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16 Days of

Activism Against
GBV Activities

Somali region, Ethiopia UNHCR

UNHCR Ethiopia 2020
16 Days of Activism Against GBV
Activities Report
UNHCR Sub-Office Assosa
Panel Discussions: stakeholders in and out of the camp.
Participants were invited from different
Participants were invited from different humanitarian agencies, girls, boys, men,
humanitarian agencies, government women, refugee leadership structures and
administrative entities from nearby government representatives.
woredas, girls, boys, men, women and
During the panel discussions, all COVID-19
refugee leadership structures. Around 200
precautionary measures were considered.
participants (100 M/100 F) from each camp
The discussion was also an opportunity to
attended through various panel discussion
have a common understanding on
prevalence of GBV in relation to COVID-19
During the 16 Days of Activism campaign, and prepare action points for all
panel discussions engaging a diverse range stakeholders, which must be materialized.
of participants took place in all 5 refugee Refugee participants mentioned
camps of Assosa. The agenda was on the alcoholism, cultural and religious barriers as
impact of COVID-19 on increased risks and root causes of intimate partner violence in
threats to GBV; early marriage, intimate the camps. The COVID-19 pandemic has a
partner violence, physical violence, rape, its led to an increase of reported incidents in
possible causes and consequences. A the camps. Finally, an action point was
Community Well-Being Initiative (CWI) agreed among the participants, which
team, held a panel discussion on the causes needs to be cascaded to the community in
and consequences of intimate partner particular by leaders of different
violence, what actions are expected from community structures.
each segment of the community and other
Sub-Office Assosa for the 16 Days of
Activism Campaign
Joint Commitment signature against
GBV by all stakeholders in

Target Populations/Audience:

Representatives of UNHCR,
ARRA and all implementing and
operational partners, including
the Regional Bureau; 10
implementing partners, 5
operational partners and the
Bureau of Women Children and
Youth Affairs (BoWCYA). Commitment signed by UNHCR, all implementing and operational
partners and Regional Bureau during 16 Days of Activism Against GBV
Campaign at Assosa. ©UNHCR/Sub-Office Protection Unit

Objective and expected impact:

Raise awareness with stakeholders on with the theme and logo of all
the 16 Days of Activism Campaign, stakeholders serving in Assosa
theme of the year and to demonstrate Operation. The event commenced from
solidarity during the COVID-19 crisis November 25, the first day of 16 Days
while making a joint commitment by all Campaign and ended on 10 Dec, the last
stakeholders to end GBV. day of the campaign. The banner was
passed to all stakeholders one by one
during the campaign and the
stakeholders actively participated in the
activity. Various commitments with
Details of the activity: signatures were made by writing on the
A banner for joint commitment banner by the representatives of the
signatures was developed by UNHCR stakeholders.
UNHCR Sub-Office Melkadida

Training on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

From 25 to 27 November 2020, The objectives of the training were to
International Medical Corps (IMC) underline, how the involvement of
conducted a three-day training on humanitarian workers in acts of sexual
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and exploitation and abuse is a grave violation
Abuse (PSEA) in Dollo Ado town. A total of of our responsibility to do no harm and to
16 (4 female and 12 male) partner staff protect people affected by crises. Also, to
from ARRA, UNHCR, Save the Children, refresh the understanding on standards of
RADO, and IMC attended the training. The the code of conduct concerning sexual
definition of PSEA, the impact of the exploitation and abuse, including what
involvement of humanitarian actors in qualifies as prohibited behaviour and the
PSEA and basic principles of survivor- consequences and impact of sexual
centred approach were discussed. misconduct in the humanitarian realm. The
zero tolerance on sexual exploitation and forefront of any response. Since reporting
abuse policy was discussed. of SEA cases is mandatory, reporting
mechanisms were discussed to ensure that
The training also provided direction on how
service providers are equipped with the
service providers can prioritize the needs of
knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
survivors of violence to come at the
perform their duties

Partners attending the training. ©IMC/ Yeworkuha

Midkessa, GBV Manager

World AIDS Day

International Rescue Committee (IRC) in support for people living with and affected
Buramino camp celebrated World AIDS by HIV/AIDS and to remember those, who
Day on 1 December 2020 in coordination lost their lives to AIDS. The representative
with the ARRA Health Centre with 19 stressed the importance of eliminating
female and 11 male participants from the stigma and discrimination and upholding
community. As the Day has become one of gender-responsive approaches in all
the most recognized international health response activities. In addition, key
days, it gave an opportunity to raise messages from IRC, UNHCR, RaDO, SCI,
awareness and celebrate increased access the Central Refugee Structure (RCC) and
to treatment and prevention services the women’s association were conveyed.
among other benefits.
While in Hilaweyn, IRC in coordination with
The ARRA health representative in his its own community outreach workers,
message underlining the theme “Solidarity, conducted a mini campaign on HIV/AIDS as
Shared Responsibility”, said that on this part of the 16 Days of Activism. As intimate
day, people around the world unite to show partner violence is one of the most
recurrent GBV type in the camps, members using megaphones went to
awareness was provided on the issue in different blocks mobilizing the community
addition to prevention of HIV/AIDS. The to stop intimate partner violence and
refugee community structures, especially discrimination against persons living with
the Women’s Association, were engaged in HIV/AIDS.
the awareness campaign. Community

Celebration in Buramino Mini campaign on World AIDS Day

©IRC /Sharifa Ahmed, GBV Senior Officer
UNHCR Sub-Office Gambella
Drawing contest among youth
group and exhibition in Kule
refugee camp/Gambella
As part of men and boy’s engagement
activity, the office organized a drawing
competition for boys and male youth, aged
14 to 17 on the theme “my perception of
Gender-Based Violence”. The objective was
to raise their awareness on gender-based
violence by reflecting their perceptions
through drawings and to create a forum for
discussion on GBV through the exhibition
of their products. A young boy explaining his drawing to the public
©UNHCR/ Mekdes ASCHALEW, Protection Assoc.
Of all the participants, twelve boys’
drawings were chosen to be showcased at
the exhibition. Of these, three were remaining nine had also received different
identified as winners and received prizes in presents in recognition of their
line with such recognition. The he participation – on Human Rights Day.
Song by Girls Club Members in Pugnido II refugee

The Adolescents’ gender club members The objective of the activity was to use
from Pugnido II refugee camp the channel of music to capture the
performed a song delivering messages attention of the audience to better
about the importance of girls’ education convey messages on girls’ education.
and the consequences of early
75 refugees (40 women and 35 men)
marriage. In their song, the group
attended the performance of the
expressed the desire to further their
members of the adolescents’ gender
education and become doctors,
teachers’ politicians, nurses and
engineers among others

Song by Gender Club members about the importance of girls education and the impacts of early marriage. At
Pugnidoido II refugee camp. ©UNHCR/ Ayehubizu Gedefaw, Snr. Protection Ass.
UNHCR Office
Afar Region
World AIDS Day 1 December 2020

The office celebrated World AIDS Day, that HIV/AIDS continue to be a global
which included drama, Questions and challenge and that collectively, there is
Answers Contests among the a need to increase awareness, combat
participants, and a prize was organized prejudice and advocate for support
for the winner. nationally and globally.

World AIDS Day is aimed at supporting In 2020, the world’s attention has been
people living with HIV and AIDS, focused on the COVID-19 pandemic
commemorating those, who passed and its effect on lives and livelihoods.
away as a result of the illness, and COVID-19 is showing once again how
celebrating successes in the response health is interlinked with other critical
such as increased access to treatment. issues such as reducing inequality,
Hosting the event reminds the public human rights, gender equality, social
protection and economic growth. With Aysaita in the Afar region as a part of
this in mind, this year the theme of the 16 Days of Activism. At the centre
World AIDS Day is “Global solidarity, of the 2020 World AIDS Day was the
shared responsibility”. need to celebrate and acknowledge the
vital role that communities have played
The main event to commemorate towards the response to HIV/AIDS.
World AIDS Day 2020 was held in There was mass testing of participants

HIV testing in Aysaita

World Disability Day - 3 December 2020

The EECMY coordinator focused on the This year, World Disability Day was
NGOs’ and the Government of commemorated by EECMY and other
Ethiopia’s commitment to promoting stakeholders in Aysaita. With various
the rights of persons with disabilities shows including drama, poetry, music,
and their inclusion in development in and dance performed by a person with
Ethiopia. Each year since 1992, a variety disabilities followed by a panel
of events are held in many countries on discussion on how best to mobilize
World Disability Day with the theme for support for tangible action with and for
2020: 'Building back better: towards an persons with disabilities. More than 300
inclusive, accessible and sustainable refugees and stockholders participated
post-COVID-19’. in the celebration.
Visibility Report: Social Media

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