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#ifndef __PROGTEST__

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <type_traits>

struct TestFailed : std::runtime_error {

using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;

std::string fmt(const char *f, ...) {

va_list args1;
va_list args2;
va_start(args1, f);
va_copy(args2, args1);

std::string buf(vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, f, args1), '\0');


vsnprintf(, buf.size() + 1, f, args2);


return buf;

#define CHECK(succ, ...) do { \

if (!(succ)) throw TestFailed(fmt(__VA_ARGS__)); \
} while (0)

enum Vertex : size_t {

NO_VERTEX = -size_t(1),
ROOT = -size_t(2)

enum : size_t { NO_DISTANCE = -size_t(1) };

struct Graph {
Graph() : Graph(false, 0) {}
Graph(bool directed, size_t vertices) : _dir(directed), _adj(vertices) {}
Graph(bool directed, const std::vector<std::vector<size_t>>& adj)
: Graph(directed, adj.size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < adj.size(); i++)
for (size_t v : adj[i]) add_edge(Vertex{i}, Vertex{v});
bool is_directed() const { return _dir; }
size_t vertices() const { return _adj.size(); }

void add_edge(Vertex u, Vertex v) {

if (!_dir) _adj[v].push_back(u);

const std::vector<Vertex>& operator [] (Vertex v) const {

CHECK(size_t(v) < _adj.size(),
"Graph: index %zu out of range [0..%zu).", size_t(v), _adj.size());

if (!_seen.empty()) {
CHECK(!_seen[v], "Graph: vertex %zu examined second time", size_t(v));
_seen[v] = true;

return _adj[v];

struct Iterator {
Iterator() = default;

Iterator& operator ++ () { _v++; return *this; }

Vertex operator * () const { return Vertex{_v}; }

friend bool operator == (Iterator a, Iterator b) { return a._v == b._v; }

friend bool operator != (Iterator a, Iterator b) { return !(a == b); }

friend struct Graph;
Iterator(size_t v) : _v(v) {}

size_t _v = NO_VERTEX;

Iterator begin() const { return { 0 }; }

Iterator end() const { return { vertices() }; }

void bfs_debug_begin() const { _seen.assign(_adj.size(), false); }

void bfs_debug_end() const { _seen.assign(0, false); }

bool _dir;
std::vector<std::vector<Vertex>> _adj;
mutable std::vector<bool> _seen;

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const Graph& G) {

out << "{ " << (G.is_directed() ? "true" : "false") << ", { ";
for (Vertex v : G) {
out << "{";
for (Vertex w : G[v]) out << w << ",";
out << "}, ";
return out << "} }";

// - Arrays P and D have the correct size and are set to NO_VERTEX resp.
// before calling bfs.
// - Function bfs must set predecesor of u to ROOT.
// - Return value is the number of visited vertices.
size_t bfs(const Graph& G, Vertex u, std::vector<Vertex>& Predesor,
std::vector<size_t>& Distance) {
std::queue<Vertex> q;
Distance[u] = 0;
Predesor[u] = ROOT;
size_t visitedVertices = 0;

while (!q.empty()) {
Vertex v = q.front();

for (Vertex w : G[v]) {

if (Distance[w] == NO_DISTANCE) {
Distance[w] = Distance[v] + 1;
Predesor[w] = v;


return visitedVertices;

#ifndef __PROGTEST__

const Graph SMALL_GRAPHS[] = {

{ false, { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {} } },
{ false, { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {0} } },
{ false, { {1}, {2, 4}, {3}, {4}, {}, {} } },
{ false, { {1}, {2, 5}, {3}, {4}, {}, {} } },
{ false, { {1}, {2, 5}, {3}, {4}, {0}, {4} }},
{ true, { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {} } },
{ true, { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {0} } },
{ true, { {1}, {2, 4}, {3}, {4}, {}, {} } },
{ true, { {1}, {2, 5}, {3}, {4}, {}, {} } },
{ true, { {1}, {2, 5}, {3}, {4}, {0}, {4} }},

struct RandomGraphGenerator {
RandomGraphGenerator(uint32_t seed) : my_rand(seed) {}

uint32_t num(uint32_t max) { return my_rand() % max; }

Vertex vertex(const Graph& G) { return Vertex{num(G.vertices())}; }

Graph graph1(uint32_t s, size_t edges, bool directed = true) {

Graph G(directed, s);
while (edges--) {
auto u = vertex(G);
auto v = vertex(G);
G.add_edge(u, v);

return G;

Graph graph2(uint32_t s, double density, bool directed = true) {

Graph G(directed, s);

for (Vertex u : G) for (Vertex v : G)

if (num(1'000'000'000) < 1'000'000'000*density) G.add_edge(u, v);

return G;

std::mt19937 my_rand;

void test_bfs_inner(const Graph& G, Vertex u) {

std::vector<Vertex> P(G.vertices(), NO_VERTEX);
std::vector<size_t> D(G.vertices(), NO_DISTANCE);

size_t seen_t = bfs(G, u, P, D);

std::vector<bool> pred_ok(G.vertices(), false);

CHECK(P[u] == ROOT, "P[u] != ROOT but %zu.", size_t(P[u]));

CHECK(D[u] == 0, "D[u] != 0 but %zu.", D[u]);
pred_ok[u] = true;

for (Vertex v : G) {
if (P[v] == NO_VERTEX) {
CHECK(D[v] == NO_DISTANCE, "P[%zu] == NO_VERTEX but D[%u] == %zu not
size_t(v), size_t(v), D[v]);

pred_ok[v] = true;

if (v != u) {
CHECK(P[v] < G.vertices(),
"P[%zu] == %zu >= %zu (# of vertices).", size_t(v), size_t(P[v]),
"P[%zu] == %zu but P[%zu] == NO_VERTEX.", size_t(v), size_t(P[v]),

for (Vertex w : G[v]) {

CHECK(D[w] <= D[v] + 1, "D[%zu] == %zu but its neighbor has D[%zu] == %zu.",
size_t(w), D[w], size_t(v), D[v]);

if (P[w] != v) continue;

CHECK(D[w] == D[v] + 1, "P[%zu] == %zu but D[%zu] == %zu != D[%zu] + 1 ==

size_t(w), size_t(v), size_t(w), D[w], size_t(v), 1 + D[v]);
pred_ok[w] = true;

size_t seen_r = 0;
for (Vertex v : G) {
CHECK(pred_ok[v], "P[%zu] == %zu but there is no edge.", size_t(v),
seen_r += (P[v] != NO_VERTEX);

CHECK(seen_r == seen_t,
"Reported size of component is %zu but it should be %zu.", seen_t, seen_r);

void test_bfs(const Graph& G, Vertex u) {

try {
test_bfs_inner(G, u);
} catch (const TestFailed& e) {
std::cout << "Test failed: v = " << u << ", G = " << G << "\n"
<< e.what() << std::endl;

void run_tests() {
std::cout << "Hardcoded graphs..." << std::endl;
for (const Graph& G : SMALL_GRAPHS) for (Vertex u : G) test_bfs(G, u);

RandomGraphGenerator rgg(53323);
std::cout << "Small random graphs..." << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Graph G = rgg.graph1(10 + i, 4*(10 + i));
Vertex u = rgg.vertex(G);
test_bfs(G, u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
Graph G = rgg.graph2(10 + i, 0.7);
Vertex u = rgg.vertex(G);
test_bfs(G, u);

std::cout << "Big random graphs..." << std::endl;

for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Graph G = rgg.graph1(30'000 + 50*i, 150'000 + 300*i);
Vertex u = rgg.vertex(G);
test_bfs(G, u);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Graph G = rgg.graph2(900 + i, 0.7);
Vertex u = rgg.vertex(G);
test_bfs(G, u);

int main() {
try {

std::cout << "All tests passed." << std::endl;

} catch (const TestFailed&) {}


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