colin married Penelope to himself!
That’s why they aren’t sure of their union!”

Anthony turned to Colin, horror in his eyes, searching for a denial, but finding none. “Please
tell me Kate is mistaken. Please tell me you didn’t think to conduct your own wedding

“I could tell you that, but it would be a falsehood.”

“In what world would you think you could marry yourself?!” Anthony roared, standing and
beginning to wear a path around the room as if pacing would help him ease his frustration.

“Captains can marry people, I am a captain, I married us. Simple as that.”

Kate continued to laugh, even Anthony’s face, filled with incredulity, could not stop her.

“But you yourself do not believe it to be valid! Why else would I need to procure a special
license for you?! Of all the fool things you could have done—”

“Penelope and I were married, I assure you. Now, whether or not England considers us
married is another matter—”

Anthony looked skyward, and Penelope could swear she heard him mutter something about
the Lord and strength and throttling his brother. “I will visit the archbishop for the license—”

“Excellent!” Colin clapped his hands together. “Well, in that case—”

“BUT”—Anthony interrupted, leaning forward, hands braced on the back of the armchair as
he bent over it, staring seriously at Colin— “before I do there are a few stipulations.”

“We plan to head to see mother as soon as we finish.”

“Yes, well—”

“And, if you think it entirely necessary, I suppose I can visit Portia Featherington—”


Colin reached out to give Penelope’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “But there is no need for
Penelope to accompany me on that errand.” She didn’t know whether she should be relieved
she wouldn’t be there when Colin told her mother they were married or if she should insist he
take her just so that she might see her mother faint from the shock of it.
“That is all well and good, but there are a few things… Wait,” a look of confused suspicion
crossed Anthony’s face, and he narrowed his eyes at Colin. “While you are visiting Portia
Featherington, where will Miss Featherington be?”

“Visiting with Eloise perhaps—”

“Do you not think it prudent to have her present when you visit her home?”

“Her mother’s home,” Colin replied, emphasizing the word ‘mother.’ “And no, I don’t.”

“She will have to go there eventually.”

“If Pen wants to visit her family for some reason,” Penelope gave him a playful swat on the
arm and he grinned in response, “then I will take her at some point, but there is no need to do
that until after the wedding.”

Anthony laughed again, a tense staccato. “And where will she be residing before the

“In our home in Bloomsbury, of course."

“For God’s sake, Colin, she is an unmarried lady!”

“Are you quite well, Anthony?” Colin was suddenly full of concern. “We spoke about this
already—Penelope and I are wed.”

“Not in the eyes of England!”

“I wasn’t aware England had eyes,” Colin quipped.

“You are not considered married in England, therefore you are not married, therefore Miss
Featherington will remain at her family home until you two have been legally wed.”

“No, I don’t think so.” Colin smiled sweetly back at his brother who was beginning to turn an
unsettling shade of puce.

“Anthony, darling, perhaps you should steady yourself before—”

But the viscount continued as if his wife had not said a word. “Miss Featherington is
forbidden from entering your bachelor’s lodgings—”

“Not bachelor’s lodging, our home—”

“—Until after you have been married in a church, in front of God—”

“Oh, believe me, our wedding was heavenly.” Penelope blushed, and she was surprised she’d
gone as long as she had before letting her mind drift to their marriage ceremony; the evening
was never far from her mind.

“—and your family! Until then she will stay with her mother—”

“Yes, she bloody well will!”

“No, I cannot part with her.”

“You will have to learn to live with the separation!”

“Actually, no I won’t.”

“Apparently your time as a pirate—”

“Privateer,” Penelope and Colin said in unison.

“Pirate, privateer—whatever!—has made you forget all social decorum! The scandal this
could bring upon both our families—”

“Anthony,” Colin said calmly, “we are newlyweds. Are you so old you don’t remember your
first months of marriage?”

“I am not old and”—Anthony spun and looked at his brother, horror dawning on his face.
“Colin, please say you did not anticipate your vows.”

“Of course not,” Colin assured him.

Anthony fell back into the armchair, his whole body relaxing in relief. “Thank God—”

“We were married first, and then we finalized our union.”

Anthony’s voice dropped to a shocked stutter. “Are you saying… Please tell me you are not

“Yes, minimally two to three times a day, with a day off every now and again.” Penelope,
who had just taken a bite of butter biscuit, began coughing so violently her tea sloshed out of
her cup and onto her dress as she lifted it to her lips, downing it to settle her hacking. She had
definitely not expected Colin to reveal the frequency of their lovemaking so plainly. Even the
unflappable viscountess dropped her spoon on the carpet, leaving a tan imprint on the plush
off-white carpet.

“Two to three times a day?” she repeated in disbelief.

“Well, I did say minimally,” Colin replied defensively, incorrectly interpreting Kate’s surprise
as a negative reflection on his ability to complete his conjugal duties.

“What were you thinking!?” Anthony shouted.

“How desirable my wife is—”

Anthony sprang up as if he’d been jabbed with a hot poker. “You cannot be this brainless!”
“Brother, what would you have had me do? Not consummate my marriage? We were on a
month-long honeymoon. We were on a month-long honeymoon at sea .”

“I would have had you wait until you were actually married!”

“Have you not heard me? We are married. I married—”

“Perhaps,” Penelope cut in, worried about what other scandalous details might be revealed if
she continued to allow Colin and Anthony to bicker with one another, “I should stay with my

“Finally! Someone with sense!” Anthony bellowed.

“I am not going to subject my wife to her ridiculous family,” Colin replied firmly. “You are
not aware of the slights she has suffered in that house.” Pushing Anthony might be the wrong
course of action, but Colin’s fierce protection of her made Penelope positively swoon.

“Maybe Penelope could stay with us until they have marr—renewed their vows,” Kate

“A very sensible idea, darling,” Anthony replied, jaw still stiffer than a board.

“If you both do not mind, I would prefer that to returning to Mount Street,” Penelope said,
relieved she might possibly be able to avoid an interrogation from her mother.

“Then it is settled.” Anthony ran his hands through his hair. “Miss Featherington—”

“Mrs. Bridgerton,” Colin corrected.

“Your betrothed—”

“My wife.”

The Viscount’s nostrils flared as he tried to control his temper, “Penelope will stay here until
the two of you can be married.”

“The bags are in the carriage; I will have a footman bring them up to our room.”

“Ou—No, Colin. You will return to your home.”

“I go where my wife goes. If she is here, then I will be here.”

“Colin, be reasonable—you cannot be here if she is here.”

“Penelope and I have shared a roof many times before we were married—”

“That was different,” Anthony cut him off.

“And since we have been married we have shared many things—a cabin, a bed, a hunger for
Anthony held a hand up. “That is enough. I do not need or want to hear any more. Fine. You
may stay—in a separate room—”


“Or you can leave,” Anthony said forcefully.

Penelope watched on as the two brothers stared at each other, unblinking, in a contest of
wills. Finally, Colin rolled his eyes and agreed, whispering to Penelope, “Do not fret, I will
come to you tonight.” Not for the first time that afternoon, Penelope blushed.

“What was that?” the elder brother snapped.

“Words of tender devotion—similar to what you likely whisper to the mallet of death each
spring.” Anthony glowered at Colin while both Kate and Penelope giggled. “Speaking of the
mallet of death, I believe it is Kate’s year, is it not?”

Simultaneously, Anthony protested while his wife agreed. Then the conversation between
them devolved into bickering about who would wield the black mallet in the annual
Bridgerton Pall Mall game and which of the two would best the other. It provided the perfect
distraction for their reluctant hosts, and afforded Colin ample time to whisper all the wicked
things he planned to do to Penelope that night after stealing into her bedchambers.

Later that day, Anthony had secured the special license, muttering complaints about his
troublesome siblings and praises for his favorite, Francesca.

Three days later, Colin and Penelope were wed (again) at St. Bride’s.

Eight months after that, baby Agatha was born, a head full of chestnut curls, wide, blue eyes,
and the most squeezable rosy cheeks.

Colin retired from privateering, deciding to publish travel guides instead. (But he still uses
his extensive knot-tying knowledge frequently—though now he employs silks instead of

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed the epilogue and the fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! I do see a
one-shot somewhere in the future featuring the Captain, his wife, and some knots on the
high seas. And maybe I will get around to writing Colin's side of this.
Until then, I have some other Polin fics I want to write and get closer to finishing. I hope
to see you around! And, as always, I'd love to hear your thoughts and I so appreciate you
End Notes

I will try to update a couple of times a week (try to, emphasis on try).

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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