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Grupa A Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / ......

Imię i nazwisko ....................................................

1 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Ani na temat jej cioci i wujka, a następnie podkreśl poprawną
odpowiedź, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
1 Uncle Gordon is British / American.
2 Uncle Gordon is young / 25 years old.
3 Uncle Gordon’s favourite animal is the spider / orangutan.
4 Orangutans are from Africa / Indonesia.
5 Aunt Teresa is crazy about sport / chess.
6 Aunt Teresa isn’t good / bad at chess.
2 Przeczytaj teksty dotyczące ulubionych rzeczy Briana, Helen oraz Kena, następnie
zdecyduj, której osoby dotyczy każde zdanie. Wpisz odpowiednio: H – Helen, B –
Brian, K – Ken.
Hello! My name is Brian. My favourite things are my mobile phone and my computer.
My phone is old. My computer is new and amazing. It isn’t a typical colour. It is purple.
My computer is a present from my aunt and uncle from the USA.
Hi! I am Helen. My favourite thing is my mobile phone. It is white and it is new.
Its camera is cool. My mobile phone is a present from my mum and dad.
Hi! I am Ken. This is my cool watch! It isn’t typical. It is an interactive watch. It is not
white or purple. It is grey. Look! There is a message from my brother on the watch.
It is a message from my mobile phone. My watch and my mobile phone are new. They
are presents from my grandparents.

1 His / Her favourite thing is purple. B

2 His / Her favourite thing is from his / her grandma and grandpa. .....
3 There is a message on his / her favourite thing. .....
4 His / Her mobile phone is not new. .....
5 His / Her favourite thing is from his / her parents. .....
6 His / Her two favourite things are new. .....

Grupa A | strona 1 z 4
3 Poniższe zdania uzupełnij wyrazami z ramki.
Greek American ball crazy message Great

1 Greece is amazing and Greek cheese is very good.

2 George is British. He is from .................... Britain.
3 Throw the ....................!
4 These four new skateboards are Tom’s. He is .................... about skateboards.
5 Look! There is a .................... on my mobile phone. It is from my mum.
6 Tom is from the USA. He is .................... .
4 Przeczytaj zdania i podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1 Oh no! I missed / got it.
2 It is not a toy. It is a real / scary mobile phone.
3 ‘This interactive globe is typical / amazing’. ‘Yes, it is cool’.
4 I win! I am bad / good at tennis.
5 This pen isn’t exiting / typical. It is a magic pen.
6 Here is the ball. Catch! / Win!
5 Zapoznaj się z tabelką, a następnie pełnym zdaniem odpowiedz na pytania.
mum dad dog Tom and Susan
bikes ✔
computer ✔
mobile phones ✔ ✔
watch ✔
ball ✔
camera ✔

1 Whose watch is it? It is dad’s watch.

2 Whose computer is it? It ............................... computer.
3 Whose bikes are they? They .............................. bikes.
4 Whose ball is it? It ............... the ...............ball.
5 Whose mobile phones are they? They ........................... mobile phones.
6 Whose camera is it? It ............................. camera.

Grupa A | strona 2 z 4
6 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania, a następnie zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź (a, b lub c).
1.......... your roller skates new? Yes, they are.
a Are b Is c Am
2 We are Czech. We .......... British.
a are b is not c are not
3 .......... it your mobile phone? Yes, it is.
a Are b Is c Am
4 This is my bike. It .......... Tom’s.
a is b is not c are not
5 Are they Uncle Gordon’s books? No, they .......... .
a are b is not c are not
6 Is Uncle Steve mum’s brother? Yes, he .......... .
a are b is c am
7 Zdania 1–6 połącz ze zdaniami a–f tak, aby powstały minidialogi. Odpowiedzi wpisz
do tabelki.
1 Where are you from? a Don’t worry.
2 Can I borrow your scooter? b My ice skates. They are cool.
3 Oh no! I lose again. c I am from Spain. I am Spanish.
4 What are you crazy about? d Hurray! I got it.
5 Catch the ball! e Well done!
6 Check mate! I win! f OK!
1 2 3 4 5 6

Grupa A | strona 3 z 4
8 Zapoznaj się z informacjami z tabelki. Następnie uzupełnij krótki tekst na temat
Friend's name Carl
Age 10 years old
Country Slovakia
Nationality Slovakian
Crazy about computers
Favourite things skateboard and roller skates
Scared of dogs and sharks

1 My friend’s name is Carl.

2 He is .................... years ................... .
3 He is from .................... . He is ................... .
4 He is .................... about ................... .
5 His ................... things are his ................... and roller skates.
6 He is ..................... of dogs and ..................... .

Grupa A | strona 4 z 4
Grupa B Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / ......
Imię i nazwisko ....................................................

1 Posłuchaj wypowiedzi Ani na temat jej cioci i wujka, a następnie podkreśl poprawną
odpowiedź, zgodną z treścią nagrania.
1 Uncle Gordon is British / American.
2 Uncle Gordon isn’t 28 / 25 years old.
3 Uncle Gordon and Aunt Teresa are scared of orangutans / spiders.
4 Orangutans are crazy / clever.
5 Aunt Teresa is crazy about animals / sports.
6 Aunt Teresa is good / bad at chess.
2 Przeczytaj teksty dotyczące ulubionych rzeczy Briana, Helen oraz Kena, następnie
zdecyduj, której osoby dotyczy każde zdanie. Wpisz odpowiednio: H – Helen, B –
Brian, K – Ken.
Hello! My name is Brian. My favourite things are my mobile phone and my computer.
My phone is old. My computer is new and amazing. It isn’t a typical colour. It is purple.
My computer is a present from my aunt and uncle from the USA.
Hi! I am Helen. My favourite thing is my mobile phone. It is white and it is new.
Its camera is cool. My mobile phone is a present from my mum and dad.
Hi! I am Ken. This is my cool watch! It isn’t typical. It is an interactive watch. It is not
white or purple. It is grey. Look! There is a message from my brother on the watch.
It is a message from my mobile phone. My watch and my mobile phone are new. They
are presents from my grandparents.

1 His / Her favourite thing is purple. B

2 His / Her favourite thing is from his / her parents. .....
3 His / Her two favourite things are new. .....
4 His / Her mobile phone is not new. .....
5 His / Her favourite thing is from his / her grandma and grandpa. .....
6 There is a message on his / her favourite thing. .....

Grupa B | strona 1 z 4
3 Poniższe zdania uzupełnij wyrazami z ramki.
Greek American ball crazy message Great

1 Greece is amazing and Greek cheese is very good.

2 Catch the .................... !
3 Look! There is a .................... on my mobile phone. It is from my mum.
4 George is British. He is from .................... Britain.
5 These bags are Helen’s. She is .................... about bags.
6 Kelly and Helen are from the USA. They are .................... .
4 Przeczytaj zdania i podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.
1 Oh no! I missed / got it.
2 ‘This interactive globe is typical / amazing’. ‘Yes, it is cool’.
3 This pen isn’t exiting / typical. It is a magic pen.
4 Here is the ball. Catch! / Win!
5 It is not a toy. It is a real / scary mobile phone.
6 I lose again! I am bad / good at tennis.

Grupa B | strona 2 z 4
5 Zapoznaj się z tabelką, a następnie pełnym zdaniem odpowiedz na pytania.
uncle aunt cat Mary and Peter
scooters ✔
CD player ✔
mobile phones ✔ ✔
watch ✔
ball ✔
board games ✔

1 Whose watch is it? It is aunt’s watch.

2 Whose CD player is it? It ............................... CD player.
3 Whose scooters are they? They .............................. scooters.
4 Whose ball is it? It ............... the ...............ball.
5 Whose mobile phones are they? They ........................... mobile phones.
6 Whose board games are they? They ............................. board games.

6 Przeczytaj poniższe zdania, a następnie zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź (a, b lub c).
1.......... your roller skates new? Yes, they are.
a Are b Is c Am
2 Tom isn’t Czech. He .......... Slovakian.
a is b is not c am not
3 .......... it Susan’s new CD player? Yes, it is.
a Is b Am c Are
4 This is my scooter. It .......... Helen’s.
a is b are not c is not
5 Are spiders scary? Yes, they .......... .
a aren’t b are c is
6 Is Aunt Stella mum’s sister? Yes, she .......... .
a am b are c is

Grupa B | strona 3 z 4
7 Zdania 1–6 połącz ze zdaniami a–f tak, aby powstały minidialogi. Odpowiedzi wpisz
do tabelki.
1 Where is Tom from? a Don’t worry.
2 Can I borrow your CD player? b Spiders. They are scary.
3 Oh no! I lose again. c He is from Lithuania. He is Lithuanian.
4 What are you scared of? d Oh no! I missed. It is your turn.
5 Catch the ball, Kelly! e Well done!
6 Hurray! I win! f OK!
1 2 3 4 5 6
8 Zapoznaj się z informacjami z tabelki. Następnie uzupełnij krótki tekst na temat
Friend's name Susan
Age 10 years old
Country the Czech Republic
Nationality Czech
Crazy about board games
Favourite things CD player and mobile phone
Scared of spiders and snakes

1 My friend’s name is Susan.

2 She is .................... years ................... .
3 She is from .................... . She is ................... .
4 She is .................... about ................... .
5 Her ................... things are her ................... and mobile phone.
6 She is ..................... of spiders and ..................... .

Grupa B | strona 4 z 4

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