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Nguyễn Thị Hồng Yến – VHM04 - Group 1

1. What do you think about a society which is like a mosaic? Give a specific

A society that resembles a mosaic is one where diverse elements come together to
form a harmonious whole, consisting of individuals or groups with unique cultural
identities, traditions, and perspectives, all coexisting within a larger framework.
In my opinion, managing a mosaic society can be challenging for the state as it
requires striking a delicate balance between respecting diverse cultural identities and
promoting social cohesion. When people are able to maintain their cultural identity
while embracing a shared sense of belonging, it can contribute to a stable society.
However, if cultural preservation becomes exclusive, it may hinder social cohesion and
For example, the United States is often seen as a mosaic society. It is a mosaic of
cultures and ethnicities, where people from different backgrounds contribute to the
nation's identity.

2. What are American people like? And what are the Vietnamese like?

American people are often characterized by their strong emphasis on valuing

individualism, open-mindedness, and discipline. They tend to be self-reliant and take
pride in their ability to make autonomous decisions. Americans are known for their open-
mindedness, and often exhibit a sense of ambition and competitiveness independently,
striving for personal success and achievement. Additionally, Americans are known for
their strong work ethic, with values such as punctuality, productivity, and dedication to
their jobs.
Vietnamese people are often described as warm, friendly, and family-oriented.
Family plays a central role in Vietnamese culture, and strong bonds within the family unit
are highly valued. Vietnamese people prioritize harmony and collective well-being over
individual desires. They exhibit a strong sense of community and cooperation, so they are
considered as friendly and hospitable people.
3. Describe the United States briefly.

The United States is a prominent country located in North America. It is composed of

50 states, each with its own unique characteristics and culture. The capital of the United
States is Washington, D.C., home to iconic landmarks such as the White House, the
Capitol Building, and the Lincoln Memorial. The national anthem of the United states
is “ The Star- Spangled Banner”. New York City is considered as the nation's largest
city, renowned for its towering skyscrapers, Times Square, and the Statue of Liberty.
Over the course of history, the United States has been led by influential presidents, most
recent leaders like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, representing different political parties like
the Democrats and Republicans. The country boasts a diverse and vibrant culture, shaped
by a multitude of immigrant communities. The United States is known for its
commitment to democracy, freedom, and the pursuit of individual.

4. Why have many people immigrated to the US? Why have they left their home
Many people have chosen to leave their home countries and immigrate to the
United States for various reasons. One significant factor is the pursuit of a better
economic situation. The country's strong economy offers diverse job opportunities, higher
wages, and entrepreneurial prospects. The potential for upward mobility and the chance
to achieve economic success attract immigrants in search of a better financial future.
Additionally, the United States is known for its commitment to political and
religious freedom. Many individuals leave their home countries to escape political
persecution, social unrest, or religious discrimination.
Another significant reason is the desire to pursue further education. The United
States is home to many renowned educational institutions, so immigrants seek to benefit
from the academic excellence and diverse learning opportunities in American
Lastly, better quality of life plays a crucial role in immigration. The US is known
for advanced healthcare, cultural diversity, and a stable social infrastructure contribute to
a better overall quality of life, making it an appealing destination for immigrants.

5. What are minor differences between American English and British English? Give
specific examples.
American English and British English have several minor differences:
Differences American English British English
Spelling Color Colour
Center Centre
Theater Theatre
Defense Defence
Organize Organise
analyze analyse
Grammar I don't have any money. I haven't got any money.
Verb She lives on Main Street. She lives in Main Street.
I already ate. I've already eaten.
prepositions. I'll see you at the weekend. I'll see you on the weekend.
The government is The government are implementing
implementing new policies. new policies.
Vocabulary Truck Lorry
Apartment Flat
Sidewalk Pavement
Vacation Holiday
Soccer Football
Pronunciatio Tomato /tə'meitəʊ/ Tomato /tə'mɑ:təʊ/
Schedule /'skedʒʊl/ Schedule /'s∫edju:l/
Route /ru:t/ Route /raʊt/
Privacy /'praivəsi/ Privacy /'privəsi/
Mobile /'məʊbail/ Mobile / 'moʊbl /

6. What were the causes and the effects of the American Civil War? What would
have happened if slaves had gained nothing from the war?
The American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states
from 1861 to 1865. There were two main causes of the war. The first was that Africans
had been brought by force to the US and used as slaves. The second was that the US
federal government is more powerful than the governments of individual states.
The effects of the Civil War were profound and far-reaching. Firstly, the Union's
victory led to the abolition of slavery with the passage of the 13th Amendment. Secondly,
the war led to a strengthening of the federal government's power over the states. Thirdly,
the war resulted in massive loss of life and destruction. Lastly, the war brought about
social and political changes, including the expansion of rights for African Americans and
the beginning of Reconstruction in the South.
If slaves had gained nothing from the war, the institution of slavery would have
continued to persist. The United States would have faced ongoing social and moral
conflicts, because of unresolved the contradiction.

7. Give your comment on the three branches of the US Government.

The US government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative, and
judicial branches. The executive branch, led by the President, is responsible for
implementing and enforcing laws. The legislative branch, consisting of Congress (the
Senate and the House of Representatives), creates and passes laws. The judicial branch,
headed by the Supreme Court, interprets laws and ensures their constitutionality.
In my opinion, the system of checks and balances among the three branches is
crucial for a healthy democracy. It prevents any one branch from becoming too powerful
and helps maintain a balance of power. Each branch has specific roles and
responsibilities, and they act as checks on one another to ensure accountability and
prevent abuse of power, leading to more efficient and productive decision-making
8. What are the US President's functions?
The President of the United States holds five important functions within the
government. Firstly, the President is the head of the executive branch, He is responsible
for enforcing and executing laws and ensuring that government policies are implemented
effectively. Secondly, the President serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed
forces, has the authority to deploy military forces and make strategic decisions during
times of conflict. Additionally, the President plays a vital role in the formulation and
implementation of domestic and foreign policies. The President proposes legislation to
Congress, sets the government budgetary priorities, and negotiates international
agreements. Moreover, the President serves as the chief diplomat. The President engages
in diplomatic negotiations, establishes relationships with foreign leaders. Furthermore,
the President has the power to grant pardons and reprieves. This authority allows the
President to commute sentences, offer clemency, or forgive offenses.
9. Compare and contrast the US Education System with the Vietnamese one briefly.
Aspect US Education System Vietnamese Education System
Management Local control and state-level Ministry of Education and Training
School Level Primary school( 1st to 6th grade) Primary school( 1st to 5th grade)
Secondary school ( 7th and 8th grade) Secondary school ( 6th and 9th grade)
High school ( 9th to 12th grade) High school ( 10th to 12th grade)
Types of Public schools funded by the Public schools and private schools,
School government and private schools with a greater emphasis on public
Fee Public schools are free, but private Public schools are mostly free, with
schools may have tuition fees some nominal fees, while private
schools require tuition fees
Holiday Summer break, winter break, and Summer break, Lunar New Year break,
spring break, with regional variations with additional breaks for national
Qualifications Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate
degrees degrees

10. What is your favourite family pattern? What are its good and bad points?

There are 7 types of family patterns in the United States: : nuclear family,
extended family, single- parent family, childless family, grandparent family, blended
family, same sex/ homosexual family.

* Nuclear family:

Pros Cons
Nuclear family promotes the development Nuclear family provide a limited support
of strong bonds and close relationships system because there may be fewer
among family members. assistance or guidance from other members.

Nuclear family boosts efficient decision- Nuclear family members can suffer from
making processes since there are fewer feelings of isolation and loneliness because
individuals involved in the decision- there are fewer social interactions and
making process. support.

Nuclear family provides individuals with a Parents in nuclear family often shoulder the
higher level of privacy and autonomy majority of household chores, child-rearing
compared to larger family. responsibilities, and financial burdens

* Extended family:

Pros Cons

Extended family provides the availability With more family members, differences in
of a strong support network with more opinions, values, and ways of doing things
family members. can lead to conflicts or tensions.

Extended family plays a crucial role in Extended family members have less privacy
preserving and passing down cultural and autonomy, and limit personal space and
traditions, values, and knowledge from individual decision-making.
one generation to another.

In an extended family, responsibilities Extended family often requires consideration

such as childcare, household chores, and and consultation with multiple family
financial support can be shared among members when making decisions.
multiple family members.

* Single- parent family:

Pros Cons
Single- parent family creates the strong Single parents often face a heavier workload
bond between parent and child because as they suffer from multiple roles and
there can be more attention, closeness, and responsibilities.
a deeper understanding.

Single- parent family can foster a sense of Single parents often have limited time for
independence and self-reliance in both the self-care and personal pursuits due to the
parent and child, which can promote demands of parenting and household
personal growth. responsibilities.

Single parents have the freedom to make Single-parent family may face financial
decisions regarding their child's instability due to the reliance on a single
upbringing without the need for income.
negotiation with a co-parent.

* Childless family:

Pros Cons

Childless family has greater freedom and Childless family often face the missing out
flexibility to pursue personal interests, on the unique and transformative experience
without the responsibilities of raising of parenthood.

Childless family can have more income Childless family may have limited support in
and financial stability, allowing for other old age due to the the absence of children.

In a childless family, the couple can Without children, there may be a concern
prioritize their relationship and invest time about the absence of a family legacy or
in building a strong relationship. continuation of family traditions and values.
* Grandparent family:

Pros Cons

Grandparent family provides an Raising grandchildren can be physically and

opportunity for strong intergenerational emotionally demanding for grandparents,
bonds between grandparents and particularly because they are older adults..

Grandparents family often brings stability Grandparents may experience a limitation in

and nurturing qualities for their grandchild personal freedom and a delay in retirement
with their experience. plans.

In a grandparent family, there is a higher Grandparent family may impose a financial

continuity in family values, traditions, and strain on grandparents, which can impact
cultural heritage because grandparents their financial stability and retirement plans..
pass down to younger generation.

* Blended family:

Pros Cons

Blended family offers the opportunity for Blending two families can be challenging as
individuals to learn from different everyone adjusts to new family dynamics,
perspectives, cultures, and experiences. rules, and routines.

Blended family brings the opportunity for Children in blended families may experience
new bonds and relationships to form with emotional conflicts with stepparents and
new family members. stepsiblings.
Blended family can combine resources Blended family often faces the challenge of
and share responsibilities, which can lead establishing a sense of unity because it takes
to more efficient management of time for family members to build strong
household tasks. bonds.

* Homosexual family:

Pros Cons

Homosexual family can provide a loving Homosexual family can may face social
and stable environment due to the same discrimination, which can have negative
sex. emotional and psychological impacts.

Homosexual family often exhibits Homosexual families may suffer from

resilience and adaptability in the face of limited legal recognition and protections,
adversity. related to parental rights, adoption,

Homosexual family can build strong Homosexual family often faces the challenge
networks of support within the LGBTQ+ of specific roles such as female same-sex
community, providing valuable resources family meets difficulty in heavy work, or
and peer support. male same-sex family finds hard in cooking.

11. What is are the attitudes of American people and of foreigners to the US media?
The attitudes towards US media among American people and foreigners can vary
significantly. Many Americans evaluate the media as a resource to provide reliable news.
During the pandemic, they turned to media outlets for information, updates, and analysis.
Trusted news sources like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN are
often relied upon for in-depth reporting and analysis.
Similarly, foreigners appreciate and trust the US media for its global reach and
quality reporting. Many foreigners, like Vietnamese, rely on outlets like Voice of
America (VOA) to learn English and stay informed about international news.
Additionally, foreigners also use CNN to stay updated on global news and events, ,
gaining insights into international affairs. Furthermore, they turn to HBO for
entertainment, enjoying popular TV shows, movies, and documentaries.

12. Describe ONE holiday/festival in the us you know well. How important is it to
American people?
* New Year's Day
New Year's Day in the United States is a public holiday celebrated on January 1st,
marking the beginning of the Gregorian calendar year and attracting numerous British
people. On this holiday, people often take part in various activities, such as gathering
with family and friends until the night on New Year's Eve, with fireworks displays and
countdowns in major cities like New York City's Times Square, enjoying the New Year's
Day Parade in Pasadena, California and watching college football games Rose Bowl and
Sugar Bowl. New Year's Day holds significance as a time of reflection, new beginnings,
and optimism for the future. It is an opportunity to spend time with loved ones, enjoy
festivities, and embrace the fresh start that a new year brings.
In Vietnam, New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1st. However, The Lunar
New Year, known as Tet Nguyen Dan or Tet, is the most important holiday in Vietnam.

* Halloween
Halloween is a widely celebrated festival in the United States, observed on
October 31st each year. During Halloween, people of all ages engage in various activities
that embrace the spirit of the holiday. Children dress up in costumes, ranging from
spooky monsters to beloved fictional characters, and go trick-or-treating in their
neighborhoods, collecting candy from houses adorned with Halloween decorations.
Costume parties and masquerade balls are also popular, with individuals showcasing their
creativity through elaborate outfits and makeup. Halloween holds a special place in
American culture as a time for fun and creativity, allowing people to express their
imagination, connect with community.
In Vietnam, Halloween is often seen as a Western cultural import, influenced by
movies, television shows, and social media.

13. What are the characteristics of the federal government and of the state
government in the USA?
* Federal government
The federal government of the United States is characterized by several key
features. Firstly, it is based on a system of federalism, where power is divided between
the national government and individual state governments. This establishes a balance of
Another characteristic is the separation of powers among three branches of
government: the executive branch; the legislative branch; and the judicial. This separation
ensures a system of checks and balances of power.
Additionally, the federal government operates on the principle of limited
government. This principle is designed to protect individual liberties and prevent the
concentration of authority.
Furthermore, the federal government operates through a democratic system. This
allows for citizen participation in decision-making processes and ensures that the
government is accountable to the people it serves.
* State government
State governments in the United States have certain distinct characteristics. One
key feature is their reserved powers. This allows states to govern their internal affairs and
address the specific needs of their residents.
State governments have their own constitutions and operate through a three-branch
system. The executive branch is headed by a governor, the legislative branch consists of a
state legislature, and the judicial branch oversees state courts.
Additionally states have the power to enact and enforce laws within their
jurisdiction, including areas such as education, transportation, healthcare, and taxation.
They can regulate commerce and implement state-level policies and programs.
Furthermore, state governments have the autonomy to pass laws and regulations
that reflect the unique needs and values of their state. This allows for policy
experimentation and diverse approaches to governance.

14. Distinguish the federal government from the state one.

Aspects Federal Government State Government
Functions - Handles national defense - Manages internal affairs
- Handles foreign affairs - Manages education
- Handles interstate commerce - Manages public safety
- Manages transportation
- Manages healthcare
Powers Enumerated in the U.S. Reserved powers not delegated to
Constitution the federal government
Services Provides national security, Offers education services, state
maintains armed forces police, public transportation, and
Leadership President Governor
Representation Elected representatives in Elected representatives in state
Congress legislature
Interstate Collaborates with states on certain Works with other states on
Cooperation issues regional matters
Constitutional U.S. Constitution State constitutions

15. How important is bilingual/multi-lingual education?

* Bilingual education:
Bilingual education holds significant importance in the United States through
studying many subjects in American English, which provides numerous advantages.
Firstly, it enhances students' English language proficiency, a vital skill for academic
success and career opportunities in an English-speaking country. Moreover, studying in
English allows students to access a wider range of educational resources, research
materials, and global information.
Besides, learning some subjects in their mother tongue also holds great value. It
helps students maintain a strong connection to their cultural heritage, promoting a sense
of identity and pride. It also strengthens family and community bonds as students can
communicate effectively with their families and engage in cultural traditions.
Additionally, learning in the mother tongue can boost confidence and self-esteem as
students can fully express themselves and showcase their knowledge in their native
language .

* Multi-lingual education:
Bilingual education holds significant importance in the United States through
studying many subjects in American English, which provides numerous advantages.
Firstly, it enhances students' English language proficiency, a vital skill for academic
success and career opportunities. Moreover, studying in English allows students to access
a wider range of educational resources and global information.
Learning some subjects in their mother tongue also holds great value. It helps
students maintain a strong connection to their cultural heritage, promoting a sense of
identity and pride. Additionally, it can boost confidence and self-esteem as students can
fully express themselves and showcase their knowledge in their native language.
Besides, learning some subjects in foreign languages, such as Spanish or other
languages, expands students' linguistic repertoire and cultural understanding, preparing
them for a globalized workforce in the large job market.

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