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No Notes What you do and write on your journal

1 Planning I want to read a journal about safety ride at road

because everyone should know how important to
maintain safety at speed and distance between the
other cars.
2 Title Improvement of Road Safety Conditions Based on
IRAP Star Rating and Road Safety Inspection
(Case Study Kopo –Soreang Provincial Road).
Total of words 2620 words
3 What you know The title "Improvement of Road Safety Conditions
about the title of the Based on IRAP Star Rating and Road Safety
text Inspection (Case Study Kopo –Soreang Provincial
Road)" suggests a research paper or journal article
that discusses strategies for enhancing road safety
on the Kopo-Soreang Provincial Road.
4 What questions do How safe the condition of Kopo-Soreang
you have in your Provincial Road?
What predictions do Based on the title "Improvement of Road Safety
you have? Conditions Based on IRAP Star Rating and Road
Safety Inspection (Case Study Kopo –Soreang
Provincial Road)" and the content described in the
abstract, the prediction for the journal article
would be that it outlines a case study focused on
enhancing road safety conditions on the Kopo-
Soreang Provincial Road. The article likely
discusses the utilization of the IRAP Star Rating
system and Road Safety Inspection methodologies
to assess the current safety conditions of the road.
It may also detail specific interventions or
countermeasures proposed or implemented based
on the findings of the assessments to improve road
safety, with the ultimate goal of reducing fatalities
and enhancing overall safety for road users.
5 Read -
6 What do you get From this research, it can be concluded that the
from the text? assessment results of the road safety conditions of
the Kopo - Soreang road section based on the Star
Rating for Road Safety Audit Level 2 approach
methodology resulted in 28 recommendations for
countermeasures that canbe applied to the Kopo -
Soreang road section resulting in road segments
with a minimum Star Rating of 3 for all road users
and a reduction in fatality estimation value of
7 Revise This study investigates strategies for improving
road safety conditions on the Kopo-Soreang
Provincial Road by combining the iRAP Star
Rating and Road Safety Inspection (RSI)
methodologies. Despite sharing the common
objective of enhancing road safety, these
methodologies employ distinct approaches. Here,

we utilize the iRAP Star Rating to identify road
segments requiring further analysis via RSI,
specifically targeting segments with a Star Rating
below 3.
Analysis of the iRAP Star Rating reveals
persisting segments with ratings below 3, posing
significant risks to all road users, with an
estimated annual fatality rate of 58. Employing the
SR4RSA Methodology, we adapt a series of
countermeasures derived from the iRAP Star
Rating to the Road Safety Inspection framework,
resulting in the identification of 28 specific
interventions applicable to the Kopo-Soreang road
section. Implementation of these countermeasures
yields a minimum Star Rating of 3 for all road
users and a substantial reduction in estimated
fatalities by 49.91%.
Following implementation, the Star Rating for
vehicle occupants notably increases, with a rating
of 5 stars indicating heightened safety measures
focused on this demographic. This shift
underscores the efficacy of the implemented
countermeasures in prioritizing vehicle occupants'
This research offers practical insights into the
synergistic application of iRAP Star Rating and
RSI methodologies, providing a systematic
approach to enhancing road safety and mitigating
fatalities on the Kopo-Soreang Provincial Road.
8 Reference Highway Engineering and Development Master
Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental
Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung.

9 Write the summary The iRAP Star Rating Methodology and Road
of the book Safety Inspection (RSI) have similar objectives to
improve road safey condition but with different
approaches. This research is utilizing iRAP Star
Rating to filter road segments that require more
detailed analysis using RSI on the Kopo –Soreang
road section, which is road segments with a Star
Rating value less than 3. The results of the
assessment using iRAP Star Rating show that
there are still road segments with a Star Rating
value below 3 for all road users, with a value of
fatality estimated at 58 annually. Using SR4RSA
Methodology, a series of countermeasures from
the iRAP Star Rating Methodology are adjusted to
Road Safety Inspection Methodology resulting in
28 countermeasures that can be applied to Kopo –
Soreang road section therefore, resulting in road
segments with a minimum Star Rating of 3 for all
road users and a reduction in fatality estimation
value of 49,91%. After countermeasures have

been implemented, the Star Rating value for
vehicle occupants with a rating of 5 stars is higher
compared to other road users Star Rating which
indicates that the implemented countermeasures
are more focused on vehicle occupant’s safety.
10 Write the number of 2461 words
words of the book

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