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Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata

First Semester Unit l: Bengali 1
Class: 4
Full Marks: 30
Time: 45 mins
Date: 12.05.2023



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St.Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One : Unit One ; Bengali 2
Class: 4
Full Marks:30
WritingTime: 45min
S. 1 coTI 6

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: English One
Full Marks: 30
Class: 4
Writing Time: 45 Minutes Date:12:06:23

1. Read the following passage and then answer the questions that follow.

A long time ago, theyoung Kaurava and Pandava princes grew up together in Hastinapur.
They were taught archery and fencing by their teacher, Dronacharya. He would often take
his students to the forest to teach them how to hunt. One day, while the princes were
practising in the forest, a young man came from the forest to meet Dronacharya. "O great
master !" he said, " Please let me be your student. I want to learn archery from you."
Dronacharya replied, "Goback to the forest, young man. I cannot teach you. Iam the royal
teacher of the kingdomn of Hastinapur. Iteach only warriors or kshatriyas." The young
man's name was Ekalavya. He was the son of the chief of a group of people who lived in the
forest. He was disappointed that Dronacharya had not agreed to teach him. However, he
still thought of Dronacharya as his teacher and built a clay statue of him and began to
practise in front of him. He practised hard for years till he became an expert at archery.
Afew years later, Dronacharya and the princes went hunting in the forest. They saw
Ekalavya shooting without looking at his target. Dronacharya was amazed to see this and
recognised him /mmediately. On asking who had taught him to shoot so well, Ekalavya
replied that he had been practisingin front of Dronacharya's statue. "If Iam your teacher,
where is my gurudakshina?" In those days, a pupil would give his guru something in return
for what he had been taught. This was called gurudakshina. "Iwill give you anything you
want, Master," said Ekalavya. Dronacharya asked Ekalavya to give him his riht thumb.
Without saying a word, Ekalavya cut off his thumb and gave it to Dronacharya. This
showed how obedient he was and respected his teacher. With practice, Ekalavya learnt how
toshoot a bow and an arrow by using his index and middle fingers instead. He became one
of the best archers in all the land. Dronacharya was very proud of him.
a) Give the part of speech of the underlined words in the passage. (3)

b) Give a word from the passage that means: (3)

i) the art of fighting with swords
ii) heavy, sticky mud
iii) an object that people practise shooting at
c) Who was Dronacharya? Why couldn't he make Ekalavya his student? (3)

d) What gurudakshina did Dronacharya ask for? If youwere Ekalavya, what gurudakshina
would you have given and why ? (3)

e) How did Ekalavya learn how to shoot when he: (3)

i) was refused to be taught by Dronacharya?
ii) gave his right thumb to Dronacharya ?
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II. Do as directed.
a) Supreme armed the of president the commander india of the is forces

punctuation marks and capital

ge the words to make a proper sentence using (2)
b) State the kind of sentence each of the following is.
-i) Sit upright.
1) Sundari does not want to participate in the Van Mahotsav programme.
c) Divide the following sentences into the subject and the predicate.
i) Wait for me.
ii) Both he and his brother like to play volleyball.
ii) On the palm of her hand was the gold pendant
d) Rewrite the following sentences giving the antonyms of the underlined words.
i) The farmer scattered the seeds in the field.
iü) The tribals behaved in a civilized manner.
ii) The citizens of Syracuse praised the king.
iv) The witch will curse you for your actions.
e) Rewrite the following sentences giving the synonyms of the underlined words.
i) The situation outside the hospital was grave.
ii)You should never deceive anyone.
iii) Nutkhut was allowed to chÍose a bottle of perfume from the shelf.
iv) All the workers stopped working as the clock struck five.

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: English Two
Class: 4 Full Marks: 30
Writing Time: 45 Minutes Date: 03:07:23

A. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. (12)

1. .Leodegrance had given Arthur the famous Round Table as a wedding gift.
a) Who was Leodegrance?
b) Who made the famous Round Table?
c) Describe the Round Table.
d) What did King Arthur ask his wise magician to do?
2. "Good evening."

a) Who was the speaker and who was the listener?

b) Where was the speaker?
c) What was the listener doing?
d) How did the speaker reach there?

3. ... in a rather melancholy voice.

a) Whose voice was melancholic?
b) When was it in a melancholic voice?
c) What does 'melancholy' mean?
d) In the above extract, what is the part of speech of the term voice'.
B. Attempt the following briefly.
1)How many times did King Arthur send his favourite knight to dispose of his sword and
how did he know that his favourite knight had done his part? (3)
2) Describe the legs and the face of the strange creature that stepped out into the light of
the lamp post. (3)
3) If you were a wise magician of King Arthur, what would be the two things you would do
for him? (2)
C. Use each of the following words in a sentence of your own. (5)
i)glossy ii) surprise iii) embraced
iv) rebellious v) delighted
D. Give the meanings of the following words. (5)
i) gallant ii) knights iü) intended
iv) barge v) reigns

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: Arithmetic
Full Marks: 30
Class: 4 Date: 05:07:23
Writing Time: 45 Minutes

1. Work out the following sums mentally.

a) Write the place value of the underlined digits in:

b) Write the expanded form of: 46,72,50,938.

c) Write the predecessor and successor of:

d) Write 54,29,75,304 in words.

e) Arrange the following in the ascending

60,81,42,9 17;60,81,24,917 ; 60,81,22,9 17.

f) Fillin the biank with < or >. 14,09,32, 155 14,09,32,5 15.

g) Write the shortened form of: + 7.

10,00,00,000 + 3,00,00,000 + 0+ 0+ 80,000+ 5,000 + 200 + 0

h) Arrange the following in thedescending order.

43,89,31,002 ; 43,89,3 1,220; 43,89,3 1,020.
i) Write thefollowing in figures.
thousand, five hundred and three.
Sixteen crore, twenty-seven lakh, ninety-one
crore? (4)
2. By how much is 71,99,83,206 less than eighty-five
85,40,00,000 and 57,68,96,324. (6)
3. Add the largest six digit number to the difference of
12,07,88,549 onpurchasing a plot of land, 7,45,80,215 on
4. Mr Khalibheja spent furnishing. If he was left with
constructing a two-storeyedhouse and 3,99,62,574 on
46,68,662, what amount did he have at first?
second trailer contains 34,67,26,589
5. Two trailers contain 51,46,00,378 bolts. If the (5)
bolts, how many bolts does the first trailer contain ?

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: Science
Class: 4
Writing Time: 45 Minutes Full Marks: 30
Date: 12:07:23

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Animals breathe out that plants use for
2. The larva of a housefly is and after
3. The food prepared in the leaves is stored insome days it becomes shaped.
4. The third stage of a the form of
butterfly is and it covers itself with a thread -like structure
5. grow on tree trunks and absorb food from the trees.
B. Match Column A" with column B".
Column A
1) Tadpole Column B
2) Leaf blade a) helps in water cycle
b) The first naturalist to observe
3) Jan Ingenhousz directly
4) Maria Sibylla Merian c) breathes through gills
5) Stomata d) The process of producing young ones
e) Dutch Scientist
6) Reproduction )flat part of the leaf
C. Write the difference between the following pairs of terms.
1. autotrophs and heterotrophs 2. life cycle and life span
D. Define each of the following terms.
1. midrib
2.Metamorphosis 3.Incubation 4.Photosynthesis
E. Write two functions for each of the
following. (4)
1. Albumen 2. Side veins
F. Attempt each of the following.
1. Explain the life cycle of an insect
2. What would happen if the numberhaving
incomplete metamorphosis. (3)
of herbivores suddenly increased? (2)
G. Draw and colour the parts of a bird's

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: History
Class: 4
Writing Time: 45 Minutes Full Marks: 30
Date: 10:07:23
A. FYII in the
1. Bimbisara and Ajatashatru belonged to the
2. Pulakesin divided his empire into three provinces dynasty.
was born in Asia Minor called
5. The most s capital was in
powerful state in
6. North India was
was Harsha's sister.

B) Give the dates for the

following events.
1. Seleucus sent
2. Death of Megasthenes to India.
3. Chanakya was born.
4. Hiuen Tsang left India.
C) Attempt each of the following.
1. How did
2. Name theChandragupta
save India from Greek invasion?
3. What did
southern terminus of Hiuen Tsang's travels. What
did he notice there?
4. How long did the
do in his old age?
5. Explain how ceremony at Prayag last? What is its significance in
Harshavardhana contributed to the present day India?
convince king Parvatka to kill spread Buddhism.
6. How did Rakshasa of
Chandragupta and seize the throne?
D) Write short notes on the
1. Early life of Chanakya.
2. Life of the people during
Harshvardhana's reign.

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: Geography
Full Marks: 30
Class: 4 Date: 04:07:23
Writing Tine: 45 Minutes

1. Name them.
a. The continent which is almost 98% solid
b. The builder of G. TRoad.
Country owned by the government.
C. The radio broadcasting network in our
d. The snallest and the shallowest ocean.
in the world.
e. The largest and busicst rail network
2. Fill in the blanks.
from all over the world.
enables us to get all kinds of infornmation
b is one of Australia's best exports.
c. South America has thick dense
d. The continent of Asia covers of the Earth's total surface area.
e are sent through speed post.
3. Attempt each of the following.
and useful?
a. Why are oceans very important plateau regions."Explain.
b. "Roadways are ofgreater importance in themnountainous and
c. Which areas depend on air transport and with reference to the reason given in the
following pairs
d. Give a difference between the
i. Australia and South America (wildlife).
of the means of communication).
ii. Newspaper and computer (the advantage
following. (3x4)
4. Write a short note on each of the
b. Television c. Waterways
a. North America

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St.Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: Computer (Theory)
Full Marks: 15
Class: 4 Date: 13:07:23
Writing Time: 30 Minutes
I. Fill in the blanks.

Operating System was Windows

i) The frst GUI version of Windows on the same screen.
iil) assists you to work with multiple applications
iii) holds the deieted files / folders in a computer.
are true or false. (3)
II. State whether the following sentences
files and folders.
i) lcons are big representation of
interface between the user and the hardware.
ii) An Opcrating System is an menuappears.
iii) Whcn you right-click on any icon, a pop-corn
III. Give the full forms of the following.
i) GUI
IV, Draw and colour the foilowing icons.
b) Recycie Bin icon
a) This PC icon
option. (3)
V. For each of the following, choose the correct
Using this option, you can change the desktop c) Context Menu
a) Personalize b) Properties
Windows desktop.
ii) This is the most used button on the
a) Start Button b) Taskbar Button c) Peek Button

to go to:
iii) To change computer's date & time, you have c) Jump List
b) Controi Panel
a) Windows Store
B". (4)
VI. Match column A" with column
Column B»
Column A"
a) Network i) Gives youa view of available
b) Notification Area ii) Allows you to access the shared
c)This PC ii)CEO of Microsoft
d) Satya Nadella iv) Provides notification about the

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata
Semester One: Unit One: Computer (Practical)
Full Marks: 15
Class: 4
Date: 06:07:23
Writing Time: 30 Minutes

1. Type the following paragraph inMicrosoft Word. (8)

Being human, nakes us susceptible to the ornset of feelings. The role of these
olhers may be harmnful. The use of social media for
varies. Some of them are useful while
self-cxpression has rcached a point that it nakcs us fcel we can say anything. This
everything that come to rnind. When we see
when we see people expressing anything and
irritations and desires, we tend to
everyone else voicing their likes and dislikes, their
is normal and
imitate what they do. And because many engage in this, we think that it
believe that
healthy. However, when we get used to unbridled self-expression, we come to
should also act on our
all feelings are valid. We become convinced that, in real life, we
regulate our
emotions and our impulses. Using social media this way erodes our ability to
that it's
actions and reactions. To illustrate, when something small irritates us we think
resilience instead of
okay to feel this way. But isn't it better to foster one's patience and
immediately complaining? Or when we develop an attraction to someone despite thatfeelings
us that all
person being in a relationship and because social media has conditioned
Not all feelings
is okay.
can be expressed, we tend to think that acting on this attraction
problems when we let our present
deserve expression. We find ourseives creating our own
emotions control our actions.

II. Make the following changes to the above paragraph.

Ocean (in Preset colours). (1)
a) Background colour (1)
b) Font size - 15 (1)
c) Font colour - Black
d) Font style - Monotype Corsiva
e) Border of your choice.
WordArt of your choice) (2)
) Write a suitable HEADING'for the paragraph (use

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