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Tel; (+266) 22340274 Headteacher

52213331/2 Deputies P.O. Roma 180
52213329 Secretaries Roma, Lesotho
52213334 Staffroom Southern Africa
Fax (+266) 52234000


16th April 2024

Dear Parents / Guardians

Re: Maseru District Mathematics and Science Fair

This serves to inform you that NULIS students will be participating in the upcoming Maseru
district Mathematics and Science Fair. The fair will commence on Thursday, the 18th –
Friday, the 19th April 2024 at Maseru Private Academy (MPA). The school will be able to
provide transport for students who reside in Roma and the nearby villages up to
Masianokeng. We are therefore kindly appealing to parents whose children are residing in
other areas to avail transport for their children to and from MPA on both days. The school
has also strived to find some means to incur the participants’ meals but all our efforts were
unsuccessful. We are therefore compelled to extend our humble plea to parents to assist with
contributions amounting to One Hundred and Seventy Maloti (M 170.00) for our
students’ meals.

Please note that only the participating students and the Mathematics and Science Club
members are expected to attend this event. All other students should still come to school as

Thank you for your usual understanding, cooperation and assistance towards the success of
this school activity.

Yours faithfully

Dr. ‘Matli Toti


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