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First of all, as said on the parliament website, the house of lords was
established as an advisory council to the king, and then gained shared
power with the king in 1215. And by the 14th century, the king had two
chambers, the house of lords, made up of the king and the house of
commons, made up of elected commoners . As time passed the house
of commons became more dominant and the monarchy along with the
house of lords lost power. It is meant to be a house which questions and
hold the house of commons to account. However the system has many
One of the main flaws is shown in the statistic that there are 111
members aged between 80 and 89, 12 aged 90 or over and 25 members
aged 49 or younger. 25 members aged 49 or younger. How can the
house be representative of the public when only a section of the public
can have their say and their views shown in the house of lords? The
house is filled with upper class oaps and there needs to be more
representation of a younger generation.
Also, before any law can become law in the UK it must be approved by
the Lords, even if it has already been passed by the House of
Commons. This means that the houses of commons do not have say in
how the country is run and it allows an unelected government to shape
the country. Also these lords do not have to represent their consituency
or have fear of not being reelected as many hold their seat for life. This
goes against the democratic ideas that parliament is built on.
Also if the houses of lords is representative of the country then why
arent its lords from each party in numbers that represent the views of the
people . In June, The Guardian reported that the Lib Dems were set to
see an increase in their number of peers in the Lords, despite winning
only 7.9% of votes in May and now holding just 8 seats in parliaments.
The Lib Dem’s ex-MPs are being returned to government, despite being
ousted by voters.
So to finish the house of lords should be replaced with a new system
that does not have control over the houses of commons but keeps them
in check and is more representative of the views of the uk.

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