TB Past Tense

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STARTER (S8 p64) 1. Briefly review numbers 1-20 round the class. Write numbers in the 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. on the board to review numbers up to 100, Pre-teach/check a thousand, GERD (CD 2: Track 15] Write the two years from ‘number I on the board. Play the recording for number I and aska student to underline the correct answer. Play the rest of the recording and get students to underline the correct years. Get students to check their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class. ‘Answers and tapescript 1 nineteen ninty-six 2 nineteen sirteen 3 two thousand and two 4 seventeen ninety-nine 5 eighteen forty 6 two thousand and five 2. Focus attention on the dates. Read the first two dates aloud and write them on the board. Highlight that we divide dates in English like this: 18-40 19-96 Focus attention on the last two dates. Read them aloud and highlight the use of and in dates after 2000, and the two forms for 2010. Write 2011, 2012, etc. on the board and elicit the two possible forms: two thousand and cleven/twenty eleven; two thousand and twelve/twenty twelve. {CD 2: Track 16] Play the recording and get students to repeat chorally and individually. licit how we read each of the dates in exercise 1. Then get students to practise saying the dates in closed pairs. ‘Monitor and check. 3 Elicit the answers to the questions. The second question includes was for recognition. If students query i, just tell them it’ the past of be, but do not go into a full presentation of was/were at this point. was/were born 1. Focus attention on the photos. Ask Who was he/she? about each of the people to check the names. Check comprehension of When were they born? Focus attention on the information about the people. Check comprehension of writer, south, and north. Tell students that they will heara short description of each person and that they have to write the year they were born. {CD 2: Track 17] Play the recording and get students to write the years. Check the answers with the class Answers and tapescipt Jane Austen the English writer, was bor in 1775 in Hampshire inthe south of England. Luciano Pavarotti the Italian oper singer, was born 1935 in Modena in thenorth of aly. [CD 2: Track 18] Focus attention on the sentences, They present the I and he/she/it forms with was. Play the recording and get students to repeat chorally and individually, Encourage students to reproduce the weak form /a/ in was. 3. Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Get students to ask you the questions and give the answers, Drill the language chorally and elicit few exchanges in ‘open pairs. Students continue in closed pairs. Monitor and check for correct use of am and was, and correct pronunciation, 4 [CD 2: Track 19] This exercise presents the ‘you and they forms with were, the Wh- question form, and also reviews dates. Play the recording and get students just to listen. Play the recording again and get students to repeat chorally and individually. Encourage students to reproduce the weak form /a/ in was and were, and the correct intonation and sentence stress: ee Wie were you Bain? I was Bor in 1994. Get students to practise the questions and answers {in open pairs and then in closed pairs. Monitor and check for correct reading of dates, pronunciation, and intonation. GUIs Focus attention on the chart. Read out the present forms of to be and focus on the past examples with ‘were. Elicit the I form in the past (was). Then get students to complete the rest of the chart Read Grammar Reference 9.1 on p127 together in class, and/or ask students to read it at home. Encourage them to ask you questions about it. 5. Focus attention on the photo. Ask What’ her name? (Magalie Dromard.) How old do you think she is? (Students guess her age.) Draw a family tree on the board and review/check the following vocabulary: brother, sister, father, mother, grandmother. Focus attention on the names of Magalies family. Read the names aloud so that students can recognize the pronunciation. Ask When was Magalie born? and elicit 1994, [CD 2: Track 20] Tell the students they are going to hear Magalie describing her family. Ask When was Tristan born? Play the recording as far as His ‘name’ Tristan, and he was born in 1985. and elicit the answer. Play the rest of the recording and get students to complete their answers. Get students to check their answers in pais. Play the recording again if necessary to allow students to check! complete their answers. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers “Tstan 985 Cecilia 988 Matt 1996 Ane B58 la B61 Feith 1935, Focus attention on the speech bubbles. Highlight the uses ofthe present and past forms. Ask the first two questions and get students to answer. Elicit the complete questions and answers for the remaining questions (Theyre her parents. When were they born? André was born in 1958. Ella was horn in 1961.) Drill the questions and answers chorally. Elicit some questions and answers about the other people {in Magalie's family with students working in open. pairs. Students continue in closed pairs. Monitor and, check for correct use of is/are, was/were born, dates, pronunciation, and intonation. 6 Pre-teach/check grandfather, aunt, and uncle, drilling the pronunciation, Demonstrate the activity by writ the names of some of your family on the board. Focus attention on the example conversation, Elicit similar ‘questions about your family from the class. Briefly review he/she if students have problems with this and ‘make sure they use is and was correctly. Students work in closed pairs and ask and answer about their respective families. Tell them to make brief notes of the dates when people in their partner’ family were born in preparation for the next exercise, Monitor and check for correct use of is/are, was/were born, dates, pronunciation, and intonation. 7. Thisis a transfer activity to consolidate the third person singular form. Blicit information from several students about their partner’ family. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Workbook Unit 9 Exercises 1-4 Saying years

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