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SESSION: 2023-24
Name of the Student: Max. Marks: 80
Day & Date: Monday, 20th September’23 Duration: 3 hour

General Instructions
a) The question paper is divided into four sections.
b) There are 38 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
c) Section A includes question No. 1-20. These are MCQ type questions. As per the question,
there can be one answer.
d) Section B includes question No.21-29. These are very short answer type questions carrying 2
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 30 words.
e) Section C includes question No. 30-35. They are short answer type questions carrying 4 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 80 words.
f) Section D includes question No. 36-38. They are long answer type questions carrying 6 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 200 words each. Question no 36 is to be
answered with the help of the passage given.

1. The Varna system divided society in: 1
a) 3 c) 5
b) 4 d) 6
2. System of economic enterprise based on market exchange 1
a) Communism c) Capitalist
b) Autocracy d) Socialist
3. People aspire to be like this group , which is termed as : 1
a) Primary group c) Secondary group
b) Social group d) Reference group
4. Member of political community with duties and rights : 1
a) Subject c) Alien
b) Citizen d) All of the above
5. The father of Sociology is 1
a) Emily Durkheim c) Augustus Comet
b) John Locke d) Pierre Bourdieu
6. _________ is the study human social life, groups and societies. 1
a) Economics c) Geography
b) Sociology d) Political Science
7. _____________ Country was the center of Industrial revolution. 1
a) France c) China
b) Britain d) Japan
8. Assertion (A): The Industrial Revolution was based upon a new, dynamic form 1
of economic activity-capitalism.


Reason (R): This system of capitalism became the driving force behind the
growth of industrial manufacturing.
a. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct and the Reason is the correct
explanation of the assertion.
b. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct, but the Reason is not the
correct explanation of the assertion.
c. The Assertion is incorrect, but the Reason is correct.
d. The Assertion is correct, but the Reason is incorrect
9. A Peer group is a kind of : 1
a) Primary Group c) Secondary group
b) Association d) None of the above
10. The Sociological book ‘Sociological Imagination’ was written by: 1
a) C.W Mills c) Max weber
b) Karl Marx d) August Comte
11. Among the following which is/are the result of Industrial revolution: 1
a) Migration to cities c) clock regulated life
b) Bad sanitation d) All of the above
12. Which of the following is not a Secondary group? 1
a) Schools c) Family
b) Hospital d) None of the above.
13. Read the following statements and choose the correct statement/statements: 1
a) Animal society is based on reasons and rationale behaviour.
b) Sociology as a western discipline emerged in Africa.
c) Karl Marx is the father of modern day sociology.
d) Social control brings social order in the society.
14. In a caste stratification system, the individual’s position totally depends on the 1
status ascribed by :
a) Colour c) Birth
b) Region d) Achievements
15. Family is an example of : 1
a) Informal social Institution
b) Formal Social Institution
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above
16. A social group is characterized by.............................. 1
a) Lack of sense of belongingness
b) Lack efface to face interaction
c) impersonal relationship
d) stable pattern of interaction
17. A sociologist ______________remarks that in post-independent India, the 1
joint family has steadily increased.
a) V.M Shah c) A.M Shah
b) B.R Ambedkar d) V.D Savarkar
18. Identify the structure of the family where men exercise authority and 1
a) Patriarchy c) Matriarchy


b) Polygamy d) Patrilineal
19. Who wrote the pioneering work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism'? 1
a) Karl Marx c) Anthony Giddens
b) Max Weber d) Emile Durkheim
20. _______________ reinforces socially accepted forms of behavior. 1
a) Sanction c) Reward
b) Punishment d) None of the above
21. List any two consequences of Urbanization. 2
22. What is the difference between In-group and Out group? 2
23. Give examples of formal and informal institutions. 2
24. Differentiate between Macro and Micro Sociology. 2
25. What do you mean Social stratification? 2
26. Why marriage is considered universal institution? What are the two different 2
types of marriage?
27. What is meant by empirical investigation? 2
28. With example list the difference between Ascribed status and Achieved status? 2
29. What do you understand by the term social institutions? 2
30. Citizenship rights include civil, political and social. Discuss 4
31. What do you understand by social control? Explain the functionalist social 4
control perspective of Durkheim and Conflict social control perspective of
Karl Marx.
32. Write down the differences and similarities between sociology and economics. 4
33. In the modern society "the clock injected a new urgency to work". Do you 4
agree with the statement? Explain with suitable examples.
34. Explain the role stereotyping with examples. 4
35. ‘Family and kingship have undergone a change due to economic processes. 4
Discuss with examples.
36. Discuss the various economic institutions. 6
Differentiate between Community and Society
37 Trace the growth of sociology in India. 6

Examine the relationship between Sociology and religion with the perspectives
given by Durkheim and Max Weber
38. Read the passage and answer the questions: 2+2
Nineteenth-century was also the period in which natural sciences made much +2=
progress. The success attained by those working in the field of natural sciences 6
inspired a good number of social thinkers to follow them. The belief was that if the
methods of natural sciences could be successful in the physical world to understand
the physical or natural phenomena, the same methods could be applied successfully to
the social world to understand the social phenomena. Scholars like Auguste Comte,


Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and other sociologists advocated the
methods of science to study society as they were inspired by the discoveries of natural
scientists and wanted to study society in a similar way.
1. Why were social thinkers inspired to follow natural sciences?
2. Which sociologists studied society?
3. What were the views of sociologists about the methods of natural sciences?


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