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Gruul Territory

Introduction: Nicol Bolas is coming. The pieces of his puzzle are beginning to assemble.
Planeswalkers are taking over guilds and Domri Rade the anarch of Bolas is reigning terror on
Ravnica. Can you shut down one of Nicol Bolas’ strongest assets before it’s too late?

A 2-4 hour adventure for 10th-11th level characters

by Lance Borden

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Gruul Territory 1
Vitu Ghazi is
the group wins, they can loot the weapons off of the
guards and each of them has a Ring of Animal
Influence that they used to control the boars. Once

they players get inside, they are met with this scene.
The luscious blooming forest that the Selesnya call home has
The players find themselves in the tenth district been decimated into a smoldering wasteland. The soil is
plaza shopping for goods from various merchants. coated with a layer of thick crimson from the corpses of
humans, elves, loxodon, centaurs, and goblins. The air reeks
After the players have been shopping for a little
of smoke and death. The only sign of life is the radiant
while read this prompt.
guildhall, Vitu Ghazi, the City Tree. Surrounding the tree are
The smell of smoke fills the air. The thick smog fills your lungs the last remaining Selesnya fending off the surging Gruul
and causes you to cough violently. Screaming elven, human, army. At the top of the tree you notice Trostani casting
and loxodont druids in the robes of the Selesnya Conclave are glowing spells to fend off the onslaught of the Gruul
stampeding down the transguild promenade. They rush guildmaster and planeswalker, Domri Rade. His black and red
through the tenth district plaza and down plaza avenue. The mohawk flying in the wind as he makes blow after blow at
mob makes and abrupt stop in front of the chamber of the Trostani. It is clear he has the upper hand and Trostani
guildpact. An elf from among the group steps forward. He is cannot hold on much longer.
adorned in shining green and gold Selesnya armor. A white Tolsimir tells the players that Trostani will need
wolf with long thick fur and its own Selesnya wolf armor their help. He needs to lead the last of the Selesnya
walks by his side as they ascend to the top of the stairs. He
resistance, so he won’t be joining the players. He
speaks to the members of the guild gathered here, “The
leads them to the entrance to the tree and slams the
Gruul have attacked. Vitu Ghazi is burning and Trostani is still
there! We cannot stand in fear! War is upon us and we must
door shut on them. As the players begin to walk into
fight back! We will go back and show our love for our home the first chamber a sword protrudes through the
and our guildmasters!” door and the dying cry of a wolf if heard as red
begins to stain the door. The battle cry of Tolsimir is
The elf walks down the stairs and makes eye heard but is cut short by a slashing sound and then
contact with the party members. He walks over and the sound of Tolsimir coughing on blood. The reality
introduces himself. He is a Champion who has the of the guild war is starting to set in on the players as
rank of Ledev Guardian in the Selesnya guild and his they enter area one (via a spiral staircase going up
name is Tolsimir Wolfblood. He recognizes them as the tree) on the Vitu Ghazi tree map below.
adventurers and speaks kindly to all members of the
party unless they are Gruul guild members, in that
case he rudely inquires why they aren’t at the raid. If
he is not convinced by their excuse, he arrests any
Gruul players. He then proceeds to ask the
adventurers to help him save Vitu Ghazi and
Trostani offering them 400gp each and a Dire Wolf
companion to help protect them. If they accept, he
leads them down the transguild promenade to the
home of the Selesnya.

Vitu Ghazi, the City Tree

When the players reach the entrance to Vitu Ghazi
they are met by three Gruul guards use Berserker
stats they each have a Giant Boar that follows the
commands of the guards each turn in combat. When
the players come up to the guards, they will wish to
speak with any Gruul players. If the party has no
Gruul players or they cannot convince the guards to
give them safe passage they will attack the group. If

Gruul Territory 2
Area 1: Lounge this happens Domri Pulls back from fighting Trostani
for a moment. He does a backwards spin towards the
This area appears to be an open-air meeting hall and edge and holds up his staff. A magic red smoke
lounge. There is a Sunder Shaman which is comes out of the staff that turns all of the Gruul guild
throwing boulders on the warring guilds below. members below grow to twice their size and begin to
When the characters enter the area, he notices them regain the advantage in the fight. Domri then returns
and reports that Domri would like to be left alone to attacking Trostani who is clearly holding on to life
during his fight. If the players disagree with the by a thread.
intentions of the giant, he attacks them. Once the
giant is no longer a threat the players can explore Area 3: Domri Victorious
the rest of the room. There is also a workstation in
the middle of the space with a desk carved out of a The room is a
tree branch. If a player looks on the desk, they will flat deck-like
see a silver key which can be used to unlock the structure with
chest. Also, from this room you can see Trostani and three-foot-high
Domri Rade fighting in area three. railing wrapped
Treasure: There is a locked chest in the middle of around the
the right wall. The only way to open it is by parameter of
succeeding a DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ the deck. When
tools or by using the silver key on the desk. Inside the players
the chest are two Selesnya Keyrunes. enter this area
Domri pulls
Area 2: Guild Beacon away from
fighting Trostani. The three dryads collapse and
The characters enter an empty platform that is Domri smirks at the players as he walks towards
triggered when a player steps on it. them. He has wounds covering his entire body but
looks like he could keep fighting for hours. Domri
When you enter the empty wooden platform, you feel the tells the players that this battle is none of their
tree begin to shake as new branches grow right before your concern unless there are Selesnya or Gruul. In the
eyes. An interweaving net of branches constructs a ten-foot- case of Gruul players he will order them to go fight
tall dome encompassing the entire space except for a the Selesnya resistance below if they resist or deny
doorway allowing free exiting of the room. The branches stop what he asked them to do he attacks (see Appendix
moving each guild symbol appears on the floor glowing back A). If there are any Selesnya players, he attacks. If
and forth between the two colors they signify. A telepathic there are no Gruul or Selesnya players, he continues
female voice with a sweet elvish accent appears in all of your to try and make them leave if they resist, he attacks.
heads. The voice says, “Welcome to the Vitu Ghazi
On his first turn he planeswalks away and then
emergency guild war apparatus. Please step on the symbol of
returns to Ravnica at the entrance to the chamber of
the guild that you wish to summon.”
the guildpact. The players are alerted to this
The voice will repeat its message every minute if no knowledge by the screams of the Selesnya crowd
symbols have been stepped on. If a player steps on gathered there. Trostani also realizes where he is
one of the guilds symbols the dome roof will retract and asks the players to finish him once and for all.
and the guild symbols will fade away. A large golden
gun-like device will then rise up from the center of
the floor. A giant beam of golden light will blast out
of the gun towards the guildhall that corresponds
with the symbol the players stepped on. The light
slowly fades away and the gun apparatus disappears
below the floor once again. About half a minute later
golden beams of light will appear in the sky and then
will fade away revealing a member of the guild they
summoned. These guild members are bound in a
pact to the guild summoner, so they start fighting
against the Gruul army as soon as they enter. Once

Gruul Territory 3
Showdown at the
Chamber of the If the players defeat Domri Rade the spell on the
gathered Selesnya guild members ceases and they

begin moving back towards Vitu Ghazi. If they do not
defeat Domri the Selesnya force from Vitu Ghazi and
any other guild the players summoned show up and
finish off Domri. Either way the Selesnyan force led
When the players reach the chamber of the guildpact by Tolsimir Wolfblood comes to the plaza. Tolsimir
they see the hordes of Selesnya guild members still offers his previously mentioned reward to the
standing at the entrance and lined all the way down players as repayment for their help in saving their
Tenth District Plaza avenue. Domri Rade is on top of guild. If any of the players are not currently in a guild
the domed building telling the Selesnya guild Tolsimir offers them membership to the Selesnya
members the story of the utter destruction of Vitu guild.
Ghazi. The players notice a skull with bolas horns
atop his staff the eyes of the skull are glowing a deep
purple and with a successful DC 15 perception check
the players notice the pupils of the Selesnya people
gathered here are not black but an identical deep
purple to that coming from the skull on Domri’s staff.
He informs the group of Selesnya that he is their new
leader and they all nod in a mind-controlled unison.
Domri then notices the players on the outskirts of
the crowd unless they have taken the hide action. In
that case he continues to ramble on about how the
Gruul will be instating new leadership over their
guild. If the players have not taken any actions to
hide or disguise themselves Domri swings his staff
and the crowd creates a path for him to walk
through. He slowly walks towards the players with
the same evil smirk from before plastered to his face.
He continues walking to the center of the Tenth
District Plaza where he stops and turns to face the
players. He informs the players that if they wish to
continue getting in his way, he will be forced to kill
them. He then pauses for a moment and decides he
will kill them anyways. Use Domri Rade statistics for
the combat. (See Appendix A)

Gruul Territory 4
Appendix A: Villains

Gruul Territory 5

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