English Lesson Plan For Grade 8

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Republic of the Philippines

University of Southeastern Philippines

Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Subject: English
Charimaine C.
Date April 26, 2024
Class Duration: 1 hour
Year & Section: Grade 8- Ribbon


Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: African

literature as a means of exploring forces that human
beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis
purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as
carriers of meaning; ways by which information may
be organized, related, and delivered orally; and
parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing and
delivering an informative speech based on a specific
topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive
devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
Learning Competencies
Deliver a self-composed informative speech: EN8F-Ii-

II. SUBJECT-MATTER 1. Delivering a Self-composed Informative Speech

A. Topic
B. Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
a. Learn how to organize information, clear
introduction, body, and conclusion in their
b. Deliver their assigned speech by a group in
5-10 minutes.
c. Engage in reflective processes to assess
and appreciate the feedback they receive,
utilizing it as a tool for enhancing their
future speech deliveries.
C. References
Aranzamendez, J. A. P., Matias, G. S., Navales, M. T.
F., & Vallente, J. P. C. (2017). English
Learning Portals. The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc.

Department of Education- CARAGA. (2020) Grade 8

English Module: Delivering A Self-
Composed Speech. Deped Tambayan (pp.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


Department of Education- Region XI-Zamboanga

Peninsula. (2022) Grade 8 English Module:
Delivering A Self-Compsed Speech.
ZNNHS https://znnhs.zdnorte.net/wp-

Smith, C. (2014) The danger of silence | Clint Smith |

TED. YouTube.
D. Materials Whiteboard/Blackboard, Whiteboard Marker/Chalk,
Bondpaper, Ballpen, Educational Paraphernalia,
Laptop, Projector, and Powerpoint Presentation


A. Introduction Routinary
Matters A student in a class will lead the class prayer.
a) Prayer
Prayer Leader: “For the Catholics, you may do the
sign of the cross and for the non-catholic, you may do
what is necessary.”

Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day. May the
Lord bestow His blessings upon all the students
present here and our teacher as we commence
another day of acquiring knowledge. As we start our
class today, help us to be open-minded and excited to
learn new things. help us remember to be kind and
help each other, especially those who might find the
lessons difficult. May this classroom be filled with
respect, kindness, and cooperation, fostering an
environment where everyone feels valued and
encouraged to thrive.

In Your divine grace, we place our trust as we begin

this class. Amen.

Teacher: “Good morning, grade 8 students. I hope you

a) Greetings are all doing good.”

b) Attendance I will be checking your attendance first, if present

kindly say “hooray!”

c) Classroom Management Before you sit down, please arrange your chairs
properly and pick up pieces of paper.”

d) Review of Previous Last meeting we we’re able to know the important

Lesson/s points in an informative talk using appropriate
presentation aids.”

Before we start into our new lesson let us have first a

quick recapitalization activity. Get a ¼ sheet of paper”
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

List down 5 important points in an informative talk

using the best presentation aids.”

Possible Answers:
1. Keep Your Speech Engaging
2. Showcase Your Knowledge
3. Help Audience to Follow
e) Presentation of the Lesson 4. Explain Complicated Ideas Clearly
5. Keep People Interested

1. Motivation Fill in the blanks: 3 Pics, One-word!

Instructions: The Class will be divided into 3 groups.

Each group will be forming a circle, after forming a
circle the groups will choose one representative per
round. The teacher will be presenting pictures with
names that have missing letters and each of the
representatives will be writing their answers on a small
whiteboard. The students are given 1 minute per
round. The first participant to raise their whiteboards
will get the point.



Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”



Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

2. Lesson Proper Now that the class has the idea about our new topic
let us tackle deeper on how to properly deliver an
Informative Speech. Please watch this video

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


After watching the video, the teacher will ask

questions to the students.

1. What are your observations in watching the video?

2. Was the information organized and presented well
by the speaker? Why or why not?
3. How did the speaker engage the audience during
the speech?

After the class sharing, the teacher will proceed to the

What is an Informative Speech?
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

An informative speech is written to provide interesting

and useful information to increase the knowledge of
your audience. This might involve providing
information about a person, an animal or an object. It
might be centered on information regarding a process,
a 'How-to' speech, e.g. How to Surf the Internet.
The Main Elements to Writing an Informative
The main elements to writing a successful and
effective informative speech are to convey your
knowledge and your ability to explain the subject:
 Knowledge - Establish credibility by
demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the
subject - conveying information, presenting ideas,
facts and statistics to adequately inform the
audience about the subject
 Key Points - Repeat all the key points to ensure
maximum knowledge retention.
 Interest - Conveying the subject with enthusiasm
and including unusual facts or anecdotes about
the subject

The Structure and Outline of an Informative

 Your Opener - Give the opening, ice-breaker or
attention grabber.
 Introduction - Tell them what the speech is about
and what your main points will be.
 Knowledge - Establish credibility by
demonstrating expertise and knowledge of the
subject -conveying information, presenting ideas,
facts and statistics to adequately inform the
audience about the subject.
 Confirmation - Confirm and repeat the key points.
 Conclusion - Try to end with a memorable punch
line or positive statement.

The Five-Step Method for improving Delivery

Step 1: Read aloud your full-sentence outline. Listen

to what you are saying and adjust your language to
achieve a good, clear, simple sentence structure.
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

Step 2: Practice the speech repeatedly from the

speaking outline. Become comfortable with your
keywords to the point that what you say takes the form
of an easy, natural conversation.

Step 3: Practice the speech aloud. Rehearse it until

you are confident you have mastered the ideas you
want to present. Once you know the content, you will
find the way that is most comfortable for you.

Step 4: Practice in front of mirror, tape record your

voice practice, and/or present your speech to a friend.
You should be looking for feedback on the rate of

3. Application Activity: SPEAK NOW!

Instructions: In this activity, you will be divided into 3

groups. Each group will be given an example of
informative speech that they will be doing, the speech
must be 5-10 minutes only. Be creative in presenting
your assigned speech using simple graphic
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

organizers to organize your speech content. Present

your self-composed speech to the class. The
students will be given 10 minutes to prepare. Present
your presentation after the given time.

 GROUP 1- Radio Broadcast

 GROUP 2- Commercial
 GROUP 3- News Patrol


Teacher’s Evaluation:

Peer Evaluation:
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


4. Generalization Instruction: Answer the following questions in 1-2

sentences only. Write it on a ½ crosswise paper.

1. What is the first step you should take when

delivering a self-composed speech?
2. What are some techniques for maintaining
audience engagement during your speech?
3. How can body language and nonverbal cues
enhance the delivery of your speech?
4. How can you effectively use visual aids to support
and reinforce your key points during the speech?
5. How do you ensure that your speech is
memorable and leaves a lasting impact on your
5. Evaluation Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct

__1.) During the speech delivery, which of the

following steps is NOT acceptable?
A. Having good posture
B. Using slang words
C. Maintaining eye contact
D. Having a well-modulated voice

__2.) An informative speech is written to provide

interesting and ______ to increase the knowledge of
your audience.
A. Useful information
B. Not useful information
C. Learner
D. Knowledge

__3.) This establish credibility by demonstrating

expertise and knowledge of the subject - conveying
information, presenting ideas, facts and statistics to
adequately inform the audience about the subject
A. Data
B. Knowledge
C. Internet
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

D. Books

__4.) In a speech delivery, which of the following is

considered acceptable?
A. Chewing a gum
B. Using Gestures
C. Poor Posture
D. Using vocal fillers

__5.) This is where Try to end with a memorable

punch line or positive statement.
A. Body
B. Header
C. Conclusion
D. Introduction

__6.) What step is “Practice the speech aloud.

Rehearse it until you are confident you have
mastered the ideas you want to present. Once you
know the content, you will find the way that is most
comfortable for you.” In improving speech delivery?
A. Step 3
B. Step 2
C. Step 1
D. Step 9

__7.) What step is “Do a dress rehearsal of the

speech under conditions as close as possible to
those of the actual speech.” In improving speech
A. Step 6
B. Step 5
C. Step 2
D. Step 1

__8.) In writing the conclusion of the speech, which

of the following is NOT acceptable?
A. Conclusion reminds us of the main idea.
B. Conclusion talks about the important points again.
C. Conclusion says something bad about the main
D. Conclusion asks us to do something or says
something we'll remember.

__9.) Which of the following is acceptable in writing

the body of the speech?
A. It tells us the important parts of the topic.
B. It talks about what the topic is about.
C. It tells us the important things about the topic
D. It gives a short idea about the topic in general.

__10.) If you were the speaker and you missed the

first part of your speech, what did you miss?
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”

A. Main Idea
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Introduction

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
6. Assignment 9. A
10. D

ASSIGNMENT: Research the use of appropriate

prosodic features of speech when delivering lines as
this will serve as your guide for the next topic.


BSEd- English 1



Educ 123 Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


Module/Workbook/Course Packs:
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St., Obrero Davao City
“Center of Excellence in Teacher Education”


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