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5 Habits

Moreno Zugaro
5 Habits To Develop
Authentic Masculine Confidence

Why Is True, Authentic Confidence So 2

Hard To Build?

This Is What You Have To Understand First 4

Apologize Under This One Condition Only 5

Feel Your Fears, Control Your Reaction 7

Have A Standard You Don't Betray, 10

No Matter What

Ask Yourself This Simple Question When 14

Things Go Wrong

Take Care Of Yourself And Express 16

Your Needs

Let Me Tell You A Secret... 19

Habit Checklist 21
Why Is True, Authentic Confidence
So Difficult To Build?
Have you ever seen another man and said: “Damn, I
wish I had his confidence?”

True, authentic confidence radiates a powerful and

captivating aura nobody can mess with.

Being confident both feels great and is a self-

fulfilling prophecy. Imagine the success you’d have
if you walked into every job interview, date, or new
group of people knowing you’ll absolutely crush it
instead of wallowing in self-doubts. But getting there
is a little tricky if you don’t know how.

You can’t just switch your confidence on like a

ceiling light. Fake alpha behaviors give you a fleeting
high, but the tiniest setback is enough to pull you
back. Instead of developing rock-solid confidence,
you’ll feel like a worthless fake version of yourself.

So what gives you confidence in your true, authentic

“[Confidence] is not based on your actual ability to
succeed at a task but your belief in your ability to
— Dr. Margie Warrell, founder of Global Courage

Therefore, it’s impossible to fake because you can’t

fake your beliefs – deep down, your subconscious will
always know the truth.

Again, because self-proclaimed “alphas” have

brainwashed men for too long: You can’t fake true,
authentic confidence.

Now here comes the good part.

If you change your beliefs, you’ll become a different

person because how you view yourself determines
how you act.

The best thing? You can (and have to!) be your

authentic self – no need to act like someone you

But first, you have to understand something about

confidence very few men do. 3
This Is What You Have To
Understand First
Confidence is like a muscle you can train.

It’s what New York Times bestselling author James

Clear calls identity change — a shift in belief fueled
by daily habits.

When I started working out, it was hard to eat

healthily, sleep well, and hit the gym consistently.
Ten years later, these behaviors have become part
of my identity. I no longer need to force myself to
say no to a donut or yes to a few extra reps.

In fact, it’s harder for me not to do it – that’s how

deep I’ve engraved these behaviors into my identity.

This also works for confidence. If you adopt habits

based in true, authentic confidence, you will see
yourself as an authentically confident man. Your
self-belief changes and with it, your self-esteem.

Here are the unusual habits that separate confident

men from the rest. 4
Apologize Under This
One Condition Only
"To share your weakness is to make yourself
vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show
your strength.”
— Criss Jami

Apologies can make or break you.

They’re hard to do. To overcome the fear of

vulnerability and admit you messed up requires balls
the size of juvenile watermelons. An honest apology
shows courage, greatness, and humility.

Being able to apologize properly is crucial for your

relationships — but you have to tread carefully.

Confident men know a mistake doesn’t define them.

They accept their flaws because they know mistakes
are human. Therefore, they have no problem
admitting their shortcomings — under one condition.

They have to actually be wrong.

Some people are used to blaming others. They stink
up the whole room yet never look for the shit under
their own shoe. Don’t give in to them.
The subtle emotional blackmail by a family
The “friend” who acts like you took everything
the wrong way when in fact, he disrespected you
The boss who wants to mask his incompetence
by painting you as the dumb one

Every time you give in to their frame, you act against

better judgment and destroy your self-belief.

Confident men apologize if they messed up because

they know their mistakes don’t define them and
they’re still valuable human beings.

They also stick to their guns if they didn’t do

anything wrong because they trust their judgment.

Do the same and watch your confidence skyrocket.

Authentic masculine confidence habit #1:

Always apologize if you’ve made a mistake, never
apologize if you didn’t. 6
Feel Your Fears,
Control Your Reaction
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every
experience in which you really stop to look fear in
the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have lived
through this horror. I can take the next thing that
comes along.’ You must do the thing you think you
cannot do.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Fear has a paralyzing effect.

The moment before you knock on your boss’s door.

The second before you say something risky to a
date. The quick gulp before you lift a new record
weight. You freeze like a deer in headlights.

Believe it or not, but confident men feel the same

fear as you do – but they don’t succumb to it.

When I quit my studies to become a full-time writer, I

was afraid of going broke.

When I messaged my ex-girlfriend to get closure, I
was afraid of rejection.

But after I did it, the fear vanished — and my

confidence shot through the roof like a drunk Texas

When you think about changing careers, moving

cities, or asking out Jenna from HR, you will be
afraid too. Lying to yourself and acting like you don’t
isn’t authentic and will erode your confidence.

Instead, all you have to understand is this:

Action is the antidote to fear.

This doesn’t mean you have to jump straight into the

deep end and break your neck doing something
stupid – leave that to the boys who think acting
tough will make them tough.

In Exposure Therapy, a psychological treatment

developed to help people confront their fears,
professionals use a technique called graded
exposure. 8
You simply rank situations on how much of a shiver
they send down your spine, then gradually work your
way up.

If you aren’t confident enough to…

…ask out a stranger, practice by saying hello or
asking for the time.
…stand up for yourself in a meeting, practice by
addressing an issue in a one-on-one setting
…go to the gym on your own, ask a friend or a
trainer for a one-on-one session.

This is what David Deida, author of The Way of the

Superior Man, calls “leaning just beyond your edge.”

Don’t let your fears control you. Acknowledge them

but act anyway. With every small step you take, you
climb higher on the confidence ladder.

Authentic masculine confidence habit #2:

Acknowledge your fears but act anyway by leaning
just beyond your edge.

Have A Standard You Don't Betray,
No Matter What
“If you want to change your life, you have to raise
your standards.”
— Tony Robbins

Betraying yourself does to your self-esteem what a

firehose does to a candle.

In other words, you have to do what you said you

were going to do – this is called integrity, a key
component of authentic masculine confidence.

It’s also the reason why so many men are about as

confident as a 12-year-old in front of their high-
school crush.

Instead of sticking to their commitments, they…

…snooze their alarm and sleep in.
…skip the gym even though yesterday, they said
…stay quiet even though they promised they’d
stand up for themselves.
If you don’t take your commitments seriously, you
lower the value of your word. You treat yourself like
someone who isn’t worth keeping a promise with.
This flattens your value and self-esteem like a car
tire an unfortunate hedgehog.

Does that mean confident men never mess up? Do

they never hit snooze? Do they never give in to their
cravings and have an extra donut? They do — but
they also do something else.

They have a clear, non-negotiable standard they

don’t budge on.

This will give you trust in yourself, power, and calm.

You will know that at the end of the day, you’re in
control of your life and can make things happen
even during hard times.

This standard can be as simple as first-grade maths.

Every morning, I meditate. In every conversation, I
speak my truth. No matter if I’m covered in mud,
sweat, blood, or tears, I do it. Every day, it fuels my
belief that I’m stronger than whatever life throws at
me. 11
Can you imagine the level of confidence in my true,
authentic self – the man I am every day – this
brings? It’s off the fucking charts.

You can choose your standard, just keep it small and

doable. The commitment is more important than its

Take a walk once a day

Start every conversation with a smile
Look people in the eyes when greeting them
Eat one healthy meal per day
Get up as soon as the alarm rings
Take a cold shower every day
Approach one stranger (or even woman) per day

Set your own, non-negotiable standard. Not for

anybody else, but for yourself. Write it down.

“I promise myself to do X every time I Y – this is my

golden standard that I will not budge on.”

You can already see the pattern. Because it’s a
standard you choose, it will be true to your authentic
self. No fake stuff someone else tells you to do in
order to be a “real man.”

And every time you keep your promise, you will

boost your confidence in your authentic masculine

Authentic masculine confidence habit #3:

Set a non-negotiable standard for yourself and stick
to it no matter what.

Ask Yourself This Simple Question
When Things Go Wrong
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for
tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop
— Albert Einstein

When life hits you in the nuts — and it will! — you

have two options.

You can either play victim and blame others, which

will make you feel powerless and helpless. Or, you
can take responsibility for the situation, which will
put you in control and improve your future outlook.

Confident men always choose responsibility

because it gives them the power to shape their
destiny and come out better in the end.

When my ex ripped my heart out, I was devastated.

More than once, I cried myself to sleep. But instead
of blaming her and talking about how women ain’t
shit, I asked myself a simple question.
“What can this teach me?”

Suddenly, I was no longer at the mercy of life but in

charge of it. I learned from my mistakes and
became a much better man through the experience,
making me more confident in my authentic self and
my future. The wrecking ball became a block to build

Remember, confidence is a belief.

Truly confident men believe that no matter what

happens, they can learn from it and grow.

Authentic masculine confidence habit #4:

Take responsibility for your life – if things go
downhill, ask yourself “What can this teach me?”
instead of taking the victim role.

Take Care Of Yourself And Express
Your Needs
“If you do not respect your own wishes, no one else
will. You will simply attract people who disrespect
you as much as you do.”
- Vironika Tugaleva

Most men think self-care is for girls, but it’s one of

the most powerful tools to increase your confidence.

Imagine yourself as a sports car – a Lamborghini,

Ferrari, or Bugatti. If you don’t change the oil or
never clean it, it will drive and look like my
grandma’s beaten-up ’96 Honda Civic. But with
proper maintenance, it’s the epitome of high

If you don’t take care of yourself and fulfill your

needs, you can’t perform at your highest level – and
your belief in yourself will plummet.

Even worse, by neglecting your desires, suppressing

your emotions, and not expressing what you think,
you tell yourself you’re not worth it. 16
You neglect your authentic masculine core and
throw your self-esteem under a lawnmower.

Being a confident man isn’t about not needing


It’s about taking care of yourself and expressing

your desires authentically.

This will skyrocket your confidence because you

show yourself you’re worth it.

How to do self-care as a man:

Treat yourself to a massage
Hit the gym regularly
Get a nice shave & haircut, or do a spa day
Take a cooking, lockpicking, or gardening class
(whatever you’re into, really)
Treat yourself to a nice, healthy restaurant meal
Clean out your old clothes and get professional
style advice
Journal about your thoughts and what bothers
Take a weekend off to go fishing, hiking, or
decompress otherwise 17
How to express your needs and wants:

Too many men think they have to swallow what they

think and feel because an “alpha man” should
function like a machine (spoiler alert: this is fucking

If you’re tired, take a nap. If someone hurts you, tell

them. If you want to be close to someone, let them
know. If you can’t deal with others’ bullshit, cut the
crap. If you need a hug from one of your friends, ask
for it.

This isn’t weak – it’s authentic, masculine, and


Authentic masculine confidence habit #5:

Take care of yourself and express your wants and
needs instead of holding them back.

Let Me Tell You A Secret...

99% of personal development content is absolutely


It’s not because it’s not good, because men don’t

read, watch, and listen to it, or because there’s too
much out there already.

It’s because a majority of men skip the most

important step: Taking action.

All they do is mental masturbation, aka amassing

knowledge without doing something.

Do you know why?

Because doing something is the hard part. It’s tough.

It’s uncomfortable. It comes with the occasional
failure and rejection. But it’s the only thing that will
actually improve your confidence in your true,
authentic, and masculine self.

That’s why I’ve attached a printable checklist you
can fill out and put on your refrigerator, mirror, or left
testicle – wherever you can see it.

Remember: Confidence is a belief. If you want to

skyrocket yours, you have to take action.

Not later, not tomorrow, not next week.

Right. Fucking. Now.

Authentic Masculine Confidence
Habits Checklist
“Nothing works unless you do.”
– Maya Angelou

#1: Always apologize if you’ve made a mistake, never apologize if you

“I vow to admit my mistakes and learn from them if I did wrong, but
stand my ground otherwise.”

#2: Acknowledge your fears but act anyway by leaning just beyond your
“I will face my fears by _______________________________________________.

#3: Set a non-negotiable standard for yourself and stick to it no matter

"I promise myself to _____________________________ every time I
__________________________ - this is my golden standard that I will not
budge on."

#4: Take responsibility for your life when things go wrong.

“I will take responsibility for my life. When something bad happens, I will
ask myself: ‘What can this teach me?’”

#5: Take care of yourself and express your wants and needs.
“I will take care of myself by ______________________
________________________. I will also express my wants and needs
authentically instead of holding them back.”

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10 Proven Techniques To Build Good Habits And

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The 7 Powerful Laws of Masculine Discipline

The Ultimate Male Self-Improvement Book List

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