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About Wadi Finan Art Gallery

• At its start, Wadi Finan Art Gallery started as an intimate exhibition space in a repurposed hardware store front
located in the historic first circle area of Amman, Jordan, placing its principles at the forefront of showcasing works
of emerging and established artists, as well as, making art accessible and visible to all.

• For over a decade the gallery has been the sole insight into the art scene pertaining to Jordan (and the SWANA
region), globally. Unique in its roster of representation, Wadi Finan, champions unsung maters and contemporaries

• Established in 2008, Wadi Finan, is extending its reach larger and wider through regional and global collaborations,
emergent curators, and institutions, extending its reach larger and wider and affirming its ever-growing commitment
to showcasing, documenting and historicizing its dimensional roaster.

• The gallery represents a multi-generational mix of artists from the Levant and North Africa, including, modernists
Mohanna Durra, Ufemia Rizk, Hind Nasser and Wijdan, as well as, contemporaries including Annie Kurkdjian,
Fouad Mimi, Besher Koushaji, Ammar Khammash, Hamza Bounoua, Resmi Al Khafaji and more.

• Since 2010, Wadi Finan Gallery has participated in various global art fairs including Art Dubai, Abu Dhabi Art, Art
15, among others. Collecting institutions include Barjeel Art Foundation, Guggenheim Museum and Jordan National
Installation view at Wadi Finan Art Gallery, 2020, “Embodiment” a solo exhibition by Zaid Shawwa
Wadi Finan has participated in several art fairs regionally and internationally with a diverse
roster of artists, the following slides will showcase some of our participations.

WF focuses mainly on Arab artists representing a variety of artists from the established
masters to young and upcoming talents.

In addition, part of our strategy as an institution is our focus on empowering women artists
in the Arab region.
Installation view of Wadi Finan Art Gallery booth at Dubai Art Fair, 2018 with a stunning collection of
modern art and artists, to name a few: Ufemia Rizk, Hind Nasser, Ahmad Nawash, Fouad Mimi,
Mohanna Durra, Munira Nsaibeh and Nabil Shehadeh.
Installation view of Wadi Finan Art Gallery booth at Dubai Art Fair, 2019, showing the art
works of Besher Koushaji, Hmaza Bounoua and Raya Kassisieh
Proud to be part of Abu Dhabi art fair 2021 in the Modern section with the pioneer Jordanian
artists: Mohanna Durra, Hind Nasser, Wijdan and Ufemia Rizk.
Cross cultural projects
Wadi Finan Art Gallery at Moca Yinchuan, 2015.
We showcased a few of our distinguished Jordanian artists: Fadi Daoud, Fares Rizk, Riham Ghassib, Issam, Tantawi,
Fouad Mimi, Hasan Jalal, Ayyad Alnimer, Mohammad Dohaidel and Katia Al Tal
Moving on into the new world of digital art, Wadi Finan Art Gallery introduced new and
upcoming digital artists into the art scene:

Installation views of “Visualizing Arab Sayings, Digital Installation views of “U:Union”, Augmented reality NFT
art and NFT experience” by Marah Zada experience by Shaun Rabah, and Digital prints of Dodi
Installation view of “Pre-Exodus”, virtual reality simulation
on the Oculus Go by Solenne Tadros
With art being the language that everyone understands and enjoys, Wadi Finan Art Gallery launched a
cross cultural exhibition in 2021, experiencing the collaboration between four Korean and four
Jordanian artists creating stunning mutual artworks.

Installation view at Wadi Finan Art Gallery of “4 by 4”: Se-Eun An, Soojin Kim, Minkyung Lee, Jeuen Lee,
Dodi Tabbaa, Dina Haddadin, Juman Nimri and Samer Tabbaa
Installation view at Wadi Finan Art Gallery of “4 by 4” by:
Se-Eun An, Soojin Kim, Minkyung Lee, Jeuen Lee, Dodi
Tabbaa, Dina Haddadin, Juman Nimri and Samer Tabbaa
Installation view at Wadi Finan Art Gallery of “Layers of Time”
by Se-Eun An, 2021
Installation view at Wadi Finan Art Gallery of “Layers of Time”
by Se-Eun An, 2021
Aya Abu Ghazaleh

Graduated with a BA degree in Visual Arts from The University of Jordan in 2013 with honor (First in Art and Design
collage), and since that time she has been participating in different kinds of exhibitions. She works with various
mediums and styles and combines her art practice with her daily work as an art teacher and freelance creative designer
and photographer.

She received several productions grants, residencies and exhibited her works in Jordan, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey,
Palestine, Italy, KSA and USA.

Her artworks can be found in C.A.B. Gallery, Rotana Hotel/Amman, Jordan Ministry of Culture and Princess Tharwat
Al Hassan collections, and other private collections in Jordan, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Bahrain, Turkey, Palestine,
Italy, KSA, France and USA.
Dalia Ali

Jordanian Palestinian artist, born in Kuwait. I graduated from MIT in the USA with a Bachelor of Science in
Art and Design and a Masters in Architecture. Her passion for art started at an early stage and her years in
Boston exposed her to the guidance and work of many international artists. Participated in group and solo
exhibitions in Amman, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Bahrain.

Although her subjects may vary between figures and built form, the sense of expression is constant. Her medium
of choice is acrylic which she enjoys experimenting with, on different surfaces such as newspapers, patterned
paper, sand, etc. to produce very interesting effects. Through layering she allow the underlying colours and
textures to come through in some places to enrich the painting. She is continuously striving to minimize detail
and ‘abstractize’ the world around her whilst maintaining meaning and content in its most attractive form.
Fares Rizk

Is a contemporary New York artist. He is American, Jordanian, and Palestinian at once. He has an M.F.A in painting
from Parsons School of Design. Since Graduating, he has lived and worked in NYC and continues to travel
internationally. He is in 2 public collections the national Gallery of Jordan and MOCA Museum of Contemporary art
in Yinchuan China. He is represented by Wadi Finan for Fine Arts in Amman Jordan. His paintings are hanging
permanently in the house of the Jordanian Ambassador in New York City and Washington D.C.

Rizk captures moments in his paintings: a moment that could have come and gone. He takes these moments and
makes them timeless, which leads to his work exuding a poetic and spiritual tone. His style and sense of colour can
be compared to Picasso and Matisse, two artists he studied and admired his entire life. With all the conflicts in the
world, Rizk’s way of finding Peace is through his art.
Manal Haddadin

Is a Jordanian self-taught artist currently living and working in Amman / In her work, Manal explores various paint
mediums such as water color, oil, however, her most preferred medium is acrylic. Manal also produces digital artwork
that has a vivid nature / Pointillist technique is most evident in her paintings as she is influenced by artists such as
"Paul Signac" and "Vincent Van Gogh" / One can easily recognize her work where she employs repetitive brush
strokes to create dynamic textures that instantly bring her paintings to life which are expressive of the intense
emotions / Manal's use of color promotes an atmospheric feel to her work and accurately captures the mood in each
compositional setting she depicts of the everyday life experience.
Marwa Najjar

Is a Palestinian artist known for her haunting portraits and delicate gold and silver leaf work. With a muted, autumnal

color scheme, Najjar’s works focus on women and children, and the effect that war, conflict and instability have on

them – both internally and externally. The female form is portrayed as something that is simultaneously fragile, spun

as delicately as gossamer, and robust, able to withstand unspeakable hardships. Najjar graduated in 2005 with a

Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from An-Najah University in Nablus, Palestine and she returned there the following

year to teach. She draws inspiration from the works of Gustav Klimt and Byzantine religious iconography of the

fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This can especially be seen in her use of gold and silver leaf. This juxtaposition of

grandeur with somber portraiture gives her work a surreal air. She is no slave to realism- rather, she is attracted by what

she describes as the “bizarre.” In 2006, Najjar painted icons for the walls and domes of Saint Maria Cathedral in

Nablus. She has collaborated with various NGOs in Jordan and Palestine, including Save the Children and the

Palestinian Medical Relief Society. She currently lives and works in Amman.
Mohammad Harb

(B. Gaza) where he lives and works. Has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Al Najah University in Nablus (2001). He
is a member of the Palestinian Association of Fine Artists. He has been working as a director at the Palestinian
Space Channel in Gaza since 2003. Harb has also participated in many local, regional and international
exhibitions, festivals and workshops which were organized in Europe and different Arab countries. Harb has got
many local and international awards and several grants for his innovation not only in project implementation but
also the use of IT and video techniques. Harb has been working on several projects for three years, including the
artistic (A biography of Gaza) which has recently been shown at many States. He has won many productivity
grants to implement programs and projects in the field of contemporary visual arts Inside and outside Palestine,
Now working as founder and general supervisor on the "International Video Art Festival - Gaza", for the third
year in Gaza
Rana Safadi

Is an artist of the mystical, the emotional and the spiritual. She was born in Amman; studied literature, arts and tourism
in Jordan, Austria and France.

During a regionally very well regarded career, Safadi’s work has travelled a trajectory of fine art investigations.
Evolving and exploring, she first used photography as a medium before turning to oil paint and soon after, mixed
media with oil. Sensitivity to delicate states of experience in her mature works is expressed by Safadi’s characteristic
use of bold color, the emblem of the strong feelings she has for her subjects, the strong emotions she wants to share
with her viewers.

She was raised in and is based in Amman and so much of what she does is inspired by, and a love letter to, the city and
society she grew up in. Safadi works in a context of modern Arab artists creating in a plethora of mediums. She is a
voice working along others in defining what the Arab “Modern” style is.
Ufemia Rizk

Born in Jaffa, Rizk currently lives in Montreal, Canada. She studied at the American University in Beirut, Sorbonne
University in Paris, and Fahrelnissa Zeid Royal Institute of Fine Arts where she studied art. At Dawson College in
Montreal, she studied sculpture, printmaking, graphic design, computer imaging technology, and web page design.
Rizk's art is the creation of an inner world to penetrate the mysteries of the universe. Her paintings concentrated
mainly on geometric abstractions are a necessity of capturing and expressing a vision of cosmic forces. Her work is
found in museum and private collections internationally. She is the recipient of many awards and distinctions in
France and Japan: Medal of the Salon de Paris 3rd International Festival, Osaka; Oscar with Gold Medal at the World
Biennale of Modern Art, Lyon; Gold Medal for French Merit; and five other gold medals.
Sohail Salem

(B. 1974, Gaza) he received B.A. of Fine Arts from Al-Aqsa University in 1999. He is a co-founder of Eltiqa Group of
Contemporary Arts. He obtained a residency in Jordan - Amman "September Summer Academy for arts" Darat Al
Funun, Khalid Shoman Foundation, supervised by the Artist Marwan Kassab Bashi in 2001 and 2003, a residency in
Switzerland - Geneva "Arts place de l'ile" 2005, and a Residency in City International des Arts - France, Paris in 2010.

He participated in many local and international exhibitions. Sohail produced four personal exhibitions, and worked as
a teacher of Fine Arts for one year at the University of the Al-Aqsa University. He was a supervisor in a program of
contemporary arts "GCAP" in gallery Eltiqa 2014. Sohail lives in Gaza and works in Graphic design and fine arts.
Palestinian Posters

Modern Posters for Palestine with the help of talented Graphic Designers.

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