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PART I: Direction: Arrange the steps in transplanting vegetable seedlings. Write 1-8 on the
space provided. Write your answers in a sheet of paper.

___Fill it with soil

___Cut the top part of the bottle
___Plant the seedling
___Put an organic fertilizer
___Make small holes under the plastic bottle
___Dig a hole big enough to receive the root system without bending it into the space.
___Press the soil after planting to have better contacts of the roots with the soil.
___Water it regularly.
PART II: Direction: Read carefully and choose the best answer.
9. Why is transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle beneficial?
a) It provides protection from pests and harsh weather conditions.
b) It helps the seedlings grow faster.
c) It improves the taste of the plants.
d) It reduces the need for watering.

10. What is the purpose of transplanting seedlings?

a) To give them more space to grow.
b) To prevent them from getting diseases.
c) To make them more resistant to pests.
d) To increase their nutrient absorption.

11. Which of the following is NOT a step in transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle?
a) Cutting off the bottom of the bottle.
b) Filling the bottle with soil.
c) Watering the seedlings after transplanting.
d) Placing the bottle in direct sunlight.

12. How often should you water the seedlings after transplanting them in a plastic bottle?
a) Once a day.
b) Once a week.
c) Every other day.
d) It depends on the type of plant.

13. What is the advantage of using a plastic bottle for transplanting seedlings?
a) It is cost-effective.
b) It is biodegradable.
c) It provides better air circulation.
d) It allows for easy monitoring of the seedlings' growth.

14. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle?
a) Protection from harsh weather conditions
b) Enhanced root development
c) Easy transportation and handling
d) Improved water retention

15. What advantage does transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle offer in terms of root
a) The confined space of the bottle encourages the roots to grow deeper and stronger.
b) The plastic bottle provides a controlled environment for root growth, ensuring optimal nutrient
c) The plastic bottle allows for easy monitoring and adjustment of watering, promoting healthy
root development.
d) The confined space of the bottle prevents root tangling and promotes a well-structured root

PART III: Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not.

1. Transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle is a sustainable and eco-friendly gardening

2. Plastic bottles provide adequate space for the roots of seedlings to grow.
3. Transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle does not require any additional care or
4. Transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle is a cost-effective method.
5. Transplanting seedlings in a plastic bottle does not require proper drainage.

Answer key


3 9. A 16. TRUE
1 10. A 17. TRUE
5 11. D 18. FALSE
7 12. D 19. TRUE
2 13. D 20. FALSE
4 14. D

6 15. A

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