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Life without law would be chaotic and

unpredictable. There would be no order,

safety, or fairness in society.

What subjects of law can you see in the world art above?
1. Moral Law
2. State Law
3. Divine Law
4. Natural Law
5. Physical Law

Can you give an example of Divine Law?

Imagine you have a set of rules at home, like cleaning your room or finishing your
homework. Now, think about divine laws as rules that people believe come from a higher
power, like a god or goddess. These rules are thought to be very important and must be
followed because they are seen as sacred and unchangeable, like how we follow important
rules at home or school.

Can you give an example of a Natural Law?

An example of a natural law is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. This law explains
how every object with mass attracts every other object with mass. It's why when you drop
something, like a ball, it falls toward the ground instead of floating away. This law helps
scientists understand how objects move in space and on Earth.

I love physics! How about you? Can you still recall "laws" of Physic that you studied before?

Yes, I can recall some basic laws of physics. One is Newton's first law, which says an object
at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external
force. Another is Newton's second law, which explains how force, mass, and acceleration are
related: force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). Lastly, there's Newton's third law,
stating that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. These laws help us
understand how objects move and interact in the physical world.
Characteristics of State Law

Give at least 1 example for each source of law

Of Constitution, legislation, administrative or executive orders, regulations and rulings,
judicial decisions, or jurisprudence

Constitution: The United States Constitution, specifically the First Amendment, guarantees
the right to freedom of speech.

Legislation: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the United States prohibits discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Administrative or Executive Orders: Executive Order 13769, signed by President Donald

Trump in 2017, temporarily suspended entry into the United States for citizens of several
Muslim-majority countries.

Regulations and Rulings: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issues

regulations governing telecommunications, such as net neutrality rules that ensure equal
access to the internet.

Judicial Decisions or Jurisprudence: The landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education

(1954) in the United States, where the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public
schools was unconstitutional, leading to desegregation efforts nationwide.

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