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1. What major change was a direct result of the Industrial Revolution?

Market Revolution
The Industrial Revolution brought new technologies, such as steam power, that
fueled the growth of American industry and transportation, which
significantly increased the production of goods.

2. What has been a major concern regarding the fairness of gains resulting from
globalization in the
United States ?
Wage inequality
technological change has had a much greater impact on these outcomes than
globalization. Barriers against globalization do not offer solutions to inequality
– they reduce the size of the economic pie without necessarily improving its

3.The Southern colonies’ economy in the 17th and 18th centuries was mainly
based on:
c) Plantation agriculture and the production of cash crops
The Southern colonies had favorable weather for growing crops that were in
high demand in Europe, such as tobacco and rice.

4. What was the impact of the migration and development on cities and
suburbs in the United States?
c) Changes in demographic and economic landscapes.
immigrants made urban areas even more dense.

5. Which of the following best describes the Great Depression?

b) A time of global economic downturn and hardship
“the Great Depression,” delves into the historical context and impacts of this
significant economic downturn

6. What tied diverse regions together during the market revolution?

c) Industrialization and the cash economy
The Industrial Revolution led to the Market Revolution and industrialization.

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