Attia 2012

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The Journal of Essential Oil Research

Vol. 24, No. 3, June 2012, 279–288

Acaricidal activity of 31 essential oils extracted from plants collected in Tunisia

Sabrine Attiaa,b*, Kaouthar L. Grissab, Zeineb G. Ghrabib, Anne C. Mailleuxa, Georges Lognayc and Thierry Hancea
Earth and Life Institute, Biodiversity Research Centre, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Laboratoire d’Entomologie-acarologie. Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Tunis, Tunisia; cUniversité de Liège Gembloux
Agro-Bio Tech Unité de Chimie analytique, Gembloux, Belgium
(Received 25 November 2010; final form 18 October 2011)

The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch is a worldwide pest, feeding on a large variety of plant fami-
lies. As its resistance to acaricides spreads rapidly, it is crucial to develop new biological control tactics to manage
its populations. In this respect, essential oils may be a good alternative, as they are currently considered minimum-
risk pesticides. In this paper, we conducted a series of laboratory experiments to determine the susceptibility of adult
females to 31 essential oils extracted from plants collected from Tunisia and compare it with the results obtained with
two synthetic acaricides (spirodiclofen and fenbutatin oxide). Details of the essential oil yield of these plants were
also recorded. A maximum yield of 0.5% was obtained. Laboratory bioassay indicated that the development of the
tetranychid mite population was significantly affected by the use of Deverra scoparia, Haplophyllum tuberculatum,
Chrysanthemum coronarium and Mentha pulegium plant extracts that killed 97%, 93%, 93% and 91% of T. urticae,
respectively. The chemical composition of the most effective extracts were characterized by gas chromatography–
mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and fast GC–flame ionization detector (FID). The evaluation of the potential of biologi-
cally active plant volatiles against T. urticae might provide a new approach to the development of natural acaricides
to be used both in biological and integrated pest management strategies for controlling two-spotted spider mites.
Keywords: Tetranychus urticae; acaricidal activity; essential oils; distillates; GC–MS; fast GC–FID

Introduction and are susceptible to temperature and UV light degra-

The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch dation (19, 20). Consequently, most of these oils are
is one of the most important pests of fruit, vegetable environmentally non-persistent and non-toxic to warm-
and ornamental plants worldwide (1). It seriously dam- blooded animals and humans (21, 22) with some
ages outdoor crops and greenhouses (2–6). The eco- exceptions, mainly due to the erroneous use of exces-
nomic impact of this mite has increased recently sive concentrations (23, 24). Essential oil can be
mainly because of its resistance to acaricides, which applied to field and greenhouse crops in the same man-
hampers pest control (7). Indeed, synthetic acaricides ner as current acaricides (25). Some can also contain
have been widely used for its control in greenhouses, numerous secondary metabolites that deter attack from
orchards and many other cropping systems, a practice insect and generalist herbivores (26) and provide an
that has led to the development of resistance to acari- alternative for resistance management as some plant
cides (8–10). Consequent to this resistance, the number phytochemical preparations can be highly effective
of effective chemicals for the control of crop pests and against insecticide-resistant pests (27–30). Therefore,
disease vectors is rapidly decreasing (11). Meanwhile, essential oils are realistic alternatives to synthetic acari-
fewer new acaricides are being introduced to the mar- cides because of their selectivity, biodegradability and
ket, largely because of the high costs associated with few side-effects on non-target organisms and the envi-
research, development and registration (12). Moreover, ronment (31–36).
synthetic pesticides are known for their negative effect Many authors (17, 18, 25, 37, 38) have investigated
on human health and the environment (13, 14). the use of essential oil as alternative acaricides for adult
These numerous problems are at the origin of the T. urticae with promising results. Mansour et al. (39)
recent interest in acaricidal bioactive compounds from pointed out that, besides the toxicity, the residues of
higher plants. Among bioactive natural compounds, essential oils of some Labiatae species are repelled and
several plant essential oils are potential alternative com- strongly reduced the fecundity of Tetranychus cinna-
pounds for mite control (13, 15–18). Essential oils have barinus females. Some essential oils are highly selec-
short residual activity and are less persistent than con- tive and specifically affect the pest populations, without
ventional pesticides because they tend to be volatile being toxic for their predators (19). In Chiasson et al.

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1041-2905 print/ISSN 2163-8152 online

Ó 2012 Taylor & Francis
280 S. Attia et al.

(38), the oil toxic effect of Chenopodium ambrosioides Essential oil yields
was assessed on T. urticae and Panonychus citri. Other For each plant, we calculated the essential oil yield=oil
experiments showed the acaricidal efficiency of neem volume (mL) divided by the fresh weight at the begin-
(Azadirachta indica) against Tarsonemus latus and ning of the tests (g) multiplied by 100 (yields are
revealed that the population growth rate became nega- reported in Table 2).
tive when mites were exposed to plants treated with Part of the fresh material was weighed and then
this extract (40). Other studies pointed out that the subjected to hydrodistillation using 500 g in 3000 mL
essential oil of Satureja hortensis L., Ocimum basili- of water. The oils were stored at 20°C until use.
cum L. and Thymus vulgaris L. were effective as fumi-
gants against Bemisia tabaci and T. urticae (41). Toxicity test
In this study, our aim was to analyze the potential
acaricidal effects of 31 plant extracts against T. urticae Toxicity tests in vitro were performed in plastic boxes,
compared with that of spirodiclofen and fenbutatin each containing a leaf of P. vulgaris placed on water-
oxide, two commercial synthetic acaricides. The selec- soaked cotton. Extracts obtained by hydro-distillation
tion of plant species was based on the use of plant (essential oils and distillates) were first diluted 100 times
products in traditional medicine in Tunisia (42). This in ethanol, then diluted again 100 times in water. After
work aims to evidence the best plants for biological spraying the extracts with a manual spray (spray bottle)
control programs against the two-spotted spider mite. with about 10 mL of extract per leaf, leaves were dried
for 3 minutes. Afterwards we introduced 25 larvae in five
plastic boxes and 25 female adults in five other boxes.
Experimental Mites were included in the mortality count 72 hours
The spider mites T. urticae were collected from infected post-treatment if appendages did not move when prod-
plants from citrus orchards in Mraissa (Cap Bon Region, ded with a fine pencil. We calculated the mortality
north east of Tunisia) in mid-June 2006. They were rate=(mean number of deaths after the treatment the
reared in the laboratory in the Institut National Agrono- mean number of deaths after the control) divided by
mique de Tunis (Tunisia) under controlled conditions the total number of adult female at the beginning of the
(temperature 25±1°C, relative humidity 60%, light:dark tests. For each treatment, four replications were real-
16:8) and maintained for more than one year without any ized. Spirodiclofen and fenbutatin oxide were used as a
contact with acaricide before experiments. The strain reference to be compared with the treatments using
was reared on bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris). plant extracts (25, 43, 44).

Selected plants and extraction technique Identification of distillates and essential oil
Thirty-one aromatic and medicinal plant species repre- constituents
senting 17 families were collected from different Tuni- The essential oils of Mentha pulegium and Chrysanthe-
sian localities – South (Saddine, Mednine), South-West mum coronarium and the distillate of Haplophyllum
(Téjrouine), North-West (Kef), North-East (Hammamet, tuberculatum were analyzed by gas chromatography–
Mraissa, Tunis) – during 2006–2008 (Table 1). Extracts mass spectrometry (GC–MS) in the Department of
were obtained from fresh material by hydro-distillation Analytical Chemistry in Gembloux Agro-Biotech (Uni-
for 3 hours using a Clevenger-type apparatus. A few versity of Liège (Belgium)). For quantitative analyses
drops of adjuvant were added (Agral 90) to extracts for (percentage determination), we used a fast GC, which
gluing the extracts (distillates or essential oil) to the proved to be powerful enough to analyze the essential
leaf surface (25). Attia et al. reported that the acaricidal oil constituents (45, 46).
activity of these extracts was relatively enhanced with The composition of the essential oil of Deverra
adjuvant and exposure time (25). scoparia has been reported in another paper by the
Some plants extracts contained small quantities of same authors (18).
essential oil. In this case, we used the distillates of the
plant to assess the toxicity. Distillates were aqueous
solutions or colloidal suspensions (hydrosol) of essen- GC–MS analysis
tial oils. As essential oils, distillates were obtained by Conventional GC–MS analyses were carried out on a
steam distillation from plants. However, the essential thermo trace MS Finnigan mass-selective detector
oil floated to the top of the distillate where it is equipped with an Optima 5 MS (Macherey-Nagel) cap-
removed, leaving behind the watery distillate. In the illary column (30 m × 0.25 mm inner diameter, I.D.,
past, these distillates were considered a by-product of 0.25 μm film thickness) and a split/splitless injector
distillation, but now are considered an important co- (splitless mode) at 250°C. The oven temperature was
product. programmed from 40° to 210°C. Helium was the
The Journal of Essential Oil Research 281

Table 1. List of plant species tested for their acaricidal activity, plant part used for extraction, site and date of samplings.
Plant family Scientific name Plant organ Sampled site Sampling date
Anacardiaceae Pistacia lentiscus Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Cotinus coggyra Aerial part Tunis March 2008
Apiaceae Daucus carota Aerial part Hammamet October 2006
Deverra scoparia Aerial part Téjrouine May 2008
Asteraceae Hertia cheirifolia Aerial part Saddine February 2008
Seriphidium herba-album Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Chrysantemum coronarium Flowers Tunis March 2008
Santolina Africana Aerial part Téjrouine April 2007
Cupressaceae Juniperus phoenicea Green female cones Maraissa March 2008
Fabaceae Acacia cyanophylla Flowers Tunis January 2008
Sophora secundiflora Pods and seeds Tunis March 2008
Geraniaceae Pelargonium graveolens Aerial part Hammamet March 2008
Globulariaceae Globularia alypum Leaves Saddine June 2007
Lamiaceae Salvia officinalis Aerial part Tunis March 2008
Thymbra capitata Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Rosmarinus officinalis Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Mentha pulegium Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Lavandula officinalis Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Lauraceae Laurus nobilis Leaves Hammamet January 2007
Liliaceae Allium sativum Bulbs Hammamet March 2008
Allium cepa Bulbs Hammamet March 2008
Meliaceae Melia azedarach Fruit Tunis January 2007
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus gomphocephala Leaves Saddine September 2006
Myrtus communis Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Papaveraceae Papaver rhoeas Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Lantana camara Aerial part Tunis June 2007
Rutaceae Ruta chalepensis Aerial part Saddine June 2007
Citrus aurantium Leaves Tunis March 2008
Haplophyllum tuberculatum Aerial part Mednine September 2007
Urticaceae Urtica pilulufera Aerial part Saddine October 2006
Zygophyllaceae Peganum harmala Aerial part Saddine June 2007

carrier gas at 1 mL/min. Volatile compounds were iden- ramp 3 at 200°C/minute to 280°C, held for 0.5 minutes.
tified by comparing the mass spectra obtained with Injection temperature: 240°C; injection volume: 1 μL;
those from the Wiley 275 L spectral library and with carrier gas: He, at a constant flow rate of 0.5 mL/min-
their retention indices. The retention indices were deter- ute; split ratio=1:100. The GC unit had a high-fre-
mined relative to the retention times of a series of n- quency fast flame ionization detector (FID; 300 Hz), at
alkane standards (C9–C30, Sigma-Aldrich, 0.025 μg/μL 250°C; H2 flow: 35 mL/minute; air flow: 350 mL/min-
in n-hexane), measured under the chromatographic con- ute; make-up gas flow (N2): 30 mL/minute. Data pro-
ditions described above, and compared with values in cessing was performed using Chromcard software
the literature (47). (version 2.3.3).

Data analysis
Fast GC analysis Tests were performed using Graph Pad Prism version
Fast GC analyses were conducted on a Thermo Ultra- 5.01 for windows, Graph Pad Software, San Diego,
Fast Trace GC gas chromatograph operated with a California, USA ( As the
split/splitless injector and a Thermo AS 3000 autosam- number of repetitions was four, we used non-parametric
pler (Thermo Electron Corp.). The GC system was tests (Kruskal–Wallis, Mann–Whitney). All tests were
equipped with an ultra-fast module (UFM) incorporat- applied under two-tailed hypotheses and the signifi-
ing a direct resistively heated column (Thermo Electron cance level p was set at 0.05.
Corp.): UFC-5, 5% phenyl, 5 m × 0.1 mm I.D., 0.1 μm
film thickness. The following chromatographic condi-
tions were used to obtain a suitable peak resolution.
The UFM temperature program was as follows: initial Essential oil yields
temperature at 40°C, held for 0.1 minute, ramp 1 at 30° The yield of essential oil in the current study varied
C/minute to 95°C, ramp 2 at 35°C/minute to 155°C, greatly. The maximum yield was obtained with D.
282 S. Attia et al.

scoparia (0.51%), Salvia officinalis (0.45%) and Cit- and M. pulegium (91%) (Kruskal–Wallis test,
rus aurantium (0.40%). With 22 plants, we obtained KW=6.69, p=0.15).
enough essential oil to perform the toxicity tests. Nine A more detailed analysis showed that the mortality
plant extracts did not yield essential oils. In this case, percentages of adults were statistically different in func-
we tested the toxicity of the distillates of these nine tion of the treatments (KW=121.54, p<0.001), varying
plants (Table 2). from 1% to 97% (Figure 1). The most toxic were fen-
butatin oxide (97%), D. scoparia (97%), H. tubercula-
Mortality rate caused by the extracts tum (93%), C. coronarium (93%), M. pulegium (91%),
The most toxic for all stages (data of larvae and adults Hertia cheirifolia (89%) and spirodiclofen (80%).
grouped) were D. scoparia (98%), H. tuberculatum There was no difference between the efficiency of these
(94%), fenbutatin oxide (92%), C. coronarium (91%) seven treatments (Kruskal–Wallis test, KW=11.26,

Table 2. Essential oil yields according to plant species; percentages of mortality of larvae and adults in function of the plant
Fresh Volume oil % % Mortality % Mortality Mann– Mann–
Plant species weight (g) (ml) Yield (larvae) (adults) Whitney (U) Whitney (P)
Acacia cyanophylla D 12000 0.5 0 58 26 0.0 0.0⁄
Allium cepa E 9000 1.2 0 65 67 7.0 0.8
Allium sativum E 9000 1 0 86 61 0.0 0.0⁄
Seriphidium herba- 3614 10 0.2 54 37 0.5 0.0⁄
album E
Bolido 78 80 7.0 0.8
Chrysanthemum 7300 5 0 88 93 4.5 0.3
coronarium E
Citrus aurantium E 1500 6 0.4 63 55 4.5 0.3
Cotinus coggyra D 3000 0 0 58 58 7.5 1.0
Juniperus phoenicea E 3500 2.5 0 60 56 4.0 0.3
Daucus carota D 423 0 0 5 3 6.5 0.7
Eucalyptus 5300 2 0 60 34 0.0 0.0⁄
ghomphocephala E
Pelargonium 450 1.5 0.3 78 70 3.5 0.2
graveolens E
Globularia alypum D 1500 0 0 8 2 4.0 0.2
Haplophyllum 2000 2.5 0.1 94 93 7.5 1.0
tuberculatum D
Hertia chaerifolia E 1705 2 0.1 81 89 3.5 0.2
Lantana camara D 1732 0 0 2 1 6.0 0.6
Laurus nobilis E 800 2 0.2 63 46
Lavandula officinalis E 1200 2.5 0.2 38 41 0.5 0.0⁄
Melia azedarach D 526 0 0 77 75 6.5 0.7
Mentha pulegium E 3325 6 0.1 90 91 7.0 0.8
Myrtus communis E 6200 3 0 82 47 7.0 0.8
Santolina africana E 500 1 0 77 68 0.0 0.0⁄
Papaver rhoeas D 359 0 0 43 34 2.5 0.1
Peganum harmala D 1500 0 0 34 12 2.0 0.1
Pistacia lentiscus E 1500 1 0 22 23 0.0 0.0⁄
Deverra scoparia E 1166 6 0.5 98 97 7.5 1.0
Rosmarinus officinalis 4203 15 0.3 61 53 7.0 0.8
Ruta chalepensis E 3000 0.5 0 66 61 4.5 0.3
Salvia officinalis E 1250 5.5 0.4 61 57 3.5 0.2
Sophora secundiflora 8500 0 0 68 61 6.0 0.6
Control 1 1 3.5 0.2
Thymbra capitata E 7339 35 0.4 61 52 8.0 0.8
Torque S 87 97 4.0 0.3
Urtica pilulifera D 700 0 0 49 46 2.0 0.1

Notes: These percentages were compared with the results obtained in the control test; the statistical tests were Mann–Whitney, with the U and P
values in the two last columns. D, distillate; E, essential oil.
The Journal of Essential Oil Research 283

The mortality percentages of larvae were also statisti- (41.86%), followed by menthone (28.33%) and 3-octa-
cally different in function of the treatment (KW=127.6, nol (6.93%) (Table 4).
p<0.001), varying from 1% to 98% (Figure 2). The most Moreover, GC–MS analysis indicated that in the C.
toxic were D. scoparia (98%), H. tuberculatum (94%), coronarium oil, nine constituents comprised 96.38% of
M. pulegium (90%), C. coronarium (88%), fenbutatin the oil by weight. Pulegone was the most abundant
oxide (87%), Allium sativum (86%), Myrtus communis compound (29.76%), followed by camphor (27.55%)
(82%) and H. cheirifolia (81%). There was no difference and isomenthone (17.65%) (Table 5).
between the efficiency of these eight treatments (Krus-
kal–Wallis test, KW=12.17, p=0.09). Discussion
Most treatments were similarly efficient on larvae
and adults with the noteworthy exception of seven plants In this study, we assess the toxicity of 31 plant
extracts (Acacia cyanophylla, A. sativum, Seriphidium extracts (distillates and essential oils) collected in
herba-album, Daucus carota, H. cheirifolia, Melia azed- Tunisia and of two synthetic acaricides (Spirodiclofen
arach and Santolina africana) that were more toxic on and fenbutatin oxide) against T. urticae larvae and
larvae than on adults (Table 2). Concerning the synthetic adults. Some plants are endemic to the North African
acaricide, the efficiency of fenbutatin oxide was always Sahara, such as D. scoparia, S. africana and H. cheiri-
comparable with the most toxic plant extracts. Spirodi- folia (48–50); some can be found throughout the Med-
clofen was efficient against the adults (80%) but, curi- iterranean circumference such as Thymbra capitata,
ously, was not that efficient against larvae (78%). Rosmarinus officinalis, S. herba-album and Pelargo-
nium graveolens (48). Some of these plants were
never tested previously as a biological control against
Components analysis of extracts: T. urticae; this is the first study demonstrating that H.
Tables 3-5 show results from GC–MS and fast GC– tuberculatum, H. cheirifolia, C. aurantium and S. afri-
FID analysis for H. tuberculatum, M. pulegium and C. cana have acaricidal activity.
coronarium, the most active extracts against T. urticae. The yield of essential oil varied considerably
Through comparison of the retention indices with depending upon plant species. Here we show that the
those of the literature (47) and electron impact (EI) plants that contain the most interesting quantity of oil
mass spectra of each peak with the library, it was possi- are D. scoparia (0.51%), S. officinalis (0.45%) and C.
ble to identify 20 individual components of Haplophyl- aurantium (0.40%). Maximum yields of 0.5% were
lum distillate comprising 99.54% of the total weight. achieved with the essential oil of D. scoparia. Nine
1-Terpineol was the most abundant compound plant extracts do not contain essential oils at all. We
(23.82%), followed by piperitone (15.03%) and carva- think that this low yield is not a limit to a large-scale
crol (12.68%) (Table 3). application possibility of some plant extracts and that it
Similarly, there were eleven known constituents in is possible to use distillates to control T. urticae. As we
the M. pulegium oil, comprising 99.95% of the total show in this paper, H. tuberculatum distillate is toxic
weight. Pulegone was the most abundant compound for 94% and 93% of adult and larvae T. urticae,

* ** * ns

% mortality

10 Plant extracts
Fenbutatin oxide
D. scoparia
C. coronarium
H. tuberculatum
M. pulegium
S. africana
A. cepa
A. sativum
R. chalepensis
S. officinalis
J. phoenicea
C. aurantium
R. officinalis
T. capitata
M. communis
U. pilulifera
L. nobilis
L. officinalis
S. herba-album
P. rhoeas
A. cyanophylla

Figure 1. Ranking of the mean percentage of mortality Tetranychus urticae adults after 72 hours exposure to extracts. Mean
percentages are significantly different at ⁄p60.05, ⁄⁄p60.01 and ⁄⁄⁄p60.001; ns, not significant; Kruskal–Wallis test.
284 S. Attia et al.

*** ** * ns

% mortality
0 Plant extracts
D. scoparia




Fenbutatin oxide









R. chalepensis







J. phoenicea




S. herba-album


P. rhoeas

L. officinalis






Figure 2. Ranking of the mean percentage of mortality Tetranychus urticae larvae after 72 hours exposure to extracts. Mean
percentages are significantly different at ⁄p60.05, ⁄⁄p60.01 and ⁄⁄⁄p60.001; ns, not significant; Kruskal–Wallis test.

Table 3. Major constituents of Haplophyllum tuberculatum and their relative proportions in the pure distillate identified by gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS; %: compound percentage) and quantified by fast GC–flame ionization detector
No. Components Retention index %
1 Sabinene 975 0.7
2 2-Octanol 995 0.9
3 α-Phellandrene 1003 2
4 trans-Linalool oxide (furanoid) 1073 5.5
5 cis-Linalool oxide (furanoid) 1087 0.2
6 Terpinolene 1089 6.8
7 Linalool 1097 0.3
8 1-Terpineol 1134 23.8
9 Camphor 1146 5.2
10 Borneol 1169 3.3
11 Terpinen-4-ol 1177 2.7
12 para-Cymen-8-ol 1183 0.2
13 α-Terpineol 1189 2
14 Citronellol 1226 8.9
15 Pulegone 1237 0.3
16 Geraniol 1253 7.8
17 Piperitone 1253 15
18 Thymol 1290 0.2
19 Carvacrol 1299 12.6
20 Eugenol 1359 0.4

respectively. Distillates are widely available and are toxic. Among these plants extracts, the best candidate
especially interesting, as they are not very expensive in for an efficient control seems to be D. scoparia. This
comparison with essential oils. Moreover, their extrac- plant is endemic to North Africa and is particularly
tion is very easy and does not require a high quantity active against the larvae and adults of T. urticae, caus-
of plants, contrary to essential oils. Further develop- ing 97% mortality in adults and 98% mortality in lar-
ment will be needed to implement the applications of vae. Moreover, D. scoparia extracts contain enough
plants extracts in orchards, greenhouses and field essential oil to perform our tests. As shown in a previ-
(essential oils and/or distillates) and to look toward ous paper (18, 25), the essential oil of D. scoparia is
more efficient methods of extraction and plant culture. toxic to T. urticae with LC90 and LC100 values of 3.2
Our results show that D. scoparia, H. tuberculatum, and 3.42 mg/L (18). The exact active site of this essen-
C. coronarium and M. pulegium have great potential for tial oil on the metabolism of two-spotted spider mites
effective management of T. urticae, as they are the most is still unknown.
The Journal of Essential Oil Research 285

Table 4. Major constituents of Mentha pulegium and their relative proportions in the pure oil identified by gas chromatography–
mass spectrometry (GC–MS;%: compound percentage) and quantified by fast GC–flame ionization detector (GC–FID).
No. Components Retention index %
1 α-Pinene 939 0.5
2 β-Pinene 979 1
3 3- Octanol 991 6.9
4 Limonene 1029 9
5 Menthone 1153 28.3
6 Pulegone 1237 41.8
7 Piperitone 1253 4.9
8 Carvacrol 1299 3.3
9 Piperitenone 1343 1.7
10 α-Humulene 1455 1.5
11 Humulene epoxide II 1608 0.6

Table 5. Major constituents of Chrysanthemum coronarium and their relative proportions in the pure oil identified by gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS;%: compound percentage) and quantified by fast GC–flame ionization detector (GC–
No. Components Retention index (literature) %
1 Camphene 954 2.6
2 Δ-3-Carene 1031 2.3
3 Alloocimene 1132 2.3
4 Camphor 1146 27.5
5 Menthone 1153 3.0
6 Isomenthone 1163 17.6
7 Pulegone 1237 29.7
8 cis-Chrysanthenyl acetate 1265 7.1
9 Bornyl acetate 1289 3.9

The toxicity effect of D. scoparia may also be (Table 1). The distillate composition herein evaluated
explained by higher -pinene and sabinene contents (18, was different to the natural oil characterized by Al-
51). Ten major components, comprising 98.52% of the Burtamani et al. (52). H. tuberculatum distillate is
total weight were identified; -pinene was the most mainly composed of monoterpenes hydrocarbons with
abundant constituent (31.95%) followed by sabinene formula (C5H8)2 (Table 1). The total C10 dienes in
(17.24%) and Δ-3-carene (16.85%) (18). The report of Haplophyllum oil was about 46.5% (52).
Attia et al. strongly suggested that D. scoparia oil Concerning C. coronarium and M. pulegium, the
might have more than one mode of action (fecundity two oils differ in their most abundant compounds. The
and mortality) (18). most abundant compounds of the Chrysanthemum oil
α-Pinene, the major constituent (31.95%) of D. were pulegone (29.76%), camphor (27.55%) and isom-
scoparia oil, was the major contributor to the toxicity enthone (17.65%); pulegone (41.86%), menthone
of the artificial blend of the essential oil, followed by (28.33%) and 3-octanol (6.93%) were characteristic of
Δ-3-carene (16.85%) and terpinene-4-ol (2.84%). the Mentha oil (Tables 4 and 5).
Indeed, three major constituents (myrcene, eugenol and The formation of essential oil in the plant, and con-
Δ-3-carene) strongly decreased fecundity (18). sequently the yield and composition of the oil pro-
In the literature, there are many studies on the duced, depends on many factors. Genetic differences in
chemical composition and various activities of the plants of the same species that are otherwise indistin-
essential oil of Haplophyllum robostum (52) and guishable (chemotypes) can result in widely different
Haplophyllum ramosissimum (53), but few studies were essential oil content.
done to analyze the composition of the essential oil of According to Miresmailli et al. (55), the major
H. tuberculatum (52,54). In this study, the chemical chemical components of essential oils with acaricidal
constituents of the essential oil of the aerial part of H. activity have been identified as 1,8 cineole, α-pinene,
tuberculatum were studied. The major components in and myrcene. The differences of toxicity between plant
H. tuberculatum distillate were identified as 1- terpineol species are probably related to differences in chemical
(23.82%), piperitone (15.03%) and carvacrol (12.68%) composition and also of proportion of main compo-
286 S. Attia et al.

nents present in extracts (17, 18, 34, 56, 57). The next International (WBI). This is publication BRC 192 of the
step of this study should be to study the toxicity of Biodiversity Research Centre at UCL.
each constituent of the most effective essential oils
Plant extracts can have lethal effects and can also
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