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Total Questions: 25 Time Allowed: 45 minutes

Q1) The value of mobile phone depreciates by 33% every year. At this rate approximately how many
years will it take for the price of $243 to reach $72?

A) 2.5

B) 2

C) 3

D) 13

Q2) A store is selling a shirt at discount of 20%. If the original price of shirt is $50, what will be
discounted Price

A) 10

B) 30

C) 40

D) 60

Q3) The mountain ranges of the world ___________ home to ail kind of wild life.

A) are

B. which

C. for they are

D. is

Q4) If 3x+5=20, what is value of x?

A) 3

B) 5

C) 7

D) 8
Q5) Calculate area of a triangle, base = 6 units and height = 8 units.

A) 12

B) 24

C) 30

D) 48

Q6) Geysers have sometimes been compared to volcanoes ____________ they both emit hot liquids
from below Earth's surface.

A) Due to

B) because

C) in spite of

D) regardless of

Q7) Synonyms of Enormous?

A) Tiny

B) Huge

C) Small

D) Little

Q8).10 men complete the job in 14 days, how many days will take 4 men to complete the same job?

A) 33days.

B) 35days.

C) 37days.

D) 39days

Q9).40 men build a wall 4 meters high in 15 days. The number of men required to build

the similar wall 5 meters high in 6 days:

A) 115

B) 125

C) 105

D) 135
Q10) What number comes next in the series:1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ________?

A) 18

B) 21

C) 22

D) 23

Q11). During the early period of ocean navigation, _______________any need for sophisticated
instruments and techniques.

A) so that hardly

B) when there hardly was

C) hardly was

D) there was hardly

Q12) Which of the following is not the prime number?

A) 17

B) 21

C) 23

D) 29

Q13) A man takes 50 mins to cover a certain distance at speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks at a speed of
10km/hr., he will /ill cover the same distance in?

A) 1hour

B) 30 mins

C) 10 mins

D) 20 mins
Q14) Because it arrives so early in the season, before many other birds. The robin has been called the
_________ of spring.

A) Prototype

B) hostage

C) Harbinger

D) Progeny

Q15). At Zeeshan Bargain Basement, everything is sold for 20% less than the price marked, if Zeeshan
buys mini radios for Rs.80? What price should he mark them if he wants to make a 20% profit on his

A) 96

B) 100

C) 112

D) 120

Q16) if all members of a team are juniors and seniors. And if the ratio of juniors to seniors on the
team is 3:5, what percent of the team members are seniors?

A) 40%

B) 60%

C) 62.5%

D) It cannot be determined from the information given.

Q17). We lost confidence in him because he never __________the grandiose promises he had made

A) forgot about

B) tired of

C) delivered on

D) retreated from
Q18). A club had 3 boys and 5 girls. During the membership drive the same number of boys and girls
joined the club. How many members does the club have now, if the ratio of boys to girls is 3:4?

A) 12

B) 14

C) 16

D) 21

Q19) If 4 boys can shovel a drive way in 2 hrs. How many minutes will it take 5 boys to do the same

A) 60

B) 72

C) 96

D) 120

Q20) Normally an individual thunderstorm lasts about 45 minutes, but under certain conditions the
storm may ________________, becoming even more severe, for as long as four hours.

A) Wane

B) moderate

C) persist

D) disperse

Q21) Ahmed bought a Rs.60 cloth on sale 5% off. Including 5 % sales tax, how much did he pay?

A) 54.15

B) 57

C) 60

D) 59.85
Q22) We are amazed that a man who had been heretofore the most ___________ of public speakers
could, in a single speech, electrify an audience and bring them cheering on their feet.

A) Enthralling

B) Accomplished

C) Pedestrian

D) Auspicious

Q23) In a revolutionary development in technology some manufacturers now make biodegradable

forms of plastic; some plastic trash bags, for example, gradually ___________when exposed to

A) harden

B) stagnate

C) propagate

D) decompose

Q24) Adil's Average arithmetic mean on 4 tests is 80. What does he need on 5th test to raise his
average to 84?

A) 84

B) 92

C) 96

D) 100

Q25) _____________ break up rock, slowly wearing it away over millions of years.

A) ice, wind, and running water which

B) ice, wind, and running water

C) If ice, wind, and running water

D) When ice, wind, and running water


1) C (3 years)

2) C ($40)

3) A (are)

4) A (x=5)

5) B (24 square units)

6) B (because)

7) B (huge)

8) B (35 days)

9) B (125)

10) B (21)

11) D (there was hardly)

12) B (21 is not a prime number)

13) A (30 mins)

14) C (Harbinger)

15) A (Rs. 96)

16) C (62.5%)

17) C (delivered on)

18) C (16 members)

19)C (96 minutes)

20) C (persist)

21) B (Rs. 57)

22) A (Enthralling)

23) D (decompose)

24) D (100)

25) B (ice, wind, and running water)


Q1) The value of mobile phone depreciates by 33% every year. At this rate approximately how many
years will it take for the price of $243 to reach $72?

C. 3

Q2) A store is selling a shirt at discount of 20%. If the original price of shirt is $50, what will be
discounted Price

C. $40

The discounted price of the shirt will be $40 (50*(4/5)).

Q3) The mountain ranges of the world ___________ home to ail kind of wild life.

A. are

The correct answer is "are" because the mountain ranges of the world are home to all kinds of wild

Q4) If 3x+5=20, what is value of x?

A. 5

To solve this equation, we need to first subtract 5 from both sides of the equation. This gives us 3x =
15. Then, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 3. This gives us x = 5.

Q5) Calculate area of a triangle, base = 6 units and height = 8 units.

B. 24
The area of a triangle is calculated by multiplying the base by the height and then dividing by 2. In
this case, the area of the triangle is 24 (6 * 8 / 2).

Q6) Geysers have sometimes been compared to volcanoes ____________ they both emit hot liquids
from below Earth's surface.

B. because

The correct answer is "because" because both geysers and volcanoes emit hot liquids from below
Earth's surface.

Q.7) Synonyms of Enormous?

B. Huge

Some synonyms of enormous include huge, gigantic, immense, colossal, and mammoth.

Q8).10 men complete the job in 14 days, how many days will take 4 men to complete the same job?

B. 35days.

The number of days it takes 4 men to complete the job is 35, since (14 * 10 / 4).

**Q9).40 men build a wall 4 meters high in 15 days. The number of men required to build

the similar wall 5 meters high in 6 days:

B. 125

See brainly solution by google it (paste the complete question)

Q10) What number comes next in the series:1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ________?
D. 21

The next number in the series is 21. The series is formed by adding the previous two numbers. For
example, 1 + 3 = 4, and 4 + 6 = 10.

Q11). During the early period of ocean navigation, _______________any need for sophisticated
instruments and techniques.

D. there was hardly

The correct answer is "there was hardly" because during the early period of ocean navigation, there
was hardly any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.

Q.12) Which of the following is not the prime number?

B. 21

The number 21 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 3. A prime number is a number that is
divisible only by itself and 1.

Q13) A man takes 50 mins to cover a certain distance at speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks at a speed of
10km/hr., he will /ill cover the same distance in?

A. 30 Minutes

The distance covered by the man at a speed of 6 km/hr in 50 minutes is 5 km. The time taken by the
man to cover the same distance at a speed of 10 km/hr is 30 Minutes

Q14) C. Harbinger

The robin is called the harbinger of spring because it arrives so early in the season. A harbinger is a
person or thing that announces or signals the approach of something.
Q15) A. 96

Zeeshan make $ 16 for 20% profit on $80 radio. Total price is (80+16= 96$).

Q16) C. 62.5%

If all members of a team are juniors and seniors, and the ratio of juniors to seniors on the team is
3:5, then the percentage of team members who are seniors is 5 / (3 + 5) * 100 = 62.5%.

Q17) C. delivered on

The man never delivered on the grandiose promises he had made. This means that he did not fulfill
the promises he had made.

Q18) C. 16

The club had 3 boys and 5 girls, a total of 3 + 5 = 8 members.

During the membership drive, the same number of boys and girls joined the club, so 8 + 8 = 16
members are now in the club.

The ratio of boys to girls is 3:4, so there are 3/7 * 16 = 6 boys in the club.

There are 4/7 * 16 = 10 girls in the club.

Therefore, the club has a total of 6 + 10 = 16 members.

So the answer is 16

Q19) C. 96

Let's first determine the total work that needs to be done. We know that 4 boys can do the job in 2
hours, so 1 boy can do the job in 4 * 2 = 8 hours.

Since there are 5 boys to do the job, each boy will take 8 / 5 = 1.6 hours to do the job.

We need to convert 1.6 hours to minutes. There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so 1.6 hours is equal to 60
* 1.6 = 96 minutes.

Therefore, it will take 5 boys 96 minutes to shovel the driveway.

Q20. C Persist

A thunderstorm may persist, becoming even more severe, for as long as four hours.

Q21. B (57)

The discount is 5% of Rs.60, so the discount amount is Rs.60 x 5/100 = Rs.3. The
sale price of the cloth is Rs.60 - Rs.3 = Rs.57.

Q22. A (Enthralling)

The word "enthralling" means to hold someone's attention in a powerful way. This is
the best word to describe a public speaker who is able to electrify an audience and
bring them cheering on their feet.

Q23. D (decompose)

Biodegradable plastic breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces when exposed to
sunlight. This process is called decomposition.

Q24. D (100)

Adil's average on 4 tests is 80, so he needs to score 84 x 5 - 80 x 4 = 420-320=100

on the 5th test to raise his average to 84.

Q25. B (ice, wind, and running water)

Ice, wind, and running water are the main forces that break up rock and slowly wear
it away over millions of years.

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