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Additional Notes & Sample Letters

1. Congratulations Letters
We write letters of congratulations when something special happens in the life of someone
you know, and you want to express your happiness about it. Such letters are most effective
when they are written promptly. You should write the letter as soon as you hear the good
A letter of congratulations should be sincere, cheerful, and it should mention the occasion
and focus on the special event without writing about other news.
Letters of congratulations are sent on different occasions such as marriage, engagements,
anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, and so on. Therefore, the words that you choose must
be appropriate for each particular situation. However, almost all such letters have one thing
in common: they contain a phrase or sentence with "congratulations", or "congratulate".
For example:
-My heartiest congratulations!
-Congratulations on your birthday!
-My warmest congratulations on your 20th wedding anniversary!
-Please accept my warmest congratulations on your engagement!
-So you finally got into the university! Congratulations!
-Many congratulations on your graduation!
-My heartfelt congratulations on your great achievement!
-Congratulations and all best wishes!
-Please permit me to congratulate you on …
-May an old friend congratulate you…
1.1. Engagement and marriage
You either write your letter to one of an engaged or married couple or both of them
together. In the former case, send best wishes to one of them and ask her or him to give
your congratulations to the other one.
Traditionally, we congratulate a man on these two occasions, but we extend our best wishes
to the woman in a sentence such as:
-With best wishes on your marriage.
-Please accept my best wishes on your engagement.
-I wish you the best in your married life.
The following sentences are very common in congratulations on marriages and
-What exciting news!
-It's the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.
-I was pleasantly surprised to hear the news of…
-It gave me a great deal of pleasure to learn…
-I was delighted to learn…
-I think you're a lucky guy to marry her.
-She is a wonderful girl in every way.
-She will certainly make you an excellent wife.
-She has everything a young man would hope for.
-You're the luckiest guy in the world!
-He is a lucky man.
-He has everything a girl would want in a husband.
-I know he comes of a good family.
-I don't know anyone who would make you happier.
-We never knew two people better suited to each other.
-You were made for each other. I knew it as soon as I met him (her).
-I wish you all the happiness in the world.
-We wish you all the possible joy and happiness.
-All the family wish you increasing happiness as the years go by.
-We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.
-The best of everything to both of you.
Sample letter for congratulating a man on his engagement

March 11, 2020

Dear John,
Your brother told me the great news about your engagement to
Anne. All I can say is that some men have all the luck!
Anne is a wonderful girl in every way, and I congratulate you on
your good fortune and wish you both the best of everything in life.
With warmest regards,

Sample letter for congratulating a woman on her wedding

January 16, 2018

Dear Isabel,
It seems only yesterday that you told me you were engaged and now you are married.
I haven't met George, but from everything I have heard I know that both of you will be
Congratulations to George and my very best wishes to the two of you for a marriage
filled with all the good things in life.


1.2. Birthdays
Although printed birthday cards are used all over the world, a handwritten letter of
congratulation certainly shows more sincerity and sense of real friendship. To your closest
friends and dearest relatives, a birthday note, no matter how short, always will mean more
than a ready-made card.
Helpful sentences:
The following sentences are commonly used in birthday congratulations:
-It's your birthday and once again…
-It's a very special occasion again…
-To some people it's only July 6th, but to me this day will always be remembered as the
birthday of my dearest friend.
-I want you to know that we are thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you the best
of everything life has to offer.
-My "Happy Birthday" and best wishes to you.
-Congratulations and sincere good wishes on your birthday.
-Hearty congratulations and all good wishes on this wonderful day in your life.
Sample of a birthday note

August, 10, 2019

Dear Amy,
Congratulations on this happy day. The best of all good things for this birthday and all
the many more to come.
Affectionately yours,

Sample of a birthday letter

March 29, 2017

Dear Aunt Sophie,

To most people, March is a reminder that spring is on its way. But to me it means the
month that holds the birthday of my favorite aunt.
All of the family miss you particularly at this time of the year, although we try to
console ourselves by remembering the happy days you stayed with us.
But near or far, you know, Aunt Sophie, that on our birthday as on every day we are
all thinking of you with love and affection.
A very, very happy birthday and many, many more of them to come.


1.3. Graduation
Graduation is a very special occasion in a person's life. In your letter, comment on any
special effort or achievement the graduate made during his/her high school or college

June 18, 2019

Dear Sara,
Congratulations on receiving your law degree. You've worked hard for this moment,
and you must be very proud. Marvin and I have watched you grow from a tomboyish little
girl next door into a poised, confident young woman. We feel an almost parental pride on
your graduation day.
Congratulations again on your remarkable achievement. We know that your career
will benefit from the same commitment and effort that you devoted to your academic
work. We wish you the best!

Warmest regards,
Marvin & Shana Levy

Sample letter on passing a driving test

July 11, 2019

Dear Simon,
Well done, mate! I was delighted to hear that you passed your driving test last week.
Now you'll be going places!
It seems like ages since I last saw you. Once you've bought yourself a car, it'll be a whole
lot easier to get together. Do call me and let me know how you're fixed up over the next
few weeks. It will be great to see you.

All the best,


2.Letters of Condolence
Letters of condolence are particularly difficult for some people to write. But it is probably
appreciated more than any other letter. The best condolence message is brief and sincere.
People dealing with grief or shock are often unable to read long letters.
Write your letter of condolence as soon as you hear of the event. The words you use
depend on how well you know the person you are writing. In general, write simply and
clearly. Express briefly your feeling about the loss, then move on quickly to an expression of
sympathy for your reader.
Helpful sentences:
You can use the following sentences in expressing your sympathy in letters of condolence:
-I was extremely sorry to hear the death of …
-We have just heard with profound regret the sad news.
-It was a great shock to hear the tragic news.
-I want you to know how much I sympathize with you and your family.
-Please accept my deepest/sincere condolences.
-I wish there was something I could say or do to soften your grief.
-We were deeply saddened by the death of your…
-May I add my sincere sympathy to that of the many who knew and admired your…
-Your sorrow is shared by everyone who knew and loved…
-I know words are not of much comfort at a time like this.
-I hope the sympathy of your many good friends can in some way lighten your burden of
The following sentences can be helpful in expressing your feeling about the deceased:
-You have the consolation of knowing your brother left a heritage of achievement that will
be long remembered.
-Everyone who knew Jim loved him.
-He died as he lived, simply and quietly.
-We who knew him had genuine love and respect for him.
In order to offer you help, you can use one of the sentences below:
-Please let me know what I can do to help.
-Please call on me if there is anything I can do for you.
-I hope you won't hesitate to call me if you need any help.
-I know that there is little that a good friend can do at a time like this, but…
-You know you can always count on our affection.
The following sentences can also be used to close your letter:
-I know you will be strong and brave for the sake of your children.
-I am sure Sidney would not want you to grieve for his sake and for the children's…
-Please accept our love and sympathy.
-We all join in sending you our heartfelt love.
-I want you to know I am thinking of you.
-I feel for you in your sorrow and extend my sincere sympathy.
Sample letter on the death of a spouse

February 5, 2019
My dearest Kate,
May I extend to you my sincere sympathy at the loss of your dear husband.
Although I never had the privilege of knowing him, I know how deeply you must be
Please accept my heartfelt condolences in this hour of sorrow.

Very sincerely,

Sample letter on the death of a parent

September 25, 2016

Dear Ted and Selma,
You have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your mother. I understand she had
been ill for some time. It must have been difficult for you during these past months.
My thoughts are with you at this time. Your mother was one of the kindest women I
ever knew. I know that nothing I can write can dull your sorrow since only time can do
If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to let me know.

In sympathy,

Overall, letters of condolence should include:

• sympathy
• comfort
• offers of practical help – wherever possible
• suggestions of normality – things you might do when the bereaved is feeling better
• religious sensitivity (e.g., May God bless his soul and grant his family peace)

3. Letters of Sympathy
Expressions of sympathy that are not related to condolence may also often most
appropriately be conveyed by a letter to which there is no need for an immediate response.
Miscarriage, for example, or a friend's divorce. There are all sorts of occasions when the
recipient of the letter might want, or need, time to reply, or when no reply is required. It is
best to be as specific as possible without dwelling too heavily on the incident in question.
Just show that you are thinking about the person and that you care. When s/he feels a bit
better, he will certainly remember the people who remembered him/her.
Sample letter on news of a divorce

August 12, 2019

Dear Laura,
I was so sorry to hear about your divorce. I have known both of you for such a long
time, it seems incredible that you aren't together any more.
I just wanted to write and tell you that I'm thinking about you and that there's no
question of 'taking sides'. It must be a horrible thing to have to live through.
You are both my friends and I hope that you will continue to be so as I have always
valued your friendship. Please feel free to call me if I can help you in any way.


Sample letter on failed business

May 23, 2018

Dear Bob,
I was so sorry to hear that your business didn't work out, particularly after all the long
hours and effort that you put in. If commitment and energy were what counted, yours
would surely have been the most successful business.
Knowing you, I'm sure you are blaming yourself now, but it was terribly bad luck with
interest rates rising as soon as you borrowed the money. It was a brilliant idea and you
really deserved to succeed. Please don’t get depressed about this. I'm sure it will just be a
blip in your brilliant career – it was a really impressive idea and deserved to make you a
I feel sure that the next one will.

Best wishes,

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